hi INDiA | November 17, 2017 | Midwest Edition

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tserra esuoh ni tnediserp detsuo eht ;rewop no pirg raey-73 s’ebaguM treboR delf dah ebaguM ecarG taht stropeR deraeppa yadsendeW no aibimaN ot gnitouq naidrauG eht htiw ,eslaf saw ehs taht gniyas sa secruos lareves rieht ni dnabsuh reh htiw deniated tsrif eht fo erutuf ehT .ecnediser gniogno eht ni tnemele yek a si ydal dna ebaguM neewteb snoissucsid .yratilim eht erehw ,aisyalaM dna eropagniS era ,ytreporp nwo sebaguM eht si ehs fi snoitanitsed laitnetop .elixe otni levart ot dewolla fo ebaguM desucca evah scitirC elihw ymonoce s’yrtnuoc sih gnilruh dna cirotehr yranoitulover gnisu -reoc dna noitpurroc ni gnigludni -oppo morf staerht ffo evats ot noic .stnen -kcab eb ot deraeppa acirfA htuoS sretsinim tnes dna revoekat eht gni snoitaitogen htiw pleh ot eraraH ot dna tnemnrevog wen a mrof ot -giser s’ebaguM fo smret eht ediced .noitan

a ekil revoekaT noinU nacirfA :puoc



-ilim naewbabmiZ ehT :ERARAH dna rewop fo revoekat s’yrat t reboR tnediserP fo noitneted yek ,”puoc a ekil smees“ ebaguM )UA( noinU nacirfA colb lanoiger .dias sah eht dias ednoC ahplA daeh UA etaidemmi na sdnamed noinU CBB ,redro lanoitutitsnoc ot nruter .keew siht det roper a gnigats seined yratilim ehT efas si ebaguM taht gniyas ,puoc tsniaga gnitca saw ti taht dna .mih gnidnuorrus ”slanimirc“ nosremmE ,tnediserp-eciv siH ,keew tsal derif saw awgagnanM eht ecarG efiw s’ebaguM gnikam tub -- rosseccus ylekil s’tnediserp gnileef slaiciffo yratilim pot gnivael SNAI— .deniledis



)SNAI/auhniX :otohP( .ebaguM treboR tnediserP naewbabmiZ

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hdayiR smals nonabeL :noitangiser s’iriraH daaS MIDWEST EDITION | EAST COAST EDITION |

,iriraH setivni norcaM Volumeec8nar•F oIssue t ylimaf No. 437, NOVEMBER 17, 2017 tnediserP hcnerF :SIRAP detivni sah norcaM leunammE daaS retsiniM emirP nonabeL sih ,ecnarF ot ylimaf sih dna iriraH .tnemetats a ni dias eciffo iduaS htiw gnikaeps retfA“ nib demmahoM ecnirP nworC emirP esenabeL eht dna namlaS -iserp eht ,iriraH-la daaS retsiniM iriraH-la daaS detivni sah tned -ylE eht ”,ecnarF ot ylimaf sih dna .keew siht dias ees depoh eh dias norcaM ,reilraE retsiniM emirP esenabeL eht taht“ -gnilliw sih nonabeL ni mrifnoc nac ”,eciohc sih si taht fi ngiser ot ssen namsekops tnemnrevog dias .renatsaC ehpotsirhC

ni deniamer ewbabmi -dna-yad a obmil lacitilop yratilim eht retfa flah-a ot sraeppa taht revoekat s’ebaguM treboR ot dne na tup evah .rewop no pirg raey-73 -iserP detsuo eht neewteb sklaT sih ot denifnoc neeb sah ohw ,tned dna ,ymrA eht yb eraraH ni ecnediser no deunitnoc sreciffo yratilim roines sredael hcruhc roines htiw yadsruhT htuoS gnirobhgien morf syovne dna .stroffe noitaidem ni devlovni acirfA mlac tub esnet deniamer eraraH spoorT .ytniatrecnu lacitilop eht dima tnemnrevog ,tropria eht deruces evah .setis yek rehto dna tnemailraP ,seciffo deniamer yrtnuoc eht fo tser ehT -uac neeb sah revoekat ehT .lufecaep -babmiZ ynam yb democlew ylsuoit .detroper naidrauG eht ,snaew lanoitan no deralced yratilim ehT ti taht yadsendeW no ylrae noisivelet



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ehciM tnediserP s’nonabe FIRST | THE -lCOMMUNITY arA iduaS dezicitirc sah nuoA


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s’icniV ad odranoeL :KROY WEN eht emoceb sah ”idnuM rotavlaS“ lles reve ot krowtra evisnepxe tsom -lim 3.054$ rof gniog ,noitcua na ta .kroY weN ni s’eitsirhC ta noil eht ,0051 dnuora ot kcab gnitaD 61 emos fo eno si gnitniap erar gnidulcni ,sgnitniap gnivivrus nwonk eht ,icniV ad yb ,”asiL anoM“ eht .ecnassianeR nailatI eht fo retsam

Prime Minister Narendra Modi and US President Donald Trump resolved that two of the world’s great democracies should also have the world’s greatest militaries gnimlehwrevo reehc zO )SNAI :otohP eliF( .iriraH daaS retsiniM emirP s’nonabeL

nruter ot sdeen eh“ dedda nuoA -angiser sih timbus ot nonabeL ot eht ssucsid ro ,ti wardhtiw ro noit ”.snoitulos eht dna ti rof snosaer -lof desiar saw ysrevortnoc ehT noitangiser neddus s’iriraH gniwol .4 rebmevoN no

sriaffa etats esuaceb ,emit esol dna gni gnitaretieR .”dloh no tup eb tonnac gnidrager stnemmoc suoiverp sih ti taht dias nuoA ,noitangiser s’iriraH -ser eht etelpmoc ot elbissop ton saw dah iriraH sa ytilamrof noitangi .daorba morf ti decnuonna

stnuocca rettiwT naissuR‘ ’etov tixerB ni delddem

,noitalever gniltrats a nI :NODNOL dnuof sah stsitneics atad fo puorg a -tiwT no stnuocca naissuR 252,651 dna tixerB# denoitnem hcihw ret segassem 000,54 ylraen detsop eht ni mudnerefer UE eht ot detaler -droccA .etov eht dnuora sruoh 84 ,semiT ehT ni t roper a ot gni detsop stnuocca rettiwT naissuR“ segassem 000,54 naht erom gnirud sruoh 84 ni tixerB tuoba .mudnerefer s’raey tsal

India, US pledge detov yehT“ .samtsirhC erofeb dezi rof ’sey‘ detov yeht ,ssenriaf rof ’sey‘ rof ’sey‘ detov yeht ,tnemtimmoc ni ereh su ot pu si ti won dnA .evol no teg ot ailartsuA fo tnemailraP eht -naC ni sretroper dlot eh ”,ti htiw .arreb eht ni reilrae desaeler stluser ehT fo uaeruB nailartsuA eht yb yad tnec rep 83 taht delaever scitsitatS .egairram xes-emas tsniaga detov rebmetpeS no denepo dah gnitoV -siger dah ohw snailartsuA dna 21 rebmevoN litnu dah etov ot deret .syevrus rieht nruter ot 7 elpoep 000,5 ,enruobleM nI -otciV fo yrarbiL etatS eht edistuo eilyK ot decnad dna dereehc air .”noitarbeleC“ s’eugoniM

noinu xes-emas ot ’sey‘

-laM retsiniM emirP ailartsuA .de na neeb dah ti dias llubnruT mloc dellac dna esnopser ”gnimlehwrevo“ -lagel eb ot egairram xes-emas rof

gniddew ni pu gninrut elpoep htiw taht denrael yrtnuoc eht sa sesserd detov stnapicitrap fo tnec rep 6.16 .egairram xes-emas rof sdneirf dna dessik selpuoC -hto dna feiler ni emos — decarbme 7.21 naht eroM .noitalibuj ni sre ,yrtnuoc eht ssorca elpoep noillim ,noitalupop eht fo tnec rep 5.97 ro yreve htiw yevrus eht ni trap koot a gninruter yrotirret dna etats -troper ailartsuA SBS ,”sey“ ytirojam



dna derettulf sgalf wobnia otni welf skroc engapmahc yoj fo sraet dima ria eht -suA ssorca snoitarbelec gnirud a g n i wo l l o f , k e e w s i h t a i l a r t -emas eht ni etov ”sey“ gnidnuoser .yevrus latsop egairram xes rojam ni sgnirehtag cilbup egraL -leM dna yendyS gnidulcni ,seitic s l a s o p or p e g a i r r a m w a s , e n r u o b

lubaK ni 81 sllik rebmoB gnirehtag lacitilop

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to enhance strategic ties 5 Star Rating


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World saw America’s renewed confidence: Trump Trump calls his recent Asia tour that took him to Japan, South Korea, China, Vietnam and the Philippines, a “tremendous success” IANS, WASHINGTON


S President Donald Trump has called his recent Asia tour, that took him to Japan, South Korea, China, Vietnam and the Philippines, a “tremendous success”. Trump said that the “great respect” he received from foreign leaders was “evidence that America’s renewed confidence and standing in the world has never been stronger than it is right now”, Efe news reported. In a speech at the White House a day after returning from his 12day trip, Trump emphasized said: “When we are confident in ourselves, our strength, our flag, our history, our values - other nations are confident in us... (and) this is exactly what the world saw -- a strong, proud, and confident America.” The President said that the challenges facing Washington on the world stage were “inherited” from past US administrations, the leaders of which he did not name. These challenges, he said, are the result of “mistakes ... born of indif-

US President Donald Trump at the 5th ASEAN-US Summit in Manila, the Philippines. (Xinhua/IANS)

ference and neglect. Others from naïve thinking and misguided judgment. In some cases, the negative influence of partisan politics and special interests was to blame.” “But the one common thread behind all of these problems,” he said, “was a failure to protect and promote the interests of the

Experts deny ‘acoustic attacks’ on US diplomats HAVANA: Cuban and foreign experts have offered scientific evidence denying the alleged “acoustic attacks” on the US diplomatic personnel in the island, an incident which has harmed the relations between the two former Cold War foes. In an online forum promoted by a committee of experts created to investigate the incidents, several foreign and local scientists explained that it was impossible to execute such attacks upon selected individuals without being detected or affecting larger groups of people, Xinhua news agency reported. According to the US State Department, 24 diplomats on the island were harmed by the alleged acoustic attacks which caused hearing loss, dizziness, fatigue and cognitive issues. “This type of selective attack has never been heard of... The appearance of sudden hearing loss


American people and American workers.” These were the first public remarks Trump had made after his Asia trip and he discussed the various stops he made throughout the region, saying that in every country he has visited so far as president “I have worked to advance Ameri-

can interests and leadership in the world.” The President also repeated his standard warning about the North Korean threat, saying: “Time is running out, and all options are on the table,” and emphasized that “fair and reciprocal trade” is “so important” to the US and to US workers.

Democrats demand Trump impeachment WASHINGTON: A small group of House Democrats have introduced articles of impeachment against US President Donald Trump. Donald Trum Representative Steve Cohen told a press conference on Wednesday that five other Democrats have signed his resolution to introduce five articles of impeachment against the President, Xinhua news agency reported this week. They charged that Trump obstructed justice when firing former FBI Director James Comey; that he has violated the Constitution’s emoluments clause; and that he has undermined the independence of the federal judiciary and freedom of the press. “The time has come to make clear to the American people and to this President that his train of injuries to our Constitution must be brought to an end through impeachment,” Cohen told reporters. “We’re calling upon the House to begin impeachment hearings,” the Tennessee Democrat said. “It’s not a call for a vote. It’s a call for hearings.” Cohen, the ranking member on the House Judiciary Committee’s Constitution subcommittee, admitted that the Democratic proposal has little chance of success both — the House and the Senate — are controlled by the Republicans. — IANS

Ghost hunter to be federal judge? IANS, WASHINGTON:

O without an audible source is very unusual,” said Colleen LePrell, an audiologist and professor at the University of Texas, at the forum. Washington provided Cuban investigators with 14 recordings of the sound that the victims heard during the attacks but the study concluded they did not contain anything that could damage human health. The experts and the criminal investigation forensics team said the recordings provided by the US investigators were similar to the sounds of crickets and cicadas.

ne of US President Donald Trump’s judicial nominees is a ghost hunter who has written several novellas about paranormal activities. The appointment of Brett Talley, 36, for a lifetime post as an Alabama federal judge is raising eyebrows because he has never tried a case, BBC reported this week. It also emerged he failed to disclose on a conflict-of-interest questionnaire that his wife is a White House lawyer. But he did divulge his Tuscaloosa Paranormal Research Group membership. Talley was approved last week by the Senate committee on a partyline vote, and he is likely to be confirmed by the full chamber soon. His nomination is part of President Trump’s efforts to expand the presence of conservative jurists in American courtrooms, say analysts. The Harvard-educated lawyer was unanimously deemed “not

Brett Talley, 36. (Photo: Courtesy, www.heraldnet.com)

qualified” by the American Bar Association to serve an appointment on the US District Court for the Middle District of Alabama. Talley, who has practiced law for three years, has written right-wing blog posts critical of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, whom he labelled “Rotten”,

according to US media. He also maintains a horror blog online, when not searching for ghosts. In a questionnaire form submitted to the Senate Judiciary Committee, Talley revealed his 2009-10 affiliation with the phantom chasers.










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trump special SPECIAL REPORT x

India, US pledge to enhance strategic ties

Prime Minister Narendra Modi with US President Donald Trump in Manila on November 13. (Photo: PIB)

Prime Minister Narendra Modi and US President Donald Trump resolved that two of the world’s great democracies should also have the world’s greatest militaries IANS, MANILA


ith Prime Minister Narendra Modi declaring that relations between India and the US were growing with “great deal of speed”, the two countries pledged to enhance their strategic cooperation as Major Defense Partners during a meeting here on Monday between him and US President Donald Trump, according to the White House. “They pledged to enhance their cooperation as Major Defense Partners, resolving that two of the world’s great democracies should also have the world’s greatest militaries,” the President’s press office said. “The two leaders discussed the comprehensive strategic partner-

Trump, Putin agree on need to defeat IS DA NANG (VIETNAM): US President Donald Trump and his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin have agreed upon the need to defeat the Islamic State (IS) in Syria and called on all countries to build up humanitarian assistance to the war-ravaged country. Both the leaders “reaffirmed their commitment to the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Syria and called on the parties to the conflict there to participate in the Geneva political process... and reiterated the need to destroy the IS”, according to a joint statement approved by Putin and Trump on the sidelines of the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit here on Saturday. The two leaders said “there is no military solution to the conflict in Syria” and urged the UN member states to increase their contributions to providing humanitarian aid to Damascus in the coming months, TASS news agency reported. —IANS

Trump promises to fix trade deficit with Asia MANILA: US President Donald Trump on Monday promised to reduce his country’s trade deficit with Asia and pitched at the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (Asean) Summit here for reciprocal trade relations. Trump said the US seeks “economic partnerships on the basis of fairness and reciprocity” with members of the Asean comprising Myanmar, Brunei, Cambodia, Philippines, Indonesia,

ship between the United States and India and their shared commitment to a free and open IndoPacific region,” it added. The Indian side characterized their encounter as a “warm and productive meeting.” They “discussed

Laos, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam. “I’m here to advance peace, to promote security, and to work with you to achieve a truly free and open IndoPacific, where we are proud and we have sovereign nations,” Trump said at the Asean meeting in the Philippines capital. “We’ve made some advances with respect to trade, far bigger than any-

thing you know, in addition to about $300 billion in sales to various companies, including China,” he said. The US President added that he will announce the results of the trade negotiations of his fourth international tour and first Asian one only after his return to Washington on Wednesday. Trump rued his country’s trade deficits with almost all East Asian countries and promised to fix it soon.

bilateral, regional and global issues of mutual interest,” External Affairs Ministry spokesperson Raveesh Kumar said. The two leaders met on the sidelines of the Asean summit a day after India, US, Japan and Australia held

talks to begin the quadrilateral process for greater cooperation in the Indo-Pacific region. It followed Secretary of State Rex Tillerson’s declaration that India would have an important strategic role as one of the democratic

anchors of security cooperation in the Indo-Pacific region that would also embrace Japan and Australia. Separately, Trump had a joint meeting with Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull of Australia and Prime Minister Shinzo Abe of Japan to discuss “a free and open IndoPacific region”. While unveiling his new Afghanistan strategy in August, Trump had said that with India “we are committed to pursuing our shared objectives for peace and security in South Asia and the broader Indo-Pacific region”. The Manila meeting was their second extended round of talks after Modi’s White House visit in June. On Sunday they had a brief interaction at a dinner hosted by Filipino President Rodrigo Duterte.

Trump pitches ‘America First’ policy at APEC Summit IANS, DA NANG (VIETNAM)


S President Donald Trump last week pitched an “America First” trade policy at the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Summit (APEC) here, warning that he will not allow “the US to be taken advantage of any more.” Speaking at a gathering of business leaders, Trump demanded trade “on a fair and equal basis” and returned to his campaign rhetoric, promising to place America first in global deals and agreements. “We are not going to let the US be taken advantage of any more,” Trump said, speaking shortly after arriving in Vietnam, his fourth stop on a five-country tour through Asia. “I am always going to put America first, the same way that I expect all of you in this room to put your countries first,” the Washington Post reported. APEC brings together 21 economies from the Pacific region — the equivalent of about 60 per cent of the world’s GDP. The US President’s more fiery

US President Donald Trump (File Photo: Xinhua)

and protectionist tone offered a stark departure from just a day earlier, when in Beijing, Trump seemed reluctant to press his case as sharply with Chinese President Xi Jinping, the Post said. There, Trump lavished praise on Xi and blamed his predecessors, not China, for the trade imbalance. He also laid out Washington’s

new approach to trade, telling the audience at the summit on Friday that he would no longer pursue multinational trade agreements “that tie our hands, surrender our sovereignty and make meaningful enforcement practically impossible”. “I will make bilateral trade agreements with any Indo-Pacific nation that wants to be our partner and

that will abide by the principles of fair and reciprocal trade,” Trump said without directly mentioning the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), a major trade deal with 12 APEC member countries. After taking office, Trump pulled the US out of the TPP, arguing that it would hurt US economic interests. In a tacit knock on Chinese leaders, the US leader said Washington would “no longer tolerate the audacious theft of intellectual property”, CNN reported. “We will confront the destructive practices of forcing businesses to surrender their technology to the state, and forcing them into joint ventures in exchange for market access,” he said. Businesses in the US have long complained about China failing to honor intellectual property rights. Immediately after Trump left the stage, Xi took his place, delivering a starkly contrasting speech that argued for pursuing the kinds of global initiatives that the US President had shunned.




india news x




india news

Gearing up for Gujarat elections BJP is likely to announce candidates for 89 seats in first phase of the election on November 17 IANS, GANDHINAGAR

Rahul’s elevation as Congress President likely after elections


rime Minister Narendra Modi will spearhead the BJP campaigning for the Gujarat elections from around November 18, BJP sources said on Wednesday. Elections to Gujarat’s 182-seat assembly will be held on December 9 and 14. Modi is set to address one big rally in each of the 32 districts of Gujarat and start campaigning around November 18, once the Bharatiya Janata Party finalizes its candidates for the first phase of elections. The sources said the Prime Minister will also hold roadshows in major cities of the state. Modi has visited Gujarat almost 10 times in months ahead of the polls to attend various government events, including completion of the Narmada Dam, laying founda-

French Foreign Minister to visit India

PM Narendra Modi and BJP chief Amit Shah before attending BJP Central Election Committee Meeting for Gujarat elections in New Delhi on November 15.

tion stone of the ambitious DelhiMumbai bullet train project and inauguration of a ferry service linking south Gujarat and Saurashtra region via sea routes. The sources said the party was likely to finalize its candidates for

89 seats in first phase on Thursday after Central Election Committee meeting on Wednesday in Delhi. The party is likely to announce their names on November 17, a day before Modi’s visit to the state. Congress Vice President Rahul

NEW DELHI: Congress Vice President Rahul Gandhi’s elevation as party President is likely to take place after the Gujarat assembly election in December, as many in the party feel that election to the post amid poll campaigning could dilute its focus. Earlier, there were speculations that Gandhi’s elevation would take place after Diwali on October 19 and before the elections in Himachal Pradesh and Gujarat. Elections in Himachal were held on November 9. Congress leader Ajay Maken had

Gandhi has just ended his fourth visit to the state and its leaders are confident of unseating the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party although


NEW DELHI: French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian arrives here on Friday on a two-day visit to prepare for the visit of President Emmanuel Macron in early December. Both Macron and Prime Minister Narendra Modi are to formalize the launching of the International Solar Alliance, in early 2018. On the first day of his trip on Friday, Minister Le Drian will meet Prime Minister Modi, as well as External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj, Finance Minister Arun Jaitley, and Minister of State (IC) for Power and New and Renewable Energy Raj Kumar Singh. He will also meet National Security Advisor Ajit Doval. The meetings are part of efforts to strengthen various aspects of France’s bilateral cooperation with India, its foremost Asian strategic partner: security, economy, sustainable urban development and renewable energy, education and research, people-to-people ties and cultural affairs, a statement from the French Embassy said. —IANS

BJP leaders say that would not happen. The Congress is likely to declare on Thursday its candidates for the first phase of the election.

Delhi’s air quality improves to ‘very poor’ IANS, NEW DELHI

Jean-Yves Le Drian

earlier said the party has time till December 31 to complete the organizational election process and report it to the Election Commission. “We have time till December 31,” Maken had said.

ith Delhi’s air quality having improved to “very poor”, a Supreme Court-appointed environment body on Thursday ordered lifting of a ban on entry of trucks and on construction activities in the city. The Environment Pollution Control Authority (EPCA) also rolled back the four-time hike in parking fees. EPCA member and Centre for Science and Environment (CSE) researcher Usman Naseem told IANS while the restrictions imposed since last week have been lifted, the ban on diesel generator sets would

A New Delhi Municipal Council worker sprays water on trees. (Photo: IANS)

continue. On Wednesday, the Air Quality Index (AQI) of the national capital had improved to “very poor” from “beyond severe” category.

At 11 a.m. on Thursday, Delhi’s AQI was 345, which falls under the “very poor” category. Also, the average PM2.5, or parti-

cles with diameter less than 2.5mm, in Delhi was 345 units -- 14 times the safe limit, compared to 397 units on Tuesday. On Wednesday, officials had said the EPCA might ask officials to revoke the restrictions imposed under the “severe-plus” or “emergency” category of the Graded Response Action Plan (GRAP) and replace them with those under the “very poor” category. The severe-plus GRAP was imposed on November 7, after a thick yellow blanket of smog covered Delhi due to the cumulative effect of stubble burning in neighboring states and meteorological reasons.

Lower GST rates on 178 goods now effective IANS, NEW DELHI


he most comprehensive overhaul of GST rates decided at a GST Council meeting, wherein tax on all restaurants was reducted to 5 per cent and tax on 178 items slashed, became effective from Wednesday as the government issued notifications to this effect. Eating out is expected to become cheaper as all restaurants outside high-end hotels charging up to Rs

7,500 per room have uniformly come under the 5 per cent GST bracket from Wednesday, according to the gazette notification. The facility of input tax credit for restaurants has, however, been withdrawn as they had not passed on this benefit to consumers. Restaurants in hotels with rooms above Rs 7,500 per day would continue to pay 18 per cent GST with the benefit of input credit. According to the notifications, the GST has been cut on a host of

Only 50 products have been retained in the top 28 per cent slab.

consumer items such as chocolates, chewing gums, shampoos, deodorants, shoe polish, detergents, nutritional drinks, marble, and cosmetics. Only 50 products, including luxury and sin items, white goods,

cement and paints, automobiles, washing machines, air conditioners, aeroplane and yacht parts have been retained in the top 28 per cent slab. The GST Council on November 10 removed 178 items from the highest 28 per cent category.








india feature india feature x

Checking pollution:

Govt needs to act A WHO report in 2014 classified New Delhi as the most polluted capital and the situation in 2017 appears worse RAJAT ARORA, NEW DELHI


he Delhi government has declared a medical emergency with the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) sending out alarming messages on its website, calling for states to tackle pollution on “priority.” The CPCB is holding frantic meetings to keep the public updated on the alarming PM (particulate matter) levels. Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal has termed the situation as an “emergency” as the Meteorological Department has forecast that a change of weather is most unlikely. The World Health Organization in 2014 classified New Delhi as the world’s most polluted capital, with air quality levels worse than Beijing; and it appears that now in 2017 the situation has worsened multiple-fold. Delhi’s air quality is usually known to worsen ahead of the onset of winter as the cool air traps pollutants near the ground, preventing them from dispersing into the atmosphere, a

phenomenon known as inversion. While Delhi has always had its fair share of pollutants attributed to the exploding vehicular population. (What can you expect if 1,400 new vehicles are added to the roads every single day?) According to government statistics, the total number of vehicles in Delhi exceeded 10 million for the first time in 2016.

peration, year-after-year, when there is a need to work on this all through the year so that the situation that only seems to be worsening yearafter-year is judiciously controlled? Construction activities and entry of trucks in the city were suspended temporarily; schoolchildren have been asked to refrain from going to schools and have

A report in the ‘Lancet’ medical journal stated that pollution had claimed as many as 2.5 million lives in India in 2015, the highest in the world There is official apathy to keep a check on vehicular emissions; and the problem is exacerbating because of the stubble burning. A report in the Lancet medical journal stated that pollution had claimed as many as 2.5 million lives in India in 2015, the highest in the world. And it’s only a guess the role of the nation’s capital has on this “achievement”. How much sense does it really make in always working on a war-footing, in utter des-

been asked to stay indoors because they are the most vulnerable to pollution that is usually at its peak in the mornings. Why be concerned only about the children and the aged? The microscopic particles, which are smaller than 2.5 micrometers in diameter, are considered harmful because they are small enough to lodge deep into the lungs and pass into other organs, causing serious health risks to even a normal human being.

People are moving about with masks and scarves over their nose, hoping that it could bring respite from pollution.(Photo: IANS)

Retailers selling air purifiers are making merry as sales have surged significantly. People are moving about with masks and scarves over their nose, hoping that it could bring respite. But what does one need to do? Primarily start with planting more trees. The government should ensure that polluting

Mumbai’s clock towers witnesses to history Sassoon Clock Tower, Jijamata Udyan, Byculla (Credit : Aadil Desai)

The time-keepers have seen Mumbai evolve from a cluster of fishing villages into a burgeoning metropolis QUAID NAJMI, MUMBAI


hey are not-so-mute witnesses to history, clanging away at intervals of 15 minutes, as if asking us all to grab the moment because time was slipping by. Perhaps in the daily, mad rush in Maximum City, not many Mumbaikars pay attention to the 16-odd time-keepers of the city, some of them centuries old. But they have seen dramatic changes as Mumbai evolved from a conglomeration of fishing villages into a burgeoning metropolis — a modern, global financial centre accommodating 17 million people that often appears to come asunder at its seams. “I was once permitted to go up the tower to click Mumbai views, but came across a lot of dirt, pigeon droppings and even dead birds. If people are allowed to visit them

regularly, maintenance will be better,” historian and archaeologist Mugdha Karnik told IANS. The most famous of the lot is, of course, the Rajabai Clock Tower adorning the entrance of the University of Mumbai, which once played God Save The King and a Handel Symphony with 16 tunes that kept

Some famous clock towers are at Naval Dockyard, Colaba and Chowpatty, among other places changing four times a day — now limited to chimes every quarter of an hour. But it still makes heads turn with people glancing at their own watches to match the time. Other famous clock towers are at Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Termi-

industrial establishments move out of the city limits and also stringently limit approvals to these units in areas of habitation. While the to-do list could be long, it is imperative to start somewhere because pollution has now overwhelmed the action taken and what is unfolding today is scary.

nus (CSMT), Naval Dockyard, David Sassoon at Byculla Zoo, Crawford Market, St. Thomas Cathedral, BH Wadia in Fort, David Sassoon Library, Life Insurance Building Churchgate, the Khoja Shia Imami Ismaili Jamatkhana gifted by the Moloo Brothers of Zanzibar — all in working condition. There is a Time Ball Building clock tower in the Mumbai Port Trust, which is not functional, another at Sasoon Docks Gate in Colaba, Lakshmi Insurance Building in Fort, Fulchand Nivas Building at Chowpatty, Mhatre Pen Building and Vijaynagar Building, both in Dadar to the north, and a few stray ones in other parts of Mumbai. Avid clock tower lover, conservationist and historian Aadil Desai said the ones at CSMT, St. Thomas Cathedral built in 1718, David Sassoon at Byculla Zoo, David Sassoon Library, Naval Dockyard, BH Wadia and some others are very well-maintained and still grab attention. “Several conservation activists regularly keep in touch with the owners of these premises on the status of the clock towers and they are very cooperative as it is a part of the city’s rich heritage and history. The Mumbai Port Trust is even considering setting up a museum at the site,” Desai informed.





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diaspora x






Priti’s exit won’t affect NRI power Priti Patel, the most influential British-Indian politician, was ousted from the government in an unceremonious way ANASUDHIN AZEEZ, LONDON


t was shocking news for the Indian community in Britain. The most influential BritishIndian politician was ousted from the government in an unceremonious way. International Development Secretary Priti Patel was recalled from her Uganda trip and forced to submit her resignation for breaching the ministerial code of conduct. What a fall! Just a few days back, she was sort of in the shoes of Prime Minister Theresa May to welcome guests at No 10 Downing Street to celebrate Diwali. We thought — a Prime Minister in

waiting. A proud moment for the 1.5 million Indian-origin British citizens. We are getting closer and closer to the epicentre of British power. Former Prime Minister David Cameron’s prophecies will become a reality very soon. But that hope was shattered. Patel, a former Indian diaspora champion and a Pravasi Bharatiya Puraskar awardee, became a victim of her own actions. Surprisingly nobody was there to mourn for her. Neither any party colleagues like MP Alok Sharma or the influential Conservative Friends of India. Her departure won’t affect India’s influence in the power cor-

Indian-American teen killed in road rage incident in New York NEW YORK: An Indian-American teenager has been killed in a road rage incident when a driver ran his truck over her after a minor collision in the city’s suburb of Levittown, according to media reports. On November 12, police in Nassau County adjoining New York City were looking for the driver who allegedly attacked dental student Taranjit Parmar. WPIX TV reported that police told the family that the pickup truck’s license plate could not be seen on a surveillance video of the incident. Police released the video and asked the public to help

find him. Parmar’s brand new jeep was hit by a red pickup truck that was attempting to make a turn, the station quoted police as saying. The two vehicles then pulled off the roadway and when Parmar got out got out the jeep, the truck, the driver mowed her down and drove away, according to police. —IANS

ridors, because the post-Brexit Britain needs India more than India needs Britain. Patel was hiding behind the Ministerial Code of Ethics when India was humiliated by pro-Pakistani Members of Parliament over the Kashmir issue. She never supported repeated calls from Indian leaders to relax visa rules for Indian students. Patel even campaigned to tighten the visa rules for foreign chefs at curry houses. That caused the closure of hundreds of restaurants across the country. She was silent when hundreds of immigrants were racially abused on the streets just after the EU referendum. Who cares about immi-

Priti Patel was recalled from her Uganda trip and forced to submit her resignation for breaching the ministerial code of conduct. (File photo: IANS)

grants when they are not part of your constituency? With a majority of 27,000 plus votes, Patel was quite comfortable with her agenda. She burned all her bridges to ful-

fil a personal agenda to reach No. 10. India was on the back burner whereas Israel and its powerful lobby with plenty of money at its disposal came on the agenda.

Baby’s circumcision: Doctor cleared IANS, MUMBAI


n Indian-origin doctor who was arrested in East Midlands region of England for the circumcision of a three-monthold baby boy without his mother’s approval has been released without charge. Dr Balvinder Mehat, 61, was accused of circumcising the tot without religious reasons in July 2013. The boy underwent the procedure when his paternal grandmother took him for a surgery in Nottingham. “The Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) deemed that there would be no realistic prospect of

Balvinder Mehat (Photo: i2-prod.mirror.co.uk)

conviction,” Nottinghamshire Police said, adding that they had “thoroughly investigated the incident”, the BBC reported.

The boy’s mother had complained to Nottinghamshire police after the incident but they deemed it not to be a criminal matter and the case was referred to the General Medical Council. The case was reopened after the mother got help from an anti-circumcision group and a human rights lawyer. Mehat from the Bakersfield Medical Centre in Nottingham was arrested earlier this year in June and he told police that he believed the mother had consented. Police also arrested the boy’s father and paternal grandmother on suspicion of conspiracy to commit grievous bodily harm, but they were released without charge.

Indian student shot dead at grocery store in California IANS, WASHINGTON


n Indian student was shot dead allegedly by two armed robbers, including one of Indian-origin, at a grocery store in the US state of California, a media report said. The incident happened on Monday night when Dharampreet Singh Jassar, 20, was on duty at the Tackle Box store next to a gas station in Madera city. The suspects barged into the store to loot and one of them fired several shots at Jassar, who reportedly tried to hide behind the cash counter, The Fresno Bee reported on November 16.

A CCTV image shows the suspects barged into the store to loot and one of them fired several shots at Jassar. (Photo: Courtesy, The Fresno Bee)

They later fled the scene with cash and a few big boxes of cigarettes, the police said. The incident

was reported to the police by a customer who found Jasser’s body on the floor on Tuesday, the report

said. Jasser hailed from Punjab and was a student of accounting. He had gone to the US around three years ago on a student visa. Police arrested 21-year-old Armitraj Singh Athwal, an Indian-origin man, believed to be one of the two robbers who fired multiple shots at Jasser. Authorities said a Fresno County Sheriff’s deputy saw media coverage of the incident and recognised similarities between the suspects from the incident and Athwal. Madera Sheriff’s detectives were contacted and determined that Athwal is the likely suspect in the shooting. During a search of Athwal’s vehicle, the police discovered

an unregistered .38-caliber revolver, a .22-caliber assault pistol that had been reported stolen, drugs and a blue bandana noticeable in the surveillance footage of the robbery at the store. Athwal’s vehicle was also registered in another name. “Dharampreet was a completely innocent victim, just doing his job, when he was senselessly killed during this robbery,” Madera Sheriff Jay Varney said. Athwal faces robbery and murder charges. He does not appear to have a lengthy criminal history, Varney said. His bail is set at $1 million. Detectives continue to search for the second suspect.









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international international x

Military take control of Zimbabwe Harare remained tense but calm amid political uncertainty that appears to have eroded Robert Mugabe’s 37-year grip on power; the ousted president in house arrest

Takeover like a coup: African Union



imbabwe remained in political limbo a day-anda-half after the military takeover that appears to have put an end to Robert Mugabe’s 37-year grip on power. Talks between the ousted President, who has been confined to his residence in Harare by the Army, and senior military officers continued on Thursday with senior church leaders and envoys from neighboring South Africa involved in mediation efforts. Harare remained tense but calm amid the political uncertainty. Troops have secured the airport, government offices, Parliament and other key sites. The rest of the country remained peaceful. The takeover has been cautiously welcomed by many Zimbabweans, the Guardian reported. The military declared on national television early on Wednesday that it


Da Vinci’s work sells for record $450 mn NEW YORK: Leonardo da Vinci’s “Salvator Mundi” has become the most expensive artwork to ever sell at an auction, going for $450.3 million at Christie’s in New York. Dating back to around 1500, the rare painting is one of some 16 known surviving paintings, including the “Mona Lisa”, by da Vinci, the master of the Italian Renaissance.

‘Russian Twitter accounts meddled in Brexit vote’ LONDON: In a startling revelation, a group of data scientists has found 156,252 Russian accounts on Twitter which mentioned #Brexit and posted nearly 45,000 messages related to the EU referendum in the 48 hours around the vote. According to a report in The Times, “Russian Twitter accounts posted more than 45,000 messages about Brexit in 48 hours during last year’s referendum.

Bomber kills 18 in Kabul political gathering KABUL: At least 18 people were killed and several others wounded when a suicide bomb ripped through a banquet hall in a northern neighborhood of Afghanistan's capital of Kabul on Thursday, police and witnesses said. The Islamic State's Khorasan faction claimed responsibility of the bombing, Xinhua news agency reported. —IANS

Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe. (Photo: Xinhua/IANS)

had temporarily taken control of the country to “target criminals” around the 93-year-old President. The intervention came after weeks of political turmoil, in which Mugabe sacked his powerful Vice President Emmerson Mnangagwa,

clearing the way for Mugabe’s wife Grace to succeed him. The move exacerbated divisions in the ruling Zanu-PF party. Mnangagwa enjoyed wide support in the military and was reported to have returned to Zimbabwe.

HARARE: The Zimbabwean military’s takeover of power and detention of President Robert Mugabe “seems like a coup”, key regional bloc African Union (AU) has said. AU head Alpha Conde said the Union demands an immediate return to constitutional order, BBC reported this week. The military denies staging a coup, saying that Mugabe is safe and that it was acting against “criminals” surrounding him. His vice-president, Emmerson Mnangagwa was fired last week, making Mugabe’s wife Grace the president’s likely successor -- but leaving top military officials feeling sidelined. —IANS

Reports that Grace Mugabe had fled to Namibia on Wednesday appeared false, with the Guardian quoting several sources as saying that she was detained with her husband in their residence. The future of the first lady is a key element in the ongoing discussions between Mugabe and the military. Singapore and Malaysia, where the Mugabes own property, are potential destinations if she is allowed to travel into exile. Critics have accused Mugabe of hurling his country’s economy while using revolutionary rhetoric and indulging in corruption and coercion to stave off threats from opponents. South Africa appeared to be backing the takeover and sent ministers to Harare to help with negotiations to form a new government and decide the terms of Mugabe’s resignation.

Saad Hariri’s resignation: Lebanon slams Riyadh Macron invites Hariri, family to France



ebanon’s President Michel Aoun has criticized Saudi Arabia on the background of Prime Minister Saad Hariri’s resignation, saying that Riyadh has carried out an “act of aggression” against Lebanon. “We consider Prime Minister Saad Hariri as being detained in Saudi Arabia and this is an act of aggression against Lebanon,” Aoun said during a meeting with the National Audio&Visual Council, Xinhua reported. Aoun said that nothing justified Hariri’s continued stay in Saudi Arabia, now into day 12. “This contradicts the Vienna Treaty and human rights,” said Aoun, according to the President’s Twitter account. He stressed “we cannot keep wait-

Lebanon’s Prime Minister Saad Hariri. (File Photo: IANS)

ing and lose time, because state affairs cannot be put on hold”. Reiterating his previous comments regarding Hariri’s resignation, Aoun said that it was not possible to complete the resignation formality as Hariri had announced it from abroad.

Aoun added “he needs to return to Lebanon to submit his resignation or withdraw it, or discuss the reasons for it and the solutions.” The controversy was raised following Hariri’s sudden resignation on November 4.

Oz cheer overwhelming ‘yes’ to same-sex union IANS, CANBERRA


ainbow flags fluttered and champagne corks flew into the air amid tears of joy during celebrations across Australia this week, following a resounding “yes” vote in the samesex marriage postal survey. Large public gatherings in major cities, including Sydney and Melbourne, saw marriage proposals

with people turning up in wedding dresses as the country learned that 61.6 per cent of participants voted for same-sex marriage. Couples kissed and friends embraced — some in relief and others in jubilation. More than 12.7 million people across the country, or 79.5 per cent of the population, took part in the survey with every state and territory returning a majority “yes”, SBS Australia report-

ed. Australia Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull said it had been an “overwhelming” response and called for same-sex marriage to be legal-

PARIS: French President Emmanuel Macron has invited Lebanon Prime Minister Saad Hariri and his family to France, his office said in a statement. “After speaking with Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman and the Lebanese Prime Minister Saad al-Hariri, the president has invited Saad al-Hariri and his family to France,” the Elysee said this week. Earlier, Macron said he hoped “that the Lebanese Prime Minister can confirm in Lebanon his willingness to resign if that is his choice,” said government spokesman Christophe Castaner.

ized before Christmas. “They voted ‘yes’ for fairness, they voted ‘yes’ for commitment, they voted ‘yes’ for love. And now it is up to us here in the Parliament of Australia to get on with it,” he told reporters in Canberra. The results released earlier in the day by the Australian Bureau of Statistics revealed that 38 per cent voted against same-sex marriage. Voting had opened on September 12 and Australians who had registered to vote had until November 7 to return their surveys. In Melbourne, 5,000 people outside the State Library of Victoria cheered and danced to Kylie Minogue’s “Celebration”.










sports x






Football world in shock after Italy’s World Cup exit Veteran goalkeeper Gianluigi Buffon bid a tearful farewell to his career even as his team mates collapsed in bitter disappointment all around him following a goalless draw against Sweden AJEYO BASU, NEW DELHI


taly’s failure to ensure World Cup qualification for the first time in 60 years has sent the football world into shock and signalled the exit of the remaining veterans of the generation that won the 2006 World Cup. Veteran goalkeeper Gianluigi Buffon, the most capped player in the history of the Italian national team with 175 international matches under his belt, bid a tearful farewell to a distinguished career even as his team mates collapsed in bitter disappointment all around him following a goalless draw against Sweden in the second leg of their play-off tie in Milan this week. “We have pride, strength and we’re stubborn. We know how to get back up again as we’ve always done. I’m leaving an Italy side that will know how to speak for itself. Hugs to everyone, especially those I’ve shared this wonderful journey with,” Buffon was quoted as saying by the official Twitter handle of the Italian football federation. “I’m not sorry for myself but all

From left, Gianluigi Buffon and Manolo Gabbiadini react to their team's elimination in the World Cup qualifying playoff second leg soccer match between Italy and Sweden. (Photo: saudigazette.com.sa)

of Italian football. We failed at something which also means something on a social level. There’s regret at finishing like that, not because time passes,” he added. Crowned World Cup champions four times, Italy have appeared in every edition of the tournament

Saina Nehwal, H.S. Prannoy bow out of China open

except for 1958 — when they did not qualify — and the very first tournament in 1930, in which they declined to take part. Winners of the title in 1934, 1938, 1982 and 2006, Italy are among the favourites in every World Cup.

Experienced defender Andrea Barzagli, one Buffon’s teammates from the 2006 World Cup campaign, also announced his international retirement immediately after this week’s match. That leaves veteran central defender Giorgio Chiellini —

Kapil compares Kohli with Dalmiya, hails Team India’s fitness IANS, KOLKATA

I Saina Nehwal and H.S. Prannoy bowed out of the World Superseries Premier going down to their respective opponents. (Photo: IANS)

FUZHOU (CHINA): Indian shuttlers Saina Nehwal and H.S. Prannoy bowed out of the World Superseries Premier going down to their respective opponents on November 16. In a match which lasted 37 minutes, Japan’s Akane Yamaguchi defeated Saina in straight games 21-18, 21-11 to advance in the women’s singles category while Lee Cheuk Yiu overpowered Prannoy 2119, 21-17 in 42 minutes in the men’s singles category. In the first match, Saina played to

her potential but towards the end, the Hyderabadi shuttler lost the momentum as also the issue. In the second game it was all about the Japanese shuttler. Saina seemed struggling and as a result Yamaguchi wrapped up the issue comnfortably. In the men’s singles match, Prannoy failed to live up to his reputation and surrendered the match in straight games. Prannoy, however, tried to bounce back but the Hong Kong based shuttler proved superior and edged past the Indian player.

Barzagli’s partner at the heart of the Italian defence — and defensive midfielder Daniele De Rossi as the only surviving members of the 2006 victorious squad. Aged 33 and 34 respectively, the international careers of Chiellini and De Rossi are also on their last legs. The world media reacted in shock to the news with several of them calling for the immediate sacking of Italy coach Gian Piero Ventura. German publication Bild carrying an image of Buffon praying to the heavens on its front page with the headline “A World Cup without Italy”. “The news is hardly credible, the quadruple world champions, Italy, will not be at the World Cup next summer,” wrote French publication L’Équipe. “The causes of this cataclysm are numerous, and the head of coach Gian Piero Ventura — who is one of them - should roll in the next few hours.” Calling the result an ‘apocalypse’ Spanish daily Marca criticized Ventura for being unable to give a tactical identity to the Italian team.

ndia’s first World Cup winning captain Kapil Dev this week hailed the current team’s focus on fitness saying skipper Virat Kohli deserves a lot of credit for that and went to the extent of comparing him with Jagmohan Dalmiya. Kapil, who triumphed in the 1983 World Cup, was speaking at the inaugural Jagmohan Dalmiya Memorial lecture and compared Kohli with the late cricket administrator. “Sourav (Ganguly) told me to talk about the current team also and not only on Dalmiya. Virat has the responsibility to take the game forward as Indians look up to you,” Kapil said during his speech with Kohli and the entire Indian team in attendance. “You are a hero and you are like Dalmiya. You can change things. You have done that in the fitness of the current Indian team and that is

Indian skipper Virat Kohli (Photo:IANS)

something which I can be proud of. The Sri Lankan team was also present along with their president Thilanga Sumathipala. The two teams play a Test here in two days’ time. “I feel very nervous when I talk about cricket. To my mind, Dalmiya is one of the great heroes we have. One (Kohli) is a hero on

the field and the other is off the field. He (Dalmiya) was a hero off the field and what we are enjoying as cricketers today is because of him,” Kapil said of Dalmiya who breathed his last two years back. “In the last 50 years in the world, he was the best administrator in all sports. We always used to look up to England and Australia. He used to say we could get wages like them. “It is important to have money on your side. We cricketers play for maximum 10-15 years. Everybody is not like Sachin (Tendulkar). What he did for the game, he is my hero. “At first, he didn’t make much of an impression on me. As I kept meeting him, he wasn’t the best of speakers but nobody could better understand what is right and what is wrong.” “He was one of those persons who understood where he can nail down on others and make the deal done,” Kapil said.







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south india x





South Special

Thomas Chandy quits, finally Under fire, Kerala transport minister submits resignation after Alappuzha Collector’s report alleged land grab by his resort; third Kerala minister to quit He insisted that the Chief Minister did not ask him to step down. “I offered to quit as the verdict came with certain observations, denting the government’s image. I then took permission from the NCP leadership and put in my papers.



attling land grab charges, Kerala Transport Minister Thomas Chandy this week quit, becoming the third minister to quit the government of Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan in controversial circumstances. After submitting his resignation to his party leader T.P. Peethambaran, who forwarded it to Vijayan, Chandy drove away in his official car to his home in Alappuzha. En route, at a few places, angry Youth Congress workers waved black flags and threw eggs at his car. But at his home in Alappuzha, activists of the Nationalist Congress Party (NCP) greeted him with full-throated slogans. The Vijayan government had recently suffered a setback when the Kerala High Court dismissed a petition filed by Chandy for quash-

BRIEFS Karti’s travel plans: SC seeks CBI’s reply NEW DELHI: The Supreme Court has given the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) time to respond on an application by former Finance Minister P. Chidambaram’s son Karti Chidambaram seeking to travel to Britain on December 2. Chidambaram junior has mentioned travel plans to Cambridge for his daughter’s admission. Chief Justice Dipak Misra, Justice A.M. Khanwilkar and Justice D.Y. Chandrachud gave time till November 20 to the CBI to reply. Karti Chidambaram is being investigated for alleged irregularities in the grant of FIPB clearance to INX Media Ltd. when his father was the Union Finance Minister.

New TN governor stokes controversy COIMBATORE: Tamil Nadu’s new Governor Banwarilal Purohit has stoked a major controversy by convening a meeting of officials to review development works, an action that has come under all round attack from opposition parties. Purohit, who took over as Governor last month, said he will carry out similar inspections in all districts of the state in the coming days. He made his maiden visit outside Chennai to first participate in the convocation ceremony of Bharatiyar University this week. Later, he undertook a review meeting in which the Coimbatore Collector, and other top officials participated. — IANS

will be left vacant. Chandy, who was present at the weekly cabinet meeting told the media he was not quitting. He is a three-time legislator representing Kuttanad in Alappuzha. He first entered politics through the Democratic Indira Congress

Chandy is the third minister quitting the Kerala government in 18 months. The first to go was E.P. Jayarajan who quit last year followed by Saseendran in March this year

While leaving for his home after resigning, Thomas Chandy told the media that the Alappuzha Collector’s report had factual errors. (Photo: IANS)

ing the Alappuzha Collector’s report which alleged land grab by Chandy’s resort. He told the media at his house that the Collector’s report had factual errors. “In the High Court verdict, one

judge was not pleased because I filed the petition as Minister Chandy. I did it as per the advice of my counsel. Once I get the judgement, I will file an appeal in the Supreme court,” Chandy said.

“My other party colleague is also facing certain charges and whosoever amongst us gets cleared first will become a minister again,” said Chandy. NCP leader Peethambaran said Chandy’s resignation letter had been handed over to Vijayan. Governor P. Sathasivam accepted it. According to informed sources, Vijayan has decided that the slot meant for the NCP in the cabinet

(DIC), a party floated by Congress veteran K. Karunakaran in 2005. He became a minister after his senior party colleague A.K. Saseendran quit after sleaze allegations surfaced against him. Chandy is the third minister quitting the Kerala government in 18 months. The first to go was Industries Minister E.P. Jayarajan who quit last year. Saseendran followed in March this year.

Private doctors’ strike hits Bengaluru OPDs IANS, BENGALURU


ut-patient services in private hospitals across Karnataka was affected this week as some 50,000 private doctors went on a strike to protest against an amendment bill intended to regulate their functioning. The strike will continue till their demands are met, said a senior Indian Medical Association (IMA) official. “Out-patients were not seen or treated in private hospitals across

the state as our members went on strike against the (amendment to the) Karnataka Private Medical Establishments (KPME) Act,” IMA’s state chapter Secretary B. Veeranna told IANS. The private hospitals had very few doctors on duty to look after inpatients and for emergency services. “We have decided to go on a relay hunger strike at Belagavi till the state government withdraws the stringent provisions in the amendment bill,” said Veeranna.

About 20,000 private doctors, Ayush practitioners, nurses, paramedics and medical students participated in the sit-in demo near the secretariat. (Photo: IANS)

About 300 private doctors are on 24-hour relay hunger strike in batches near the Souvrna Soudha in the state’s northern town. About

20,000 private doctors, Ayush practitioners, nurses, paramedics and medical students participated in the sit-in demo near the secretariat.

Congress continues to slam Kerala solar scam report IANS, THIRUVANANTHAPURAM


he Congress in Kerala continued to slam the Justice G. Sivarajan (Retd) panel’s report on the solar scam indicting then Chief Minister Oomen Chandy and several of his ministers with the party state chief this week terming it a “sex novel”. The report, tabled in the Kerala Assembly last week, spoke of corruption, sexual harassment the scam prime accused, Saritha Nair, had to face and other charges in the multicrore solar energy investment fraud that rocked the then Chandy government in 2013. Continuing to assail the report,

Former Kerala Chief Minister Oomen Chandy.

state Congress President M.M. Hassan said that while there have been numerous reports that have been

submitted by various commissions in the past, this one stands out. “This is no report, instead this is

one that can be termed as a ‘sex novel’,” he told media in Kozhikode. Among the tormentors that Saritha Nair named in her letter, that has been published in the more than 1,000-page report, include Chandy, his then cabinet colleagues, present and former legislators, Lok Sabha members and top leaders. Former state Minister and senior Congress legislator K.C. Joseph told media that the credibility of the commission report is indeed questionable. “The findings of the commission cannot be seen as one with good intention... it is one that describes the ‘beauty’ of Saritha Nair,” said Joseph.








ine in India will eventually get its high from the rapidly increasing segment of independent, empowered women who hold the key to the industry’s growth in the country, according to Rajeev Samant, CEO of Sula Vineyards. Speaking to IANS on the sidelines of the ‘Sula Selections: Globe in a Glass Roadshow 2017’, Samant also said that global warming was emerging as a key challenge for the wine industry across the globe — as well as in India. “Drinking for young women in tier 2 cities will be socially acceptable. The point is also about economic empowerment in those cities, when younger people become a little bit economically

Natasha Suri to launch fitness app





ving the growth of wine sales and popularity in India. Wine, he said, naturally suited women rather than whiskey in the contemporary Indian social context. “Whiskey is a little bit tough, too strong. Women are much more comfortable with a glass of Sula Vineyards, w i n e . which (Also) in pioneered wine terms of manufacturing in image, in India in terms of Maharashtra’s acceptability in sociNasik region ety,” he said, The CEO of Sula VineyardsWine, Rajeev Samant, said that wine naturally adding that such suited women rather than whiskey in the contemporary Indian social context. a sentiment is “even self-sufficient. Young working they are going to get their own dis- reflected in Indian cinema”. “Back women may not have a problem posable income and all of that is then, if you drank a glass or someany more in 10 cities in India going to go lock step. So for sure, thing in a movie, you were the (right now), but outside those 10 its inevitable,” Samant said under- vamp, you were the fallen woman. there are still problems. But soon, lining that women would be dri- Today Priyanka Chopra can have a

glass of wine in the movie. She is seen not as a fallen woman, but as an independent, modern woman,” Samant said. Sula Vineyards, which pioneered wine manufacturing in India in Maharashtra’s Nasik region, currently accounts for nearly 65 per cent market share of the country’s wine industry — with a steady compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 20 per cent for the last 10 years. “At this point, our situation is very simple. We have been enjoying a CAGR of 20 per cent for the last 10 years. We are always a little bit constrained on the supply of grapes. Twenty per cent is all we can deal with,” he said. The challenges for the wine industry in the country, as well as much of the world, comes from climate change and its impact and steps need to be taken to overcome the obstacle.

No Shave November: Let your sideburns grow IANS, NEW DELHI

I MUMBAI: Former Miss India World and actress Natasha Suri is geared up to launch her fitness and beauty app. Natasha’s app will provide tips on a daily basis for women, a statement said. “Through this I aim to communicate with the youth and women across the globe to give away beauty, make-up and fitness tips — all things healthy yet glamorous,” Natasha said in a statement. “A lot of people ask me for beauty and fitness advice, so I thought this would be a perfect platform to share my views and communicate with everyone looking for realistic and pragmatic solutions. I hope my app will be of help, especially to women who are busy and consumed in their day-to-day life, and are looking to find a balance in their lifestyle,” she added. On the work front, Natasha is shooting for a yet untitled film alongside actor Urvashi Rautela. It is being directed by Ajay Lohan and co-produced by Zee TV and Mahendra Dhariwal. —IANS

f you’re joining the No Shave November brigade of men who aren’t shaving this month to raise awareness about men’s health issues, don’t forget to care for your beard and sideburns too. Several men choose to go without shaving in November every year to spread awareness on prostate cancer, testicular cancer and men’s suicide. Invest in good beard oils and don’t forget to moisturize your face, say experts.

Aashmeen Munjaal, director of Star Salon n Academy and Rohit Batra, Dermatologist at Dermaworld Skin Clinic, have suggested a few looks and ways to maintain men’s facial hair: v Flaunt the old and classic goatee in new avatars. Men with rectangular or even square shaped faces look best with them. v A beard is supposedly a natural shield. Using a good moisturizer protects your face from the cold, dry air. Moisturizers also keep the skin

A beard is supposedly a natural shield.

hydrated and prevent dead skin cells from gathering and clogging up the follicles. v Try the chin-strap beard look and don it with a tuxedo or just your formal office wear. This look is all about suave and sophistication.

Keep shaving the rest of your beardarea while you keep trimming the beard around your chin. v Massage your face with a beard oil in small circular motions for about 10 minutes, atleast two times a day.

‘Creativity with technology, key to success for students’ IANS, NEW DELHI


ncorporating creativity and technology in the education curriculum can help students gear up for a fast changing world, a new survey said this week. Titled “Gen Z in the Classroom: Creating the Future” by global software major Adobe, the study revealed that a staggering 95 per cent of students and 91 per cent of teachers see creativity as essential to the careers of Gen Z — roughly a 15-year bloc beginning around 1996, currently between five to 19 years old — students. Further, 94 per cent of students and 90 per cent of teachers are of the view that technology-based tools play a key role in boosting

creative thinking, which will help Gen Z students stand apart in the future workforce. “With its rapid digital transformation story and world’s youngest millennial population, India is

uniquely positioned as a country where its Gen Z students population has grown up in a techenabled and information-driven world,” Kulmeet Bawa, Managing Director, Adobe South Asia, said.

“The survey reiterates the need for creativity and technology in learning environments to thrive in tandem, and is symbolic of how India’s education curriculum needs to evolve, to help students, gear up for a fast changing world,” Bawa added. Expressing concern about their future, 95 per cent of Gen Z students also believe that their future careers would involve more creativity than what exists today, stressing the urgent need to include more creativity in the classroom. Gen Z students (62 per cent) and their teachers (56 per cent) also agreed that the best method for learning and teaching is through creativity and hands-on experiences.








ENTERTAINMENTcinema news x

‘PADMAVATI’ STIRS EMOTIONS The Shri Rajput Karni Sena calls for ‘Bharat Bandh’ on December 1 if Sanjay Leela Bhansali releases the film; the filmmaker is given precautionary security cover IANS, JAIPUR/MUMBAI

Nothing can stop release of ‘Padmavati’


he Shri Rajput Karni Sena called for a ‘Bharat Bandh’ (shutdown) on December 1 if Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s movie Padmavati releases on that date, while the Maharashtra government provided a precautionary security cover for the filmmaker in view of the increasing controversies and growing threats. “We will hold rallies across the country, including Gurugram, Patna, Lucknow and Bhopal before the release date,” Lokendra Singh Kalvi, founder-patron of the Shri Rajput Karni Sena, an organization of the Rajput community, told media persons in Jaipur. “We demand a complete ban on the film. Now, we don’t want any pre-screening of the movie. All we want is a ban,” he said. He claimed that as per the Cinematography Act, the government can withhold the release of a movie for three months even after a goahead by the Central Board of Film Certification (CBFC) and it can be

‘Newton have big opportunity at Oscars’ NEW DELHI: National Award-winning actor Rajkummar Rao, whose comedy drama film Newton is Indias official entry for the Best Foreign Rajkummar Rao Language Film category at the 90th Academy Awards, says India has a big opportunity this year at the Oscars. “It’s a great feeling to represent India at such an international platform, especially with a film like Newton. We feel there is a big opportunity that we have this year at the Oscars. We are hoping for the best,” Rajkummar told IANS. “The team of Newton is already there in Los Angeles including the director (Amit V. Masurkar) and the producers (Drishyam Films). They are working really hard. There are a lot of screenings happening there on daily basis. “We just had a screening for American Film Institute a few days back. A lot of people from Hollywood remain present for the screenings. I couldn’t go because of injury, but I am missing all the fun. I am sure the whole team of Newton is trying really hard. A lot of money is being spent for the promotions there,” he added. —IANS

Rashtriya Rajput Karni Sena members stage a protest against filmmaker Sanjay Leela Bhansali's upcoming film Padmavati. (Photo: IANS)

extended further. “We request Prime Minister Narendra Modi to intervene in the matter,” Kalvi said. Bhansali has been facing the ire of various groups and self-styled experts on what they term as ‘erroneous’ depiction of Rajput queen Rani Padmavati. There have been protests and violence against the filmmaker

Bhansali and opposition to the film right from the time it was being shot at various locales in different parts of India and now, as it prepares for release globally soon. Barring these groups and individuals, the entire film fraternity and civil society members have expressed support to Bhansali for his latest film venture. The Indian Film and Television

NEW DELHI: A decade ago when she forayed into Bollywood, Deepika Padukone never imagined she would be a Sanjay Leela Bhansali heroine. Now, as she prepares for the release of epic drama Padmavati, which clocks her trilogy with the filmmaker, the actress is confident the movie will tide over the controversy, hit the screens and win a “bigger battle” for the industry. “As a woman, I feel proud to be a part of this film, and to tell this story, which needs to be told. And it needs

to be told now,” Deepika, who plays the title role in Padmavati told IANS over phone from Mumbai. “It’s appalling, it’s absolutely appalling. What Deepika have we gotten ourselves into? And where have we reached as a nation? We have regressed,” she said, commenting on the hullabaloo the movie is causing pre-release. —Radhika Bhirani

Directors’ Association (IFTDA) has thanked Maharashtra Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis for providing security cover to Bhansali, who lives and works in Mumbai. “We commend your assurance to keep the law and order situation in control, and that speaks volumes of the efficiency of your staff and the police personnel,” filmmaker Ashoke Pandit, on behalf of the fra-

ternity, said in a letter to Fadnavis. The Bharatiya Janata Party’s Rajasthan unit chief Ashok Parnami told the media that the Vasundhara Raje government will not tolerate any distortion of historical facts. Heena Singh Judeo, daughter-inlaw of Dilip Singh Judeo of Chhattisgarh’s erstwhile royal family, expressed dissent over the depiction of a Rajput queen in the movie.

‘Rules were followed in excluding film S Durga’ IANS, NEW DELHI


he decision to exclude Malayalam film S Durga from the Indian Panorama lineup at the 48th International Film Festival of India (IFFI) in Goa was as per Information and Broadcasting Ministry’s rules, official sources said. The Ministry has the authority to exclude any film on the basis of an assessment that it can adversely

affect law and order, the sources added. They said the decision to replace ‘S Durga’ with a film waitlisted by the Indian Panorama Feature Film jury for IFFI was taken after taking into account various concerns. S Durga, earlier titled Sexy Durga, had also been denied permission for screening at the Jio MAMI Mumbai Film Festival in October as the Ministry had received complaints against its title and was of the view

The Malayalam film S Durga was earlier titled as Sexy Durga.

that it hurts religious sentiments. The sources said the uniform benchmark was applied to the 48th IFFI to be held in Goa this month. The sources said the Regional

Officer at Thiruvananthapuram, who viewed the uncensored version of S Durga, had found it in violation of the Central Board of Film Certification (CBFC) guidelines.

‘Shaadi Mein Zaroor Aana’: Wedding worth attending


et against the backdrop of Kanpur, Shaadi Mein Zaroor Aana is a love story of Satyendra aka Sattu (Rajkummar Rao), a clerk in a government office and Aarti (Kriti Kharbanda), a bright ambitious girl who aspires to become a government officer, but is not encouraged by her father to study too much. How the couple meet for a proposed marriage alliance, fall in love and yet, end up not getting married owing to an unexpected event on their wedding day, forms the crux of the story. Narrated in a linear manner, the

Film: “Shaadi Mein Zaroor Aana”; Director: Ratnaa Sinha; Cast: Rajkummar Rao, Kriti Kharbanda, Govind Namdeo, Navni Parihar, Manoj Pahwa and KK Raina, Rating: ***

film is quite straightforward and it is undoubtedly in the second half, with the unusual twist at half time,

that the plot gets intriguing. The first half showcases how they meet to please their parents, but owing to their similar thinking, hit it off well and fall in love. The writing, like the plot, is simple and uncomplicated. It is the

performances by the entire case that keep you riveted to the screen. Save the scene in the second half where Satyendra, a deputy magistrate himself, goes to Aarti’s house with a search warrant and turns the house topsy-turvy, which appears a bit far-fetched, the characters are well-etched and believable. Director Ratnaa Sinha effectively recreates the milieu where clearing Civil Services exams, are given importance and a government job is considered the ultimate achievement. Rajkummar Rao as Satyendra, the simple and well-mannered boy.









Radhika denies writing script

Satisfied with the films I am doing: Katrina Kaif


ctress Radhika Apte says contrary to rumors, she has not written an Anurag Kashyap-directed short for the upcoming film Bombay Talkies 2. Asked about it, the actress said: “I have not written the script and I don’t know from where the article has come up. It has been written by Anurag and at this moment, I cannot talk much about it.” Radhika was present at the Van Heusen + GQ Fashion Nights 2017 as the showstopper for designers Shantanu and Nikhil.


he has been a part of some of Bollywood’s biggest hits like Namastey London, Dhoom 3 and Ek Tha Tiger, but her last few films, including Baar Baar Dekho and Jagga Jasoos, didn’t get an impressive response at the box office. But actress Katrina Kaif says she is “extremely happy and satisfied with the kind of films” she is doing. “I really enjoy my work,” the actress, who has been roped in as the brand ambassador of eyewear company

Actor Aamir Khan praises Virat Kohli


uperstar Aamir Khan, who had earlier appeared on a chat show with Virat Kohli, praised the India cricket captain for supporting young sportsmen in the country. “I think what Virat is doing and his entire effort to support to young sportsmen across the country is a wonderful idea,” Aamir said. on the sidelines of the first edition of Indian Sports Honor Awards organized by the Virat Kohli Foundation. Apart from Aamir, choreographer-filmmaker Farah Khan along with some of the cricket personalities attended the event.

John wants to set up soccer academy


ctor and owner of Indian Super League (ISL) franchise, North East United FC (NEUFC), John Abraham is likely to set up a world class soccer academy. Abraham said this to Assam Chief Minister Sarbananda Sonowal at the Brahmaputra State Guest House during a meeting this week and Sonowal has assured him of all support for setting up the football academy. Sonowal informed the NEUFC owner that the state government has accorded top priority to development of sports in Assam.

Lenskart, told IANS when asked if she misses finding some free time amidst so many films and endorsement deals. “I am very driven and focused about what I want to do. I am extremely happy and satisfied with the kind of films I am doing, getting to work with people who I enjoy working with, learning from new people. It is the same with brands too.”

Harshvardhan next to release in May


ctor Harshvardhan Kapoor, last seen on screen in Mirzya, will soon be featuring in Vikramaditya Motwane’s untitled directorial releasing on May 25 next year. Reliance Entertainment and Eros International have come together to release the Phantom Films production, read a statement. It promises some intense action and well-crafted hand combat fights, which have been designed by an international crew, and shot at some never-before-seen locations in and around Mumbai.








community news/east coast 2


Franchisees not to attend SEI trade show BY A STAFF WRITER OSTON, MA – Every year, 7-Eleven, Inc. (SEI) holds a giant convention and trade show, which it says is a “chance to recognize and celebrate our franchisees.” The 7-Eleven Experience reportedly delivers millions to the company’s bottom line by putting hundreds of vendors in front of its franchisee community. But, franchisee leaders say they will not be attending the next event. They’re skipping it to send a clear message that SEI was wrong to cut off communications with its franchisees. The presidents of all 43 Franchise Owners Associations (FOAs), which represent the interests of nearly 7,000 franchised locations in the US. voted unanimously to skip the 7-Eleven Experience during a recent board meeting of the National Coalition of Associations of 7-Eleven Franchisees (NCASEF), an independent organization which speaks for the individual franchisee associations. “Our FOA representatives spoke loud

Jitendra Diganvker to run for Lower House


Republican Jitendra Diganvker

and clear and the Coalition listened. They voted to urge members to stay away from the 7-Eleven Experience and now the Coalition wants to deliver that message to all,” said Rehan Hashmi, vice chairman of the National Coalition. “The relationship between SEI and its franchisees is no longer evenhanded and that is hurting our members and their livelihood.” According to Hashmi, SEI closed its

regular channels of communication after franchisees in California filed a federal lawsuit against SEI last month. “If SEI truly wants to recognize and celebrate its franchisees as the marketers of the 7-Eleven Experience claim, it shouldn’t cut off communications. Franchise owners have invested their lives in this brand and we want to prosper, but we can’t if our relationship with SEI remains one-sided,” he said.

Indian Assn of St Louis marks 50th Anniversary BY A STAFF WRITER T LOUIS, MO – The India Association of St. Louis (IAS) celebrated a historic event at Mahatma Gandhi Center on November 4 to mark 50 years of its existence along with its annual Diwali event. The anniversary event held at Mahatma Gandhi Center saw the presence of more than 175 participants and some 600 attendees. After IAS president Shailee Saran Varanasi welcomed the gathering, chief guest St. Louis County executive Steven Stenger applauded IAS on its Golden Jubilee and presented Varanasi with a proclamation. He declared the Diwali event of IAS as India Day and Indian Culture Recognition Day in the county. The IAS honored 12 eminent Gurus based in St. Louis in dance, music-vocal and instrumental with a commemorative plaque and special gift. They were: Asha Prem, S.


Vinjamur, Smita Rajan and Prasanna Kasturi (all for dance). Sandhya Pandurangi, Vidya Anand, Seema Kasturi and Mala Gopinathan (for Vocal) and Ustad Imrat Khan (Sitar), S. Kale and Raghu Pandurangi (Tabla) and Ram Lakshmanan (Mridangam). IAS Board 2017 : Shailee Saran Varanasi

(president), Krishna Rao (president-elect), Sendil Rathinasabapathy (secretary), Vijayalakshmi Buddhiraju (treasurer), Meera Jain, Vijay Kumar Buddhiraju, Sharath Rao, Venkat Pulumati, and Sanjeev Rao Chintakunta. The night ended with a sumptuous Indian feast and fireworks.

United Senior Pariwar enjoys Diwali bash BY A STAFF WRITER ESPLAINES, IL -- Members of one of the leading senior associations in Chicagoarea, United Senior Pariwar of Chicago, recently celebrated Annakut Mahotsav as well as Diwali Party in Swaminarayan Mandir located in the town of Wheeling, Illinois state. More than 300 members as well as invited guests attended. The event started with a lamp-lighting ceremony in which Arvind Patel and his wife Sharda Patel as well as Chhitu Patel, Hasmukh Soni and Ramesh Chokshi participated. Acharya Rohit Joshi performed religious rituals by chanting shlokas. Ramesh Chokshi, secretary, welcomed all the members and elaborated on Pariwar’s actvities and wished a happy Diwali to all the members, besides reminding them fill out the 2018 membership form and pay the annual fees. Holy saints of Swaminarayan mandir, who were also present, explained an important role of Diwali in the day-to-day life.


They assured of better services once expansion of the mandir hall will be completed. Chief guest Chirag Shah, owner of Transition home healthcare, wished happy Diwali and happy new year to all senior members. Praduman Pathak explained how Krishna insisted people of Gokul to worship to Govradhan Parvat instead of Indra Raja, followed by Annakut puja. Some members

also sang songs of Krishna. Priest Rohit Joshi explained the Vedic meaning of Diwali and Chhitu Patel, vice president, read out a Diwali message of president Raman Patel who was away in India. As the program drew to a close, Aarti was performed in which all seniors participated. The event ended with everyone enjoying a delicious dinner and Prasad.

BY A STAFF WRITER HICAGO, IL -- Indian-American Republican Jitendra Diganvker has announced that he will run for his party’s primaries for the US House of Representatives from District 8 in Illinois. If he wins the primary, he will run up against incumbent Indian American Democratic Congressman Raja Krishnamoorthi who was elected last year as the only Indian-American from Illinois in the Lower House. Diganvker, a business owner and community worker, said that he is running for Congress to give a voice to the hard-working middle-class Americans that are too often ignored by career politicians in Washington D.C. “I am not a politician. While most politicians pass laws yet never feel the effects of their actions, I come from real America. I have felt these struggles and know first-hand the consequences of Washington’s action, and inaction, on issues important to middle-class families. I will be the voice of everyday Americans in Washington,” he said in a media release. “Immigrating to our great country, my family and I have experienced many highs and lows. My family came to America to achieve the American dream–to succeed or fail by our hard work and commitment. Today, career politicians have left behind hard-working middle-class Americans. I will be a voice for those very people who have been left behind, because my family is one of them,” says Diganvker. Diganvker suffered a major tragedy in 1999, when he lost his two daughters in a tragic house fire. He claimed that this incident allowed him to see first-hand, how burdensome government regulations and rising health care costs could discourage the entrepreneurial spirit. The US House of Representative has four Indian Americans, all of them Democrats: Ami Bera and Ro Khanna from California, Krishnamoorthi, and Pramila Jayapal from Washington State. All of them will be seeking re-election next year.


Gov. Rauner declares harvest emergency

BY A STAFF WRITER ORKVILLE, IL -- Gov. Bruce Rauner has declared a 45-day statewide harvest emergency to assist farmers and grain handlers who are grappling with the fallout of rain-related delays. “Illinois is home to 72,000 farms on 26.7 million acres. We are among the top three corn producers in the nation,” Rauner said while visiting Stewart Farms in Yorkville on November 5. Richard Guebert Jr., president of the Illinois Farm Bureau said the harvest season emergency declaration will improve the transportation of crops.








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community news/midwest


Indian’s plea to file for bankruptcy rejected BY A STAFF WRITER N G L EWO O D , C O - - A bankruptcy court in Florida has ruled that Amit Bhalla, a retailer of IPTV streaming devices with unauthorized channels, cannot use a bankruptcy case to shield himself from monetary liability for copyright infringement. In 2016, the US District Court for the Central District of California issued a permanent injunction halting the unlawful distribution of television content from programmers CCTV and TVB on TVpad devices. DISH Network, which has exclusive rights to distribute much of CCTV’s and TVB’s content in the US (including through its Sling TV OTT service), and CICC, an affiliate of CCTV, were also plaintiffs in that underlying lawsuit, which began in 2015. The plaintiffs alleged that the manufacturers and distributors of the TVpad device set up a pirate broadcasting network designed to stream CCTV and TVB channels without authorization. The court ordered manufacturers and distributors of TVpad to pay $55 million in damages to DISH, TVB, CCTV and CICC, and the injunction prohibited retailers from distributing, advertising, marketing or promoting TVpad and comparable devices that deliver CCTV’s or TVB’s copyrighted content. Rather than accept responsibility for his actions, Amit Bhalla chose to file for


Bal Vihar, Hindu Temple of St. Louis sign pact


BY A STAFF WRITER T LOUIS, MO -- On November 9, the Center of Indian Cultural Education, also known as Bal Vihar of St. Louis, and the Hindu temple of St. Louis legally entered into a revised lease agreement to use the new community center next to the temple to accelerate a common goal of instilling the Indian culture in future generations. The pact is being hailed as “an excellent arrangement for our children and the entire community for years to come.” In order to support this multi-million dollar community center, Bal Vihar had presented a check of $250,000 to the Hindu Temple on July 31, 2014 towards the construction of the building by 2019-2020 after which the school will give the temple additional $150,000 for the building interiors. In addition, Bal Vihar school families and supporters have also donated over $1 million for the project so far since 2014. The revised contract was signed by Dr. Krishna Reddy, Current Chairman of the Hindu temple of St. Louis Board of Trustees and Dr. Sudhir Brahmbhatt, president of Bal Vihar.


bankruptcy in an attempt to avoid being held financially accountable.

Citing Bhalla’s willful and malicious conduct, the plaintiffs filed a motion for summary judgment in the US Bankruptcy Court for the Middle District of Florida. The court granted the motion, and Bhalla must now pay plaintiffs $4.4 million for copyright and trademark infringement. “This ruling sends an important message to retailers who think they can get away with profiting off pirated content: you will eventually be held accountable, and a bankruptcy filing will not protect you,” said Samuel Tsang, vice president, Operations for TVB USA. “Our hope is that, as a result of this ruling, retailers will stop selling content obtained through illegal means and instead serve their customers with legal, reliable content and devices.

Gujarat Cultural Assn celebrates Diwali

Black Wednesday on Wed Nov 22nd9:00 PM at Frostys Christmas Bar, 809 West Evergreen Avenue, Chicago, IL 60642 Call: 773 388 9240. 21+ only. New Year’s Eve Party 2018 on Sun Dec 31st- 8:00 PM at The Shores of Turtle Creek, 7908 Winn Road, Spring Grove, IL 60081. 21 + plus. ID to enter. Chalo Haso Comedy Showcase on Fri Dec 8th-8:00 PM at Seven Bar and Restaurant, 400 East Randolph Street, Chicago, IL 60601 Tkts: $10 online.

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BY A STAFF WRITER HICAGO, IL – The Gujarat Cultural Association (GCA) hosted Diwali celebrations, accompanied by an electrifying sold-out music concert--the essence of Maestro S. D. Berman, on October 28 at Meadows Club, 2950 W Golf Rd , Rolling Meadows, IL. The program was attended by Cook county board of commissioner Toni Preckwinkle and Board of review commissioner Dan Patlak , Lt Governor Evelyn Sanghinetti, O. P. Meena from Consulate General of India’s Office, Iftekhar Shareef, Bhavesh Patel, Anuja Gupta, Dr. Ann Lata Kaliyal, Kalpesh Joshi and prominent community leaders like Dr Bharat Barai and Hetal Patel as well as Dina Modi. Chief guest Sunil Shah, the founding president of the Schaumburg FIA, entertained the audience with his witty speech. Prickwinkle also thanked GCA chief Kanti Patel and congratulated leadership and entrepreneurship of the community of diaspora from Gujarat.


Mr. O. P. Meena, representing Consul General of India in Chicago, congratulated GCA for organizing this GALA and wished everyone happy Diwali. Four extraordinary individuals were honored with lifetime achievement awards-Pratap Gohil of Sumit Construction, Chandresh Brahambhatt for his outstanding achievements as a hotelier and Bharat Patel for being an outstanding entrepreneur. The music extravaganza continued well past midnight. Sponsors: Dr Bharat and Panna Barai, Dr. Nita Patel (dentist], Patel Brothers, Air India, Verandah, Motel 6, Sajmil Builder, Transitions Home Healthcare, Law office of Wolin and Rosen etc. Executive Board: Kanti Patel (chairman), Girish Patel (president); Dr. Manish Brahmbhatt (vice president); Dinesh Patel (treasurer), Hemang Patel (joint secretary), Kanu Parekh (culture secretary), & Geeta Bhatt (joint culture secretary).







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community news/EAST COAST Ex-official pleads guilty Ekal’s glittering Gala raises $2 million to securities fraud 2


BY A STAFF WRITER EW YORK, NY -- Ekal Vidyalaya Foundation’s (EVF) glittering Gala on November 4 at the majestic ‘Cipriani’ on Wall Street in New York City was a grand success. The response for this highly-anticipated event was simply overwhelming, not only in terms of capacity-attendance, but also donor’s enthusiasm to support EVF’s worthy cause. The evening raised more than $2 million. Ekal has been raising funds in the US through a series of concerts mainly directed at grass-root level, until now. This gala was an added innovative effort to reach out to the corporate world and high-net-worth individuals and bring mainstream America into its fold. This impeccably-organized spectacular evening’s main architect was Mohan Wanchoo, chairman-founder of EC Infosystems, who briefed the gathering about


Dr Subhash Chandra (centre, bespectacled) - Ekal Global being felicitated

Ekal’s multi-dimensional approach to uplift the rural and tribal areas of India through emphasis on literacy, healthcare, integrated village development and empowerment of village folks. Ekal has 58,000 schools, spread all over

India supporting 1.56 million children, more than half of which are girls. Ekal now plans to make such Galas an annual affair going forward and host them at various Metropolitan places like LA, Chicago, Houston, etc.

Dental student dies in NY hit-and-run BY A STAFF WRITER EVITTOWN, NY -- A minor fender-bender turned into a fatal hit-and-run and the police are still whistling in the dark. An 18-year-old college honors student stepped out of her car in a parking lot to exchange papers with the man who collided with her. Instead, he ran over her and fled. Honors dental student Taranjit Parmar dreamed of opening a practice in her hometown. Instead, she was mowed down by a hit-and-run driver just a few blocks from her Levittown home. Her parents and two younger sisters, who are inconsolable, said she was four days away from her 19th birthday. She was driving along Hempstead Turnpike at 5 pm on November 9, approaching a traffic light near Gardiner’s Avenue when a red pickup truck pulled out and collided with Parmar’s Jeep. Part of the accident was caught on gas station surveillance. “They just back up and go on to the next parking lot. They try to exchange information and the red truck guy ran over the girl,” a witness said. Gas station patrons ran towards the victim and within minutes ambulances and first responders were in a frantic effort to save her life.


Taranjit Parmar A police source confirmed she called daughter’s final words for help. her mother after the minor crash. The police said they are looking for a As she stepped out of her vehicle red pickup truck with a middle-aged white hoping to exchange insurance papers, the male driver wearing a baseball cap. driver accelerated. Parmar was next slated to study four Her mother heard what would be her years at NYU’s college of dentistry.

Indian is Magistrate Judge in New York BY A STAFF WRITER ROOKLYN, NY -- Sanket Bulsara was officially sworn in November 2 as the Second Circuit judge during an investiture ceremony at the US District Court for the Eastern District of New York in downtown Brooklyn. Bulsara, who became the first Indian American judge for the Second Circuit, has been serving in the position since August. He was sworn in as a magistrate judge by the court’s Chief Judge Dora Irizarry. “Judge Bulsara is a living example of the American dream,” Irizarry said, adding that he is the son of immigrants from India who instilled in him the love of learning, the value


Sanket Bulsara of hard work, respect for others, humility

and the importance of public service.” In citing Bulsara’s heritage, Irizarry said, “It signals that there is fairness in the American system of justice and that the American dream is alive and well. It promotes respect for and confidence in our judiciary.” Bulsara has previously served as the acting general counsel of the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and deputy general counsel for Appellate Litigation, Adjudication and Enforcement within the SEC. Bulsara, a native of the Bronx, was raised in Queens, NY by his parents who immigrated to the US from India.

Navnoor Kang BY A STAFF WRITER EW YORK, NY -- Federal prosecutors say a former official at the pension fund for New York state public employees, accused of accepting bribes that included vacations, cocaine, prostitutes, and a $17,000 wristwatch, has pleaded guilty to related charges. Navnoor Kang Nov. 8 pleaded guilty to conspiracy to commit securities fraud and conspiracy to commit hones services wire fraud. An indictment issued last year accused 37-year-old Kang of accepting bribes totaling about $100,000 in exchange for steering millions of dollars in business to two brokerage firms. It says the bribes included travel, a ski trip, and tickets to Broadway shows. Kang was dismissed from the New York State Common Retirement Fund last February. “He has accepted responsibility for his failure to disclose gifts during his employment at the Fund,” said Kang’s lawyer, Tina Glandian. The $184.5-billion Common Retirement Fund is the investment arm of the New York State and Local Employees’ Retirement System and the New York State and Local Police and Fire Retirement System. Kang worked there from January 2014 to February 2016 and was responsible for investing $53 billion in fixed income


Doc in dock for groping sleeping girl on flight

BY A STAFF WRITER EWARK, NJ -- A doctor has admitted assaulting a sleeping girl on a flight from Seattle to New Jersey’s Newark Liberty International Airport this summer. Vijaykumar Krishnappa appeared before a federal magistrate in Newark on November 8. Prosecutors say the 29-year-old physician intentionally touched the girl near her groin over her leggings without her consent. She was sleeping in the seat next to him on the July flight. Under terms of a plea agreement, the Indian national will be sentenced to between 30 and 90 days in prison in January. He is studying medicine in the US under a fellowship for doctors from foreign counties.







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community news/EAST COAST motel owner Bruhud NY Seniors celebrates Diwali Indian killed In shootout FRIDAY, 17 NOVEMBER, 2017

BY A STAFF WRITER EW YORK, NY -- Bruhud New York Seniors leader Shashikant Patel and Gopi Udeshi organized a Diwali Dinner and a Musical Night on November 3 at five-star Banquet Hall, Long Island City in New York. Among the 500 guests were prominent leaders like Councilmember Barry Grodenchik, Consul L. Krishnamurthy from the Indian Consulate, Councilman David Weprin, Rep Harsh Parekh, Governor Cuomo, Rep Harshad (Pakaji) Patel and Dr. Arvind Shah. The event started with American and Indian National Anthems sung by beauty queen Manjari Parikh and this was received by the audience with full respect to the nation. Shashikant Patel and Gopi Udeshi received a Diwali Proclamation and a citation from political leaders like Congresswoman Grace Meng, Senator Larry Comrey, Assemblyman David Weprin, Jeffrion Aubry, Cathrine Nolan, and Elizabeth Crowley, Andrew Hevesi, Barry Grodenchik and



Akash Talati

F (L-R) Gopi Udeshi, Councilman Berry S. Grodenchik, Shashikant Patel, Gov. Rep. Harsh Parikh, Harshad Patel, Councilman David I Wepprin Rep. & Indian Consul L Krishnamurthy

Harsh Parekh. Messages were received from Vijay Rupani, Chief minister of Gujarat (India), Congressman Joseph Crowley and NYC

Mayor Bill De Blasio. A New York musical group entertained the audience, followed by dance and dinner before leaving with a beautiful gift.

Yoga guru’s company files for bankruptcy BY A STAFF WRITER ANTA BARBARA, Calif. -Bikram Choudhury Yoga Inc., which popularized the concept of ‘hot yoga,’ filed for bankruptcy protection under chapter 11 on November. 9. In the wake of allegations of sexual misconduct, the company is struggling with mounting liabilities. Anthony John A. Bryan, CEO of The Watley Group, LLC, a Los Angeles-based restructuring and bankruptcy specialist, has been retained as its chief restructuring officer. The yoga studio is faced with $16.7 million in legal judgments and numerous lawsuits and allegations of sexual misconduct. The Indian American yoga guru has been accused of sexual assault by some of yoga practitioners, students, instructors and teacher trainees, charges he has denied. A warrant for Choudhury’s arrest was issued in May.


Cops probe attack on shrine as hate crime BY A STAFF WRITER ROOKLYN, NY -- The NYPD Hate Crimes Task Force is investigating a bizarre incident in which a man used a hammer to bust several windows at a Brooklyn mosque and destroy a surveillance camera. The police released video footage of the suspect late on November 12. They say he destroyed property of Beit El-Maqdis Islamic Center on Sixth Ave. near 63rd St. in Sunset Park about 5:20 p.m. on November 11. The suspect, described as an Asian man, has no known connection to the mosque. He was last seen wearing a black hooded coat, blue jeans and white sneakers.


UPCOMING EVENTS in the East Coast area

Spandana Foundation organized Spandana Spelling Bee - 2017 on Sun Nov 12th- 8:00 AM at Montgomery Upper Middle School, 375 Burnt Hill Road, Montgomery, NJ 08558 Registration fee $25 per student.

BY A STAFF WRITER AYETTEVILLE, NC -- An Indianorigin owner of a motel was shot dead and four others were injured in a shootout in the US state of North Carolina. Akash Talati, 40, who owned Knights Inn and Diamondz Gentlemen’s Club in Fayetteville city, was an innocent bystander when a man who had been escorted out of the club returned soon and exchanged gunfire with a security guard on November 11. The police were called to the club past midnight. The police said Markeese Dewitt, 23, of Fayetteville has been charged with attempted murder and assault with a deadly weapon inflicting serious injury. Dewitt was shot four or five times and remained in serious condition at Cape Fear Valley Medical Centre. Only Dewitt and the security guard exchanged gunfire and the others were bystanders. One of the victims was in a fair condition at the hospital. The two others were treated and released. Talati, from Anand in Gujarat, died at the hospital.

Live in Concert Pt. Hariprasad Chaurasia on Fri Nov 17th- 8:00 PM at 92Y, 1395 Lexington Ave at 92nd Street, Manhattan, NY. Call: 917-309-4530

Isha Foundation organize 4 day Inner Engineering program led by an Isha teacher trained by Sadhguru on Thurs Nov 16th to Sun Nov 19th-6:30 PM at Tagore Hall near Ananda mandir, 269 Cedar Grove Lane, Somerset, NJ 08873 . Veg lunch provided on Sat. Veg breakfast and lunch provided on Sun.

Live in Concert Tagore’s Bengali Independence on Sat Nov 25th- 6:00 PM at Ps 69 Jackson Heights, 77-02 37th Ave Jackson Heights, New York, NY 11372

Tagore’s Bengali Independence on Sat Nov 25th- 6:00 PM at Ps 69 Jackson Heights, 77-02 37th Ave Jackson Heights, New York, NY 11372 Organizers:Kaberi Das







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Over 60% urban Indian women at risk of diabetes A survey conducted across 14 cities shows 73 percent of urban women are unaware of gestational diabetes and its related health risks IANS, BENGALURU


ver 60 percent of urban Indian women do not follow a regular exercise regime, putting them at increased risk of diabetes, shows a new survey. Released on the occasion of World Diabetes Day, the survey conducted by diabetes care company Novo Nordisk India also showed that 73 percent of urban women in the country are unaware of gestational diabetes and its related health risks for the next generation. For the survey conducted in partnership with market research firm Kantar IMRB, over 1,000 women, belonging to the age group of 18-65 years were interviewed to draw insights on the level of awareness on

risks emerging from diabetes. of the respondents were aware about The survey was conducted across diabetes and its complications, it is 14 cities, namely Delhi, Mumalarming to note that women are bai, Bengaluru, Kolkata, not taking concrete actions Hyderabad, Chennai, to address this chalLack of Ahmedabad, lenge,” said Melvin physical Bhubaneswar, LucD’souza, Managing know, Ludhiana, Director, Novo activity is Indore, GuwaNordisk India. linked to an hati, Vijaywada As per a study increased risk and Kochi. published in the The findings journal Lancet, lack of diabetes showed that of physical activity is 78 percent women linked to an interviewed were aware of increased risk of diabetes as a serious health concern diabetes, heart disease, and more than 70 percent women and some cancers believed that a healthy lifestyle will and is associated help prevent diabetes and its associ- with over five ated complications. “While it is million deaths encouraging to note that 78 percent per year.

Donor corneas can be preserved for 11 days: Study NEW YORK: Corneal donor tissue can be safely stored for 11 days without negatively impacting the success of a transplant, a clinical trial has shown. Currently, donor corneas — the eye’s clear outer covering — are generally not used for surgery if they have been preserved for longer than seven days. Expanding the window in which donor tissues can be considered suitable “by even just a few days” should help safeguard quality donor tissue

and access to vision-saving transplantation procedures, the research said. “The current practice of surgeons to use corneas preserved for no longer than seven days is not evidence-based. “Rather that practise is based on opinion, which hopefully will change with this new evidence,” said lead investigator Jonathan Lass, from the Case Western Reserve University. The study, appeared in the journal JAMA Ophthalmology.

Alcohol may lead to insomnia IANS, NEW YORK


f you are in your early teenage and have started consuming alcohol, think twice, as according to a study, binge drinking may up risk of insomnia. “The findings indicate that insomnia may be a unique risk marker for alcohol use among young adolescents,” said Naomi Marmorstein, professor at Rutgers University-Camden in the US. The researcher examined the associations between alcohol use and sleep-related issues in seventh and eighth grade students. When sleep problems were found

to be associated with frequency of alcohol use, the researcher reviewed if symptoms of mental health problems or levels of parental monitoring accounted for these associations.

Per person disease burden drops by 36%: Report IANS, NEW DELHI


he per person disease burden in India dropped by 36 percent from 1990 to 2016, with Assam, Uttar Pradesh and Chhattisgarh recording the highest rates and Kerala and Goa the lowest, a report said this week. The ‘India State-level Disease Burden Initiative’ report said that of the total disease burden in India, 61 percent was due to communicable, maternal, neonatal and nutritional diseases in 1990, which dropped to 33 percent in 2016. It said there was a corresponding rise in the contribution of non-communicable diseases from 30 percent

Infectious and associated diseases made up the majority of disease burden in 1990.

of the total disease burden in 1990 to 55 percent in 2016, and of injuries from nine percent to 12 percent.

As per the report, there were wide variations between the states. The report said that infectious and asso-

ciated diseases made up the majority of disease burden in most of the states in 1990, but this was less than half in all states in 2016. It said the under-five mortality rate has reduced substantially from 1990 in all states, but there was a four-fold difference in this rate between the highest in Assam and Uttar Pradesh and the lowest in Kerala in 2016. The report is a joint venture between Indian Council of Medical Research, Public Health Foundation of India, and Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation in collaboration with the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, along with experts and stakeholders associated with over 100 Indian institutions.

The study, published in the Journal Addictive Behaviors, examined the development of mental health problems and resilience among at-risk youth. The participants of the study completed questionnaires that asked how long it took for them to fall asleep, what times they usually went to bed on a weekday and on the weekend or vacation night, how often they experienced sleep disturbances and whether they ever fell asleep in class or had trouble staying awake after school. They were also asked the frequency of any alcohol use in the previous four months.

Energy drinks may affect mental health NEW YORK: The energy drinks — high on sugar and caffeine levels — can increase the risk of serious issues affecting mental health, a new reveals. The findings published in the journal Frontiers in Public Health showed that energy drinks are associated with health risks ranging from riskseeking behavior, such as substance misuse and aggression, mental health problems in the form of anxiety and stress, to increased blood pressure, obesity, and kidney damage, among others. —IANS








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An Indian family in Downtown Chicago is looking for a young, energetic housekeeper to live in our home and help with the following work: Cooking, Laundry, House Cleaning, Heading : Arial Black 12 Font Black color Pick-up & drop-off the kids to school (10 minutes walk). Take kids to after school activities and other house work as needed. Heading : Arial Black 14 Font White color

rNftdtu ztWlxtWlbtk hnu;t Cth;eg vrhJthlu gwJtl ylu MVwr;o:e ftb fhe Nfu ;uJt jeJ-Rl cnulle sYh Au. hmtuR, Dhftb, jtuLz[e, Dhle mtVmVtR, ’m rbrlx Jtprfkd : Arial colorct’le Ãt{J]r;ytubtk rzMxLm vh ytJuHeading je Mfwju ct¤ftu lu bqBlack fJt ;ub12s juFont Jt, MfwBlack jlt mbg ct¤ftulu jR sJt ;ubs sYh bwsclt Dhlt yLg ftb fhJtlt hnuNu

Call: 312- 647-5006


Needed a caretaker for Elderly Couple. English speaking, Headingshifts. : Arial Black Font White colorin Westmont, IL. 12 hours a day/night 2 to 314times a week Light housework requried @ $20 an hour.

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Heading : Arial Black 14 PA Font White color Live-in Nanny wanted in Pittsburgh, to take care of 15 month old son. Light housekeeping and cooking included. We are looking for someone who can work 6/7 days per week. Salary is negotiable. Experience preferred.

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Call: 615-594-5454

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cnulle sYh Au ctÃm rNftdtu:e ’tuZ fjtflt yk;hu dwsht;e Ntftnthe vrhJthlu hmtuRftb ;ubs n¤Jtk Dhftb btxu jeJ-Rl cnulle sYh Au. rmkdj cnul ytJftgo. Vegetarian Gujarati family located at 1 ½ hrs from Heading : Arial Black 14 Font White color BAPS, Chicago needs Live-in lady for cooking and light household work. Single lady preferred.

Call: 815-351-3693

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Gujarati couple looking for an experienced live-in nannyHeading to take: Arial care of 142 Font months old infant. Black White color Good compensation is color offered. Heading : Arial Black 12 Font Black

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Email: unni@fyvelements.com


Heading : Arial Black 12 Font Black color

Franchise Motel in Janesville, WI (Suburb of Madison). Headingto : Arial Black 14 Font White Good proximity Chicago. Seeking ancolor energetic and inside text : Arial 11 Font Black color English speaking couple for Front Desk. Good salary and accommodation provided. Legal status must.

Call Bhavesh @ 608-718-0700

Heading : Arial Black 12 Font Black color GROCERY STORE HELP WANTED

IndianHeading Grocery: store in Morton Grove, ILcolor looking for Arial Black 14 Font White full time or part time Cashier. Candidate should have : Arial Black 12 Font Black color experience andHeading be willing to work flexible hours.

Call 847-410-7788


Seeking a young energetic couple to manage inside text : Arial Motel 11 Font in Black color Suburb. Independent Chicago GoodHeading salary: Arial & accommodation provided. Black 12 Font Black color English speaking & legal status must.

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Call Kanti Patel @ 773-814-3167

HELP WANTED OR BUSINESS PARTNER Heading : Arial Black 14 Font White color Indian Grocery, 20 years in business. Looking young couple. Full time. Will help in Immigration. Email information or send text message.

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Heading : Arial Black 14 Font White color

Business for sale on Devon Ave Call: 847-431-1590


Heading : Arial Black 14 Font White color

Econo Lodge in Manchester, New Hampshire needs Heading : Arial Black 12 Font Black color Front Desk & Housekeeping help. Accommodation provided. Legal status must.

Call Aspi @ 603-660-1404


Subway for Sale at Orland Park, IL. Sales average $8,000 week, Price $249,000, No remodel until 2023

Call: Steve @ 773-609-3021

Heading : Arial Black 12 Font Black color


Heading : Arial Black 12 Font Black color

FOR SALE The store has been operating for last 33 years under the same owner, who wants to retire. Interested parties, please contact.






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RESTAURANT HELP Heading : Arial Black 14 Font White color

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Call: 615-594-5454








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©2017 Coldwell Banker Residential Real Estate LLC. All Rights Reserved. Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage fully supports the principles of the Fair Housing Act and the Equal Opportunity Act. Operated by a subsidiary of NRT LLC. Coldwell Banker and the Coldwell Banker Logo are registered service marks owned by Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC. Real estate agents affiliated with Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage are independent contractor sales associates and are not employees of Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage.

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