hi INDiA | March 23, 2018 | Midwest Edition

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tuanregguJ rehtie dezirohtua ton sah eh taht tnemetats a yhpa@hiindia rgoib/hiindianoone sih hsilbuFRIDAY, p/etMARCH irw o t namsU ressaY ro s /hiindialive 23, 2018 MIDWEST / EASTCOAST 1

A -toof ylgnikatsniap“ neeb sah koob koob eht secruos eht dna ,deton neeb ylraelc evah nopu deiler sah .”denoitnem s’ttuD rM ot tcepser yap oT“ erom yna tuo tup t’now ew ,sehsiw -trohs ni koob eht morf stcartxe tnemetats eht daer ”,aidem mrof Narendra Modi, the first ever Indian PM to .dias visit Palestine, assured President evag osla yajnaS ,trap sih nO Mahmoud Abbas that it will soon become a -rof kool ylregae ot gnihtemos snaf free country in a peaceful manner -argoibotua laiciffo yM“ .ot draw eb lliw The hcihUttar w noPradesh os tuo by-elections eb lliw yhpprovided resounding -naS ”,sconfirmation tcaf no desaof b dthe naslide citneinhthe tua party’s fortunes .dedda yaj MIDWEST EDITION 8 • Issue No. 455, MARCH 23, 2018 | THE COMMUNITY ehT )thgiR( .FIRST noos tuo ebwww.hiindia.com lliw yhpargoibotua ”citnehtua“ sih dias sa -ylloB |fEAST o yrotCOAST S dlotnEDITION U yzarC | eVolume hT ) S N A I : s o t o h P ( . namsU ressaY yb dennep koob eht fo rev efil s’yajnaS secart yoB daB s’doow INSIDE PAGES fo stnemgif era hcihw fo tsom citnehtua morf nia — stnerap sih woh morf gnitrats evah I .eurt ton dna noitanigami tem ttuD sigraN dna ttuD linuS eh woh ,htrib sih ,deirram tog dna ym ro em truh lliw taht stprecxe no maet lagel ym htiw detlusnoc stprecxe eht morf ,r Ahuja to chase,lodata ”.ylimaf eht ”,noitca fo esruoc txen eht -apswen eht ni gnirae ohcs gnidraob ni efil htiw depoc d i a s , t n e m e t a t s s t i n i , t u a n r e gguJ .etorw rotca dlo ym no desab ylt , h t a e d s ’ r e h t o m s i h f o y d e g a r t e h t leakers at Facebook dna rehtaf sih htiw pihsnoitaler sih yajnaS wonk ot ”yrros“ si maet eht -naS ,tsop gniynapmocca na nI ot demees lla tser tub -ed dna noitcidda gurd sih ,sretsis ni ,revewoH .koob eht yb ”tespu“ si lliw esnes retteb epoh I“ :dias yaj ’s0991 ,yasraeh no .noitcidda eht dias evah yeht ,esnefed rieht rehtruf on eb lliw ereht dna liaverp ,senizagam pissog d Premium processing

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FRIDAY, MARCH 23, 2018



FRIDAY, MARCH 23, 2018

4 X







‘Trump docs given to Mueller’ President Donald Trump’s legal team recently shared the documents in an effort to limit any session between the President and Mueller to a few select topics

Republicans warn Trump over Mueller’s Russia inquiry



S President Donald Trump’s lawyers have provided special counsel Robert Muellers team written descriptions that chronicle key moments under investigation in hopes of curtailing the scope of a presidential interview, a media report said. Trump’s legal team recently shared the documents in an effort to limit any session between the President and Mueller to a few select topics, informed sources told The Washington Post this week. As part of his investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election, Mueller is probing whether Trump’s campaign coordinated with Russia and whether the president obstructed justice by trying to block the investigation. In particular, his team is focused on Trump’s firing of his National Security Advisor Andrew McCabe and the Federal Bureau of Investi-

BRIEFS Trump may hit China with $60 bn tariffs WASHINGTON: Following up on his threat to punish Beijing for intellectual property theft, US President Donald Trump is preparing to hit China with a $60 billion annual tariff package. The tariff package, which Trump plans to unveil this week, was confirmed by four senior administration officials, the Washington Post reported. Senior aides had provided the President with a $30 billion tariff package but Trump ordered them to double it. — IANS

New Deputy Chief of Staff appointed WASHINGTON: The White House this week announced that former Microsoft executive Christopher Liddell will be the Deputy Chief of Staff for Policy Coordination. “Christopher Liddell has been named Deputy Chief of Staff for Policy Coordination, under Chief of Staff John Kelly, and will work closely with Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations, Joe Hagin,” Xinhua quoted White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders as saying. “He has extensive experience managing large organizations and has already overseen a number of interagency processes in the White House. — IANS

Donald Trump has denied any wrongdoing regarding the firing of his National Security Advisor Andrew McCabe and FBI Director James Comey. (Photo: IANS)

gation Director James Comey. The President has denied any wrongdoing, calling the investigation a “witch hunt”. The written materials provided to Mueller’s office include summaries of internal White House memos and contemporaneous correspon-

dence about events Mueller is investigating, according to the sources. The documents describe the White House players involved and the President’s actions. The lawyers are worried that Trump, who has a penchant for making erroneous claims, would

WASHINGTON: Key Republicans have warned President Donald Trump not to interfere with special counsel Robert Mueller and his team’s ongoing probe into alleged Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election, the media reported. The warnings came after Trump on this week criticized Mueller on Twitter, one day after his lawyer John Dowd issued a statement saying he prays for the Justice Department to end the special

counsel’s investigation. In his tweets, Trump reiterated that there had been “no collusion” between his team and Russia and called the probe a “witch hunt”. He added that it was dominated by “hardened Democrats”. Arizona Republican Senator Jeff Flake recently told CNN that he expected his colleagues in Congress to push back on the President’s comments on Mueller and any potential move to force the — IANS end of the probe.

be vulnerable in an hours-long interview, the sources said. The decision to share materials with Mueller’s team is part of an effort by Trump’s lawyers to mini-

mize his exposure to Mueller, whom the President recently attacked in a series of tweets. Trump has told aides he is “champing at the bit” to sit for an interview, the sources said.

Congress unveils $1.3tn spending bill IANS, WASHINGTON


he US Congress has unveiled a massive bipartisan $1.3 trillion spending package that will keep the government funded until the end of September and has President Donald Trump’s support, media reported. But it was not immediately clear whether the proposal will pass Congress in time to avert a government shutdown, reports CNN. Lawmakers agreed on funding levels for every corner of the gov-

ernment with $700 billion budgeted for defense and $591 billion slated for non-defense spending. However, the legislation also include policy riders like a bill that incentivizes state and federal authorities to report more data to the country’s gun background

check system called “Fix NICS”. Lawmakers have until Friday at midnight to pass the bill before the government runs out of money. The House is expected to vote on the plan later this week but the main obstacle will be whether the Senate can move fast enough to avert a shutdown given its rules. If one lawmaker objects, it could force Senate leaders to run out the clock and even face a temporary shutdown later, reports CNN. House Speaker Paul Ryan (in pic) said this bill strengthens the country.

Shooting at high school in Maryland WASHINGTON: A high school shooting in the US state of Maryland this week has resulted in the death of the shooter and two others being injured, officials said. “There has been a shooting at Great Mills High School. The school is on lock down, the event is contained, the Sheriff’s office is on the scene,” St. Mary’s County Public Schools said, Xinhua reported. — IANS

Melania Trump launches campaign against cyberbullying IANS, WASHINGTON


S First Lady Melania Trump has formally launched her campaign to combat cyberbullying of children and teenagers despite scepticism about the initiative due to the insults that her husband and President Donald Trump regularly broadcasts on Twitter. Melania Trump this week held her first public act on the initiative, which she had promised during the 2016 US presidential election campaign, and invited the heads of Google, Facebook, Twitter and Snapchat to the White House, the US media reported.

During 2016 presidential election, Melania had promised to combat cyberbullying.

“I am well aware that people are sceptical of me discussing this topic. I have been criticized for my commitment to tackling this issue and I know that will continue. But it will

not stop me from doing what I know is right,” the First Lady said. The criticism began during the election campaign, when Melania expressed for the first time her

desire to devote herself to fighting against cyberbullying on social networks but many dismissed that idea as “hypocritical” since her husband does not show any qualms when posting mockeries or lashing out at his enemies on Twitter. “I’m here with one goal: helping children in our next generation,” the First Lady said in her meeting with tech companies, which representatives of Microsoft and Amazon also attended. “I receive many letters from children who have been bullied or feel threatened on social media,” the former Slovenian model added, asking the leaders of the tech giants to share ideas with her and to deal with the problem, she added.





FRIDAY, MARCH 23, 2018



FRIDAY, MARCH 23, 2018


india news x





india news

39 Indians died in Iraq

Government confirms the death of 39 construction workers kidnapped by the Islamic State in 2014 from Iraq’s city of Mosul, invites criticism IANS, NEW DELHI

Sushma should apologize: Congress


ll 39 Indian construction workers kidnapped by the Islamic State in 2014 from Iraq’s city of Mosul have been killed, the government said this week, confirming the worst fears after keeping alive hopes over their survival for the last nearly four years. The confirmation came in the form of a suo motu statement External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj made in the Rajya Sabha after a limited truce was struck between the government and the opposition in the chamber of the House Chairman M. Venkaiah Naidu. Sushma Swaraj, who had earlier made statements, including a July 22, 2017 answer in the Lok Sabha that “as per the latest information from multiple third party sources, they are all safe”, on Tuesday rejected the lone survivor Harjit Masih’s claim that the 39 Indians were shot dead as a “cock and bull story which wasn’t true”. After questions were raised over the government’s confirmation, the minister held a press conference to say that the government cannot declare any person dead without concrete proof and it was her duty to inform Parliament first

NEW DELHI: The Congress has demanded that External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj should apologize to families of the 39 Indians, killed in Iraq, for “misleading” them and giving “false hopes”, and also demanded that the Narendra Modi government compensate them. The party also accused the government of crossing all limits of “insensitivity, inhumanity, and being merciless” as well as politicizing the issue and demanded each family should be given Rs 1 crore each. The Congress said the minister should visit all the families and apologize for misleading them and announcing the news on television. External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj addressing a press conference in New Delhi. (Photo: Video Grab/IANS)

about their death rather than tell their families first. “I refused to close the files (of the 39 Indians) till we had concrete proof in hand (about their death),” she said. Earlier, she informed the Rajya Sabha that Indian efforts to search for the missing led to a mound near Badush village in Mosul where a local resident said some bodies had been buried by the

Islamic State under a mound. She said deep penetration radars helped find 39 bodies buried under the mound. The bodies were exhumed and DNA samples from relatives of the missing workers were sent to Iraq. The victims — 27 from Punjab, four from Himachal Pradesh and six from Bihar and two from West Bengal — were construction workers employed by an Iraqi company

in Mosul. The victims were taken hostage when the Islamic State took control of the second largest city in Iraq. They were trying to leave Mosul when they were abducted. She said Minister of State for External Affairs V.K. Singh will go to Iraq to bring back the mortal remains of the Indians. “The plane carrying the bodies will first reach Amritsar, then Patna and then go to Kolkata.”

She dismissed the claims of Masih, the only survivor who escaped from Mosul. “He was not willing to tell me how he escaped,” she said. Reacting to the confirmation of deaths, Swaran Singh, whose kin was among the 39 dead, said Sushma Swaraj should have informed the aggrieved families about the deaths before “exploding the bomb on us” in Parliament.

India set to take up trade Cong-BJP feud amid Facebook fallout protectionism issues with US IANS, NEW DELHI

NEW DELHI: India has said it will bilaterally take up the issue of recent trade protectionism measures imposed by the US. Addressing a press conference after the Informal WTO Ministerial Meeting here, Indian Commerce and Industry Minister Suresh Prabhu said: “Every country will have a different response to it. We are obviously not the largest exporter of steel or aluminum to the US.... “We will take it up with the US, with whom we have a huge trade surplus and we have a very good political relationship. We will take up this with them bilaterally.” The assertion by the minister assumes significance as recently the US slapped import tariffs of 25 per cent on steel and 10 per cent on aluminum, unfolding the prospect of an all-out global trade war. According to WTO Director General Roberto Azevedo, the recent trade protectionist measures by the US have major potential for escalation. “I have said very publicly, that I


Commerce and Industry Minister Suresh Prabhakar Prabhu.

am very concerned and I think the institution itself could say the same, because these measures, for whatever reason, have a very major potential for escalation because of the possibility of responses from other partners with trade restrictive measures as well and that, I think, is something we should avoid,” he said. —IANS

he BJP and the Congress this week accused each other of using the services of embattled data consultancy firm Cambridge Analytica (CA) that along with Facebook is at the center of a global row over the alleged unauthorized use of personal data from the social media giant. As the firestorm over the issue hit India, the government warned Facebook, which is being probed by US and British lawmakers over a potential breach of user confidentiality, of stringent action if any attempt was made to influence the country’s electoral process through “undesirable means”. However, the company’s India partner Oveleno Business Intelligence (OBI) lists the BJP, the Congress and the JD-U as its clients. The India partner is by Amrish Tyagi, son of senior JD-U leader K.C. Tyagi. In media interviews, the junior Tyagi admitted that the Youth Congress in Jharkhand, the BJP and the JD-U had used its services to conduct research.

IT Minister Ravi Shankar Prasad at Parliament in New Delhi. (Photo: IANS)

BJP leader and India’s Law and IT and Telecom Minister Ravi Shankar Prasad cited media reports to allege that the Congress was using the services of the Londonbased political data analytics firm for the next Lok Sabha election and boost its president Rahul Gandhi’s social media profile and its outreach. “The Congress must explain if it has engaged in data trade with Cambridge Analytica,” the minister said. He said the number of Gandhi’s followers on Twitter had risen

recently and wondered if the Congress had used the services of the Cambridge Analytica for this “fake popularity”. “Will the Congress now depend on data manipulation and theft to woo voters,” Prasad asked. The Congress returned the fire and accused the BJP of having availed the firm’s services in 2010. “The Congress or its President have never used or hired the services of Cambridge Analytica,” Congress spokesperson Randeep Singh Surjewala said.





FRIDAY, MARCH 23, 2018



FRIDAY, MARCH 23, 2018






india feature india feature x

The dirty secret of Alappuzha — Kerala’s ‘Venice of the East’

Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath

Lauded by the UN three months ago for its waste management efforts, this coastal town is now stinking NIKHIL M. BABU, ALAPPUZHA (KERALA)


Hubris is letting down the BJP

The Uttar Pradesh by-elections provided resounding confirmation of the slide in the party’s fortunes AMULYA GANGULI, NEW DELHI


f one explanation has to be given for the BJP’s electoral ills in the Hindi heartland and nearby states, it is arrogance. Even more than the Narendra Modi government’s failures on the employment and agricultural fronts, it is the party’s and the government’s haughtiness, reflected in the Vicepresident M Venkaiah Naidu’s characterization of Modi as “God’s gift to the nation”, which has been undermining the party’s standing. The Uttar Pradesh by-elections have provided resounding confirmation of the slide in the party’s fortunes. For Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath to lose in his redoubt of Gorakhpur, where he is the head priest of the Gorakhnath temple, is far more indicative of the way the cookie is crumbling than the fall of the former chief minister Manik Sarkar’s government in Tripura, which was a cause of elation in saffron ranks. For the BJP, the monk-politician’s electoral humiliation is stunning for two reasons. One is that the elevation of this saffron-robed votary of “love jehad” and fake

encounters to the Chief Minister’s post was intended by the Modi dispensation to show how much is changing in India as it marches towards a Hindu rashtra. Adityanath’s ascent was meant to be a kick in the teeth for the “secular” camp which could not believe that a Hindutva hawk would be made the Chief Minister of India’s largest state. The other reason why the BJP

For UP Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath to lose in his redoubt of Gorakhpur, where he is the head priest of the Gorakhnath temple, is indicative of the way the cookie is crumbling would be stupefied is that it will now have to shelve its decision to field Adityanath as the third main campaigner for the party after Modi and party president Amit Shah. Till now, the Chief Minister had been deputed to electionbound states to boast about the

“developments” that were taking place in Uttar Pradesh. Now, he will be an “unstarred” campaigner as a Congress minister in Karnataka mockingly said. It is not unlikely that Adityanath will be derided on the next occasion when he addresses an election rally. His admission that over-confidence led to the BJP’s defeats in Gorakhpur and Phulpur is only partially correct, for it was not so much self-assurance which undercut the party but supercilious pride of being saviors of the nation from its “enemies”. This scornful outlook towards its political adversaries was starkly evident in Bihar where Union minister Giriraj Singh warned voters that Araria will become a “hub of terrorism” if the Muslim candidate was elected. This crude display of communalism did not deter the voters. The three or four “captive” television channels of the BJP have also been ringing alarm bells about the caste-based combination of the Samajwadi Party (SP) and the Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP), as well as the Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD), bringing down the “nationalist” BJP in Uttar Pradesh and Bihar.

tanding atop a wall, 37year-old Sabu Vijayan, an Alappuzha municipality sanitation worker, was singing as he used a long metal pipe to break a thick layer of waste floating on the two-metre-wide canal below him. The greenish-black water of the canal was hidden beneath the layer of plastic bottles and plastic bags filled with waste — a small green plant with three leaves had grown over it. “It (canal) smells like human excreta,” said Saviamma, 65, pointing to the YMCA branch canal flowing in front of her house. The United Nations had three months back selected Alappuzha, a coastal town in central Kerala, as one of five cities in the world whose waste management efforts were commendable. The UN report which selected the city read: “A few years ago, roadsides and canals (were) filled with stinking garbage... exposing residents and visitors alike to clouds of flies and disease-spreading mosquitoes. Since then, the city in the eastern state of Kerala... has addressed the problem by introducing a decentralized waste management system.” As Vijayan broke the layer of waste on top of the water to unclog the canal, swamps of mosquitoes flew up before settling down again in Shadamani canal — one of the 104 branch

canals — in Alappuzha, also known as Venice of the East. Canals in six different locations in the city this reporter visited had a similar story to tell. They are filled with garbage or weeds, becoming breeding grounds for mosquitoes. In two cases there was no water, only waste and silt. While residents accused the authorities of not cleaning the

Canals in six different locations in Alappuzha are filled with garbage or weeds, becoming breeding grounds for mosquitoes canals, officials complained of meagre funds and people’s habit of dumping garbage into the canals for their sorry state. Alappuzha was selected as one of the five cities in a report titled Solid Approach to Waste: How 5 Cities are Beating Pollution and it was put up on UN Environment’s website, under the “News and Stories” category. When asked about finding the state of canals different from its report, United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) India Head, Atul Bagai, told IANS that the UN did not select Alappuzha as one of the five best cities globally for waste management, but the list was “just a selection of five cities following good practices around the world”.

The greenish-black water of the canal hidden beneath the layer of plastic bottles and plastic bags filled with waste.





FRIDAY, MARCH 23, 2018



FRIDAY, MARCH 23, 2018






international international x

Putin re-elected President The voters have recognized the achievements of the last few years, says Putin after winning with 76.68 percent of the vote, his highest score ever

Trump congratulates Putin on re-election, gets slammed



ussian voters gave Vladimir Putin a resounding approval for a fourth term as President, with figures from the Central Election Commission on Monday showing him winning with 76.68 percent of the vote, his highest score ever, despite opposition activists highlighting a number of cases of vote rigging. Almost 55.5 million voters supported his candidacy in the election that took place on Sunday paving the way for Putin, 65, to lead the country until 2024 after which he is constitutionally obliged to stand down, Sputnik news agency reported. The turnout at the election was 67.47 percent, the CEC reported. The main opposition leader, Alexei Navalny, was barred from the race because of an embezzlement conviction that he said was manufactured by the Kremlin. Addressing a rally in Moscow, Putin said the voters had “recognized the achievements of the last few years”. Speaking to reporters after the results were announced, he laughed off a question about running again in another six years. “What you are saying is a bit funny. Do you think that I will

Vladimir Putin, 65, will lead Russia until 2024 after which he is constitutionally obliged to stand down. (Photo: (Xinhua/Wu Zhuang/IANS)

stay here until I’m 100 years old? No!” he said. World leaders congratulated Putin on his re-election but no Western leaders responded to his victory due to deepening tensions with Moscow in recent weeks after the poisoning of an ex-spy in Britain, which the UK government blamed on Russia, the BBC reported. Chinese President Xi Jinping said his country’s partnership with


Angela Merkel threatens Donald Trump BERLIN: German Chancellor Angela Merkel has warned that EU would take unambiguous countermeasures against the US tariff surges if necessary. Speaking to lawmakers in the Bundestag, lower house of the parliament, Merkel mentioned that the US has just introduced punitive tariffs, reports Xinhua. “We will seek talks and if necessary, we will take unambiguous countermeasures,” said Merkel, as

she made the first government statement before the Bundestag after the establishment of the new German government. US President Donald Trump on March 8 formally signed proclamations to impose a 25 percent tariff on imported steel and a 10 percent tariff on aluminum, which is scheduled to come into force in 15 days, causing mounting dissent among business groups and trading partners around the world.

Kabul bombing by Islamic State kills 29 KABUL: An Islamic State suicide bomber killed at least 29 people in Kabul who were celebrating the Persian New Year on Wednesday, according to Afghan government officials. Nasrat Rahimi, the deputy spokesman for the Ministry of Interior, initially said that a suicide bomber on foot detonated his explosives in front of the Ali Abad Hospital, in the Kart-e Sakhi area of Kabul, killing 26 and wounding 18. Later, Wahid Majrooh, the

spokesman for the Ministry of Public Health, put the death toll at 29, with 52 wounded, TOLONews reported. The Islamic State claimed responsibility for the bombing, according to a report on its website, Amaq, as monitored by the SITE Intelligence Group. The group’s local affiliate has repeatedly targeted Shiites in the Afghan capital over the past year, most recently on March 9, when 10 people were killed in a suicide bombing at a Shiite mosque complex. —IANS

Russia was at its “best level in history”. The leaders of Kazakhstan, Belarus, Venezuela, Bolivia and Cuba were among those who also sent their best wishes. However, German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas questioned the fairness of the election and said Russia would remain a “difficult partner”, but added: “We want to remain in dialogue.” The scale of victory — which

WASHINGTON: US President Donald Trump called his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin to congratulate him on his re-election, leading to fresh criticism of his muted tone towards Moscow amid an ongoing probe into Russian interference in the 2016 US presidential election. In a telephonic conversation on Tuesday, Trump did not raise with Putin the “lopsided” nature of his victory, Russia’s meddling in the US presidential polls or Moscow’s role in a nerve agent attack on a former Russian spy and his daughter in the UK, the Washington Post reported. The President described his conversation with Putin as a “very good call” and said they talked on a range of topics including arms control and

had been widely predicted — appeared to be a marked increase in his share of the vote from 2012, when he won 64 percent. The previous election record was set by Dmitry Medvedev in 2008, who won 52.5 million votes with just under 70 percent turnout. Communist Party candidate

the security situations in Syria and North Korea. White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders told reporters that the case of poisoning of former Russian spy Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia in the UK was not discussed. “We’ll probably be meeting in the not-too-distant future,” Trump said of Putin, though Sanders emphasized that nothing was planned. Trump is not the first Commanderin-Chief to call Putin to congratulate him on winning re-election. Former President Barack Obama called the Russian leader in 2012 and, according to a White House readout, congratulated him on winning his last reelection campaign.

Pavel Grudinin was in the second place with 11.87 percent of the vote, followed by the head of the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia Vladimir Zhirinovsky with 5.73 percent and Civil Initiative party candidate Ksenia Sobchak with 1.64 percent, according to the CEC.

Modi, Jinping want deeper ties GAURAV SHARMA, BEIJING/NEW DELHI


ndian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Chinese President Xi Jinping talked over telephone this week and pledged to deepen bilateral ties and promote mutual trust. In a phone call by Modi to Xi on his re-election as China’s President, the leaders agreed that both countries should talk more as healthy bilateral ties were key for the development of Asia. According to China’s state news agency Xinhua, Modi told Xi that his re-election showed that he enjoyed the support of the whole Chinese nation. Xi has emerged as the most powerful leader in China after Mao Zedong. The state-controlled news outlet said that Xi told Modi that he is ready to enhance communication with the Indian leader on longterm strategic bilateral issues to promote political mutual trust. India and China nearly came to an armed conflict when their

Xi Jinping is elected Chinese President and Chairman of the Central Military Commission of the People’s Republic of China. (Xinhua/Lan Hongguang/IANS)

armies had a 73-day face off at Doklam in the eastern sector of their disputed border last year. The stand-off was resolved in August, a week ahead of a Modi-Xi bilateral meet on the sidelines of the BRICS summit. Both sides have made efforts to repair the damage to the ties that plummeted to decades-low. Modi and Xi are likely to meet

in June on the sidelines of the Shanghai Cooperation Summit in China. China’s opposition to a UN ban on Pakistani terrorist, Masood Azhar, who plotted deadly attacks at Indian Army bases, has also strained their relations. Beijing’s “no” to India’s entry into the Nuclear Suppliers Group is also a vexed issue.





FRIDAY, MARCH 23, 2018



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FRIDAY, MARCH 23, 2018


diaspora x






Ahuja to chase data leakers at Facebook Facebook’s ‘secret police’ led by Sonya Ahuja will catch and punish information leakers IANS, SAN FRANCISCO


acebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg has reportedly deployed “secret police” to catch and punish information leakers at his company and the team is led by an Indian American senior employee Sonya Ahuja. According to a report in The Guardian, an unnamed employee was called to a meeting in 2017 under the guise of a promotion. However, he found himself face to face with the secretive “rat-catching” team led by Ahuja, the company’s head of investigations. The team had records of screen-

BRIEFS Deportation of Indian businessman ‘harsh’ ACCRA: A think tank here — Imani Ghana — has described the deportation of the Indian businessman, Ashok Sivaram Kumar as “harsh” adding that the process had not been properly handled. The Ghana Immigration Service (GIS) on March 11 repatriated Kumar. The businessman was sent back to India on the grounds that his work and residence permits had expired, following a Supreme Court decision which reversed an earlier High Court order that had quashed a deportation order served on Kumar by the minister of the interior. The order was contained in a ‘Notice to Leave’ order dated March 9, 2018, signed by the deputy controller of the GIS, Laud Afrifah.

Kuwaiti tortures Indian domestic worker KUWAIT CITY: Police are looking for a Kuwaiti accused of torturing his Indian domestic worker. The Indian woman had a deep cut on the head and bruises on the hands and arms, a report in Al-Rai daily cited police officials as saying. The woman was taken to a hospital by the accused’s sister who came to the victim’s rescue while she was being tortured, The Times Kuwait reported. The Indian woman later contacted her brother who is working in Kuwait and the latter filed a complaint with the police. A medical report of the victim was also submitted to police. —IANS

shots he had taken, links he had clicked or hovered over. The “secret police” also accessed chats between him and a journalist dating back to before he joined the company. “It’s horrifying how much they know. You go into Facebook and it has this warm, fuzzy feeling of ‘we’re changing the world’ and ‘we care about things’. “But you get on their bad side and all of a sudden you are face to face with (Facebook CEO) Mark Zuckerberg’s secret police,” the employee told The Guardian. According to the report, Zuckerberg hosts weekly meetings where he

shares details of unreleased new products and strategies in front of thousands of employees. “When you first get to Facebook you are shocked at the level of transparency. You are trusted with a lot of stuff you don’t need access to,” the employee was quoted as saying. During one of Zuckerberg’s weekly meetings in 2015, said the report, he had warned employees: “We’re going to find the leaker, and we’re going to fire them.” According to a Facebook spokesperson “companies routinely use business records in workplace investigations, and we are no exception”.

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg. (Photo: IANS)

Not just Facebook, James Damore, the software engineer who was fired from Google after writing a controversial anti-diversity memo, “suspects he was being mon-

itored by the company during his final days”. James Damore stopped using his personal Gmail account after being fired, said the report.

Premium processing of H-1B visa petitions suspended IANS, WASHINGTON


he US this week announced the suspension of premium processing of all H-1B visa petitions for fiscal year 2019. The US Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) said the temporary suspension would help reduce the “overall H-1B visa processing time”. The H-1B petition filing is for the fiscal year 2019 beginning October 1, 2018. “We will notify the public before resuming premium processing for cap-subject H-1B petitions or making any other premium processing updates,” the federal agency said. It also announced petitions for H1-B visas will be accepted from

Indians get most H1-B visas although there are no national quotas for the facility.

April 2. The H-1B programme offers temporary US visas that allow companies to hire highly skilled foreign professionals working in areas with shortages of qual-

ified American workers. Indians get most H1-B visas although there are no national quotas for the facility nor is it specifically designed for Indians.

The suspension of premium processing of all H-1B petitions, subject to the annual cap, is expected to last until September 10, 2018. The USCIS said that during this time “we will continue to accept premium processing requests for H-1B petitions that are not subject to the fiscal 2019 cap. “While premium processing is suspended, a petitioner may submit a request to expedite an FY 2019 cap-subject H-1B petition if it meets the Expedite Criteria. The USCIS said it was currently unable to process due to the high volume of incoming petitions and the significant surge in premium processing requests over the past few years.

Sridevi, Shashi Kapoor to be honored at New York IANS, NEW YORK


ndian cinema icons Shashi Kapoor and Sridevi will be remembered at the New York Indian Film Festival. The event will be held from May 7-12. Shashi Kapoor, star of Merchant-Ivory films such as The Householder, will be honored with the screenings of Shakespeare Wallah and Heat and Dust, reports variety.com. The fest will also hold a Merchant-Ivory retrospective that also includes the screening of Autobiography of a Princess, starring Madhur Jaffrey. To honor Sridevi, her 2012 hit

From left, late actors Sridevi and Shashi Kapoor. (Photos: IANS)

English Vinglish, which was mainly set in New York, will be screened. Son of Prithviraj Kapoor and

younger brother of Raj Kapoor and Shammi Kapoor, Shashi Kapoor made his debut in Bolly-

wood with the 1961 film Dharmputra after working as a child artist. He passed away in December 2017. Bollywood’s ultimate “charm house” Shashi Kapoor then went on to make a name for himself globally by associating with international cinema. He was honored with the Padma Bhushan — the third highest civilian honor — by the Indian government in 2011. Sridevi, known for her ability to slip into myriad roles, expressive eyes, sheer comic timing and her fluid dancing skills, died on February 24. Her death left everyone shocked and saddened.




FRIDAY, MARCH 23, 2018






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FRIDAY, MARCH 23, 2018






science & technology science-tech x


Zuckerberg apologizes Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg admitted that a data firm accessed information of its users sans their knowledge IANS, SAN FRANCISCO


acebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg has apologized for the data debacle that has upended the social media giant and said he was ready to testify before Congress, a media report said. “The short answer is I’m happy to if it’s the right thing to do,” Zuckerberg said in a CNN interview this week. “What we try to do is send the person at Facebook who will have the most knowledge. “If that’s me, then I am happy to go,” he added. Although Facebook employs a small army of lawyers and lobbyists in Washington, Zuckerberg himself has never testified before a congressional committee. Politicians have called for Zuckerberg to testify before their legislative bodies in the five days since the Cambridge Analytica

Self-driving Uber car kills woman in US

‘Delete’ Facebook, says WhatsApp co-founder SAN FRANCISCO: Brian Acton, cofounder of WhatsApp, this week asked users to “delete” the social media platform, Facebook, amid alleged data leakage of its users for political purposes. “It is time. #deletefacebook,” Brian Acton tweeted. WhatsApp was acquired by Facebook in 2014. Facebook is facing a major backlash after reports emerged that the political data analytics firm, Cambridge Analytica, accessed the data of its 50 million users without their

scandal erupted. The data firm, which has ties to President Donald Trump’s campaign, reportedly accessed information from about 50

permission. The company received the user data from a Facebook app years ago that purported to be a psychological research tool, however, the firm Brian Acton was not authorized to have that information. Of late, UK’s data protection watchdog sought a court warrant to search the London headquarters of the political data analytics consultancy.

million Facebook users without their knowledge, CNN reported. Facebook has said that the data was initially collected by a professor

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg

for academic purposes in line with its rules. The information was later transferred to third parties, including Cambridge Analytica, in violation of Facebook’s policies. Zuckerberg broke his silence on the issue earlier with a post on his personal Facebook page laying out a series of steps the company would take to better protect user data. “I want to share an update on the Cambridge Analytica situation — including the steps we have

Hawking to be buried near Newton and Darwin

as was naturalist Charles Darwin a century and a half later in 1882. The Abbey announced there would also be a service of thanks-

giving in Hawking’s honor later in the year, CNN said in its report. Considered by many to be the greatest scientist of his generation, Hawking overcame a debilitating disease to gain a worldwide following for his brilliant work in theoretical physics. He was born in Oxford, England, in 1942 on the 300th anniversary of the death of astronomer and physicist Galileo Galilei. Along with fellow physicist Roger Penrose, Hawking merged Einstein’s theory of relativity with quantum theory to suggest that space and time would begin with the Big Bang and end in black holes.

Who’s this please? I’m guessing this was intended for another Lina”. The pair struck up a conversation

as they attempted to figure out exactly what had happened. Despite never meeting, the two chatted for most of the day before arranging to meet for a drink later that night. “We started chatting back and forth. I think if I wasn’t single I wouldn’t have continued the chat,” Dahlbeck was quoted as saying. And just four hours after that WhatsApp message, they were on a date. “We were convinced it was fate that had brought us together,” Dahlbeck said. The couple married on December 7 and in March, they are jetting off to Dubai.


T SAN FRANCISCO: A self-driving Volvo SUV from the ride-hailing giant Uber traveling at 64 km per hour has killed a woman in the US state of Arizona, triggering a heated debate on whether autonomous cars are safe enough and who is to blame for the death. Social media users expressed sadness and regret for the death of 49-year-old Elaine Herzberg, who was pushing her bicycle across the street in Tempe City when she was hit by the Uber self-driving vehicle this week, Xinhua reported. As per empe police, the victim was walking outside of the crosswalk when she was hit by the car, which was in autonomous mode at that time although a vehicle operator was behind the wheel. The woman was taken to a hospital where she died. “Our hearts go out to the victim’s family,” Uber said on its official Twitter page. “We’re fully cooperating with Police and local authorities as they investigate this incident.”

already taken and our next steps to address this important issue. I’ve been working to understand exactly what happened and how to make sure this doesn’t happen again,” the CEO wrote. “The good news is that the most important actions to prevent this from happening again today we have already taken years ago. But we also made mistakes, there’s more to do, and we need to step up and do it,” he added.

he ashes of renowned physicist Steven Hawking will be interred in Westminster Abbey here near the graves of ground-breaking scientists Sir Isaac Newton and Charles Darwin. In a statement released by the Abbey this week, the Very Reverend Dr John Hall, Dean of Westminster, said it was a “fitting” tribute to the British scientist who passed away on March 14 at the age of 76, CNN reported. “We believe it to be vital that science and religion work together to seek to answer the great questions of

Scientist Stephen Hawking

the mystery of life and of the universe,” Hall said in the statement. Isaac Newton was buried at the Abbey following his death in 1727,

WhatsApp message to wrong number got this man hitched IANS, LONDON


ove is beautiful... Perhaps a little more so when someone finds it without putting much of an effort. But can it blossom even from an innocent WhatsApp message sent to a wrong number? Michael Evangelou from Colliers Wood in south London would say ‘yes’. Evangelou, 44,

sent a message, which read “Girls Trip”, to a number he thought was his own as a reminder to see the film at the cinema. It sparked a conversation with a stranger and ultimately led to their marriage, independent.co.uk reported this week. The recipient happened to be Lina Dahlbeck, 37, from Morden in south London, who sent a reply reply saying, “Hi! Girls trip?




FRIDAY, MARCH 23, 2018


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FRIDAY, MARCH 23, 2018






south specialSouth Special x

Sasikala’s husband Natarajan dead Ailing for some time, Natarajan was hospitalized on March 16 for chest infection and was on ventilator support. Late last year, he underwent a dual-organ operation when Natarajan was the public relations officer in Cuddalore district, Sasikala got a contract to film Jayalalithaa’s programmes. At that time Jayalalithaa was the Propaganda Secretary for the AIADMK. Later, the couple gained the con-



. Natarajan, who began as a DMK youth front leader and later got close to late Tamil Nadu Chief Minister Jayalalithaa, along with his wife V.K. Sasikala, died this week at a private hospital here. He was 74. “Every possible clinical attempt was made to sustain his revival. However, despite our best efforts he was unable to recover,”a statement issued by the Gleneagles Global Health City said. Ailing for some time, Natarajan was hospitalized on March 16 for chest infection and was on ventilator support. Late last year, he underwent a dual-organ operation. The body was taken to his village in Thanjavur district for the last rites. Natarajan’s political career start-

M. Natarajan’s political career started with the DMK in its youth wing

People pay tribute to M. Natarajan at his residence in Chennai (Photo: IANS)

ed with the DMK in its youth wing. Later, he joined the Tamil Nadu government’s Public Relations Department. An enterprising official, he and his wife got close to Jayalalithaa

New bank fraud of Rs 8.24 bn involving Chennai jeweler CHENNAI: In yet another fraud played on banks, a Chennai-based jeweler Kanishk Gold Pvt Ltd (KGPL) has been accused of defrauding a consortium of 14 banks led by the State Bank of India (SBI) to the tune of Rs 8.2415 billions in the form of loans that have now been declared as non-performing asset (NPA). It is apprehended that the Directors of the KGPL, Bhoopesh Kumar Jain, and his wife Neeta Jain may have fled the country. Unlike the scam involving diamond jeweler Nirav Modi and Mehul Choksi of the Gitanjali Group worth Rs 135.40 billions, in which Letters of Undertaking (LoUs) were used, the KGPL allegedly resorted to falsifying records and financial statements to

through a video distribution business the couple used to run in Chennai. DMK President M. Karunanidhi presided over the NatarajanSasikala marriage. In the 1980s,

fidence of Jayalalithaa. Jayalalithaa declared Sasiskala her sister. However, Jayalalithaa kept Natarajan out of her Poes Garden residence where Sasikala also lived. Natarajan was also the editor of Tamil magazine Puthiya Parvai and was a strong supporter of the Sri Lankan Tamil issue. DMK leader M.K. Stalin also

Rahul seeks Karnataka’s support IANS, CHIKMAGALUR (KARNATAKA)

C get loans from the banks over a 10 year period beginning 2008. Taking cognizance of SBI complaint in January this year, the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) this week filed an FIR against the KGPL, its directors, its auditors Tejraj Achha, Ajay Kumar Jain, Sumit Kedia and other unknown persons. The agency also conducted searches at KGPL’s office as well as official and residential premise of other accused persons in Chennai.

paid his respects to Natarajan at his residence and said his death was shocking. He said Natarajan had deep affection for the Dravidian movement. MDMK leader Vaiko said Natarajan was a staunch opponent of Hindi imposition and had taken part in the anti-Hindi agitation in 1965. Meanwhile, Sasikala, the now sidelined AIADMK leader, got a 15day parole and left for Thanjavur to attend Natarajan’s last rites. “She has been granted parole for 15 days. During the period, she has been directed to limit her visit to Thanjavur and not to take part in any political activity,” Bengaluru Central Jail Chief Superintendent M. Somashekar told IANS. Sasikala left from the central jail in a private car. She had reportedly collapsed in the prison on hearing the news of her husband’s death.

ongress President Rahul Gandhi this week invoked his grandmother Indira Gandhi as he sought people’s blessings for his party’s victory in the upcoming Karnataka assembly elections. “You stood by my grandmother during her toughest days (197779) and helped her achieve a historic win in the Lok Sabha by-election from here in 1978,” said Gandhi at a public rally in the coffee-growing district. Expressing confidence that the ruling party would win the elections because of unity and hard work of its cadres, Gandhi requested the people to bless him with their support as they did to his

Congress President Rahul Gandhi during his address in Karnataka. (Photo: IANS)

grandmother. Accusing Prime Minister Narendra Modi of telling “lies”, he said Modi was talking about corruption while sharing stage with party members who were jailed on graft charges. Modi doesn’t see corruption in the sudden rise in turnover of a

company owned by Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) President Amit Shah’s son Jay Shah, he said. The Prime Minister was also not addressing corruption cases of state unit president B.S. Yeddyurappa and diamond jeweler Nirav Modi, said Gandhi in his 30-minute address delivered in Hindi and translated into Kannada by a party leader. “People do not want to listen to lies or hate speeches. They want to listen to the truth and issues that concern them. “Four years of Modi’s rule has gone by and he has only one year left. He is going to lose the next (Lok Sabha) elections in 2019 with this kind of rule.” The 47-year-old party chief was on a two-day visit across the coastal districts of the state this week.

Karnataka minister opposes religious minority tag to ‘Basava’ Lingayats IANS, BENGALURU


senior Karnataka Minister this week termed the state cabinet’s decision to grant religious minority tag to only Lingayat and Veerashaiva followers of the 12th century social reformer Basava as an injustice to the entire community. “The state government’s decision to provide religious minority to only those who believed in Basava’s philosophy is wrong and the height of injustice,” state Horticulture Minister S. Shivasankarappa

Members of Lingayat community celebrate after Karnataka cabinet agreed to consider the Hindu sect of Lingayats as a separate religion in Bengaluru. (Photo: IANS)

told reporters at Davangere. Admitting that initially he expressed happiness over the decision, the 86-year-old veteran Lingayat leader said he realized that it (decision) was one-sided after he went through the details of the cabinet note. The minister, however, was not present at the cabinet meeting where the recommendation was deliberated and approved unanimously. Refuting the observations of the committee that recommended the recognition, the minister said

claims of its report that Veerashaiva faith did not exist before 12th century or Basava was incorrect, as Panchacharyas founded the Veerashaiva, which is an ancient religion. “We still stick to our stand that both Veerashaivas and Lingayats are one and the same. We will never approve the government’s decision,” he reiterated after the Akhila Bharatha Veerashaiva Mahasabha opposed to the rider that only those who believed in Basava philosophy would get the recognition.





FRIDAY, MARCH 23, 2018



FRIDAY, MARCH 23, 2018








Nail-biting finish Dinesh Karthik stars as India beat Bangladesh in Nidahas Trophy final IANS, COLOMBO


icketkeeper batsman Dinesh Karthik (29 runs off eight balls) played a brilliant cameo towards the end as India beat Bangladesh by four wickets in the final of the Nidahas Trophy T20 tri-series at the R.Premadasa Stadium last week. Coming in the second last over with scoreboard reading 133/5, Karthik announced his arrival at the crease through two sixes and a four in first three balls which narrowed the gap between remaining balls and required runs. The drama unfolded in the last over when India needed five runs in the last ball. Kathik slammed a flat six over extra cover to clinch the issue. Chasing 167, skipper Rohit Sharma (56) once again led from the front with his classy knock but failed to finish off the proceed-

CWG 2018: Wishes for Indian contingent NEW DELHI: Union Home Minister Rajnath Singh and his junior Minister Kiren Rijiju this week wished the Indian contingent for the 2018 Commonwealth Games (CWG) during a send-off ceremony organized by the Indian Olympic Association (IOA). IOA President Narinder Batra, along with Secretary General Rajeev Mehta distributed the official kits to the members of the Indian contingent, leaving for the Gold Coast Games, which starts on April 4 in Australia. —IANS

Rohit hails Karthik’s last ball brilliance COLOMBO: Rohit Sharma is relieved that his gamble of holding back Dinesh Karthik behind rookie all-rounder Vijay Shankar paid off after the stumper’s last ball six helped India to a four-wicket win over Bangladesh and to lift the Nidahas T20 tri-series trophy. With five runs needed off one delivery, Karthik slammed Soumya Sarkar for a flat six over extra cover to seal the deal in India’s favor at the R.Premadasa Stadium.

ings. Middle-order batsman Manish Pandey (28) played sensible innings but was dismissed when needed the most. Then came Karthik who took India to victory. India started off on a steady note as openers Rohit and Shikhar Dhawan (10) scored 32 runs in

three overs but then Dhawan was dismissed by Shakib Al Hasan. Suresh Raina (0), who also played a crucial role along with Rohit in the last match could not disturb his score this time as the Uttar Pradesh batsman was dismissed in the very next over by Rubel Hossain. But incoming batsman Lokesh Rahul (24) and Rohit forged a crucial 51-run partnership before Rahul was sent packing by Hossain in the 10th over. Just when things seemed good in the middle, Rohit departed with Nazmul Islam picking up the crucial wicket in the 14th over. His 42-balls innings was laced with four boundaries and three sixes. Needing 69 runs in 40 balls, it was all on new two new batsmen Pandey and Vijay Shankar (17). Pandey displayed some superb shots while Shankar also supported handsomely at the other end.

Dinesh Karthik and Washington Sundar celebrate after winning 2018 Nidahas Twenty20 Tri-Series at R.Premadasa Stadium in Colombo, Sri Lanka. (Photo: Surjeet Yadav/IANS)

CoA asks BCCI to include Shami in central contracts IANS, NEW DELHI


eleaguered India pacer Mohammed Shami on March 22 received a fresh lease of life after the Supreme Court-appointed Committee of Administrators (CoA) recommended to the BCCI to include him in the list of centrally contracted players. Shami was excluded from the list of central contracts, after his wife Hasin Jahan accused him of domestic violence and extra mari-

tal affairs a day ahead of the announcements. The Bengal pacer was also probed by the Board of Control for Cricket in India’s anti-corruption officials for allegedly taking money from Pakistani contacts. But following investigations by the head of the BCCI anti-corruption unit Neeraj Kumar, the paceman was found not guilty and thus the CoA has recommended that he should be placed in Grade B of the contract lists. “The Supreme Court of India-

Mohammed Shami was probed by the BCCI’s anti-corruption officials for allegedly taking money from Pakistani contacts. (Photo: IANS)

appointed Committee of Administrators (CoA) had requested Neeraj Kumar, former Police Commissioner of Delhi and head of BCCI anti-corruption unit, to investigate

the allegations against Mohd. Shami in so far as they pertain to the provisions of the BCCI anticorruption code,” the BCCI said in a statement.

Ronaldo seeks to avoid Women’s T20: Australia beat India prison for tax fraud IANS, BARCELONA



eal Madrid striker Cristiano Ronaldo will pay the money the Spanish Treasury demands if it withdraws its request for him to be given a prison sentence for an alleged tax fraud of 14.7 million euros, Spanish media reported. However, the Portuguese captain is not willing to admit he has committed any criminal offense, Xinhua news agency reported. The Treasury’s petition last week for an eight year prison sen-

tence for another former Real Madrid player, Xabi Alonso, for three cases of alleged f r a u d , totalling eight million euros, proC. Ronaldo voked Ronaldo and his advisors to attempt to find a negotiated solution to the charges against him, rather than continuing to fight the case through the courts. —IANS


ustralia dominated with both bat and ball to defeat India by six wickets in the first match of the women’s Twenty20 International (T20I) TriSeries on March 22. Asked to bat first, India made 152/5 in their 20 overs. Opener Smriti Mandhana was the highest scorer for the hosts with 67 runs off 41 balls. Her 72-run stand with Mithali Raj gave the innings a strong platform, but the other Indian batters were not equal to the task. Anuja Patil scored 35 runs off 21

Australian players celebrate the wicket of Smriti Mandhana. (Photo: BCCI)

deliveries lower down the order to help add some late momentum to the Indian innings.

Ashleigh Gardener and Ellyse Perry were the most successful among the Australian bowlers with a couple of wickets each. Delissa Kimmince also bagged a wicket when she dismissed Patil with the last ball of the 19th over. In reply, the Australians romped home with 11 deliveries to spare. They suffered an early scare when opener Alyssa Healy was bowled by veteran Indian pacer Jhulan Goswami in the very first over. Goswami dealt yet another blow when she bowled Gardener in the third over to leave the visitors in a spot of bother at 29/2.






FRIDAY, MARCH 23, 2018





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FRIDAY, MARCH 23, 2018






entertainmentcinema news


Sanjay Dutt upset over ‘biography’ The actor has issued a statement that he has not authorized either Juggernaut Publications or Yasser Usman to write/publish his biography IANS, MUMBAI


ollywood star Sanjay Dutt is planning legal action against the writer and publisher of his “unauthorized” biography The Crazy Untold Story of Bollywood’s Bad Boy. In response, the publisher has decided not to put out any “extracts” from the book in short-form media. The actor also said his “authentic” autobiography will be out soon. Sanjay issued a statement via social media about the book penned by Yasser Usman and published by Juggernaut. “I have not authorized either Juggernaut Publications or Yasser Usman to write/publish my biography. Our lawyers had sent them a legal notice, in response to which Juggernaut Publications said that contents of the proposed book are based on information available in

BRIEFS Bombay HC frees celebrity lawyer MUMBAI: In a huge embarrassment for the Maharashta government, the Bombay High Court ordered the release of celebrity lawyer Rizwan Siddiqui who was arrested in the infamous Thane Call Details Record (CDR) scam. Siddiqui was ordered to be released by Justice S.C. Dharmadhikari and Justice P.D. Naik by “Wednesday (March 21) 5 p.m.”. “They (police) have acted in a high-handed manner and failed to follow the due process of law,” the bench observed, and also directed the state government to inquire into the police action and act against them if they were found to be wrong in the episode.

Deepika, Virat win Instagram Awards MUMBAI: Bollywood actress Deepika Padukone has the ‘Most Followed Account’ and cricket star Virat Kohli has got the ‘Most Engaged Account’ on Instagram, according to the Instagram Awards which have been announced for the first time in India. Kohli has 19.8 million followers as on March 19. His account generated the biggest number of engagements when all likes and comments from the content that he shared in 2017 — except ‘Story’ views and video views — were aggregated. Actor Ishaan Khatter has been named for India’s ‘Emerging Account’. —IANS

Sanjay Dutt has said his “authentic” autobiography will be out soon. (Right) The cover of the book penned by Yasser Usman. (Photos: IANS)

public domain from authentic sources. “However, from the excerpts that are appearing in the newspaper are partly based on my old interviews, but rest all seemed to be based on hearsay, 1990s’ tabloids and gossip magazines,

most of which are figments of imagination and not true. I have consulted with my legal team on the next course of action,” the actor wrote. In an accompanying post, Sanjay said: “I hope better sense will prevail and there will be no further

excerpts that will hurt me or my family.” Juggernaut, in its statement, said the team is “sorry” to know Sanjay is “upset” by the book. However, in their defense, they have said the

‘Ek do teen’ is crass, says N. Chandra SUBHASH K. JHA, MUMBAI


ilmmaker N. Chandra is irate over the reworked version of his film’s popular song Ek do teen. He says it is crass and that there must be laws against such creative vandalism. N. Chandra says it was the original song’s choreographer Saroj Khan who informed him of a new version, which has Jacqueline Fernandez stepping into Madhuri Dixit’s shoes. The track features in the upcoming Baaghi 2. Now that the new Ek do teen is out, Chandra said: “I can’t believe they’ve done this to Ek do teen. It’s crass beyond imagination. And

Jacqueline Fernandez has stepped into Madhuri Dixit’s shoes for ‘Ek do teen’.

Jacqueline Fernandez doing Madhuri Dixit’s number? Give me a break! It’s like turning the Central

Park into a botanical garden. Madhuri danced with such grace and innocence.” Chandra feels there need to be strict laws against such creative vandalism. “Anyone can do anything to your creation just because there are no laws to protect our property. I remember some years ago, R.D. Burman’s Dum maro dum had been similarly vandalized.” He was referring to Rohan Sippy’s Dum Maro Dum in which Deepika Padukone had done an item number performing on the legendary Asha Bhosle number Dum maro dum from the film Hare Rama Hare Krishna.

book has been “painstakingly footnoted, and the sources the book has relied upon have clearly been mentioned”. “To pay respect to Mr Dutt’s wishes, we won’t put out any more extracts from the book in shortform media,” read the statement said. On his part, Sanjay also gave fans something to eagerly look forward to. “My official autobiography will be out soon which will be authentic and based on facts,” Sanjay added. The Crazy Untold Story of Bollywood’s Bad Boy traces Sanjay’s life starting from how his parents — Sunil Dutt and Nargis Dutt met and got married, his birth, how he coped with life in boarding school, the tragedy of his mother’s death, his relationship with his father and sisters, his drug addiction and deaddiction.

Jackie has done full justice, says Salman MUMBAI: Bollywood superstar Salman Khan believes that Jacqueline Fernandez who has performed on the re-made version of Ek Do Teen, originally performed by Madhuri Dixit, done full justice to the famous song. Sharing the link to the video on his official Twitter handle, Salman wrote, “Loved the song, Jackie has done full justice to the legendary moves of Saroj Khan. Difficult to match Madhuri. Nice to see Varun and Jackie to our songs make us proud n keeps d songs alive n fans listening, dancing n having a blast. Makes me proud. Enjoy Karo!”

‘Raid’: A one-dimensional tale, weak plot


f late, there has been a string of films inspired by true events. The latest to join the list is Director Raj Kumar Gupta’s Raid. Designed to glorify the unsung heroes namely the Income Tax officers who work to make the Indian economy run smoothly, the film portrays one such officer Amay Patnaik (Ajay Devgn). How he relentlessly and honestly goes about his duty ensuring that the government gets its due from defaulting tax-payers, forms the crux of the tale. The story written by Ritesh Shah is set in the early 1980s. It is a labored, one dimensional tale which involves the incorruptible and fearless Amay who after getting tipped

Film: “Raid”; Director: Raj Kumar Gupta; Cast: Ajay Devgn, Saurabh Shukla, Ileana D’Cruz, Gayathri Iyer, Ajay Singh, Amit Sial; Rating: **1/2

by a secret source, raids the premises of the well-connected business tycoon and the most powerful man in Lucknow — Rameshwar Singh aka Tauji (Saurabh Shukla).

The raid spans over a couple of days with Rameshwar trying to use all his clout to put a spanner into the proceedings. While the message against cor-

ruption is strong, the plot pivoting around just one case, seems stretched with verbal deliberations and one-upmanship between the hero and the antagonists and overtones of romance and concern between the hero and his wife Malini (Ileana D’Cruz). While the first half of the film is engrossing, the second half turns into a comic exposure of serious events. —Troy Ribeiro






FRIDAY, MARCH 23, 2018



How Varun Dhawan overcame stage fright

Zareen to host ‘MTV Troll Police’


ctress Zareen Khan has stepped in to host the TV show MTV Troll Police in the absence of host Rannvijay Singha. At the moment, Rannvijay is busy with Roadies Xtreme. “Trolling as a concept is affecting many lives and it was about time that someone takes an initiative to address this growing epidemic around us,” Zareen, who first appeared as a guest in an episode of the show, said in a statement. “I am glad that MTV took this lead with Troll Police and is dealing in a method which appeals to the youth,” Zareen added.


ctor Varun Dhawan, a confident dancer and versatile actor, says stage fright was a hiccup he overcame by observing veterans in the industry. The makers of Rani Mukerji’s Hichki are promoting the film uniquely by asking prominent personalities to share their untold weaknesses and how they eventually converted them into massive strengths. On this, Varun said in a statement: “When I walked up onstage for the first time, I just froze. Seeing Madhuri Dixit, the late Srideviji and so many cinema idols in the front rows, I lost my tongue for some time. “And when I did speak, I spoke so fast that I was barely coherent. Since I had never faced issues while facing the camera, this ‘hichki’ came up quite unexpectedly.”

Katrina Kaif most popular overseas


ctress Katrina Kaif has secured the top spot in a list of popular Bollywood actress outside India, according to a study. She is followed by Pari star Anushka Sharma, Highway actress Alia Bhatt, Udta Punjab star Kareena Kapoor Khan and Dilwale star Kajol. The findings are a part of consumption trend study done by Spuul, a video-on-demand (VOD) streaming platforms for Bollywood and regional movies, read a statement. The report is based on a demographic data and consumption pattern which resulted in interesting insights about what Indians and Indian diaspora are viewing. As per the study, Diljit Dosanjh is the most popular Punjabi actor outside India. Neeru Bajwa finds the second spot in the list, followed by Jimmy Sheirgill.

Bollywood ‘not very important’ for Jennifer


ctress Jennifer Winget, whose debut Bollywood film as an adult didn’t have a smooth release, says acting is important to her irrespective of the medium. As a child, Jennifer featured in films like Akele Hum Akele Tum and Kuch Naa Kaho. After starring in TV shows like Kasautii Zindagii Kay, Kahin To Hoga and Dill Mill Gayye, she was set to re-enter Bollywood with Kunal Kohli’s Phir Se in 2015 but due to copyright issues, the film’s release date kept getting pushed. It finally released on a digital platform earlier this year. So, how important is it for her to act in a Bollywood film? “Not very important. For me, acting is important, the medium is not,” Jennifer Winget told IANS in an email interview.

‘Omerta’ was really tough: Rajkummar


ctor Rajkummar Rao says the process of making his upcoming film Omerta was really tough. Rajkummar interacted with the media on the sidelines of the NEWS18 Reel Awards where he won the Breakthrough Actor honor. On the audience response to the trailer of Omerta, he said: “I think it got a great response. I feel it’s a one-of-its-kind and a very unique film. It was a very tough film for us to make, but I am glad about the kind of reactions we are getting for the film.” The film is based on the life of terrorist Omar Saeed Sheikh.


FRIDAY, MARCH 23, 2018






community news/midwest FRIDAY,23 MARCH, 2018



Concern voiced over plight of Rohingyas

BY A STAFF WRITER nterview with Neha Dhupia as she is the anchor / host of the show Vogue BFF airing on Rishtey America on Sunday 8PMET / 9PM PT.


Questions: 1 - From modelling to movies to podcast to hosting a chat show. That’s an impressive journey. Are you a restless soul? I wouldn’t say so. No, I’m not a restless soul at all. I have been in this industry for over 15 years now and tried to stay relevant. I work across all mediums - be it TV, Audio, Film, Events or digital. When it comes to now having a chat show i think TV is a great medium and a great candid conversation with your favorite kind of stars on TV makes for great kind of content and viewers love that kind of stuff. 2- Love #NofilterNeha. You are giving a tough competition to Karan Johar. He is not the only chat show host to give us an insight into celebrities life anymore. Do you guys often joke about this? I mean we don’t talk about the kind of work that we do usually in our off-time. I’m very very close to him and I love him and I marvel him for the work he does and I’m always going to be a fan girl. In fact, he was the one who encouraged me into taking up a talk show. He thought it will be a good move for me. I always call him up even if it’s the smallest or the largest decisions. I always ask him for his opinion and then I do whatever I feel is good for me but his opinion really matters and we don’t joke about it. He definitely made me nervous when he came on my show. 3- Also, you are best buddies with Karan,

BY A STAFF WRITER HICAGO, IL -- Illinois Holocaust Museum organized a talk on fate of Rohingya Muslims in Myanmar (Burma) and Bangladesh with US Senator Dick, Durbin, Dr.Azim Ibrahim and Dr.Zahir Sahloul being the main speakers who have been to Myanmar and Bangladesh. Dr. Sahloul said he went there with MedGlobal, a non-profit organization that goes abroad to help needy irrespective of race or religion. Senator Durbin said Rohingyas are the living in the worst conditions in the world, and are also suffering immensely. Senator Durbin insisted people to call upon their representatives in America to boost help, adding that they should talk to their neighbors to raise awareness. On one level of the museum there is an exhibition of Syrian Refugee children’ pictures. They host these lectures from time to time. People are screened before they enter the museum for security sake like at airports. Sikh Senior Citizens attend Rohingya Genocide seminar

C right? How did this friendship develop? When you’re in the business you meet people you like, you adore and you look upto and you hit it off with them. We have great chemistry at a personal level and that’s how we hit it off. 4 Who lines up the guests for the show BFFs with Vogue? Do you make personal calls? No. I don’t make any personal calls. It’s Vogue that lines it up and every time I hear the name of the celebs that are coming in, I get very excited because each pairing that has come, all 10 of them have been absolutely wonderful! 5- Talking about this season, which guest did you have most fun talking to? I have biases to Karan and I’m very close to Ayushman Khurana. So Ayushman Khurana and Bhumi Pednekar were tons of fun. Actually everybody was fun. Deepika was delightful! Katrina and Alia had a great chemistry. Shahid

Meera were wonderful so yeah, I mean it’s kind of hard to pick your favourite. 6- Which guest was the toughest to crack? I think with respect, I also don’t know Juhi and Jackie that well, so for me it was a little more of a distance. Apart from them, I had never interacted with Rani and Sabya so the two of them, those pairings probably. 7- You are always joking about Bollywood’s fascination with Austria’s ‘detox’ resort. Do you want to tell our readers what really happens there? I have no idea. I don’t have enough money to go and splurge there but I know a lot of people who go. When they are taking their outbound flight to Austria, they are like a different size of clothing and when they come back 10 days later, it’s a different size. So it’s just an intense detox. But how long can you maintain that, right?

McKinsey ex-partner is jailed for fraud

Umiya Mataji temple celebrates Holi BY A STAFF WRITER HICAGO, IL -- Navdeep Arora, 53, a former partner in the Chicago office of McKinsey & Company Inc., has been found guilty of plotting with a former internal consultant at State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Co., to defraud both companies out of phony consulting fees. A press release from the US Attorney for the Northern District of Illinois, said that investigators found Arora also fraudulently obtained money from McKinsey, State Farm and other McKinsey clients in the form of purported work-related travel reimbursements for expenses that were actually incurred on Arora’s personal trips. The total in fraudulent bills equalled more than half a million dollars at $586,000. Sorensen pocketed a large majority of the money, while Arora received a substantial salary and benefits from McKinsey for maintaining its business relationship with State Farm. Arora, of London, England, and formerly of Chicago, was arrested in 2016 at JFK International Airport in New York after arriving on an overseas flight. He pleaded guilty last year to one count of wire fraud. US District Judge Ronald Guzman imposed the sentence on March 14 in federal court in Chicago. Sorensen, of Bloomington, Ill., also pleaded guilty to a wire fraud charge. Judge Guzman in September 2017 sentenced Sorensen to one year and one day in prison.

C BY A STAFF WRITER HICAGO, IL -- Umiya Mataji Sanstha Chicago Midwest (UMSCM) on March 3 celebrated the colorful legendary Festival of Holi, symbolizing victory of Good over Evil, by sprinkling colors, dancing and chanting. Despite an inclement weather, the celebrations were held outdoors at Umiya Mataji Temple Chicago, 1800 Joliet Street, West Chicago, IL 60185. Besides the 500-odd community members, others present were prominent community leaders, sponsors, committee members, volunteers, friends, and well-wishers. Children had a good time in the woods


playing with colors with their friends and family as well as participating in the community enrichment activities of Holi. Shree Umiya Mataji is a Kuldevi of all Kadva Patidars Samaj. The religious ceremonies included aarti and bhajans with all devotees praying at Mataji in temple with gusto by dancing and singing devotional songs as the audience repeatedly chanted ‘Shree Umiya Mata Ki Jai!!’ UMSCM, which plans to build a Umiya Mataji Mandir, is a not-for-profit established in 2016 with an objective to build a firstever Temple of Mataji along with a grand community center. The main purpose of the association is to provide a platform for

cultural, educational, social, religious and spiritual needs of Kadva Patidar Samaj. UMSCM executive board: Jayanti Patel (chairman), Shailesh Patel (vice chairman), Lal Patel (president), Dipal Patel (vice president), Devandra Patel (secretary), Jignesh Patel (jt. secretary), Saurabh Patel (jt. secretary), Piyush Patel (treasurer) and Hasmukh Patel (jt. treasurer). UMSCM working team: Ashok Patel, Ashvin Patel, Vishnu Patel, Dashu Patel, Girish Patel, Jagdish Patel, Jayesh Patel, Jitendra Patel, Mahendra Patel, Navnit Patel, Pulkit Patel, Rajendra Patel, Sanjay Patel, Bharat Patel, Kanti (KS) Patel, Kishan Patel, Jitu Patel and Rasik Patel.




FRIDAY, MARCH 23, 2018



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FRIDAY, MARCH 23, 2018





community news/midwest 2


Chicago salutes woman power

BY A STAFF WRITER HICAGO, IL -- March 3 marked a momentous occasion for Indian women in Chicago and suburbs. The Women’s Empowerment Campaign Chicago (WE) celebrated International Women’s Day with a grand gala dedicated to Indian women in Chicagoland. The event was a high-profile red-carpet celebration with 600-plus guests, including the cream of Indian community and top-level invited dignitaries. The gala program was a black-tie event with business awards presentation, empowerment speeches by important community leaders & women’s empowerment-themed entertainment. “Chicago needed a platform like this for Indian women to be recognized and celebrated” said the Consul General of India Neeta Bhushan who was the chief guest of the event along with First Lady of IL Diana Rauner. “Indian women in Chicago needed a big networking platform for a stronger voice” added Rita Singh, one of the founders. WE was started by 3 prominent business


Ishan Agarwal


BY A STAFF WRITER HATHAM, IL -- Using his poor vision as a catalyst, Ishan Agarwal, an Indian American high school senior in Illinois, created a nonprofit to help poor students in India improve their vision. Agarwal who can’t read anything more than 2 feet away, created the ‘Project See Well Do Well’ nonprofit, which has helped about 3,000 students in India get eye screenings, and supplied 177 students with prescription glasses. The 17-year-old senior at Chatham, Ill.-based Glenwood High School, said the idea to form a nonprofit started with an article he read four years ago detailing how students with poor vision struggle in the classroom. Reading the article made him think of the struggles he would have reading without glasses and thought, “What’s the point of going to school then?”. That thought stuck with him, and an idea clicked when Agarwal went to see an optometrist as part of an eye examination required by the state for Illinois for schoolchildren. He wondered how routine eye exams are in foreign countries, thinking of India, a place his parents emigrated from and that he and his family visit every year. According to Agarwal, eye exams are not required for schoolchildren in India, which ultimately puts many students in positions of going to school without the necessary glasses they need to read and perform well. The senior studied how to administer a Snellen Chart, an eye chart with rows of letters big and small used by optometrists to measure visual activity, and then took his newfound knowledge and used it to train teachers at four schools in Navsari, India, when he traveled there with his family in January 2016. He also contacted the Rotary Eye Institute in India, which agreed to have its optometrists volunteer to help with the vision screening. The Indian American also reached out to a wholesaler in India and used $900 friends and family donated to purchase glasses for students. The hope, down the road, is to expand the program.


women--Dr. Anuja Gupta, Rita Singh and Shital Daftari. The group was launched in November 2017 with much fanfare. The top goals of WE include supporting entrepreneurship in the Indian women community, highlighting Indian women professionals and business owners, celebrating successful Indian women, and networking within the Indian women community in Chicagoland. This was Chicago’s first business awards for women. The awards were sponsored to foster WE goals of highlighting Indian women professionals

and business owners and celebrating successful Indian women. Pallavi Warty Diverkar won in the Best Home Business Awards category. The WE Campaign plans to do many more events in the future. “Our focus for 2018 is women entrepreneurship” says Shital Daftari. The group is planning an Entrepreneur Mela in late summer and one or two networking events. The Consul general of India is also planning to sponsor an entrepreneurship seminar in the summer. The group plans to expand actively and hopes to enrol about 2,500 members by

Businessmen hail India’s initiatives

BY A STAFF WRITER onsulate General of India, Chicago, in collaboration with TiE Chicago, organized a seminar and panel discussion on “India’s new initiatives, Budget 2018, business opportunity in Indian states, upcoming business and cultural initiatives” on March 7 at Meadows Club. The speakers included Neeta Bhushan, Consul General, O P Meena, Consul, Raju Chinthala, founder and president, Indiana India Business Council, Bala Palamadai, president, TiE Midwest, Wilson A., head, international HR, L&T Technology Services Limited and D B Bhati, Consul. The panel comprised of Consul General Sampath Ramesh, adjunct professor, Kellogg

Teen’s non-profit aids purblind students

School of Management, Dr Ajit Pant, president, US India Chamber of CommerceMidwest, Malini Vaidhyanathan, manager, Midwest, Air India, and Srinivas Pulikam, US CEO, AxisCades. The event was attended by over 250 entrepreneurs, heads of business organizations and community leaders from Chicagoland and US-Midwest. Consul General Neeta Bhushan highlighted the contribution of state governments of India playing a significant role in the country’s economic diplomacy and external engagements. In his presentation on the three states of India--Punjab, Madhya Pradesh and Andhra Pradesh-- Meena spoke about the geographical locations, climatic conditions, economic

growth, natural resources, infrastructure support, key sectors and industries, industrial infrastructures and advantage of doing business and investments in these three states. Chinthala presented the state of Telengana saying it was the youngest state in the Union of India. The major industries include IT, pharma and biotech, textile, aviation, food processing, automotive, plastic and chemicals. Bala Palamdai, president, TiE Midwest, speaking on business environment for entrepreneurs in India, mentioned that government of India’s new economic initiatives and tax reforms have made a huge change and the process had become much simpler leading to more digitization and the economy had become more attractive for business and investments.





FRIDAY, MARCH 23, 2018


community news/midwest ‘Ready Player One’ will defy your imagination FRIDAY,23 MARCH, 2018

BY A STAFF WRITER OLLYWOOD, CA -- From filmmaker Steven Spielberg comes the action adventure ‘Ready Player One,’ a film based on Ernest Cline’s bestseller of the same name, which has become a worldwide phenomenon. Opening on March 29 in 2D and 3D in select theatres and IMAX, the film will be distributed by Warner Bros. Pictures, a Warner Bros. Entertainment Company, and in select territories by Village Roadshow Pictures. This film has been rated PG-13. In 2045, the real world is a harsh place. The only time Wade Watts (Tye Sheridan) truly feels alive is when he escapes to the OASIS, an immersive virtual universe where most of humanity spends their days. In the OASIS, you can go anywhere, do anything, be anyone—the only limits are your own imagination. The OASIS was created by the brilliant and eccentric James Halliday (Mark Rylance), who left his immense fortune and total control of the OASIS to the winner of a three-part contest he designed to find a worthy heir. When Wade conquers the first challenge of the reality-bending treasure hunt, he and his friends—called the High Five—are hurled into a fantastical universe of discovery and danger to save the OASIS and their world. Three-time Oscar winner Spielberg (‘Schindler’s List’ [director & picture], and ‘Saving Private Ryan’ [director]) directed the film from a screenplay by Zak Penn and Ernest Cline, based on the novel by Cline, which has spent more than 100 weeks on the The New York Times Best Sellers list and recently shot to #1. ‘Ready Player One’ was produced by Donald De Line, Kristie Macosko Krieger,



Spielberg, and Dan Farah. Adam Somner, Daniel Lupi, Chris deFaria and Bruce Berman served as executive producers. ‘Ready Player One’ stars Tye Sheridan (‘X-Men: Apocalypse,’ ‘Mud’), Olivia Cooke (‘Me and Earl and the Dying Girl,’ ‘Bates Motel’), Ben Mendelsohn (‘Rogue One – A Star Wars Story,’ ‘Bloodline’), Lena Waithe (‘Master of None’), T.J. Miller (‘Deadpool’), Philip Zhao, Win Morisaki, Hannah JohnKamen (‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’),

with Simon Pegg (‘Star Trek” and ‘Mission: Impossible’ movies) and Oscar winner Mark Rylance (‘Bridge of Spies,’ ‘Dunkirk’). Behind the scenes, Spielberg collaborated with Oscar-winning director of photography Janusz Kaminski (‘Schindler’s List,’ ‘Saving Private Ryan’), Oscar-winning production designer Adam Stockhausen (‘The Grand Budapest Hotel’), Oscar-winning editor Michael Kahn (‘Saving Private Ryan,’ ‘Raiders of the Lost Ark’) and editor Sarah Broshar

(‘The Post’), and Oscar-nominated costume designer Kasia Walicka Maimone (‘Moonrise Kingdom’). The score is by Oscar-nominated composer Alan Silvestri (the ‘Back to the Future’ films, ‘Forrest Gump’). Warner Bros. Pictures and Amblin Entertainment present, in association with Village Roadshow Pictures, an Amblin Production, a De Line Pictures Production, a Steven Spielberg Film, ‘Ready Player One.’

Zee family quiz show attracts top brands

Sahil & L.A.TAN organize Atif Aslam and Neha Kakkar Live Concert in Chicago on Fri April 27th8:30 PM at Sears Center Arena, 5333 Prairie Stone Parkway, Hoffman Estates, IL 60192. Tkts: $39, $49, $59, $69, $99, $150, VIP $250, VVIP $350, Red Carpet $500. Call Nick Patel 773-507-7333 or Bhavesh Patel 773-262-1222 Chinmaya Mission Chicago present The Ravi Shankar Quartet on Sat April 21- 6:00 PM at Yellow Box Theater, 1635 Emerson Ln, Naperville, IL 60540. Tkts: $50, $75 & VIP $100. Call: Suresh Kumar 630-362-0104

Raga Entertainment LLC presents CROSS CURRENTS Featuring Zakir Hussain, Shankar Mahadevan on Sat April 28th-8:00 PM at Milwaukee Area Technical College, Colley Theater, 1015 N 6th Street, Milwaukee, WI. Tkts: $55, $65, VIP $100. Call: Yogesh 414-467-3032 or Dinesh 414771-3535.

Amit Tandon Stand Up Live in St. Louis on Sun April 29th6:00 PM at the Sun Theater, 3625 Grandel Square, St. Louis, MO 63108. Tkts: $25, $35, $40, $50, $60. VIP $75. Call: Siva @ 201-777-0760

Ugadi And Sri Rama Navami Clebrations on Sat April 7th- 2:00 PM at Hindu Temple Sama Rathi Auditorium, 10915 Rd, Lemont, IL 60439

BY A STAFF WRITER EW YORK, NY – Close on the heels of its debut, Zee TV’s new family quiz show America’s Smartest Family (ASF) has attracted some of the top advertisers and brand names servicing the South Asian demographic. A quick look at the show revealed State Farm Insurance as the presenting sponsor, McDonalds as the co-presenting sponsor, Remitly as the powered-by sponsor and Kawan Foods along with St. Judes as associate sponsors. This stellar line-up of brands bears testimony to the need of local and relevant programming for the community. Zee


TV has taken the much-awaited initiative to program locally-sourced content for audiences in the US. ASF joins a growing list of local programs developed by Zee TV that include ‘Married in 7 days’, ‘Breakthrough’, ‘Made in America’ and ‘Those who Made It’. All shows are being developed and produced in the US and contain relevant content designed specifically to target the evolving South Asian demographic. Hosted by 23-year-old YouTube sensation Zaid Ali, ASF is a unique mashup of the American household favorites ‘Family Feud’ and ‘Jeopardy,’ but with that special ZEE TV twist that celebrates its South Asian heritage.


FRIDAY, MARCH 23, 2018






community news/ midwest FRIDAY,23 MARCH, 2018


BSC presents Gujarati drama

Deep pragatya by (L to R) Madarsang Chavda, Suryakant Patel, Vithhal Balar, Tushar Mehta, Jagdishbhai Shah, Nimesh Jani, Mrs. Jani & Parasotam Pandya

BY A STAFF WRITER HICAGO, IL -- Bhartiya Senior Citizens of Chicago on March 16 presented a Gujarati comedy Drama, ‘Vevan No 1’, which was enjoyed by


more than a thousand people. The program began with a ‘Ganesh Vandana’ sung by BSC secretary Rakshika Anjaria. The traditional lamp lighting ceremony was then performed by program sponsors Tushar Mehta

(Pharmacy Professional) Nimesh Jani (Trustee of Schaumburg Township), Suryakant Patel (ex-president of Gujarati Samaj) and Ankit Patel (Willow Lake Pharmacy). Later, the three-hour Gujarati drama was

performed by Firoz Bhagat and Apara Mehta and their team. The drama was based on the true story of Bhagat’s family friends. During the interval, the BSC secretary introduced all committee members by inviting them on the stage.

AACC celebrates 35th Governor of IL. Bruce annual Lunar New Year Rauner visits ASC plant

Amardev Singh & Prempal Singh with Raja Krishnamoorthi

BY A STAFF WRITER HICAGO, IL -- The Asian American Coalition of Chicago (AACC) recently celebrated its 35th annual Lunar New Year for the Year of the Dog at Hyatt Regency O’Hare, Rosemont, Illinois on with the theme “Be United, Stay together.” The dinner banquet this year was hosted on February 24 by the Korean American community of Chicago, chaired by Itak Seo, president of Korean American Association of Chicago. An extravagant Asian-inspired dinner menu along with an award ceremony to honor community leaders and outstanding youths and a captivating Asian cultural performances of local talent entertained the guests. The celebrations brought together about a thousand guests, including Asian American community leaders, dignitaries, elected officials, corporate sponsors and the City’s movers and shakers. The AACC Lunar New Year Gala is the largest event of its kind in the Midwest. The Coalition presented the awardees of the 2018 Exemplary Community Service


Awards and the Youth Who Excels Awards. This year, AACC’s most prestigious Pan Asian American Ping Tom Memorial Award was presented to Bart Moy, the area coordinator of Chicago Alternative Policing Strategy. The Grand Asian American Sandra Otaka Memorial Award was given to Anne Burke, Illinois Supreme Court Justice for the First Judicial District. The AACC, founded in 1983 is represented by more than 16 Asian American cultures, including Bangladeshi, Burmese, Cambodian, Chinese, Filipino, Indian, Indonesian, Japanese, Korean, Laotian, Malaysian, Nepalese, Pakistani, Sri Lankan, Thailand, and Vietnamese communities. The 9 major Asian American communities have been taking turn to host this event. In addition to the annual Lunar New Year Dinner Banquet, AACC also hosts a week long Asian American Festival at Daley Plaza Chicago during the Asian American Heritage month of May. The Gavel was passed on to the Filipino American Community who will host the AACC Lunar New Year Celebration event in 2019.

Gov. of IL Bruce Rauner at ‘American Standard Circuit’ Plant with Mayor of West Chicago Mr. Pineda and Chairman of ASC Gordhan Patel (Photo by Jayanti Oza)

BY A STAFF WRITER HICAGO, IL -- On March 18, Governor of Illinois Bruce Rauner visited American Standard Circuits (ASC)’s manufacturing plant in West Chicago and met ASC chairman Gordhan Patel. Rauner and the Mayor of West Chicago, Ruben Pineda, are both supporters of manufacturing businesses. The three discussed ASC products and market segments and some of the ways that state and local businesses can work together for the common good. Seth Lewis, Schaumburg Township Trustee Nimesh Jani and Chicagoland businessmen were present. The Governor also visited also


different departments of the plant and met 70-odd employees. ASC prides itself on being a total solutions provider, manufacturing quality rigid, metalbacked, RF/microwave, flex, and rigid-flex PCBs for the medical, automotive, industrial, defense, and aerospace markets in volumes from test and prototypes to large production orders. ASC has the expertise to provide a wide variety of technologies in a time-critical environment and has met international standards like AS9100 Rev D, ISO 9001:2015, MIL-PRF 31032, MIL-PRF-55110, MILPRF-50884 certification and ITAR registration. ASC also holds many key patents for metal bonding processes.









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FRIDAY, MARCH 23, 2018



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FRIDAY, MARCH 23, 2018





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FRIDAY, MARCH 23, 2018


community news/ east coast FRIDAY,23 MARCH, 2018

No relief for Indian facing honor killing BY A STAFF WRITER LINT, MI -- A judge in Flint, Mich., on February 21 denied an Indian worker’s request to withdraw his guilty plea for his role in a stamp fraud scheme. Jatwinder Singh asked for the withdrawal, saying he would be targeted for an honor killing if he were deported back to India following his conviction. Singh had pleaded guilty in aiding the $1.3-million stamp fraud scheme in April 2017 under the assumption he would be allowed to stay in the US, though immigration court ruled otherwise. Judge Linda Parker in Flint US District Court sentenced Singh to time served and ordered him to pay $81,197 in restitution for conspiracy to commit wire fraud. Should the former Flint liquor store employee be deported, his attorney said he will be killed by his wife’s family. According to Stout’s filing, Singh fled to the US from India in 2008 after being targeted by his wife’s family for an “honor killing” – a killing carried out on one who is accused of bringing shame to their family. Because Singh’s wife was of a different culture than his, the pair was not permitted by the family to marry, the court filing states. When Singh proposed to the woman, she was beaten by


Student accused of rape is innocent


Saifullah Khan

her father and Singh was threatened with death. In 2008, the couple obtained US visas and lived in New York City for nearly seven years before moving to Flint with their two children aged 6 and 8 for work in 2014. While working at the Paradise Liquor House on Fleming Road in Flint, Singh allowed his visa to expire and no longer has legal status in the US. Alongside Lakhbir “Lucky” Chahal and Tony “Paco” Price, Singh pleaded guilty to a single charge of conspiracy to commit wire fraud before Flint US District Judge Linda Parker in

April 2017. In July, Parker sentenced Chahal–the owner of both Liquor Plus and Paradise House and accused ringleader in the scheme–to spend between 3.5 and 4.5 years behind bars, while Price was put on probation for 1.75 to 2.25 years. Singh has not yet been sentenced. Singh worked for Chahal at Paradise Liquor from February to October 2015. During that time, Singh reportedly bought Bridge Cards from beneficiaries of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program.

New Jersey man calls Sikh a ‘terrorist’ BY A STAFF WRITER ARSIPPANY, NJ— A New Jersey man allegedly called a Sikh American a terrorist on Febraury 20 and told him to go back to his own country. Steven Laverty, 20, of Morris Plains, New Jersey, has been charged with fourth-degree bias intimidation, harassment for striking or offensive touching, and harassment for communication in a manner to cause alarm to the victim, who has not been named. He has also been charged with possession and being under the influence of controlled dangerous substances. When the Indian American victim tried to use his phone to take photos of the suspect’s license plate, Laverty allegedly punched him and attempted to take his phone. The victim was able to avert the blow. The evening exchange occurred at an


Exxon gas station in Parsippany. The victim called the police after Laverty left the scene in a 2014 Toyota Corolla. Assistant Prosecutor Justin Tellone told Morris County Superior Court Judge Stuart Minkowitz that Laverty called the man “a

terrorist, a Muslim, and that he should go back to his own country.” Minkowitz ruled he should be detained because he was a danger to himself. The judge noted the suspect’s long history of drug abuse.

UPCOMING EVENTS in the East Coast area

Orgnaized by Nadsudha Inc. Carnatic Music Mela 2018 on Sun April 8th- 9:00 AM at

Urban Desi Conference -Concert 2018 on Thurs March 29th- 7:00 PM at New York University, New York, NY 10007. GA & VIP Passes on sale on www.UrbanDesi.org

Sikh’s of NY & Desi NYC organize Turban Day 2018 - Times Square - A Vaisakhi Celebration on Sat April 7th10:00 AM at Times Square, Manhattan, New York, NY 10036

BY A STAFF WRITER EW YORK, NY – Saifullah Khan, a former Yale student of Afghani descent, has been acquitted of rape charges, after being accused of raping an undergraduate student in her dorm room at Trumbull College in 2015. According to a media report, it took four hours for a six-person jury to acquit Khan on March 7. The unnamed woman stated in a complaint that she was sexually assaulted by Khan on Halloween in 2015 when she was attending an off-campus party with her friends, where she had several drinks and was intoxicated enough that she had lost her friends after the party. Instead, she found herself with Khan, an acquaintance who was with her afterward and brought her to her room. Security camera footage showed the two of them walking back to her dorm, while she appeared to be leaning on Khan with her leg dragging slightly behind her. The complaint further stated that she woke up in the middle of the night to find Khan on top of her and tried to push him off. On November 2, she visited the Yale Sexual Harassment and Assault Response & Education Center to report the incident where an administrator called the police. Khan was suspended from Yale and arrested on November 12. However, he said that she was the one who invited him to her room and took off her own clothes but then became angry at him.


Holi Phagwah Parade 2018 on Sat April 14th- 11:00 AM at Sybils Bakery and Restaurant, Liberty Avenue, Jamaica, NY 11419

Lessons From Bhagavad Gita on Mon April 9th- 8:00 PM at Hindu Samaj Hindu Temple, 3 Brown Rd, Wappingers Falls, NY 12590. Call: Kamlesh Desai 914-475-4571



FRIDAY, MARCH 23, 2018



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FRIDAY, MARCH 23, 2018


lifestyle lifestyle Here’s why e-cigarettes can be injurious too x

NEW YORK: If you are using e-cigarettes then stop doing so. A new study indicates that exposure of e-cigarettes is associated with higher risk of non-alcohol fatty liver diseases. The findings of the study, in mice, suggests that using e-cigarettes may lead to an accumulation of fat in the liver. “The popularity of electronic cigarettes has been rapidly increasing in part because of advertisements that they are safer than conventional cigarettes,” said lead author Theodore C.

Friedman, Professor at the Charles R. Drew University of Medicine and Science in Los Angeles. “But because extra fat in the liver is likely to be detrimental to health, we conclude that e-cigarettes are not as safe as they have been promoted to consumers,” Friedman added. In the 12-week study, presented at the ENDO 2018: The Endocrine Society’s 100th Annual Meeting and Expo, researchers studied mice missing the gene for apolipoprotein E, which makes them more prone to develop-

ing heart disease and fat in the liver. All of the mice were fed a diet relatively high in fat and cholesterol. One group of mice was put in a chamber that exposed them to e-cigarette aerosol, so that their blood nicotine levels were similar to that of smokers and e-cigarette users. A second group of mice were exposed to saline aerosol. The researchers collected liver samples, and looked at genes in the liver affected by e-cigarettes using a technique called RNA sequence analysis. —IANS

‘Concept of supermodel has disappeared from India’



eople who are less emotionally stable and suffer from anxiety and depression are more likely to be addicted to their smartphones, according to a research. Emotional stability is characterized by being emotionally resilient. The study found that being less emotionally stable was associated with problematic smartphone behavior. People who struggle with their mental health are more likely to intensively use their smartphone as a form of therapy and that the less conscientious individuals are, the more likely they are to be addicted to their phones. As levels of anxiety increase, problematic smartphone use also increases, the findings showed. “Problematic smartphone use is more complex than previously thought and our research has highlighted the interplay of various

As levels of anxiety increase, problematic smartphone use also goes up.

psychological factors in the study of smartphone use,” Zaheer Hussain, Lecturer in Psychology at the University of Derby in Britain, said in a statement. “This is because people may be experiencing problems in their lives such as stress, anxiety, depression, family problems, so in that state they are emotionally unstable, meaning they may seek respite in

‘My design language taking on fresher voice’ PUNE: Fashion veteran Manish Malhotra says his label is gradually adapting a “younger” and more “international” voice. The celebrated designer, one of Bollywood’s favorites, unveiled his summer couture 2018 line at a showcase with Yoo Villas. “The year 2018 marks 13 years to the Manish Malhotra label. With every passing year, our design language is taking on a younger, fresher, more international voice,” Malhotra said in a statement.

“I am delighted at having presented the collection in association with YOO Villas. The foundation of every product is in its design. Each of Manish Malhotra the 181 Villas have been designed with impeccable attention to detail and signify the pinnacle of modern luxury.” His collection is inspired by the natural beauty and flora from the Kashmir Valley. —IANS

very excessive smartphone use. This is worrying,” Hussain said. For the study, researchers conducted an online study with 640 smartphone users to find out the association between smartphone use and personality traits. The results showed that people who are “closed off” or less open with their emotions are more likely to have problems with smartphone use.

NEW DELHI: Celebrated photographer and film producer Atul Kasbekar says the concept of supermodel has disappeared from India, and he wants to revive it. “I have watched through my career how the concept of supermodel essentially has disappeared from our country. And there is a whole bunch of different factors which has resulted in killing the concept,” Kasbekar told IANS. He is part of the Colors Infinity show Top Model India. “If I can be a part of the process to revive it to whatever extent, then I will be a part of it. People like Sheetal Mallar and Mehr Jessia are supermodels in their own right. Even Arjun Rampal, before him Rahul Dev and Marc Robinson — they were huge stars. “In every advanced country that has a visual communication and advertising, you will find digital stars, model stars. We had that and we managed to kill it.” But what killed the concept? “One of the main out of the bunch of factors is there are foreign models who are inherently a bit gypsies and nomadic in attitude. “They travel here, they travel to Bangkok, Dubai, Cape Town and

essentially they are transitioning through unless something big happens to them. They have no interest in hanging around in the country. “They get to sign at any kind of rate more importantly there is little paper work...” Top Model India sees male and female contestants up against each other. And Kasbekar says along with a good face, he is looking for the ‘x factor’ in the contestant. —IANS

A sweet sinful summer affair IANS, NEW DELHI


ancy a dessert made with vegetables or grains or roseinfused delicacies? It is these and more that are going to dominate the dessert trend report this summer, say experts. Ayush Agarwal, Founder, Dezertfox, Prashanth, Executive Chef at The Fatty Bao and Y Kalyan, Pastry Chef at Toast & Tonic, list some dessert trends to watch out for this summer: OUTRAGEOUS ICE CREAM DESSERTS: Continuing the alltime favorite desserts trend, ice-

cream desserts will remain one focus for this summer. To kick-off with, try surprising seasonal flavors like watermelon, muskmelon, rose, strawberry and mango lassi. One can also try an inverted chocolate

ice cream cone with vanilla bean mousse ice cream, salted caramel flavored ice-cream desserts with walnut brownie loaded and topped with cherry loads. CITRUS AND TROPICAL FLAVORS: It becomes nearly impossible to imagine the scorching heat of summer without lots of refreshing citrus and tropical flavors. Give the chocolate flavors a miss and try more refreshing desserts in citrus and other tropical flavors. Desserts loaded with lemon, grape fruit, and kaffir lime will be seen in the form of salads, jellies and sorbets.


FRIDAY, MARCH 23, 2018






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FRIDAY, MARCH 23, 2018



Small dose of Viagra daily may cut colorectal cancer risk NEW YORK: A small, daily dose of the popular erectile dysfunction drug Viagra may significantly reduce colorectal cancer risk, shows a study in mice. Viagra cut in half the formation of polyps, an abnormal and often asymptomatic clump of cells on the lining of the intestines that may become cancer, said the study published in the journal Cancer Prevention Research.

Next steps should include a clinical trial for the drug in patients considered at high risk of colorectal cancer, such as those with a strong family history, multiple previous polyps and chronic intestinal inflammation like colitis, said corresponding author of the study Darren Browning from the Medical College of Georgia at the Augusta University.

When placed in the drinking water, the researchers found that Viagra reduced polyps in a mouse model with a genetic mutation that occurs in humans, causing them to produce hundreds of polyps starting as teenagers and essentially always resulting in colorectal cancer.

‘Diabetes drug can cut liver fat’

New osteoarthritis genes discovered

In people with Type-2 diabetes, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease is common and can progress to a severe liver disease called non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) IANS, GURUGRAM


drug used to treat Type-2 diabetes could potentially help in reducing liver fat in patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), and high blood sugar, according to the results of an early trial. In people with Type-2 diabetes, NAFLD is common and can progress Diabetes drug to a severe liver disease known as nonempagliflozin alcoholic steatohad earlier Despite NASH’s risk of progressing to liver cirrhosis and hepatitis (NASH). cancer, there are no approved medications for treatment yet. shown potential The middle-aged Whereas the that NASH may progress to ciradults who received in lowering liver control rhosis of the liver and liver cancer, empagliflozin drug fat in rodents showed only a group showed an average 16.2 mini- there are no approved medications to 11.3 per cent decrease mal decrease from for treating NASH or NAFLD, in liver fat post 20 weeks of treat16.4 to 15.6 per cent, the and agents like metformin, piogliment. findings revealed. “Despite the fact tazone, and Vitamin E have had

limited success in reducing liver fat,” said Ambrish Mithal, Chair of the Division of Endocrinology and Diabetes at Medanta The Medicity Hospital, Gurugram. “Our results suggest that empagliflozin may help in treating NAFLD,” Mithal added, in the paper presented at the Endocrine Society’s 100th Annual meeting in Chicago. Previous studies had established the potential of the diabetes drug empagliflozin in decreasing liver fat in rodents with a buildup of fat in the liver. “While our findings do not prove that empagliflozin will help treat NAFLD or prevent NASH, the initial results are promising and open up the possibility that empagliflozin may provide additional benefits for patients with diabetes,” Mithal said.

LONDON: Researchers have discovered nine novel genes for osteoarthritis that may open the door to new targeted therapies for this debilitating disease in the future. Of the nine genes associated with osteoarthritis, researchers identified five genes in particular that differed significantly in their expression in healthy and diseased tissue. The five genes present novel targets for future research into therapies, the study published in the journal Nature Genetics said. According to the researchers, there is no treatment for osteoarthritis. The disease is managed with pain relief and culminates in joint replacement surgery. — IANS

Lap-band surgery may lower Why breastfeed high-birthweight infants? your chronic knee pain IANS, SEOUL

NEW YORK: Obese people who have a band surgically strapped around their stomach to restrict food intake not only lose weight but will also suffer less from arthritic knee pain, a new study suggests. According to researchers, the pain proceeds from the deterioration and related inflammation in knee joints caused in part by the extra weight they bear. While the pain relief seen with lapband surgery applied to all patients with osteoarthritic knees, researchers found that it was most helpful in the young men and women who lost the most weight. “Our study shows that extremely obese people seeking relief from their knee pain should consider lapband surgery earlier because the benefits from it being successful —


although significant for all ages — decreases with age,” said co-author Jonathan Samuels, Associate Professor at NYU School of Medicine. For the study, published in the journal Seminars in Arthritis and Rheumatism, researchers examined 120 patients who underwent lap-band surgery between 2002 and 2015. All were surveyed for what they remembered about their knee pain immediately before surgery, a year after their procedure, and for as long as 14 years later.

ew mothers, if you are breastfeeding your highbirthweight infants, you may probably be protecting them from being overweight or obese in childhood, a new study suggests. “High birthweight is associated with overweight or obesity during early childhood. Among highbirthweight infants, exclusive breastfeeding is a significant protective factor against overweight and obesity,” said lead study author Hae Soon Kim, from the Ewha Womans University College of Medicine in Seoul. For the study, presented at the ENDO 2018: The Endocrine Society’s 100th Annual Meeting and Expo, researchers investigated the weight-growth trajectory and the protective effect of breastfeeding for obesity in children.

High birthweight is associated with overweight or obesity during early childhood.

They analyzed data between January 1, 2008 and December 31, 2016. The researchers followed 38,039 participants who were completely eligible for all health checkups from birth through six years of age. At each check-up period, the researchers examined the association between birthweight

status and growth development. Infants were assigned to one of three groups by birthweight: the low-birthweight group, less than or equal to 2,500 grams; the normalbirthweight group, over 2,500 grams and under 4,000 grams; and the high-birthweight group, 4,000 grams or more.


FRIDAY, MARCH 23, 2018







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Call Amy @ 312-316-9177 or 312-404-0098.

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FRIDAY, MARCH 23, 2018



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Call: M.B. Patel 334-657-8100

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Chef and Waiter needed for Indian Restaurant in Akron, OH. Room & Board free. Heading : Arial Black 14 Font White color

Contact: 330-671-1107


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Call 847-410-7788

Indian Restaurant in St. Louis, MO now hiring Tandoori Chef, Dinning Hall help and Kitchen help. For more information

Call Hema @ 314-537-0186 Heading : Arial Black 12 Font Black color


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FRIDAY, MARCH 23, 2018

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Reputed CPA Firm in Arlington Heights, IL is hiring an Accountant. Duties include preparation of Individual and Business tax returns. Accounting experience would be great. Training will be provided. Candidate must be bilingual in Gujarati or Hindi.

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Call: 701-269-1350 Heading : Arial Black 12 Font Black color

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FRIDAY, MARCH 23, 2018


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FRIDAY, MARCH 23, 2018





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