Surveying Based Classification
Training courses for civil engineers is the place where you can gain core knowledge about civil engineering. For now, Let's focus our attention on classification of surveying. Surveying might be grouped on the premise of nature of the survey field, survey object, instr ume nts utili zed and the tech niqu es emp loye d.
1) Classification based on types of instruments used:
Depending on the instruments used, surveying can be categorized as follows: - Theodolite survey - Chain survey - Photographic and aerial survey - Compass survey - Tacheometric survey - Plane table survey - Modern survey with the help of electronic distance meters and total station
2) Classification depending on nature of survey field: This basis overview can be delegated as land survey, hydraulic survey or marine survey and astronomical survey.
Hydrographic or Marine Survey:
Survey directed to discover depth of water at different points in water bodies like ocean, river and lakes fall under this classification. Discovering depth of water at indicated points is called as sounding.
Land survey: It includes estimation of different objects on land. This sort of overview might be additionally categorized as underneath:
City survey: The survey carried out regarding the development of streets, water supply and sewage facilities fall under this class.
Topographical survey: It is implied for natural elements like streams, lakes, woods and hills and man elements like streets, towns, rails, villages and waterways.
Cadestal survey: It is for denoting the limits of municipal corporations, towns, talukas, districts, states and so forth. The study made to stamp properties of people likewise go under this class.
Astronomical survey: Observations made to space bodies such as stars, sun and so forth., to find outright places of focuses on the earth and with the end goal of ascertaining local time is known as an astronomical survey.
3) Classification depending on methods deployed: Based on this premise, reviewing is delegated as triangulation and traversing.
Traversing: In this method of setting up control points comprises of a progression of associated points set up through angular and linear estimations. On the off chance that the last line meets the beginning point, it is called as closed traverse. In the event that it
doesn't meet, it is known as open traverse.
Triangulation: In this technique, control points are set up through a system of triangles.
4) Classification depending on object of survey:
On the premise of object of survey the grouping can be as military survey, engineering survey, geographical survey, mines survey and archaeological survey.
Geological survey- This survey is meant for discovering different strata within the earth's crust.
Military survey- This is used to chalk out plans of strategic importance.
Archaeological survey- This one is for bringing out relics of antiquity.
Mines survey- Used for exploration of mineral wealth.
Engineering survey- The aim of this sort of survey is to gather data for outlining civil engineering projects such as streets, water supply and sewage disposals, irrigation and railways. These surveys going further are sub-divided into: Reconnaissance Survey for deciding practicality and estimation of the plan. Preliminary Survey for gathering more data to evaluate the cost of the venture, and Location Survey to put the work on the ground.
We hope that you got an insight into the classification of surveying. For expertize in 3D design, go for a 3D Max course. Read Here More: 7 Tips To Ensure Your Growth As A Civil Engineer