Over a month after a landslide forced roughly two dozen occupants to evacuate residential complexes near San Clemente’s Dije Court Beach, the city has lifted the red tags from three of the four involved buildings.
Residents at 1501, 1503, 1505 and 1507 Buena Vista woke up to loud noises coming from beneath them in the early morning hours of March 15. Within hours, all had to be evacuated from the blufftop buildings.
The landslide that occurred amid heavy rainstorms resulted in some of the structures’ back patios and other debris to slide down the hillside and the closure of the portion of the Beach Trail where wreckage had piled up.
Now, only 1507 Buena Vista is subject to a red tag, and 1503 has a yellow tag for restricted use—both because of “bluff failure,” according to the city’s inspection.
Mayor Chris Duncan said on Tuesday, April 18, that he believes the only hold-
up for the yellow-tagged structure is for the city to approve a barrier that would prevent people from walking onto the damaged patio area.
“I think that’s the only limitation,” he said. “I believe they all have their electricity and gas turned back on.”
After that approval goes through, there is no restriction from the city in terms of letting residents move back into the building, according to Duncan.
The property owners have the discretion to decide whether to allow inhabitants inside all three structures that are no longer red-tagged. However, Duncan added that he doesn’t know whether people have moved back in.
In terms of the process to determining the buildings’ status, the owners worked at different speeds but mostly coordinated with the same geological expert, which saved time. Duncan said the city worked diligently on its own end to help the displaced residents.
Congressman Mike Levin and other local officials braved the rain at San Clemente State Beach late last week, to provide updates about actions to ensure future rail service along Southern California’s coastline.
As a reminder of the Los Angeles-San Diego-San Luis Obispo (LOSSAN) Rail Corridor’s importance to businesses, passengers and more, Levin announced on April 13 that he’s pursuing $4 million in federal funding to assist in local efforts to study solutions for rail planning.
Levin’s request for the second phase of federal community project funding comes weeks after the Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA) Board of Directors approved a two-phase study to investigate short-, medium- and longterm solutions for rail planning efforts.
“This request will go through the Congressional appropriations process, and I’m going to continue to advocate for these funds for our district along with whatever federal dollars are needed,” said Levin, the 49th Congressional Dis-
trict representative who oversees cities in South Orange County and North San Diego County.
Katrina Foley, Fifth District Board Supervisor of Orange County and an OCTA board member, said Levin’s request would “certainly contribute to expediting the process” of landing the estimated $7 million needed for OCTA’s study on the long-term solutions.
She added that the state government’s previous grant of $6 million to assist in the recently completed $12 million track stabilization project in south San Clemente assured her of OCTA’s “good partnership” with the state.
Levin’s appearance in San Clemente was the last stop on the roughly fourhour journey up the coast last Thursday, as he hosted Amit Bose, administrator for the U.S. Federal Railroad Administration (FRA).
They started by boarding a North County Transit District COASTER train near Torrey Pines to head toward a press conference in Solana Beach before hold-
“I think it’s been a pretty expeditious process for most of the properties,” he said. “There is the one that’s taken a little bit longer, and we’ve gone the extra mile to reach out to that property owner or their representative and try to get more information.”
Since last week, Duncan hasn’t spoken with the property’s representatives, but he stated that if they haven’t already turned in their report, the city hopes
they do so soon.
The next steps are for each owner to review what they need to stabilize and how they can rebuild the back patio areas, the latter of which will concern the California Coastal Commission.
“Right now, we have to be vigilant about all of our bluffs,” said Duncan. “But we don’t have any immediate work to do in that vicinity or elsewhere.”
ing the second in San Clemente.
“I was able to show Administrator Bose the precarious railroad conditions, particularly the section of the bluffs in Del Mar where the tracks run within several feet of the cliffside,” Levin said. “It’s only a matter of time before those tracks will be over the cliff’s edge.”
Then he mentioned how the train trip ended in Solana Beach because of the rail closure up to San Clemente, which was emblematic of the issues freight and passenger interests must face because of coastal erosion’s effects.
Both Metrolink and Amtrak resumed passenger rail service this week following OCTA’s monthslong construction project to stabilize the tracks in south San Clemente, where movement had been detected last fall amid heavy rainstorms.
California’s appropriation of $300 million toward a tunnel project that will realign the corridor near Del Mar and funding from the bipartisan infrastructure bill are examples of taking action for the long term, according to Levin.
“We have an opportunity—a oncein-a-lifetime opportunity—to leverage the state funds and bring the necessary resources to relocate the tracks,” he said.
He emphasized that he would continue to attempt to secure “every last cent of federal funding” necessary to address the challenges facing the LOSSAN corridor.
President Joe Biden’s administration has made safeguarding rail systems against natural events a priority, according to Bose, who added that $66 million from the bipartisan infrastructure bill will help the cause, in addition to other funding.
“FRA has already obligated an unprecedented $4.3 billion to Amtrak, and more than $4.5 billion right now is available through the federal state partnership program to support the restoration and expansion of existing passenger rail service and future rail service across the country,” said Bose.
The Department of Transportation’s other multimodal grant programs will also continue to fund projects along the LOSSAN corridor, he said.
In responding to a question about whether the railroad would be relocated to avoid traveling along the San Clemente coast and other nearby areas, Bose declined to make any “premature” judgments before studies were completed.
(Cont. on page 4)
(Cont. from page 3)
Brett Sanders, a professor of civil and environmental engineering at the University of California, Irvine, also spoke.
Sanders said he has studied the risks along the Southern California coast in varying capacities for more than a decade, including using satellite imagery to chart the changes that Cotton’s Point in San Clemente has experienced.
Nearby residents are correct when they say that what used to be a stable beach facing gradual decline took a drastic turn for the worse around 2015, according to Sanders.
“The tipping point is not yet fully understood, but is likely a combination of higher than normal sea levels associated with the El Niño (storms) from 2014 to 2016, which elevated the sea level by tens of centimeters, and also big, large swell waves that came in during Hurricane Marie in 2014,” he said.
Sanders added that man-made infrastructure to protect inland areas and to protect cliffs has restricted the natural supply of sand up and down the coast.
He endorsed sand nourishment projects as the action that will best serve Californians.
Foley announced that she had asked Sanders to participate in a task force she is creating that will address sustainability and climate action planning in Orange County.
Other speakers included State Sen.
The San Clemente City Council approved, in a 3-2 vote, a nonbinding resolution opposing the education-oriented Assembly Bill 1078 at its meeting on Tuesday night, April 18. Mayor Chris Duncan and Councilmember Mark Enmeier were the dissenting votes.
The resolution, which concerns the “state usurpation of local control” as stated by Mayor Pro Tem Steve Knoblock, was originally intended to be discussed at the April 4 meeting before being pushed back.
Days before the meeting, AB 1078 was pulled from the State Assembly Education Committee’s March 29 agenda at the request of its author, Assemblymember Dr. Corey Jackson (D-Riverside).
The legislation proposes to require local educational agencies and districts to receive approval from the California
Catherine Blakespear of the 38th District, which encompasses northern San Diego County and parts of South Orange County, and North County Transit District Chair Jewel Edson.
Blakespear confirmed that she is chairing the new subcommittee on LOSSAN Corridor Resiliency, intended to identify investment opportunities to maintain and improve the corridor’s infrastructure.
Responding to a question about
whether similar slope movement could occur again in the coming months, Levin said that it is only a matter of time. “I think we all know that we live in an environment with increasing threats from climate change, and it really is only a matter of time before we’re going to face another erosion-related closure,” he said. “That’s why we’ve got to do everything we can, not just to fix things in the near term, (but) fix them for the long term.”
Zoning Administration
3-4:30 p.m. The city’s Zoning Administration will conduct a regularly scheduled meeting at San Clemente City Hall, located at 910 Calle Negocio. 949.361.8200. san-clemente.org.
Beachside Chat
8-9 a.m. Join San Clemente residents and dignitaries for the weekly Beachside Chat, a spirited, town hall forum on community issues led by a slate of rotating hosts. Capt. Jay Christian, chief of San Clemente Police Services, will be the guest speaker. The chats are held at Dorothy Visser Senior Center, located at 117 Avenida Victoria, San Clemente. All are welcome.
Because I Love You (BILY)
6:30-8:30 p.m. The organization
Because I Love You (BILY) will continue conducting its weekly meetings on Tuesdays via Zoom. For detailed instructions on how to participate, email bilysanclemente@gmail.com. Noble Path Foundation, 420 N. El Camino Real, San Clemente.
State Board of Education before removing instructional materials; stopping the teaching of certain curricula; and removing books and other publications from libraries.
AB 1078 would also prioritize adding people of all gender expressions and people who are LGBTQ+ to a list of diverse groups required to be accurately portrayed within instructional materials.
“I know a lot of people are concerned (that) this isn’t a city function, but at the same time, it does deal with local control,” said Knoblock. “It does deal with important issues regarding all of our kids, so that’s why I brought it up.”
Knoblock initially agendized the matter at the council’s March 21 meeting, where he passed out a draft copy of the resolution to his colleagues, which resembled language in a similar resolution drafted by the Orange County Department of Education. Support from Councilmembers Victor Cabral and Gene James led staff to write an official resolution for discussion Tuesday night.
Addressing public concerns, Knoblock said he didn’t believe the council was overreaching. The state’s intrusion into local government, be it school govern-
ment in this case, and the fact that AB 1078 was still a “live bill” were reasons for the city to get involved.
He also commented on the mention of teachers’ rights from a public speaker.
“Teachers don’t have rights,” said Knoblock. “Parents grant their kids to the school districts to be taught and trained. The kids have rights, the parents have rights, and (they) shouldn’t be subordinate to the teachers or the (California Teachers Association) or the State Department of Education.”
James added that he’d had enough of Democrats in the State Legislature who were “hellbent” on stomping out parental rights and giving teachers unions more rights than the parent, and Cabral said he concurred with James and Knoblock.
“The government in Sacramento is taking too much control,” said Cabral. “Cities have to fight for themselves, they have to fight for their colleagues (in) local school boards, and as long as I’m here, I’ll continue to do that.”
Enmeier, a teacher at San Clemente High School, said the matter was strictly a school board issue.
During the council’s discussion, Cabral
challenged Duncan about his participation in activities that included the National Mayor’s Challenge for Water Conservation and Mayors Against Gun Violence, as well his supporting vote for previous letters expressing opinions on bills in the legislature.
James jumped in to do the same, citing Duncan’s use of city letterhead to issue a statement on abortion rights in August 2022.
Duncan contended the assertions, saying each matter did concern the city or was made to concern the city. Additionally, he said that while he supported local control, he called the resolution a “culture war political item” outside of the council’s purview.
“I can only conclude that it’s an attack on public school teachers like (Enmeier),” said Duncan, adding that public schools and administrators were being targeted as well.
Cabral said that he did agree with Duncan on one of his points that San Clemente has great schools.
“I want to keep them that way, (and) I want to keep control at the local level and not have Sacramento make decisions for us about what’s best,” said Cabral.
f all goes to plan, the San Clemente City Council will consider approving a contract with a private security firm to patrol the North Beach and “T-Zone” areas at its next meeting in early May.
That was determined by a unanimous vote from the council at its meeting on Tuesday night, April 18, as part of a three-vote consideration of recommendations meant to help restore North Beach’s image.
To help expedite the production of a contract agreement, Mayor Pro Tem Steve Knoblock and Councilmember Victor Cabral will form a subcommittee to interview two firms that City Manager Andy Hall has already spoken with, in addition to any others Hall presents to the subcommittee.
The desired result would be a threemonth contract for services, to cost the city a maximum of $100,000 for each month.
Cabral spoke during the item about the critical need to restore public safety in the area. He and Hall confirmed that a resident had recently been stabbed in North Beach and that Park Rangers had also been attacked, the latter of which is an ongoing matter that Hall declined to further detail.
“We need to do something, not next week, but immediately,” said Cabral.
After Hall presented the North Beach Placemaking Plan, a 20-page report that detailed all the potential ways to improve the North Beach Historic District, the council also voted unanimously to initiate changing all beach closure hours to 10 p.m. to 4 a.m., instead of midnight to 4 a.m.
Councilmembers accepted all other staff recommendations, receiving and filing the report.
At the beginning of his presentation, Hall expressed his excitement to tell the council about the plan and thanked residents for their significant interest and input into the development process.
Each department contributed ideas to the plan after the council directed staff to come back with a strategy as part of a collaborative effort to improve the overall look and reputation of the area.
“Placemaking is more than just a series of random efforts intended to focus attention on an area that is in need of revitalization,” the city said in the report.“It is a purposeful interlinked program intended to create a consolidated and orderly
transformation of space from an existing condition into a more desirable location.”
The plan centers on four approaches to improvements, including recommendations for public safety, investment, maintenance, and business support.
Harkening back to multiple public discussions of the past few months, in which residents and councilmembers have voiced their frustrations over a reported decline in safety in the North Beach area, the report detailed that Capt. Jay Christian, chief of San Clemente Police Services, is committed to expanding his deputies’ presence in the area.
Hall referenced a recent experience in which he and Councilmember Gene James were at North Beach and happened upon a father, mother and their young daughter at the swing set, before noticing a box of Narcan nearby. Narcan is a nasal spray that uses naloxone to combat overdoses from opioids such as heroin and fentanyl.
“Anytime you see Narcan, there’s one reason for it: someone was doing something with fentanyl,” Hall said. “(It was) that close to where there was a young girl on the swing set.”
That exemplified the need to ensure public safety, Hall continued.
One key recommendation in the report was for the city to contract with a private security firm to cover gaps in enforcement and availability from the
Orange County Sheriff’s Department, as well as the city’s Code Compliance and Park Ranger divisions.
Options included the Oceanside-based Gatekeepers, which initially spoke to the council at a special March 27 meeting. The firm said it would cost the city $131,400 monthly to have four of its personnel monitor San Clemente 24 hours a day.
Another company, which has contracted with Orange County Parks and the Dana Point Harbor in the past, said its personnel would monitor the North Beach and “T-Zone” daily from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m., for an initial cost of $40,000 to $50,000 each month. Hall said the security officers would only have a two-person team for each shift.
Hall also said he was open to presenting the council with more options, but in the interest of time and wanting to find a quick solution, the council may not agree with his suggestion.
James expressed the desire to take back control of the area, later saying that he would prefer to have security detail on patrol 24/7. Cabral also said that the security aspect was the most important part of the plan to him.
“I just don’t think we can wait for somebody to get killed in North Beach, so I am going to make that motion,” said Cabral.
Councilmembers further deliberated whether the best course of action was to
use a subcommittee or begin an official process of issuing a request for proposals (RFP). They eventually determined that a subcommittee would get a recommendation back to them the soonest.
If the city were to follow the plan’s call for an enhanced Park Ranger program, the need for private security would decrease, but Hall said that the security hours could be adjusted over time regardless.
Other recommendations include hiring Park Rangers equipped with skills for enforcement; and improving public knowledge of city ordinances through signage.
“Hiring a different type of Park Ranger, with an advanced set of skills will take some time and it will be more expensive than the current part-time personnel,” according to the report. “It is likely that each full-time Park Ranger will cost the City approximately $120,000 to $150,000 per year.”
Investing in the restoration of the public restroom facility and playground led a second list of suggestions, followed by creating more connections between the Ole Hanson Beach Club and North Beach, and enhancing the trail head entrance with drinking fountains, pergolas, and other landscaping improvements.
Staff also suggested adding a lifeguard tower and substation to the restroom facility area, the latter of which, the city expects, could contribute to an increased enforcement presence.
The estimated cost of improvements to the restroom and playground areas is $750,000.
Residents and business owners’ complaints about littering, damage to nearby light poles, and other instances of property damage would be addressed by the Maintenance Division’s commitment to dedicating more attention to North Beach.
The division would allocate more maintenance workers to serving the area and assisting enforcement personnel in cases where significant cleanup is necessary, the city said in the report.
The city does project some cons associated with the proposed plans, including higher personnel and equipment costs, as well as an adjustment to operations in other areas of the city. North Beach though is understood by the maintenance division to be a “priority.”
To support and maintain a thriving business climate, staff recommends conducting regular meetings with local businesses, the San Clemente Chamber of Commerce, and other groups, and potentially creating a Business Improvement District.
The city could also aid in a day-to-day sense by streamlining applications from new businesses and waiving license fees
for new North Beach businesses for two years, or waiving 50% of the same fee for existing businesses for one year.
Hall said staff also spoke to officials associated with the Miramar Food Hall project about why there had been delays in getting the project going.
“They said, ‘Well, right now the biggest thing we’re trying to do is get the area where the parking lot needs to be dried out, so that we can get the parking lot put in,” he said, adding that Miramar officials have been facing weather issues rather than running from completing construction.
On a more positive note, the report included suggestions for activities that could be held in the area, such as bringing events to North Beach at locations including the Ole Hanson Beach Club. One idea proposed is a holiday skating rink.
Both James and Knoblock spoke about 24 Carrots Catering and Events’ operation at the beach club, and how residents feel shut out of the facility that hosts weddings, oftentimes, for out-of-town clients.
Knoblock said that the council could work to find a middle ground with which to appease residents when 24 Carrots’ contract comes up for review relatively soon.
He also spoke about the 7-Eleven
store, which he referred to as the “brown sugar cube,” that is situated amongst the historic buildings in North Beach and blocking what could be a scenic drive from Avenida Pico into the area. He asked the city staff to consider looking into who owns the property.
“If (the corporation leases) it, when’s the lease up?” Knoblock asked. “And if they own it, (ask) what they would consider selling that for as part of a grander scheme, just for information purposes and future analysis.”
His request received support from the
Following the council’s approval on Tuesday, the plan will be adjusted, and an additional action plan will be created. Staff wrote that the city next needs to complete the California Environmental Quality Act assessment and coordinate with the California Coastal Commission for necessary coastal development permits.
Consideration of the placemaking plan would also be included in the city’s municipal budget process for the following years. SC
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Last fall, the City of San Clemente applied to the National Arbor Day Foundation to become a Tree City USA. Communities seek this special designation for guidance in expanding their urban forest.
To qualify, a city complies with four standards:
1. Establish a Tree Board
2. Enact a Tree Ordinance
Club, Citizens’ Climate Education, and both Rotary Clubs are donating time and treasure toward helping San Clemente plant large trees at Forster Ranch Community Park.
Come by at 9 a.m. on April 28 to join the action.
the tree 2-4 feet away from the trunk. Turn the hose on low and measure how many minutes it takes to fill a five-gallon bucket. Multiply that by three or four and leave the hose trickling in the moat for that length of time.
• Water mature trees monthly
Place the hose by the drip line (where the tree’s canopy ends). Water slowly to a depth of 18 inches.
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San Clemente Times, Vol. 18, Issue 16. The SC Times (sanclementetimes.com ) is published weekly by Picket Fence Media, publishers of the Dana Point Times (danapointtimes.com) and The Capistrano Dispatch (thecapistranodispatch.com). Copyright: No articles, illustrations, photographs or other editorial matter or advertisements herein may be reproduced without written permission of the publisher. The publisher assumes no responsibility for return of unsolicited manuscripts, art, photos or negatives. Copyright 2023. All rights reserved. Printed in the USA. San Clemente Times is published weekly by Picket Fence Media, 34932 Calle Del Sol, Suite B, Capistrano Beach, CA 92624. Application to Mail at Periodicals Postage Prices is Pending at San Clemente, CA. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: San Clemente Times, 34932 Calle Del Sol, Suite B, Capistrano Beach, CA 92624.
3. Budget for Tree Care
4. Celebrate Arbor Day
Based on a recent inventory, San Clemente maintains 15,000 public trees. Currently, the city removes more trees than it plants. We must help reverse this trend.
Trees have it rough. Between prolonged periods of drought, disease, vandalism, storm damage and old age, it’s not easy being green! Together with trees on private land, the city’s canopy coverage is 21%. This is less than the national average of 27% and that of neighboring cities.
This Arbor Day gives us an opportunity to turn things around by fostering a culture of care for trees. The Garden
LEE VAN SLYKE, San Clemente
Dena Van Slyke and I were deeply honored to receive the Ole Hanson Award from the San Clemente Historical Society for our work restoring the Goldschmidt House and securing its place on the National Register of Historic Places, the only private residence in San Clemente with this honor.
During the restoration, we organized 14 home tours enabling the community to visit and appreciate the Spanish Colonial Revival Architecture of San Clemente.
The 2023 Ole Hanson Award was also given to the current owners for their con-
BY PATRICIA HOLLOWAYPeople ask what they can do to support trees in their yards and neighborhoods. Here are some answers:
• Protect mature trees
Mature trees are at their peak environmental powers. Their leaves absorb CO2 and release oxygen; their shade cools the air and ground; well-developed root systems draw water to the surface in dry times and retain water in wet times; they provide wildlife habitat, improve human health, and increase property values. They’re beautiful.
• Don’t top or severely prune trees
Topping causes permanent damage and weakens limbs. Also, no more than 25% of a tree’s foliage should be removed at once. Without leaves, a tree cannot feed itself. This shortens its lifespan.
• Water trees, even during drought
Trees are exempt from water conservation restrictions, so please water trees even when constrained in watering your lawn or shrubs.
• Water new trees weekly
Apply 15 to 20 gallons of water, especially in hot weather. Create a moat around
tinued work. I would be remiss if I did not mention that Jim and Jann Kempton had also worked on the Goldschmidt House for a decade before us. Jim also served as president of the Historical Society for several years.
Let me take the opportunity to thank the San Clemente Times for their fine coverage of the activities of the San Clemente Historical Society.
NANCY MCINTYRE, iHOPEoc, Inc. Board of Directors secretary
The iHOPEoc, Inc. Board of Directors would like to respond to Mary Knox’s letter to the editor in the April 6 edition of the SC Times. iHOPEoc, Inc. ran a successful, secure, permitted day resource center in the former DMV facility at 112 W. Canada, from January 2012 through December 2013. iHOPEoc, Inc. went through normal channels to obtain all permits
• Replace trees
If you must remove a tree, buy a new one to take its place. If a tree is removed on your street or HOA common area, ask the city or HOA to replant one in an appropriate location.
• Support funding
Ask City Councils to allocate additional dollars toward planting trees in their annual budget. Trees are the only “infrastructure” to increase in value over time.
By planting trees on Arbor Day and throughout the year, San Clemente will enlarge its village forest and truly become a Tree City USA.
Patricia Holloway has lived and worked in San Clemente for 40 years. She has a B.S. in environmental planning from UC Davis and a master’s degree in city and regional planning from UC Berkeley. She’s a member of the local chapter of Citizens’ Climate Education and can be reached at pat13holloway@gmail.com.
PLEASE NOTE: In an effort to provide our readers with a wide variety of opinions from our community, the SC Times provides Guest Opinion opportunities in which selected columnists’ opinions are shared. The opinions expressed in these columns are entirely those of the columnist alone and do not reflect those of the SC Times or Picket Fence Media. If you would like to respond to this column, please email us at editorial@sanclementetimes.com.
required by the city. We provided security by implementing standard practices used in the industry, such as one-way doors (clients had to be let in by staff), as well as on-site security. We worked with Officer Bull, San Clemente Community Outreach Officer, to ensure we were in compliance and mindful of best practices.
At no time did we advertise for outof-towners to come down to our center. iHOPE sprung out of the need for services to be offered in South Orange County, and we certainly had a busy roster caring for those in our own community. Our center catered to many different individuals in need, including families, couples, and single individuals. We collaborated with other local agencies making an impact on many individuals’ lives.
Our permitted and approved services included: job counseling and training, case management and counseling, distribution of clothes, food, and toiletries,
(Cont. from page 9)
medical screenings, legal counseling, and referrals to housing and mental health services.
Our resource center was staffed by trained HR personnel, licensed social workers, and volunteers who attended a rigorous training program. Clients were required to sign contracts with specific goals in order to use our services.
Because we had competent security personnel, we were able to provide a safe environment for our clients and staff.
Unfortunately, the property was put up for sale, and we were not in a position to purchase it. The new owner wanted the property for his business, and iHOPE was required to move. This was the reason for closing the center.
iHOPE continues to work with those at risk of losing their homes and those who are unsheltered.
By collaborating with multiple agencies across the county, we assist individuals to obtain housing, receive support for behavioral health conditions, and advocate for clients in the hospital need-
ing recuperative care, as well as many more services.
In his April 13 Letter to the Editor, Cord Bauer is urging San Clemente to hire a security firm to handle the homeless situation in North Beach. Mr. Bauer extolled the virtues of this service and implies it’s a security solution to the homeless problem.
With respect to Mr. Bauer, this seems more “NIMBY” and less “solution.”
While Oceanside utilizes this security service in its homeless program, it’s one component of a larger system to deal with their homeless situation, but it’s not relied upon as Oceanside’s main “tool” in its homeless “toolbox.”
Mr. Bauer’s suggestion of “cherr y picking” the private security aspect of the Oceanside’s program is borderline insulting to Oceanside’s homeless efforts and would merely move the problem to
neighboring communities.
Bauer also mentions 100 cars and RV’s “camping” on San Clemente streets, but he fails to mention that Oceanside has at least four privately run “safe area overnight parking” areas to help deal with their homeless vehicle issues.
It seems Mr. Bauer is suggesting that San Clemente utilize the security service to clear these vehicles off San Clemente streets. Again, this is not a solution; it is a reshuffling of the problem to neighboring areas.
Oceanside’s multifaceted approach to the homeless problem shows that they may understand the issue better than Mr. Bauer and San Clemente staff. While San Clemente does offer other homeless services, their approach in the past has led to distrust of city officials among the homeless.
So, instead of sending one Public Safety chairman/”ex-cop” to survey one enforcement aspect of Oceanside’s program, let’s send a group of interested parties and gain a better understanding of Oceanside’s successes and failures
n May 5, at the State of the City luncheon, San Clemente Mayor Chris Duncan will reveal his secret proposal to dissolve the City Council and, in its place, establish the first Galactic Empire.
He will expose his orchestration of the Clone Wars as a means to manipulate the Jedi Council into doing his bidding and show his true identity to be a Sith Lord intent on consolidating his power in a new, planet-destroying battle station: the Death Star.
As part of this plan, he will become the supreme ruler and emperor of the galaxy.
You know what, I think there may have been a mix-up here. I was reading from the press release for May 4, “Star Wars Day,” which included the plot of the 2005 Lucasfilm blockbuster Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith. The State of the City occurs one day later. Stand by.
OK, here we go again.
On May 5, at the State of the City luncheon, San Clemente Mayor Chris
BY JIM WYNNEDuncan will reveal his presentation on the city’s development, infrastructure, and economic plans. With a growing town population and a shrinking coastline, the inversion of the people-to-beach ratio raises concern about the longevity of San Clemente’s prominent coastal canvas: our beaches.
legends, San Clemente has landed in the global spotlight as the new arena for the World Surf League Finals.
Started in 2021, the annual end-ofsummer showdown crowns the latest king and queen of surf and caps the nine-month WSL Championship Tour. With massive crowds and worldwide attention, the City Council wants to keep the action nuclear, but not the waves themselves.
Expect to hear the mayor highlight the latest progress on the decommissioning of the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (SONGS).
with their entire homeless program, because merely hiring a security service to “move them along” is not the answer. As a former San Clemente beachadjacent resident and current Dana Point beach-adjacent resident, I’ve experienced the issues that arise with the homeless firsthand, and I’m far from a homeless “advocate.”
I’m a common-sense resident, and this suggested “enforcement” is not common sense, or a solution.
San Clemente Times reserves the right to edit reader-submitted letters for length and is not responsible for the claims made or information written by the writers. Have something you’d like to say? Email your letter to sraymundo@picketfencemedia.com no later than 8 a.m. on Monday morning. Limit your letters to 350 words or less. Please send with your valid email, phone number and address for verification by staff. Your address and phone number will not be published.
requires all of us to take a proactive involvement in our community to keep things clean, safe, and accessible to all.
A rising tide lifts all boats; we are fortunate to have such a tight-knit neighborhood that looks out for one another’s best interests. With the help of city leadership, we should all look forward to continuing to create a community of which we are proud to be a part.
Without spoiling the entire show, here is a final note from the bottom of the event overview that I was provided.
“DO NOT INCLUDE, FYI ONLY: Mayor to discuss pickleball popularity and integration by recreation department for explosive future growth.”
What a weird note; not much info to it. Guess we’ll have to wait and see what Mayor Duncan says on the event day.
BY ARROW SANTOSThe mayor will look at solutions for the long-term sustainability of this beautiful natural treasure to ensure we still have generations of memories to be made in the sea and on the shore.
With a rich history of surf culture and the birthplace of many wave-riding
As the San Clemente Times reported in 2020, San Clemente is one of California’s safest cities. Safety does not happen by accident. The City Council and residents prioritize public safety and work diligently to ensure we all have a safe and secure place to call home.
Mayor Duncan will cover the current issues of top concern for continued health and safety across our town. It
Overall, this Cinco-De-Mayo-themed luncheon will be a fantastic event to hear about the latest condition of our beautiful city, network with like-minded business owners, city leaders, and neighbors, and enjoy a delicious lunch provided by the wonderful Bella Collina San Clemente staff. Visit the San Clemente Chamber of Commerce website for more information on attending this event: scchamber.com.
Jim Wynne, president of WynneCRE, is a San Clemente local, San Onofre Surfing Club president, and father of five, who serves as the immediate past chairman for the San Clemente Chamber of Commerce. Arrow Santos is a San Clemente native, professional writer/photographer and marketing director of WynneCRE.
“The three menaces to any chimney, fireplace, or stove.” Every year there are over twenty thousand chimney / fireplace related house fires in the US alone. Losses to homes as a result of chimney fires, leaks, and wind damage exceeds one hundred million dollars annually in the US.
CHIMNEY SWEEPS, INC., one of the leading chimney repair and maintenance companies, is here to help protect you and your home from losses due to structural damage and chimney fires.
Family owned and operated and having been in business for over 30 years, Chimney Sweeps Inc. is a fully licensed and insured chimney contracting company (License # 976438) and they are certified with the National Chimney Sweep Guild and have an A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau.
For a limited time, readers of this paper will receive a special discount on a full chimney cleaning and safety inspection package with special attention given to chimney water intrusion points in preparation for the wet & rainy season.
6-8 p.m. The San Juan Capistrano Equestrian Coalition is hosting its first Horseman’s Happy Hour of 2023. Meet and spend time with fellow horse enthusiasts. The SJCEC will unveil its new logo and name of its new mascot. El Adobe de Capistrano, 31891 Camino Capistrano, San Juan Capistrano. sjcec.org.
11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Celebrate the new renovation and opening of the dog kennels at the San Clemente-Dana Point Animal Shelter, located at 221 Avenida Fabricante, San Clemente. petprojectfoundation.org.
4:30 p.m. The Noble Path Foundation hosts events multiple times a week to get youth and young adults out and about and participating in safe, productive activities. There will be an improv lesson from 4:30-5:30 p.m., and TGIF Night starting at 6 p.m.—the theme being video games on numerous consoles. The Noble Path Foundation, 420 N. El Camino Real, San Clemente. 949.234.7259. thenoblepathfoundation.org.
7:30 p.m. Enjoy the Dvorak New World Symphony with the Dana Point Symphony at the St. Edward the Confessor Catholic Church. The concert will feature arias by Puccini and Bizet with guest soprano Alexys Tiscareno and guest conductor Ignazio Terrasi. Tickets are $30 for adults and $25 for seniors, students
9-11 a.m. Join California State Parks Naturalist Heather Rice to experience a local state park while participating in a trail cleanup to celebrate Earth Day. Meet at the amphitheater for this 3-mile walk from Panhe Canyon to the ocean. Day-use fees apply. San Onofre State Beach, 830 Cristianitos Road, San Clemente. cryssie.moreno@parks.ca.gov.
and active military. St. Edward Church, 33926 Calle La Primavera, Dana Point. 949.542.6282. danapointsymphony.com.
7:30 p.m. Watch a live performance of the comedy The Pirates of Penzance at San Clemente’s local theater. Tickets are $33. Cabrillo Playhouse, 202 Avenida Cabrillo, San Clemente. 949.492.0465. cabrilloplayhouse.org.
9 a.m. Join Stand Up to Trash at Baby Beach and the Ocean Institute for a beach cleanup followed by a Lunch and Learn at the Ocean Institute. This month’s theme is “Earth Day.” Lunch will be provided. Dana Point Harbor, 24800 Dana Point Harbor Drive, Dana Point. standuptotrash.com.
9 a.m.-noon. Residents are invited to celebrate Earth Day by participating in this beach cleanup around the San Clemente Pier that the City of San Clemente Environmental Programs is sponsoring. For more information, contact 949.498.9436. San Clemente Pier, 622 Avenida Del Mar. san-clemente.org.
9 a.m.-1 p.m. Join Great Opportunities
and the San Juan Capistrano Youth Advisory Board for a cleanup day. Gloves, bags, and trash wands will be provided. Los Rios Park, 31791 Los Rios Street, San Juan Capistrano. greatopps.org.
10 a.m.-2 p.m. In collaboration with the Wellness & Prevention Center, Partners4Wellness will partner with the City of San Clemente and the Orange County Sheriff’s Department to host this nationwide event. This event is a form of community-based advocacy that focuses on prescription medication misuse and abuse. Youth volunteers will attend the event and disseminate free take home Deterra drug deactivation system bags, along with other informational resources. For additional information, contact Marianne Mullen at mmullen@p4w.org. San Clemente City Hall, 910 Calle Negocio, San Clemente.
7-9 p.m. Left Coast Brewing presents trivia modeled after pub quizzes in Ireland and the United Kingdom, covering everything from Hungary to the Hunger Games. Teams can include up to six people. Winning teams earn bar cash and other prizes. Left Coast Tasting Room, 1251 Puerta Del Sol, San Clemente. eventvesta.com.
LIVE MUSIC AT H.H. COTTON’S 8 p.m. Live music is featured at this
Get a curated list of the weekend’s best events sent straight to your inbox every Friday!
Sign up for The Weekender at sanclementetimes.com/weekender
Downtown San Clemente restaurant. The Sugarlips will perform. H.H. Cotton’s, 201 Avenida Del Mar, San Clemente. 949.945.6616. hhcottons.com.
9 a.m.-1 p.m. Shop for a wide selection of fruits, vegetables and artisanal goods from organic growers along Avenida Del Mar. 949 361 8200. san-clemente.org.
COUNTRY NIGHT AT H.H. COTTON’S 6 p.m. This popular downtown restaurant offers a night full of country music and line dancing for all ages. Beginners will have the floor from 6-7 p.m., followed by advanced dancers from 7:30-8:30 p.m. The floor will be open to all from 8:30-10 p.m. H.H. Cotton’s, 201 Avenida Del Mar, San Clemente. 949.945.6616. hhcottons.com.
4:30-7:30 p.m. The Noble Path Foundation hosts events multiple times a week to get youth and young adults out and about and participating in safe, productive activities. Guitar lessons start at 4:30 p.m., followed by a fitness class at 5:30 p.m. and Creative Collaboration at 6:30 p.m. The Noble Path Foundation, 420 N. El Camino Real, San Clemente. 949.234.7259. thenoblepathfoundation.org.
7-8 p.m. Enjoy an evening of artists Andrea Zomorodian and Dermot Kiernan singing Celtic classic and contemporary songs. Tickets range from $30 to $45. Casa Romantica Cultural Center and Gardens, 415 Avenida Granada, San Clemente. 949.498.2139. casaromantica.org.
8-10 p.m. Knuckleheads is open for food, drinks and live music. If you are a musician, do stand-up comedy or the spoken word, this is the place to be on Wednesday nights. Knuckleheads Sports Bar, 1717 North El Camino Real, San Clemente. 949.492.2410. knuckleheadsmusic.com.
A safe and sane community gathering uniting vintage fans of California with Beer Gardens, Music and Fine Food Trucks
TheDPFilmFestivalwill featurelocaliconandTall ShipCaptain,Jim"Skip" Wehan,onMay5th, 5PM-7PMattheDouble TreeHotel.Theinspiring filmcapturesthejoyof maritimeexploration, sailingadventure,and Skip'slifeofinspiring youth.Alongwiththe film,afundraiseris underwaytocommission astatueof"Skip"inDP harbortoinspirenew generationsofmaritime seaexplorers.ScanQR codefordetailsandto contribute!
reactions show that there is a gap in understanding by adults of the mental health challenges facing young people.
Helping the one in five youth and their families learn how to navigate these symptoms of depression and anxiety is key to increasing positive long-term outcomes and healthy adulthoods.
• Suicide & Crisis Lifeline: 988
Unfortunately, this gap in understanding and a prevailing culture of silence lead to stigma surrounding mental health symp
It is important for youth to have safe places to discuss their questions and concerns about their mental well-being. It is the responsibility of all adults in our community to be prepared to talk about mental health.
The month of May is Mental Health Awareness Month, and there will be activities in many communities that support mental health. The Wellness & Prevention Center and the Ocean Institute will hold a Mental Health Town Hall, The TALK, on May 10. Ocean Institute exhibits open at 5:30 p.m., The TALK begins at 6:30 p.m. To register for free
Last weekend, I met my cousin at a girls’ club volleyball tournament to watch her daughter compete.
I envisioned a fun Saturday morning catching up with my cousin and cheering my niece on to victory.
When I arrived, I noticed my cousin appeared anxious and agitated—but, hey, club ball does that to parents.
During a break in the action, she suggested we visit the café, where we could carry on a conversation without the cacophonous commotion of whistles, hollers and hoots.
We sat down, and my cousin confessed she was consumed with worry, but not about the game. Then, she revealed the root of her angst: Her daughter had begun the college admissions process.
It’s been ages since my calendar operated on an academic school year, but I’ll never forget college admission mania.
May 1 is D-Day, or College Decision Day, for high school seniors.
Many students have a mere 10 days remaining to sign a letter of intent to enroll and submit a deposit to hold their spot in the freshman class of 2023.
Collegiate D-Day doesn’t compare to the enormity of storming the beaches of Normandy, but for seniors, it takes almost as much strategy and agility.
It’s been 10 years since my oldest graduated from San Clemente High School, but I remember the cruelty of classifying potential colleges into a trio of categories.
To this day, these three words send a shiver up my spine: safety, target, and reach.
My niece is a high school sophomore, but the college admissions bug is highly contagious, and she’s contracted an
Each Sudoku puzzle consists of a 9x9 grid that has been subdivided into nine smaller grids of 3x3 squares. To solve the puzzle, each row, column and box must contain each of the numbers 1 to 9. Puzzles come in three grades: easy, medium and difficult. Level: Medium
acute case.
During her spring break, she participated in a weeklong tour of colleges. And, like many in the group, she discovered her dream school.
Hearing the words “dream school” made my heart wrench and stomach lurch. As a senior, my older son set his sights on his dream school.
I still remember the day I went to the mailbox and found a small envelope, not a big envelope, bearing the college’s name.
BY SHELLEY MURPHYRecalling that heartache with my cousin caused her to question why a college would accept one student and reject another when their applications appear alike.
I told her speculating why some students get into certain colleges and others don’t is pointless—it is a question without an answer.
Changing topics, my cousin asked, “She’s got good grades, she has extracurriculars, she’s involved in team sports, she volunteers her time—what else should I do?”
My reply, “Take a deep breath.”
While I have enormous empathy for students and parents in the trenches, I don’t have solutions. So, instead, I shared with her my sentiments.
Your daughter may not get into her dream school, but she will go to college.
It’s not where she goes, but what she does once she arrives. What she learns and how she applies it are far more important than where she learns.
The staff of Riley’s Waffle Shop gathers along El Camino Real for this 1939 photo. Riley’s was a much-loved downtown restaurant for many years. This photo can be purchased from the San Clemente Historical Society at sanclementehistoricalsociety.org.
Every week, the San Clemente Times will showcase a historical photo from around the city. If you have a photo you would like to submit for consideration, send the photo, your name for credit as well as the date and location of the photo to sraymundo@picketfencemedia.com
There will be disappointments—lots. I don’t know anyone who’s come through the college experience unscathed. She won’t receive a scholarship to play volleyball; save your club fees for school tuition.
Currently, her major is business, but that’s apt to change; look at the big picture a college presents.
Since my relaxing Saturday morning morphed into a trek down the old collegiate memory lane, I decided to text both my boys about my day.
I texted the one who did not get into his dream school and later realized it’s one of the best things that’s happened. And I texted the one who had his pick of
universities and selected a state school. Today, my cousin feels like everything in the world hinges on where her daughter goes to school. Hopefully, in hindsight, she’ll realize whether her daughter is deferred, rejected or accepted, she’ll land where she is meant to land. SC For more than 20 years, Shelley Murphy and her husband have lived in San Clemente, where she raised her two sons. She’s a freelance writer and has been a contributor to Picket Fence Media since 2006.
a wide variety of opinions from our community, the SC Times provides Guest Opinion opportunities in which selected columnists’ opinions are shared. The opinions expressed in these columns are entirely those of the columnist alone and do not reflect those of the SC Times or Picket Fence Media. If you would like to respond to this column, please email us at editorial@sanclementetimes.com.
Seven-month-old Totoro is a sweet little guy who just can’t wait to meet you. With a happy personality and an adorable twitchy nose, he loves to spend his day hopping around and exploring his surroundings. He likes being petted and doesn’t even mind being held. Totoro is neutered, litterbox-trained and would make a great house rabbit.
If you are interested in adopting Totoro, please visit petprojectfoundation.org to download an adoption application form, and you will be contacted about making an interaction appointment. SC
Project No. 23306
1. Notice. Public notice is hereby given that the City of San Clemente (“City”) will receive sealed bids for the following project:
FY 2023 AS-NEEDED PAVEMENT REPAIRS (TRACT 852), Project No. 23306
2. Bid Opening Date. Electronic bids must be submitted prior to 2:00 p.m. on Thursday, May 18, 2023, on the City’s PlanetBids System Vendor Portal, at which time or thereafter bids will be opened and made available online. Bids received after this time will be considered non-responsive. Prospective bidders must first register as a vendor and then bid on this project via the City’s PlanetBids System Vendor Portal website at www.san-clemente.org/vendorbids.
3. Project Scope of Work. Project includes pavement work, concrete repair including curb and gutter, curb ramp, sidewalk, driveway approach, utility work, striping, and other tasks as described in the specifications.
4. Contract Time: The work must be completed within 35 working days from the date specified in the written Notice to Proceed.
5. License and Registration Requirements.
5.1 State License. Pursuant to California Public Contract Code Section 3300, the City has determined that the Contractor shall possess a valid California contractor’s license for the following classification(s): Class “A”. Failure to possess the specified license(s) at the time of bid opening shall render the bid as non-responsive and shall act as a bar to award the contract to that non-responsive bidder.
5.2 Department of Industrial Relations Registration. Pursuant to California Labor Code Sections 1725.5 and 1771.1, all contractors and subcontractors that wish to bid on, be listed in a bid proposal, or enter into a contract to perform public work must be registered with the Department of Industrial Relations (“DIR”). No bid will be accepted nor any contract entered into without proof of the contractor’s and subcontractors’ current registration with the DIR to perform public work. If awarded a contract, the Bidder and its subcontractors, of any tier, shall maintain active registration with the DIR for the duration of the Project.
5.3 City Business License. Prior to the Notice to Proceed for this contract, the Contractor shall possess a valid City of San Clemente business license.
6. Contract Documents. Bid documents, including instructions to bidders, bidder proposal form, and specifications (not including other documents incorporated by reference) may be downloaded, at no cost, from the City’s PlanetBids System Vendor Portal website at www.san-clemente.org/vendorbids.
Bidders must first register as a vendor on the City of San Clemente PlanetBids system to view and download the Contract Documents, to be added to the prospective bidders list, and to receive addendum notifications when issued.
7. Bid Proposal and Security.
7.1 Bid Proposal Form. No bid will be received unless it is made on a proposal form furnished by the City. Bidders must complete line items information (PlanetBids Line Items Tab), and attach a scanned copy of the paper Bid Form (SECTION 00400), Bid Bond (SECTION 004100), Non-Collusion Decla-
ration (SECTION 00420), Contractor Information and Experience Form (SECTION 00430), List of Subcontractors Form (SECTION 00440), Iran Contracting Act Certification (SECTION 00450), Public Works Contractor Registration Certification (SECTION 00460) completed and uploaded in the PlanetBids “Attachments” Tab.
7.2 Bid Security. Each bid proposal must be accompanied by security in the form of cash, certified check, cashier’s check, or bid bond in the amount of ten percent (10%) of the total bid amount. Personal checks or company checks are not acceptable forms of bid security. All certified and cashier’s checks must be drawn on a responsible bank doing business in the United States and shall be made payable to THE CITY OF SAN CLEMENTE. Bid bonds must be issued by a surety company licensed to do business in the State of California and must be made payable to THE CITY OF SAN CLEMENTE. Bids not accompanied by the required bid security will be rejected. For electronic submittal of bids, the bid security must be received at the City of San Clemente Public Works office, 910 Calle Negocio, Suite 100, San Clemente, CA 92673 no later than the bid opening date and time. The bid security must be submitted in a sealed envelope bearing the name and address of the bidder and the outside of the envelope must read as follows:
Project Bid #: 23306
Bid Opening Date: 2pm Thursday, May 18, 2023
The bid security shall serve as a guarantee that the bidder will enter into a contract. Such guarantee shall be forfeited should the bidder to whom the contract is awarded fail to enter into the contract within 15 calendar days after written notification that the contract has been awarded to the successful bidder.
8. Prevailing Wage Requirements.
8.1 General. This project is subject to the prevailing wage requirements applicable to the locality in which the work is to be performed for each craft, classification or type of worker needed to perform the work, including employer payments for health and welfare, pension, vacation, apprenticeship and similar purposes.
8.2 Rates. Prevailing rates are available online at www.dir.ca.gov/DLSR and also available at the City of San Clemente Public Works Department Office at 910 Calle Negocio, San Clemente, CA 92673. Each Contractor and Subcontractor must pay no less than the specified rates to all workers employed to work on the project. The schedule of per diem wages is based upon a working day of eight hours. The rate for holiday and overtime work must be at least time and one-half.
8.3 Compliance Monitoring. Pursuant to California Labor Code Section 1771.4, all bidders are hereby notified that this project is subject to compliance monitoring and enforcement by the California Department of Industrial Relations. In bidding on this project, it shall be the Bidder’s sole responsibility to evaluate and include the cost of complying with all labor compliance requirements under this contract and applicable law in its bid.
9. Retention. Pursuant to the contract for this project, five percent (5%) of each progress payment will be retained as security for completion of the balance of the work.
Substitution of appropriate securities in lieu of retention amounts from progress payments is permitted pursuant to California Public Contract Code Section
22300. Refer to the contract for further clarification.
10. Performance and Payment Bonds. The successful bidder, simultaneously with execution of the contract, will be required to provide Faithful Performance and Labor and Material Payment Bonds, each in the amount of one hundred percent (100%) of the contract amount. Bonds are to be secured from a surety that meets all of the State of California bonding requirements, as defined in Code of Civil Procedure Section 995.120, and is admitted by the State of California.
11. Pre-Bid Meeting. A pre-bid meeting will not be held for this bid solicitation. Refer to the Instructions to Bidders section on how to submit any pre-bid questions.
12. Brand Names and Substitution of “Or Equal” Materials. Pursuant to Public Contract Code Section 3400(b), if the City has made any findings designating certain materials, products, things, or services by specific brand or trade name, such findings and the materials, products, things, or services and their specific brand or trade names will be set forth in the Special Conditions.
13. Instructions to Bidders. Additional and more detailed information is provided in the Instructions to Bidders, which should be carefully reviewed by all bidders before submitting a Bid Proposal.
14. Questions. All questions related to this bid solicitation must be submitted through the City’s PlanetBids System Vendor Portal per the information provided in the Instructions to Bidders. Any other contact to City staff regarding this bid solicitation will be referred back to the PlanetBids system.
Dated April 13, 2023.
City of San Clemente Public Works Department
910 Calle Negocio
San Clemente, CA 92673
The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: JOHN DEURMEIER, MASSAGE THERAPY
Full Name of Registrant(s):
This business is conducted by a Married Couple. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on: n/a
This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Orange County on 03/21/2023.
Published in: San Clemente Times Mar 30, Apr 6, 13, 20, 2023
The following person(s) is (are) doing business as:
Full Name of Registrant(s):
This business is conducted by Copartners. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on: n/a
This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Orange County on 03/13/2023.
Published in: San Clemente Times Apr 20, 27, May 4, 11, 2023
The following person(s) is (are) doing business as:
Full Name of Registrant(s):
This business is conducted by a CA Corporation. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on: n/a
This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Orange County on 04/07/2023.
Published in: San Clemente Times Apr 20, 27, May 4, 11, 2023
The following person(s) is (are) doing business as:
Full Name of Registrant(s):
This business is conducted by a General Partnership.
The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on: 08/05/2020
/s/Shelley Mitchell
This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Orange County on 04/11//2023.
Published in: San Clemente Times Apr 20, 27, May 4, 11, 2023
Conditional Use Permit 23-072, North Beach Villa Full Alcohol, 1410 Calle Mirador
A request to allow full alcohol service at an existing bed and breakfast inn with one manager’s unit and three guest rooms.
Staff recommends that the project be found categorically exempt from CEQA pursuant to State CEQA Guidelines Section 15301 (14 CCR § 15301, Class 1: Existing Facilities).
These applications are on file at the City of San Clemente Community Development Department, 910 Calle Negocio, San Clemente, California, and are available for public inspection and comment by contacting the Community Development Department at (949) 361-6183. If you challenge these projects in court you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearings described in this notice, or in written correspondence delivered to the City of San Clemente at, or prior to, the public hearings.
Notice is further given that said public hearings will be conducted by the City of San Clemente Planning Commission and held on Wednesday, May 3, 2023 at 6:00 p.m. at the San Clemente City Hall Council Chambers, 910 Calle Negocio, 2nd Floor, San Clemente, California. All interested persons are invited to attend said hearings or to provide written communication to the Planning Commission to express their opinion for or against the request.
For further information, contact the Planning Division at (949) 361-6183.
Secretary to the San Clemente Planning Commission
Local Vendor Preference Ordinance
A Public Hearing is scheduled before the City Council of the City of San Clemente on May 2, 2023 at 6:00 p.m., concerning consideration of adopting a Local Vendor Preference Ordinance. The proposed Ordinance would establish a local vendor preference of seven (7) percent for professional and other contractual services.
If you challenge this Ordinance in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing described in this notice, or in written correspondence delivered to the City of San Clemente at, or prior to, the Public Hearing.
To allow staff adequate time to confirm software compatibility, individuals wishing to utilize electronic visual aids to supplement their oral presentations at the meeting, must submit the electronic files to the City Clerk by no later than 12:00 p.m. on the day of the meeting. Only compatible electronic formats will be permitted to be used on City audio/
visual computer equipment. Staff makes no guarantee that such material will be compatible, but will use its best efforts to accommodate the request.
NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that said Public Hearing will be held at the meeting of the City Council on May 2, 2023 at 6:00 p.m. in the City Hall Council Chambers, located at 910 Calle Negocio, 2nd Floor, San Clemente, California. All interested persons are invited to attend said hearing or provide written communication to the City Council to express their opinion for or against the ordinance.
Laura Campagnolo City Clerk and Ex-Officio Clerk of the CouncilPUBLIC NOTICE
The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: VIBRANT HEALTH AND WELLNESS
Full Name of Registrant(s):
This business is conducted by an Individual. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on: n/a
This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Orange County on 03/16/2023.
Published in: San Clemente Times Mar 30, Apr 6, 13, 20, 2023
Weed Abatement Program 2023
Public Hearing to consider all objections or protests, if any, to the proposed abatement of weeds, rubbish, refuse and dirt upon streets, sidewalks, parkways and private property within the City of San Clemente.
Further information may be obtained by contacting the Code Compliance Division at (949) 366-4705. If you challenge this matter in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised in written correspondence delivered to the City Council at, or prior to, the Public Hearing.
NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that said Public Hearing will be held at the meeting of the City Council on May 2, 2023 at 6:00 p.m., at the San Clemente City Council Chambers, located at 910 Calle Negocio, 2nd Floor, San Clemente, California. All interested persons are invited to attend said hearing or provide written communication to the City Council to express their opinion for or against the project.
For further details, please call or visit the Community Development Department at the above phone number and address where information is on file and available for public inspection.
Laura Campagnolo City Clerk and Ex-Officio Clerk of the CouncilORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME
Case No. 30-2023-01314934
TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: Petitioner KRISTIN LAURA ETHERINGTON filed a petition with this court for a decree changing names as follows:
Present Name
Proposed Name
THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing.
Notice of Hearing
Date: 05/23/2023 Time: 8:30 a.m. Dept: D100 The address of the court is Central Justice Center, 700 Civic Center Drive West, Santa Ana, CA 92701. Remote Hearing. (To appear remotely, check in advance of the hearing for information about how to do so on the court’s website. To find your court’s website, go to www.courts.ca.gov/find-my-court.htm.)
A copy of this Order to Show Cause must be published at least once each week for four successive weeks before the date set for hearing on the petition in a newspaper of general circulation: printed in this county: San Clemente Times
Date: Mar 23, 2023
JUDGE LAYNE H. MELZER, Judge of the Superior Court
Published: San Clemente Times April 6, 13, 20, 27, 2023
Case No. 30-2023-01316327
MIRIA URDIALES MAXIMON filed a petition with this court for a decree changing names as follows:
Present Name
Proposed Name
THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing.
Notice of Hearing
Date: 06/13/2023 Time: 8:30 a.m. Dept: D100. The address of the court is Central Justice Center, 700 Civic Center Drive West, Santa Ana, CA 92701.
Other: Remote Hearing. (To appear remotely, check in advance of the hearing for information about how to do so on the court’s website. To find your court’s website, go to www.courts.ca.gov/find-my-court.htm.)
A copy of this Order to Show Cause must be published at least once each week for four successive weeks before the date set for hearing on the petition
in a newspaper of general circulation: printed in this county: San Clemente Times
Date: 04/04/2023
JUDGE LAYNE H. MELZER, Judge of the Superior Court
Published: San Clemente Times April 13, 20, 27, May 4, 2023
Adoption of the 2023 Richard T. Steed Memorial Park Master Plan Update
A Public Hearing is scheduled before the City Council of the City of San Clemente to consider the adoption of a site-specific master plan update to Richard T. Steed Memorial Park. The master plan update proposes the expansion of the existing skate park, the relocation of the dog park and associated amenities, the future development of a pickleball facility, a multipurpose activity meadow, sand volleyball courts, shade structures, possible future parking lot and access, proposed trees, an asphalt and dirt pump track/mountain bike facility, increased parking, restroom facility, solar shade structures in parking lot, and scenic overlook area.
Staff recommends that the City Council approve and adopt a resolution to amend the master plan for the Steed Park and find that the mitigated negative declaration and associated environmental analysis is in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act.
The plan and associated environmental analysis findings are available for public inspection and comment at the San Clemente Community Center located at 100 North Calle Seville, San Clemente, California, 92672, and by contacting the San Clemente Community Center (949) 361-8264 or visiting www.san-clemente.org/parkplans. If you challenge this project in court you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised in written correspondence delivered to the City of San Clemente at, or prior to, the Public Hearing.
To allow staff adequate time to confirm software compatibility, individuals wishing to utilize electronic visual aids to supplement their oral presentations at the meeting, must submit the electronic files to the City Clerk by no later than 12:00 p.m. on the day of the meeting. Only compatible electronic formats will be permitted to be used on City audio/visual computer equipment. Staff makes no guarantee that such material will be compatible, but will use its best efforts to accommodate the request.
Notice is further given that said Public Hearing will be conducted by the City Council on Tuesday, May 2, 2023 at 6:00 p.m. at the San Clemente City Council Chambers, located at 910 Calle Negocio, 2nd Floor, San Clemente, California. All interested persons are invited to attend said hearing or provide written communication to the City Council to express their opinion for or against the project.
Further information may be obtained by contacting the Beaches, Parks & Recreation Department at (949) 361-8237.
Laura Campagnolo City Clerk and Ex-Officio Clerk of the CouncilGoing into their high school careers at San Clemente, neither Charlotte or Sophia Yeskulsky had ever picked a lacrosse stick. The now-sophomore twin sisters had and continue to play soccer extensively, but neither had switched from using their feet to their hands as scoring tools until just under two years ago. Although, you’d never know it.
The Yeskulskys have gone from novices to team leaders in a near instant, as Sophia and Charlotte far and away lead the rolling San Clemente girls lacrosse team in goals, including five goals each in another South Coast League obliteration of Aliso Niguel, 24-0, on Tuesday, April 18.
Sophia leads the Tritons this season with 58 goals with Charlotte right behind with 56 goals—both totals more than double that of their nearest teammates. Sophia led San Clemente with 62 goals last season with a 21-goal margin for the team lead. Charlotte only scored seven goals last season, but that’s only due to an ACL injury that kept her out until midseason.
“We have really great hand-eye coordination, so really the stick skills, with time, it came,” Sophia said of picking up the sport. “Then learning the rules of the game and through summer league. It came together. From soccer, the athleticism transferred over.”
While both have been strong contributors for the San Clemente girls soccer team, they have flourished in the open game of girls lacrosse.
“There’s a lot more freedom and creativity, especially going down the field,” Charlotte said. “Using that creativity to explore what you want to do. Soccer’s always been like, pass, pass, pass, pass. There’s combinations, but lacrosse just allows us take over the game.”
That free-flowing nature has also allowed the Yeskulskys to utilize their
twin superpower—the sixth sense of knowing where the other is or how they’re thinking. Sophia is second on the team with 17 assists, and Charlotte is third with 13 assists.
“I think so,” Sophia said on if they have that twin mind meld. “We’ve played together for so long that it’s there. You’ll see some plays she’ll just know where I am, and everyone’s like, ‘How did you do that?’ And it’s just like I don’t know.”
For San Clemente’s overall purposes, it doesn’t hurt that they’ve built a similar connection with senior leader Emma Massamiri, who is the team’s assists leader with 35—double either of the Yeskulskys and five times that of the closest teammate outside the top three. Along with the Yeskulskys, Massamiri, who is third on the team in goals with 26, is half of one set of four pairs of sisters on the Tritons roster.
With their top scoring options, San Clemente (10-3, 5-0) has been dominating its South Coast League competition.
After testing themselves early against top CIF-SS competition, the Tritons have won eight games in a row, including putting up a combined 109-18 score line in five South Coast League games.
“With league, we’ve been able to expand our offense and expand our plays,” Sophia said. “So we’ve been able to come up with a few set plays that we’ve been able to utilize and perfect.”
San Clemente’s three losses have only come against ranked CIF-SS competition and in three of the team’s first four games against No. 1 Foothill, No. 7 Edison and No. 9 Murrieta Mesa. The Tritons are ranked No. 6 in the latest poll.
Foothill’s 11-7 win over San Clemente on Feb. 28 remains the Knights’ closest result against CIF-SS competition. It’s something for the Tritons to mark down, as San Clemente wasn’t at full speed with its health or execution in its third game of the season.
“As a team, we hadn’t hit that chemistry yet,” Sophia said. “We didn’t quite know where everyone was. Our offense wasn’t working. We didn’t have any plays down. It was really a good learning opportunity, so that next time we see Foothill in the playoffs we’re good to go.”
Although, there is the question as San Clemente dices up its South Coast League competition with extreme ease, how are the Tritons going to be prepared for the CIF-SS Division 1 playoffs if they haven’t been tested in nearly two months?
Along with diversifying their offensive strikes, as mentioned earlier, the Yeskulskys said the team has been focusing on its defensive efforts and its control off the draws. Massamiri and Sophia Yeskulsky are the players on the draw for San Clemente.
“It’s focusing on the little things so that we know when we face bigger teams like Foothill that’s not an issue for us,” Charlotte said of the team’s focus in these league blowouts. “In the game (against Foothill) this season, we weren’t on the same page that definitely was a problem. In tight games, defense is what we need to get a stop.”
San Clemente has three more opportunities to sharpen that focus before the CIF-SS playoffs begin in two weeks. In two years of CIF-SS administration of girls lacrosse playoffs, San Clemente won its first-round game in 2021, but lost in the quarterfinals that year and in the first round last year.
“We want to go all the way this year. This team is probably the best that San Clemente has ever seen,” Sophia said. “We feel like, with our upper classmen, we have the ability to go all the way. At this point, we talked as a team, we don’t care who we face. It’s taking one game at a time and preparing right. We know we can do it.”
The Tritons host Trabuco Hills on Thursday, April 20, and play at El Toro on Friday, April 21. San Clemente closes out at home against San Juan Hills on Wednesday, April 26.
For the Yeskulskys, the world of lacrosse has opened up to them, and while they still have plenty of time to play both lacrosse and soccer, the Triton twins have seen their paths change quickly.
“That’s been a really big decision this past year,” Charlotte said of looking ahead. “Soccer, we’ve always played it since we were little. Lacrosse has just had so many more opportunities for us.”
So many opportunities, and so much time for the Yeskulskys to skyrocket toward them. SC
and Sophia Yeskulsky have taken off in second years playing lacrosse
April 22nd from 8:30 am to 1:00 pm @ 131 Avenida Princesa, San Clemente, CA 92672. The founder of the Dog Rescue will be onsite to share info on becoming a foster or adopting a new best friend! There will be a lemonade stand, and Husky decorated cupcakes. Needed items for donations includes: Dog Beds, Blankets, Sheets, Leashes, Collars, Harnesses, dog toys and pee pads. Yard Sale will include: Clothes, Shoes, Accessories, Toys, Home Goods, Car Supplies, Tools & more. So many of these beautiful snow dogs are overwhelming local shelters, because owners realize they are high energy and need daily exercise. Shadow Husky Rescue pays for all supplies and vet bills while these wonderful dogs are in a foster home, awaiting a new forever home! They could really use our support!! shadowhuskyrescue.com.
Do you want to reach 42,000+ people in the San Clemente area? Then you need to be in the SC Times. Call us today! 949.388.7700, ext.102
Drizzly, flat, cold-water, southwind mornings aren’t exactly the stuff surf dreams are made of, but for the past month or so, that’s what’s been on tap for area surfers. Besides the odd dose of waist- to chesthigh surf and a rare sunny day or two, the last gasp of winter and early throes of spring have been disappointing to say the least.
“I’ve surfed once in the last month,” confided one hopeless friend.
“I don’t know if I even surf anymore,” pondered another.
Judging by the Surfline forecast, by the time you read this, we may have just enjoyed a fun-sized southern pulse—let’s hope it fills in bigger and more consistent than the models are predicting.
Looking out a little further, reason to hope could be on the horizon. Last week, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric
While her big brother, Tanner Sandvig, made a trip up north to Canada to get some serious cold-water experience, Teagan Sandvig has been taking care of business at home.
Competing in the most recent Western Surfing Association event in Huntington Beach, the 9-year-old goofy-footer won the Under 10 division, and she has been surfing well beyond her age, as she also landed in
Administration (NOAA) announced that El Niño conditions will likely develop in the Pacific Ocean this summer.
“A watch is issued when conditions are favorable for the development of El Niño within the next six months,” reads NOAA’s announcement. “While we are still in an ENSO-neutral phase—when no El Niño or La Niña are present—there is a 62% chance El Niño will develop sometime between May and July. This comes after nearly two continuous years of a La Niña.”
“El Niño chances increase even more a couple of months later, as the threemonth period centered on August now has 80% odds versus 56% last month,” according to a Reuters article.
El Niño conditions occur when bands of warm ocean water develop in the central and east-central equatorial
Pacific. The warmer sea surface temps typically result in above-average precipitation, as well as other weather events, including large west swells.
Meanwhile, La Niña conditions feature water temperatures that are sufficiently cooler than normal. As NOAA notes, La Niña conditions have persisted for the past two years, which would explain why this spring has been so cold—and flat.
The last El Niño we saw was back in 2015-2016. Before that, 1997-1998 and 1982-1983 stand out as historic El Niño winters. NOAA estimates mild El Niño conditions appear an average of every four years, while “super” El Niños occur every 15 to 20 years.
“We’re due one. However, the magnitude of the predicted El Niños shows a very large spread, everything from blockbuster to wimp,” NOAA
research scientist Dr. Mike McPhaden told The Guardian
“The really big ones reverberate all over the planet with extreme droughts, floods, heat waves, and storms. If it happens, we’ll need to buckle up. It could also fizzle out. We should be watchful and prepared either way,” continued McPhaden.
Based on current water temperature readings off the coast of Peru and in other strategic regions in the Pacific, “a few forecasters see a possible Super El Niño in 2023,” reports Reuters. “It is among the most aggressive outlooks.”
That being said, an El Niño in 2023 is not a foregone conclusion. Aboveaverage water temps need to hold for a few months before it can be officially confirmed that we’re in an El Niño.
“It’s a tricky time of year to forecast, but we do see consistency amongst international climate models of warming towards El Niño levels,” NOAA climatologist Catherine Ganter told The Guardian
Coming off a year that saw historic rain and snowfall throughout California, the potential of a looming El Niño means we could see a lot more wet weather, along with all the subsequent disasters that follow.
As surfers, we’re born storm chasers, and with the heartache often comes some amazing moments in the ocean. Fingers crossed that we see more west swells and less flooding next winter. SC
Jake Howard is a local surfer and freelance writer who lives in San Clemente. A former editor at Surfer magazine, The Surfer’s Journal and ESPN, today he writes for a number of publications, including Picket Fence Media, Surfline and the World Surf League. He also works with philanthropic organizations such as the Surfing Heritage and Culture Center and the Positive Vibe Warriors Foundation.
fifth in the Under 12 division.
Like her brother, Teagan’s stoke for surfing is infectious. Whether it’s cold and rainy or sunny and pumping, she’s always in the water. Her competitive success is a direct result of how hard she works and how dedicated to her sport she is.
Besides all the time in the ocean, Teagan’s also putting in the hard yards in the pool, developing strength, lung capacity and exceptional comfort underwater.
Not only are the results coming among the WSA ranks, but Teagan recently garnered the support of Surface Sunscreen, and before that, Famous Wax got on board. Thanks to brands including Surface and Famous, she’s taking her game to the next level.
With summer knocking on the door and south swell season on the way, we can’t wait to see what Teagan does when the water warms up a little. SC
Water Temperature: 57-59 Degrees F
Water Visibility and Conditions: 8-10’
Thursday: Surf should be fun off a mixture of fading northwest and south-southwest swells. Look for waves in the 3-4’ range (waist-chest high) in the morning. Wind should be light in the morning with clean conditions and overall peaky surf off the swell mix.
Outlook: Beautiful weather is on tap for Friday through the weekend as high pressure moves over the western US. Surf will be small but rideable off a mix of south-southwest and northwest swell. Friday will still see 2-3’ waves (around waist high) at many breaks, with best spots pushing 4’. Smaller surf is expected over the weekend. Light morning wind and clean conditions are expected all three days.
Understandably, it’s scary when you find out you have a serious heart condition but with the next generation of technology in cardiac procedures, the process is far less daunting for patients than it was years ago.
The MemorialCare Heart & Vascular Institute at Saddleback Medical Center is one of the leading hospitals in the country with physicians specializing in advanced, minimally invasive heart and vascular procedures. Its renowned cardiac specialists utilize innovative techniques that allow patients to benefit from fewer complications, less scarring, greater comfort, and faster recoveries.
Selecting specialists to treat your heart and vascular disease or condition is an important decision to make. Some of the most advanced yet minimally invasive heart procedures o ered by the team of dedicated specialists at Saddleback include:
Catheter ablation with mapping – Catheter ablation is a non-surgical technique used to pinpoint and interrupt specific abnormal heart rhythms (arrhythmias). State-of-the-art mapping is also used to generate 3-D images of the heart’s chambers locating the area causing the arrhythmia. These techniques provide patients with less time under anesthesia, quicker recovery and less risk.
The WATCHMAN™ – The first of its kind alternative treatment for AFib. The WATCHMAN device is used to reduce stroke risk without the need for medication. Over time, heart tissue grows over the device, and becomes a permanent part of the body. The only option for patients prior to the WATCHMAN implant was open heart surgery. Saddleback is one of the largest volume performers of WATCHMAN implantations in Orange County.
Leadless pacemakers – Leads are electrical wires insulated with silicon or polyurethane which connect a pacemaker or defibrillator to the heart chambers. Leadless pacemakers are inserted into a vein in the leg and then moved up into the heart. For reference, they are half of the size of a AAA battery with no scarring or visible lump on the chest typical of a traditional pacemaker. Patients benefit from the convenience of a same day procedure or one day hospital stay at most.
Patients with severe heart conditions are often hesitant to seek care and live with severe symptoms which could possibly lead to a stroke. The latest advancements in cardiac procedures have allowed us to help a new spectrum of patients.
Our team performs hundreds of these innovative procedures a year and can greatly improve a person’s quality of life and reduce future complications. Today, patients have far more options available to them that are less invasive and have a high success rate. We are proud to be helping and improving the lives of residents in Southern California.
Interested to learn more? Visit MemorialCare.org/heart.