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In today's life, in all sectors like business or education, mostly use free management tools for completing their numbers of task. For reducing work load of tasks, good quality of task management tools is
available for modifying and copying the records.
Project management tools are mainly work on divide and conquer concept. It divides heavy work in numbers of modules and conquer the solution of all modules. Due to the help of project management tools, workload and heavy projects can completed easily and within the time. So, many companies and education societies use that project management tools for their convenience.
Free project management tools are available in different platforms like android, IOS, windows, web etc. . There are number of project management tools from which few of that are explained below:-
1) Trello : - Trello is design for IOS, Android, Windows and Web.
- Trello is work as like as bulletin board. As cork board is used for sharing notes, information or notices similarly TRELLO is used as to share projects and records through the cloud for compatible devices.
- With the access of trello, in real time checklists are created and tasks to be assign between various team members.
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