3 Positive Reasons To Explain Your Frequent Job Changes

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3 Positive Reasons To Explain Your Frequent Job Changes

Previously what was thought as a sign of disloyalty now it is a common practice. Yes, the practice of switching jobs and changing organizations. This is quite so often nowadays. The practice of switching jobs has become very common, among millennial, hence employers are taking fewer objections to it, and many realized the chance of gaining a variety of skills and experiences from different jobs. But the problem is holding too many positions in quite a less time

and this might raise a red flag for hiring managers.

Now the question is, how long to stay in an organization or how frequent job change is desirable? The answers might vary on personal views of the hiring manager, but a survey of HR managers gives career advice that an average of five job changes in 10 years is the limit. Mary Ellen Slayter, a career expert at Monster.com. said that most employers yet frown on making job switch too quickly, that is a subjective call. She added that generally, one wants to avoid stints of less than a year. And further along in the career, anything less than 2 to 3-year stretches can raise eyebrows.

If you are a "frequent job hopper", this blog post is for you. Here we list a few smart ways to discuss employment history during an interview that could yet portray you as a committed candidate. Here's what experts say you should address your frequent job changes on your résumé. Make mention about your transferable skills: If your job changes show career advancement or a differently new field, a hiring manager will like to hear about the diverse skill sets you gained from your experiences. Job switching into new industries or new positions can reflect a desire to gain transferable skills in order to thrive in our changing and demanding marketplace. According to experts, multiple employers on your résumé might appeal to some hiring managers

Be honest with the reasons for job hopping: If you have an employment history with much short tenure, be honest with the reasons to the hiring managers. An employer will understand if circumstances were beyond your control, like downsizing or a spouse's relocation, but if you choose to leave each time, you have to provide an honest and genuine reason for your frequent moves. Slayter said that it’s important to get defensive when you explain yourself, a potential employer won’t listen to excuses. Portray that you want to commit to the current employer: Every job candidate must know to discuss why he or she wants to work for a company and is true of job hoppers as well. The employers will be looking for reassurance that you won’t make another switch before six months. So you have to prepare yourself to explain how the present company or job is different for you. Connect your experiences to explain how they would help you sustain in the position you wanted till now, for a long term. To summarise, you have to highlight your willingness to work with the employer for a long time and how you are the desirable candidate for the current position.

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