hi INDiA | 01.12.18| Midwest Edition

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Relief on H-1BA ‘PADMAVAT’

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/hiindialive FRIDAY, JANUARY 12, 2018 -niatrecn@hiindia u fo shtnom re/hiindianoone tf s’ilasnahB aleeL yajnaS ,yt mlif idniH laisrevortnoc no esaeler lliw itavamdaP ni stuc 003 on era erehT :IABMUM US says no change in H-1BAvisa /U a hextension tiw tavamdaPpolicy, sa 52 yraunaJ ,srecudorp smlif eht yas ,tavamdaP ahtsajof aR relief ni ton tub ,etacifitrec dna riaf ,decnalab eht gnitaicerppa Indian techies heavetIa.nsigh d a P s ’ r a m u K y a h s k A h t i w h s a l c l l i w e ht yb dewollof ssecorp tnerapsnart IANS, WASHINGTON US because employers could because of pressure is absolutely request extensions in one-year false”. .naM evif gnitseggus ni draob rosnec ndian techies in the US can increments under section 106(a)o tavamKansas dRepresentatives aP Republican, sa esaeKevin land er Tulsi llYoder, iwGabtIa “ .eivom eht ni snoitacifidom heave a sigh of relief after the (b) of AC21 instead,” n Withington Trump administration said it was quoted as saying A bard, a Democrat from Hawaii, by/U Kansas t o g s a h m l i f e h T . 5 2 y r a u n a J decnalab eht etaicerppa eW“ was not considering any regu- City Star. sent a letter to Trump, obtained by s’mlif ea htMcClatchy, ta secrurging uos him ”,et“not aciftoitrec eht taht hcaorppa deredisnoc dna latory change that will force H1-B “The agency is considering visa holders to leave the country. number of policy and regulatory deport H-1B holders awaiting per8 1 m o c a i V r e n n a b n o i t c u d o r p siht sserdda ot nekat sah CFBC The announcement by the US changes to carry out the President’s manent residency processing.” Citizenship and Immigration Ser- Buy American, Hire American.SNA “We I dstrongly lot sebelieve rutcithis P naction oitoM -repsekops ynapmoc a ”,noitautis vices (USCIS) came after last Executive Order, including a thor- would be harmful to the American itavabased mdaPeconomy, reilracredibility e — tand avarelations mdaP dtL tvP aideM 81mocaiV morf nos week’s report by US-based news ough review of employment agency McClatchy DC Bureau no esaeler rof detals yllaitini saw — .SNAI dlot that Washington was considering Earlier reportsdsaid the Trump administration a h o i d u t s e h t t u b 1 r e b m e c e D l a r t n e C s w o l l o f n o i t a c i f i r alc ehT new regulations to prevent the dihahS dna hgniS reevnaR ,eextension nokudaPof aH-1B kipeevisas, D gnlargely irrats ,eiwas vom econsidering hT tightening H-1B visa rules a gntoiwdeportation ollof ti derrof efe750,000 d yliratnulov )CFBC( noitacifit reC mliF fo draoB that could lead )SNAI :otohP( .raey tsal yavailed srevoofrtnbyoIndian c ni dIT erifirms. m Indians. “The USCIS is not considering .ysrevortnoc dehcterts-gnol -etats s’ihsoJ noosarP nosrepriahc regulatory change that would .egnahc eltit gnidulcni aforce -m oH-1B c yrvisa atnholders emailtoraleave P a evisa roprogrammes,” feb noit he said. akipeeD with gnIndia irratand s the ,eiIndian-Amerivom ehT Representatives -idTulsi omGabbard evif n(in ahpicture) t erom on taht tnem and Kevin Yoder, a Kansas Republican the by changing a erew srekam ehT eivUSom eht reour vo interpretawor eht taEarlier ht eereports ttim said dthenaTrump hgncan iS community,” reevnaRwrote,eYoder nokand udaP sent a letter ot dtoeDonald tsegTrump gus nurging eebhimevnot ahtosdeport noitaH-1B cif holders. tion of section 104(c) of AC-21, administration was considering Gabbard last week. Both are memt fo eno — sremialcsid which provides.srforomH-1B ur nexteno destightening ab tsuj H-1B saw visanrules i dethat rim bers neeofb the sahCongressional ,roopaKCaucus dihahSThe H-1BA/U teg ot moffers lif ehtvisas, rof although srekamthere ehare t no nationprogramme India US visas that allow al quotas ht gniyfirolg ton gni sions drabeyond oB lathe rtn6 year eClimit,” eht said ,htncould om tlead saLto deportation inraK oftuponjaThe R US eeand rChamber hIndian S ehtAmericans. retfa wor temporary a .etfor acithe fit rfacility ec nor is it of Commerce companies to hire highly skilled specifically designed for Indians. Jonathan Withington, chief of 750,000 Indians. for(USCIS. aveler osla dna itaS media — )relations CFBC noitacifitreCWithington mliF fosaid that laciUSCIS rotsih had detwarned rotsidit would ti debem“tremenialc aneforeign S professionals dedulcnworking i snoitaincifidoSince m evtaking if ehToffice, the Trump it were,| EAST was never considering| such a poli- dously bad policy” to tell highly administration has beenFIRST talking areas with shortages of qualified COMMUNITY THE | 2018 12, JANUARY 444, No. Issue • 8 Volume EDITION EDITION ohG gnos eht nMIDWEST i snoit would -i“Even vdanotiflalikely icepresult s such a inhatthese ichange wCOAST n o i t a t l u s n o c n i u m m o c t u p j a R e h t o t d e t a l e r s t c a f o t i t a v a m d a P m o r f e g n ahc down eltit on the about cracking visa H- cy change and that “any suggestion skilled people they were not wel- American workers. 1B visa holders having to leave that USCIS changed its position come to stay in the US. Indians get most of the H1-B scheme. the eyartrop retcarahc eht tnarg lliw ti dediced — lenap yros tnetsisrep neeb sah puorg ehT .ytin evah srekammlif eht sa tavamdaP nummoc laiciffo nA tub eivom eht ot etacifitrec A/U eht no nab a rof dnamed sti ni sa ecruos evitaerc rieht detubirtta drager tavamdaP maet ,snoitacifidom evif ot tcejbus -acifiralc s’ilasnahB etipsed eivom dna tavamdaP meop lanoitcif eht MIDWEST / EASTCOAST



TO RELEASE, I US says no change in H-1B visa extension FINALLY policy, Indian techies heave a sigh of relief

I have a nuclear button that is ‘much bigger’ and ‘more powerful’ than North Korean leader Kim Jongun, tweets US President Donald Trump

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Republican legislators unveil new US immigration Bill Addressing a daylong conference of India to sign pact with UK on illegal migrants imorpmoc on tcepxE PIO Parliamentarians in New Delhi, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said the country had transformed with hopes and new aspirations A

neeb evah dluow eW ...itav c ton lliw ew won tub ,ti htiw ”.yaw yna ni esim anaj“ a rof dellac osla eH desaeler si eivom eht nehw rif dah tiftuo tupjaR ehT R retfa nrecnoc desserpxe l eerht eht fo eno — hgniS ac a edam — eivom eht fo H .6102 yluJ ni kcab tnem saw eh fi deksa yldet roper if eht ni nialliv a fo elor eht

NEW DELHI : India will sign an MoU with the United Kingdom to enable the return of illegal Indian migrants within a month of their detection by authorities, an official said on Wednesday. Union Minister of State for Home Kiren Rijiju’s visit to London along with a delegation on Wednesday is a step towards the move that could affect hundreds of Indians. The UK has consistently raised the issue of return of illegal migrants with India. The Memorandum of Understanding comes ahead of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s proposed visit to the

inraK tupjaR eerhS ehT :IHLED WEN ton lliw ti taht detressa keew siht aneS srekam eht htiw esimorpmoc a hcaer atanaj“ a rof dellac dna ,avamdaP fo aleeL yajnaS eht revenehw ”wefruc .desaeler si lairotcerid ilasnahB hgniS ardnekoL feihc aneS inraK tsetorp eht gnidael si ohw ,ivlaK -rep aidem dlot ,eivom eht tsniaga -acifiralc llams enoDonald dedeTrump en eW“ :snos ronevnWhen oC laitnwas oitasuspended, N ,ivlaKTrump SL gniIANS, htonWASHINGTON eb lliw ereht taht em it bill tahcomplies t noit with thefo“Four The that emerged out of)Sthe NAI :called otohPupon ( .anCongress eS inrtoaKclarify eht the -group amdaofP dUS na Republican ijlihK nidduPillars” a l A n e e w t e b meeting between Trump and a situation of the Dreamers before

lawmakers has unveiled the details of an immigration bill that has the support of President Donald Trump. It proposes to offer “Dreamers” the possibility of legally residing in the country although it does not provide for granting them citizenship, Efe news agency reported. The supporters of the bill, who include Bob Goodlatte and Puerto Rico’s Raul Labrador, unveiled it at a press conference on Wednesday.

group of lawmakers at a meeting on Monday at the White House. The bill tackles the issue of the future of the 690,000 youths, known as “Dreamers”, who came to the US when they were children and were permitted to stay under former President Barack Obama’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) programme, which was established in 2012 and suspended by the Trump administration in September 2017.

March 2018. The initiative of the Republican lawmakers proposes that the beneficiaries of DACA be able to have a permit that allows them to reside in the US, without being deported, for three years, with the possibility of renewing this permission indefinitely. It does not open the door to the possibility of obtaining US citizenship, one of the key points for the opposition Democrats.

.yrotsih ton dda ot deksa neve erew yehT ylraelc taht eno — sremialcsid owt ,ycarucca lacirotsih mialc ton seod police eht sekam hcibyhw rehverification tona dback na home. “If the claims of the British authorirennam on ni mties lif are ehfound t tahtot betncorrect, iop then the itaS fo esitcarp ehtravel t otdocuments sebircsofbtheusperson concerned will be readied and he/she .ti yfideported rolg otbysthe keUK esauthorities. ro This process will have a timeline of one gnos eht ot month,” snoitasaid cifthe idoofficial. M ekam ot thguos eWhile rewtheraUK moclaims ohGthat the number of illegal migrants is in thouMoS for-Home rahcKiren ehtRijiju. ot gnittifesands, b noIndian itcipagencies ed ehhave t found UK in March. A Home Ministry official only 2,000 Indians were overstaying. m o r f t r a p a , d e y a r t r o p g n i e b r e t c a said: “The process was not streamThe Indian delegation was expectlined yet. The/ British tcerrauthorities ocni ehwillt ot sed notoitask aciWestminster fidom ehtot “spell out” its position in court on businessman first identify the illegal migrants, lacauthorities, irotsih ofollowed t ecnerVijay efeMallya’s r gnidextradition. aelsim inform the Indian .secalp evproposes ah srectoudolevel rp taofvaimmigration mdaP The initiative also would be reduced by 25 per cent in total. allot $30 S billion for the construcN A I — . s e g n a h c e h t d e t p e c c a tion of a controversial wall on the In a statement, White House

US border with Mexico and do away with the visa lottery programme, which benefits citizens of countries who have a low number of immigrants to the US. It also aims to end the phenomenon of so-called “chain migration”, which sees US citizens and Green Card holders facilitate the entry of their family members to the country. According to a summary of the proposals given to the press, the

spokesperson Sarah Sanders thanked the lawmakers on behalf of Trump and said the legislative proposal seeks to comply with the main priorities of the President for US citizens. The President hopes to advance towards legislation that ensures border security, ends chain migration, does away with the visa lottery programme and tackles the DACA issue in a responsible manner, she added.


t’noD xelA sa snruter arpohC aknayirP samtsirhC no esaeler ot ’4 hsirrK‘ aP ni 3 nosaeS ’ocitnauQ‘ ni hsirraP nahsoR hsekaR syas ,0202 ni


:IABMUM hsirraP xelA sa gninruter si arpohC aknayirP rotcA :KROY WEN sih ,keew siht yadhtrib ht44 s’nahsoR kihtirH rotca nO :IABMUM orht gnieb amard naciremA fo nosaes driht eht ni taht decnuonna nahsoR hsekaR rehtaf t gniliaf rof .ocitnauQ seires .0202 samtsirhC no esaeler liw 4 hsirrK o ton seod rettiwT no ,keew siht ,aknayirP .rettiwT no decnuonna saw swen ehT eno detner hcihw ,wohs eht morf retsop a derahs ot yad tseb eht spahrep si yadoT“ s evah I“ -itnauQ htiw kcab si hsirraP xelA“ :daer -iffo 4 hsirrK fo yad esaeler eht ekam d I ,niaga ti .”3 nosaes oc fo lla rof tfig A .si ti 0202 samtsirhC .laic -htrib yppaH .yadhtrib s’kihtirH no uoy aP ni tnem erahs ot tiaw t’naC...kcab s’ehs dnA“ rime Minister Narendra conference rahega.deattitude. nosaesModi ’ocitnauQ 6Addressing tsop nahsoRThis roineswas eht ”,possible, kihtirH yad dnI dna sel 2 lirpA !uoy htaiwday-long siht this week said the — Indianhe said, -pac world ehs ”,hsirraPofxePIO lA fo Parliamentarians nruter ehT 3 -latdue sni eetorhtthe ni degovernment’s rutaef sah kihtirHfarewt akillaM was looking at a reformed origin reaching ton od I“ .retsolawmakers p eht denoit from across the 600policy 2 ni detchanges rats hcihwwith ,hsirthe rK fguiding o stnem d itnaegw country .etorw -raP Ixn elA a IiBtFhfo aelorr reenh egnwiseird per neworld es eb lliw—akModi nayirP said nthe ettirw dna ,decudorprinciple p ,detceridof,m“reform lif orehreand pus ntransform” oitcif ecneicsthat sa r saw tI focus with global .ereh tofinancial hs neeb saagencies h wohs eht fo had nosaetransformed s driht ehT .hsiin r the past threedna ahkehelped R ,arpohIndia C aknashun yirP gnthe irratsjaisa dna ,pehle hsekaRtha yb vaisa chalta rahega, kuch detcive eb and -rating telpmoc yagencies daerla sah rviewing otca moK ythe raM eht four ,ocitnayears uQ sediwith seB hopes and new .hahSbadlega niddureenahi saN the er eht yap country maiLin,enaiv“very eD mapositive dA gnirutamanner”. ef ,citnamoR tIaspirations t’nsI mlif txen rreplacing eh de ...ioKchalta retsubkcolb(Nothing eht htiw detwill rats schange) eires eht fattitude. o yenruoj e“The hT yllatnem a fo elor eht deyasse kihtirH hcihw ni ,)3002( ayaG liM rotca doow yraurbeF no esaeler ot detals si tI .nosliW lebeR dna ht rowsmeH .neila na sdneirfeb ohw htuoy degnellahc 03,628,95 .9102 ,41


global impression about India has changed over the last three to four years. The reason for this is that India is transforming itself. The hopes and aspirations of India are at an all time high. Signs of irreversible change are visible in every sector.” Continue Inside Pages

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‘Partially revive Dreamers program’ The District Judge from the Northern District Court of California did not order the Trump administration to accept new applications from young people who never registered in the program ously received the benefits of this scheme but are now running out of protection. However, he did not order the Trump administration to accept new applications from young people who had never registered in the



US judge has ordered President Donald Trump to partially revive the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) immigration policy. The judge also ordered to resume accepting renewal applications from undocumented youth migrants or “Dreamers” until all pending legal challenges are resolved in different courts across the country, Efe news reported. District Judge William Alsup, from the Northern District Court of California, issued his decision this week in which he described Trump’s decision in September 2017 to end DACA and to give Congress until March 5 to resolve the situation of its beneficiaries as “arbitrary and capricious”. Promulgated in 2012 by the

BRIEFS US could ‘go back in’ Paris Agreement WASHINGTON: US President Donald Trump has said that Washington could “conceivably” re-enter into the global Paris climate agreement, from which he announced the withdrawal last year. At a news conference with Prime Minister Erna Solberg of Norway, Trump said: “We could conceivably go back in.” However, he insisted that Paris Agreement, which was signed in 2015 with the aim of combating climate change by limiting global temperature rise to well below two degrees Celsius, was “a bad deal” and “very unfair” to the US.

Trump comments on Mueller’s interview WASHINGTON: US President Donald Trump implied it is “unlikely” he will accept Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s interview over the possible “collusion” between his campaign and Russia. “We’ll see what happens...When they have no collusion...it seems unlikely that you’d even have an interview,” Xinhua quoted Trump as saying. Trump went on to blast allegations that his campaign colluded with Russia, arguing that such claims have hurt his presidency. “There was absolutely no collusion, everybody knows it. I’ve been in office for 11 months, for 11 months they’ve had this phony cloud over this administration,” he said. —IANS

gram until there is a definitive solution in all pending litigation over the scheme. Among those cases is, for example, the lawsuit filed on September 11 by the states of California, Maryland, Maine and Minnesota,

The administration has the obligation to re-accept the renewal applications to the DACA from those who had previously received the benefits but are now out of protection

The judge gave Congress until March 5 to resolve the situation. (Photo: IANS)

administration of then president Barack Obama, the DACA policy protected at least 690,000 “dreamers” — young people who arrived in the US when they were children, from deportation and grant-

ed them temporary work permits. In the ruling, Judge Alsup said the Trump administration has the obligation to re-accept the renewal applications to the DACA from those individuals who had previ-

DACA program before. Judge Alsup also decided that the plaintiffs, including the University of California, have been able to demonstrate that the DACA beneficiaries, their families, schools and communities “were likely to suffer serious, irreparable harm” without the program. To avoid that, the judge ordered Trump to partially resume the pro-

‘N-button tweet to keep Kim on toes’ IANS, WASHINGTON


S Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley said that President Donald Trump’s “nuclear button” tweet warning Kim Jong-un about America’s nuclear capabilities helps global security because it keeps the North Korean leader “on his toes”. “We want to always remind them we can destroy you, too, so be very cautious and careful with your words and what you do,” Haley told ABC News. “He can’t sit there and imply that he’s going to destroy the US without us reminding him of the

facts and the reality that if you go there it’s not us that’s going to be destroyed, it’s you,” Haley said. “I think that he (Trump) always has to keep Kim on his toes.” Haley said Trump’s tweets and

actions help get the attention of world leaders who “see him as unpredictable”. “I don’t think they know what the US is going to do at any given time.” The latest war of words between the two leaders began when Kim, in a New Year’s speech, signalled his willingness to engage in talks with South Korea and claimed the entire US mainland was within range of North Korean missiles, reports CNN. “The nuclear button is always on the desk of my office... They should accurately be aware that this is not a threat but a reality.”

where 238,000 “dreamers” live. These states argue that the end of DACA will disrupt the lives of their residents, causing great damage to the economies as well as losses to their companies, universities and research centers that employ undocumented youths, who would no longer be able to work legally after the program’s termination.

Twitter to act if Trump tweets personal info LONDON: If US President Donald Trump tweets someone’s personal information, Twitter will caution him to remove that tweet, Bruce Daisley, Twitter’s VP of Europe, the Middle East and Africa, told BBC Radio. In an interview with host Emma Barnett, Daisley said: “If someone tweets private information ... private address, phone number — then there are no-go areas where we don’t permit that.” “Were he to do that, just picking a hypothetical example, then those would be areas” that were grounds for discipline,” the executive added. —IANS

Trump sees ‘good energy’ in inter-Korean talks IANS, WASHINGTON


S President Donald Trump has said that he saw “a lot of good energy” from the inter-Korean talks that happened for the first time after a gap of two years. “A lot of good talks are going on right now, a lot of good energy. I see a lot of good energy. I like it very much what I am seeing,” Trump said. He was addressing a joint press conference with visiting Norwegian Prime Minister Erna Solberg, when he was asked about the “historic” Korean talks, Xinhua news agency reported. “Hopefully a lot of good things

Trump’s remarks have shelved his often-bellicose rhetoric on Kim Jong-un, North Korea’s top leader. (Photo: IANS)

are going to work out,” he added. Trump’s remarks have shelved his often-bellicose rhetoric on Kim Jong-un, North Korea’s top leader.

Since Trump took office in January 2017, his administration has resorted to hawkish and threatening rhetoric against Kim’s regime,

sent warships and conducted joint military drills with South Korea. Such moves, plus North Korea’s several missile and nuclear tests, have sent the situation on the Korean Peninsula to a simmering extent. Trump softened his stance over the peninsula security situation on Saturday, saying he was willing to talk with Kim and support the talks between the two Koreas. However, he added that any talks will come with prerequisites. According to a White House statement, Trump, in a phone call this week with his South Korean counterpart Moon Jae-in, said he would be open to talks “at the appropriate time and under the right circumstances”.



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india news x





india news

Gates open for 100% FDI in Air India The Indian government also allows 100 percent FDI in single-brand retail, construction IANS, NEW DELHI


he Union Cabinet has opened up Air India for foreign investors and brought in changes in key sectors by allowing 100 percent foreign investment in singlebrand retail and construction development through the automatic route. The decisions, taken at a meeting of the Union Cabinet chaired by Modi and intended to liberalize and simplify the FDI policy to provide ease of doing business this week, drew sharp criticism from both the opposition and trade bodies. However, the government contended that the move would “lead to larger FDI inflows contributing to growth of investment, income and employment”. The decision marked a key change in the aviation industry where the government had already allowed up to 49 percent FDI in private carriers. There was a restriction that foreign airlines could not invest in the loss-making Air India. “It has now been decided to do away with this restriction and allow foreign airlines to invest up to 49 percent under approval route

The decision marked a key change in the aviation industry where the government had already allowed up to 49 percent FDI in private carriers. (File Photo: IANS) in Air India subject to the conditions that foreign investments in Air India including that of foreign airlines shall not exceed 49 percent either directly or indirectly,” an official statement said. It added that substantial ownership and effective control of the national carrier shall continue to be with “vested in Indian national”. The Cabinet also approved 100

Employment key to better future, economists tell Modi NEW DELHI: Even as NITI Aayog claims to have found that statistics on lack of employment are overstated, there was consensus during Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s interaction with country’s leading economists that employment generation was the key going forward. At an event organized by the NITI Aayog ahead of the Union Budget this week, over 40 economists shared their views on various themes such as the macro-economy, agriculture and rural development, employment, health and education, manufacturing and exports, urban development, infrastructure and connectivity. NITI Aayog Vice Chairman Rajiv Kumar said employment was one of the key subjects discussed during the meeting. “NITI Aayog had set up a task force to examine what we call high frequency employment data. The task force has come out with numbers which will be shared later with the public. “But these number are startling and quite in contrast with Labour Bureau numbers... You will see there is much better news on employment front than what people thought,” he said. Yet there was unanimity among

Economist Rajiv Kumar, vicechairman of NITI Aayog.

the experts that employment is the key going forward, he added. Rajiv Kumar said it was also pointed out that educated unemployment among young people in the country may be as high as 20 percent. “As you skill more people, you raise aspirations and create situation where aspirations are rising and jobs are not available,” he said. He said another big idea discussed during the meeting was if India can adopt stronger export-driven growth strategy “given the global economy is now in the phase of synchronized expansion”. — IANS

percent FDI in single brand retail trading, tweaking its present policy of allowing only 49 percent foreign investment in the sector through automatic route and the rest through government approval. It also gave five-year holiday for foreign investors from the mandatory 30 percent of local purchases. But after that, they will be required to meet 30 percent of sourcing norms directly towards its India

operations on an annual basis. The Cabinet also decided to allow 100 percent FDI in construction development relating to building townships, housing, infrastructure and real estate broking services. “It has been decided to clarify that real estate broking service does not amount to real estate business and is therefore eligible for 100 percent FDI under automatic

route.” Making changes in the sector relating to power exchanges, the government removed the restrictions on investment by foreign institute investors and portfolio investors to invest in power exchanges through primary market as well. Under the present policy, FII and FPI purchases were restricted to secondary market only. The Congress and the CPI-M slammed the government move on Air India, saying it would only lead to the national carrier going into the hands of a foreign airline. Former union minister Anand Sharma said the government should come clear on the Air India deal as to whether its assets “worth lakh of crores of rupees” and its route rights would also go to the investor. The Communist Party of IndiaMarxist (CPI-M) said the Modi government was now moving towards handing over Air India to a foreign airline. On allowing 100 percent FDI through the automatic route in single brand retail, the CPI-M said the move portends the Modi government’s intentions of “moving towards allowing FDI in multibrand retail trade”.

Modi to address at Davos forum IANS, NEW DELHI


his year’s World Economic Forum (WEF) at Davos will have the first Indian Prime Minister participating since 1997, with Narendra Modi slated to address the plenary session of the prestigious global business meet, Commerce Minister Suresh Prabhu announced this week. Modi will be the first Prime Minister after 20 years to participate in the annual World Economic Forum show in Davos where world leaders and top industrialists and businessmen meet. The fourday event begins on January 23. According to the Commerce Ministry, WEF 2018, to be held over January 23-26, will be attended by 350 political leaders, including over 60 heads of state or government, and CEOs of the world’s major companies. “The Prime Minister is going to attend the World Economic Forum for the first time, at a time when the whole world is looking to India,” Prabhu told the media here. “The WEF is the single most important gathering of business leaders and bankers of the world... virtually, it is a global decision making place. The Chinese presi-

Narendra Modi will be the first Prime Minister after 20 years to participate in the annual World Economic Forum show in Davos. (File photo: IANS)

dent’s visit there last year created a big buzz,” he added. While Modi is slated to address the inaugural plenary session on January 23, he is to be followed by an impressive array of Indian ministers who will take part in various group sessions. Besides Prabhu, they include Finance Minister Arun Jaitley, Railways Minister Piyush Goyal and Petroleum Minister Dharmendra Pradhan as well as the respective Ministers of State in the PMO Jitendra Singh and for the External Affairs Ministry M.J. Akbar, a Commerce Ministry release said. Prabhu also said that two states -

- Andhra Pradesh and Maharashtra -- will be represented at Davos through their Chief Ministers Chandrababu Naidu and Devendra Fadnavis, respectively. Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion (DIPP) Secretary Ramesh Abhishek said that Modi is also scheduled to interact with top business leaders in Davos at the meeting of the International Business Council consisting of 120 top chief executives of major multinationals. The theme of AWEF 2018 is “Creating a Shared Future in a Fractured World”, the statement said.














india feature india feature x


about growing Dalit alienation? Ambedkar had not been a favorite of the BJP till recently when the party changed its mind about him after realizing the high political cost of alienating both the Muslims and Dalits AMULYA GANGULI, NEW DELHI


or the third time since the Narendra Modi government’s assumption of office, the Dalits have come into conflict with the Hindutva brigade. The first time was in Una in Gujarat, where a group of Dalits were thrashed by saffron activists for skinning a cow, a traditional occupation of the “untouchables”. The second time was in Hyderabad central university where a standoff between members of the Ambedkar Students Association and the Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad (ABVP), the Bharatiya Janata Party’s (BJP) student wing, led to the suicide of a Dalit student, Rohith Vemula. Now, perhaps the most serious of all these incidents has taken place in Maharashtra following the objections of Hindu Right organizations to the celebrations by Dalits of an 1818 battle in the village of Koregaon on the banks of the Bhima river near Pune in which the “untouchable” Mahar soldiers of a British army defeated the upper caste Marathas. Considering that these celebrations have been held for decades without the rest of the country

The Hindu Right groups have been emboldened by the BJP’s political ascendancy to decide to stop an instance of Dalit assertion, not least because it targeted the upper caste Peshwa rulers of the state of the 19th and earlier centuries.

noting it as an event of great significance even when B.R. Ambedkar participated in them in 1927, it is noteworthy that they should have led this time to a violent outbreak which spread from Pune to Mumbai and other Maharashtra towns. Evidently, the Hindu Right groups have been emboldened by the BJP’s political ascendancy to

decide to stop an instance of Dalit assertion, not least because it targeted the upper caste Peshwa rulers of the state of the 19th and earlier centuries. The episode was a much larger version of the clash which took place in Saharanpur, Uttar Pradesh, between Dalits and the Rajputs in May last year when the former objected to the processions

taken out by the Rajputs to celebrate the birth anniversary of Maharana Pratap. A few weeks earlier, the latter had objected to the celebrations of Ambedkar’s birth anniversary by the Dalits. What these episodes show is that unlike in the past, the Dalits are unwilling to commemorate their days of pride in a low key and are

also ready to object to the noisy festivities of the upper castes. The Bhima-Koregaon event may have kindled the ire of the Hindu Right all the more because of the unapologetic participation of the Dalit soldiers with the British army to defeat a Hindu ruler. This is something which evidently riles the ultra-nationalists associated with the saffron brotherhood at a time when they are engaged in rewriting history to suit their own fads and prejudices as is evident in their objections to a yetto-be-released film on a fabled Rajput queen. In such a time of triumphal chauvinism, the Dalit-East India Company collaboration is obviously unacceptable to the Hindu Right, especially when Ambedkar had noted that the “untouchable” Dusads had helped Robert Clive to win the battle of Plassey in 1757, just as the “untouchable” Mahars, a community to which Ambedkar himself belonged, had helped the “foreigners” to win in Koregaon. Not surprisingly, Ambedkar had not been a favorite of the BJP till recently when the party changed its mind about him after realizing the high political cost of alienating both the Muslims and Dalits.

When the Yamuna riverbed becomes home for roofless “We are not allowed in the night shelters as we are not regulars,” said Omprakash, a daily laborer ANAND SINGH, NEW DELHI


t’s 9 p.m. and a biting chill has set in as dozens of migrant laborers start gathering near the Yamuna embankment in north Delhi’s Kashmere Gate area. Welcome to one of the national capital’s open-to-the-sky shelters — just one km away from Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal’s residence in the Civil Lines area — for homeless workers who have not been able to find a place in one of the Delhi government’s many night shelters. “I will spend the night here,” Omprakash, a daily laborers, told

IANS as he prepared to lay discarded newspapers on the Yamuna riverbed and tried to cover his face with a shawl to beat the chill. “We are not allowed in the night shelters as we are not regulars,” he said, taking out two slices of bread from his bag — his dinner. Omprakash, who hails from Bareilly in Uttar Pradesh, is also ill. He says he suffers from a breathing problem and has a wound in his right thigh. More people trickle in, armed with blankets and shawls, ready to spend the night under the open sky — because they don’t have a choice. The Yamuna riverbed where the

migrants have chosen to be is choc-a-bloc with animal waste, with its attendant foul smell to which is added that of the putrid river water. “In the shelters, there is very little space to sleep,” Raju, a migrant from Katihar in Bihar, complained. “And with very less space to sleep in, it becomes impossible for us to relax after working for the whole day,” he said. He also complained of thefts in the night shelters. “We earn a very small amount, we cannot afford to lose our earnings and valuables by spending a night in the shelters,” he rued.

The Yamuna riverbed where the migrants have chosen to be is choc-a-bloc with animal waste and foul smell. (Photo: IANS)

His grouse was echoed by Lalan Mandal, who hails from Darbhanga in Bihar. “We want to go to the night shelters, but after earning, when we go... then our money is stolen from there,” Mandal said. Mandal has two children and his work as a plumber earns him around Rs 12,000-Rs 13,000 per

month. “We too have our children and our family, and we are living with our problems so that they don’t face trouble in future,” he said. Alam Khan, who had occupied a spot near Mandal, said, “I work as a hand-rickshaw pusher and after working for a whole day when I return, I am abused there (in the night shelters).







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international international x

Pak cries foul Defense, intelligence cooperation with Washington suspended, says Islamabad after US military aid was suspended IANS, ISLAMABAD


akistan has suspended defense and intelligence cooperation with the US amid growing tensions over Washington’s suspension of military aid to Islamabad, Defense Minister Khurram Dastgir said this week. US officials have said that almost all security assistance to Pakistan has been suspended following President Donald Trump’s Tweet on January 1 in which he alleged that Pakistan “gives safe haven to the terrorists we hunt in Afghanistan”. Pakistani leaders had shown restraint but the Defense Minister’s statement could be seen as an indication of growing tension, Xinhua news agency reported. “You see the facilities that we have extended to them (Americans) are still in operation. We have not suspended them. But there is also a wide field of intelligence cooperation and defense

Pak must act against those attacking scribes: Amnesty NEW DELHI: The Pakistan authorities must act tough against those targeting journalists and bring an end to the impunity in such attacks, human rights body Amnesty International said this week. The rights body’s reaction came after Pakistani journalist Taha Siddiqui, who is working for an Indian English news channel, was attacked in Islamabad on January 10. “The beating and attempted abduction of Taha Siddiqui is the latest in a deeply worrying pattern of attacks on journalists in Pakistan. This is the third case in recent months when a journalist has been targeted by violent attackers while traveling by car,” said Omar Waraich, Deputy South Asia Director at Amnesty International. He said that it has thus far been “a failure by the authorities” to identify the perpetrators, let alone bring them to justice. The journalist escaped the assailants, but they took away his possessions, including his passport, laptop and mobile phone. Siddiqui works with Indian TV channel WION’s. Last year, journalists Rana Tanveeer, Matiullah Jan and Ahmad Noorani also came under attack. In 2014, journalists Hamid Mir and Raza Rumi survived attempted assassinations by gunmen. —IANS

Pakistan PM vows to boost cooperation with China ISLAMABAD: Pakistan Prime Minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi said the strong relationship and cooperation will continue with China in various fields. Abbasi was talking to Chinese Ambassador Yao Jing who called on him at the Prime Minister’s Office, the office said in a statement. “Deepening the strong bonds of friendship and multi-sector cooperation between Pakistan and China would continue with great fervour as

cooperation which we have suspended,” Dastgir said. Referring to the US suspension of Pakistan’s aid, he said: “the recent suspension of military aid by the US comes in the wake of a more grave suspension, which is suspension of the strategic dia-

ever before,” the statement quoted Abbasi as saying. He also emphasized upon expanding people-to-people contacts and collaboration in various areas, ranging from trade and commerce to education and culture. Ambassador Yao, who has served as the Chinese envoy to Afghanistan, was appointed as the new Chinese ambassador to Pakistan in November 2017.

logue for more than a year between the US and Pakistan.” He also complained that the US had not extended help to fence the border with Afghanistan in the rugged mountains to stop the crossborder movement of the militants. Pakistan and Afghanistan have

US President Donald Trump has suspended all security assistance to Pakistan.

nearly 2,500 km of border, mostly porous, and the militants take advantage of the open border to move on both sides for violence. Pakistan last year started fencing the border. Most fencing will be completed this year, according to military officials. “It is convenient to blame Pakistan for cross-border terrorism whereas the US has not lifted a finger to help fence-up the bor-

der,” Dastgir was quoted as saying. “Now all veils are off... It is time for a courteous yet ruthlessly candid dialogue between Pakistan and the US,” he said. The US has long alleged that Pakistan was “providing sanctuaries to the Afghan Taliban and the Haqqani Network”, which are blamed for attacks on the US-led foreign and Afghan forces.

China slams Vietnam, opposes India GAURAV SHARMA, BEIJING


hina on January 11 slammed Vietnam for inviting India for exploration in the South China Sea, saying Beijing is opposed to any arrangement which infringes upon its rights. Vietnam’s Ambassador to India Ton Sinh Thanh said Vietnam welcomes Indian investments in the oil and natural gas sector in its exclusive economic zone in the South China Sea. “China does not object to the development of normal bilateral relations of relevant countries in our neighborhood but we firmly oppose

Vietnam is one the claimants of the South China Sea.

relevant party to use it is an excuse to infringe upon China’s legitimate rights and impair regional peace

and stability,” Foreign Ministry spokesperson Lu Kang said. Vietnam is one the claimants of

Abandon military drills with US: Pyongyang to Seoul IANS, SEOUL


orth Korea asked the South on January 11 to abandon its military manoeuvers with the US, saying that these exercises are fueling tension on the Korean Peninsula and increasing the risk of war. “If the South Korean authorities really want detente and peace, they should first stop all the military

acts they have waged with the US against their brethren,” Efe news agency quoted an article in the Workers’ Party of North Korea’s newspaper Rodong Sinmun as saying. The manoeuvers were the main source of tension and were taking Korea into a dangerous phase in which the situation may be unpredictable, the news article said. Pyongyang’s call was expected to

North Korea’s supreme leader Kim Jong-un. (File Photo: IANS)

be put back on the table when both countries resume military talks under the agreement reached

the South China Sea, of which 90 percent is claimed by China. The Philippines, Taiwan, Malaysia and Brunei also have overlapping claims to the energy-rich waters. The Vietnamese envoy said Hanoi was within its legal rights to invite India and will welcome port calls by Indian Navy in the waters. India’s ONGC Videsh Ltd, the overseas arm of Oil and Natural Gas Corp, is already engaged in exploration in the 128 basin of the South China Sea controlled by Vietnam. China has earlier protested India’s presence in the particular bloc. at their historic meeting held on January 9. The exact dates of the future talks were to be announced by Seoul later this week. The call also came a few days after Seoul and Washington agreed to delay their annual military manoeuvers until after the Pyeongchang Winter Olympic Games in February, a decision which has led to this moment of rapprochement between the two Koreas. North Korean leader Kim Jongun also stressed in the article the need to alleviate the serious military tensions between North Korea and South Korea, and prepare a peaceful environment on the peninsula.





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diaspora x






Relief on H-1B US says no change in H-1B visa extension policy, Indian techies heave a sigh of relief IANS, WASHINGTON


ndian techies in the US can heave a sigh of relief after the Trump administration said it was not considering any regulatory change that will force H1-B visa holders to leave the country. The announcement by the US Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) came after last week’s report by US-based news agency McClatchy DC Bureau that Washington was considering new regulations to prevent the extension of H-1B visas, largely availed of by Indian IT firms. “The USCIS is not considering a regulatory change that would force H-1B visa holders to leave the US by changing our interpretation of section 104(c) of AC-21, which provides for H-1B extensions beyond the 6 year limit,” said Jonathan Withington, chief of media relations for USCIS. “Even if it were, such a change would not likely result in these H1B visa holders having to leave the

US because employers could request extensions in one-year increments under section 106(a)(b) of AC21 instead,” Withington was quoted as saying by Kansas City Star. “The agency is considering a number of policy and regulatory changes to carry out the President’s Buy American, Hire American Executive Order, including a thorough review of employment based

because of pressure is absolutely false”. Representatives Kevin Yoder, a Kansas Republican, and Tulsi Gabbard, a Democrat from Hawaii, sent a letter to Trump, obtained by McClatchy, urging him “not to deport H-1B holders awaiting permanent residency processing.” “We strongly believe this action would be harmful to the American economy, credibility and relations

Earlier reports said the Trump administration was considering tightening H-1B visa rules that could lead to deportation of 750,000 Indians. visa programmes,” he said. Earlier reports said the Trump administration was considering tightening H-1B visa rules that could lead to deportation of 750,000 Indians. Withington said that USCIS was never considering such a policy change and that “any suggestion that USCIS changed its position

with India and the Indian-American community,” wrote Yoder and Gabbard last week. Both are members of the Congressional Caucus on India and Indian Americans. The US Chamber of Commerce had warned it would be “tremendously bad policy” to tell highly skilled people they were not welcome to stay in the US.

Representatives Tulsi Gabbard (in picture) and Kevin Yoder, a Kansas Republican sent a letter to Donald Trump urging him not to deport H-1B holders.

The H-1B programme offers temporary US visas that allow companies to hire highly skilled foreign professionals working in areas with shortages of qualified American workers. Indians get most of the H1-B

visas, although there are no national quotas for the facility nor is it specifically designed for Indians. Since taking office, the Trump administration has been talking about cracking down on the visa scheme.

Republican legislators unveil new US immigration Bill India to sign pact with UK on illegal migrants



group of US Republican lawmakers has unveiled the details of an immigration bill that has the support of President Donald Trump. It proposes to offer “Dreamers” the possibility of legally residing in the country although it does not provide for granting them citizenship, Efe news agency reported. The supporters of the bill, who include Bob Goodlatte and Puerto Rico’s Raul Labrador, unveiled it at a press conference on Wednesday.

The bill complies with the “Four Pillars” that emerged out of the meeting between Trump and a group of lawmakers at a meeting on Monday at the White House. The bill tackles the issue of the future of the 690,000 youths, known as “Dreamers”, who came to the US when they were children and were permitted to stay under former President Barack Obama’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) programme, which was established in 2012 and suspended by the Trump administration in September 2017.

NEW DELHI : India will sign an MoU with the United Kingdom to enable the return of illegal Indian migrants within a month of their detection by authorities, an official said on Wednesday. Union Minister of State for Home Kiren Rijiju’s visit to London along with a delegation on Wednesday is a step towards the move that could affect hundreds of Indians. The UK has consistently raised the issue of return of illegal migrants with India. The Memorandum of Understanding comes ahead of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s proposed visit to the

When it was suspended, Trump called upon Congress to clarify the situation of the Dreamers before March 2018. The initiative of the Republican lawmakers proposes that the beneficiaries of DACA be able to have a permit that allows them to reside in the US, without being deported, for three years, with the possibility of renewing this permission indefinitely. It does not open the door to the possibility of obtaining US citizenship, one of the key points for the opposition Democrats.

MoS for Home Kiren Rijiju.

UK in March. A Home Ministry official said: “The process was not streamlined yet. The British authorities will first identify the illegal migrants, inform the Indian authorities, followed

The initiative also proposes to allot $30 billion for the construction of a controversial wall on the US border with Mexico and do away with the visa lottery programme, which benefits citizens of countries who have a low number of immigrants to the US. It also aims to end the phenomenon of so-called “chain migration”, which sees US citizens and Green Card holders facilitate the entry of their family members to the country. According to a summary of the proposals given to the press, the

by police verification back home. “If the claims of the British authorities are found to be correct, then the travel documents of the person concerned will be readied and he/she deported by the UK authorities. This process will have a timeline of one month,” said the official. While the UK claims that the number of illegal migrants is in thousands, Indian agencies have found only 2,000 Indians were overstaying. The Indian delegation was expected to ask Westminster to “spell out” its position in court on businessman Vijay Mallya’s extradition.

level of immigration would be reduced by 25 per cent in total. In a statement, White House spokesperson Sarah Sanders thanked the lawmakers on behalf of Trump and said the legislative proposal seeks to comply with the main priorities of the President for US citizens. The President hopes to advance towards legislation that ensures border security, ends chain migration, does away with the visa lottery programme and tackles the DACA issue in a responsible manner, she added.

William J. Kresse, ​आयु�त/​स�चव Jonathan T. Swain, आयु�त




​कायकार� ​�नदे शक /hiindianoone Lance Gough, FRIDAY, JANUARY 12, 2018

व� ​ र ​�वकलांग ​मतदाताओं ​को ​आ�धका�रक ​नो�टस ृ ध ​मतदाताओं औ 20 ​माच, 2018 ​�ाथ�मक ​चुनाव कम ​सुनने ​वाले ​या ​ब�धर ​मतदाताओं ​के ​�लए ​नीचे ​सूचीब�ध ​सु�वधाओं ​के �लए TTY ​फ़ोन: 312-269-0027 मतदाता ​पंजीकरण: ​जो ​व� ृ ध ​मतदाता ​और ​�वकलांग ​मतदाता ​�कसी ​आ�धका�रक ​पंजीकरण �थल ​पर ​�यि�तगत ​�प ​से ​पंजीकरण ​कराने ​म� ​असमथ ​ह�, ​वे 4 ​माच तक www.chicagoelections.com ​पर ​मतदान ​हेतु ​ऑनलाइन ​पंजीकरण ​कर ​सकते ह�। ​डाक ​पंजीकरण ​फॉम (​जो 20 ​फ़रवर� ​तक ​पो�टमाक ​कर ​�दया ​जाना चा�हए) chicagoelections.com ​पर ​उपल�ध ​है। 312-269-7900 ​पर ​फ़ोन ​कर ​के ​फॉम आपको ​भेजे ​जाने ​के ​�लए ​पछ ू � । ​इसके ​अ�त�र�त, 8 ​फ़रवर� ​से ​चन ु ाव ​के ​�दन ​तक ​�यि�तगत �प ​से ​पंजीकरण ​उपल�ध ​है। Chicagoelections.com ​पर ​अ�धक ​जानकार� ​�ा�त ​कर� । समयपूव ​मतदानः ​जहां ​संभव ​हो, ​�शकागो ​चुनाव ​बोड ​पूर� ​तरह ​से ​सुलभ ​�थान� ​म� ​समयपूव मतदान ​उपल�ध ​कराता ​है। ​अ�धक ​जानकार� ​के ​�लए chicagoelections.com ​पर ​जाएँ ​या �फर 312-269-7900 ​पर ​फ़ोन ​कर� । ​समयपूव ​मतदान ​क� 69 W. Washington St. ​पर ​चुनाव से 40 ​�दन� ​पहले ​से ​और ​कई ​�शकागो ​साइट� ​पर ​चुनाव ​से 15 ​�दन� ​पहले ​से ​पेशकश ​क� ​जाती है । डाक ​�वारा ​मतदान: ​कोई ​भी ​मतदाता ​डाक ​�वारा मतदान ​के ​�लए ​आवेदन ​कर ​सकता ​है। ​मतदाताओं ​को ​अब ​डाक ​�वारा ​मतदान ​करने ​के ​�लए �कसी ​कारण ​या ​सफ़ाई ​क� ​ज़�रत ​नह�ं ​है। ​कानन ू न, ​डाक ​�वारा ​मतदान ​के ​�लए ​आवेदन प ​चन ु ाव ​से ​पांच ​�दन (​ग� ु वार ​को) ​पहले ​तक ​�वीकार ​�कए ​जा ​सकते ​ह�। ​�शकागो चुनाव ​बोड ​मतदाताओं ​से ​समय ​सीमा ​के ​पहले ​ह� ​डाक ​�वारा ​मतदान ​के �लए ​आवेदन ​प ​��तुत ​करने ​का ​आ�ह ​करता ​है। ​अ�धक ​जानकार� ​के ​�लए ​या ​डाक ​�वारा मतदान ​हेतु ​अपने ​अनुरोध ​को ​दज ​करने ​के ​�लए chicagoelections.com ​पर ​जाएँ या 312-269-7967 ​पर ​फ़ोन ​कर� । भाषा ​सहायता: ​कानूनन, ​चुनाव ​आयु�त� ​का ​बोड ​अं�ेज़ी, ​�पै�नश, ​चीनी ​और ​�हंद� ​म� ​मतदान करने ​के ​�वक�प ​उपल�ध ​कराता ​है। ​सभी ​ े � ​म� ​और ​सभी ​समयपूव ​मतदान �थल� ​म�, ​टच���न ​मतदान ​उपकरण ​मतदाताओं ​को ​��य ​और ​��य ​मतप � के ​अं�ेज़ी, ​�पै�नश, ​चीनी ​और ​�हंद� ​सं�करण� ​म� ​से ​�कसी ​का ​चयन ​करने ​क� सु�वधा ​देते ​ह�। ​चुनाव ​के ​�दन, ​��वभाषी ​चुनाव ​�यायाधीश ​और ​कागज ​ऑि�टकल ​�कैन ​मतप भाषा ​सहायता ​के ​�लए ​ल� त ​ े � ​म� ​उपल�ध ​रह� गे। �थायी ​�प ​से ​�वकलांग ​या ​अ म ​या ​न�स�ग ​होम ​�नवा�सय� ​या ​लाइस�सदार दे खभाल ​�थल ​के ​�नवा�सय� ​के ​�लए ​डाक ​�वारा ​मतदान: ​जो ​पंजीकृत ​मतदाता ​�थायी ​�प ​से �वकलांग ​या ​अ म ​ह� ​या ​�कसी ​लाइस�सदार ​न�स�ग ​होम ​या ​देखभाल ​�थल ​म� ​�नवास ​करते ​ह�, ​वे

एक ​शपथ ​प ​और ​�वकलांग ​मतदाता ​या ​न�स�ग ​होम ​�नवासी ​के ​�लए ​आवेदन ​प 504DVI ​का अनुरोध ​कर ​सकते ​ह�। ​इस ​ माणीकरण ​म� ​आवेदक ​के ​�च�क�सक ​के ​ह�ता र ​और ​�च�क�सा लाइस�स ​क� ​तार�ख़ ​क� ​आव�यकता ​होती ​है। ​जब ​यह ​ माणीकरण ​पूरा ​हो ​जाए ​तो ​इसे Board of Elections, Vote By Mail Department, 69 West Washington Street, Suite 800, Chicago, Illinois 60602 ​को ​वापस ​भेज�। ​इसके ​बाद ​आवेदक ​को ​एक ​�वकलांग ​मतदाता पहचान ​काड, ​फॉम DVI ​ ा�त ​होगा, ​और ​साथ ​ह� ​अगले ​पांच (5) ​साल ​के ​दौरान ​होने ​वाले ​सभी चुनाव� ​के ​�लए ​एक ​डाक ​�वारा मतदान ​मतप ​आवेदनप ​भी ​ ा�त ​होगा। ​ये ​अनुरोध 312-269-7967 ​पर ​डाक ​�वारा मतदान ​�वभाग ​से ​संपक ​करके ​चुनाव ​से ​कम ​से ​कम ​पांच ​�दन� ​पहले ​�कये ​जाने ​चा�हए। मतदान ​के ​सहायक ​उपकरण:​ ​मतदान ​के ​सहायक ​उपकरण ​उन ​लोग� ​के ​�लए ​�वक�सत ​�कये गए ​ह� ​िजनक� ​हाथ ​से ​काम ​करने ​क� ​�नपण ु ता ​या ​�ि�ट ​ ीण ​है। ●

टच���न ​मतदान ​इकाई ​म� ​ऑ�डयो �​ नयं क इ ​ काई औ ​ रऑ ​ �डयो ​मतप ​ ​ने ह�न मतदाताओं ​को ​मतदान ​�नद� श�, ​कायालय�, ​उ�मीदवार� ​और ​जनमत ​सं�ह� ​को ​हैडफ़ोन �वारा ​सुनने ​क� ​सु�वधा ​देते ​ह� ​और ​हाथ ​म� ​पकड़े ​जाने ​वाले ​�नयं क ​उपकरण ​का उपयोग ​करके ​अपने ​�वक�प ​का ​चयन ​करने ​म� ​और  ​अपना ​मतप ​डालने ​क� ​सु�वधा दे ते ​ह�। ​इस ​�नयं क ​उपकरण ​के ​साथ ​संल�न ​वे��ो ​प��टय� ​का ​उपयोग ​करके ​यह इकाई ​कुस� ​या ​�ह�लचेयर ​के ​ह�थे ​से ​भी ​जोड़ी ​जा ​सकती ​है।

�सप ऐ ​ ंड प ​ फ़ ​उपकरण ​का ​उपयोग ​ऑ�डयो ​�नयं क ​के ​साथ ​संयोजन ​के ​�प ​म� ​�कया जा ​सकता ​है। ​�सप ​ऐंड ​पफ़ ​उपकरण ​मतदाता ​को ​ऑ�डयो ​मतप ​म� ​ने�वगेट ​कराता ​है।

�ह�लचेयर स ​ ुलभ ​मतदान ​बूथ ​ �येक ​मतदान ​�थल ​म� ​उपल�ध ​ह� ​और ​�ह�लचेयर ​का उपयोग ​करने ​वाले ​लोग� ​को ​काग़ज़ी ​ऑि�टकल-​�कैन ​मतप ​या ​टच���न ​पर ​�नशान लगाने ​क� ​सु�वधा ​देते ​ह�। ​जो ​मतदाता ​देर ​तक ​खड़े ​रहने ​म� ​असमथ ​ह�, ​वे ​भी ​इस ​यं  ​और दान ​क� ​गई ​कुस� ​का ​उपयोग ​कर ​सकते ​ह�।

मतप  ​माकर ​��पस ​मतदाताओं ​को ​काग़ज़ ​के ​मतप  ​के ​�लए ​मा�क�ग ​कलम ​को आसानी ​से ​पकड़ने ​क� ​सु�वधा ​देते ​ह�।

बड़े म ​ तप � ​ यूअर ​काग़ज़ी ​मतप � ​क� ​छपाई ​को ​बड़ा ​करने ​के ​�लए ​�डज़ाइन ​�कए ​गए आवधक ​ल�स ​होते ​ह�। ​टच ​���न ​पर ​अ राकृ�त ​भी ​�व�ता�रत ​क� ​जा ​सकती ​है। ​खड़े ​या बैठे ​हुए ​मतदाताओं ​के ​�लए ​���न ​ऊपर ​नीचे ​झुकाई ​भी ​जा ​सकती ​है।

● दहल�ज़ ​र�प ​उन ​मतदान ​�थल� ​पर ​रखे ​जाते ​ह� ​जहां ​दरवाज़े ​क� ​दहल�ज़ ​ऐसी ​है ​िजसम� ● �वार ​घं�टयां:​ ​िजन ​मतदान ​�थल� ​के ​दरवाजे ​भार� ​ह� ​उनको ​दरवाज़े ​क� ​घं�टय� ​से �कसी ​�ह�लचेयर ​वाले ​मतदाता ​को ​ वेश ​करने ​म� ​क�ठनाई ​होती ​है। सि जत ​�कया ​जाएगा, ​िज�ह� ​मतदान ​�थल ​के ​ वेश ​�वार ​के ​बाहर ​रखा ​गया ​है। मतदाता ​�वारा ​घंट� ​बजाए ​जाने ​पर ​कोई ​चन ु ाव ​�यायाधीश ​बाहर ​आकर ​मतदाता ​के "मतदान करने म� सहायता क� आव�ययकत है ?" साइन �लए ​दरवाज़ा ​खोल� गे। यह नो�टस (जो �क अं�ेजी, �पै�नश, चीनी और �हंद� म� छापा जाता है ) बड़े आकार के अ र� म� ने ह�न

मतदाताओं और अ�य भौ�तक या भाषा संबंधी ज�रत� वाले मतदाताओं को सतक करने के �लए तैयार �कया जाता है , ता�क उ�ह� मतप

करने म� (एक �र�तेदार, �म

को पढ़ने या �चि�हत

या चुनाव �यायाधीश� �वारा) सहायता �मल सके। इस

नो�टस को मतदान �थल क� द�वार पर लगाया जाना होता है । जहां ज़�र� होगा वहां मतदान �थल� के बाहर एक वैकि�पक

वेश संकेत लगाया जाएगा ता�क �वकलांग

मतदाताओं को सूचना �मल सके और वे वहां मतदान करने के �लए �कावट के �बना पहुँच सक�।

कबसाइड मतदान: ​य�द ​मतदाता ​इमारत ​क� ​संरचना�मक ​�वशेषताओं ​क� ​वजह ​से ​मतदान �थल ​म� ​पहुंचने ​म� ​असमथ ​ह� ​तो ​वे ​सहायता ​का ​अनुरोध ​कर ​सकते ​ह�। ​मतदान ​�थल ​म� ​ वेश करने ​म� ​असमथ ​मतदाता ​को ​चुनाव ​के ​�दन ​से ​पहले ​ह� ​अनुरोध ​प ​भर ​कर ​ �तुत ​कर ​देना आव�यक ​है। ​इस ​ प ​का ​उपयोग ​करके ​कोई ​मतदाता, ​�वरोधी ​राजनी�तक ​दल� ​के ​दो (2) चुनाव ​�यायाधीश� ​से ​उस ​�थान ​पर ​एक ​मतप ​लाने ​के ​�लए ​अनुरोध ​कर ​सकता ​है, ​जहां ​से मतदान ​�थल ​के ​�लए ​और ​आगे ​नह�ं ​जाया ​जा ​सकता। ​ले�कन ​�कसी ​भी ​प�रि�थ�त ​म� ​मतदाता को ​उस ​इमारत ​से 50 ​फुट ​से ​अ�धक ​दर ू � ​पर ​मतप ​नह�ं ​पहुंचाया ​जाएगा ​िजसम� ​वह ​मतदान �थल ​ि�थत ​है। इस ​�थल ​पर ​मतदाता ​�वारा ​मतप ​के ​�लए ​आवेदन ​भरा ​जाना ​चा�हए ​और ​�यायाधीश� ​�वारा उसका ​स�यापन ​�कया ​जाना ​चा�हए। ​मतदाता ​को ​गोपनीय ​�प ​से ​अपना ​मतप ​डालने ​क� अनुम�त ​द� ​जाएगी। �शकागो ​के ​मतदाताओं ​को ​कबसाइड ​मतदान ​के ​�लए ​यह ​अनुरोध ​�ल�खत ​�प ​म� Chicago Board of Election Commissioners, 69 W. Washington St., Suite 600, Chicago, Illinois 60602 स ​ े ​चुनाव ​से ​पहले ​वाले ​�दन ​सायं 5 ​बजे ​से ​पहले ​करना ​होगा। ​प�रषद ​उपयु�त े ​के ​मतदान ​�थल ​के ​चुनाव ​�यायाधीश� ​को ​इस ​अनुरोध ​के ​बारे ​म� ​सू�चत ​करे गी। मतदान ​अ�भग�यता ​और ​सहायता ​के ​�लए ​सामा�य ​पछ ू ताछ: �शकागो ​के ​मतदाताओं ​के ​�लए, Chris Turner ​cturner@chicagoelections.net​, 312-269-7858, TTY फ़ ​ ोन (​ब�धर ​या ​कम ​सुनने ​वाल� ​के ​�लए): 312-269-0027 �शकागो ​के ​चुनाव ​आयु�त� ​का ​बोड

�दनांक: 13 ​जनवर�, 2018 OFFICIAL NOTICE TO ELDERLY VOTERS AND VOTERS WITH DISABILITIES March 20, 2018 Primary Election

TTY Line for Deaf or Hard of Hearing for All Services Listed Below: 312-269-0027 Voter Registration:​ Elderly voters and voters with disabilities who are unable to register in person may register to vote online at​chicagoelections.com​ through March 4. The mail-in registration form (which must be postmarked by Feb. 20) is available at ​chicagoelections.com​. Call 312-269-7900 to ask to have a form mailed to you. Additionally, in-person registration is available from Feb. 8 through Election Day. Learn more at ​chicagoelections.com​. Early Voting:​ Where possible, the Chicago Election Board locates Early Voting in fully-accessible locations. Learn more at ​chicagoelections.com or by calling 312-269-7900. Early Voting is offered at the 69 W. Washington St. starting 40 days before the election and at multiple Chicago sites starting 15 days before the election. Vote By Mail:​ Any voter may apply to Vote By Mail. Voters no longer need a reason or excuse to Vote By Mail. By law, applications to Vote By Mail can be accepted through the fifth day (the Thursday) before the election. The Chicago Election Board encourages voters to submit applications to Vote By Mail ahead of that deadline. Learn more or file your request to Vote By Mail at ​chicagoelections.com​ or by calling 312-269-7967. Language Assistance:​ By law, the Board of Election Commissioners provides balloting options in English, Spanish, Chinese and Hindi. In all precincts and all early voting sites, the touchscreen voting equipment will allow voters to select between English, Spanish, Chinese and Hindi versions of visual ballots and audio ballots. On Election Day, bilingual Election Judges and paper optical-scan ballots will be available in precincts targeted for language assistance. Vote By Mail for Those Permanently Disabled or Incapacitated or Residents of Nursing Homes or Licensed Care Facilities:​ Registered voters who are permanently disabled or incapacitated or reside in a licensed nursing home or care facility may request an Affidavit and Application for Disabled Voter or Resident of Nursing Home or Care Facility, Form 504DVI. This certification requires the signature of the applicant’s physician and the date of the medical license. Once this certification has been completed, it should be returned to the Board of Elections, Vote By Mail Department, 69 West Washington Street, Suite 800, Chicago, Illinois 60602. The applicant will then receive a Disabled Voter’s Identification Card, Form DVI, and will also receive a Vote By Mail ballot application for all elections during the next five (5) years. These requests must be made at least five days before the election by contacting the Vote By Mail Department at 312-269-7967. Aids for Voting:​ Voting aids are available to help those with impaired dexterity or vision. ● Audio Controller Unit and Audio Ballots​ in the touchscreen voting unit allow a visually impaired voter to hear the balloting instructions, offices, candidates and referenda through headphones and make their choices and cast their ballot by use of a hand-held controller unit. The controller can also be affixed to the arm of a chair or wheelchair by using the Velcro straps attached to the unit. ● A Sip and Puff Device​ can be used in conjunction with the audio controller. The sip and puff device will navigate the voter through the audio ballot. ● A ​wheelchair accessible voting booth​ is in each polling place for voters who want to mark paper optical-scan ballots or use the touchscreen. Voters who are unable to stand for long periods of time also may use this unit and a provided chair. ● Ballot Marker Grippers​ allow voters to easily hold the marking pens for paper ballots. ●

Large Ballot Viewers​ are magnifying lenses designed to enlarge the print on the paper ballots. The typeface on the touch screen also can be enlarged. The screens also tilt up or down for voters who are standing or seated. Door Bells:​ Polling places that have heavy doors will be equipped with door bells, which are placed outside the entrance to the polling place. When the voter rings the bell, a judge of election will come and open the door for the voter. Threshold Ramps​ are placed at polling places where the door threshold is such that a voter in a wheelchair may have difficulty entering.

“Need Help Voting?” sign​ – This notice (which is printed in English, Spanish, Chinese and Hindi) is prepared in large type, in order to alert visually impaired voters and voters with other physical or language needs, that they may receive help (from a relative, friend, or by the election judges) in reading or marking the ballot. This Notice is to be posted on the wall of each polling place. Where needed, an Alternate Entrance Sign will be posted outside the polling places to give notice to voters with disabilities where they may gain clear access to the polling places. Curbside Voting:​ Voters may request assistance if they are unable to gain access to their polling places because of structural features of the building. A Request for a Ballot by a Voter who is Unable to Enter the Polling Place must be completed and submitted before Election Day. By using this form, a voter may request that two (2) judges of election of opposite political parties bring a ballot to a location where forward motion toward the polling place can no longer be continued; but, in no case shall a ballot be delivered to the voter beyond 50 feet of the entrance to the building in which the polling place is located. At this location, an application for ballot must be completed by the voter and verified by the judges. The voter will be allowed to cast their ballot privately. Chicago voters must make this request for curbside voting, in writing, to the Chicago Board of Election Commissioners, 69 W. Washington St., Suite 600, Chicago, Illinois 60602, no later than 5:00 PM the day before the election. The Board will notify the judges of election for the appropriate precinct polling place of this request.

General Inquiries for Voting Accessibility & Assistance For Chicago voters, Chris Turner ​cturner@chicagoelections.net​ at 312-269-7864, TTY Line for deaf or hard of hearing: 312-269-0027

Marisel A. Hernandez, अ ​ �य�ा William J. Kresse, ​आयु�त/​स�चव Jonathan T. Swain, आयु�त

Board of Election Commissioners for the City of Chicago Marisel A. Hernandez, Chairwoman William J. Kresse, Commissioner/Secretary Jonathan T. Swain, Commissioner

Lance Gough, ​कायकार� ​�नदे शक

Lance Gough, Executive Director

�दनांक: 13 ​जनवर�, 2018

Dated January 13, 2018










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‘World looks at reformed India’ Addressing a day-long conference of PIO Parliamentarians in New Delhi, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said the country had transformed with hopes and new aspirations IANS, NEW DELHI

Link prosperity of your countries to India’s development: Kovind


rime Minister Narendra Modi this week said the world was looking at a reformed India with a renewed focus with global financial agencies and rating agencies viewing the country in a “very positive manner”. Addressing a day-long conference of PIO Parliamentarians — Indian-origin lawmakers from across the world — Modi said the country had transformed in the past three-four years with hopes and new aspirations replacing the chalta rahega attitude. This was possible, he said, due to the government’s far-reaching policy changes with the guiding principle of “reform and transform” that helped India shun the jaisa pehle tha vaisa chalta rahega, kuch badlega nahi (Nothing will change) attitude. “The global impression about India has changed over the last three to four years. The reason for this is that India is transforming itself. The hopes and aspirations of India are at an all time high. Signs of irreversible change are visible in every sector.” Pointing out that a record $16 billion FDI came into the country last year, Modi noted about how global financial institutions such as the International Monetary Fund, the World Band and credit rating agency Moody’s were viewing India in a very positive manner now. He detailed about new investments the government was making in the country in technology, transportation and infrastructure development “keeping in mind the needs of the 21st Century”. “More than half the investment in

Indian Diaspora Council formed in Netherlands THE HAGUE: A National Indian Diaspora Council (NIDC) to bring together representatives of various Indian organizations in the Netherlands was formed as part of the Indian Diaspora Day celebrations held this week. The Indian Diaspora Day was organized by the Foundation for Indian Diaspora in Europe, Foundation for Critical Choices for India and the Embassy of India. The newly formed NIDC will bring together representatives of various organizations and create a united front that will work for the welfare and visibility of the Indian diaspora in the Netherlands.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi addressing the first PIO Parliamentarian Conference in New Delhi earlier this week. (Photo: IANS)

the last three years till now has happened in sectors like construction, air transport, mining, computer software, hardware, electrical equipment and many others”.

the geo-politics of where you live and how you are making policies”, Modi asked them to be partners in the country’s development and act as catalysts in its economic growth.

Modi said 21st Century was being considered the Asian century and India would be a major player and “you shall feel proud about our growth, hence inspiring us to work harder” It was the first of its kind event in which as many as 120 parliamentarians from 23 countries took part at the Pravasi Bharatiya Kendra here. India celebrates January 9 as the Pravasi Bhartiya Diwas (PBD) to mark the contribution of overseas persons with Indian origin in building India. Praising the contribution of overseas Indians in “influencing

He said 21st Century was being considered the Asian century and India would be a major player and “you shall feel proud about our growth, hence inspiring us to work even harder”. He said while many people may have left India over the course of hundreds of years, the country continued to have a place in their minds and hearts.

NEW DELHI: President Ram Nath Kovind urged the Indian diaspora to link the prosperity of their countries with India’s development at a time when “we are at the cusp of New India”. Addressing the International Conference of Persons of Indian Origin (PIO) Parliamentarians here, Kovind said the next few decades were likely to see India’s economy — one of the fastest growing in the world — gallop ahead. “We are also at the cusp of New India — an India that will achieve certain milestones for our people by 2022, when we celebrate the 75th year of our Independence,” he said. The President emphasized that the government at this juncture had offered huge investment, trade and developmental opportunities that would benefit not just 1.3 billion people of India but will be a voice of hope and prosperity and of peace and stability for the world. “The entirety of human civilization, if I could put it so — has a stake in the development of India. As PIO Parliamentarians, as those in public life in your systems who have the best understanding of India, it is important for you to link your individual country’s priorities to India’s development.” Kovind lauded the achievements of the Indian diaspora that he said “has climbed to appreciable heights in almost all the countries”. “Members of the Indian diaspora work hard on farms in countries as far apart as Italy, Bolivia and Tanza-

nia. They are instrumental to the tech start-up ecosystem of Silicon Valley. They form the backbone of the economy of Dubai and other major business cities in the Gulf region. “The global financial centers of New York, London and Singapore would simply not be the same without the Indian diaspora. And as I discovered during my first state visit after being elected as the President of India, Pravasi Bharatiya teachers have helped educate several generations in Ethiopia,” he said. Kovind also invited the participants for a visit to Rashtrapati Bhavan that he said “belongs to all Indians, to all those in the Indian diaspora and to all PIOs”. The President earlier inaugurated the PIO conference organized by the Antar Rashtriya Sahayog Parishad in association with the PIO Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the Ministry of External Affairs. January 9 is celebrated as the Pravasi Bharatiya Divas to mark Mahatma Gandhi's return to India from South Africa on January 9, 1915.

PIOs conference will help open new vistas: Sushma Swaraj IANS, NEW DELHI


xternal Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj this week said the Persons of Indian Origin (PIO) Parliamentarians Conference will help in opening new vistas for regular dialogue and exchange of views. She was speaking at the valedictory session of the first ever PIO Parliamentarians Conference here. “I am confident that this historical conference will help open new vistas for regular dialogues and exchange of visits and views of PIO parliamentarians, adding that global Indians had become India’s friends currently because of the several successful initiatives launched

External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj addressing the first PIO Parliamentarian Conference in New Delhi. (Photo: IANS)

by the government to connect with the Indian diaspora. “In times of crisis in abroad, the

Indian government has launched several rescue missions too.” She said that the current govern-

ment has one mission to remake India into a great nation and the “mission in which every Indian and equally every overseas Indian arrive at equal fate”. “The government of India under the dynamic leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi has been specially proactive in making bonds with Indian diaspora.” A total of 143 PIO lawmakers from 24 countries attended the first of its kind initiative taken by the government. The PIO Parliamentarian forum was planned last year during a conversation with the Prime Minister to connect the lawmakers of Indian origin with their ancestral land, the Minister said.














special report special report x

Asean centrality essential for Indo-Pacific peace, prosperity: India External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj's remarks at Asean in Singapore came amid China’s belligerence in the South China Sea and growing influence in the Indian Ocean region IANS, SINGAPORE



ndia has reiterated that the leadership and centrality of the southeast Asian region is essential for the peace and prosperity of the Indo-Pacific region. “Asean has reached the golden milestone of 50 years,” External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj said during her opening address at the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (Asean) — India Pravasi Bharatiya Divas, a gathering of the Indian diaspora of this region. Stating that India is 70 years old and the 10-nation Asean 50, Swaraj said that the regional bloc was formed when “Southeast Asia was a global faultline, a theatre of a brutal war, and a region of uncertain nations” but has now “unified 10 countries to become an economic hub and it has become an anchor of broader regional integration and cooperation”. “For India, Asean leadership and centrality is essential for peace and prosperity for the rapidly changing Indo-Pacific region.” Her remarks come amid China’s belligerence in the South China Sea and growing influence in the Indian Ocean region. Swaraj also referred to the fact

“Asean was formed when “Southeast Asia was a global faultline, a theatre of a brutal war, and a region of uncertain nations”, Swaraj said in her address. The External Affairs Minister also referred to the fact that the Asean-India Dialogue Partnership that was established in 1992 was elevated to that of a strategic partnership on its 20th anniversary in 2012.

External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj, along with other dignitaries, at the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (Asean)-India Pravasi Bharatiya Divas (PBD) in Singapore. (Photo: IANS)

that the Asean-India Dialogue Partnership that was established in 1992 was elevated to that of a strategic partnership on its 20th anniversary in 2012. Stating that the Asean, which comprises Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam, is at the heart of New Delhi’s Act East policy, Swaraj said that with each member, India has growing economic,

political and cultural relations while “growing connectivity has reinforced proximity”. “Today, 16 Indian cities are connected to Singapore,” she said. “A trilateral highway project from India to Thailand is making progress. We plan to expand this further to connect India to other Asean countries.” She also highlighted the role of northeast India in India-Southeast Asia ties in this regard. Referring to

the presence of Assam Chief Minister Sarbananda Sonowal at the event, she said: “It is a symbol of resurgence of India’s Northeast as mentioned. Our Northeast region will prosper when it is better connected to southeast Asia and the Northeast becomes our bridge to Southeast Asia.” Swaraj also said that India’s trade agreements with Asean region “are among the most ambitious with any region”.

In her address, Sushma Swaraj also talked about the trilateral highway project from India to Thailand. Reffering to India's North-East region, Swaraj said, "Our Northeast region will prosper when it is better connected to Southeast Asia and the Northeast becomes our bridge to Southeast Asia.” Swaraj also said that India’s trade agreements with Asean region are among the most ambitious with any region.

Asean: Sonowal hard sells state as investment hub Assam CM said his state is committed to closer ties with the Southeast Asian region IANS, SINGAPORE


ssam Chief Minister Sarbananda Sonowal this week said his state is committed to closer ties with the Southeast Asian region with New Delhi putting the Northeast at the heart of its Act East Policy. “Prime Minister Narendra Modi has put the Northeast at the heart of India’s Act East Policy,” Sonowal said while addressing a session on “Northeast India as Asean’s Gateway to India” at the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (Asean) — India Pravasi Bharatiya Divas, a gathering of the Indian diaspora of the region, here. “We are inspired by his visionary leadership and have stepped up our efforts in increasing interaction with the Asean countries with the support of our External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj,” he said.

Chief Minister of Assam Sarbananda Sonowal during his address at the Asean-India Pravasi Bharatiya Divas in Singapore. (Photo: IANS)

Stating that Assam and the Northeast are close to the Southeast Asian nations, he said: “We have land border with Myanmar. Many of the Asean capitals are within 2,000 km from (Assam’s main city)

Guwahati which is comparable to flying distance from Guwahati to many other Indian cities. We are keen to start flights between Guwahati and Asean capitals.” In this regard, Sonowal said

that construction of a new terminal building at Guwahati airport would begin soon. He also referred to the underprogress trilateral highway connecting India, Myanmnar and Thailand, saying that India is working to improve this land route. India has been focussing on the 10-nation Asean regional bloc under New Delhi’s Act East Policy keeping geostrategic and economic priorities in mind. The Asean comprises Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam. Sonowal also said that Assam is the largest among the eight northeastern states of India with a population of 33 million and the state is blessed with a large variety of natural resources and very rich bio-diversity.

Speaking about the verdant water resources in Assam, Sonowal said that both the Brahmaputra and Barak rivers, along with their tributaries have a huge potential for river transport, tourism and industry. To make the rivers navigable, dredging has been taken up both in Barak and Brahmaputra to facilitate state’s access to the Bay of Bengal through Chittagong port in Bangladesh in the near future, he said. He also pointed out to the fact that Assam ranks third among the raw silk producing states in India. “Over 80 percent Muga silk and over 60 percent of Eri silk produced in India comes from Assam,” he said. Sonowal also recalled that the petroleum industry in India started at Digboi in Assam and the state today has four refineries and significant petroleum as well as natural gas reserves.







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international international


Pak cries foul Defense, intelligence cooperation with Washington suspended, says Islamabad after US military aid was suspended IANS, ISLAMABAD


akistan has suspended defense and intelligence cooperation with the US amid growing tensions over Washington’s suspension of military aid to Islamabad, Defense Minister Khurram Dastgir said this week. US officials have said that almost all security assistance to Pakistan has been suspended following President Donald Trump’s Tweet on January 1 in which he alleged that Pakistan “gives safe haven to the terrorists we hunt in Afghanistan”. Pakistani leaders had shown restraint but the Defense Minister’s statement could be seen as an indication of growing tension, Xinhua news agency reported. “You see the facilities that we have extended to them (Americans) are still in operation. We have not suspended them. But there is also a wide field of intelligence cooperation and defense

Pak must act against those attacking scribes: Amnesty NEW DELHI: The Pakistan authorities must act tough against those targeting journalists and bring an end to the impunity in such attacks, human rights body Amnesty International said this week. The rights body’s reaction came after Pakistani journalist Taha Siddiqui, who is working for an Indian English news channel, was attacked in Islamabad on January 10. “The beating and attempted abduction of Taha Siddiqui is the latest in a deeply worrying pattern of attacks on journalists in Pakistan. This is the third case in recent months when a journalist has been targeted by violent attackers while traveling by car,” said Omar Waraich, Deputy South Asia Director at Amnesty International. He said that it has thus far been “a failure by the authorities” to identify the perpetrators, let alone bring them to justice. The journalist escaped the assailants, but they took away his possessions, including his passport, laptop and mobile phone. Siddiqui works with Indian TV channel WION’s. Last year, journalists Rana Tanveeer, Matiullah Jan and Ahmad Noorani also came under attack. In 2014, journalists Hamid Mir and Raza Rumi survived attempted assassinations by gunmen. —IANS

Pakistan PM vows to boost cooperation with China ISLAMABAD: Pakistan Prime Minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi said the strong relationship and cooperation will continue with China in various fields. Abbasi was talking to Chinese Ambassador Yao Jing who called on him at the Prime Minister’s Office, the office said in a statement. “Deepening the strong bonds of friendship and multi-sector cooperation between Pakistan and China would continue with great fervour as

cooperation which we have suspended,” Dastgir said. Referring to the US suspension of Pakistan’s aid, he said: “the recent suspension of military aid by the US comes in the wake of a more grave suspension, which is suspension of the strategic dia-

ever before,” the statement quoted Abbasi as saying. He also emphasized upon expanding people-to-people contacts and collaboration in various areas, ranging from trade and commerce to education and culture. Ambassador Yao, who has served as the Chinese envoy to Afghanistan, was appointed as the new Chinese ambassador to Pakistan in November 2017.

logue for more than a year between the US and Pakistan.” He also complained that the US had not extended help to fence the border with Afghanistan in the rugged mountains to stop the crossborder movement of the militants. Pakistan and Afghanistan have

US President Donald Trump has suspended all security assistance to Pakistan.

nearly 2,500 km of border, mostly porous, and the militants take advantage of the open border to move on both sides for violence. Pakistan last year started fencing the border. Most fencing will be completed this year, according to military officials. “It is convenient to blame Pakistan for cross-border terrorism whereas the US has not lifted a finger to help fence-up the bor-

der,” Dastgir was quoted as saying. “Now all veils are off... It is time for a courteous yet ruthlessly candid dialogue between Pakistan and the US,” he said. The US has long alleged that Pakistan was “providing sanctuaries to the Afghan Taliban and the Haqqani Network”, which are blamed for attacks on the US-led foreign and Afghan forces.

China slams Vietnam, opposes India GAURAV SHARMA, BEIJING


hina on January 11 slammed Vietnam for inviting India for exploration in the South China Sea, saying Beijing is opposed to any arrangement which infringes upon its rights. Vietnam’s Ambassador to India Ton Sinh Thanh said Vietnam welcomes Indian investments in the oil and natural gas sector in its exclusive economic zone in the South China Sea. “China does not object to the development of normal bilateral relations of relevant countries in our neighborhood but we firmly oppose

Vietnam is one the claimants of the South China Sea.

relevant party to use it is an excuse to infringe upon China’s legitimate rights and impair regional peace

and stability,” Foreign Ministry spokesperson Lu Kang said. Vietnam is one the claimants of

Abandon military drills with US: Pyongyang to Seoul IANS, SEOUL


orth Korea asked the South on January 11 to abandon its military manoeuvers with the US, saying that these exercises are fueling tension on the Korean Peninsula and increasing the risk of war. “If the South Korean authorities really want detente and peace, they should first stop all the military

acts they have waged with the US against their brethren,” Efe news agency quoted an article in the Workers’ Party of North Korea’s newspaper Rodong Sinmun as saying. The manoeuvers were the main source of tension and were taking Korea into a dangerous phase in which the situation may be unpredictable, the news article said. Pyongyang’s call was expected to

North Korea’s supreme leader Kim Jong-un. (File Photo: IANS)

be put back on the table when both countries resume military talks under the agreement reached

the South China Sea, of which 90 percent is claimed by China. The Philippines, Taiwan, Malaysia and Brunei also have overlapping claims to the energy-rich waters. The Vietnamese envoy said Hanoi was within its legal rights to invite India and will welcome port calls by Indian Navy in the waters. India’s ONGC Videsh Ltd, the overseas arm of Oil and Natural Gas Corp, is already engaged in exploration in the 128 basin of the South China Sea controlled by Vietnam. China has earlier protested India’s presence in the particular bloc. at their historic meeting held on January 9. The exact dates of the future talks were to be announced by Seoul later this week. The call also came a few days after Seoul and Washington agreed to delay their annual military manoeuvers until after the Pyeongchang Winter Olympic Games in February, a decision which has led to this moment of rapprochement between the two Koreas. North Korean leader Kim Jongun also stressed in the article the need to alleviate the serious military tensions between North Korea and South Korea, and prepare a peaceful environment on the peninsula.










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ENTERTAINMENTcinema news x

‘Padmavat’ to release, finally Earlier named ‘Padmavati,’ the film was slated for release last year but got deferred as a Rajput outfit Karni Sena claimed the movie distorted historical facts

Producers deny 300 cuts in film MUMBAI: There are no 300 cuts in Padmavat, say the films producers, appreciating the balanced, fair and transparent process followed by the censor board in suggesting five modifications in the movie. “We appreciate the balanced and considered approach that the CBFC has taken to address this situation,” a company spokesperson from Viacom18 Media Pvt Ltd told IANS. The clarification follows Central Board of Film Certification (CBFC) chairperson Prasoon Joshi’s statement that no more than five modifications have been suggested to the makers for the film to get U/A certificate. The five modifications included title change from Padmavati to Padmavat as the filmmakers have attributed their creative source as the fictional poem Padmavat and not history. They were even asked to add two disclaimers — one that clearly does not claim historical accuracy, and another which makes the point that the film in no manner subscribes to the practise of Sati or seeks to glorify it. Modifications to the song Ghoomar were sought to make the depiction befitting to the character being portrayed, apart from the modifications to the incorrect / misleading reference to historical places. Padmavat producers have accepted the changes. — IANS



fter months of uncertainty, Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s controversial Hindi film Padmavati will release on January 25 as Padmavat with a U/A certificate, but not in Rajasthan. It will clash with Akshay Kumar’s Pad Man. “It will release as Padmavat on January 25. The film has got U/A certificate,” sources at the film’s production banner Viacom18 Motion Pictures told IANS. Padmavat — earlier Padmavati — was initially slated for release on December 1 but the studio had voluntarily deferred it following a long-stretched controversy. The movie, starring Deepika Padukone, Ranveer Singh and Shahid Kapoor, has been mired in a row after the Shree Rajput Karni Sena claimed it distorted historical facts related to the Rajput community. The group has been persistent in its demand for a ban on the movie despite Bhansali’s clarifica-

The movie, starring Deepika Padukone, Ranveer Singh and Shahid Kapoor, was mired in controversy last year. (Photo: IANS)

tion before a Parliamentary committee that the row over the movie was just based on rumors. Last month, the Central Board of Film Certification (CBFC) — in consultation with a special advisory panel — decided it will grant U/A certificate to the movie but subject to five modifications,

including title change. The makers were asked to add disclaimers — one of them regarding not glorifying the practice of Sati and also relevant modifications in the song Ghoomar to befit the character portrayed. An official communication from team Padmavat regarding the final

modifications has not been made yet. Its release date announcement led to a stir in the film trade circles. Film and trade business expert Girish Johar told IANS: “It’s a complex situation for Padmavat. They have too short a time before the release, plus there are hurdles for it as certain states have announced a blanket ban, and the Karni Sena continues to oppose the movie. “However, from the box office point of view, it’s a great thing that two big films — Padmavat and Pad Man — will release on the extended weekend. It will be a huge weekend. Audiences will have a choice of both films. Obviously the better one will have a longer run.” Pad Man will see Akshay Kumar take on the role of a real life hero who introduces low-cost sanitary napkins for the hygiene and safety of women in his village. According to the buzz, the Padmavat release announcement has also impacted the release date of movies like Aiyaary and Pari.

Expect no compromise: Karni Sena

LS Kalvi, National Convenor of the Karni Sena. (Photo: IANS)

NEW DELHI: The Shree Rajput Karni Sena this week asserted that it will not reach a compromise with the makers of Padmava, and called for a “janata curfew” whenever the Sanjay Leela Bhansali directorial is released. Karni Sena chief Lokendra Singh Kalvi, who is leading the protest against the movie, told media persons: “We needed one small clarification that time that there will be nothing between Alauddin Khilji and Padma-

vati... We would have been content with it, but now we will not compromise in any way.” He also called for a “janata curfew” when the movie is released. The Rajput outfit had first expressed concern after Ranveer Singh — one of the three lead actors of the movie — made a casual statement back in July 2016. He was reportedly asked if he was playing the role of a villain in the film, and he

had said that he could go two notches beyond playing the role of a villain if he was given two intimate scenes with the film’s leading lady Deepika Padukone. This led to the question whether the movie showcases any intimacy between Khilji and Rani Padmavati. Subsequently, activists of Karni Sena even assaulted Bhansali on the film’s set in Jaipur and another set in Kolhapur was vandalized.


‘Krrish 4’ to release on Christmas Priyanka Chopra returns as Alex Don’t own or rent any apartment in 2020, says Rakesh Roshan Parrish in ‘Quantico’ Season 3 in Paris, says Mallika Sherawat MUMBAI: On actor Hrithik Roshan’s 44th birthday this week, his father Rakesh Roshan announced that Krrish 4 wil release on Christmas 2020. The news was announced on Twitter. “Today is perhaps the best day to make the release day of Krrish 4 official. Christmas 2020 it is. A gift for all of you on Hrithik’s birthday. Happy birthday Hrithik,” the senior Roshan posted. Hrithik has featured in three instalments of Krrish, which started in 2006 as science fiction superhero film, directed, produced, and written by Rakesh, and starring Priyanka Chopra, Rekha and Naseeruddin Shah. The journey of the series started with the blockbuster Koi... Mil Gaya (2003), in which Hrithik essayed the role of a mentally challenged youth who befriends an alien.

NEW YORK: Actor Priyanka Chopra is returning as Alex Parrish in the third season of American drama series Quantico. Priyanka, this week, on Twitter shared a poster from the show, which read: “Alex Parrish is back with Quantico season 3”. “And she’s back...Can’t wait to share this with you! April 26 Quantico’season 3 The return of Alex Parrish,” she captioned the poster. Priyanka will be seen reprising her role of FBI agent Alex Parrish. The third season of the show has been shot here. Besides Quantico, the Mary Kom actor has already completed her next film Isn’t It Romantic, featuring Adam Devine, Liam Hemsworth and Rebel Wilson. It is slated to release on February 14, 2019.

MUMBAI: Actor Mallika Sherawat has debunked rumors about being thrown out from her flat in Paris for failing to pay rent and says that she does not own an apartment nor has rented one. “I have said it before and I am saying it again, I do not own or rent any apartment in Paris! I have been in Los Angeles and India since last eight months,” Mallika tweeted this week. “I do not live in Paris, please do not spread false rumors!” she wrote. It was reported that a court in France has ordered that Mallika be evicted from an apartment in a posh part of Paris for failing to pay the rent. As per the report, the court has ordered the Bollywood actor and her French husband Cyrille Auxenfans to pay Rs 59,826,30 (78,787 euros) rent. —IANS









‘21 Sarfarosh...’ was challenging


ohit Raina spent six months to grow his beard to get into his character as Havildar Ishar Singh in 21 Sarfarosh: Saragarhi 1897. The actor says getting the look was the most challenging part, but it was worth it. “I have always been fascinated by defense services. As a student of army school, I was always surrounded by men of discipline. It is an honor to play a Havildar who laid down his life for his motherland,” Mohit said in a statement. “To look the part was the most challenging task, but the research/creative team has done such a wonderful job. Minuscule details were taken care of... hoping the audience likes the first look and accepts the part,” he added. The show 21 Sarfarosh: Saragarhi 1897 is a work of fiction inspired by the real life story of 21 brave soldiers of the 36th Sikh Regiment of the British Indian Army.

Nigaar, Gauahar reveal secrets online


ctresses and sisters Gauahar and Nigaar Khan have revealed each other’s secrets and habits online. Nigaar appeared on Gauahar’s new YouTube channel on its second episode. “Everyone wanted the Khan sisters back for a very long time and since we were not doing the show, I have started my YouTube channel. I just thought it will be a great way to give a dose of our craziness to our fans. “That is when I thought of getting my best friend, my sister and my better crazy half on the show.” Gauahar said in a statement to IANS.

KJo has to say this about Kangana


ilmmaker Karan Johar says he will be happy to have actress Kangana Ranaut as a guest for his upcoming show ‘India’s Next Superstars’. Asked if Kangana will make an appearance in the show, Karan said in a press conference on Friday: “I am sure if Star Plus invites Kangana Ranaut, we will be very happy to have her. Our hearts are big, our home is open...” The filmmaker added: “If we send an invite, we will welcome them with all due respect and love.” Kangana had sparked the infamous debate by calling Karan a “flagbearer of nepotism” during her appearance on his chat show “Koffee With Karan” in 2017. Karan will be seen co-judging ‘India’s Next Superstar’ along with filmmaker Rohit Shetty.

Madhuri flaunts her ‘Samurai’ avatar


ctress Madhuri Dixit-Nene, who celebrated her New Year in Tokyo, got a chance to try the Samurai headgear during her visit to a museum. Madhuri shared a photograph of herself wearing the headgear on Twitter. “Tried the Samurai headgear (weighs a ton) and sword. All the warriors all over the world must have been so strong to wear such heavy gear, ride their horses and fight with heavy swords. Respect! Salute! Samurai diaries,” Madhuri wrote. Madhuri was last seen on-screen in 2014 film Gulaab Gang.

Juhi’s kids not thinking of B’wood


ctress Juhi Chawla says her children, Arjun and Jahnavi, are not thinking about entering Bollywood at the moment. But she will be “thrilled” if they decide to get into showbiz. The actress is married to businessman Jai Mehta. “Jahnavi is academically inclined. She is extremely brilliant and a focused girl and is extremely hard-working. She topped History in India in her IGCSE (International General Certificate of Secondary Education) exams in 2017,” Juhi told IANS.




south india





south special

Fadnavis faces threat to life A post on social media termed the Maharashtra CM, his ministerial colleague and a former journalist as insects who could be chopped off IANS, MUMBAI


aharashtra Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis faces serious threats to his life from certain pro-Hindutva elements, Bharipa Bahujan Mahasangh President Prakash Ambedkar has claimed. To justify his contention, Ambedkar pointed to a Facebook post of one Raosaheb Patil who, the BRP chief says, is a “close aide” of Sambhaji V. Bhide, President of Shri Shiv Pratisthan Hindustan, a pro-Hindutva ultra-rightist outfit from western Maharashtra. Raosaheb Patil’s post at 10.12 p.m. on January 1 terms Fadnavis, his ministerial colleague Girish Bapat and former journalist Sudheendra Kulkarni as “insects” (keeda) who could be “chopped off”. “If you fall short of figures for Koregaon-Bhima, you are free to chop off Girish Bapat, Devendra

The post came on the day when Koregaon-Bhima village in Pune was rocked by casteist riots in which a 28-year-old youth from Nanded was killed.

Fadnavis, Sudheendra Kulkarni, I shall have no objections. They are insects infesting the country and the state,” Raosaheb Patil’s post said. Incidentally, the post came on the day when Koregaon-Bhima village in Pune district was rocked by

Case against Vijayan for diverting relief fund sought THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: Congress leader M.M. Hassan has demanded a vigilance case to be filed against Kerala Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan for using cyclone relief funds to pay for his chopper ride to attend a party meeting. Simultaneously, the BJP urged Home Minister Rajnath Singh to see that the central funds given for Ockhi relief should be monitored by New Delhi. In a bid to end the controversy, the CPI-M Secretariat which meets here on Thursday is likely to foot the bill of Vijayan’s helicopter ride.

A government order surfaced directing payment of Rs 8 lakh be paid from the Ockhi relief fund for Pinarayi Vijayan Vijayan’s chopper ride on December 26 from Thrissur, where he was attending a Communist Party of India-Marxist meeting, to the state capital to meet a central team that had come visiting from Delhi to study the damage caused by the cyclone on November 30.


casteist riots in which a 28-year-old youth from Nanded was killed, Ambedkar told media persons here. Working as an “assistant at Balaji Motion Pictures”, Raosaheb Patil has described himself as a “staunch Shiv Sainik” and follower of the

ideologies of late Sena founder Bal Thackeray. His Facebook profile displays pictures of the late Thackeray, Bhide, and Chhatrapati Shivaji. Interestingly, the Shiv Sena is a constituent of the ruling National Democratic Alliance led by the Bharatiya Janata Party at the Centre and a major partner in the Maharashtra alliance. Ambedkar, who led a successful Maharashtra shutdown on January 3 that claimed the life of a schoolboy (also in Nanded), has consistently targeted Bhide and another proHindutva leader from Pune, Milind Ekbote, for the Koregaon-Bhima riots and demanded their arrest and prosecution on murder charges. Asked whether he would take a proactive stand and lodge a police complaint or other similar action, Ambedkar said he will meet Fadnavis this week and hand over material he has gathered in this context.

BRIEFS Sasikala’s husband Natarajan surrenders CHENNAI: Expelled and now jailed AIADMK leader V.K. Sasikala’s husband M. Natarajan this week surrendered before a CBI court here in connection with a case involving evasion of duty on the import of a luxury car from Britain. The Madras High Court had in November upheld a trial court order sentencing Natarajan and three others in the case registered 23 years ago.

People waiting to oust Cong in Karnataka CHITRADURGA (KARNATAKA): Dubbing the Karnataka government “corrupt at all levels”, BJP President Amit Shah said the state’s people are waiting to throw out the ruling Congress in the upcoming assembly elections, due in April. “The countdown for the exit of the Congress government headed by CM Siddaramaiah has begun, as the people are waiting to throw it out lock, stock and barrel,” said Shah. —IANS

Mumbai blaze: Pub owners held IANS, MUMBAI


hirteen days after the Mumbai pub blaze, the city police made a breakthrough and arrested three owners of the 1Above restaurant from Bandra, an official has said. They were produced before a court, the official added. The three absconding owners — Kripesh Sanghavi, Jigar Sanghavi and Abhijit Mankar — carried a reward of Rs 100,000 announced by Mumbai Police. They have been booked for culpable homicide not amounting to murder. They were nabbed while on

their way to meet a lawyer on Linking Road in Bandra west. This takes the total number of arrests in the December 29, 2017 pub fire that killed 14 and injured

another 55, to six. Besides three others nabbed for shielding the accused, including a co-owner of The Mojo’s Bistro, Yug Pathak, son of a former DGPrank IPS officer K.K. Pathak. Another partner of Pathak, Yug Tuli was still absconding and was spotted in Hyderabad two days ago but managed to give the police a slip. On January 10, a friend Vishal Kariya was nabbed for helping the absconding trio after blaze in The Mojo’s Bistro, 1Above and other establishments in the sprawling Kamala Mills Compound in Lower Parel.

India begins countdown to launch 31 satellites on Friday IANS, SRIHARIKOTA


ndia began countdown early Thursday for launching 31 satellites in a Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV) from its spaceport here, said the space agency. “The 28-hour countdown began at 5.29 a.m. in the mission control here for the rocket launch at 9.28 a.m. on Friday,” said the state-run Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) on its website. The spaceport Satish Dhawan Space Centre, Sriharikota High Altitude Range (SDSC-SHAR) is located about 80 km northeast of Chennai off the Bay of Bengal coast. “The propellant filling oper-

Of the 31 satellites, three are Indian and 28 are from six countries: Canada, Finland, France, South Korea, UK and the US. (File Photo: IANS)

ation of fourth stage of PSLV-C40 is under progress,” said an update on ISRO’s website on Thursday. The four stage PSLV-C40 stands

44.4 meters tall and weighs about 320 ton at the lift off stage. The 31 satellites with a combined weight of 1,323 kg have

been integrated with the PSLV for deploying them in the earth’s lower orbit after lift off. Of the 31 satellites, three are Indian and 28 are from six countries: Canada, Finland, France, South Korea, UK and the US. The Indian satellites are 710 kg Cartosat-2 series for Earth observation as the primary satellite of the mission, along with co-passenger payloads, including 100 kg micro satellite and a 10 kg nano satellite. About 17 minutes 18 seconds after the lift off, the Cartosat-2 series will be separated and injected into its 505 km sun synchronous orbit. The Cartosat-2 has been designed to stay in its orbit

for five years. “The micro satellite will be India’s 100th satellite in space,” ISRO Satellite Centre Director M. Annadurai had told IANS on Tuesday. Among the 28 international co-passenger satellites, 19 belong to the US, five from South Korea and one each from Canada, France, UK and Finland. ISRO would be adopting an optimum separation sequence of all its satellites so as to avoid any collisions. The first space mission in 2018 onboard the PSLV-C40 comes four months after a similar rocket failed to deliver the country’s eighth navigation satellite in the earth’s lower orbit on August 31, 2017.







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community news/midwest 2


Remembering role of diaspora in India’s growth

Several dignitaries and important guests including Consul General in Chicago Neeta Bhushan, Niranjan Shah, Pratima Shah, Smita Shah, Nimish Jani were present at the Consulate General of India in Chicago to observe the Pravasi Bhartiya Divas, a day that recognizes the contribution of the overseas community toward development of India.

A memorable NY bash with Jinal Pandya

Police crackdown on texting while driving

NYE countdown with organizers, sponsors & Jinal Pandya

BY A STAFF WRITER OWNERS GROVE, IL -Entertainment, elegance and excitement were the words to describe the NYE 2018 at Ashyana Banquets in Downers Grove, a venue which was buzzing with frenzy despite a cold night outside. Sunil Shah of New York Life and Anil Loomba of Home Mortgage Solutions together grand-sponsored the event which was organized by Pratibha Jairath.


People were all praise for Surinder Jain of Ashyana Banquets for providing an excellent customer service, decor and extraordinary variety of menu. Chair covers, center pieces, neon up lights and a warm smile with personal attention was clearly welcoming. Raju Bankapur and Pratibha Jairath, the well-known local singers of Chicago, started the entertainment section by performing the dance medleys of new numbers. Mr & Mrs Anil Loomba who had hosted the ‘VIP meet and Greet’ night for Jinal

Pandya and producer Bobby Scott were in high spirits and the first couple to come to the dance floor when the live singing started. They were followed by Mr. & Mrs. Brij Sharma and within minutes several people jammed the dance floor. Men and women were dressed elegant and graceful for the occasion. Grand sponsors, organizer and Jinal Pandya were on stage toasting to New Year 2018. People danced and dined all through evening into late hours wishing each other a Happy New Year.

Joyalukkas showroom now also in Singapore BY A STAFF WRITER HICAGO, IL -- Little India in Singapore gets a fresh new feel of home with the arrival of Joyalukkas at 134 Serangoon Road. The world’s favourite jeweller’s newest showroom is just opposite the Veeramakaliamman Temple, and a welcome addition to one of the city’s most popular tourist sites. The shop was inaugurated by S M Abdul Jaleel, founder, CEO, MES Group, and was a glittering affair attended by area residents and graced by the presence of local dignitaries, VIPs and chief executives of the Joyalukkas Group. Joyalukkas at Serangoon Road is one of several showroom launches planned for early 2018, continuing the brand’s aggressive expansion efforts begun in 2015. The showroom features the brand’s signature jewellery collections, including an expanded selection of Veda Temple Jewellery, in keeping with the traditional, South Indian flavour of its location. “The historic relationship between Singapore and India spans decades and grows stronger with every generation of Indian expats who come to love and call this delightful country home,” said Joy Alukkas, chairman and managing direcytor of the Joyalukkas Group.


“It brings us much happiness to open this second showroom in Singapore and be located on the prestigious Serangoon Road to offer the pure joy of jewellery shopping only Joyalukkas can offer residents and tourists alike.” Joyalukkas Serangoon Road will feature over a million jewellery designs showcasing a mix of traditional, ethno contemporary

and international influences. It will carry the exclusive line of Joyalukkas brands, such as Veda temple jewellery, Pride diamonds, Eleganza Polki diamonds, Masaaki pearls, Zenina Turkish jewellery, Li’l Joy kids jewellery, the Apurva Antique collection & Ratna precious stone jewellery, along with renowned names in gold, diamond, precious stones, platinum and pearl jewellery.


ILES, IL – With local and state laws against texting and driving not heavily enforced, the police in north suburban Niles are pulling over people suspected of texting and driving. “While I’m driving I’m looking at everybody right now,” said Officer Fotis Markadas. He was on the road less than 10 seconds before he spotted the first violation for texting and driving. The driver was issued a $100 ticket. The Niles police said they had noticed an increase in the number of drivers who were distracted by cell phones behind the wheel, so they decided to devote one day a week to crack the whip.. Not only is using a cell phone while driving against state law, but also a village ordinance. According to the National Safety Council, distracted driving causes about 1.6 million crashes a year and those crashes cause about 330,000 injuries. In fact, they say one in every four accidents is caused by texting. The population of Niles is about 30,000, but about 75,000 drivers a day go through the town on Milwaukee Avenue. Officer Markadas said it’s easy to find drivers who are breaking the cell phone laws. A study found that 94 percent of drivers believe texting behind the wheel is dangerous, but 35 percent admit to doing it anyway.








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community news/EAST COAST Doctor honor for Dr MassMutual has paid $14b in dividends TopMohsina Laliwala FRIDAY, 011 JANUARY, 2014

BY A STAFF WRITER PRINGFIELD, MS – Demonstrating the longstanding commitment to its policyowners and customers, Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company (MassMutual) has announced that its Board of Directors has approved a $1.6-billion dividend payout in 2018 to eligible participating policyowners and members. The landmark accomplishment marks 150 consecutive years that MassMutual has been paying a dividend. Says Roger Crandall, chairman, president and chief executive officer of MassMutual: “Against the backdrop of a prolonged low-interest rate environment, this accomplishment embodies MassMutual’s competitive advantage – particularly the contribution of earnings from our diverse portfolio of businesses, which include our institutional, workplace and international insurance businesses, as well as global asset management subsidiaries OppenheimerFunds, Inc. and Barings. “Combined, these enable us to provide exceptional value to our policyowners and help them secure their future and protect the ones they love.” The 2018 estimated payout reflects a dividend interest rate of 6.40 percent for eligible participating policies. While dividends are not guaranteed, MassMutual has paid them to eligible participating policyowners every year since 1869. In fact, with the 2018 estimated payout, MassMutual will have paid more than $14 billion in dividends since 2009. Over the past decade, MassMutual has also paid more than $35 billion in insurance



and annuity benefits–including $5 billion in 2016, the most the company has ever paid in a year–delivering on its obligations to its policyowners and customers. Additionally, in 2016, MassMutual achieved its 11th straight year of record weighted whole life insurance sales, while total adjusted capital has reached nearly $18 billion (as of September 30, 2017). Moreover, MassMutual’s financial strength ratings remain among the highest of any company in any industry, illustrating its strong operating fundamentals and a prudent, longterm investment philosophy. “This estimated dividend payout once again demonstrates our ability to honor our commitments,” said Mike Fanning, head of MassMutual US “It is also yet another

Dr. Mohsina Laliwala BY A STAFF WRITER HICAGO, IL -- Dr. Mohsina Laliwala, an Indian American internal medicine physician, has been recognized as the 2017 Top Doctor in Chicago. According to topdoctorawardsmagazine. com, the Top Doctor Awards honor healthcare practitioners with clinical excellence while delivering the highest standards of patient care. Laliwala is working as an Internal Medicine Physician with NorthShore University Health System. With more than eight years of experience in the field, she is considered as one of Chicago’s best internists. Laliwala completed her graduation in 2009 from the Smt. NHL Municipal Medical College in Ahmedabad, India. Then she moved to the US where she has completed her residency at the Mercy Hospital and Medical Center in Chicago.

C way we help our policyowners protect their families, support their communities and help one another. Still, there are millions of individuals and families who are financially underprepared and, through our expanded tools and channels, we have an opportunity to make our solutions more accessible to a broader range of people.” MassMutual is a leading mutual life insurance company that is run for the benefit of its members and participating policyowners. MassMutual offers a wide range of financial products and services, including life insurance, disability income insurance, long-term care insurance, annuities, retirement plans and other employee benefits.

Hari Om Mandir begins New Year with a bang

Chicago Dancemakers Forum features Hema Rajagopalan live in concert on Thurs Jan 11th-3:30 PM at The American Rhythm Center, 410 Michigan Avenue, Chicago, IL 60605

Chalo Haso Comedy Showcase on Fri Jan 12-8:00 PM at Seven Bar and Restaurant, 400 East Randolph Street, Chicago, IL 60601. Call: 417-267-3579

Pongal / Makara Sankranthi celebration on Sat Jan 13th-9:00 AM at The Hindu Temple of Greater Chicago, 10915 Rd Illinois, Lemont, IL 60439

Dhanur Masa Celebrations on Sat Jan 13th- 8:00 AM at Sri Venkateswara Swami (Balaji) Te m p l e , 1 1 4 5 Sullivan Rd Illinois, Aurora, IL 60506

Ustad Amjad Ali Khan, Amaan & Ayaan Ali Bangash Live in Concert in Chicago on Sat Jan 27th- 8:00 PM at The Meadows Club, 2950 W Golf Road, Rolling Meadows, IL 60008 . Tkts: $50, $75, VIP $100, Elite $200

Swayamvar - Indian Singles Event All Brides and Grooms Exhibition on Sat Feb 10th- 5:00 PM at Suite lounge, 1446 N Wells St 60610, Chicago, IL 60670. Tkts: $69.Call: 647-709-3437

BY A STAFF WRITER EDINAH, IL -- The New Year’s first day began with a Bang on the premises of Hari Om Mandir (HOM), Medinah, IL with huge crowds gathering in the temple to seek blessings from the God Almighty on this auspicious day, and praying for a healthy, wealthy and prosperous year ahead. HOM this year organized ‘’Sunderkand Path’ on January 1 which was attended by some 500 devotees. Singers from India, along with Chicago Land Tabla Maestro, Puran Dada Vyas, recited the Path and mesmerized the congregation with their soulful singing. The hall was packed to capacity with people offering flowers in the lotus feet of Hanuman Ji and seeking his blessings.The In the beautifullydecorated temple, Pandit Raghuvir Ji welcomed everyone with the auspicious tilak on the forehead, Hanuman Ji Sash around the neck, and handed over the Holy Path Book to sing along. In Hari Om Mandir, January 1 is also a day of administrative activity. The 2 Boards –


Executive Board (EB) and Board of Trustees (BOT) that run the show all year round, are introduced to the general congregation. For the 3rd consecutive year, Mr. Vipan Wadhera was re-elected as the President of the Executive Board. A plaque was awarded to outgoing member Anita Rawal for her outstanding services as a Secretary on the Board. Satpal Salwan, Chairman Board of Trustees, congratulated the EB Team for a successful 2017.Plaques were also awarded to the outgoing members and citations in honor of their dedicated services were read out for Mahendera Thakkar, Naveen Paul, Ram Verma and Subhash Sharma. He introduced Brij Sharma as Vice Chairman and Mohan Karamchandani as Secretary along with Chandru Bhojwani, Dr. Anand Lal, Satish Chander, Krishan Tejpal and Upma Hardy as other board members. As the guardian of the temple, Ayodhia Salwan wished everyone a Happy New Year. A grand Lunch, sponsored by the Salwan Family/ Star foods, was served after the program.









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community news/EAST COAST FRIDAY, 011 JANUARY, 2014




EW YORK, NY -- The Pravasi Bhartiya Divas (PBD) is observed January 9 by the Republic of India to recognize the contribution of the overseas community toward development of India. This year, the PBD was held on January 7 at consulate general of India in New York in the presence of invitees, guests and dignitaries. Newly appointed president of the Federation of Indian Associations (FIA, NY-NJ-CT), Srujal Parikh, lighted the traditional lamp, followed by Ganesh Vandana performed by beautiful dancers Mithali, Manasvi & Kangana from Surati For Performing Arts. Those who spoke on the occasion included K. Devadasan Nair, who holds the position as Consul, Community Affairs, Ramesh Patel, chairman of FIA, Padmashree H R Shah of TV Asia, Dr. Neeta Jain,District Leader Assembly (Dis 25, Part B) Queens, NY, Jenifer Rajkumar, who holds prestigious position as Director of Immigration Affairs, and Special Consul in New York Governor Andrew Cuomo’s

Neil Patel


office. Riya Pawar sang “Viashnav Jana To Tene”, one of the most popular bhajans from the 15th century by Narsinh Mehta which was also included in Mahatma Gandhi’s daily prayers. The Indian community flooded New York streets to enjoy colorful floats, rich

costumes, invited guests from different areas of political parties, Bollywood actors, and local dignitaries. The celebrations ended with a delicious lunch, sweet memories and promises to give a little extra and contributing to serve community and build a stronger bond with India and Indian heritage.

Indian judge pleads guilty to drunken driving BY A STAFF WRITER


AMSEY COUNTY, MN -- An Indian American district court judge in Ramsey County, Minn., Gurdip Singh Atwal, who was charged with drinking and driving in St. Paul early on New Year’s Day, has pleaded guilty and apologized. “I can’t express in words the remorse I feel,” said Atwal, who goes by Judge G. Tony Atwal, when he appeared in court on the charges on January 2. Atwal said he apologized to his

Death of Indian being probed as homicide

Judge Gurdip Singh Atwal

colleagues, fellow citizens and everyone in Minnesota.The judge said he has accepted responsibility for the decision he made and for putting people in jeopardy.. The Minneapolis city attorney’s office charged the 43-year-old Atwal with two counts of third-degree DWI, careless driving and failing to stop for a stop sign. His blood-alcohol concentration was more than twice the legal limit to drive in Minnesota. Atwal pleaded guilty to one count of DWI, a gross misdemeanor and the other charges were dismissed.

An Indian American youth, Neil Patel, has been identified as the man found dead near a recreation park in South Macon, Ga. The 21-year-old Patel had been missing since December 19. He was found two days later behind the recreation center in Bloomfield Park with multiple gunshot wounds. According to the Bibb County Sheriff ’s Office, it was not possible to identify the body after reviewing prints taken at a crime lab. A county coroner said that Patel was shot and that the person who reported the body was not at the scene when authorities arrived. Authorities are investigating the incident as a homicide. The death is the 30th homicide of the year.

Papa John’s owner to pay $170k to staffers

Lockers of Muslim cops vandalized

Sandeep Singh





EW YORK, NY -- The lockers for two Muslim cops in the Bronx were vandalized with hate messages. The discovery of the ugly taunts, including “F--- you, Muslim b---h,” prompted an internal probe. The police are also trying to figure out if the same person is responsible for scrawling “F--- you,” “d--k” and penises on two dozen other lockers. The Internal Affairs Bureau is leading the

investigation into the possible bias crime, with assistance from the Hate Crime Task Force. The graffiti was discovered on the night of January 6 in the men’s locker room at Transit District 11. The command, located near Yankee Stadium, covers five subway lines in the Bronx and is run by Deputy Inspector Zaheer Azeez, himself a Muslim, though the targets were two other cops. “Muslims” was written on one locker — just below the officer’s name on a “Police!!

Don’t Move!” sticker. “F--k you, Muslim b--h” was scrawled on another locker, also just below the officer’s name on a duplicate of the same sticker. A lieutenant tipped to the graffiti then found the other lockers that had been vandalized. In a statement, society head Adeel Rana said the group was “extremely disappointed” to hear about the incident. There are about 1,000 Muslim officers in the NYPD.

EW YORK, NY -- New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman on January 5 announced that a settlement has been reached with Papa John’s pizza restaurant owner Sandeep Singh to pay more than $170,000 in restitution and damages to over 100 employees. Singh, Star Fine Foods Inc., Star Fine Foods II Inc. and Star Fine Foods IV Inc. own three Papa John’s franchises in Brooklyn, N.Y., each of which violated minimum wage and overtime requirements, and took unlawful deductions from workers’ wages by failing to reimburse all work-related expenses. Singh has agreed to pay $171,895.12 in restitution and damages. The agreement follows an investigation into the franchisee, beginning in 2013. Singh admitted to the violations of law outlined in the settlement agreement.







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community news/EAST COAST FRIDAY, 011 JANUARY, 2014




AN DIEGO, CA -- Vignesh Rajmohan, a senior from South Carolina, was among two Indian American students who qualified for the “Who Wants to be a Mathematician” championship. The American Mathematical Society (AMS) recently announced the 12 contestants who will compete in the 2018 “Who Wants to be a Mathematician” championship, with Indian American high schoolers Saaketh Vedantam and Vignesh Rajmohan among the students named. A total of 12 students from the US and one each from Canada and the U.K. will compete for the top prize at the Joint Mathematics Meetings in San Diego, Calif. Vedantam, a junior at American Heritage School in Florida, was a USAMO qualifier in the 9th and 10th grades, and Florida MATHCOUNTS champion in the 8th grade. Rajmohan, a senior at James L. Mann

Saaketh Vedantam

Vignesh Rajmohan

High School in South Carolina, was selected to compete at the National Judicial Competition for mock trial and finished third in the Beta Club Quiz Bowl National Competition. If he wins first prize, he will invest money in his ongoing research on

natural methods of water purification and further develop his service project, Project Untether, he says on the AMS Web site. The winner of the contest will win a grand prize of $10,000 – split $5,000 for the winner and $5,000 for the math department of the winner’s school. Indian American Ankan Bhattacharya of Michigan won the contest in 2016.

Naturalized citizenship of Indian cancelled



ERSEY CITY, NJ -- The US Department o f Ho m e l a n d Se c u r i t y a n d t h e Department of Justice on January 5 announced they have revoked their first naturalized citizenship—that of Indian American Baljinder Singh--as part of a new collaborative immigration review effort. Singh, also known as Davinder Singh, arrived in San Francisco in 1991 without any travel documents or proof of identity. He failed to appear for his immigration hearing in 1992 and was soon deported. Singh then returned to the US about a month later and filed an asylum application. Singh abandoned his asylum application and married a US citizen who filed a visa petition on his behalf. In 2006, he was able to become a naturalized citizen under the name Baljinder Singh, and the 43-year-old has since been residing in New Jersey.

Singh is accused of illegal procurement of naturalization by not being lawfully admitted for permanent residence, illegal procurement of naturalization due to lack of good moral characters, and procurement of US citizenship with concealment of a material fact or wilful misrepresentation. According to court documents, the Justice Department and USCIS allege Singh, Parvez Manzoor Khan in Florida, and Rashid


Mahmood in Connecticut obtained their naturalized citizenship “by fraud.” Baljinder Singh “exploited our immigration system and unlawfully secured the ultimate immigration benefit of naturalization, which undermines both the nation’s security and our lawful immigration system,” said Acting Assistant Attorney General Chad Readler of the Justice Department’s Civil Division in a statement.

TANA Sankranti (Koti Musical Night) on Sat Jan 27th- 4:00 PM at Plainfield High School, 920 Park Avenue, Plainfield, NJ 07060. Tkts: $15, VIP $45, VVIP $75. Call: 732-997-9193


E T R O I T, M I - - A sleeping female passenger was allegedly sexually assaulted on January 3 by an Indian American male while on board a Spirit Airlines flight from Las Vegas, Nevada to Detroit, Michigan. The unnamed victim told flight attendants that she woke up to find a man’s hands down her pants. The suspect, Prabhu Ramamoorthy, allegedly penetrated the victim’s vagina with his fingers and then moved them rapidly back and forth. When she fully awoke, Ramamoorthy stopped, according to the criminal complaint against the alleged groper. Ramamoorthy told an FBI agent that he “’might have’ undone (the woman’s) bra while playing with it, and that he had cupped her (clothed) breast”. The suspect was taken into custody immediately after the flight landed, and has been charged with aggravated sexual assault.


in the Mid West area

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Prabhu Ramamoorthy

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(1) EconoLodge, 4726 E. Washington Ave, Madison, WI, 53704. Available Positions: Front Desk (2nd Shift) (3:00pm - 11:00pm) & Housekeeping. (2) Quality Inn & Suites, W9250 Prospect Dr. Lodi, WI, 53555. Available Positions: Housekeeping & Laundry. Accommodations: Provided if needed. Please call for further details. Please call for further details call between 9 AM - 5 PM.

Contact: (608)-630-5652


Wanted House Keeping couple for Franchise Motel in St. Louis, Missouri. Good salary & accommodation will be provided. Call: 314-330-4621 or 314-497-3292 Heading : Arial Black 12 Font Black color

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Call: 708-456-3600 or 630-347-2723 cnulle sYh Au ctÃm rNftdtu:e ’tuZ fjtflt yk;hu dwsht;e Ntftnthe vrhJthlu hmtuRftb ;ubs n¤Jtk Dhftb btxu jeJ-Rl cnulle sYh Au. rmkdj cnul ytJftgo. Vegetarian Gujarati family located at 1 ½ hrs from inside text : Arial 11 Font Black color hiindiaadvertisement@gmail.com Heading : Arial Black 14 Font White color BAPS, Chicago needs Live-in lady for cooking and light household work. Single lady preferred.

312-476-9447 Call: 815-351-3693

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Gujarati couple looking for an experienced live-in nanny to take care of 2 months old infant. Heading : Arial Black 12 Font Black color Good compensation is color offered. Heading : Arial Black 12 Font Black

Call: 847-530-1123






Turnkey Fully Equipped & Furnished Indian Restaurant For Sale in Orland Park, IL. 1600 SF. Great location, near a busy LaGrange shopping district and 147th st with plenty of parking. Heading : Arial Black 14Asking Font White color $70,000. Please price contact owner for details. Owner retiring.


Reputed CPA Firm in Arlington Heights, IL is hiring an Accountant. Duties include preparation of Individual and Business tax returns. Chartered Accountant preferred. Accounting experience would be great. Training will be provided. Candidate must be14bilingual in color Gujarati or Hindi. Heading : Arial Black Font White

Call Himanshu Jain @ 847-368-8850 or email info@hjainco.com

NANNY WANTED htuauMxh, Lgqgtufo rM:; dwsht;e vheJthlu cuce rmrxkd ;ubs Dhftb btxu dwsht;e Ct»tt ctuje Nfu ;uJt cnulle sYh Au. ytf»tof vdth ytvJtbtk ytJNu. Heading : Arial Black 14 Font White color Gujarati family in Rochester, NY seeking Gujarati speaking Live-in Nanny for baby sitting and household work. Good pay. Heading : Arial Black 12 Font Black color

Call Truptesh Kothari 585-397-6822


FranchiseHeading Restaurant for sale in Schaumburg, IL. : Arial Black 14 Font White color Great location, prime turnover, branded restaurant. Owner retiring due to family reason.

Call 708-439-1046

Heading Black 12 Font Black color TWO 4 : Arial FLATS FOR SALE

(1) Located at 4824 Greenleaf St, Skokie, IL 60077. With 3 car garage from alley one open parking. Overhead Sewer, Dry Basement Asking price $650,000. (2) Located at Font 4814 White Greenwood Heading : Arial Black 14 colorSt, Skokie, IL 60077. 4 open parking Higher ground Dry Basement. Asking price $750,000. Both have newer Shingles roofs.

For more info Call: 847-830-5361


Headingstore : Arialin Black 14 Font White color Indian Grocery Morton Grove, IL looking for full time Heading or part time Cashier. Candidate should have : Arial Black 12 Font Black color experience and be willing to work flexible hours.

Call 847-410-7788

MOTEL FOR SALE 24 Rooms Motel for Sale in Middlesboro, KY 40965. Office with 4 BDRM, 2.5 Bath and living quarters. Heading : Arial Black 12 Font Black color Serious buyers only.

Call Kanu Patel @ 314-578-2329 or Email: kanu122@hotmail.com

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MATRIMONIAL Vaishnav Vanik US Citizen boy born 1979, Ht 5'-7", Wt 82 kgs, Innocent divorcee, business owner invites correspondace 14 Font White color fromHeading Gujarati: Arial wellBlack cultured girls. No caste bar.

Contact/WhatsApp: 217-853-2475


Subway Restaurant for Sale in Lynwood IL. 5K combo. Profitable operation. Potential for upside : Arial Black 14 Font White color sales Heading & rent reduction. Reasonable offer from serious buyer will not be rejected.

Call: Kamlesh Patel 708-745-0103 Email: firstkamlesh@gmail.com

RESTAURANT HELP Heading : Arial Black 12 Font Black color

Indian Restaurant in South Carolina looking for Heading : Arial Black 14 Font White color Food Runner & Waiter. Good salary and accommodation provided.

Call Bobby @ 864-752-8585

JOB OPPORTUNITY IN SCHAUMBURG Heading : Arial Black 12 Font Black color

Looking for Clerk, Basic Computer skills and strong written and spoken communication skills in English required. Compensation:$10/hr. Full Time.- Mon-Fri.

Call: 224-330-9171


100+ Rooms, Interior Corridor, recently renovated, property located with easy access to I-20, 180 miles from Dallas, Texas. Minutes Heading away from Shreveport Regional Airport, : Arial Black 12 Font Black colorHospitals & Casinos. Price $1,995,000. Excellent opportunity for an owner/operator. Qualify for TEA ($5,000,000) program under EB-5 Investor VISA.

Contact Mr Ashok 214-449-0523 Email. ashok@jainhc.com

SALON HELP WANTED Heading : Arial Black 12 Font Black color

: Arial Black 14 Font White color Salon inHeading Chicago looking for Threading, Henna & Waxing. Part Time or Full Time. Parking available.

Call: 847-338-6684


Experienced Eyebrow Threader wanted at a very busy location for a modern salon. Full hours, full time and part time position, very good hourly pay, super Excellent Tips. Very friendly staff and management.

Call: 219-316-0344




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SEVA BEAUTY FOR SALE Ítgl, RrjltuR rM:; Jtpjbtxobtk ytJuj muJt çgwxe mjql JuaJtlwk Au. Fwc s mthtu vtuÍexeJ fpN VTjtu "htJ;tu ceÍlum. btrjf btxu Vtg’tfthf ceÍlum ;tðftrjf JuaJtltu Au. J"w rJd;tu btxu mkvfo fhtu Located in Walmart Supercenter, Zion, IL. Good potential for owner. Very good positive cash flow. Rent $2500. Owner desperate to sale. Heading : Arial Black 14 Font White color And owner will sacrifice for only $10,000. For quick sale . Call between 11 AM-6 PM

Call Hitesh Mehta: 847-219-7370 or Mr Vyas: 224-578-9639


Cash 4 All Toyota, Honda, Nissan and All other makes. Running or Not, Damaged Ok. Free Towing

Call: 973-204-7869 or 732-600-0033


Motel help wanted. Positions open: Front Desk, Housekeeping and Laundry. Accommodation Heading : Arial Black 14Font Font Black White color will be provided. Heading : Arial Black 12 color

Call Ray @ 319-512-9039

Heading : Arial Black 14 Font White color


(1) Single family Rental House on two lots for sale at 7811, N. Kenneth, Skokie, IL 60076. Fenced yard overhead sewer. One car attached garage Two car garage from alley. Asking price $350,000 (2) Located at 1945 E Touhy Ave, Des Plaines, IL 60018. Single family rental house with in law apartment on 1st floor. Large lot 88x330 Next Door has two lots available. Asking price $550,000.


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lifestyle Jewellery guide for this season



lthough winegrowers seem reluctant to try new grape varieties apparently to protect the taste of the wines, new research suggests that they will ultimately have to give up on their old habit as planting lesser-known grape varieties might help vineyards to counteract some of the effects of climate change. “It’s going to be very hard, given the With continued amount of warming change, climate we’ve already comvarieties certain mitted to... for in certain many regions to According to the researcher, convincing wine producers regions will start continue growing to try different grape varieties is difficult at best. the exact varieties to fail — study they’ve grown in the ment with new said. “We should be studying and co-author past,” said study covarieties, or risk exploring these varieties to prepare author Elizabeth suffering the negative for climate change,” she added. Wolkovich, Assistant Professor Unfortunately, Wolkovich said, consequences of climate at Harvard University. change. “The Old World has a convincing wine producers to try “With continued climate huge diversity of winegrapes — different grape varieties is difficult change, certain varieties in certain there are over planted 1,000 vari- at best, and the reason often comes regions will start to fail — that’s eties — and some of them are bet- down to the current concept of termy expectation,” she said. ter adapted to hotter climates and roir. Terroir is the notion that a The study, published in the have higher drought tolerance than wine’s flavor is a reflection of journal Nature Climate Change, the 12 varieties now making up where, which and how the grapes suggests that wine producers now over 80 per cent of the wine mar- were grown. face a choice — proactively experi- ket in many countries,” Wolkovich Thus, as currently understood,

Working on mobile from home may affect family life IANS, NEW YORK


oo much office workload? Do not bring it home as it might spoil intimacy with your partner and affect your professional life too, a new study has warned. According to researchers, using a mobile device at home for work purposes has negative implications for the employee’s work life and also on the spouse. “There is plenty of research on technology and how it affects employees. We wanted to see if this technology-use” carried back home would affect the spouse negatively, said co-author of the study, Wayne Crawford, assistant professor at University of Texas at Arlington. For the study, published in the Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, researchers surveyed 344 married couples. All the participants were full-time workers and used mobile devices or tablets

at home for their work purposes. The survey results showed that use of a mobile device during family time resulted in lower job satisfaction and lower job performance. “It’s really no surprise that conflict was created when a spouse is using a mobile device at home. They are sometimes engaging in work activities during family time. What that ultimately leads to, though, is trouble at work for both spouses,” the researcher said.

only certain traditional or existing varieties are part of each terroir, leaving little room for change. The industry — both in the traditional winegrowing centers of Europe and around the world — faces hurdles when it comes to making changes, Wolkovich said. In Europe, she said, growers have the advantage of tremendous diversity. They have more than 1,000 grape varieties to choose from. Yet strict labeling laws have created restrictions on their ability to take advantage of this diversity. Similar restrictions have been enacted in many European regions — all of which force growers to focus on a small handful of grape varieties. “The more you are locked into what you have to grow, the less room you have to adapt to climate change,” Wolkovich said. New World winegrowers, meanwhile, must grapple with the opposite problem — while there are few, if any, restrictions on which grape varieties may be grown in a given region, growers have little experience with the diverse — and potentially more climate change adaptable — varieties of grapes found in Europe, the study said.

NEW DELHI: Skip the chokers, and go for small diamond studs and big rings to give a fashionable twist to the look in winter, say experts. Saurabh Maheshwari, co-owner of Vishal Jewels, and Ritika Bhasin Gupta, Jewellery Designer, list down some things to keep in mind while picking accessories. v In winter, one should avoid wearing chokers as girls prefer having scarves or fur collars to protect themselves from the chilly weather. v Women can opt for small diamond studs as these look really pretty and elegant when it comes to winter wear. v If it is an occasion apart from weddings, then ladies should keep it as simple as possible. v Big dazzling rings, be it funky or diamonds, look amazing in winter and can add some glam quotient to the look. v Usually in winter, women skip wearing anything more than a watch on their wrists. Wearing a bangle or a bracelet in winter will not be of any use as they will get tangled in full sleeve uppers and pullovers. —IANS

Doing this may lower your stress IANS, TORONTO


re you are feeling physically and emotionally drained out? Try taking a whiff of your romantic partner’s shirt — for it can help lower stress levels, suggests a study. The findings showed that women feel calmer when they sniff their male partner’s scent. “Many people wear their partner’s shirt or sleep on their partner’s side of the bed when their partner is away, but may not realize why they engage in this behavior,” said lead author Marlise Hofer, graduate student at the University of British Columbia, in Canada. “Our findings suggest that a partner’s scent alone, even without their physical presence, can be a powerful tool to help reduce stress,” Hofer added. Conversely, being exposed to a stranger’s scent had the opposite effect and raised levels of the stress hormone, cortisol, possibly because of evolutionary factors. “From a young age, humans fear strangers, especially strange males,

so it is possible that a strange male scent triggers the ‘fight or flight’ response that leads to elevated cortisol. This could happen without us being fully aware of it,” she said. The study could have practical implications to help people cope with stressful situations when they’re away from loved ones, the researchers said. For the study, published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, the team recruited 96 het-

erosexual couples. The women were randomly assigned to smell a T-shirt that was either unworn, or had been worn by their partner or a stranger. Women who smelled their partner’s shirt felt less stressed, those who both smelled their partner’s shirt and also correctly identified the scent had lower levels of cortisol, while women who smelled a stranger’s scent showed higher cortisol levels.









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EQUAL HOUSING LENDER Suren Sampat (IL:031.0003671 NMLS:220469) and Lina Surendrakumar Sampat (IL:031.0042619 NMLS:1236869) are agents of Draper and Kramer Mortgage Corp. (IL:MB.0004263-012 NMLS:2551) an Illinois Residential Mortgage Licensee located at 701 E. 22nd St., Suite 125, Lombard, IL 60148. Telephone 630-376-2100. Regulated by IDFPR located at 100 W. Randolph, 9th Floor, Chicago, IL 60601. Telephone 312-814-4500. Copyright © 2017 Draper and Kramer Mortgage Corp. All Rights Reserved. 01983-04 01/17


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