San Antonio Woman January / February 2021

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January/February 2021

Special Sec ons:

American Heart Associa on 2021 Private School Open House Directory

Cowrl ! H-E-B

Leading the way!

Women in Banking

Het Kelley Preserving African American Art for Future Genera ons





57 16 Profile

With a servant’s heart, Harriet Kelley has dedicated her life to collec ng and sharing African American art, helping create one of the country’s premier collec ons.

21 Fee Story

Neither natural disaster nor global pandemic can keep HEB from mee ng the needs of the customer and taking care of their Partners.

39 Wom  Busess

These three women in banking each have different roles but share a common goal of caring for the customer like a member of their own family.

57 At Home

39 6

History is the guiding spirit behind a loving renova on of a Tobin Hill co age.




26 Role Model 28 Guy to Know 36 Giving Back 84 Hi ll Co untry Woma n


3 8 S p o t l i g h t : D r. M a r t h a L i v i n g s t o n 4 3 Wo m e n i n B a n k i n g D i r e c t o r y 4 8 Wo m e n o n t h e M o v e 49 Business Insight Tips


5 0 Fa s h i o n 54 Beauty 5 7 At H o m e 62 Mommy Matters 6 4 We l l n e s s 86 Senior Living


66 Cardiology 70 Oncology

Food & Enttamt

87 Hill Country Happenings & Eats 90 Dining: Bistr09 94 Arts & Entertainment

Special Seions

31 Private School Open House Directory 73 American Heart Association



90 8

C O N T R I B U TO RS Al Rendon photographs the restaurants and homes seen in San Antonio Woman magazine. “My photographs use light to bring a home’s personality to life. When I raise the camera and focus on a room’s view, I am composing to express its owners’ personality in the best light.” He has had more than a dozen major solo exhibits, and his work is in such permanent collec ons as the Na onal Portrait Gallery of the Smithsonian Ins tu on and the Na onal Museum of Mexican Art in Chicago.

Dawn Robine e

is an award-winning writer, communica ons expert and founder of Tale to Tell Communica ons, Dawn Robine e loves to share the stories behind the faces and places that make San Antonio shine. Despite being told by her high school English teacher that she couldn’t write, Dawn has made a career doing just that and is a regular contributor to Alamo City Moms, Rio Magazine and Texas Lifestyle Magazine.


Nina Padilla is a local ar st, professional photographer, and SA Woman’s new Produc on Coordinator. Her love and passion for movement and light led her to a fulfilling career as a dance and contemporary portrait photographer and her work has been both locally and interna onally published. Nina is excited to bring her love for the arts, public health, and photography to the SA Woman Dream Team.

Bonny Osterhage is a

local journalist and public rela ons professional with more than 20 years in the industry. With a passion for all things health and fitness, Bonny moonlights as an instructor at JoyRide Cycle and Fitness and is the founder of B-FITSA. com. She and her husband, KSAT 12’s Mike Osterhage have proudly called San Antonio home for 25 years.

David Teran - a self-proclaimed people person - is a free-lance photographer that loves to tell people “good morning!” in the a ernoon, to try to make them smile. He enjoys coffee, tacos, and wri ng le ers on his 1968 German typewriter. When he is not wri ng about himself in the third person, David can o en be found in a foreign country, photographing ballerinas with his 40-year-old Hasselblad camera. David has been blessed to be able to make people smile at his jokes on four con nents - and to work with an awesome team of people.

Jenny Jurica is a freelance writer who lives in the beau ful Texas Hill Country with her husband, two children, and a house full of assorted and beloved pets. An introvert at heart, Jenny’s idea of paradise is set somewhere in the mountains of the Desert Southwest. Jenny’s work regularly appears on various paren ng and pet focused websites, as well as several local print publica ons.

Janis Turk is an award-winning travel writer/photographer, and author of several books and travel guides. Her culinary photography appears in the James Beard Award-nominated “Come In; We’re Closed” and in “Queens: A Culinary Passport.” Her byline has appeared in na onal and interna onal magazines and newspapers. Follow Janis at

Chris e Cuthbert Author of “Mom! I Farted in Church” One Type A Mama’s Journey Learning to Laugh and Let Go, Chris e Cuthbert is a mom of four boys including a set of triplets. She also writes for the Today Show Paren ng Team and Scary Mommy and hosts a podcast, “Laughing All the Way.” You can find her at www.chris or on Instagram @chris ecuthbert

Steve Benne

a na ve Texan, Steve Benne has wri en about art, architecture, and books for more than 30 years, working for the San Antonio Light, Express-News and Aus n American-Statesman. Currently a freelance writer and editor, Steve makes a mean pla er of green enchiladas and enjoys cycling, Bri sh detec ve shows and the Dallas Cowboys.

Andrea “Vocab” Sanderson is the first African American, Poet Laureate of San Antonio 2020-2023. Sanderson’s arts career spans over twenty years. She is the winner of the 2019 People’s Choice Award, awarded by Luminaria Ar st Founda on. Her debut book en tled: She Lives In Music, Flower Song Press, was released on Valen ne’s Day 2020. Her album, She Tastes Like Music, is available on all music streaming pla orms. Follow her at: Instagram: @Vocabulous



Gree ngs and welcome to a new year and new issue! As we kick off 2021, I hope you take a moment to pat yourself on the back. The past year presented unimaginable challenges, and s ll, you look to the future with hope and op mism. Way to go, y’all! The stories in this issue carry a common theme of resilience, not just from the past year’s ba les but also from unexpected life changes and seemingly unsolvable problems. In this issue, our Cover Profile is Mrs. Harriet Kelley. Her story is one of curiosity, determina on, and vision. What started as a simple ques on led to a collec on of African-American art that has impacted communi es around the world and has preserved a piece of history that might have otherwise been missed. I know Mrs. Kelley’s journey to becoming one of the world’s premier art collectors will inspire you. H-E-B has been a local source of pride for many years. When the pandemic struck San Antonio, the leaders at H-E-B worked around the clock to create a plan to keep our community supplied with groceries while keeping their customers and employees safe. It’s not o en that we get a behind-the-scenes look into the grocery giant, but five women leaders with H-E-B share their story of how they made it through their biggest crisis yet. This issue is packed with amazing stories of powerful and passionate women in banking, beau ful fashions, a gorgeous historic home, and so much more. I hope you are inspired to be resilient and full of hope as you begin this new year! Wishing you a healthy and joyful new year,

Cathleen Cathleen Lane, Editor

SAN ANTONIO WOMAN wants to connect with you! Sharing the stories of inspiring women, local favorites, and everything trending across all of our social media pla orms.

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DIRECTOR OF SALES & PARTNERSHIPS Dale Lane WRITERS Steve Benne , Jill Byrd, Chris e Cuthbert, Jenny Jurica, Bonny Osterhage, Dawn Robine e, Janis Turk, Blithe Wiley, Tracy Ross-Garcia, Nina Padilla PHOTOGRAPHY Nina Padilla, Al Rendon, David Teran ADVERTISING SALES Tiffany Ivey, Cindy Jennings ADMINISTRATION & CUSTOMER SERVICE Abaigeal Lane PRINTING Shweiki Media, San Antonio, Texas EDITOR EMERITUS Beverly Purcell-Guerra PUBLISHED BY Las Tres Muchachas, LLC. NOMINATIONS AND ADVERTISING INFORMATION Email: A Las Tres Muchachas Produc on Cathleen & Dale Lane 1150 North Loop 1604 West Suite 108-249 San Antonio, Texas 78248 View expanded content & subscribe to San Antonio Woman:


S Antonio Bg Bros Tph  Tee World Bread Awds Hoes David and José Cáceres were crowned winners for the South West in the Tiptree World Bread Awards Heroes USA supported by the American Bakers Associa on during a special online awards event on Thursday, November 19, 2020. When their restaurant, La Panadería in San Antonio, was shut down because of the pandemic, brothers David and José Cáceres quickly adapted their business, introducing curbside pickup and delivery. The brothers then expanded their business

further, offering online ordering

and two-day statewide shipping for ‘pan dulce’ so that they could con nue to share their Mexican’bread cultura.’ In normal mes, the Awards celebrate the bread; hundreds of loaves would be delivered to Manha an for assessment by a panel of esteemed judges. Instead, in a special edi on for 2020, the Awards recognize the people behind the loaves: the bakers, millers and farmers. Nomina ons for the Bread Heroes came in from right across the USA. ‘All the nominees in this year’s Awards truly deserve recogni on for their generous, considerate and o en altruis c ini a ves to help others.’ said Stephen Hallam, Chairman of the Judges.

Px de Lausne Fast d Royal Ballet Studt Ke Thomas is Tg e Dce World By Storm It’s the ul mate Pas de Deux when 16-year-old Kate Thomas makes not one, but two splashes overseas. First, the Children’s Ballet of San Antonio (CBSA) student was recently named a finalist in the pres gious Prix de Lausanne compe on held annually in Lausanne, Switzerland. This na onally renowned event is a resume building opportunity for young dancers ages 15-18 who wish to pursue a professional career in classical ballet. Only 83 of the coveted finalist posi ons are available, and with close to 400 of the top dancers across 43 countries vying for the top spots, the compe on is fierce. Thanks to years of training with The Children’s Ballet of San Antonio under the watchful eye of founder and five- me Youth America Grand Prix Outstanding Teacher award winner Vanessa Bessler, Thomas was ready! This award comes on the heels of Thomas’s invita on to a end the Royal Ballet of London, where she was scheduled to begin in September. Due to Covid restric ons however, Thomas had to postpone her studies abroad un l January. Thomas has been dancing with Bessler and the CBSA since the age of seven, and in that me has received numerous scholarships to such pres gious schools as the Bolshoi Ballet, Ballet West in Utah, Houston Ballet, and the Colorado Ballet Academy, to name a few. A three- me first place winner at the YAGP Regionals, the talented performer was among the top 24 dancers in the world invited to the final round at Lincoln Center, New York for several years.


SMH Socc St Stds O as Six-M Fooall Ki Friday night lights were back at Saint Mary’s Hall (SMH) and Form 11 soccer star Hunter Hoelscher made her mark as the kicker for the Barons’ six-man team this season. With the help of Hunter, the Barons clinched a State Quarter-Final playoff berth. In six-man football, conversions or points a er a touchdown are two points, so having a kicker such as Hunter is valuable to the team’s scoring ability. She has been the leading scorer the last two seasons for the Barons varsity soccer team and stood out to the SMH coaching staff and her teammates as a possible kicker for the football team. Though she only kicked a football for the first me in September, her first prac ce with the team was a success and she was asked to join the roster. According to Assistant Coach/Assistant Athle c Director Josh Baker, Hunter kicks approximately 80 percent from 35 yards and 50 percent from 40 yards, though she only kicked field goals during prac ce. “My teammates have told me) you’re not just a girl on the team, you are a part of it. You are our kicker,” she said in the ar cle. In addi on to playing on the women’s varsity soccer team, Hunter is a member of the Classics Elite soccer club and hopes to play collegiately a er gradua ng from SMH. Though she hasn’t commi ed to serving as the team’s kicker next year, she may consider it if they are in need and her schedule allows. To learn more about SMH Athle cs, visit cs

JoyRide Cycling and Fitness Studio launches JoyRideGO

Soon you will be able to sweat with your favorite JoyRide Cycling and Fitness Studio instructors any me, anywhere, thanks to the launch of JoyRideGO. This custom app will feature on-demand and live fitness classes, including JoyRide’s signature Cycle classes, as well as popular off-the-bike classes including JoyX Strength, Pilates, Barre, and Yoga, as well as combina on cycle/strength classes. Classes will be led by instructors from both the Connec cut and Texas loca ons.” We are deeply devoted to offering the same challenging, calorie-torching classes our customers know and love, taught by our talented and mo vated instructors, but reimagines in a safe, convenient and, of course, fun way,” said co-owner Amy Hochhauser. “Your fitness goals, health and wellbeing should not take a backseat during a pandemic.” The app will be available through the Apple or Google Play stores.

Mry d Bghton Hoday Auion d Raffle Wn Annoced

As a result of Brighton Center’s “Merry and Brighton Holiday Auc on and Raffle,” Angel Garcia was announced the winner of a new 2020 Chevy Silverado 1500 from Ancira Winton Chevrolet—courtesy of The PM Group. The “Merry and Brighton Holiday Auc on and Raffle” was an online fundraising event that took place from November 9 through December 6, 2020. In addi on to the truck raffle, the fundraising event offered a variety of exci ng auc on items for the public to bid on. All proceeds from the online auc on and raffle will directly benefit Brighton Center’s preschool centers, early childhood interven on therapy services and special educa on advocacy services. “The amount of success we experienced as a result of our ‘Merry and Brighton Holiday Auc on and Raffle’ far exceeded our expecta ons,” said Kim Jefferies, Brighton Center CEO. “This year, more than ever, Brighton Center and the children we serve with disabili es and delays needed the support of our community and they did not let us down. We’d like to thank our donors this year and officially congratulate our raffle winner Mr. Garcia.”. “We are proud to support the Brighton Center and the incredible work they do for the children of our community. This campaign raised over $160,000 for Brighton,” stated Fran Yanity, President & Chief Opera ng Officer of The PM Group.

January/February 2021


Harriet Kelley

Ntg Art d Fy A life dedicated to crea ng one of the country’s premier African American art collec ons. By Dawn Robine e Photography by David Teran


The tles “owner,” “founder,” or “director” inadequately describe Harriet Kelley, who, alongside her beloved husband Dr. Harmon Kelley, started the Harmon and Harriet Kelley Founda on for the Arts. Kelley is the nurturing heart of the founda on that was formed as the couple dedicated themselves to gathering and showcasing African American art. And it all began because they realized how li le they knew about African American art. “We saw an exhibit of African American ar sts at the San Antonio Museum of Art. We knew nothing about these beau ful pieces. So that was our interest and curiosity was to learn more about it,” she explains. “At the me, my daughters were younger, and we wanted to educate them about our neglected history and the absence of these pieces in museums. “We just had a vision. I call it a no ce from God what we should do.”

of art. I was able to learn about the masters and African American ar sts.” The former teacher has con nued to educate herself about African American art and history. Ask about the collec on or a favorite work of art, and she’ll share ar st stories and dbits, weaving stories that the collec on serves to illustrate. The Kelleys’ dedicated efforts created one of the country’s premier collec ons of African American art, and one that con nues to grow. The Na onal Gallery of Art, the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Art Ins tute of Chicago, and more come to San Antonio to view the Kelleys’ collec on. At any me, the founda on has works on loan with various ins tu ons in both the United States and abroad. The collec on includes examples from all art media: oil on canvas, watercolors, prints from a variety of prin ng techniques, and sculptures. It has been featured at the San Antonio Museum of Art and the McNay Art Museum and in traveling exhibi ons, sharing the collec on across the country. Local San Antonio ar sts are also included, giving them exposure far beyond the Alamo City.

They started with a phone call. “It was the 1980s. We weren’t privileged to be able to use the internet to do research. I called the Art Dealers Associa on of America, and they gave me three names of people that dealt in African American art. One had go en out of the business. The other one never returned my call. The one that replied was Thurlow Tibbs,” she details. That connec on was fortuitous. An accomplished art appraiser, broker, collector, and dealer, Tibbs was an advocate for African American art in Washington D.C. “He literally led us by the hand at first and educated us. He would send Polaroids. That was what you got. And o en, they were not good images. With him and a lot of other dealers, that’s how we got images. Some works we rejected because we really didn’t get a good picture,” she explains about growing the collec on in the days before email and Google. “Later, we’d see the pieces in the hands of others, and we’d be disappointed. If it hadn’t been a bad image, I probably would have obtained the pieces.” While they may have missed out on some, as Kelley’s knowledge grew, “We were able to venture out on our own and find works.” The Kelleys’ good friend and accountant, Jim Rice, CPA, suggested they start a founda on to manage the growing collec on. As they worked to learn the world of art, Kelley became a docent at the McNay, furthering her art knowledge and ul mately chairing the docent training program. “I was a science major and had no real knowledge

Pain ng: Edward Mitchell Bannister, American, born Canada, 1833-1901, A er the Bath ca. 1891 Oil on canvas, San Antonio Museum of Art, Gi of Harmon and Harriet Kelley, 94.61

January/February 2021


“I had me to give them experiences I couldn’t have if I worked full- me. I was happy I was here.”

Sadly, the ar sts’ names are not as well-known as they should be; that is beginning to change. “Because of the discrimina on of these ar sts, they were very affordable to us. So, we acquired many pieces fairly quickly. Now 30 years later, many are trying to acquire these works,” she notes.

accolades fills pages. The San Antonio Arts Commission and the City of San Antonio Department of Arts & Culture honored Kelley with the 2019 Dis nc on in the Arts award for arts patronage, recognizing her outstanding arts and cultural achievements.

Kelley approaches collec ng from an educator’s perspec ve, using it to teach others about a history that should be much be er known. “That became a challenge: ge ng them to no ce African American art and the importance of these works being in their holdings because this would tell the whole story of the Black American experience.”

And she did it all while dedica ng herself to her daughters. “I was a stay-at-home mom, which by some people wasn’t very popular, but I did what was needed. My role was to take care of the children. And they’ve done great things.”

When Kelley became a trustee at the San Antonio Museum of Art in 1994, the Kelleys gave the first two major African American art pieces to the museum, an Edward Mitchell Bannister and a Charles Ethan Porter. “By giving, then you can have expecta ons on what should be done. You know, you can’t really get mad at people if they don’t know, if they’re not knowledgeable about things. So, you pre y much have to do things gradually. This is what happened. They are somewhat resistant at first because they didn’t know or realize the importance. And now, they have acquired quite a few pieces. It’s an example of how people change.” A member of The Links Incorporated, as well as Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, a full list of Kelley’s board posi ons, appointments, memberships, publica ons, lectures, and 18

She proudly extolls the accomplishments of her daughters, Margaret and Jennifer. Margaret is a doctor and has prac ced with her father for more than 20 years here in San Antonio. Jennifer, who uses her Master of Social Work to help veterans on the path to recovery, serves as a Licensed Clinical Social Worker at the VA hospital. “I had me to give them experiences I couldn’t have if I worked full- me. I was happy I was here.” Her nurturing nature also extended to caring for her mother and then later for her father-in-law. But her role as a caregiver changed when she became the one in need. In 2006, “I suffered a pulmonary embolism. I was gravely ill and diagnosed with lupus.” “So, I’ve called myself a lupus warrior for the last 14 years, which has had some ups and downs,” she explains. “My determina on and my belief in God help me.

Top pain ng: Charles Ethan Porter, American (ca. 1847-1923), S ll Life, ca. 1880, Oil on canvas, 13 in. x 20 in., San Antonio Museum of Art, Gi of Harmon and Harriet Kelley in honor of Milbrew and Shirley Davis, 96.48

“I just make sure I get my rest and take my medicine. It’s put a limit on what I can do, but my art is the way I deal with things. With the travel restric ons of the past year, she’s become reliant on the online technology that wasn’t available when they started the collec on. “It’s become a hobby. I look at auc on items online.” And the couple enjoys studying art. “We have an extensive art library, and it gives my husband and me something that we can do together. He’s so compe ve. If he sees me reading something, he asks about it because he wants to know it, too,” she laughs. She and Harmon met at Prairie View A&M, where her father developed the science program a er being denied opportuni es in the chemical industry due to his race. “I had very strong parents who dealt with all kinds of racial problems,” she explains, credi ng their examples and her faith for the strength with which she approaches challenges. The Kelleys endowed a presiden al scholarship in her father’s name at the University of Texas Medical School in Galveston to assist a Prairie View student who wants to a end UTMB.

The medicine she must take has a variety of side effects, including affec ng her appearance. “You know, you are all loaded up with prednisone, you get moon-faced and look different, and people can say, I hope not inten onally, but very cri cal and crushing things. I’ve become very resilient through all this. “It was just a new beginning, thinking about life and what it should be about and family. And what you can do for others - that became very, very important.” A member of St. Luke’s Episcopal Church and Daughters of the King, her nurturing nature is driven by her faith. “’And for his sake I am, but one, but I am one, I cannot do everything, but I can do something. I’ll do what I ought to do by the grace of God, I will do. Lord, what will you have me do today?’”

"Th’s prey mu wh spes me.”

January/February 2021




The Wom of H-E-B How Female Leaders

Persevered in a Pandemic By Bonny Osterhage

January/February 2021


Other states have grocery stores, but Texas has H-E-B. What’s the difference? Plenty! More than just a place to buy milk, bread, and cheese, H-E-B is a company built on a culture of pu ng people first. That includes everyone from the employees (called Partners) to the customers to the community at large. Known for going above and beyond in mes of need, the grocery giant has been on the front lines providing emergency relief throughout Texas whenever and wherever it’s needed. From delivering tanks of water to Beaumont in the a ermath of Hurricane Harvey to providing meals to storm vic ms in Dallas a er tornados ravaged parts of the city, it seems there is nothing that H-E-B can’t handle, including a global pandemic. While the rest of the country appeared to panic, the company did what it does best—it took care of its customers with a level of preparedness that looked effortless but resulted from around-the-clock planning and execu on. The following women were constantly assessing and reassessing informa on that seemed to change hourly and pu ng prac ces in place to take care of the company’s Partners so that the Partners could take care of business confidently, efficiently, and most of all, safely. “We’ve always been people first, and now we had to take care of people in a situa on where we were ini ally unsure of the best course of ac on,” says Chief People Officer Tina James. “Trying to figure out the right thing to do and how to care for our Partners with conflic ng or very li le informaon was challenging, but our commitment to their safety and health never waivered. It wasn’t a ques on of, ‘Would we keep them safe,’ it was 22

a ques on of, ‘How would we keep them safe?’”

Safety Fst One of the first steps was to enlist the help of the medical board that oversees the H-E-B operated Magenta Health Clinics. Made up of three local physicians, the board, along with Chief Medical Officer Dr. Marty Makary, served as a source of guidance on all safety precau ons, including where and how to provide COVID-19 testing, as well as mask and distancing protocols.

of our Partners.” That included a level of transparency that James agreed wasn’t always easy. “We let everyone from Partners to customers know immediately if we had any confirmed cases at a locaon,” she says. “We took a lot of heat for that early on and put ourselves in the spotlight, but our brand is built on trust and credibility, and if we are going to remain true to our values, we have to maintain that.”

“We had a ton of clinical exper se that worked closely with HR to help us determine policies,” says Brooke Brownlow, Group Vice President of Total Rewards. “We put our doctors on videos to tell our Partners what to do, and we texted out short video links to disseminate informa on as it became available.” CAMS (Covid Ac on Managers) were appointed and put in place at every retail store, manufacturing facility, and warehouse to serve as font line execuon bodies, ready to make things happen as circumstances changed daily and some mes hourly. These Partners were trained on the latest protocols and up-to-date informa on and then deployed to pass that informa on and training to the Partners at the sites. “Our customers expect us to solve problems, but we realized very quickly that we couldn’t solve this,” says Christy Banazek, Vice President of HR Food and Drug. “We had to switch gears and get comfortable with pu ng informa on and communica on out that we knew would change. It was a struggle for us because we are all problem solvers, and to go home at night and know you didn’t solve the problem was hard. We had to get to the point where we accepted that we were doing the best we could with the informa on we had and that it was all in the best interest

Ta Jes, Chief People Offic

Tmi Fred, Deor of Quaty Assce


Stpg It Up More than just implemen ng face masks, social distancing signage, and par ons at the registers for cashiers, the team had to consider other measures, including changing store hours, closing some departments, and ramping up the staffing. Seventy-four hundred temporary Partners were hired to prepare for the surge in business. Of those 7400, approximately 4000 were sent to help with H-E-B Curbside, a rela vely new service that suddenly found itself front and center with more business than it was prepared to handle.

problems. “Out of necessity, we have go en more done over the last 6-7 months than ever before,” says Banazek. “Things that would have taken us a couple of years to do otherwise have been pushed through fast.” “None of us unplugged from March 4 un l July 4,” adds James. “We had no days off.” The team realized that they couldn’t sustain that pace and that to take care of Partners and customers, they had to start taking care of themselves and each other.

“Curbside went from being a convenience to becoming a necessity, and we were not prepared for that,” says Esther Castelo, Vice President of E-commerce, Curbside, and Delivery. To meet the demand, the team got crea ve in-store, finding new space to service more customers, but there was s ll the issue of safety.

“We went into it like a sprint and quickly realized that it was an ultramarathon,” describes Mayerland Harris, Vice President HR Talent Development. “We quickly realized that we couldn’t con nue to work at that pace and that we needed to take care of one another in order to take care of our Partners and our culture.”

“Partners in Curbside work very closely together,” explains Castelo. “We had to create a safe environment where the Partners felt confident enough to come to work.”

That meant taking the me to build each other up, listen to each other vent, and take over each other’s calls and e-mails.

In addi on to the exis ng precau ons, contactless pickup and delivery were implemented, and departments were spread out to minimize contact between Partners. The number of Partners in the Curbside and Delivery departments increased from 800012000. “Pre-COVID, we were focused on trying to grow that side of our business,” says Castelo. “When COVID hit, we advanced it by almost three years.”

The Whole P Castelo’s wasn’t the only department that suddenly found itself on the fast track. The whole en re company was working at warp speed to find solu ons to never before experienced

“No two situa ons were alike,” says Tammi Fredrick, Director of Quality Assurance, adding that some Partners found themselves trying to work from home while homeschooling young children. “We had to give our Partners permission to figure out their work/ life balance. The hours they worked might look different, but they were s ll ge ng it done, and we all had to be okay with that.”

“We supported one another in a way that we had not done previously, although we had all worked together for years,” Harris adds.

Chsty Baz, Vice Presidt of HR Food d Drug

It also meant making me for fun. A Zoom Halloween party, team happy hours, coffee chats on weekends, themed Zoom mee ngs, and virtual treasure hunts were just a few of the ways that Partners were urged to stay connected and find ways to enjoy the “people first” company culture for which H-E-B is known. “We gave Partners H-E-B socks, and it became such a big thing,” laughs James. “Partners were showing us their socks at every Zoom mee ng.” Finally, it meant giving everyone grace as teams worked together to navigate uncharted territory, including working from home.

Mayld Hs, Vice Presidt HR Talt Developmt

January/February 2021


Loong Ahead As the saying goes, “every cloud has a silver lining.” With the worst days hopefully behind them, this dynamic group of female leaders has begun to reflect on what they have learned and what pandemic pivots might become part of the permanent H-E-B culture. Like so many people during the past year, they have begun to understand the value of down me and a more flexible pace. “I think we’ve all become more aware of our mental health and what we need to process informa on effec vely,” says Harris. “I will no longer schedule back-to-back mee ngs because I’ve realized that I need a mental break, and I can get as much done in a 45-minute mee ng as I can in a 60-minute mee ng.” Working from home might also become a viable op on for some employees going forward. “We’ve learned that people can do their jobs anywhere,” says Castelo. “Some mes, they are more producve when they are working from their dining table or pa o.” As a whole, the women all agree that the company has emerged stronger and be er than ever and that the values that H-E-B was built on withstood the ul mate test. “We created a two-way dialogue really for the first me with our Partners, and we got good feedback and created a bond with our Partners that is stronger than before,” Banazek says. “ Our company is more informed than it has ever been, and our Partners are hearing from our leaders more o en on issues that ma er to them.” “We have always been about having trust, heart, passion, and making a difference in people’s lives,” concludes James. “We just did it at a higher level. We brought up who we already were.” 24

Brooke Brownlow, Gro Vice Presidt of Total Rewds

Esth Castelo, Vice Presidt of E-commce, Cbside, d Devy


Dr. Kst L. Smh Doing Whatever It Takes to Help Pa ents Heal By Dawn Robine e Photography by David Teran


Like most called to the medical profession, Dr. Kirsten Smith has a passion for serving others. “Whenever I take on a challenge, I commit to doing whatever it takes to get the best result for everyone involved. I value my connec ons in life and try to remind those in my life that they are important to me.” During her 2017 run for Leukemia and Lymphoma Society Woman of the Year, she took the boy and girl of the year to the San Antonio Zoo, her “happy place,” and a behind the scenes visit with Bubba, one of the zoo’s beloved Komodo dragons. “Ge ng them bi en by Bubba wouldn’t have been the best campaign move, so I told the kids not to make any sudden movements,” she laughs. The kids survived and she raised $197,869 in 10 short weeks. The Hyperbaric and Wound Director of Burn and Reconstruc ve Centers of America at Methodist Hospital, Dr. Smith is Board Cer fied in General Surgery, yet wound care is her passion. “I love the camaraderie of being in the opera ng room. But one of the things I love about wound care is that you make rela onships with the pa ents and get to know their families. You get to take care of them and make them be er. “A lot of these pa ents don’t even know that there’s even the op on of wound care, and they’ve been struggling with whatever their issue is for a very long me before they ever make it to us. It’s so sa sfying when those paents say, ‘I wish I’d seen you sooner.’ We’re able to turn things around that they’ve been dealing with for months or even years. I just keep working at it un l we get those wounds to heal. “No two wounds are the same. It’s an art form really, and there’s no textbook for exactly what to do. If it’s ge ng be er, you con nue, and you make adjustments here and there. If it’s not ge ng be er, you start over fresh and find a new approach. But I never give up.”That tenacity is how she tackles challenges. “I just ignore

them. A friend told me that I overcome challenges by subconsciously laughing at them as if they don’t exist. I am not sure that is completely true, but I never give up. I just keep going.” It shows in her pa ent care. “I take pride in making sure that pa ents are treated in the way that I would want to be treated, or I would treat my family member. I can’t turn it off. I will do everything that I can to make sure that they get the best care.”

“Try to live your life doing no harm to others and try to help others in everything that you do. Any victory that comes at someone else’s expense is not worth it.”

two weeks, I have a floral arrangement delivered to myself. I think it’s been a really great thing and more people should do it.” She also enjoys working on her art collec on, a hobby that has grown into what she laughingly calls a weakness. “You don’t have to have a large budget to enjoy local art. During COVID, when I know a lot of these ar sts have been struggling, my way of suppor ng them is to con nue to buy more and more art. My house is completely full!” She’s also con nued to find ways to connect with family and friends. “Not being able to see everyone as much as I would like, I have been sending “quaran ne gi s” as reminders that I care and am thinking about the ones I love. I always try to look beyond the surface and the good in everyone.”

Her dedica on makes work-life balance tough. “I don’t balance it,” she admits. “I make me for my friends and family, but I haven’t taken a lot of me for myself. That is probably one of my biggest failures – I’m not very good at balancing the two.”

Caring for pa ents, caring for family and friends, and suppor ng the community flows from Smith’s personal philosophy. “The first day of medical school, we all take the Hippocra c Oath. ‘First, do no harm.’ I think that applies not just in medicine but in everything.

To fix that, she’s started to spoil herself more. “At the beginning of the pandemic, I decided that I need something bright in my life when I come home from work a er a long day. So every

Try to live your life doing no harm to others and try to help others in everything that you do. Any victory that comes at someone else’s expense is not worth it.” January/February 2021



Marcus Baskerville is changing the world one pour at a me. By Chris e Cuthbert

When Marcus Baskerville, 35, moved to San Antonio from Sacramento in 2013 for a new job with Ci bank, he got terribly lost on the freeway system for the first six months. Driving in the Alamo City was a catastrophe at first, with three accidents in one month’s me. His car ended up ge ng totaled, and when he finally received the insurance payout, he decided to invest in quality equipment for his hobby that would eventually become his livelihood – cra brewing. A er passionately crea ng one-of-a-kind beers at home, he began frequen ng local bars and sharing his concoc ons. They were such a hit, they sold out immediately. Over the next several years, Baskerville perfected his cra and branched out, co-founding Weathered Souls Brewery. Li le did he know a few years later, his beer would mean so much more than just a tastebud-tantalizing swig.


In 2015 you le your job as a brewer at Busted Sandal Brewery and opened Weathered Souls in 2016 with your business partner and friend, Mike Holt. What made you take that professional leap of faith? One night, Mike and I were having drinks, and I asked him what he thought about opening a brewery, and he replied, “I’ve been wai ng for you to ask me that.” I wanted to branch out on my own in order to have more crea ve control in the brewing. We’re part of a different breed here in San Antonio. This area is known for its tradi onal German beers, but because of my influences coming from California, we tend to do more of the popular stouts. We had one that was a blend of three different barrels with flavors of coconut and vanilla and it sold out completely in 20 minutes. In May of 2020, you had an “ah-ha” moment that launched you from just a brewer to a social ac vist and change maker. How did that come about?

carefully thought out and planned. I’m one of a handful of black brewers in an industry that also has a whitedominant customer base, so I wanted to get the message across properly. I started playing around with doing a special stout release in our taproom. I sent a friend a mock-up label and we were discussing family and race rela ons, and he suggested turning it into a collabora on. That was on Saturday, and on Sunday, I started working on the mission statement. The next night I couldn’t sleep, so at 3 a.m. I got up and went to the brewery and wrote up the en re website for Black is Beau ful. The next day we had a mee ng, got people excited, and once we launched the collabora on, we had more than 300 breweries on board within the first 24 hours. Black is Beau ful is a stout recipe that comes complete with label design for breweries across the world to use. All profits go back to organiza ons that

support police brutality reform and legal fees for those who have been wronged. It’s currently being poured in nearly 1,200 breweries across 20 countries. Did you have any idea of the impact you’d make as a cra beer ar san? Other industries are wan ng to get involved; we’ve had coffee companies reach out. It’s all about the mission. And the le ers we receive from people truly make the difference. We’ve got big plans for next year. Walmart will be distribu ng Black is Beau ful na onwide, we are planning a block party event with the San Antonio Spurs, we have whiskey and bourbon dis llers who will have their versions coming out in the coming years. We really see this becoming a founda on. The beer is simply a vessel. Photos courtesy Weathered Souls Brewing Company

On May 28, I was on my way to Dallas, and I was listening to a radio show called the Breakfast Club. Breonna Taylor’s mom was on discussing how she found out her daughter was murdered. It really got to my heart listening to what this woman went through, especially as someone who, as a young man, experienced racial profiling and things with the police. On the way home from Dallas, I was listening to the radio again, and they were discussing the protests. I was disappointed with myself because I’m a huge introvert, not someone who is going to go out in the streets and protest. I kept thinking, “here we are at this prolific point in history and I’m si ng out.” I started thinking about what I could do with my pla orm and my industry to make a difference. It needed to be January/February 2021



2021 San Antonio


January/February 2021



Celng o Fst Responds Diamonds & Dreams Wedding & Event Consultants, along with a great big TEAM of local vendors are determined to let our First Responders know how much we appreciate all of their efforts, and that their quiet tenacity to make a difference in our lives has not gone unno ced. By Tina Humphrey

Out of this desire to give back, “Badges & Bouquets” was born. A program that brings together the wedding and event planning industry to sponsor a beau ful wedding for a first responder and their soon-to-be spouse each year. Since 2013, Badges & Bouquets has proven to be an amazing way to give back to our quiet (First Responder) heroes. Hosted by Diamonds & Dreams and facilitated by an ever growing base of generous vendors, the best of the best in the area come together to give their services and products to show their apprecia on! Each year, a new venue steps up to provide a “home” for the wedding to be filled with flowers, food, music, furniture, beau ful linens, china and glassware, favors, hugs and laughs! Badges & Bouquets now reaches 13 coun es in and around San Antonio. 8 weddings to date, all of which are valued at approximately $50k per wedding. That’s a lot of gi ing! Why would vendors be willing to do such craziness? Because… First Responders work so hard for us and many of these vendors have First Responder family, friends and neighbors.

sacrifice their safety (and many mes, their lives) for all of us without hesita on. They quietly “take care of business” without ques on. It can be stressful for their loved ones to watch them walk out the door every day. Families wonder; Will they come home tonight? Will they be the same person that le the house? Thankfully, for all of us, our local heroes are always right there making every effort to keep us safe. Their extreme bravery and selfless commitment to serve deserves our recogni on, reward, and apprecia on. Planning a wedding can be stressful to say the least. This opportunity to sponsor a wedding and alleviate some of that stress is a token of our apprecia on for the risks taken each day, and the protec ve service offered at a moment’s no ce. Diamonds & Dreams, along with the most GENEROUS and GIVING VENDORS in the area, is prepared to help one lucky first responder experience a dream wedding every year. Tina Humphrey Owner/Cer fied Wedding Consultant Diamonds & Dreams Event Consultants

Has the fire department, an EMT or police officer played a part in your life (personally, for close friends, rela ves, or co-workers)? Even though they chose their profession, they


Announces Tax Partners Allison Miller and Diane White 1390 E. Bi ers Road, San Antonio, Texas 78216, 210-733-6611,

A er working for a na onal accoun ng firm, what do you see as the greatest differen ator when serving clients at ATKG?

All tax and accoun ng firms can prepare tax returns; where we shine at ATKG is helping our clients with everything else. We spend considerable me analyzing what ma ers to our clients – growth, succession planning, peace of mind – and we help them achieve those goals. ATKG’s expansive network of business affiliates means we can help our clients with most issues they face. Indeed, we consider ourselves more of a concierge firm than an accoun ng firm. Allison Miller

Looking back on 2020, what were the ways you assisted clients in managing the financial impact of COVID?

2020 was marked with difficul es and uncertainty, but it also was a year of opportunity and growth. We faced numerous legisla ve changes from the Paycheck Protec on Program to retroac ve tax law changes. However, it presented opportuni es to help clients get money back in their pockets. From a personal wealth aspect, we assisted clients with year-end estate planning to con nue to work towards their goals, even amid poli cal and economic uncertainty. Diane White

How does becoming a partner at a young age impact the future of other women in your firm?

I hope that becoming a partner at a young age shows the other women in our firm that anything is possible. I have two young kids, and I stay very ac ve in their lives while growing in my career. Managing both can be hard at mes, but the rewards outweigh it. I am grateful to the current partners for laying a founda on that provides the opportunity for women to truly have it all. Diane White Making partner at this age is a testament to the firm’s leadership; it shows that you can be successful by working hard and looking for the good in life. Diane and I are the newest stewards tasked with maintaining the firm’s long-term success. As a wife and a mom to a five-year-old son, making partner shows that you can find fulfillment in your career and your family. Allison Miller




Women in Business


Lending a Hand and Making Change in the Community By Jenny Jurica Photography by David Teran

Under the general job tle of “banker,” you will find experts in wealth management who can help you to grow your por olio or achieve your goal of buying a vaca on home. You might also find bankers who specialize in fraud management, charged with making that dreaded phone call informing you that your accounts have been compromised and who help you to navigate the road back to financial security. You would also head directly to your trusted local banker for help in maneuvering through the financial paperwork associated with star ng your own business or for guidance on how you can manage to send kids to college without amassing too much debt. Bankers can be found seated behind the desks at your local bank, eager to help, passionate about assis ng their clients in achieving their financial goals, and o en grow to become like trusted family members. These three women in banking run the gamut of banking roles, but each finds contentment and mo va on in helping their customers achieve their dreams and protect their assets.

January/February 2021


Eze Hei Director of Wealth Advisory Broadway Bank Elizabeth Hetrick, a third-genera on San Antonian, always knew that her calling was to help people. But ten years into a career as a lawyer, Hetrick realized that banking - specifically wealth management, trusts, and estate se lement work - was her niche. It was then that she made the transi on from law into banking, leaving much of the tedious paperwork that a law career requires behind and focused instead on her true passion: helping clients. These days, Hetrick is the Director of Wealth Advisory at Broadway Bank, where her clients range from young to elderly and all stages of life in between. “I have some young clients; a lot of clients in that mid-career place, and I currently have four clients who are


100 years or older right now,” said Hetrick. “Each one of those groups needs something different from me, so every day is different. It keeps me engaged and fresh,” she added. In her 15 years in banking, Hetrick has experienced working in both large scale, as well as smaller, regional banking ins tu ons, but she loves the experience of working in a smaller bank. “Larger banks aren’t as nimble or able to serve their clients like we are. In a regional bank, you aren’t anonymous. I know everyone--from the guy in the mailroom to the CEO,” said Hetrick.

“It’s a really special thing, and it makes your colleagues more like family. This enables a team atmosphere that helps you to serve your clients be er,” she added. Hetrick feels passionate about helping others, both in her career and in the community, and she has ins lled in her children the importance of lending a hand. “I want my kids to understand the responsibility that we all have as humans to help each other and not have to be asked to step up when something needs to be done,” offered Hetrick.

Sdy Sulv Vice president of Fraud Management Frost Bank Careers for women in banking have changed drama cally over the past 40 years. You can now find women in many leadership roles that had previously only been held by men. Sandy Sullivan has been around long enough to see this evolu on in ac on. These days, Sullivan’s role at Frost Bank couldn’t be further from her ini al role as an administra ve assistant in the accoun ng department. Sullivan, who began with the bank in 1972, is now the Senior Vice President of Fraud Management. She works closely with law enforcement and other financial ins tu ons to protect both the clients of Frost Bank as well as clients of other banks. “Figh ng fraud is a 24/7, 365 days of the year job. When I’m on vaca on, I’m s ll answering phone calls and

email because fraud doesn’t go away,” said Sullivan. While she is dedicated to all of her customers, it’s the senior ci zens who hold a special place in Sullivan’s heart. “In the past 15 to 18 years, fraud has go en worse--with seniors being a huge target,” said Sullivan. In her free me, Sullivan teaches classes aimed at helping seniors to protect themselves from fraud. She also sits on several different boards that help the elderly popula on, such as Meals on Wheels, San Antonio Oasis, and The Bexar County Elder Abuse and Exploita on Task Force.

As Sullivan rounds the corner, approaching her 49th year with Frost Bank, she feels as though her experience, empathy, and sympathy make her perfect for her role in helping those who have been vic mized. And even though her job is intense, Sullivan is s ll energized by her career. “My husband tells me that I live in this world that not many people live in--this world of ge ng up in the morning, excited to go to work every day,” said Sullivan.

January/February 2021


Ane Les Vice President of Business Banking The Bank of San Antonio

When Louisiana na ve, Angie Lewis, graduated from Lamar University with a degree in Communica ons (with an emphasis in broadcast journalism), she likely imagined her future to be behind a news desk, rather than a bank desk. “Never in a million years did I think I’d work in banking,” remembered Lewis. But Lewis quickly found her niche in the banking industry, and now, 16 years later, Lewis is Vice President of Business Banking at The Bank of San Antonio. The mission at the bank is to help entrepreneurs and founders succeed. This o en means that Lewis works in 42

partnership with founders to navigate a path forward, which is especially challenging for businesses during the pandemic. “My work is so rewarding because we truly seek to serve and help our community,’” said Lewis. “We seek to partner with our clients to stand alongside them in their entrepreneurial journey. There is a holis c rela onship that develops so that if they lose, you lose, and when they win, you win. My clients are one of the most special aspects of what I get to do each day,” she added. Lewis, a mother to a 17-year-old daughter and a stepmother, took a

three-year hiatus from banking in 2015 to grieve following her husband’s death. She taught special needs middle school students for three years but was called back to The Bank of San Antonio. “I decided when I came back that I’d come back with a mission to serve. More than ever, I want to help people because businesses are the backbone of our communi es,” said Lewis. “Since the death of my husband, I look at life and work differently,” added Lewis. “My goal in ten years is to con nue to be highly sought a er as someone who is reliable and reputable; trustworthy and highly respected. I want to bring up other bankers, especially women, in this industry to be successful and impac ul,” she said.



Women in


Directory January/February 2021


Women in Business Directory

Chsty McCoy Execu ve Vice President Chief Financial Officer of Lone Star Capital Bank Christy McCoy is the Execu ve Vice President, Chief Financial Officer of Lone Star Capital Bank (LSCB). Christy has over 25 years of banking experience and was an integral figure in LSCB’s recent acquisi on of Aus n’s Business Bank of Texas, N.A. Her experience, tenacity, and posi vity help her con nue to excel in the fast-paced world of banking. “I enjoy working with our team to develop strategic solu ons for our customers and their businesses. We’re rela onship focused and endeavor to take the bureaucracy out of the process in order to help our customers succeed.” LSCB has branch loca ons in San Antonio and the Hill Country - Blanco, Dripping Springs, Johnson City, and Marble Falls with another loca on opening in Aus n the 2nd quarter of 2021. LSCB specializes in serving entrepreneurs, small and medium sized businesses, execu ves, professionals, and real estate investors. Friendly, personalized service, convenient solu ons, and responsive decisions truly dis nguish Lone Star Capital Bank.

Lone Star Capital Bank 150 N Loop 1604 E. San Antonio, TX 78232 Office: 210-496-6116

Sthie Di Vice President Commercial Banker Stephanie has 17 years of experience in the financial services industry. She brings a wealth of knowledge, professionalism, and a tre understanding of her customers’ financial landscape. Stephanie is a trusted bank officer who helps clients achieve their financial goals while providing them expert advice. At First Ci zens Bank, “Forever First” is a promise to stay with their customers through the years - and even across the genera ons - and to remain worthy of the trust clients place in them. First Ci zens Bank San Antonio/Aus n Mobile 210-744-4396 Stephanie.Dick@firstci January/February 2021


Ciosy as a Spow Brandi Vi er

Market Execu ve, The Bank of San Antonio Brandi Vi er thinks outside the box. In fact, she takes the box apart and reassembles it in a new way. As a working mother of three, stage 4 breast cancer survivor, and self-described rabble-rouser like her mother, Brandi is a force to be reckoned with. Vi er is the first market execu ve at The Bank of San Antonio, where she oversees the teams working to build and strengthen business rela onships within the San Antonio community. She joined The Bank of San Antonio as the bank’s first rela onship banker, soon a er it opened for business in 2007. Brandi has more than 22 years of experience in banking and she is passionate about being part of a local bank with assets over $1.5 billion. Raised in San Antonio, Vi er supports her hometown by serving as a trustee for the Wi e Museum, and serves on the board of Texas Public Radio, Alamo Community Group, and the Prosthe c Founda on. “I’m inspired by disassembling every box thrown my way and using it as a pla orm to build what no one even knew was needed,” Vi er explains. “In the face of the unknown, we can use curiosity as a superpower. You don’t fear what’s coming next when you are curious about what it can bring.” Courage, commitment, and compassion set Brandi’s leadership apart. As she began leading The Bank of San Antonio team in 2020, she adhered to a mantra of grit and integrity as her team retained their close rela onships with clients and navigated the business setbacks, pivots and challenges that defined 2020.


“I want us to be curious and have a growth mindset. I want to con nually add value to our client rela onships, because it’s all about our interwoven future and growing San Antonio together. Vi er said. “It’s in our name — The Bank of San Antonio. Our name promises a steadfast responsibility to be a strong community partner and we know it. Every day I come into work; I know we need to make an impact. We need to power our city. It’s our purpose.” Brandi’s commitment to curiosity and resilience comes from her life-changing ba le with hereditary breast cancer. Diagnosed with stage 4 cancer at 27, Brandi’s banking career was just taking off and she was hi ng her stride as a banker and working mother. She had recently earned her Master of Public Administra on degree from UTSA and was full of energe c drive and big plans. This all paused when she got sick. “I went to get checked out by my doctor and they told me I had a tumor twice the size of a golf ball. The nurse offered to pray with me, and I remember si ng there in a dark room while they gave me my diagnosis. I had to get out of there quickly. It ra led me to my core. I was not ready to die yet.”

Immediately, Brandi explored her medical op ons and was determined to beat cancer, focusing on what could be done instead of the fear of the ini al diagnosis. Over the next few years, Brandi’s treatment plan included 7 reconstruc ve breast surgeries. Her mother is also a breast cancer survivor, diagnosed at age 36, and had demonstrated to Brandi the power of strength, resiliency, and pursuing life energe cally. Her mother inspires her drive — she deeply believes that boundaries for growth do not exist. In turn, Brandi is raising her daughter, Chloe, a high school senior, to see no boundaries and to be true to herself. “I learned very quickly that you need to become your own advocate, whether it’s deciding on medical treatment, or finding like-minded business mentors, or reinven ng yourself periodically to reach new goals. Your style has to change and evolve as you grow.” Brandi’s cancer diagnosis forced her to re-evaluate her life and priori es. She knew her fast-paced lifestyle had to change. “I blew everything up around me. I looked at what my priori es were and what they should be. I looked at what was important to me and what was not. I made changes. In the beginning of my banking career, bringing in loans and deposits was equal parts exhilara ng

and terrifying. That fear made me feel alive and pushed me to become be er.” Brandi believes in the power of con nually reinven ng yourself, which has propelled her explosive career. She is grateful for the mentors who have guided her growth and is passionate about bringing others forward with her. “If you challenge yourself, and if you are constantly facing new tasks and challenges that you haven’t mastered, you are building new roadways and growing. We all have poten al and need a chance. Success takes hard work, focus, and frankly, just showing up daily with the right a tude. Mostly, it’s the people you surround yourself with, who you mo vate to help grow their success.” Crea ng the future is what Brandi is tackling next. She and other female execu ve leaders at The Bank of San Antonio are developing an educa onal curriculum at a local university for women entrepreneurs in San Antonio. The program will offer curriculum-based learning in a peer environment to connect women business founders with other business leaders in the bank’s extended network of clients and advocates. “Our goal is to accelerate impact with ac onable entrepreneurial educa on and connec ons with business leaders. Our bank program will have advanced business development training, leadership, mentorship, and access to an alumni group to prepare businesses for increased scale and profitability. Our mission is to offer women business owners access to deep networking and connec ons.” She plans to expand the bank’s local rela onships and partnerships to open doors for business. Her mission is to create new ways to build growth so that businesses and our community will meet tomorrow’s challenges. In mes like these, it means being unique, being local, and thinking like a business owner. Brandi faces the future with curiosity. Her singular focus is helping local entrepreneurs grow through partnerships with The Bank of San Antonio. For Brandi, 2021 is the year of idea on and ambi on. “Our focus is growth and figuring out how we can be be er tomorrow than we are today. It’s about con nuing to show up for our community and maximizing what we can do for others. Having a growth mindset in mes like these is challenging, but it’s what helps us power through the challenges — it makes the difference. We are crea ng the future.”

Connect with Brandi at

January/February 2021


WOMENon ONthe THE MOVE Women move

48 48

Congratula ons to these amazing women making moves in their industries!


Nonprofit Insight

Seeking crea ve means of marke ng and funding is crucial to maintain public visibility during the pandemic. Here are a few helpful pandemic-friendly nonprofit business ps from Dress for Success San Antonio Director of Development, Stephanie Shokrian on how to overcome some of the unforeseen hurdles this year has presented. If you are a nonprofit that sees clients, as Dress for Success San Antonio is, check in on them! Many mes, clients come full circle and become incredible supporters, relay the most inspiring success stories, and are living proof that your organiza on changes the lives of so many in our community!

Host onne veaways

Hos ng online giveaways with products from local small businesses & restaurants help maintain unity and gives a sense of much appreciated social interac on. You help support a local for-profit business which has supported your nonprofit in the past, is currently suppor ng through the pandemic, or without a doubt will support you when they get back on their feet in the future.

Sport d p  o local nonprofit busesses

Reach out directly to your local food bank, ba ered women’s shelter, pediatric cancer care center, animal adop on agency, any other local nonprofits. Partner up, volunteer at their organiza ons, team up together on social media or host a safe, socially-distanced small and in mate donor apprecia on event.

Bnded Face Masks

Offering merchandise such face masks with your logo on them with all proceeds benefi ng funding the organiza on help support dona ons, marke ng, and keeps your supporters & community safe in the pandemic.

Call yo donors & sports

Take a vested interest in your donors and what this season of surviving a world health pandemic has brought to their lives. Select representa ves that can foster donor rela onships and will a end other events in support of businesses, and who will reach out via a phone call or hand wri en note. If you are a nonprofit that sees clients, as Dress for Success San Antonio is, check in on them! Many mes, clients come full circle and become incredible supporters, relay the most inspiring success stories, and are living proof that your organiza on changes the lives of so many in our community!


Westn Ves Dress like a modern cowgirl this season with fringe, suede and jeans mixed with roman c lace and long necklaces. And of course, no ou it is complete without a great hat! Photography by Nina Padilla 50

Rodeo King by Cavenders Hat $105 Scully Suede Jacket $259 Rockin’ C Lace dress $59 Blazin Roxx Rhinestone Belt $54 Old Gringo Mayra Red Tall Snip Toe Boots $499.99

January/February 2021



Cavender’s Hat $59.99, Rockin’ C Denim dress $54 M & F Western Bolo Tie $15

Old Gringo Mayra Red Tall Snip Toe Boots $499.99

Ariat Bag $99 Rockin’ C Denim dress $54

Rodeo King by Cavenders Hat $105 Fashion Express USA Striped Fringe Jacket $72 Rockin’ C Lace Top $36, Twister Clear Crystal Cross Hatband $38

Denim fringe jacket Scully $84, Jeans Ar cles of Society $74, cowboy hat Cavender’s $59,99, all by Cavender’s Photography: Nina Padilla, Vigne e Portrait Photography. Styling: Taylor Lane & Miriam Jesaijes. Model: Mia Isabella. Clothes and accessoires available at Cavendar’s or Loca on: Gypsy Farms,

January/February 2021



It’s all about the From boho to sleek, braids are a meless classic. Give your second day hair a li le pick-me-up with these surprisingly effortless ps & tricks that will elevate any look!

Start by teasing your hair ( p: adding dry shampoo will help build volume, and makes it easier to work with the hair!), and separate loosely into 2 sec ons. Braid the first side, secure with a small ponytail. Repeat on the other side. Pull each braid across the back of the head, and secure with bobby pins. Repeat on the other side. Finish with hairspray, and you have a quick & easy elegant up-do!


Hair Stylist: Veronyka’s Color Salon and Spa

Start with a high pony-tail, and wrap a oneinch piece of hair around the base.Secure with bobby pins. Braid the hair, pull pieces of plats for texture, and tuck the end underneath. Pin with bobby pins, and you are ready to go!

For this look, Veronyka started by adding some clip-in extensions to add volume and length. Start with 2 simple braids and lightly pull out some plats for more texture. Then use bobby pins in your own hair color to keep your braid secure. For a beau ful ďŹ nish curl a few pieces near your face with a curling iron and also at the end of the braid!

Give your hair an extra booost with this Dry Shampoo from Virtue $32 Dry Shampoo $32 Virtue available at Julian Gold San Antonio


Rewng a Home’s History A Tobin Hill co age was updated with an eye to the Art Deco past By Steve Benne Photography by Al Rendon

January/February 2021


Black modernist Kartell chairs from a design by Philippe Starck rest on a diamond-pa erned rug in the living room, which features original exposed wood - black walnut coffee table and Bauhaus-inspired lamps on the credenza.

When it comes to Texas history, Lee Spencer White is right in the thick of things.

to her home, White is not living in a penthouse condo or anything modular prefab.

A seventh-genera on Texan, she is a descendent of Gordon Jennings, a Connec cut farmer who died at the Alamo at age 56, the oldest defender.

A few years ago, White fell in love with a single-story, 1,252-squarefoot co age in the historic Tobin Hill neighborhood, sandwiched between the St. Mary’s strip and the Pearl.

As president of the Alamo Defenders Descendants Associa on, she con nues to fight for her forbears, notably in the recent ba le over reloca ng the Cenotaph (against). An ac ve preserva onist, she is the co-author of two well-regarded books: 2010’s “Alamo Survivors” and 2015’s “Joe: The Slave Who Became an Alamo Legend.” “Anything that has to do with history or preserving people’s memories, I’m all about,” she said recently.So, it probably goes without saying that when it comes 58

It features a small arched brow over a postage-stamp front porch, similar in shape to the Alamo’s pediment “hump.” “That’s what a racted me to the house in the first place,” she said. “That eyebrow was an architectural feature found on some houses in the ‘20s. Naturally, I felt it was important to find out about the original family that lived here and honor them.” Listed on city tax rolls as constructed in 1930, the house is probably

a li le older than that, White learned, built in 1926. It was the home of the Nevelows, a family of Russian immigrants whose patriarch, Jacob, established an automobile parts and services business on Broadway in 1918. By the late ‘20s, he and his five sons were opera ng four stores in the city.

“This was really an up-and-coming neighborhood for the common man,” White said. “I wanted to honor these people who were prominent in business. This was their American dream, fulfilled.” The most important aspect of White’s renova on was to break out a wall separa ng the kitchen at the back of the house from the living area where visitors enter.

“It was a quirky li le house, compartmentalized,” said Felix Ziga, principal of Ziga Architecture Studio, consul ng architect on the project. “We wanted to open it up and give it a more airy feel and allow more natural light to flow. Otherwise, with modern lifestyles and furniture, it feels cramped.”

“That’s one of my favorite details about the house,” White said. “It’s cheaper and easier to slap sheetrock on every surface, but that has no character. Leaving the wood exposed makes the house warmer and honors it while s ll keeping it livable.”

White, a veteran of more than a dozen home builds and renova ons, stripped off old floral wallpaper covering nearly every interior surface, including a gaudy silver-foil mo f from the ceiling, le ng the warm, 100-year-old wood breathe.

In addi on to infrastructure items such as a new roof, plumbing and electrical work, and founda on stabiliza on, White refinished the original wood floors and modernized the kitchen with marble countertops, a custom farm sink, and an intriguing orblike range hood.

The shiplap paneling was originally milled by Steves Lumber, whose name is stenciled on a board over a kitchen counter.

A bar with chrome barstools that scream Art Deco overlooks the kitchen, which is anchored by sturdy Boos butcher block.

A small side porch off one of two bedrooms was converted into a modern bathroom with a glass-walled shower and a marble pedestal sink (shiplap walls painted a crisp white), while the original bath was refurbished with decopa erned, Portuguese, dark-grayand-cream le and an upgraded clawfoot tub.

“It was love at first sight when homeowner Lee White discovered her Tobin Hill co age, which needed new pillars for the front porch and a coat of cobalt blue paint on the front door. Valen ne, White’s 8-yearold Shiba Inu, likes the house, too.”

The master bedroom features a hand-carved headboard, a cow skin rug and the entrance to a master bath and closet in a space that was once a screened porch. The designer tried to maintain a balance between natural and white-painted wood throughout the house.

January/February 2021


Decades of linoleum was removed from the floor of the kitchen, which features a custom farm sink, a Boos butcher block, ‘40s-era floral wallpaper, exposed original wood (with a Steves Lumber stencil), a Big Ass ceiling fan, a moderne white range hood and marble countertops. A photo of Rudolph Valen no and a swatch of old wallpaper are framed at right. 60

White has tried to evoke its original me period in furnishings and accessories throughout the house, including Bauhaus-inspired lamps and black, streamlined, modernist chairs si ng on a diamond-pa erned monochrome rug in the living room, which retains its original bead-board bookcases and brick fireplace. As a sort of inside joke, she hung in the dining area a framed photo of “La n Lover” Rudolph Valen no, who died in 1926, the year the house was built.

“I tried to save everything that I could, rather than ripping things out and replacing them,” White said. “I feel that if the Nevelows walked into the house today, they could easily recognize it as their own.”


Tracy Ross-Garcia is a wife, mom of 5, yoga instructor and lifestyle coach. Her professional background in communica ons allows her to connect with women to help navigate parts of life that feel overwhelming or unclear. With proven tools and techniques, her clients gain focus and clarity, create success habits and reach their goals. To connect, visit her website,

Get Yo Head And Het In The Right Space Shi From Managing Time To Managing Priori es By Tracy Ross Garcia


Can you believe it? We have endured almost a full year of living through a global pandemic. Before we could even se le into our “new year, new me” goals of 2020, Covid-19 turned our aspira ons and normalcy upside down. It has been economically, emo onally, physically, and mentally challenging, to say the least.

connected (and sane), crea ng structure and rou ne again has allowed us to uncover or discover our own resilience.

down goals into small steps makes them feel more a ainable, and you gain momentum with each step you take.

If you find yourself overwhelmed, juggling mom-life and work-life while trying to live your best life, a realis c schedule may be exactly what you need. And what be er me than now, at the start of the year, to refocus and realign with what makes you feel like the best YOU!

Although the impact of the virus lingers, we are learning to live a new normal. Early on, informa on about the pandemic was constant, so it made sense to take things day by day. Now that we have experience living through a public health crisis, knowing things may not be what they once were, a shi in the way we manage our personal and professional lives is inevitable. Adjus ng to staying safe at home, social distancing to remain


Perhaps coming up with goals is a bit unnerving, especially a er the year we just had. If so, one helpful exercise to get your head and heart in the right space is to do a brain dump. Get out a notebook or napkin, nothing fancy or formal, set the mer for 15 minutes and write down all the things you have to do, want to do, wish to do, and even things you never want to do again. Let it all go...out of your head and on to paper, free up your headspace.

A er a year in survival mode, you owe it to yourself to align with what’s important. Ge ng crystal clear on what you want will help you create a rou ne that is true to you. Take me to write down what you really want to get done. Include how you want to feel and visualize what this looks like for you. Commit to a short term and a long term goal and iden fy all the steps it takes to reach them. Breaking

I heard on a podcast once that our brains are meant to create ideas, not store them...mind blown! Brain dumps can be done as o en as you need, so when you’re feeling crea ve blocks or overwhelmed, use this tool to get you back on track.

Priori es

Whether it’s an hour a day, a week, or a month, show up, show up on me, and show up big. Knowing what’s important in this season helps manage your own expecta ons and empowers you to say no. The focus should be on ge ng the right things done, not the most things.

What can be removed? What doesn’t feel aligned with what you really want and how you want to feel? Priori ze what needs to be done, how o en you need to do it, or even if it’s you who needs to be doing it. (Mom p: delegate/outsource low priority tasks.) Make me for what’s most important. Using a paper planner might be your jam, you might work best off a digital calendar or app, maybe you rank your to-do list, whatever works for you, start with the non-nego ables. These are those “big rocks.” Things like sleep, exercise, quality me with your spouse, commitments with children, self-care, and fun, along with ac ons that get you closer to your goals, should all be on your list of non-negoables.

You might be thinking, how do I get it all done while working (from home), homeschooling, managing the home, and the “invisible load” -- a topic worthy of its own discussion? Time blocking is another trusty tool to help manage distrac ons and create flexible structure to feel less overwhelmed and more produc ve.

Now that you have declu ered your mind and can see it all laid out, SIMPLIFY. Ge ng it out of your head is so freeing, but if you ended up with 101 things on your list and s ll feel caught in the whirlwind, this is a cri cal next step.

Schedule this on your calendar like you schedule mee ngs with your boss.

Each day is broken down into 30-minute blocks of inten onal ac vity. For example, Tuesday and Thursday I block 7am-8am for morning workouts, and Monday, Wednesday, Friday I exercise mid-day, 12:301:30pm. I like to wake up at least half an hour before my li le one three mes a week. This allows for un interrupted me for medita on, journaling, and prayer. On the days I’m not up early, I have it blocked during my lunch hour.

No ce the flexibility, no overcommi ng, and consistency. I’ve learned through lots of mommin’ how to extend grace and manage my expecta ons. My me blocks as a stay home mom certainly shi ed now that I’m growing a business from home. {If you want to learn more about me blocking and see how my weekly me blocks look, send me a message, I’m happy to share.} Whether you experienced unimaginable setbacks or instruc ve breakthroughs, one thing we can agree to is the pandemic exposed to us how li le we need, how much we have & the importance of extending kindness to ourselves and others. The standards of modern motherhood can easily leave us feeling inadequate and frustrated. Regardless of changes to the external world, it’s our internal environment that will determine how we get through 2021.

You’ve got this!

January/February 2021



3 Ways to Mata Yo Balce  2021 By Nina Padilla

The answer to this resides within us. Literally. Maintaining and regula ng balance is something that our body does naturally. During the cold winter months, our body shivers and goosebumps appear on our skin in an effort to help keep us warm. During rigorous exercise, our sweat helps to keep us cool and our skin flushes red to help release excess heat; all in an effort to maintain the balance of our body temperature and to prevent us from overhea ng or freezing. So how can we model this balancing act? How do we maintain balance? There is no one clear cut answer but going back to basics has always worked well for me so here are 4 ways to help you regain a strong foothold in 2021 and maintain a healthy mind-body balance for the year ahead. 1. Balanced Nutri on Every body has its own set of unique needs when it comes to proper nutri on. Several factors such as your sex, height, weight, ac vity level, etc. play a role in determining what you put on your plate and providing the body with what it needs to thrive and flourish is essen al to our health. As a nutri onist, I always recommend taking a custom approach to figuring out what your dietary needs are but if consul ng with a licensed or registered die cian isn’t for you, here are a few key elements of good health to remember and put into prac ce: - Drink water: 60% of our body is made up of water so it makes sense that staying hydrated is important to our overall health. Proper hydra on helps keep your joints and organs healthy and also keeps your skin looking its best. Drinking 13 cups of fluids per day for men and 9 cups per day for women is op mal and if you 64

exercise, adding 1.5 to 2.5 more cups of fluids per day will help to stave off dehydra on. Eat balanced meals: When you consume a meal, your body takes the nutrients from the food and sends them where they need to go to ensure that your organs, ssues, and bones con nue to func on and thrive. What you put on your plate will vary depending on your dietary needs, fitness goals, and lifestyle but ea ng meals with high quality and healthy ingredients will help ensure that you are properly nourished from the inside out. 2. Staying Ac ve Staying ac ve is essen al for op mal health and is best when paired with daily healthy ea ng. Frequent exercise helps lower your risk of heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and high blood pressure but also helps with improved cogni on and be er sleep. The American Heart Associa on recommends that adults get at least 150 minutes of ac vity every week but stresses the importance of moving more and si ng less if your lifestyle is more sedentary. Physical ac vity doesn’t have to be a daun ng task and finding ac vi es that you enjoy can help increase your ac vity levels. Walking, dancing, running, gardening, swimming, and cycling are just a few ac vi es that you can do to get you moving and keep you excited about your fitness goals. 3. Rest/Recovery Sleep is one of the most important pillars of health and o en mes, the most overlooked when discussing overall health and wellness. Ge ng a healthy dose of quality sleep can improve your memory and produc vity at work, help improve your immune func on, and has been shown to decrease the risk of diseases like heart disease, diabetes, obesity, and stroke. Recommenda ons for op mal hours of sleep vary based off of age and lifestyle but in general, adults between the ages of 18 to 64 need anywhere from 7 to 9 hours of sleep per night with children and babies needing significantly more sleep-anywhere between 9 to 14 hours or more per night. Whatever your age, making sleep a priority can greatly improve the body and help s mulate and keep your mind sharp.

Sources:, The American Heart Associa on, Na onal Sleep Founda on

Balance is an essen al part of life.The act of balance can be a tricky one when it comes to the maintenance of our daily tasks. From the moment we wake up to the moment we close our eyes, we are seemingly inundated with the “to do lists” of the day that make up the framework of our lives. With rela onships to nurture, children to raise, futures to plan, and work to do how can we begin to comprehend the balance that is necessary for us to thrive?


Wom’s Covascul Heal By Blithe Wiley

Although many women will say that their number one health concern is cancer, heart disease is actually the number one killer for women. In fact, heart disease accounts for one in every three female deaths in the United States each year, whereas one in 31 American women dies from breast cancer annually. What exactly is heart or cardiovascular disease? Cardiovascular disease generally refers to condi ons that involve narrowed or blocked blood vessels that can lead to a heart a ack, chest pain (angina), or stroke. Other heart condi ons, such as those that affect the heart’s muscle, valves, or rhythm, also are considered forms of heart disease. There are several notable differences in cardiovascular disease in women and men. First, men tend to develop cardiovascular disease at younger ages than women, primarily due to estrogen’s beneficial effect on women. Therefore, when women present with a similar cardiovascular condi on, they are o en older and will have more health problems. Another key difference is that women o en do not have the “typical” symptoms that alert them to the 66

warning signs. For men, heart a ack symptoms o en include chest pressure and pain, shortness of breath, and nausea or vomi ng. Women can o en experience symptoms that are much more vague, including weakness, fa gue, and indiges on. These vague symptoms may cause a woman to delay seeking diagnosis and treatment. What’s more, by the me a woman is evaluated by a cardiovascular specialist, pursuing more aggressive measures such as high-risk surgical procedures may pose a greater risk. According to Sonja Brune, Acute/Cri cal Care Clinical Nurse Specialist and Advanced Prac ce Provider with the UT Health San Antonio Cardiology Heart Failure Program, it is of utmost importance that women play an advocacy role in their preven on and treatment of heart disease. First and foremost, she says she cannot stress enough the importance of every woman having a primary care provider. “Women should see their primary care provider annually, beginning in their twen es,” Brune explained. “Even if a woman has no medical condi ons, an annual visit with her PCP will evaluate risk factors and pick up diseases early on to be treated before any symptoms exist.”

Sonja Brune, MSN, APRN, CCNS

Women need to make being their own heart health advocate a priority because, for so many women, their health care needs come last. “Women are ins nc vely caregivers, said Brune. “At an early age, li le girls intui vely begin caring for their baby dolls and stuffed animals. As they grow older, many start helping to care for younger siblings or become babysi ers. Adult women o en designate themselves as the health advocate for their husbands, scheduling their check-ups, etc. They o en find themselves caring for aging parents and some mes take on raising grandchildren.” In her 30-plus years in healthcare, Brune says that she has seen women as being the self-sacrificing force behind caring for others me and again. “Not a week goes by that I do not tell at least one of my female pa ents that she will not be there to care for others if she does not start taking care of herself. Sadly, that is some mes the main reason why they will begin devo ng more a en on to their own wellbeing.” Brune recommends that women know their health history, including family history. She also suggests they keep detailed lis ngs of their medica ons (including over-the-counter), any allergies they have, prior hospitaliza ons and surgeries, and their previous and current healthcare providers. She notes that women also need to be aware of heart disease risk factors and which ones can be modified. Some risk factors cannot be changed, such as age and gene cs. The modifiable risk factors that affect both men and women are tobacco use, physical inac vity, poor nutri on, overweight and obesity, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, diabetes, kidney disease,

and sleep apnea. Furthermore, women-specific factors that can increase the risk of developing cardiovascular disease include polycys c ovarian syndrome, pregnancy-induced hypertension, preeclampsia, and gesta onal diabetes. What are some of the lifestyle changes women can make to address the modifiable risk factors? Brune notes a number of key lifestyle changes that can help reduce the risk of heart disease. “In addi on to making lifestyle changes, such as avoiding tobacco and vaping, exercising daily, ea ng a heart-healthy diet and maintaining a healthy weight, women should know the health condi ons that can increase the risk of developing cardiovascular disease and work with their healthcare provider to keep these controlled,” Brune said.

These health condi ons include: · · · · · ·

High cholesterol and/or triglycerides High blood pressure Diabetes mellitus Metabolic syndrome Kidney disease Sleep apnea

“The key here is that you NEED to know your health status,” said Brune. “None of the condi ons above are associated with any significant symptoms, so you must be evaluated. In fact, it is not uncommon for someone to find out that she has high blood pressure or diabetes AFTER she has been diagnosed with cardiovascular disease.”

January/February 2021



Prevon, Deteion d Tremt of Gynecolocal Ccs Bens  You By Bonny Osterhage

The late Ruth Bader Ginsburg once famously said, “Women belong in all places where decisions are being made,” and while she may have been referring primarily to the judicial system, that quote stands up in all areas of a woman’s life including, and especially, her gynecological health. However, even the strongest women among us can s ll fall silent when faced with health issues involving our reproduc ve organs. Whether due to embarrassment or fear of being seen as “THAT pa ent,” we o en neglect to men on when things seem “off down there.” According to Dr. Georgia McCann, M.D., associate clinical professor in the Division of Gynecologic Oncology at UT Health San Antonio, that is a big mistake. “I have found that women really know their bodies, and they know when something isn’t right,” she affirms. McCann, who specializes in the diagnosis, treatment and research of cervical, endometrial, ovarian, and vulvar cancers, explains that some of these cancers, such as uterine, present with “red flag” symptoms including post-menopausal bleeding or bleeding between periods. Others like ovarian aren’t so obvious and may include ordinary issues such as cons pa on, bloa ng, or weight gain. So how do you know when that feeling of fullness in your belly is abnormal? “If the symptom gets be er or goes away, it is unlikely that it is related to cancer,” says McCann. 70

“Any symptom that is cancer-related doesn’t get be er.” Tests d Tremts It used to be that women got a PAP smear along with their pelvic exam at every annual gynecological visit to detect cervical abnormali es. Today, thanks to HPV tes ng, that is no longer necessary for most women. “Assuming you have no history of a posi ve HPV test, irregular PAP smears, and you are not a smoker or have any other high-risk factors it is becoming acceptable to go 3-5 years between PAP smears,” says Dr. James Wilder, M.D., who specializes in cancers of the female organs at South Texas Gynecologic Oncology. He cau ons that just because the me between PAPs is longer, that doesn’t mean annual pelvic exams aren’t necessary. “To some women, PAP and pelvic mean the same thing, but they are not the same at all,” he warns, adding that a pelvic exam can o en pick-up addi onal abnormali es that may be related to ovarian or vulvar cancers. If abnormali es are detected and cancer is diagnosed, there are several op ons available to women today that, depending on the stage and type of cancer, can extend life expectancy and/or offer complete remission. Wilder was among the first to perform Da Vinci Robo c surgery, and today he is one of the leading robo c surgeons in the field with more than 3000 procedures under his belt.

The minimally invasive procedure results in a smaller incision, a shorter hospital stay, and a lower risk of blood clot forma on or infec on. Pa ent recovery me is faster, which allows them to receive addi onal treatments such as chemotherapy or radia on more quickly. Advances in drug therapies are showing posi ve results for some ovarian cancer pa ents, and while not curing the deadly disease, they are prolonging life and with fewer side effects. “The drug treatment for ovarian cancer has improved significantly,” says Wilder, ci ng an bodies that halt the growth of the cancer cells, and immunotherapy that uses the body’s own immune system to a ack the cancer cells. McCann adds that gene c tes ng for BRAC muta ons in both the pa ent and the tumors can help determine which treatment is best. “Some women can get the treatment a er their first round of chemo, which can extend their years of remission and even overall survival.”

Prevon There is no guarantee that you won’t get cancer within your life me, especially if you have certain gene c markers or a family history, but there are some preventa ve measures you can take. First, control your weight. People with higher BMI indexes have been shown to be at greater risk for certain types of cancers, including uterine. Take birth control pills to regulate estrogen and progesterone produc on. Too much estrogen is directly linked to uterine cancer. Get annual pelvic exams, and make sure that you are ge ng enough Vitamin D. Finally, find a doctor you feel comfortable with and ask ques ons. “Women are their own last lines of defense and they need to understand that they have to advocate for themselves,” says McCann. “It is okay to speak up.”


Tiffy Yees:

Own of Grue Ofis d The Pomegne Ge ng People Hooked on the Outdoors By Jenny Jurica Photography by Nina Padilla

In 2000, when Tiffany Yeates, a college student at Texas State University, headed to historic, tourismdriven Gruene, Texas with her college roommates to find part- me jobs, she certainly never expected to land her dream job, nor did she expect that she’d se le here for the long-haul. Yeates’ college friends gravitated toward wait staff posi ons at the perennially popular historic Gruene restaurant, The Gristmill, but Yeates, a lifelong fisherman, headed directly for the local fly fishing store, Gruene Ou i ers, to apply for a retail posi on. Yeates got the job at Gruene Ou i ers and quickly became the right-handwo(man) to the store’s owner, who entrusted her with all of the inner workings of the business. Soon, Yeates found herself working 40 hours a week while a ending college. When the former owner of Gruene Ou i ers decided to re re in 2006, Yeates, who was then a 26-year-old college graduate, decided to purchase the business. “The president of a local bank was a customer, and he knew I could do it, so with a handshake, he gave me the loan to buy the store. It was one of those things where I feel like God had a plan and everything worked out,” remembers Yeates. 84

Gruene Ou i ers is known for being “packed to the gills” (pun intended) with fishing equipment to help both tourists and locals experience some of the best fly fishing in the state at the Guadalupe River (located just a stone’s throw from the store). But Gruene Ou i ers also boasts an impressive and stylish selec on of clothing and accessories- many brands not available in nearby stores. Gruene Ou i ers has a large following among locals and visitors alike, but Yeates wanted a way to bring more merchandise in.

Gruene is listed on the Na onal Register of Historic Places and thus, has staunch rules about building and adding onto the exis ng structures, so Yeates felt a li le boxed in. Then, a neighboring property suddenly became available, so Yeates snagged it and remodeled the inside. This building is now the The Pomegranate, a bright and airy bou questyle shop, where Yeates has housed all of the women’s and children’s merchandise for the past four years, leaving Gruene Ou i ers to the men’s clothing and outdoor gear. The name, The Pomegranate, came to Yeates rather easily. In front of the store is a huge, eyecatching ornamental pomegranate tree that delights everyone with its tremendous blooms every spring. In fact, the pomegranate tree was a fixture in Gruene when the current owners of the district purchased the town in 1975, and no one is quite sure how old it is or how it got there. If that pomegranate tree could talk.... This year, Gruene Ou i ers is celebra ng its 32nd year in business, and Yeates largely a ributes the success of the store to her staff. “In a li le store like this, the only way we can compete is through customer service because there’s so much out there in the way of online stores. We wouldn’t be here without our staff,” said Yeates. When Yeates isn’t roving between the two stores, she and her family try to spend as much me outside as possible--

prac cing what she preaches in her outdoor living stores. She has also been inspired by how the COVID crisis has renewed many people’s apprecia on for the outdoors. “This year, we’ve sold more fly fishing rod and reel combina ons than we ever have,” explained Yeates. “People who haven’t taken the me to be outside much did it this year. People are coming in and showing us what they caught and sharing their river stories.” “It’s rewarding to hear people say, ‘This year, I’ve learned that I love the outdoors,’” she remarked. Prior to COVID, Yeates had aspira ons of building more of an online presence for her stores, but the pandemic has shown her that there is more value in the daily, face-to-face interac ons with her customers--an aspect of retail that is lost in a predominantly online environment. “We know our customers by name. People come into our stores and say, ‘There’s such a good vibe in here, can I just hang out?’ and it’s hard to duplicate that online,” said Yeates. Currently, Yeates is ac ve in community outreach through Guadalupe River Trout Unlimited’s Youth Trout Camp, Cas ng for Recovery, which provides healing outdoor retreats for women living with breast cancer, and the Wounded Warrior Project, which hosts fishing trips for those veterans wounded in the line of duty. She is enthusias c about sharing her passion for the outdoors and the Texas Hill Country with others. “Just being able to get away from the city, get on the rivers, and get outside at night...see the sky and stars, all of that is what I love to share about the Hill Country,” remarked Yeates. Gruene Ou i ers 1629 Hunter Rd, New Braunfels, TX 78130 The Pomegranate 1613 Hunter Rd, New Braunfels, TX 78130

January/February 2021



The Gi of e Cod-19 Vacce By Jill B. Byrd

For families with loved ones in assisted living communi es, the COVID-19 global health pandemic has taken its toll. The rollout of the highly an cipated vaccine is the gi everyone is wai ng for. Fred and Lois Jones have been assisted living residents at Franklin Park Alamo Heights for more than 18 months. Their daughter, CeCe Givens, made the decision to seek extra care for her parents a er both were diagnosed with Alzheimer’s. Fred and Lois have been married for 65 years. Givens knew she needed to place them together in an assisted living community that offered them their own apartment but provided them with the level of care they required. “I am blessed in that I am able to be very ac ve in my parents’ lives, and in fact, before COVID-19, I was visi ng my parents daily to help them with their calendars, cleaning, laundry and medicine,” said Givens. “But when COVID-19 struck, it really put everyone in a predicament. It was not an ideal situa on by any means, but Franklin Park did what they had to do [in accordance with the Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC)] to keep the residents safe. And my parents are safe.” Although she spoke to her parents daily on the phone and eventually shared window and pa o visits, Givens at one point went six months without seeing her parents due to the safety protocols established by HHSC. In September, she qualified to become an essen al family caregiver, which allowed her to visit with her parents in their


apartment once a week.“While two hours a week was not nearly enough, the value of being able to see them and fill the gaps in care that only a family member can provide was beneficial to them physically and emo onally,” Givens said. Franklin Park was accepted into the federal vaccine distribu on program for long term care communi es. As a result, the vaccine is paid for by the federal government, while the administra on of the vaccine will be paid for by Medicare, Medicaid, private insurance, or through a governmental fund for those without insurance. The vaccines became available to long term care facili es in San Antonio in late December. “Unfortunately, the mental health of residents living in long-term facili es was placed in danger by isola on caused by COVID-19 restric ons,” Franklin Park Chief Opera ng Officer Kevin Wilbur said. “Once the majority of residents and team members are vaccinated, we should see dining venues, ac vi es, and visita ons begin to be restored to pre-COVID-19 levels. Restoring the right for family and friends to freely visit their loved ones will have an enormous impact on the happiness and overall health of each resident.” “As soon as it becomes available, my parents and I will absolutely get the vaccine,” said Givens. “It will be both a gi and a level of relief to get back to some normalcy, to get them out and about to visit their favorite restaurants. And mom will be most excited about a weekly shopping trip to her favorite bou que, Julian Gold.”

HILL COUNTRY HAPPENINGS NEW BRAUNFELS Nightly DRIVE-IN MOVIES Stars & Stripes Drive-In Theatre 178 Kroesche Ln. Saturdays NEW BRAUNFELS FARMERS MARKET Downtown New Braunfels 186 S Castell Ave. January 29 CODY CANADA ACOUSTIC Live Music Freiheit Country Store 2157 FM1101 January 30 LADY & THE TRAMPS Live Music Freiheit Country Store 2157 FM1101 January 31 HILL COUNTRY WEDDING SHOW New Braunfels Conven on Center 375 S Castell Ave. January 31 FAST MOVING TRAINS Live Music Freiheit Country Store 2157 FM1101 February 4 LOCAL LIVE: YESENIA MCNETT’S TRIBUTE TO FLEETWOOD MAC Brauntex Performing Arts Theatre 290 W. San Antonio St. February 6 TASTE OF THE TOWN New Braunfels Conven on Center 375 S Castell Ave. February 6 JACK INGRAM Live Music Gruene Hall 1281 Gruene Rd February 19-21 JEWELRY AND GIFT SHOW New Braunfels Conven on Center 375 S Castell Ave. February 21 MTS CHAMBER PLAYERS: LIBERTANGO Brauntex Performing Arts Theatre 290 W. San Antonio St. Please note: All events, dates, and mes are subject to change due to COVID-19. For the most up-to-date informa on, check with the event venue or host. We encourage everyone to prac ce social distancing, wear protec ve face coverings, wash and sani ze your hands regularly, and follow recommended guidelines.


NEW BRAUNFELS / GRUENE Please note, due to COVID-19, the loca ons listed may have a change in opera ng hours, dine-in, and carry-out availability. Check with each loca on for the most up-todate informa on! ADOBE CAFE A Tex-Mex spot With tor llas made fresh every day and award winning salsa, Adobe Cafe will have you feeling right at home. 124 S. Business IH 35 ALPINE HAUS Old World fare that will take you back to our German/Texan small town heritage roots. Schnitzel, Sauerkraut, and Sausage with an impressive beer list. Guten Appe t! 251 S. Seguin Ave BUTTERMILK CAFE This Breakfast and Lunch is proud to serve market fresh comfort foods prepared by people who love to cook, and love to eat. Enjoy fresh pancakes for breakfast, fried shrimp for lunch, and everything in between. 1324 Common St thebu CLEAR SPRINGS RESTAURANT Located in a historic building da ng back to 1869, you’ll enjoy fried ca ish and southern seafood staples in a communal atmosphere. Come early, this popular spot gets busy! 1692 TX-46 COOPER’S OLD TIME PIT BBQ What more can we say? Nothing like some good-ole Texas Bar-BQue! Indoor and Outdoor Picnicstyle dining to sa sfy all your BBQ needs. 301 1125 N. Loop 337 88

HILL COUNTRY EATS GRISTMILL Located in the historic district of Gruene just beneath the famous Gruene water tower, The Gristmill serves thick steaks and large hamburgers, chicken fried steak, fried ca ish, and more with a spectacular view under the oak trees. 1287 Gruene Road THE GRUENE DOOR An upscale, casual eclec c American restaurant with pa o sea ng, a scratch kitchen, over 60 fine wines, and a full bar with cra cocktails and Texas cra beers. Chef inspired dishes elevate this eatery in Gruene Lake Village. 2360 Gruene Lake Dr. GRUENE RIVER GRILL This eatery overlooking the Guadalupe river has a li le something for everyone! From soup and salad, to burgers, fish tacos, and a full bar, you can enjoy your favorites with a view! 1259 Gruene Rd McADOOS SEAFOOD COMPANY Fresh Seafood and authen c Cajun special es pair with great cocktails at this post office turned upscale restaurant. 196 Castell Ave

THE RIVER HOUSE Kick back, enjoy a glass of wine and some music on the pa o while you bask in the southern nostalgia. Refined Southern cuisine in a quaint, rus c atmosphere. 1617 New Braunfels St.


Bistr09 Fashion Fusion at Brist09. Brunch never looked be er in Alamo Heights. By Janis Turk

Chef Lisa Astoga Watel is in the Bistr09 kitchen, cooking in four-inch heels.“Why not? I love these shoes,” she says with a wink and a smile.

at how things were done before, but rather toward the next 20 years,” explains Damien. “Restaurants have become too casual in today’s foodtruck era, so we focused on a strong sense of style.”

Ever the fashionista, in the kitchen or the front of the house, Lisa is always dressed to the nines.

Stylish it is. With vaulted ceilings, le floors, bright skylights, a long bar with cheery yellow chairs, and a shiny black piano, the front room gleams. Behind a wall of exposed brick and a large arched window, tables set with white linens fill a quieter space in the carpeted dining room.

The Chile-born, culinary school-trained chef, who for nine years served as personal chef to actor Tommy Lee Jones and family, cooks beside husband chef Damien Watel and niece chef Andrea Astorga in the kitchen of their Alamo Heights eatery, making every dish divine. A li le bit Jennifer Lopez and a whole lot Julia Child, Lisa carries her natural beauty and good taste, be it in food or fashion, in a way that seems effortless, modern, and fun. It’s that ‘simple-meets-stylish’ concept that’s the recipe for Bistr09’s success. “Bistr09 is a classic French brasserie that elevates and celebrates the food and the dining experience. It’s also everyone’s favorite neighborhood place,” says Damien Watel. French-born Damien is a celebrated local chef, best known for the Olmos Park eatery, Bistro Vatel, which enjoyed a cult-like following for many years. Bistr09 is the ninth restaurant the Watels have had in San Antonio, and many of their most ardent patrons live in Alamo Heights. So when Bistr09 opened in the spring of 2019 in the former L’Etoile space on Broadway, its name gave a nod to its new zip code. “I love to cook for locals, so we wanted a neighborhood bistro that doesn’t look back 90

Contemporary art adds bright colors, and in homage to ar st Gilbert Duran’s controversial giant fork sculpture at the Watels’ former Stone Oak restaurants, Ciel and Ciao 2, a fat silver fork stands by the front door. Lisa, who with Andrea was also the force behind Bite restaurant in Southtown, today spends her me in the kitchen at Bistr09 with Damien, and Andrea (who last hails from Monterrey, Mexico), bringing their diverse culinary tradi ons to the table. Even their young son, Enzo, helps taste everything. “We collaborate with a pinch of love, salt, and work,” she says. The dinner menu is filled with tradi onal brasserie favorites, including a poulet ro and mash (roasted chicken and potatoes), duck confit, steak frites, foie gras, French onion soup, moules frites (mussels in white wine served with fries), and newer dishes, like fried chicken lollipops. The bespoke wine list is impressive, and the restaurant offers a full bar, featuring Bite’s signature Bloody Marys.

Chef Damien Watel

Le : Chef Lisa Astorga Watel Right: Andrea Astorga

“You don’t need to dress up. Come as you are, and feel at home. Leave the high heels to Lisa.” The restaurant’s modern approach seemed to a ract a younger crowd on weekends, so when Lisa suggested they host big-draw events, like a Rolls Royce/Bentley Brunch, Ferrari and BMW-sponsored dinners, and fashion show feasts, Damien was delighted. Now, each month, Bistr09 teams with Sloan/Hall, a neighboring Broadway bou que, to curate a stylish brunch fusing the ho est trends in food and fashion. Designers from both coasts have shown collec ons on Bistr09’s red carpet. A table with jewelry at the front adds a dash of shopping delight. “We loved the idea of doing something fun, flirty, and safe,” says Lisa. Indoor tables are set apart, and outdoor sea ng is available on a Parisian-style pa o. Dressing smart and being smart about safety are both encouraged. Even the red carpet models wear face shields. While haute couture models and well-dressed guests vie for a en on at these brunches, it’s Bistr09’s taste-sensa ons that steal the show. Try the lush lobster riso o, the cool beet and goat cheese salad, the light tempura shrimp, or the handsome Zebra bow- e pasta and salmon. Thick and airy, the waffles are pressed in a waffle maker brought from Belgium. Desserts, like the velvety crème brûlée delight. As fabulous as it all sounds, ul mately, Bistr09 is just a simple, classic neighborhood spot. You don’t need to dress up. Come as you are, and feel at home. Leave the high heels to Lisa. January/February 2021



SA Eats We al l k now wo me n h ave distinctive tastes when it comes to dining out. So, ladies, this restaurant guide is custom tailored ju st for you! Please note, due to COVID-19, the locations listed may have a change in operating hours, dinei n , a n d c a r r y - o u t a v a i l a b i l i t y.


Nestled in the St. Mary’s strip, Candlelight Coffee House serves as a wine bar, coffee bar, restaurant, and popular brunch spot with a calming ambiance. 3011 N. St. Mary’s

ingredients, and a whole lot of TLC make these original cra s worth a taste at their San Antonio and Helotes loca ons. 7114 Oaklawn Dr


Brewed for locals. By locals. Established in 2008, Freetail’s brews are inspired by the San Antonio culture, and are an inseparable part of their brand. Come enjoy one of their La Muerta, Oktoberfiesta, or Tropical Punch Bexarliner crea ons with pizza and appe zers! 4035 N Loop 1604 E


A plant-forward coffee shop, Revolucion offers cold pressed juices, homemade nut milks, and healthy food op ons made fresh daily in house! $$ 7959 Broadway St. Ste 500


This Neighborhood favorite spot is the place to go for all things beer. With ingredients sourced locally,a taproom on site, and food menu that won’t disappoint, Weathered Souls is definitely worth a try! 606 Embassy Oaks - Suite 500



Their passion for a great quality cup of coffee stems from a respect for where their coffee comes from, and how it’s made. Paired with equally great hospitality, and you get Merit Coffee Co!


Busted Sandal Brewing Company is a veteran owned microbrewery in San Antonio serving small batch cra beers. This brewery is all about fun, family, friends and good mes. Ar san recipes, quality 92

Texas’ only brews llery, handcra ing beer and bourbon one batch at a me with lots of love, a en on, and Texas inspira on. Come learn about the art of this one of a kind San Antonio gem at one of their limited capacity tours in their tasting room or try one of their unique brews to go. Reserva ons required. 4834 Whirlwind Dr


This pup friendly restaurant, laundromat, and car wash, is a great place to enjoy sustainable, organic, and local fare and Texas brews in a friendly environment. Enjoy live music on the pa o, or take your food to-go. 606 W Cypress St


A San Antonio favorite for 16 years, La Tuna Grill serves up delicious southtown culinary cuisine and cold brews at the ice house. Come and enjoy outside dining and try one of their delicious fusions of Tex-Mex, Seafood, Cajun, and American Classics. Pups are welcome! Ice House temporarily closed. Grill open for outside dining and take out. 100 Probandt St


cra beers. Enjoy Saturday and Sunday Brunch, or Taco Tuesdays! 5115 Fredericksburg Rd,


This French inspired eatery will have you ea ng with your eyes first! From the decor to the food, Bistr09 is an insta-worthy spot. Serving Brunch on Sundays, and a “Fashion Brunch” once a month complete with a runway show and pop-up shops! 6106 Broadway

This kid and dog friendly ice house located in the heart of Southtown boasts over 300 brews to choose from and serves light Mexican and American fare in an open and enthusias c environment. 943 S Alamo St


A kid-and-dog-friendly burger joint and beer garden with Tex-Mex grub, a full bar, cra brews & live music nestled on St. Mary’s. 2926 N. St Mary’s


Indoor/Outdoor casual dining serving farm-to-table regional fare, local beer & more. Enjoy weekend brunch, evening cocktails and live music! 17619 La Cantera Pkwy UNIT 204 therus



Part of the El Taco Garage Family, Hops and Hounds is a brand new restaurant serving classic American food. Bring your fur baby and enjoy an outdoor playground for your four legged friend, a dog run, and plenty of space to run on this nearly one acre establishment. 13838 Jones Maltsberger Rd


Sangria’s concept and menu are a combina on of a love for TX BBQ and Mexican spices. Sangria’s bar features signature sangria flavors, hand cra ed margaritas and local

Paloma Blanca is a fan favorite serving Mexican food, margaritas, and more. Enjoy Brunch on Saturdays and Sundays on the scenic pa o area. 5800 Broadway #300


An American eatery located in the RIM serving the classics with a twist. Pair with a mimosa carafe or Bloody Mary, and enjoy both indoor and outdoor sea ng. 17623 La Cantera Pkwy UNIT 107


Self Care Day Brick at Bluestar Arts Complex 6:00 pm

January 22 SABOT+SAMA: Talking Transforma ons: Techniques Zoom 6:00 pm

This is the second in a three-part virtual tour series exploring transforma ve elements and rela onships between the OrigamiintheGarden² sculpture exhibi on on display at the San Antonio Botanical Garden and objects in the San Antonio Museum of Art collec on. This tour will explore the various techniques used throughout the produc on of the OrigamiintheGarden² exhibi on ranging from the produc on of paper to the lost-wax cas ng method and how these techniques have been used in different cultural contexts with the San Antonio Museum of Art’s collec on.

January 23

Hiplet Ballerinas Jo Long Theatre 8:00 pm

Rhythms of Sass, Hips, and Struts. Performances may incorporate the rhythms of African drums with Tchaikovsky, arabesques and beat-boxing or even Tango en pointe – all while showcasing Hiplet’s trademark sass, hip movements, and struts against popular music audiences will recognize from Black Violin to Beyoncé and Prince.

San Antonio! Let’s take some me to slow down on a Sunday evening for some self care in more ways than one. We believe going into 2021 we want to have a good founda on what SELF CARE truly means... so for this year celebra ng freedom and life we are touching all bases of self care! Big Vibes Art House is collabora ng with the Brick at Bluestar and DreamweekSa to bring you this unique and much needed experience for the new year! Mental health professionals will be speaking to our souls, helping us in our mindfulness journey. Our speakers include Dr. Sunita Punjabi, aka the Brain Coach, Amos Lozano (Juiced Up Ninja), Defranco Sarabia and more. Plus relaxing live music and incredible local vendors all with the main goal of crea ng the best self care day for you! Which you most DEFINITELY deserve and are WAYYY past due!

February 6

Dee Dee Bridgewater Jo Long Theatre 8:00 pm

Over the course of a mul faceted career spanning four decades, Grammy and Tony Awardwinning jazz giant Dee Dee Bridgewater has ascended to the upper echelon of vocalists, pu ng her unique spin on standards, as well as taking intrepid leaps of faith in re-envisioning jazz classics. On Bridgewater’s most recent album, Memphis…Yes, I’m Ready, she pays homage to the city of her birth and the rich Memphis music scene that formed her musical roots.

February 7

Touch-Free Family Day: Jazz It Up! San Antonio Museum of Art 12:00 pm

Come jazz it up at our touch-free family day. Pick up an art kit with everything you need to cra a mixed-media jazz collage, paint a jazz cityscape, and write a jazzy poem. Meet Stuart Davis, Max Weber, and Archibald Motley—three twen eth-century American ar sts who were inspired by jazz—in our American galleries, and enjoy a self-paced scavenger hunt! Learn more about these ar sts as well as the Harlem Renaissance through a pre-recorded family story me.


February 11-28

San Antonio Stock Show & Rodeo Freeman Coliseum

Since 1949, the San Antonio Stock Show & Rodeo has grown to become one of the largest, most pres gious single events in the city of San Antonio, with approximately 1.5 million visitors entering the grounds each year. Over 6,000 volunteers give countless hours to our organiza on each year. Face coverings required, and temperature screenings mandatory for gates and event access.

February 28 February 9 & 11

Touch-Free Art Crawl: Love Your Face San Antonio Museum of Art Feb 9 - 4:00 pm Feb 11 - 10:00 am

Museum experiences for 0–24 months and caregivers with art selec ons that enhance caregiver-child interac ons. Includes a self-guided gallery ac vity with single-use, mul -sensory, interac ve baby swag to be picked up at the Museum on the second Thursday of the month. First come, first served. Baby swag limited to 20 per me slot.

Charreada at the Rodeo Freeman Coliseum 2:00 pm

Deeply rooted in Western and Mexican culture with Charreada San Antonio! Origina ng in the 16th Century, Charreria, became Mexico’s Official Sport, popularized by the charros of Jalisco and the na on of Mexico. The first charreadas were ranch work compe ons between haciendas. The compe ng charros o en came from families with a tradi on of Charreada, and teams today are o en made up from extended families who have been performing for up to five genera ons. It is best described as a mix of rodeo skills and dressage, with riders

February 14 A Hear elt SAMA Valen ne’s Day San Antonio Museum of Art 5:00 pm

Have a hear ul celebra on with your partner or friend(s) at SAMA for Valen ne’s Day. Connect over a private dining experience catered by Tre Tra oria with op onal alcoholic beverages. Roam the galleries a er-hours through a personalized, self-guided tour and create a small ar ul token with your loved one(s). Limited spots are available, ckets required.

February 12 - 14 Valen ne’s Balloon Fes val Fredericksburg, TX 4:00 pm

showing tradi onal compe ve roping and ranch skills, but also exquisite costumes, custom tack and horse grooming and horsemanship skills. Please join us as we take a trip back in me to old Mexico and experience this incredible Charreada. The evening will showcase two teams performing the following ac vi es: La Marcha de Zacatecas (Charro Parade), Cala de Caballo (Test of the Horse), Escaramuza (Skirmish), Jineteo de Toro (Bullriding), La Terna en el Ruedo (Team of Three), Jineteo de Yegua (Mare Riding), Manganas a Pie (Roping on Foot), Manganas a Caballo (Roping from Horseback) and Paso de la Muerte (Pass of Death).

Celebrate Valen ne’s Day Weekend in Fredericksburg, Texas. Champagne. Rose’. Live Music. Hot Air Balloons. Helicopters. Fireworks. Oysters. Cocktails. Vendors. Come enjoy an amazing Valen ne’s Weekend experience in the heart of the Texas Hill Country. VIP Passes will include either a Hot Air Balloon or Helicopter Ride (your choice to decide day of) at property adjacent to Bankersmith, a champagne toast before your flight, unlimited oysters during the weekend and complimentary Rose’ throughout the weekend as well! Kid and pet friendly, bring the en re family. Capped at a limited number of guests the en re weekend, purchase your ckets early as they sell out each year. Tickets: January/February 2021




Nae Hndez & Se Ponce

Kdall Wks & Tn Sg

Annel Noyola & Jason Goodr

Mole McKney & Rob Ezalde

November 14, 2020 St. Louis Catholic church Joseph Berlanga Photography

October 18, 2020 Park 31 Pendo Photography

November 28, 2020 McNay Art Museum Anna Kay Photography

November 20, 2020 The Barn at Swallows Eve Ashley Medrano Photography

January/February 2021



Ode to Mrs. Harriet Kelley To you, who understands the meaning of art en mo on. You, a walking renaissance of change. More than a canvas collector, beauty inspectoroiling the halls of your home with collages of decadent blackness. You finesse a wall with ornate objec vity. You possess the proclivity to pronounce the invaluable. You discern the eye’s greatest desire. Inspired by a Black Venus muse. You admire a pre y pink geranium con guous to precious doll-like skin. You curate the hues of a people, once defamed by struggle, into pres gious places. You restore the honor bestowed upon them from heaven on high, un l their glory cannot be denied. You do it with pride, from the discovery of the-pain ng to the-exhibi on of the display. You unveil the pres ge with the virtue its origin portrays. Poem by Andrea “Vocab” Sanderson, San Antonio Poet Laureate Pain ng by Charles Louis Sallée Jr., “Girl with Pink Geranium,” oil on canvas, 1936

Poem was wri en for San Antonio Woman magazine’s Final Thoughts page by our city’s Poet Laureate, Andrea “Vocab” Sanderson, and inspired by our cover story, Mrs. Harriet Kelley, and her favorite pain ng.


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