INNOCULATION1) For longer pouring times, better go for Barium (2%) base inoculant to avoid fading. Otherwise, simple Ferro- silicon inoculant is sufficient 2) Fresh crushed Fe- Si with 1.2% Al in it... 3) It's the best inoculated for ferritic SGI. 4) Alloyed ferrosilican inoculants with Ba,Sr and Zr have a better chill reduction and do not increase eutectic cell count. Smaller cell size and therefore high cell count is associated with shrinkage and undercooled structure. Sr alloyed superseded is best known in this regard. Other wise fe-si,graphite and ca-si mixtures are good and less expensive. 5) For ductile iron ferrosilican is most popular 6) Laddle inoculation addition is better or stream inoalation? 7) Combination of both 8) The later the inoculation the better the results and lesser will be the percentage addition of inoculation 9) Slow addition of the inoculants into stream of metal is always considered better than dropping into the ladle. 10) Combination of both ladle& stream inoculants with appropriate in mold cooling is the good one. 11) Any ratio betn these two method. At present we are adding 11kg inoculant in laddle. 12) For stream inoculants we have to consider the mold filling time. 13) Optimum quantity of inoculant is about .2 to .3 % of liquid metal 14) laddle capacity? 15) As my experienced practice 70%&30% in ladle and stream inoculants addition 16) Should be 1.1 kg in 500 kg ladle ~0.2% 17) Are we all meaning stream inoculation addition during mold pouring 18) Yes correct for 500kgs ladle 19) Are we all meaning stream inoculation addition during mold pouring. Yes
20) Mold pouring inoculation has to be done carefully. A much finer inoculant had to be used and it is not so effective 21) Inoculation in Cast iron: (1) Ladle inoculation 0.20-0.25% (size preferred is 4-6 mm). (2)Stream Inoculation 0.05%. Strem inoculation should start just before metal pouring started in mould. Size 0.20.7mm. (a) Above 0.7mm -> 10% maximum. (b) Below 0.2 mm -> 5% maximum. This is because, below 0.2 mm size inoculant particles are already oxidised and do not give any inoculation effect, rather, they will give inclusion defect in casting. 22) 1100 kg laddle capacity 23) â&#x153;&#x2026;<0.2 has been experienced to be forming a film and observed to be floating in casting...somewhat like scab.... 24) Sizes of inoculant will vary as per ladle size... 25) Ladle size in above discussion is 500 kg. Size 4-6 mm is ok for this ladle 26) 11kg for 1100 KGS means 1.1% . why ? it is huge. Details reqd . 27) No Stream inoculation facility. Pouring time expected after treatment say 13 min. 28) Please visit pdf shared it gives various options for stream inoculation 29) Time frame too long for any type of inoculant stay unfaded 30) Size of laddle inoculant depends on laddle size and also the WEIGHT and section SIZE of the casting. Should be coarser prorata. 31) The size of Innoculant depends upon the laddle size and metal weight 32) Also the pouring time is to be considered wrt size 33) Pouring time is too long 34) Provide quantitative data.