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Where (else) to Learn Archery in San Diego
Girl Scouts San Diego Summer camps and troop activities www.sdgirlscouts.org
Archery House
San Elijo, North Park, Morley Field www.archeryhouse.com
Performance Archery Miramar www.performancearchery.net
LionHeart Academy
El Cajon www.lionheartsandiego.com/archery
Arrowbound Archery Morley Field (Balboa Park) www.arrowboundarchery.com
Meet Elizabeth Howe, a Lakeside 10 th grader who trains at LionHeart Academy in El Cajon. Howe holds every state record for her age group and is on the USA Archery regional team. Follow her on IG @ellie-archery.
At what age did you begin practicing archery? When did you begin instructing?
I did archery as a hobby for about a year when I was 12. I started shooting again about a year and a half ago, and then started competing a few months later. I became an instructor at Lionheart last year, which has been an amazing experience. I love getting to share my passion for archery with new students and helping them develop new skills.
What is your training regimen like?
I train as much as my schedule allows, which is usually 5-6 days a week. Sometimes it means that I’m running chemistry flashcards between ends, but I do my best to make it work.
What do you love about your sport?
Everything! The mental focus, the camaraderie, the inclusivity, the community—all of it. I used to participate in several sports, but had never been part of such a supportive community [until archery]. I think it comes down to the idea that what we are doing is hard, so we all do our best to support each other. It is a really incredible sport and I am so glad to be a part of it.
You hold every California state record in your category. How does that feel? It’s honestly kind of mind blowing! When I started competing, I had no idea where this would end up. It has been an amazing journey, and I have really enjoyed it so far.
What’s your favorite event?
Probably the SoCal Showdown in 2023. It was my first ever outdoor event, and I was really excited to give it a try. Since it is a locally hosted national event at the Olympic Training Center, I went with absolutely no expectations. It was pretty windy and rainy, which made it extra challenging, but I got a lot of support from my team, friends and coaches from Lionheart. I was able to take first in my category, which still blows my mind.
You support efforts to open an archery range in East County—any news on that?
We have been working really hard. I started a community interest petition that has close to 1,000 signatures! I have also been working with a lot of great people in the county, including in the Department of Parks and Recreation and Supervisor Joel Anderson. We have identified a potential property and the County is working on securing funding. We have a long way to go, but have made incredible progress towards opening an outdoor public archery range in East County. v
Anne Malinoski is a contributing writer who lives in Santee with her husband and two sons.