3 minute read
12 Easy Ways to Celebrate the Earth
It’s easy to let busyness of daily life push thoughts of being eco-friendly to the back burner. But caring for our planet might be easier than you think. Start small by trying one activity a month or making a few small changes.
Why it Matters
Raising earth-conscious kids has never been more important than it is today. The earth provides food, water, oxygen, clothing, shelter, medicine and more. Fostering a love for our planet helps people live longer, healthier lives—and making a difference doesn’t have to be overwhelming. This year, take the opportunity to teach kids how to appreciate and care for our planet on Earth Day and every other day.
1. Plant Something It doesn’t matter if it’s a tree, a flower or a seed. Trees help replenish oxygen, flowers promote a healthy ecosystem and growing food has a host of benefits.
2. Attend a Local Farmers Market Supporting local farms and growers is a great way to keep the earth healthy. Many of them use fewer chemicals in their growing practices, which helps keep the soil and water clean.
3. Visit a National Park Whether you plan a trip to explore every national park in person or take virtual tours, helping kids fall in love with these awe-inspiring treasures grows their appreciation for our planet and all it has to offer.
4. Recycle Try to get your recycling output to beat your trash output each week.

5. Make a Recycled Craft Use recycled items to create something beautiful or unique. Find inspiration with San Diego Family’s Earth Day projects at www.sandiegofamily.com/ for-the-kids/crafts-for-kids
6. Give It Away Instead of tossing things you don’t want or need in the trash, post gently used items in a Buy Nothing group on Facebook or take the items to a local donation center.
7. Make a Birdfeeder Cover a pinecone with a layer of peanut butter and roll it in birdseed. Hang the feeder outdoors in a safe spot from bird predators (such as a neighborhood cat).
8. Get Inspired Watch the video of poet Amanda Gorman reciting her poem, “Earthwise.”
9. Take 52 Commit to taking one hike, walk or bike ride each week for one year. Make a chart to keep track of your progress.
10. Just One Thing Swap out one plastic (or disposable) item each month for a more sustainable alternative. Ideas include reusable water bottles, travel mugs, straws, shopping bags and sandwich baggies.
11. Leave No Trace Leave No Trace is a global movement to leave the planet in its most natural state. Do a little research about Leave No Trace; then challenge the kids on your next outing to see if they can leave no trace that they were there.
12. Get Outside The best way to help kids take care of the earth is to fall in love with it. Spending time outside, enjoying beautiful creatures, foliage, mountains, beaches and sunsets is a great way to breathe fresh air and learn to love the big, beautiful planet we call home. v
Rebecca Hastings is a freelance writer.