hi INDiA | December 2, 2022 | The Community First

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NATIONAL EDITION | Volume 13 • Issue No. 699 December 2, 2022 | hiindia.com - News Update 24X7 | South Asian Views On Global News Subscribe Free ePaper & News Updates on WhatsApp. Send us ‘hi’ to 7735268353 Inside 12 Read More 04 Read More 06 Read More 16 16 23 US Air Force To Unveil “Most Advanced Military Aircraft” The B-21 Raider 13 Read More PM Modi Has An Advice For Congress On How To Win Back Gujarat’s Trust US House passes bill aimed at averting national rail shutdown China Covid: Unrest continues in Guangzhou as lockdown anger grows ‘In Countries That Are Losing Ability to Speak Truth, Someone Needs to Speak Up’: Nadav Lapid ‘Will Keep Fighting’ Says Vivek Agnihotri After ‘Kashmir Files’ Described as Propaganda “My parents came from India with $8:” Nikki Haley



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Beijing’s stockpile of nuclear warheads has nearly doubled since 2020: Pentagon

Beijing accelerated its nuclear weapons program last year and has nearly doubled its supply of warheads since 2020 to past 400, a size that US military planners did not expect to see until about 2030, a new report from the US Department of Defense says, according to a media report.

complete modernisation” of the People’s Liberation Army by 2035 has sped that up. “If China continues the pace of its nuclear expansion, it will likely field a stockpile of about 1,500 warheads by its 2035 timeline,” the report said.

US support China’s peaceful protest right

Washington,: (IANS) Beijing accelerated its nuclear weapons program last year and has nearly doubled its supply of warheads since 2020 to past 400, a size that US military planners did not expect to see until about 2030, a new report from the US Department of Defense says, according to a media report.

The 2022 China Military Power Report, the latest edition of an annual report mandated by the U.S. Congress, says Pentagon planners in 2020 estimated China’s stockpile of warheads was in the “low-200s” and might double by the end of the decade, RFA reported. But a rapid expansion of warhead building part of an effort to reach what Beijing terms a “basically

“By 2030, China will have about 1,000 operational nuclear warheads, most of which will be fielded on systems capable of ranging the continental United States,” it added. The report said the figures are just estimates since China’s government has not “acknowledged the scale of its expansion” or “declared an end goal” or reason for the expansion “and has declined to engage in substantive arms control discussions”, RFA reported.The Pentagon report said Chinese military expansion in general should be understood as part of Beijing’s self-proclaimed efforts to achieve “the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation” by 2049, and the Communist Party leadership’s view that the United States is undertaking a “whole-of-government effort” to stymie that.

US House passes bill aimed at averting national rail shutdown

reported. In a second vote, most House members agreed to give rail workers seven days of paid sick leave per year.

US President Joe Biden issued a statement on Wednesday, urging the Senate to “act urgently”.

“A rail shutdown would be devastating to our economy and families across the country,” Biden warned.

The United States continues to stand up and support the right of peaceful protests in China, the White House said Monday.

The United States is closely watching the developments in China, White House’s National Security Council Coordinator for Strategic Communications John Kirby told reporters at a news conference.

“Our message to peaceful protesters around the world is the same and consistent: People should be allowed the right to assemble and to peacefully protest policies or laws or dictates that they take issue with,” Kirby said Protests have erupted across China against the Chinese government’s hash Covid rules.

US Warns Turkey Against New Military Operation In Syria

San Francisco’s ruling Board of Supervisors has voted to let the city’s police use robots that can kill. The measure permits police to deploy robots equipped with explosives in extreme circumstances. Dr Catherine Connolly, from the group Stop Killer Robots, said the move was a “slippery slope” that could distance humans from killing. The city’s police - the SFPD - told the BBC they do not currently operate any robots equipped with lethal force.

They said though that there may be future scenarios in which lethal force could be used by a robot. A spokesperson for the police said “robots could potentially be equipped with explosive charges to breach fortified structures containing violent, armed, or dangerous subjects”.

They also said robots could be used to “incapacitate, or disorient violent, armed, or dangerous suspects who pose a risk of loss of life”.

Advocates for the measure said it would only be used in extreme situations. Opponents, however, say the authority could lead to further militarisation of the police force.

The measure passed, with an amendment on Tuesday specifying that officers could only use robots wielding deadly force after employing alternative de-escalation tactics.

Washington: (IANS) The US House of Representatives passed a bill aimed at averting a national rail shutdown.

The lower chamber approved the resolution on Wednesday in a 290137 vote, sending it to the Senate for consideration, Xinhua news agency

US Senator Bernie Sanders, an independent from Vermont, tweeted on Wednesday that he will “demand a vote on guaranteeing seven paid sick days for all rail workers”.

“At a time of record profits in the rail industry, it’s unacceptable that rail workers have ZERO guaranteed paid sick days,” Sanders wrote.

US Says Looking Forward To Supporting India’s G20 Presidency Next Year

White House Press Secretary said that US look forward to supporting India’s G20 presidency next year on a range of issues, including addressing current food and energy security challenges.

Washington: U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin on Wednesday told his Turkish counterpart of his “strong opposition” to a new Turkish military operation in Syria and voiced concern over the escalating situation in the county, the Pentagon said.

Austin, in the call, expressed condolences over a Nov. 13 attack in Istanbul, the Pentagon said.

Washington: The United States is looking forward to supporting India’s G-20 presidency next year, the White House said on Wednesday.

India formally takes over the presidency of the group of the world’s richest economies on Thursday.

“We look forward to supporting India’s G20 presidency next year on a range of issues, including addressing current food and energy security challenges

while continuing our efforts to build a resilient global economy,” White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre told reporters at her daily news conference. “As you’ve seen, the President has attended, has been participating in the G-20 in his tenure here. Don’t have anything specific to announce or any specifics to announce on travel,” she said when asked about a presidential travel to India next year.

“He also expressed concern over escalating action in northern Syria and Turkey, including recent airstrikes, some of which directly threatened the safety of U.S. personnel who are working with local partners in Syria to defeat ISIS,” it said in a statement, using an acronym for the Islamic State militant group.

“Secretary Austin called for de-escalation, and shared the Department’s strong opposition to a new Turkish military operation in Syria.”

FRIDAY, DECEMBER 2 2022 /hiindialive @hiindia /hiindiaNews 773.526.8353 4 USA NEWS
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U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin expressed concern over escalating action in northern Syria and Turkey, including recent airstrikes in the war-torn country.
San Francisco to allow police ‘killer robots’
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China Covid: Unrest continues in Guangzhou as lockdown anger grows

South African President faces impeachment threat

South African president Cyril Ramaphosa

a possible impeachment threat over the “Farmgate”

Footage online showed police in white hazmat suits clutching riot shields to protect themselves from debris and glass thrown at them by protesters.

Another video showed people being taken away in handcuffs. On Wednesday city officials said Covid restrictions would be relaxed in several districts.

China has seen record numbers of new cases in recent days. According to posts on social media, the protests took place late on Tuesday and into the early hours of Wednesday in the district of Haizhu. One Guangzhou resident told news agency AFP that he saw around 100 police officers converge on Houjiao village in Haizhu and arrest at least three men. Haizhu was also the scene of angry Covid protests earlier this month. The latest unrest follows a wave of protest in China

Indian-origin newscaster wants blacks, Asians to head UK TV channels

London: (IANS) Pitching for diversity among senior-most executives in media houses, Indianorigin newscaster Krishnan GuruMurthy has said that it is about time a black or Asian person runs a British television channel.

The Channel 4 news presenter said although Jewish people have been well-represented at the top levels, there are “still no black or Asian people running our biggest broadcasters”, the Guardian reported.At the Channel 4 Inclusion Fest on Wednesday, the journalist rued that there was a monoculture among the power-makers behind-thescenes.“We have, I have argued before, already seen what happens when you get a lack of diversity in broadcasting management. It gets judgments wrong, or doesn’t appear to know how to react,” Guru-Murthy was reported as saying by the Guardian.

The longest-serving Channel 4 presenter, who faced racism while growing up in Lancashire in the 1980s, said that one inevitably ends up making wrong decisions due to the absence of diversity of thought at the top level.

over the weekend, triggered by a fire in a high-rise block in the western Xinjiang region that killed 10 people on Thursday. Many Chinese believe long-running Covid restrictions in the city contributed to the deaths, although the authorities deny this. That prompted people in Shanghai and Beijing and other big cities to take to the streets, demanding an end to strict Covid measures - with some also calling for President Xi Jinping to stand down.

Those protests later ebbed amid heavy a heavy police presence where demonstrations had taken place.

The country’s top security agency has since called for a crackdown on “hostile forces” and there have been reports of police contacting protesters, demanding information about where they had been.

Brazil unemployment rate drops to lowest in Oct

Johannesburg: (IANS) South African President Cyril Ramaphosa faces an imminent threat of impeachment after he was accused of covering up a $4 million theft from his farm in 2020, including kidnapping and bribing the burglars, the media reported.

But he has denied the accusation, reports the BBC.

The scandal erupted in June, when a former South African intelligence chief, Arthur Fraser, filed a complaint accusing Ramaphosa of hiding the theft from his Phala Phala farm in the north-east of the country in 2020.

Brasilia: (IANS) Unemployment in Brazil fell to 8.3 per cent in the three months ending in October, 0.8 percentage points lower than the previous three months and 3.8 percentage points lower than the same period last year.

The state-run Institute of Geography and Statistics said on Wednesday that there were 9 million registered unemployed people in October, the lowest for the three months ending in October since 2014 and the lowest level of unemployed registered this year, reports Xinhua news agency. Meanwhile, the employed population reached 99.7 million, a record high since the data began to be tracked in 2012, and an increase of 1 per cent compared to the previous three months and 6.1 per cent year-on-year.

horrific’, British-Indian cop slams Braverman’s take on migrants

London: (IANS) Neil Basu, a senior British police officer of Indian-originm, has slammed Home Secretary Suella Braverman’s “inexplicable” comments on migrants saying that it is “unbelievable” and “horrific”.

In an interview to Channel 4 on Wednesday, Basu, who is due to retire from the Metropolitan Police, also voiced his concerns on racism within the UK police ranks and Home Office. “I find some of the commentary coming out of the Home Office inexplicable,” Basu, who was also Britain’s former counter-terrorism head, said. Braverman, who was forced to resign from her position under former Prime Minister Liz Truss for breaching the ministerial code of conduct, had sparked off an outrage by comparing the migrant crisis in the country to an “invasion”.

Britain’s King Charles III is expected to officially open a new gurdwara and learn about its work within the local community during his first tour as monarch of the eastern England region of Bedfordshire.

According to local media reports, the 74-year-old will inaugurate the Guru Nanak Gurdwara (GNG) Luton next Tuesday, speak to local volunteers about its langar service, associated soup kitchen for the needy and COVID vaccine clinics during the pandemic.

Deadly landslide engulfs motorway in Brazil

A landslide on a motorway in southern Brazil has killed at least two people and left dozens missing.

A torrent of mud fell on to the BR-376 highway in the state of Parana, hitting at least 16 vehicles, authorities said.

Rescue workers at the scene said bad weather and the remote location were complicating the search effort.

FRIDAY, DECEMBER 2 2022 /hiindialive @hiindia /hiindiaNews 773.526.8353 6 INTERNATIONAL NEWS
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is facing
King Charles to inaugurate new gurdwara in England
People in the southern Chinese city of Guangzhou have clashed with police overnight in the latest protest against the country’s strict Covid rules
7 /hiindialive @hiindia /hiindiaNews 773.526.8353 FRIDAY, DECEMBER 2 2022


India’s ambassador to US Taranjit Singh Sandhu gets one-year extension

“Respect M Kharge, But He Must Have Said...”: PM On ‘Ravan’ Remark

Prime Minister Narendra Modi, campaigning in Gujarat today, fired back at Congress president Mallikarjun Kharge’s “Ravan” comment targeting him. It was not ok to call someone “Ravan” in the land of “Rambhakts (Ram devotees)”, he commented, addressing a large gathering.

“There is a competition in the Congress on who will insult Modi more, use bigger, sharper insults,” PM Modi said while campaigning in Gujarat’s Kalol.

New Delhi, Dec 1 (IANS) The tenure of India’s Ambassador to the US, Taranjit Singh Sandhu, has been extended for a year till January 31, 2024. Earlier, he was due to retire in January 2023. A notification published in the Gazette of India on November 28 states, “The President of India is pleased to re-employ Taranjit Singh Sandhu (IFS:1988), an officer of Grade 1 of IFS, as Ambassador of India to the United States of America, for a period of 01 year with effect from 01.02.2023 to 31.01.2024 or until further orders.”

“A few days back, a Congress leader said Modi will die a dog’s death, another said Modi will die Hitler’s death. Another said if I get a chance, I’ll kill Modi myself...Someone says Ravan, someone says rakshash (demon), someone says cockroach... I’m not surprised that Congress calls Modi names, I’m surprised - anyone would be - that despite using such words, the Congress never has remorse. Congress thinks it is their right

PM Modi’s remark came over Congress chief Mallikarjun Kharge’s “Ravan” comment targeting him.

to insult Modi, the Prime Minister of this country.” Mr Kharge had made the comments while addressing a rally in Ahmedabad earlier this week. “Modi ji

Gujarat Votes For 89 Seats, Surat The Big Focus

The second phase of polling will be held on December 5. The counting of votes is scheduled for December 8.

Saurashtra region and the southern part of the state.

is Prime Minister. Forgetting his work, he keeps campaigning in corporation elections, MLA elections, MP elections, everywhere... All the time he’s talking about himself - ‘You don’t have to look at anyone else, just look at Modi and vote’. How many times do we see your face? How many forms do you have? Do you have 100 heads like Ravan?” Mr Kharge had said.

Gujarat: Congress rings EVM ‘mischief’ alarm

New Delhi, Nov 30 (IANS) Senior journalist Ravish Kumar has resigned from his post as senior executive editor at NDTV India, according to reports. As per the reports, the news channel is said to have announced his resignation through an internal communication on Wednesday.

“Few journalists have impacted people as much as Ravish,” reports quoting the internal communication said.

Actor Swara Bhasker Joins Rahul Gandhi’s Bharat Jodo Yatra

New Delhi: 89 seats will vote in the first phase of assembly polls in Gujarat today, in which the BJP is hoping for a seventh consecutive term. Its big challenger is the Aam Aadmi Party, which has managed to push aside the Congress in terms of visibility.

Provisional voter turnout till 11 am was 18.86 per cent. The 89 seats are spread across 19 districts of Kutch and

For the BJP, which has been ruling the state since 1995, the real challenge is arresting the slide in numbers. The party’s score has been shrinking since the 2002- dropping from 137 to 99 in the 2018 election.

Setting the party a target of 140 of the state’s 182 seats, Union Home Minister Amit Shah has been directly controlling the operations.

The BJP has conducted a high voltage campaign, carpet-bombing the state with high-profile leaders.

India Takes Over G-20 Presidency, PM Calls For “Mindset Shift”

The Congress on Wednesday expressed serious concern over the protection of ballot boxes and electronic voting machines (EVMs), alleging that central forces were being asked to stay 1.5km away from polling booths and only Gujarat police would have closer access. Congress media department head Pawan Khera said at a news conference in Ahmedabad: “We have some suspicion. These are based on information. Central forces have been instructed to stay 1.5km away from booths.

China tents in ‘occupied’ Depsang

Ujjain: Actor Swara Bhasker today took part in Congress’s Bharat Jodo Yatra in Madhya Pradesh’s Ujjain with party leader Rahul Gandhi. The official Twitter handle of the Indian National Congress shared a picture of Ms Bhasker with Rahul Gandhi.

New Delhi: As India takes over the presidency of the G20 grouping, Prime Minister Narendra Modi today called for a “shift in fundamental mindset to benefit humanity as a whole.”

India’s year-long G20 presidency will be “inclusive, ambitious, decisive, and action-oriented”, PM Modi said, adding that it will encourage an honest conversation on mitigating risks posed by weapons of mass destruction and enhancing global security.

India today began its G20 presidency with a focus on counter-terrorism and “unity” in tackling global challenges, such as economic slowdown and climate crisis. The government also seeks to build consensus on debt sustainability and creating disaster and climateresilient infrastructure. India’s G20 plans also include a special focus on startups and bridging the digital divide. India will host as many as 200 meetings across the country over the next one year, with the first one being held in Udaipur later this week.

The Chinese army is said to have bolstered its presence in the “occupied” territory of the Depsang Plains in eastern Ladakh and has pitched over 200 tents over the past one month, besides building additional bunkers and military camps, sources in the security establishment said.

At the Depsang Plains, a 972sqkm plateau 16,000ft above sea level, the Chinese People’s Liberation Army is estimated to be entrenched 18km inside India-claimed lines.

FRIDAY, DECEMBER 2 2022 /hiindialive @hiindia /hiindiaNews 773.526.8353 8 INDIA NEWS News
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Starting today, 100 monuments across the country, including UNESCO world heritage sites, will be lit up highlighting the G20 logo for a week.
Senior journalist Ravish Kumar resigns from NDTV
9 /hiindialive @hiindia /hiindiaNews 773.526.8353 FRIDAY, DECEMBER 2 2022

Allegation of Hindi imposition: TN rly station removes Hindi signage

allegations that Southern Railway was resorting to Hindi imposition, the authorities of Tiruppur railway station removed Hindi signage ‘Sahyog’ from the station.

Southern Railway should have written the Tamil meaning of Sahayog in Tamil to help the people. We strongly doubt that there was an intended move to impose Hindi in Tiruppur railway station.”

He said that it was a protest from the local people that led to the Railways to remove the Hindi signage.

It may be recalled that instead of Sahyog, it was ‘Sevai Mayyam’ in Tamil and ‘Information Centre’ in English that was written as signage and it was easier for people to understand the meaning.

reduced maternal mortality rate by 53% in 6 yrs

Chennai: (IANS) After allegations that Southern Railway was resorting to Hindi imposition, the authorities of Tiruppur railway station removed Hindi signage ‘Sahyog’ from the station.

The signage was removed on Tuesday. The issue cropped up after signage ‘Sahyog’ in Hindi and the same words in Tamil and English came up at the Tiruppur railway station. There were complaints from the passengers that the English and Tamil versions were transliterations of the Hindi word and people could not understand them.

Shanmuganathan, a Tiruppur-based garment exporter while speaking to IANS said, “We know English and Hindi but there are a huge number of people who know only Tamil. The

NIA team reaches Kerala to probe Adani Vizhinjam Port protests

The political arm of the powerful Vanniyar community, the Pattali Makkal Katchi (PMK) had come out strongly against the Railways bringing out the signage in only Hindi. Dr. S. Ramadoss, the founder leader of PMK said that this was a move intended at imposing Hindi in Tamil Nadu.

Southern Railway authorities when contacted said that the signage was put up in Hindi as there were a large number of guest workers working in the industrial areas of Tiruppur. However, the PMK local leaders said that this was a “bogey as a majority of passengers frequenting the station were local Tamil people”. Now the signage has Tamil, English, and Hindi words that could be properly understood by the people.

BJP will come to power in Telangana: Bandi Sanjay

Hyderabad: (IANS) Telangana BJP President Bandi Sanjay Kumar on Tuesday exuded confidence that the Bharatiya Janata Party will come to power in the southern state.

Hyderabad: (IANS) Telangana has reduced maternal mortality rate by 53 per cent between 2014 and 2020, state Health Minister T. Harish Rao said.

According to the Minister, while India reduced maternal mortality rate only by 25 per cent, Telangana has reduced it by a massive 53 per cent. The Maternal Mortality Ratio came down from 92 in 2014 to 43 per lakh live births in 2020 and Telangana ranks third in overall reduction in MMR, he said. “Telangana implements, national follows! Maternal & child deaths have reduced significantly since 2014,” tweeted Harish Rao, hours after a special bulletin released by the office of the Registrar General of India. The Minister claimed that numbers from the central government endorse that the visionary schemes like KCR Kits by Chief Minister K. Chandrasekhar Rao are yielding results.

People demand ban on Pitbull breed in K’taka

Thiruvananthapuram, Nov 30 (IANS) After violent protests against the upcoming Adani Vizhinjam Port, an NIA team landed here on Wednesday. Though there has been no untoward incident in the past two days in the protest area around the upcoming Adani Vizhinjam Port construction area, the team of National Investigation Agency (NIA) officials arrived here.

The officials will talk to the Vizhinjam Police station officials, which was ransacked by the protesters on Sunday.According to sources, the NIA will probe the involvement of any external influences that support the protesters. The Latin Catholic church appears to be behind the local protesters who are against the building of the port.

Addressing a public meeting near Bhainsa town in Nirmal district as part of the fifth leg of his ‘Praja Sangrama Yatra’, Sanjay said that BJP is ready for elections whenever they are held. Launching a scathing attack on the Telangana Rashtra Samithi (TRS) government, Sanjay alleged that when Telangana state was formed, it had a surplus budget but Chief Minister K. Chandrasekhar Rao has pushed the state into a debt trap. Sanjay said if KCR becomes Chief Minister again, he will raise debts of another Rs 5 lakh crore. The BJP organised the public meeting as per the conditions laid down by the Telangana High Court.

Sanjay had planned to launch his padyatra in Bhainsa town on Monday with a huge public meeting to be addressed by Maharashtra Deputy Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis. However, the police denied permission for the same due to apprehension of breach of peace in the communally-sensitive town.

Hubballi (Karnataka), : (IANS) Following the incident of attack on a schoolboy in Hubballi city of Karnataka, people are demanding a ban on the Pitbull breed of dog in Karnataka. The victim, schoolboy Pavan Doddamani, who has been admitted to the Karnataka Institute of Medical Sciences (KIMS) in Hubballi, had to get seven stitches by the doctors. The teensy dog had bitten the head, hand and legs of the boy.The incident had taken place near Bankapur Chowk in Hubballi when the boy was walking to attend the tuition class on November 27.

Thevar community elders to persuade BJP leaders for OPS, Sasikala re-entry into AIADMK

Chennai: (IANS) The powerful Thevar community of South Tamil Nadu which has been a traditional vote bank of the AIADMK is now approaching the national leadership of the BJP for re-entry of O. Panneerselvam (OPS) and V.K. Sasikala into the party. Both OPS and Sasikala are from the Thevar community and have solid support in the community and across South Tamil Nadu.

During a recent meeting of the Thevar community at Tirunelveli, a meeting of the elders of the community was held in which it was decided that they will approach the BJP leaders to persuade the AIADMK leadership to accommodate both OPS and Sasikala into the party. Sasikala, the former interim general secretary of the AIADMK, was removed from party positions after she was incarcerated in Bengaluru central prison in a case related to amassing

wealth above her known sources of income. OPS was removed from the party during its general council meeting held in July 2022.

The party is presently under the control of former Chief Minister, Edappadi K. Palaniswami (EPS) who is a Gounder.

While the Thevar community is the traditional vote base of the AIADMK and has a major say in South Tamil Nadu, two powerful leaders of the community are now out of recognition from the AIADMK.

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Most foreigners in Canada stay in province that give them study permit: Report

Foreign students in Canada, which includes a sizeable chunk of Indians, tend to remain in the province which gave them study permit, for their next period of education or work.

Toronto: (IANS) Foreign students in Canada, which includes a sizeable chunk of Indians, tend to remain in the province which gave them study permit, for their next period of education or work.

According to a recent report by The Conference Board of Canada, for every region except the Atlantic provinces, more than half of former international students employed in the country were working in the province of study.

More than 60 per cent of the students, who studied in any of Canada’s 10 provinces or three territories, remained in each region when their first study permit expired, the ‘After School: Keeping International Students InProvince’ report said.

Indian worker in Singapore dies after falling into sea

Quebec showed the highest international student retention rate of around 85 per cent, followed by Manitoba and Alberta (80 per cent).

British Columbia, Ontario, Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, and Saskatchewan showed retention rates between 70 and 80 per cent. New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island and Canada’s three territories retained between 60 per cent and 70 per

cent of their foreign students a year later. The research said that evolving International education and the shifts in international student enrolment could shape immigration and settlement patterns across Canada.

“During their studies, students build connections to their peers, postsecondary institutions, and community in Canada. These connections could increase the likelihood that international students settle in the community or province where they studied,” the report stated. It further said that most foreigners stayed in their initial province of study even after three years.

In nine of Canada’s 13 provinces and territories, more than 50 per cent of international students stayed inprovince or in-territory.

3 Indian-origin women among Australia’s Superstars of STEM

This excluded the Atlantic provinces of Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island and New Brunswick. According to the research, in 2019 half of all new study permit holders came from India alone.

Canada is the second most popular destination for Indians students with 1.83 lakh of them pursuing education at various levels in the country.

To facilitate retention in the province of study, the research suggested an increase in Provincial Nominee Program (PNP) slots for international students.

“A robust post-secondary education system that offers programs aligned with local labour market needs will help international students connect their studies to the communities where they live, the study said.

Punjab to redress grievances of NRIs from Dec 16

Singapore: (IANS) A 41-year-old Indian national died after he fell into the sea off Jurong Island in Singapore, which has reported a record number of workplace deaths this year. The fatal accident took place when the man was doing scaffolding work at the Singapore Refining Company in Merlimau Road at around 11 a.m. on November 25, Channel News Asia reported.\ He fell into the sea and his body was retrieved the same day. The worker was employed by Plant General Services and the occupier of the site is Singapore Refining Company. “MOM is investigating the accident, and has issued a stop work order to the employer to stop scaffolding operations at the piers,” Channel News Asia reported quoting a Ministry statement on Tuesday. “As a general safety measure, workers working near the sea or large water bodies should be protected by adequate fall protection measures, as well as a response plan for emergencies,” it added.

In June this year, a 32-year-old Indian worker died after he was crushed between parts of a mobile crane at a construction site. In the first half of 2022, slips, trips, and falls were found to be the leading cause of workplace injuries in Singapore, with 42 workplace fatalities recorded in 2022 to date -- the highest death toll recorded over the last four years, Channel News Asia reported.

Melbourne, Nov 30 (IANS) Three Indian-origin women among 60 scientists, technologists, engineers and mathematicians have been selected as Australia’s Superstars of STEM.

Dr Ana Baburamani, Neelima Kadiyala and Dr Indrani Mukherjee will undertake a two-year program in 2023 and 2024 to step into the media spotlight as STEM experts.

“The new Superstars reflect the strong diversity of women and non-binary people in Australian science and technology,” a Science & Technology Australia (STA) press note stated.

The Superstars of STEM initiative is supported by STA, which is a peak body in science and technology, representing more than 105,000 scientists and technologists.

As a biomedical researcher, Dr Ana Baburamani Aseeks to piece together the complex process of brain development and the mechanisms contributing to brain injury.

She is presently a Scientific Advisor in the Department of Defence -- Science and Technology Group.

In addition to her research, she supports early career researchers, making science accessible and promoting wider participation in and uptake of STEM careers. She is a member of the Royal

Society of Victoria and volunteers with BrainSTEM.

Dr Indrani Mukherjee, Deep time geologist at the University of Tasmania, says her “research questions key concepts, and explores links between early Earth evolution, the origin of complex life and formation of precious mineral deposits”.

“Geology has offered me a wonderful medium (the rock record) to travel as far as 3.5 billion years ago,” she said.

Neelima Kadiyala, an IT Program Manager with Challenger Limited, has over 15 years of experience delivering extensive transformation programs across multiple industries including Financial Services, Government, Telco and FMCG.

“I want to further extend my voluntary services for broader IT community across Australia,” Kadiyala, who came to Australia in 2003, said.

The programme, since its inception in 2017, selects 60 women and nonbinary STEM experts and gives them the training, networks and experience to become experts in their fields as media commentators.It also seeks to smash gender assumptions about who can work in science, technology, engineering and maths.

Chandigarh, Nov 29 (IANS) The Punjab government led by Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann has decided to deal promptly with the issues and grievances of the Punjabi diaspora.

It will organise five programmes called ‘NRI Punjabiyan Nal Milni’ to listen the plaints. These programmes will be held in Jalandhar, SAS Nagar (Mohali), Ludhiana, Moga and Amritsar on December 16, 19, 23, 26 and 30, respectively.

After a review meeting with the NRI Affairs Department, the NRI Commission and the NRI Sabha, state NRI Affairs Minister Kuldeep Singh Dhaliwal said issues and complaints of NRI Punjabis will be resolved promptly as well as on the spot during these meetings. He added that issues of NRIs belonging to Jalandhar, Hoshiarpur, SBS Nagar and Kapurthala will be listened and resolved during a meeting on December 16 at Jalandhar.

Similarly, the programme to be held at SAS Nagar on December 19 during which matters of diaspora belonging to SAS Nagar, Rupnagar, Fatehgarh Sahib and Patiala districts will be resolved on the spot.

The Cabinet minister further said during the programme in Ludhiana on December 23, issues of NRIs of Ludhiana, Sangrur, Barnala and Malerkotla would be resolved.

11 /hiindialive @hiindia /hiindiaNews 773.526.8353 FRIDAY, DECEMBER 2 2022 DIASPORA NEWS
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PM Modi Has An Advice For Congress On How To Win Back Gujarat’s Trust

Ahmedabad: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Monday again targeted the Congress over the participation of Narmada Bachao Andolan activist Medha Patkar in the Bharat Jodo Yatra led by Rahul Gandhi, and said the opposition party must shun its “divide and rule” strategy to win back the trust of the people of Gujarat.

Addressing a poll rally in Palitana town of Bhavnagar district in support of the Bharatiya Janata Party candidates, Prime Minister Modi said the people of Gujarat have rejected the Congress because the state had suffered a lot due to the party’s policy of inciting people of one region or community against another.

The people of Gujarat are not ready to help those who support “elements wanting to break India”, he said.

Prime Minister Modi, during his previous campaign rallies in Gujarat, had also targeted Rahul Gandhi for walking with Medha Patkar during the Bharat Jodo Yatra.

Elections for the 182-member Gujarat

Assembly are scheduled on December 1 and 5 and the counting of votes will be taken up on December 8.

On Monday, Prime Minister Modi accused the Congress of trying to disrupt the reach of the Narmada water to the parched region of

Countries That Are Losing Ability to Speak Truth, Someone

Speak Up’: Nadav Lapid

New Delhi: In countries that are increasingly losing the ability to speak their mind or speak the truth, someone needs to speak up, Nadav Lapid, the Israeli filmmaker who called Kashmir Files a “vulgar” propaganda film, told the Israel news outlet Ynetnews over the telephone, just after making the comments on the film at the Indian International Film Festival in Goa.

Lapid was chairing the jury at the government produced film festival. His comments on the Vivek Agnihotri film were severely critical and he expressed surprise that the film had been screened for competition at all. Lapid made the comments in Hebrew to Ynetnews. Several news outlets have since quoted English translations of the interview. When Lapid’s interview was published, most of the backlash to his comments was yet to arrive. Rightwing Twitter

commentators alleged parallels with the Holocaust and Israel’s envoys to India panned Lapid, with the ambassador Naur Gilon noting that he should be “ashamed.”

Lapid said to Ynetnews that he was more than aware of the government’s stance on Kashmir Files when he made the comments.

“It was broadcast live on television. It’s a government festival and it’s the biggest in India. It’s a film that the Indian government, if it didn’t actually initiate, at least pushed it in an unusual way, because it basically justifies the Indian policy in Kashmir, and it has fascist features…It is that the dimensions of the event were hidden by the intellectuals and the media. And it is always the same method – that there is the foreign enemy, and there are the traitors from within. Our colleagues in the emerging government can tell about these methods,” he said.


He said the people of Gujarat will never forgive those who were walking with a person who was responsible for stalling the Sardar Sarovar dam project for 40 years.

Further targeting the opposition

party, the Prime Minister said, “The Congress’s ideology is to divide and rule. Before Gujarat became a separate state, it (Congress) made Gujaratis and Marathis fight against each other. Later, the Congress incited people of different castes and communities to fight against each other. Gujarat suffered a lot because of such sins of the Congress.”

The smart people of Gujarat understood this strategy of the Congress and came together to show the door to such “divisive forces”, the Prime Minister said.

The situation changed after the BJP came to power, he said, adding Gujarat has been on the path of development for the last 20 years.

Keep Fighting’ Says Vivek Agnihotri After ‘Kashmir Files’ Described as Propaganda

director of The Kashmir Files, on Tuesday said he will quit filmmaking if people, including Israeli filmmaker Nadav Lapid, are able to prove that events depicted in his film are false.

A day after Lapid, who served as the chairperson of International Film Festival of India (IFFI)’s international jury termed The Kashmir Files “vulgar and propaganda”, Agnihotri challenged his detractors saying he will “keep fighting”.

“I challenge the world’s intellectuals and ‘urban Naxals’ as well as the great filmmaker who came from Israel if they can prove that any shot, dialogue or event of The Kashmir Files is not absolute truth, I’ll stop making films. I’m not someone who will back down. Issue as many fatwas as you want, but I’ll keep fighting,” the Indian filmmaker said in a video statement shared on his official Twitter page.

Comments made by Lapid, viewed as

an anti-establishment voice, came at the closing ceremony of IFFI in Goa on Monday. On Tuesday morning, Agnihotri in a cryptic social media post had said “truth is the most dangerous thing” as it can make people lie. In his video, posted in the evening, the filmmaker said being attacked by “gangs” that want to divide India was not a new phenomenon for him. “Such things are often said by terrorist organisations, urban naxals and the ‘tukde-tukde’ gang who wants to divide the country.” “What’s surprising is that how an event organised by the government of India was used to support the narrative of terrorists who want Kashmir’s separation from India and how many Indians living in India used it against the country?” asked Agnihotri. The director, who won the National Film Award for best screenplay – dialogues for 2019’s The Tashkent Files, said 700 people were interviewed as part of the research for The Kashmir Files.

FRIDAY, DECEMBER 2 2022 /hiindialive @hiindia /hiindiaNews 773.526.8353 12 CURRENT AFFAIRS
HiIndia Newsdesk PM Modi accused Congress of trying to disrupt the reach of Narmada water to parts of Saurashtra. (File)
The people of Gujarat will never forgive those who were walking with a person who was responsible for stalling the Sardar Sarovar dam project for 40 years
Needs to
To Israeli news outlet Ynetnews, the IFFI jury head said he knew that
it was an event where ‘everyone
the government’ and thus the risks associated with criticising ‘The
Kashmir Files’. The director said he will quit filmmaking if people, including Israeli filmmaker Nadav Lapid, are able to prove that events depicted in his film are false. Mumbai: Vivek Agnihotri,

US Air Force To Unveil “Most Advanced Military Aircraft” On Friday

The US Air Force is scheduled to unveil its latest stealth aircraft, the B-21 Raider, on Friday. It will replace the B-1 and B-2.

The US Air Force is scheduled to unveil its latest stealth aircraft called the B-21 Raider on Friday. Built by Northrop Grumman, it will replace the B-1 and B-2. According to the company, B-21 is “the most advanced military aircraft ever built” According to company website, six B-21 bombers are being built at a facility in Palmdale, California. Northrop was awarded a contract in 2015 to design and build the world’s most advanced strike aircraft. The plane, it said, is designed to perform long-range

conventional and nuclear missions. The estimated cost per plane is $2 billion and they are expected to be operational by early 2023.

The sixth-generation aircraft has breakthrough stealth technology, advanced networking capabilities and an open systems architecture, according to Northrop website. It added that the B-21 is optimised for the high-end threat environment.

The company is promoting the latest iteration of the military aircraft as a “digital bomber”, capable of using

What Makes the B-21 Special:

agile technology and cloud computing for faster and more flexible communication. Northrop said the six Raiders are in various stages of final assembly and test. The B-21 Raider is named in honour of the Doolittle Raid of World War II.

Talking about the historic mission, Northrop said that 80 airmen, led by Lieutenant Colonel James “Jimmy” Doolittle, and 16 B-25 Mitchell medium bombers changed the course of the Second World War through their mission.

he United States is just one of three nations that continue to operate long-range, strategic bombers – and the aircraft in service with the United States Air Force date back decades. In fact, “the newest” bomber in the U.S. Air Force’s fleet is the North B-2 Spirit, which ended production in 2000 – while the service continues to rely on aircraft dating back to the Cold War, including the Boeing B-52 Stratofortress and Rockwell B-1 Lancer.

B-21 Raider, Explained

However, those aging warbirds will eventually be replaced by the Northrop Grumman B-21 Raider, which is expected to enter service by the end of the decade. The Raider will be capable of penetrating the toughest defenses to deliver precision strikes anywhere in the world.

Can Beijing Stop The ‘Raider’?

Very Specific Role

The B-21 Raider was developed to provide the United States with a strategic asset capable of penetrating enemy air defenses and reaching targets anywhere in the world — something approximately 90 percent of the nation’s current bomber fleet is incapable of doing.

The soon-to-be-revealed stealth bomber of the US Air Force, the B-21 Raider’s aim would be to break through China’s impenetrable anti-access/ area-denial (A2/AD) shield and begin ground strikes to take out sensitive targets in case of a conflict. This confirms previous analyses by EurAsian Times about the concerted US attempts to overturn its massive logistical disadvantages before an admittedly wellentrenched peer adversary that can inflict horrific losses on the US military.

A report in 19fortyfive pointed to China’s dense and diverse air defense network, a highly advanced air force with fully operational stealth fighters and; long-range anti-land and anti-ship missiles that can keep an entire US naval armada at bay without allowing them to get close. Not to mention that besides the missiles, the People’s

B-21 Australian Sales?

Only two other countries – China and Russia –currently operate long-range strategic bombers, but there is now speculation that the U.S. could sell the B-21 Raider to Australia. If such a deal is made, however, Canberra would likely be supplied with a B-21 variant that is only capable of conventional strikes.

Liberation Army Air Force (PLAAF) and the People’s Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) would also serve as a second line of defense, to destroy and sink anything that comes through the A2/AD bubble.

If it comes to it, all three (the missiles, the air force, and the navy), along with the supposed intercontinental range drones, could mount a collective pushback.

EurAsian Times analyzed this option now available to the Chinese military as a ‘defensive offense’ from the ‘offensive defense’ it employs. Analysts also call the latter China’s ‘active defense’ doctrine.

Here, China is expected to “maintain offensive actions at operational and tactical levels while retaining a defensive posture at the strategic level” (or, in other words ‘tactically offensive’ and ‘strategically defensive’).

13 /hiindialive @hiindia /hiindiaNews 773.526.8353 FRIDAY, DECEMBER 2 2022 CURRENT AFFAIRS

Promote technical, medical and law education in mother tongue: Amit Shah

Bilkis Bano moves SC challenging the early release of 11 convicts

The convicts were freed on August 15, Independence Day, by the Gujarat government under a past remission policy. The move sparked massive nationwide outrage.

New Delhi, Nov 30 (IANS) Bilkis Bano has moved the Supreme Court against the release of 11 men convicted of gangraping her in the 2002 Gujarat riots.

Senior BJP leader and Union Home Minister Amit Shah has stressed that states should promote education in Hindi or regional languages in technical, medical and law fields so that the country can utilise the talent of non-English speaking students. Underlining the importance of education in Hindi and regional languages, Shah said students can develop an original thought process with ease if they study in their mother tongue and this encourages research and innovation.

“Technical, medical, and law - all should be taught in Hindi and regional languages. All state governments should take initiative to properly translate the curriculum of these three fields of education into regional languages,” Shah said in an interview to PTI.

Advocate Shobha Gupta, representing Bano, mentioned the matter before a bench headed by Chief Justice D.Y. Chandrachud. Gupta contended that chances were slim that the bench led by justice Ajay Rastogi would be able to hear the matter, as he was now a part of a constitution bench hearing.

Bano has also moved a review petition against the apex court judgment allowing

the Gujarat government to decide on the remission of the convicts.The Chief Justice said that the review has to be heard first and let it come before Justice Rastogi. Gupta submitted that the matter had to be heard in an open court. The Chief Justice said only the court can decide that, and added that he will

China warns US not to interfere with its relationship with India: Report

of the crisis, emphasizing Beijing’s intent to preserve border stability and prevent the standoff from harming other areas of its bilateral relationship with India, the report said.

It further said that China seeks to prevent border tensions from causing India to partner more closely with the US. Throughout 2021, the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) sustained the deployment of forces and continued infrastructure build up along the Line of Actual Control (LAC).

Negotiation made minimal progress as both sides resist losing perceived advantages on the border.

decide on the listing after looking into the matter the evening.

In May this year, the apex court had ruled that the Gujarat government can consider the remission request as the offence took place in Gujarat. Based on this ruling, the Gujarat government decided to release all 11 convicts.

Kashmir Files’ Has “Fascist Features”: Israeli Filmmaker

Nadav Lapid

The free trade agreement between India and Australia will come into force from December 29, a move which will help in almost doubling the bilateral commerce to USD 45-50 billion in around five years.

“The Albanese government welcomes confirmation today that the Indian Government has completed its domestic requirements to enable implementation of the AustraliaIndia Economic Cooperation and Trade Agreement (ECTA),” Australian Minister for Trade and Tourism Don Farrell said in a statement on Wednesday.” This trade agreement will deliver new market access opportunities for Australian businesses and consumers from 29 December 2022,” it said.The agreement, which was signed on April 2, would provide dutyfree access to Indian exporters of over 6,000 broad sectors.

Washington, Nov 30 (IANS) A Pentagon report revealed that China has warned the US not to interfere with Beijing’s relationship with India.

Throughout the 2020-2021 standoff in the Galwan Valley in Ladakh, Chinese officials sought to downplay the severity

China blamed the standoff on Indian infrastructure construction, which it perceived as encroaching on Chinese territory, while New Delhi accused Beijing of launching aggressive incursions into India’s territory.

AAP might not open account in Gujarat, says Amit Shah

Gujarat during his tenure as the state chief minister and the implementation of zero appeasement policy as the main reasons for people repeatedly reposing faith in the BJP over the last 27 years.

New Delhi: Israeli filmmaker Nadav Lapid, whose critical remarks on ‘The Kashmir Files’ movie at a film festival have raised a storm, has stood by them and said “someone has to speak up”. Mr Lapid, the head of the international jury at the International Film Festival of India in Goa, said at the festival’s closing ceremony that the Vivek Agnihotri-directed film was “propaganda and vulgar”. He said the jury was “disturbed and shocked” at the screening of the film.

England Team “Down With Viral Infection”

Union Home Minister Amit Shah has downplayed AAP’s challenge in Gujarat polls, claiming Arvind Kejriwal’s party may not even open its account, and said the BJP state unit’s announcement of setting up anti-radicalisation cell is a good initiative that can be considered by other states and the Centre.

In an interview to PTI, Shah described Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s popularity, all-round development of

“The BJP will register an unprecedented victory in Gujarat. People have full faith in our party and our leader Prime Minister Narendra Modi,” said Shah, who has been crisscrossing the state and addressing five rallies a day in the run-up to the two-phase polls on December 1 and 5. On the question of AAP entering Gujarat assembly elections, the BJP leader said,”Every party has a right to contest elections, but it is up to people whether they accept the party or not.

“AAP is nowhere in the mind of the people of Gujarat. Wait for election results, maybe AAP’s name would not figure in the list of successful candidates,” he said.

The first Test between England and Pakistan could be postponed after around half of the touring side’s players, including captain Ben Stokes, were struck down by an unspecified virus a day before the match. The Pakistan cricket board said on Wednesday that it was discussing next steps with the England and Wales Cricket Board.

“The PCB and ECB are in discussions regarding the commencement of the 1st #PAKvENG Test as some England players are down with viral infection,” the board said on Twitter.

FRIDAY, DECEMBER 2 2022 /hiindialive @hiindia /hiindiaNews 773.526.8353 14 TOP STORIES OF THE WEEK
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Throughout its border standoff with India, Chinese officials sought to downplay the severity of the crisis, said the Pentagon.
India-Australia FTA to kick off on Dec 29

News Breif

“Extremism, Terrorism Against Very Meaning Of Islam”: NSA Ajit Doval

“Do You Have 100 Heads Like Ravan?” Row Over Congress Chief’s Remark On PM

The BJP has accused Mr Kharge of “insulting Gujarat’s son” repeatedly.

New Delhi: Congress president Mallikarjun Kharge’s comment calling Prime Minister Narendra Modi “Ravan” has triggered a political row in the middle of the Gujarat election campaign. The BJP has accused Mr Kharge of “insulting Gujarat’s son” repeatedly.

Mr Kharge made the comments while addressing a rally in Ahmedabad ahead of polls next month.

New Delhi: National Security Advisor (NSA) Ajit Doval on Tuesday highlighted that cross-border terrorism and ISIS-inspired terrorism continues to pose a threat to humanity.

Doval was adressing a conference in the national capital on the role of Ulema in fostering a culture of interfaith peace and social harmony in India and Indonesia.

“As you all are aware, both our countries have been victims of terrorism and separatism. While we have overcome the challenges to a considerable extent, the phenomenon of cross-border and ISIS-inspired terrorism continues to pose a threat. Cooperation of the civil society is essential in countering the threat from ISIS-inspired individual terror cells and returnees from theatres like Syria and Afghanistan,” he said.

100 Companies In UK Switch To Four-Day Working Week With No Pay Cut

“Modi ji is Prime Minister. Forgetting his work, he keeps campaigning in corporation elections, MLA elections, MP elections, everywhere... All the

time he’s talking about himself - ‘You don’t have to see anyone else, just look at Modi and vote’. How many times do we see your face? How many forms do you have? Do you have 100 heads

like Ravan?” Mr Kharge said, drawing laughter and applause from his audience. The Congress chief said in every election, candidates sought votes in the name of PM Modi.

Rishi Sunak Says “Golden Era” Of UK-China Ties Over

London: British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak warned Monday that China posed a “systemic challenge” to UK “values and interests” as his government condemned Beijing after a BBC journalist said he was beaten covering Shanghai protests.

In his first major speech on foreign policy, Sunak said that the so-called “golden era” of UK-China relations trumpeted by former prime minister David Cameron was “over, along with the naive idea that trade would automatically lead to social and political reform.”

Britain would “need to evolve our approach to China” as a result, he said in his speech at the Lord Mayor’s Banquet in London.

A hundred companies in the United Kingdom have signed up for a permanent four-day working week for all employees without cutting any pay. The 100 companies employ around 2,600 staff in total, but the 4 Day Week Campaign is hoping that they will be able to bring a transformative change in the country.

As per The Guardian, they have argued that a four-day week would drive firms to improve their productivity and get the same work done in fewer hours. Early adopters of this policy have also found it a great way of attracting and retaining employees.

Out of the 100 companies, the two biggest firms in the UK which have signed up to adopt the four-day working week are Atom Bank and global marketing company Awin, who each have around 450 employees in the UK.

“Apologise To Our Hosts”: Israel Envoy As ‘The

Kashmir Files’ Row Snowballs

UK Delivering On New Free Trade Deal With India, Says Rishi Sunak

New Delhi: Israel’s ambassador to India today came down heavily on a filmmaker from his country, who called ‘The Kashmir Files’ a “propaganda” and “vulgar movie” at the International Film Festival of India (IFFI) in Goa. Envoy Naor Gilon also apologized to India in an “open letter” on Twitter, a day after jury head Nadav Lapid slammed the movie at the closing ceremony of the film festival yesterday. Gilon said Lapid abused the Indian invitation to the judges’ panel in the “worst way”.

“In Indian culture they say that a guest is like God. You have abused in the worst way the Indian invitation to chair the panel of judges at @IFFIGoa as well as the trust, respect and warm hospitality they have bestowed on you,” he added.

“I unequivocally condemn such statements. There is no justification. It does show the sensitivity of the Kashmir issue here,” said the envoy. “From your interview to Ynet the connection you make between your criticism of #KashmirFiles and your dislike to what is happening in Israeli politics was quite evident.”

London: British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has reiterated the UK’s commitment to a Free Trade Agreement (FTA) with India as part of the country’s wider focus on enhancing ties with the Indo-Pacific region.

Delivering a talk Monday night at the Lord Mayor of London’s Banquet -- his first major foreign policy speech since taking charge at 10 Downing Street last month -- the British-Indian leader reflected upon his heritage and committed to promoting British values of “freedom and openness” around the world. He also pledged to “do things differently” when it came to China, which he said poses a “systemic challenge” to British values and interests. “Before I came into politics, I invested in businesses around the world. And the opportunity in the Indo-Pacific is compelling,” said Sunak.

15 /hiindialive @hiindia /hiindiaNews 773.526.8353 FRIDAY, DECEMBER 2 2022 TOP STORIES OF THE WEEK
HiIndia Newsdesk HiIndia Newsdesk HiIndia Newsdesk HiIndia Newsdesk HiIndia Newsdesk HiIndia Newsdesk Nadav Lapid, an Israeli filmmaker and the IFFI jury head, had yesterday called ‘The Kashmir Files’ a “propaganda” and a “vulgar movie”. Nadav Lapid Envoy Naor Gilon

‘Pushpa: The Rise’ to release in Russia

Pan-India blockbuster “Pushpa: The Rise” is set to be released in Russia on December 8, the makers announced on Monday.

The Allu Arjun-starrer will also have its Russian language premiere on December 1 and December 3 in Moscow and St Petersburg, respectively, as part of the Indian Film Festival. “Pushpa” will open the fifth edition of the gala on December 1. Allu Arjun, Rashmika Mandanna, director Sukumar Bandreddi and producer Ravi Sankar will attend the ceremony, to be held at Oceania shopping centre in Moscow.

Bhediya, Drishyam 2: Box office run

This week’s Friday release Bhediya ran to packed theatres over the weekend as the film collected Rs 11 crore nett in India on Sunday, according to Box Office India.

The total weekend collection of Bhediya stands at Rs 28 crore nett. The film had collected Rs 7.5 crore nett on its opening Friday and earned Rs 9.5 crore nett on Saturday.

Helmed by Amar Kaushik, this horror comedy, headlined by Varun Dhawan and Kriti Sanon, is set in Arunachal Pradesh. Bhediya revolves around Bhaskar’s (Varun) transformation into a werewolf after being bitten by one and how he sets off on a mission to redeem himself.


Truly An Experience

Yami Gautam Talks About The ‘Lost’ Screening At IFFI

After getting a good response at 53rd International Film Festival of India, the Aniruddha Roy Chowdhury directorial ‘Lost’ is all set to premiere on a digital medium. Yami Gautam, who plays a lead role in the film, spoke about ‘Lost’ and how she felt about the response the movie received at the festival.

Yami has worked in TV shows such as ‘Chaand Ke Paar Chalo’ and ‘Yeh Pyar Na Hoga Kam’, and later was seen in movies such as ‘Vicky Donor’, ‘Badlapur’ and ‘Uri: The Surgical Strike’.

Director Aniruddha Roy Chowdhury, who is known for the Amitabh Bachchan and Taapsee Pannu starrer ‘Pink’ also talks about his film which is inspired by many incidents that he saw in his life. He is quite happy with the response the movie got at IFFI.

Kashmir Files’ Vulgar, Propaganda Movie: IFFI Jury Head At Closing Ceremony

AR Rahman, Shekhar Kapur Talk Virtual Tech, Metaverse At


Israeli filmmaker Nadav Lapid, the jury head of the 53rd International Film Festival of India (IFFI), on Monday described Hindi film ‘The Kashmir Files’ as “propaganda” and “vulgar”.

In his speech at the closing ceremony of IFFI 2022, Lapid said he was “disturbed and shocked” to see the film being screened at the film festival.

“All of us were disturbed and shocked by the movie ‘The Kashmir Files’. It felt to us like a propaganda and vulgar movie that was inappropriate for an artistic and competitive section of such a prestigious

film festival. “I feel comfortable to openly share this feeling with you since the spirit of the festival can truly accept critical discussion which is essential for art and life”, Lapid said. ‘The Kashmir Files’, which was released in theatres on March 11, was part of the Indian Panorama Section at IFFI and was screened on November 22. Written and directed by Vivek Agnihotri and produced by Zee Studios, the film depicts the exodus of Kashmiri Hindus from Kashmir following the killings of people from the community by Pakistanbacked terrorists.

Machines can never replace human creativity and technology should be in humankind’s service were the biggest takeaways from a heavyweight panel looking to the future of content at the International Film Festival of India (IFFI), Goa, reports ‘Variety’. The panel, according to ‘Variety’, was devised and led by Shekhar Kapur (his long-awaited ‘What’s Love Got to Do With It?’ is the Red Sea Film Festival opener) and the participants included Oscar-winning composer A.R.Rahman, Ronald Menzel, cofounder and chief strategy officer at Dreamscape Immersive, and tech maven Pranav Mistry, formerly CEO and president of Samsung Technology and Advanced Research, who joined via video link.

‘Rabb Se Hai Dua’ Co-Star Karanvir Is The ‘Biggest Prankster’: Aditi Shrma

Aditi Sharma has found a good friend in her ‘Rabb Se Hai Dua’ co-actor Karanvir Sharma. They share a great bond together on the sets and never miss a chance to prank each other. Aditi said: “It has not been a long time since we are shooting together but in the last couple of weeks Karanvir and I have become very good friends. In fact, we are known for the constant mischief and pranks that we do with each other and all the other cast members. We love having fun on the set and to keep the vibe very light and happy.” While talking about her co-star, she called him a “biggest prankster”.

The importance and impact of television in our lives, especially the way it keeps us updated and entertained, is irreplaceable. Over the years, television has evolved considerably. Rajan Shahi, producer of shows such as ‘Anupamaa’ and ‘Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hain’, talks about the pros and cons of being in this industry. He also opines on the trends he has noticed in recent times and if he thinks with the passage of time TV content has grown too or not.

‘Chotti Sarrdaarni’ actor Vikram Wadhwa is all set to enter the longest-running daily show ‘Ye Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai’ and will be seen playing a cop in it. In the coming episodes, Dr Abhimanyu (played by Harshad Chopda) will be shown being arrested by Vikram’s on-screen character. The actor has been part of TV shows such as ‘Hero - Gayab Mode On, ‘Imlie’, ‘Crime Alert’ and others. He expresses his excitement about playing a cop.

FRIDAY, DECEMBER 2 2022 /hiindialive @hiindia /hiindiaNews 773.526.8353 16 ENTERTAINMENT
Rajan Shahi on the power of television and Anupamaa’s success
Vikram Wadhwa to play a cop in ‘Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai’

Shooting in real locations makes actors look believable

Actor Randeep Hooda, who is known for lending authenticity to his roles be it in ‘Sarbjit’ or ‘Saheb Biwi Aur Gangster’, is currently gearing up for his next streaming series titled ‘Cat’.

The series, according to its creator and showrunner Balwinder Singh Janjua, has been entirely shot in real locations in Punjab.

Randeep says shooting in real locations “immensely” helps actors to make their performance believable. Elaborating on the same, the actor tells IANS: “Shooting in real locations enhances the performance because you spend the majority of time in the universe where your content is set.

“Going to sets for the shoot, being there in the moment or coming back from the shoot, you are surrounded by a certain geography, the climate, the cultural setting of the people, the local language or the diction people use there -- all these things help you to get into a space and focus your thoughts inline with the traits of your character.”

‘Cat’ is a crime thriller set against the backdrop of the Punjab hinterlands and tells the story of an innocent man, who is thrown into a deep, drug trafficking conspiracy between gang lords, cops and political powers.

The actor further adds, “Like for ‘Cat’ too, a lot of local actors have been cast in supporting roles.

It’s so interesting to jam with those actors on the screen and to feed off their energy. It greatly helped me to get a better understanding of my character in the series.”

‘Cat’ lands on Netflix on December 9.


Internet personality Uorfi Javed took on popular writer Chetan Bhagat as a result of a comment made by the latter in which he called her a “distraction” for boys. Although Bhagat later clarified that he’d been quoted out of context, Uorfi went after him, all guns blazing.

Uorfi took to her Instagram Stories and shared a series of his chats that had gone viral a few years ago during the #MeToo campaign. He was then accused of sexual misconduct by author and yoga instructor Ira Trivedi.

After drawing attention of her followers to the allegations against Bhagat, Uorfi reacted to the author’s comment: “Guys, let’s not forget how so many women accused him during #MeToo case!!”

Guwahati’s Gunjan


8, wins ‘Jhalak Dikhhla Jaa 10’ trophy

Eight-year-old Gunjan Sinha from Guwahati was declared winner of the dance reality show ‘Jhalak Dikhhla Jaa 10’. Gunjan and her partner Tejas Verma, another child dancer, won the trophy and took home a cheque of Rs 20 lakh.

‘Jhalak Dikhhla Jaa 10’ premiered on September 3 with 15 celebrity contestants, who were judged by Bollywood actress Madhuri Dixit, filmmaker Karan Johar, and danceractress Nora Fatehi. Comedian Maniesh Paul hosted the show.

Udit Narayan all set for track expressing his bond with granddaughter

Veteran singer Udit Narayan talks about his upcoming track that shows the relationship between a man and his granddaughter and how it reflects his bond with his granddaughter, Tvisha. He says: “This is a coincidence. Lalit Panditji called me one day and said that he wants to record a song with me. As I have worked with him in the past, I was like I have sung so many songs for you and wish to continue the same. Further, he went on to share the situation of the song and said the story is about a grandfather and granddaughter.”

Ram Kapoor adds a Ferrari Portofino to his collection of super cars

Popular TV actor Ram Kapoor, who is known for his show ‘Bade Achhe Lagte Hain’, has fulfilled his dream and purchased a Ferrari Portofino worth Rs 3.5 crore. His picture posing with his wife, Gautami Kapoor, and his new luxurious car is going viral on the internet and many of his fans have congratulated him for purchasing this sports car. The couple is seen smiling in the picture along with their red brand new car. Ram and Gautami fell in love on the sets of the TV show ‘Ghar Ek Mandir’. They tied the knot on February 14, 2003. Ram had a swanky collection of cars including the Porsche 911 Carrera S, BMW X5, and Mercedes-Benz G63 AMG. He is a well-known face of the TV industry and did shows such as ‘Kyunki Saas Bhi Kabhi Bahu This’, ‘Kasamh Se’, and recently he was also seen in the web series ‘Human’ and ‘Masaba Masaba’. He was part of movies as well including ‘Agent Vinod’, ‘Student Of The Year’, and ‘Humshakals’.

17 @hiindia /hiindiaNews 773.526.8353 ENTERTAINMENT
Uorfi calls Chetan Bhagat
‘pervert’ after he questions her dress sense

Mayor Lori E. Lightfoot Files Nominating Petitions For 2023 Mayoral Election

CHICAGO, IL – Today, Mayor Lori E. Lightfoot filed her nominating petitions for the 2023 mayoral election. Joined by First Lady Amy Eshleman and supporters, Mayor Lightfoot filed more than 40,000 signatures collected from voters all across the city, far beyond the 12,500 necessary to make the ballot.

“Almost four years ago to the day, I handed in my petitions as a longshot candidate for mayor of Chicago. The pundits and political machine counted us out — but we are standing here today because the voters believed in my vision to build a City Hall that put people and neighborhoods first,” said Mayor Lightfoot. “Of course, change doesn’t happen overnight, and our work is far from finished. But, we’re making real progress on the issues that matter most. Today, we’ve shown that voters are

LONG ISLAND, NY- Long Island Gujarati Cultural Society (LIGCS) celebrated its Silver Jubilee Anniversary recently. The event was sponsored by Mayur Shah and family. Several dignitaries, organization Presidents, guests and well-wishers graced the event including Guests of Honor Harshad (Pakaji) Patel of Gujarati Samaj and Anil Shah of VTNY, Naveen Shah (Navika Capital), Amneal Pharma Group, Mr. Dilip Chauhan (Deputy Commissioner for Trade, Investment and Innovation). Amongst other attendees were Jon Kaiman (Dy. Suffolk County Executive) and Nassau County Office of Public Affairs.

The event was followed by a special ceremony honoring all past Presidents. The efforts of all members above and other entire executive committee –Jagdish Mehta, Suresh Udeshi, Prakash Patel, Jayesh Shah, Paresh Parekh, Gopi Udeshi from setting up the venue to cake coordination and front desk, several volunteers and supporters contributed to the mega success of the event.

Two Indian Students Die By Drowning In Lake In Missouri

excited about making sure we are able to see that work through.” Since assuming office following her historic election in 2019, Mayor Lightfoot has undertaken an ambitious agenda of expanding opportunity and inclusive economic growth across Chicago’s neighborhoods

and communities. She has led the city through the unprecedented challenges of a global pandemic with tough, fair leadership – all while keeping her campaign promises. Mayor Lightfoot has:

• Increased Chicago’s minimum wage to $15.40 an hour for hundreds of thousands of workers.

• Expanded funding for communitybased violence prevention and implemented measures to combat gang violence.

• Championed the creation of a new civilian police oversight body, advancing Chicago on a path toward police reform.

• Forged an equitable and inclusive vaccine distribution program and made unprecedented investments in public health, with a particular focus on the communities most devastated by the virus.

Gala At Long Island Gujarati Cultural Society


Immigration Recommends For Paper Filing to Avoid Scanning Delays

ST JLOUIS, MO-Missouri State

Highway Patrol water division recovered the bodies of two drowned men in the Lake of the Ozarks Thanksgiving weekend. The men were both students from Telangana, India, completing master’s programs at St. Louis University.

Uthej Kunta, 24, and Shiva D. Kelligari, 25, were swimming in the Lake of the Ozarks when they went under and did not resurface, according to Highway Patrol.

Border Patrol Rescues Distressed Migrant In The Mountains

responded to the last known GPS coordinates provided. At approximately 8:50 a.m., agents located the lost individual, two and a half miles north of the U.S./Mexico border.

Agents conducted a welfare check of the individual and determined that he would need additional medical attention.

K. Goyal Attorney at Law | PH: (847) 584-7617

CHICAGO, IL- As all places move toward an increasing electronic environment, the Immigration now scan and upload many documents into electronic database systems. To avoid delays and improve scanning efficiency, It is recommended that applicant should avoid the following in order to increase efficiency of USCIS: (In other words avoid all that as clearly stated in the following steps it “DO NOT”)

• DO NOT Hole punch, staple, paper clip, binder clip, or otherwise attach documents to one another.

• DO NOT Include photos or documents smaller than 4×6 inches for evidentiary purposes. Provide photocopies of these items instead. The only exception is when we request a passport photo with the filing.

• DO NOT Include anything that contains electronic chips and batteries (such as musical greeting cards) or any non-paper materials such as cassette tapes, CD-ROMs, DVDs, toys, action figures, or thumb drives. USCIS will not accept these types of materials. However, immigration will accept photographs or photocopies of these items.

• DO NOT submit forms or evidence documents bound with a binding or spiral wire/plastic.

• DO NOT submit evidence using photo albums, scrapbooks, binders, or greeting cards.

• DO NOT Fold documents.

• DO NOT place sticky notes on documents.

• DO NOT use insertable tab dividers.

• DO NOT print forms on colored paper.

• DO NOT submit more than one copy of the same document or evidence unless required by the form instructions or regulations. If you are required to submit a copy of a complete prior application, petition, or request, clearly mark it as a “COPY” at the top of each page to ensure it is processed as intended.

• DO NOT Send original documents such as birth certificates, marriage certificates, driver’s licenses, passports, naturalization certificates, except when:

• DO NOT INCLUDE DUPLIOCATES UNLESS ASKED BY IMMIGRATION. Or unless required by the form instructions for the application, petition, or request you are filing; or Immigration specifically issue a request for you to submit an original document.

OCOTILLO, CA – U.S. Border Patrol agents from El Centro Sector rescued an undocumented individual in the Jacumba Wilderness region, early Monday morning.

The incident occurred at approximately 4:40 a.m., when El Centro Sector’s Foreign Operation Branch notified El Centro station about an undocumented individual in distress and in need of assistance. Agents in the field were notified of the distress call and

The individual claimed that he could no longer continue walking because of a foot injury. El Centro Sector’s Border Search Trauma and Rescue Unit arrived on scene to assess the injury and aided in applying a splint to an injured ankle. With assistance of Air and Marine Operations, the individual was then safely extracted and transported to a local gas station where he was met by emergency medical services to be transported to a nearby hospital for further medical treatment.

Avoiding these activities will improve efficiency of UCCIS processing your case Please do consult a professional immigration attorney before filing if you need further guidelines for filing.

This article was written by Attorney Parveen Goyal of Parveen K. Goyal, Ltd. based on release by USCIS on 11/16/ 2022. Attorney Parveen Goyal is established immigration attorney practicing immigration law for more than 30 years successfully filing H1B, Green Card and Family based immigration in northwest suburbs of Chicago and can be reached at 847-584-7617 and goyallawlaw@gmail.com..

FRIDAY, DECEMBER 2 2022 /hiindialive @hiindia /hiindiaNews 773.526.8353 18 COMMUNITY NEWS
HiIndia HiIndia Newsdesk HiIndia Newsdesk Mayor Lori E. Lightfoot LIGCS President Vijay Shah, Suffolk County Deputy Executive John Kaiman , NYC Deputy Commissioner Dilip Chauhan Parveen

South Asian House Unveils Preliminary Programming & Key Partnerships For SXSW® 2023

AUSTIN, TX=) Two full days of programming during the first-ever South Asian House (SAH) at South by Southwest® (SXSW®) on March 11 and 12, 2022, will range from panel discussions on women in film, business tech, and climate change to curated sets of live and electronic music to a Reel Deal session, Comedy Hour, Industry Leadership Sessions, Mental Health Corner, Queer/ Dalit Visual Art NFTs, and Desi Drag Brunch to a red carpet, awards ceremony on Oscar® Sunday recognizing South Asian Trailblazers in Cinema. For the first time in its 37-year history, SXSW will partner with this innovative initiative to highlight, recognize, and appreciate South Asians from the seven countries – India, Nepal, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Bhutan, and Maldives – as well as accomplished members of the diaspora. Brainchild of veteran producers, curators, and programmers Rohi Mirza Pandya (Box Office Guru Media & Desipina), Monika Samtani (Ms. Media & The Fem Word), Jitin Hingorani (Jingo Media & DFW South Asian Film Festival), and Kirtana Banskota (Banskota Productions & Nepal America Film Society), SAH will convene at Fourth and Co. in the iconic Warehouse District of downtown Austin, six blocks from SXSW® event headquarters.

SAH is excited to welcome community leaders and partners such as Shelly Kapoor Collins, Founder of the Shatter Foundation, a nonprofit to bring entrepreneurship education to girls.

As one of the first to come on board, Kapoor Collins adds: “I am thrilled to partner with South Asian House in their endeavor to support not only the community as a whole, but to create a leadership program and space for female

Bruhud New York Seniors Held Diwali Celebration

SAH is also excited to welcome The Partnership, Inc., a nationally recognized organization supporting

the development of professionals of color into authentic leaders and the transformation of corporate cultures into diverse, inclusive, and equitable workplaces. Since 1987, they have worked with more than 600 companies across all industries and provided more than 6,000 professionals with unparalleled leadership development programs and services. Storylounge Studios, a NYC based artistic collective whose work spans the fields of digital media, film, theater, and music, will present “The Reel Deal,” hosted by Vick Krishna (TikTok, Gotham Comedy Club, NYC) and Samrat Chakrabarti ocused on how to make effective Instagram and TikTok reels, as well as a Variety Show with music and comedy featuring special guests. Other programming partners include Ragoth Bala, one of the co-founders of The Cumin Club, a brand that makes it easier to enjoy authentic Indian meals in just minutes. Their plantbased menu of 30+ regional dishes from all over India is curated by expert chefs and made with all-natural ingredients, zero preservatives, and healthy sides for a complete meal you can feel great about. To round out the weekend’s eclectic programming, Indo Warehouse, a premium brand across New York’s world class electronic music scene, will feature its founding artists, Kahani and Kunal Merchant, who have played across the globe from Ibiza to Tulum. They will extend the reach of their sound at SAH, as they prepare for global expansion in 2023.

Indian Student Battles For Life After Car Crash In NJ

Abhishek Sharma, who organised the GoFundMe initiative.

“He has been taken off a ventilator but still suffers from brain swelling due to multiple surgeries he has undergone in the last week,” Abhishek added.

The page informed that within 10 days of the accident, Sharma has undergone four brain surgeries and is in the intensive care unit, hooked up to IVs and life support systems.

Back home in India, Sharma’s parents are anxiously waiting for their US visa to be approved.

NEW YORK, NY- Bruhud New York Seniors held its Diwali celebration at 5 Star Banquet Hall in Queens, New York, on November 19, 2022, and was attended by over 500 seniors from the tri-state area.

The occasion was graced by Several political leaders, which allowed the community to meet and honor them – Honorable Indian Consul General Randhir Jaiswal, New York City Mayor Eric L. Adams, Congresswomen Grace Meng, and Assemblywomen Jennifer Rajkumar. Their presence, support, and praise towards the Indian American Diaspora boosted morale in our South Asian Community.

President of Bruhud New York Seniors’ Mr. Ajay S. Patel – mentioned that he was delighted that all political leaders took time from their hectic schedules to attend today’s event. He also stated he was thankful to Deputy Commissioner Dilip Chauhan for being there for everyone in the community and for being a conduit with a direct line to Mayor Adams. All dignitaries were welcomed and Honored with a Traditional Garland and Shawl.

Mayor Adams presented a Citation from NYC, and NYS Assemblywomen Rajkumar presented a Proclamation to Bruhud New York Seniors for their service to the Indian American Community.

NEW YORK, NY- Nov 29 (IANS) An Indian student has been battling for life in a hospital after a car accident in New Jersey, the US, earlier this month that left him with a traumatic brain injury and several fractured ribs.

Vinamra Sharma, a student of New Jersey Institute of Technology, was “knocked unconscious” as he made his way home from the university campus on November 12.

He was rushed to Rutgers University Hospital, where he was diagnosed with a traumatic brain injury, a GoFundMe page, set up in Sharma’s support, said

“We hope and pray that Vinamra will be out of the woods soon and begin his long road to recovery. At the moment, his treatment is focused on getting him to live. If he makes it, the focus of his treatment can shift to addressing the cognitive and physical mobility challenges,” the page said.

Sharma’s health insurance does not cover accident expenses, and he does not have auto insurance (he does not drive).

His current in-hospital expenses include doctor, surgeon and specialist consultations, ICU services, medical exams and miscellaneous hospital fees. As of now, nearly $72,199 have been raised from the crowdfunding initiative, which will be transferred directly to the student’s family.

19 /hiindialive @hiindia /hiindiaNews 773.526.8353 FRIDAY, DECEMBER 2 2022 COMMUNITY NEWS
HiIndia Newsdesk HiIndia Newsdesk HiIndia Newsdesk ( L to R:) Jitin Hingorani, Monika Samtani, Rohi Mirza Pandya & Kirtana Banskota (Photo Credit: Satwic Mudigulam) founders and entrepreneurs. Shatter Foundation is proud to be a part of this inaugural event at SXSW in 2023.” Vinamra Sharma

Brahmin Society Of New York Celebrated Diwali For Cause

The President of BSNY, Ms. Ruta Dave opened the Gala Diwali dinner at the Cotillion with the traditional Rangoli competition for the youth and adults, followed by the recognition of guest and volunteers for their dedication and support.

President Ms. Ruta Dave announced the donation to charity, “The INN” which provides a broad variety of essential services to assist those challenged by hunger, homelessness and profound poverty.

The President of BSNY, Ms. Ruta Dave opened the Gala Diwali dinner at the Cotillion with the traditional Rangoli competition for the youth and adults, followed by the recognition of guest and volunteers for their dedication and support. BSNY Committee members had organized activities for the youth club to get to know our culture and traditions. Members and friends of BSNY enjoyed food, and dance with DJ Bobby.

NEW YORK, NY- Brahmin Society of New York, established in 1987 has been promoting and preserving culture in communities, youth and beyond.

TSA Workers Find Cat In Traveler’s Baggage At JFK Airport

On November 11, 2022 the nonprofit organization had a Gala Diwali Dinner for the Cause. Brahmin Society of NY recognized its longtime member and esteemed guest Deputy commissioner for Trade, investment and innovation

for Mayor Eric Adams Office for International affairs, Mr. Dilip Chauhan. Brahmin Society of NY believes in helping those in need, in the past the organization has donated in several calamities, institutes. This year,

CBP Officers Seize $119K In Unreported Currency At Eagle Pass Port Of Entry

Brahmin Society of NY host programs such as talent shows, picnic Valentine’s Day celebrations for the youth and members. These are apart from our regular religious activities like Maha Shivratri Pooja, Gayatri Yagna, Janoi Changing ceremony, Shri Satya Narayan Katha, Navratri and last but not the least Diwali Function. We have also offered a very elaborate Shraddh Pooja to remember our ancestors.

Honoring IndianAmerican Veterans Of The US

NEW YORK, NY- Queens airport workers let the cat out the bag, but not before it got shoved into a suitcase and sent through security, transit officials said Tuesday. An x-ray machine at John F. Kennedy airport uncovered recently a furry, yellow, surprise for Transportation Security Administration agents who found someone had tried to pack their cat, TSA officials announced in a tweet.

“This CATch,” the TSA tweeted, “had our baggage screening officers @JFKairport saying, “Come on meow”!” According to spokesperson Lisa Farbstein, the cat belonged to someone else in the suitcase owner’s household.

“On the bright side, the cat’s out of the bag and safely back home,” Farbstein tweeted.

EAGLE PASS, TX – U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP), Office of Field Operations (OFO) officers working outbound operations seized over $110,000 in undeclared currency in a single enforcement action.

“CBP continues to focus on national security to include unreported and concealed currency,” said Acting Port Director Michael Martinez, Eagle Pass Port of Entry. “This seizure should be a reminder to the public of the importance of complying with federal currency reporting requirements.”

The enforcement action occurred on Tuesday, Nov. 22, when officers assigned to outbound operations referred a 37-year-old male driving a 2013 Chevrolet Silverado pickup for secondary inspection. Following a non-

intrusive inspection system and physical inspection of the vehicle, CBP officers discovered four packages containing $119,880 in undeclared currency within the vehicle. CBP seized the currency and the vehicle. Homeland Security Investigations (ICE-HSI) special agents arrested the driver and have initiated a criminal investigation. Individuals are permitted to carry any amount of currency or monetary instruments into or out of the U.S., however, if the quantity is more than $10,000, they will need to report it to CBP. “Money” means monetary instruments and includes U.S. or foreign coins currently in circulation, currency, travelers’ checks in any form, money orders, and negotiable instruments or investment securities in bearer form. Failure to declare may result in seizure of the currency and/or arrest.

CHICAGO, IL- (Veteran’s Day): The Indo-American Veterans Organization (IAVO) commemorated its one year milestone and hosted its 1st Anniversary Charity Gala.

Media Interviews, A 3D virtual picture booth, delicious menu of appetizers, and drinks kept the guests entertained. Many of the media professionals joined in to cover this one-of-a-kind event. An organization, first of its kind, ever created in the United States, dedicated to honoring Indian-American Veterans of the United States Military!

In attendance were sponsors, donors, and dignitaries: Hon. Somnath Ghosh (Consul General of India – Guest of Honor), along with the invited guests

Aurora Alderwoman Shweta Baid, Mand Indian-American Veterans.

FRIDAY, DECEMBER 2 2022 /hiindialive @hiindia /hiindiaNews 773.526.8353 20 COMMUNITY NEWS
President Ruta Dave, Deputy Commissioner Dilip Chauhan, Labu Upadhyaya, Bharati Joshi, Rekha Trivedi, Tejal Ravel and other committee members HiIndia Newsdesk HiIndia Newsdesk
containing $119,880 in unreported currency seized
“CBP continues to focus on national security to include unreported and concealed currency,” said Acting Port Director Michael Martinez, Eagle Pass Port of Entry.
HiIndia Newsdesk HiIndia Newsdesk Cat out of the bag: X-ray shows live cat trapped in checked luggage at JFK airport (Photo by Transportation Security Administration)

Indian American Stage Protests Against Pak-Sponsored Terrorism : 26/11

NEW YORK, NY- Indian Americans launched a blitzkrieg of high-voltage protests on Saturday in the US, highlighting Pakistan’s role in the deadly 26/11 Mumbai terror attacks. They demonstrated not only in front of the Pakistani consulate in New York but also at Islamic centres in other US cities – Houston, Chicago and New Jersey. The diaspora also hired digital media trucks with messages “Never Forget 26/11”, “The bloodbath The brutality”, “Kasab the face terror of 26/11” and “sanction Pakistan” to remind the world that Pakistan harbours and trains terrorists against citizens of other countries.

The unprecedented 26/11 protests by Indian Americans across US cities followed protests in other parts of the world – the Netherlands, Japan and Britain. The protests were organized to highlight the fact that terrorists who planned the brutalities have not been punished and remain under the protection of the Pakistani army.

In one of the most brutal cross-border attacks perpetrated on India, 10 Pakistani terrorists of the Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) entered Mumbai on 26 November 2008 and attacked five landmarks in India’s financial capital. In nearly four days of gun and grenade attacks, they killed 166 people and injured around 300 including the city’s Jewish community.

The diaspora also hired digital media trucks with messages “Never Forget 26/11”, “The bloodbath The brutality”, “Kasab the face terror of 26/11” and “sanction Pakistan” to remind the world that Pakistan harbours and trains terrorists against

India Narrative spoke with one of the organizers of the protests in the US. Zafar Sahito, the Chief organizer of the Jeay Sindh Freedom Movement (JSFM) said: “The attack on Mumbai was not a simple act of terrorism but an engineered plan carried out by Pakistani state, state agencies and their hired Islamist terrorist organizations. There are possibilities that Pakistani

Nearly 40 Million Children Miss Measles Vaccine Dose: WHO, CDC Report

protect against epidemics; the WHO and the CDC reported that only about 81% of children receive their first dose of measles vaccine while 71% get their second dose, marking the lowest global coverage rates of the first measles dose since 2008.

sponsored terrorism will reach other countries when their supporters – the Taliban, are occupying a whole country, Afghanistan, also”.

Sahito underlines an oft-repeated fear that State-sponsored terrorism from Pakistan has the scope to singe other nations apart from its close neighbors India and Afghanistan. For India, the protests in the US are

significant for two reasons.

The protests are a reminder to the US that one of its nationals David Coleman Headley, also known as Daood Sayed Gilani, was trained in Pakistan to carry out terror activities across the world. One of those terror activities was the 26/11 Mumbai attacks. Headley’s interrogation by American and Indian authorities revealed the role of Pakistan spy agency Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) in the attacks.

The other significant reason for remembering the attacks is the kids gloves that the US treats Pakistan with. Just last month Pakistan was let off the Grey List by the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) which monitors nations over terror financing and promoting terrorism.

The Joe Biden administration is moving close to Pakistan in a u-turn of former US president Donald Trump’s policy of dumping Pakistan over its duplicity in the war against terror.

Out of the FATF watchlist, and with a favorable dispensation in Washington, Pakistan could be again priming its terror apparatus, particularly against India

New Delhi has already noted that Pakistan has doubled the delivery of ammunition, weapons, narcotics and even cash through drones this year with a view to fomenting violence and trouble in India’s border states Punjab and J&K.

AAPI’s Wellness CME For Holistic Health


immunization has dropped significantly since the coronavirus pandemic began, resulting in a record high of nearly 40 million children missing a vaccine dose last year, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the World Health Organization.

Millions of children are now susceptible to measles, among the world’s most contagious diseases, the CDC and WHO said in a report released this month. In 2021, officials said there were about 9 million measles infections and 128,000 deaths worldwide.

The WHO and CDC said continued drops in vaccination, weak disease surveillance and delayed response plans due to COVID-19, in addition to ongoing outbreaks in more than 20 countries, mean that “measles is an imminent threat in every region of the world.”

Scientists estimate that at least 95% of a population needs to be immunized to

“The record number of children under-immunized and susceptible to measles shows the profound damage immunization systems have sustained during the COVID-19 pandemic,” CDC director Dr. Rochelle Walensky said in a statement.

Measles is mostly spread through direct contact or in the air and causes symptoms including fever, muscle pain and a skin rash on the face and upper neck. Most measles-related deaths are caused by complications including swelling of the brain and dehydration. The WHO says serious complications are most serious in children under five and adults over 30.

More than 95% of measles deaths occur in developing countries, mostly in Africa and Asia. There is no specific treatment for measles, but the two-dose vaccine against it is about 97% effective in preventing severe illness and death.

In July, the U.N. said 25 million children have missed out on routine immunizations against diseases including diphtheria, largely because the coronavirus disrupted routine health services or triggered vaccine misinformation.

NEW YORK, NY- “Lifestyle medicine is the simplest yet most powerful approach to true health and healing,” said Dr. Ravi Kolli, President of the American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (AAPI) while setting the context for the recently held Lifestyle Medicine & Wellness Webinar. Nearly 200 AAPI members attended the webinar. Dr. Koushik R. Reddy, director of interventional cardiology at the James A Haley VA Medical Center in Tampa, FL, emphasized the importance of a fundamental diet, physical activity, and other lifestyle approaches in the primordial and primary prevention of many NCDs.

In his insightful address on “Sleep, The Master Lever Of Health,” Dr. Param

Dedhia, who had his education at Johns Hopkins University and Canyon Ranch and is the Founder & Medical Director of Moveo Health, stressed the importance of sleep in our daily lives and said, “Sleep is about restoring.” He said, “Sleep evolves through adulthood. So, we must evolve our lifestyles to promote sleep.

According to him, “Most adults need 7-9 hours” of sleep daily. In his address, he pointed to the function & promise of sleep, which Restores, and Cools the brain and body. It helps regulate ion channels and optimizes physiological growth. Sleep is Anti-Inflammatory, as it helps reduce inflammatory markers. Sleep improves one’s mood, by soothing emotions & mental fatigue. Sleep is “Actively cardio-protective and Enhances neuro-plasticity.”

21 /hiindialive @hiindia /hiindiaNews 773.526.8353 FRIDAY, DECEMBER 2 2022 COMMUNITY NEWS
HiIndia Newsdesk HiIndia Newsdesk HiIndia Newsdesk
citizens of other countries.


Amazon to shut food delivery business in India

New Delhi, Nov 25 (IANS) Amazon said on Friday that it is shutting down its food delivery business in India, a day after it announced to shut down its edtech vertical in the country.

Amazon started its food delivery service in India in May 2020.

“As part of our annual operating planning review process, we have made the decision to discontinue Amazon Food,” said a company spokesperson.

“We don’t take these decisions lightly. We are discontinuing these programmes in a phased manner to take care of current customers and partners,” the

Amazon said on Friday that it is shutting down its food delivery business in India, a day after it announced to shut down its edtech vertical in the country.

spokesperson added.

The company had kicked off Amazon Food in Bengaluru.

On Thursday, Amazon had said that it is shutting down its edtech offering called Amazon Academy’s operations in India starting August 2023, and will refund the full fee to those who enrolled in the current academic batch.

The e-commerce behemoth officially launched Academy (previously called JEE Ready) last year.

All India Majlis-E-Ittehadul Muslimeen (AIMIM)


Asaduddin Owaisi has denied that his party’s role in the next month’s Gujarat Assembly elections would be to eat into the Congress’s vote share, and blamed the grand old party for the BJP’s long run in power in the state.

The ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) is trying to create an “antiMuslim narrative” during the campaign by raising issues such as the Uniform Civil Code (UCC) and Mehrauli murder case, he alleged.

Indian American Anu Nakka has been elected to the Milpitas Unified School District’s (MUSD) Board of Education. With her new role, Nakka became the first Indian-American ever elected to public office in the Silicon Valley city. Nakka moved from India to Milpitas in 2001. She will get officially sworn in on Dec 13. Nakka has served on various PTA’s and has been actively involved with her daughters’ schools. Her younger is an 8th-grader at Rancho Middle School and her oldest is a senior at Milpitas High.

ISRO: PSLV-C54 successfully places Oceansat into orbit

the Oceansat successfully separated from the rocket. In a tweet, ISRO said, “PASLV-C54/EOS-06 Mission: EOS06 spacecraft separation is successful. The spacecraft’s health is normal. The mission is continuing.” Scientists would perform lowering of the rocket to place the other co-passenger satellites into a different orbit which is expected to take place in a two-hour duration.

Vikram Gokhale dies in Pune hospital

A Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle of ISRO on Saturday successfully placed earth observation satellite into a sunsynchronous orbit, Indian Space Research Organisation said on Saturday. The 44.4 metre tall rocket lifted off at a prefixed time at 11.56 am from Satish Dhawan Space Centre at this spaceport at the end of a 25.30 hour countdown. After reaching the intended orbit nearly 17 minutes after PSLV-C54 lifted off, the Earth Observation Satellite or

In his address at the Mission Control Centre, ISRO Chairman S Somanath said, “I am really happy to announce the successful accomplishment of injecting the EOS-06 into the intended orbit very precisely.” “We also observed that the performance of the rocket in this mission in all stages and functions was exceedingly good. And congratulations to the entire team of PSLV for making yet another successful mission in the series of its long journey,” he said.

Rishi Sunak Plans Curbs On Foreign Students To Control Migration: Report

New Delhi, Nov 26 (IANS) Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Saturday said Delhi has to decide in the coming Civic body polls whether they need BJP’s 10 videos or 10 works of the Aam Aadmi Party.

Addressing mediapersons after his deputy Manish Sisodia’s name did not find any mention in the CBI chargesheet filed on Friday, Kejriwal said: “CBI filed the chargesheet yesterday. Manish Sisodia’s name is not there. CBI has given clean chit to him. CBI and ED were working day and night to frame Sisodia but could not find even an iota of evidence against him.” “During the investigation in connection with the alleged scam in the liquor policy, a total 800 officers worked for 24 hours and raided 500 places.

UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak will be considering “all options”, including reducing the number of foreign students, in his bid to bring down the rising net migration in the United Kingdom, according to a report by the BBC.

Mr Sunak will be looking into imposing curbs on foreign students pursuing socalled “low quality” degrees and bringing in dependents, the report said, quoting a Downing Street spokesperson. The spokesperson did not, however, define what is a “low quality” degree. The UK government’s concerns for rising migration have been set off by the latest Office for National Statistics (ONS) figures this week that showed a huge jump in the number of migrants. Net migration to the UK rose from 173,000 in 2021, to 504,000 this yearan increase of 331,000. International students, especially Indians who took over the Chinese for the first time to make up the majority of student visas, were a big contributor to this spike.“We’re considering all options to make sure the immigration system is delivering. The prime minister is fully committed to bringing overall numbers down,” Mr Sunak’s spokesman had said on Friday.

New Delhi: Veteran actor and thespian Vikram Gokhale died at the age of 77 in Pune on Saturday afternoon. “We are saddened to announce that the noted actor Mr Vikram Gokhale passed away today at Deenanath Mangeshkar Hospital due to multi organ failure. Our deep condolences,” read the hospital’s official statement. The actor had been hospitalised for some time and was on life support. Vikram Gokhale’s body will be kept at Bal Gandharva Sabagruha for family and friends to pay their last respects.

“Our position is blunt that if they (Indian team) come then we will go to the World Cup, if they don’t come then let them do


play without Pakistan. If Pakistan does not participate in the World Cup scheduled in India next year, who will see it? We will adopt an aggressive approach, our team is showing performance, we have defeated the biggest business-making cricket team in the world, we have played the final of the T20 World Cup.

FRIDAY, DECEMBER 2 2022 /hiindialive @hiindia /hiindiaNews 773.526.8353 22 TOP STORIES OF THE WEEK News
Zofeen Maqsood HiIndia Newsdesk HiIndia Newsdesk HiIndia Newsdesk HiIndia Newsdesk HiIndia Newsdesk HiIndia Newsdesk HiIndia Newsdesk
Anu Nakka is the first Indian American elected to public office in Silicon Valley
Sunak will be looking into imposing curbs on foreign students pursuing so-called “low quality” degrees and bringing in dependents, the report said
Delhi to choose between BJP’s 10 videos or AAP’s 10 works: Arvind Kejriwal
“If India Don’t Come...”: Ramiz Raja Confirms Plans For ODI World Cup 2023
Gujarat: ‘BJP in power due to Congress’s incapability’

News Breif

Ashok Gehlot tags Sachin Pilot a ‘gaddar’

India rectifying past mistakes, celebrating unsung heroes: PM

Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday said India was correcting its past mistakes by celebrating its varied heritage and remembering its unsung bravehearts who were lost in the pages of history that was written as part of a conspiracy during the colonial era.

Addressing the 400th birth anniversary celebrations of Lachit Barphukan, Modi said the history of India was not just about slavery but also about its warriors.

“India’s history is the history of warriors, the history of victory, the history of sacrifice, selflessness and bravery,” he said.

Rajasthan chief minister Ashok Gehlot has issued an ultimatum to the high command that Sachin Pilot will not be acceptable as his successor, amid lingering speculation about a change of guard. In an interview to NDTV on Thursday afternoon, Gehlot repeatedly described Pilot as a “gaddar” (traitor) and declared that the MLAs would not accept him as chief minister, come what may. Gehlot reiterated that the rebellion led by Pilot that jeopardised his government was sponsored by the BJP and that Union home minister Amit Shah was directly involved in the operation. Pilot dismissed the allegations as “false and unfounded” and requested Gehlot to focus on the Gujarat elections.

Pilot has steadfastly maintained that his rebellion had nothing to do with the BJP and it was an outcome of internal squabbles.

“Rewrite History, Centre Will Support”: Amit Shah to Historians

The prime minister said unfortunately even after Independence, the history that was written as part of a conspiracy during the colonial era continued to be taught.

“After Independence there was a need to change the agenda of slavery but it did

not happen,” Modi said. He said in every corner of the

Kerala-born CEO’s firm to develop tyres for US Army

running even after being shredded by roadside bombs or gunfire.

“...the first pressure “Zero” tyre will be delivered in 2023. Bringing this military tyre from concept to reality has been a long, two-decade journey for AEG,” said Pannikottu, a polymer researcher and businessman, who also serves as the firm’s CEO.

country, brave sons and daughters fought oppressors but this history was intentionally suppressed.

“Today, India has broken the shackles of colonialism and is moving forward, celebrating our heritage and remembering our heroes with pride,” he said.

Modi also recalled how Lachit Barphukan had kept national interest above blood relations and did not hesitate to punish his close relative.

“Lachit Barphukan’s life inspires us to rise above dynasty and think about the country.

He had said that no relationship is bigger than the country,” Modi said.

Barphukan (November 24, 1622-April 25, 1672) was the famous General of the Royal Army of the Ahom Kingdom of Assam who defeated the Mughals and successfully halted their ever expanding ambitions under Aurangzeb.

Germany relaxes Schengen visa rules for Indians

New Delhi, Nov 25 (IANS) Bringing a cheer to Indians, Germany has relaxed its Schengen visa appointment rules with the country centralising its shortterm visa processing at its centre in Mumbai.

New York, Nov 25 (IANS) Keralaborn Abraham Pannikottu’s American Engineering Group (AEG) has received funding from the US Department of Defence to develop and manufacture zero pressure tyres for the US Army.

The Ohio-based firm specialises in carbon fibre pressure zero tyre technology, which ensures that the tyres will continue

The development of this manufacturing technology replaces current run-flat inserts inside military tyres for both manned and unmanned-autonomous vehicles, a company statement stated. The 2022 Omnibus Appropriations Bill will spend $782 billion on national defence spending, which includes $5 million in developing next-generation technologies like the carbon fibre pressure zero tire technology.

“My parents came from India with $8:” Nikki Haley

New Delhi: Union Home Minister Amit Shah has asked historians to rewrite history in the Indian context and assured them that the government will support their efforts.

“I am student of history and I hear a lot of times that our history has not been presented properly and is distorted. Maybe that is correct, but now we need to correct this,” Mr Shah said at a function of the Assam government in Delhi.

“I ask you -- who is stopping us from presenting history properly and in a glorious manner,” Mr Shah said on Day 2 of the three-day celebration of the 400th birth anniversary of 17th Century Ahom general Lachit Barphukan.

in Las Vegas on Sunday, Haley said, “A lot of people have asked if I’m going to run for president now that the midterms are over. “I’ll look at it in a serious way, and I’ll have more to say soon.” She added, “If my family and I decide to continue our life of service, we will put 1,000% into it and we’ll finish it. For now, I’ll say this. I’ve won tough primaries and tough general elections. I’ve been the underdog every single time.”“When people underestimate me, it’s always fun. But I’ve never lost an election. And I’m not going to start now,” said Haley. Speaking about her roots, Haley said her parents came to the US “from India with $8 in their pocket” and successfully — and proudly — navigated the American South. Her father Ajit Singh Randhawa became a professor, while her mother Raj Kaur Randhawa became a businesswoman.

“As a result of centralisation of Schengen visa (short term visa) processing in German Visa Centre Mumbai, we are pleased to inform about... relaxation regarding appointment bookings,” the German embassy said in a statement. A shortstay Schengen visa allows one to visit Germany and other Schengen countries for a maximum of 90 days within a 180-day period. This visa is issued in the form of a sticker affixed to the passport of the traveller.

HC helps BigB ‘copyright’ name, voice

The Delhi High Court on Friday passed an interim order restraining unauthorised use of actor Amitabh Bachchan’s voice, image, name or any other trait exclusively identifiable with him by any individual.

The court’s order came on a lawsuit by the veteran actor alleging exploitation of his “publicity rights as a celebrity” by several individuals, including the person behind a “KBC lottery” to scam the public.

The 80-year-old Bachchan is the host of popular TV game show Kaun Banega Crorepati (KBC).

23 /hiindialive @hiindia /hiindiaNews 773.526.8353 FRIDAY, DECEMBER 2 2022 TOP STORIES OF THE WEEK
HiIndia Newsdesk HiIndia Newsdesk HiIndia Newsdesk HiIndia Newsdesk HiIndia Newsdesk HiIndia Newsdesk HiIndia Newsdesk Looks like Nikki Haley, the first Indian American to get a federal cabinet job in America may have a run for Presidency in 2024. During Republican Jewish Coalition Annual Leadership Meeting
‘Today, India has broken the shackles of colonialism and is moving forward’

Sister Priyanka Joins Rahul Gandhi’s Yatra

Congress 27 years in cold in Gujarat, yet Modi’s Target No 1

Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Wednesday told an election rally in Gujarat that he had to work hard to take the country ahead because the “Congress model” had destroyed not only Gujarat but India too, tilting at windmills even after 27 years of uninterrupted BJP rule in his homestate.

Modi also sought to hit back at Rahul Gandhi over the “Adivasi-vs-Vanvasi” issue, accusing the Congress of opposing the elevation of a tribal woman (Droupadi Murmu) as President and in the process drawing attention to his commitment to the tribal community.


“The Congress model has not only destroyed Gujarat but India too. That is the reason we have to work hard today to take the country ahead,” he added.

PM addressed four rallies on Wednesday and devoted a lot of time on whipping the Congress, which has been out of power in Gujarat for close to three decades

Khandwa, MP: Congress leader Rahul Gandhi was today joined by sister and party general secretary Priyanka Gandhi Vadra this morning as his Bharat Jodo Yatra moved through Madhya Pradesh.

The Yatra, which started on September 7, completed its Maharashtra leg and entered the BJP-ruled Madhya Pradesh yesterday. Today, Congress supporters led by the Gandhis started the march from Borgaon in Khandwa. They will visit the birthplace of Tantia Bheel, freedom fighter and tribal icon, before proceeding to Khargone. As the Congress tries to reach out to the tribal community, the BJP has a counter ready. The ruling party has launched the Janjatiya Gaurav Yatra from Tantya Bhee’s birthplace yesterday. The start of the march was attended by Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan and four ministers.

Delhi’s Iconic Jama Masjid Bans Entry Of Girls/Women

“The Congress model means corruption, nepotism, dynastic politics, sectarianism and casteism. They are known for creating rifts among people to remain in power,” the Prime Minister told an election rally in his home district

Modi addressed four rallies on Wednesday and devoted a lot of time on whipping the Congress, which has been out of power in Gujarat for close to three decades.

Moreover, this election the Congress’s position as the principal challenger to the BJP is being challenged by the entry of the Aam Aadmi Party, which Modi has chosen to ignore so far.

With Over 30,000 Cases, China’s Daily Covid Tally Hits Record High: Report

China recorded 31,454 domestic cases -- 27,517 without symptoms -- on Wednesday, the National Health Bureau said.

The Congress tactically has been running a silent campaign in the state focused on livelihood issues and governance failures but Modi appears keen to provoke the Opposition party. One indiscreet remark by a local leader earlier this week gave Modi an opportunity to play victim.

At the second rally of the day in the tribal region of Dahod, the Prime Minster sought to take on Rahul Gandhi, without naming him, over the Congress leader’s recent comments about the BJP’s outlook towards tribals.

Pakistan’s New Army Chief Is Lieutenant General Asim Munir

As the issue led to widespread outrage, Jama Masjid’s Shahi Imam stepped in to explain that the order is not applicable to those coming to offer prayers.

The notices, which have no date, came up a few days ago outside the three main entry gates, sources in the administration told Press Trust of India. However, it has come to attention only now “Jama Masjid mein ladki ya ladkiyon ka akele daakhla mana hai (The entry of a girl, or girls (woman or women) is not permitted in Jama Masjid),” reads the notice by the administration.

Beijing: China’s daily Covid cases have hit a record high since the beginning of the pandemic, official data showed Thursday, as the country works to curb the spread with snap lockdowns, mass testing and travel restrictions.

China recorded 31,454 domestic cases -- 27,517 without symptoms -- on

Wednesday, the National Health Bureau said. The numbers are relatively small when compared with China’s vast population of 1.4 billio But under Beijing’s strict zero-Covid policy, even tiny outbreaks can shut down entire cities and place contacts of infected patients into strict quarantine. The unrelenting policy has caused fatigue and resentment among swathes of the population as the pandemic nears its third year, sparking sporadic protests and hitting productivity in the world’s second-largest economy.

US Walmart shooting: Manager kills six at Virginia supermarket

A longtime manager at a Walmart store in the US state of Virginia has shot dead six people and injured six others.

Officers were called to the busy branch in Chesapeake after the gunman opened fire on colleagues in a staff room.

He then turned the gun on himself and died of a self-inflicted gunshot wound, officials said.

There is no clear motive for the shooting.

Police are not searching for anyone else in connection with the attack.

The police have identified the gunman as 31-year-old Andre Bing. They said he was armed with a handgun as well as multiple magazines.

Walmart said he was an “overnight team lead” who had been employed there since 2010. “We are focused on doing everything we can to support our associates and their families,” the

Police at the time were still looking for victims, who could be injured or were inside the ‘very large’ store with a lot of hiding spots

company said.

Of the six injured, two are known to be in a critical condition while one is in a stable condition.

The first call to police was made at 22:12 local time on Tuesday (03:12 GMT

Wednesday) and officers arrived at the supermarket within two minutes. They entered the building shortly after, and the scene was declared safe around an hour later once it had been cleared of the 50 people who were inside at the time, and all the victims had been located.

Processing the crime scene would probably take several days, Police Chief Mark Solesky told a news conference on Wednesday, adding that the investigation was being carried out with the help of the FBI.

An eyewitness - who was wearing a Walmart uniform - described what happened in footage that circulated on social media shortly after the attack.

He said he had left a staff room, which a colleague then entered before quickly opening fire.

FRIDAY, DECEMBER 2 2022 /hiindialive @hiindia /hiindiaNews 773.526.8353 24 TOP STORIES OF THE WEEK News Breif
HiIndia Newsdesk HiIndia Newsdesk HiIndia Newsdesk HiIndia Newsdesk HiIndia Newsdesk HiIndia Newsdesk Islamabad: Pakistan on Thursday named Lieutenant-General Asim Munir as chief of the army, an organisation that plays an extraordinarily influential role in the governance of the nucleararmed nation.bMunir, who was also Pakistan’s chief spy, will take over from outgoing General Qamar Javed Bajwa, who retires later this month after a sixyear term, the defence ministry said. New Delhi: The administration of Delhi’s iconic Jama Masjid has put up notices outside the main gates banning the entry of girls and women, whether alone or in groups.

Brazil World Cup Bid Built On Solid Foundations Despite Neymar Worries

England Hero Marcus Rashford “Belongs” On World Cup Stage, Says Harry Maguire

their Group B campaign in style on Tuesday to progress to the last 16, where they will play Senegal. Rashford opened the scoring with a brilliant free-kick and was instrumental in the second goal, scored by Phil Foden, before delivering the knockout blow in the 68th minute after a rampaging run down the right. Defender Maguire said he was delighted to see his clubmate back in top form after a tough year in which he slipped out of the international picture due to fitness issues and a loss of form.

“I’m really pleased for Marcus,” said Maguire.

Brazil might be fretting about the state of Neymar’s ankle, but if a successful World Cup campaign is built on a solid defence then the foundations are there for Tite’s side to win the title in Qatar. Two games into Brazil’s bid to win a record sixth World Cup, the Selecao have not conceded a goal and have not even given away a shot on target in victories over Serbia and Switzerland that saw them clinch qualification for the last 16 with a group game to spare.

It is early days, and Brazil always tend to start strongly at the tournament -- they are now unbeaten in a record 17 matches in the World Cup group stage -- but the signs for Tite are good and there is no need to be overly reliant on Neymar.

A team with Liverpool’s Alisson Becker in goal, Thiago Silva and Marquinhos in central defence, and Casemiro anchoring the midfield looks capable of withstanding whatever the other main contenders throw at them, even if that is likely to be a lot more than what the Swiss offered on Monday.

“Over the last year or so obviously he’s been out of the England team and England set-up. I think he’s really found his form again this season for Manchester United. He’s a massive player for our club.”

Brazil Confirm Neymar Absence Against Cameroon

Cameroon on Friday as he continues his recovery from an ankle injury, the national team’s doctor has confirmed. The Paris Saint-Germain superstar missed Monday’s 1-0 win over Switzerland after coming off with a sprained ankle in his side’s opening 2-0 victory in Qatar against Serbia. Coach Tite has expressed his confidence that the 30-year-old will return to play a part in the Selecao’s bid to win a record-extending sixth World Cup, but he will not feature against Cameroon with Brazil’s place in the last 16 having already been secured.

Portugal joins Brazil, France into knockouts stage of World Cup

Neymar will play no part in Brazil’s final World Cup group game against

BCCI Ethics Officer Serves Conflict Of Interest Notice To President Roger Binny

Doha, Nov 29 (IANS) A brace from Bruno Fernandes helped Portugal to a 2-0 win over Uruguay and a place in the knockout stage of the FIFA World Cup. On Monday, in the last match of the day at Lusail Stadium in Qatar, Portugal’s second successive win took them to six points and to the top of the Group H standings leaving Uruguay, Ghana and South Korea to fight for the second qualification spot from the group. Portugal joins Brazil and France, the other two teams which have made it to the knockout stage so far.

Argentina, Poland Progress To World Cup Last 16; Mexico, Saudi Arabia Bow Out

BCCI ethics officer Vineet Saran has served a conflict of interest notice to board president Roger Binny. PTI has learnt that Saran has asked Binny to file a written response by December 20 against the conflict of interest allegations levelled against him. The complainant, Sanjeev Gupta, has alleged that Binny is conflicted as his daughter-in-law works for Star Sports which has home season media rights for Indian cricket.

“You are hereby informed that a complaint has been received under Rule 39(2)(b) of the Rules and Regulations

of BCCI by the Ethics Officer, BCCI for breach of Rule 38 (1) (i) and Rule 38(2) of the said rules, constituting an instance of “conflict of interest” on your part.

“You are directed to file your Written Response to the accompanying complaint on or before 20/12/2022. The said response should be supported by a duly executed affidavit,” wrote Saran in the notice dated November 21.

World Cup winner Binny had become the 36th BCCI president in October, replacing former India captain Sourav Ganguly. The 67-year-old played 27 Tests and T20 ODIs for India

Lionel Messi had a penalty saved but Argentina still advanced to the last 16 of the World Cup as Group C winners after a 2-0 victory over Poland on Wednesday.

Poland also went through as runnersup although a 2-1 win for Mexico over Saudi Arabia in the group’s other game meant Czeslaw Michniewicz’s side advanced only on goal difference. Alexis Mac Allister’s 46th-minute goal settled Argentina’s nerves after a tense first half, before Julian Alvarez doubled their lead just over 20 minutes later. Argentina had been unable to find a way past Wojciech Szczesny in an opening 45 minutes in

which the Poland goalkeeper saved his second penalty of the tournament.

Szczesny was adjudged to have fouled Messi while stretching to reach a cross, but he dived to his left to beat away the resulting spot-kick.

It was the 31st penalty Messi had failed to convert in his career.

Poland offered little attacking threat, with star striker Robert Lewandowski virtually anonymous throughout.

Instead it was left to Szczesny to take centre stage for the Poles, denying Messi with two crucial early stops.

First Messi wriggled clear of a pack of defenders before producing a shot that flew straight at the keeper.

25 /hiindialive @hiindia /hiindiaNews 773.526.8353 FRIDAY, DECEMBER 2 2022 SPORTS
HiIndia Newsdesk HiIndia Newsdesk HiIndia Newsdesk HiIndia Newsdesk HiIndia Newsdesk Marcus Rashford’s eye-catching performance in England’s 3-0 win against Wales shows he “belongs” on the World Cup stage, according to Manchester United and international teammate Harry Maguire. The 25-yearold forward played a starring role as Gareth Southgate’s men wrapped up File image of BCCI president Roger Binny
The complainant, Sanjeev Gupta, has alleged that Binny is conflicted as his daughter-in-law works for Star Sports which has home season media rights for Indian cricket
Lionel Messi’s Argentina beat Poland 2-0 on Wednesday to top World Cup Group C and reach the last 16 as the Poles also progressed on goal difference.

Louis Vuitton’s India Capsule Collection

Launching a one-of-a-kind shoe collection in India, tailored to the rich cultural heritage of the country— Louis Vuitton’s Rani Pink line is also a testament to its founder, who invented the genuine ‘Art of Travel’.

Presented during the perfect sweet spot of timing between an ongoing festive season and the upcoming wedding months—the curated collection of feminine shoes reflect a celebratory time in the country.


Nail Art Designs

For Brides Who Want To Go Beyond The Basic French Tips

Statement Red

Glitter In The Sky

Book Enthusiasts

Presented during the perfect sweet spot of timing between an ongoing festive season and the upcoming wedding months—the curated collection of feminine shoes reflect a celebratory time in the country. The colour ‘Rani Pink’ can be traced back to the Royals of Rajasthan, it’s a shade found in everything from architecture, decor, textiles, handicraft and even royal jewellery.


Ganesha says that at the beginning of this week, the people of Aries will spend most of their time participating in auspicious works and having fun. During this, a short and pleasant journey is also possible. People associated with the business will get the expected profit. There will be profit from the investment made in the past..


Ganesha Ganesha says that the people of Taurus will have to manage their time this week. Along with this, you have to try to make your daily routine positive. Spend according to your pocket, otherwise, you may face a financial crunch.


Ganesha Ganesha says that tthis week will prove to be the end of long-standing troubles for Gemini. Stuck tasks will be completed with the help of a female friend. Misunderstandings or disputes with love partners will end. Love affairs will get strengthened. There will be a plan to buy and sell new property..


Ganesha says that the natives of the Cancer zodiac will be able to expand their long pending plans at the beginning of the week. Full cooperation of subordinates will be received in the workplace. There will be chances of getting some auspicious work done in the family.


Ganesha says that the people of the

All Eyes On You

Crystal Cuffs

The book follows Lily as she tries to create a new life for herself away from her rocky upbringing. She starts a new and exciting relationship with Ryle handsome surgeon, only to realise that the relationship is continuing on a pattern of toxicity.

2nd December to 8th December 2022

Leo zodiac should come out of the world of dreams and face the reality this week. Don’t depend on luck or any other person. You will get success only if you make continuous efforts. Do not tell anyone else until the work is done.


Ganesha says that tthis week will be medium fruitful for the people of Virgo. At the beginning of the week, the mind will be affected by an unknown fear. There will be a need to work harder in the workplace. In this regard, long or short-distance travel may also have to be done.


Ganesha says that at the beginning of the week, control both your anger and speech. There can be a dispute in the family, especially with a brother or sister. Any senior advice will prove beneficial to settle property-related disputes. Overall, the week which started with struggle will end with accomplishment.


Ganesha says this week is coming for Scorpio to fulfill their desired wishes. Positive results will be visible in the workplace. Salaried people will get the full support of their seniors. This time is auspicious for working women. If you were looking for a job for a long time, then your search can be completed this week.


Ganesha says that the people of Sagittarius have to understand very well that there is no shortcut to success. This week, if you want, you can get desired results by working hard. There will be a meeting with an influential person in the middle of the week. Do not ignore health-related problems at the end of the week, otherwise, you may end up in the hospital.


Ganesha says that at the beginning of

Four college students find themselves living together when they move to New York in search of fame and fortune.

the week things will be as per your wish but, in the middle, you may have to compromise with the circumstances. The advice of a senior will prove beneficial to settle disputes related to ancestral property etc.


Ganesha says that the people of Aquarius may have to face some difficulties at the beginning of the week. Although sometimes some challenges teach better lessons, this time will prove to be very important for you for some such future.


Ganesha says that the week will start with excessive expenditure on luxuries. Will get a chance to be involved in some religious work. During this, you will get the full support of luck. This time will also be favorable for occupation people. But in the middle of the week, control your emotions and avoid telling your secret things to someone else, otherwise, he may take undue advantage of it. Be honest with your spouse.

Author Bio:

Celebrity Astrologer Chirag Daruwalla is the son of famous astrologer Bejan Daruwalla. He is known for his detailed astrological predictions on career, health, love, finance, and business. You can visit their website bejandaruwalla.com for guidance on problems related to your life and solve your problem with the help of expert astrologer Chirag Daruwalla. For guidance on problems related to your life you can talk to Astrologer Chirag Daruwalla on Call/Whatsapp: +91 9825470377 or also mail on: info@ bejandaruwalla.com

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Nothing pops more than a statement scarlet paired with the deep hue of your henna. Get the party started with some ombre glitter tips to match the sparkle in your eye.
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Eat a rainbow of fruit and vegetables. Here’s what each colour does in our body

Coloured fruit and vegetables, herbs, spices, legumes and nuts provide us with a plethora of phytonutrients, which is a simple strategy to maximise health benefits across all age groups

antioxidant that can target the parts of your body made of lipids (or fats) such as cell membranes.

The vitamin A targets the free radicals building up around our cell membranes and other areas made of lipids, reducing the risk of cancers and heart disease.


Red fruits and vegetables are coloured by a type of phytonutrient called “carotenoids” (including ones named lycopene, flavones and quercetin but the names aren’t as important as what they do). These carotenoids are found in tomatoes, apples, cherries, watermelon, red grapes, strawberries and capsicum. These carotenoids are known as antioxidants. You will have heard this name before, but you might not remember what it means. It has something to do with “free radicals”, which you’ve also probably heard of before.

Free radicals are formed naturally in our body as a byproduct of all our usual bodily processes such as breathing and moving, but they also come from UV light exposure, smoking, air-pollutants and industrial chemicals.

Free radicals are unstable molecules that can damage proteins, cell membranes and DNA in our body. This natural but damaging process is known as oxidation or oxidative stress. This contributes to ageing, inflammation and diseases including cancer and heart disease. Importantly, antioxidants “mop up” the free radicals that form in our body. They stabilise the free radicals so they no longer cause damage.

Increasing antioxidants in your diet lowers oxidative stress and reduces the risk of many diseases including arthritis, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, stroke and cancer.


Orange fruits and vegetables also contain carotenoids, but slightly different ones to red veggies (including alpha and beta-carotene, curcuminoids, and others). These are found in carrots, pumpkins, apricots, mandarins, oranges and turmeric.

Alpha and beta-carotene are converted to vitamin A in our bodies, which is important for healthy eyes and good eyesight. Vitamin A is also an

Yellow fruit and vegetables also contain carotenoids, but they also contain other phytonutrients including lutein, zeaxanthin, meso-zeaxanthin, violaxanthin and others. These are found in apples, pears, bananas, lemons and pineapple.

Lutein, meso-zeaxanthin and zeaxanthin have been shown to be particularly important for eye health and can reduce the risk of age-related macular degeneration, which leads to blurring of your central vision.

These phytonutrients can also absorb UV light in your eyes, acting like a sunscreen for the eyes and protecting them from sun damage.

Green fruits and vegetables contain many phytonutrients including chlorophyll (which you probably remember from high school biology), catechins, epigallocatechin gallate, phytosterols, nitrates and also an important nutrient known as folate (or vitamin B9). These are found in avocados, Brussels sprouts, apples, pears, green tea and leafy vegetables. These also act as antioxidants and therefore have the benefits as described above for red veggies. But this group also provides important benefits in keeping your blood vessels healthy, by promoting something called “vasodilation”.

These phytonutrients help make our blood vessels more elastic and flexible allowing them to widen or dilate. This improves blood circulation and reduces blood pressure, reducing our risk of heart and other vessel complications and disease.

Folate is recommended before pregnancy

How can I get more veggies in my diet?

Coloured fruit and vegetables, and also herbs, spices, legumes and nuts provide us with a plethora of phytonutrients. Promoting a rainbow of fruit and vegetables is a simple strategy to maximise health benefits across all age groups. However most of us don’t get the recommended amount of fruit and vegetables each day. Here are some tips to improve your intake:

1. When doing your fruit and vegetable shopping, include a rainbow of colours in your shopping basket (frozen varieties are absolutely fine)

2. Try some new fruit and vegetables you haven’t had before. The internet has tips on many different ways to cook veggies

3. Buy different colours of the fruit and vegetables you normally eat like apples, grapes, onions and lettuces

4. Eat the skins, as the phytonutrients may be present in the skin in higher amounts

5. Don’t forget herbs and spices also contain phytonutrients, add them to your cooking as well (they also make vegetables more appealing!) (The Conversation)

because it helps reduce the risk of neural tube defects (such as spina bifida) in babies. Folate helps the development of the foetal nervous system during the first few weeks of pregnancy, as it has been shown to promote healthy cell division and DNA synthesis.

Blue and purple

Blue and purple produce contain other types of phytonutrients including anthocyanins, resveratrol, tannins and others. They are found in blackberries, blueberries, figs, prunes and purple grapes.

Anthocyanins also have antioxidant properties and so provide benefits in reducing the risk of cancer, heart disease and stroke, as explained under red fruit and veg.

More recent evidence has indicated they may also provide improvements in memory. It is thought this occurs by improving signalling between brain cells and making it easier for the brain to change and adapt to new information (known as brain plasticity).

Brown and white

Brown and white fruits and vegetables are coloured by a group of phytonutrients known as “flavones”, this includes apigenin, luteolin, isoetin and others. These are found in foods such as garlic, potatoes and bananas.

Another phytonutrient found in this colour of vegetables, particularly in garlic, is allicin. Allicin has been shown to have anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties. Most of this research is still at the lab-bench and not many clinical trials have been done in humans, but lab-based studies have found it reduces microorganisms when grown under laboratory conditions.

Allicin has also been found in systematic reviews to normalise high blood pressure by promoting dilation of the blood vessels.

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31 /hiindialive @hiindia /hiindiaNews 773.526.8353 FRIDAY, DECEMBER 2 2022 Now Medicare Advantage PPO Plans available with: મોટેલ -કન્વીનિયન્સ સ્ોર હેલ્પ શિકાગોથી એક કલાકના અંતર શિશિગન I-94 પર આવલી ફ્ચાઇઝ િોટલિા હાઉસકકશપંગ અન ફ્ટડસકન કાિ કરી િક તવા કપલની જરૂરછ. તિજ કનવીશનયનસ સટોરિા with Liquor, American & Indian Food લીકર અન િીટ સનડશવચન લગત કાિ કરી િક તવા વયક્તઓની જરૂર છ. રહવાની સગવડ આપવાિા આવિ. Franchise Motel on I-94 in Michigan need couple for Housekeeping and Front Desk, also need help for Convinence Store with Liquor, American & Indian Food and Meat Sandwiches. Accommodation will be provided. Call: 269-903-9677 (Cell) or 269-426-8300 (S) Now Medicare Advantage PPO Plans available with: BABYSITTR/HOUSEHOLD HELP નપરવિલ , ઇલલનોયમા ચાર અન એક િરના બ દીકરાઓની સભાળ, રસોઈ તમજ ઘરકામ માટ ગજરાતી બહનની જરૂર છ. વયાજબી પગાર તમજ રહિાની સગિડ આપિામા આિશ Call: (708) 688-9174 Now Medicare Advantage PPO Plans available with: MOTEL HELP Des Moines, Iowaમા આવલી ફ્ન્ાઈઝ મોટલમા ફ્નટડસ્ક તમજ હાઉસ્કીપીંગ માટ સસંગલ અથવા ્કપલની જરૂર છ. રહવાની સગવડ આપવામા આવશ. લીગલ સટટસ જરૂરી. Franchise Motel in Des Moines, Iowa needs Single or Couple for Frontdesk and Housekeeping. Accommodation will be provided. Legal Status must. Call Dipak Amin 319-601-0923 Now Medicare Advantage PPO Plans available with: રસીન -માઉન્ટ પ્ઝન્ટ , વિસ્કોનનસન ખાત (વિ્ાગકો એરપકો્ટથી માત્ર ચા્ીસ વમવન્ટના અંતર) આિ્ી 75 રૂમની મકો્ટ્મા હાઉસક્વપંગ ્પ્ તમજ કિિસ અન રાતની વિફ્ટ ્રી િ્ તિા ફ્રન્ટ ડસ્ ્્ા્ની જરૂર છ. રહિાની સગિડ આપિામા આિિ. રસ ધરાિનાર વ્યન્તઓએ સપ્ ્રિકો 75 Room Franchise Hotel in Racine-Mount Pleasant, Wisconsin (Only 40 minutes from Chicago Airport) hiring for Housekeeping Couple and Front Desk Clerk day and night shift opening. Accommodation will be provided. Interested Please call: 214-457-7733 HOTEL HELP Now Medicare Advantage PPO Plans available with: MOTEL HELP Wanted Motel Manager Couple or Single and Housekeeper for Franchise Motel in St. Louis, MO Good Salary and Accommodation Provided. CALL: 314-497-3292 or 314-330-4621 Email: Hvarma9691@gmail.com Gujarati, Hindu parents looking for a suitable match for 26 yrs. old handsome son, Ht - 5’11”, working in reputed Construction Design Firm in Los Angeles, California for a girl from Gujarati family, well educated, beautiful, slim girl from USA or Canada. Please send biodata and recent picture. MATRIMONIAL
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