4 minute read
Spring Clean-Up
Monthly tasks to stay ahead
Spring cleaning season is here—time to get things cleaned up, organized and repaired. But let’s be honest, bigger tasks don’t take priority when you’re busy raising a family. Many of us are lucky to get through everyday basics. I’ve been on an organizational kick lately, so I came up with a list of monthly tasks. It is less overwhelming to add one extra task a day, than trying to find a free weekend to do it all. Besides, who wants to spend an entire weekend cleaning?
Empty all backpacks (enlist help from the kids), sports bags and your purse. Throw out anything that doesn’t belong.
Download the best photos from your phone and delete any random, duplicate or blurry photos.
Clean up your email. Address the emails you’ve been saving for later, delete unneeded emails and unsubscribe from emails you’re no longer interested in.
Clean the trash cans in every room of the house. Even those lined with bags get dirty over time.
Go through the pantry, refrigerator and spice rack to check
Change filters around the house: furnace, humidifier, refrigerator, etc.
Clean the inside of the washing machine, dishwasher and oven. Most have a self-cleaning setting.
Dust baseboards and trim, then go over with a wet rag.
Vacuum out vents and air ducts. If you have pets, this is a must.
Check your credit report, credit card statements and online banking to avoid suspicious activity, unauthorized purchases and extra fees.
Check car fluids and tire pressure to avoid an emergency. expiration dates. Toss items that are no longer good.
Go through your closet and drawers. Donate items that no longer fit, are outdated or you don’t want.
Next, do the same in the kids’ closets.
Give pets their flea & tick and heartworm meds.
Get the car washed, vacuumed, and remove anything that isn’t needed inside.
Make a note of home repairs that need to be done. Schedule what you can’t do yourself and do the repairs you can.
Pull out the fridge, stove, washer and dryer and clean behind them. Vacuum, dust and clean the sides of appliances.
Buy new (and replace) all items that harbor bacteria: toothbrushes, mascara, toilet brushes, kitchen sponges, etc.
Pull the hair out of sink and tub drains. It’s a gross job, but important.
8 Organizing Podcasts to Keep You Motivated
Systemize Your Life: A working mom’s guide to staying organized with step systems
Declutter Your Chaos: Decluttering coach helps moms take control and maintain sanity
The Productive SAHM: An organizational guide to creating a daily routine
Joy Loving Home: Productivity and organization for moms with ADHD
Moms Overcoming Overwhelm: Solutions to declutter your home, head and heart
Simplified Organization: A guide to end perfectionism and manage organization cheerfully
Bliss this House: Tips and tricks for sustainable home organization
Time Matters Method: More effective and efficient ways to plan your day
Check that the fire extinguisher pressure gauge is in the operable position, that the locking pin is intact, lift it to make sure it’s still full and confirm current dates.
Take a minute to read utility bills to see if there are new fees or higher rates that need to be discussed.
Revisit your goals and revise, if necessary. Did you set a new intention, habit, New Year’s resolution or word for the year? Reflect on how it’s going so far and if any adjustments need to be made.
Balance the budget, make sure you’re on track and adjust next month, if needed.
Dust blinds and window sills.
Run uncommon errands: Go to the recycling center, drop off donations at Goodwill, return necessary items at stores, etc.
Two BONUS Monthly “Things to Do”
These are not chores, and don’t fall under spring cleaning, but they’re often overlooked in place of kids’ activities. Be sure to put these on the calendar!
Date night—while you’re scheduling things that need to be done this month, be sure to prioritize time with your significant other.
Moms night out—the same goes for time with girlfriends. It is so important to catch up with and connect with friends. v