General Media Coverage: March 28 through May 4

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Gener a l Medi aCov er a ge Ma r c h28t hr oughMa y4

byMi c ha el J a mesRoc ha , Apr i l 4, 2018

I nt hi sJ a c obsMa s t er wor k sc onc er t , t heS a nDi egoS y mphonywel c omesy oungRoma ni a nc el l i s tAndr ei I oni t a , whowi l l per f or mE ngl i s hc ompos erE dwa r dE l ga r ’ sCel l oConc er t oi nEmi nor , Op. 85undert he c onduc t i ngba t onofAmer i c a nCa s eS c a gl i one , f or mer l ya s s oc i a t ec onduc t oroft heNewY or k Phi l ha r moni c . T hec onc er t o— E l ga r ’ s na l s i gnic a ntc ompos i t i on— i s , a st hes y mphonydes c r i besi t , “ byt ur ns c on denta ndda r k l yi nt r os pec t i v ema s t er pi ec e , ar eec t i onoft hec ompos er ’ se x t r emea mbi v a l enc e a bouta nE ngl a ndf or ev era l t er edbywa r . ” T hec onc er twi l l a l s of ea t ur ewor k sbyZol t á nKoda l y( Conc er t of orOr c hes t r a ) a ndGeor geE nes c o ( Ruma ni a nRha ps odyNo. 1i nAMa j or , Op. 11) . S a nDi egoS y mphonypr es ent sE l ga rCel l oConc er t o: 8p. m. F r i da y , Apr i l 6. 8p. m. S a t ur da y , Apr i l 7. Copl eyS y mphonyHa l l a tJ a c obsMus i cCent er , 750BS t . , downt own. $20$98. ( 619) 2350804. s a ndi egos y mphony . or g

byBet hWood, Apr i l 5, 2018 I n2016, t hei na ugur a l S DS UL i v eDownt ownwa st he l a r ges toffc a mpus , nona t hl et i cev enti nt heuni v er s i t y’ s hi s t or y . T hes ol doutc onc er tr a i s ed$40, 000t os uppor t s c hol a r s hi psf ort hes c hool ’ smus i ceduc a t i ons t udent s . T heev ent ’ ss ec ondedi t i onwi l l behel dS unda y , a ga i na t Copl eyS y mphonyHa l l . T hi sy ea r ’ sv a r i edr eper t oi r ewi l l i nc l udewor k sl i k eL eona r d Ber ns t ei n’ s“ Chi c hes t erPs a l ms ” a ndBa r ber ’ sVi ol i n Conc er t o. T het wohourc onc er twi l l beper f or medby 265mus i c i a ns , s i nger sa ndda nc er s . T ha t ’ sawhol el otofmov i ngpa r t s , butS ha nnonKi t el i nger , S a nDi egoS t a t eUni v er s i t y’ sdi r ec t orof ba nds , i s n’ twor r i ed.

“ Wea r eawel l oi l edma c hi ne , ” hes a i d. “ We ’ v ewor k edha r d. T hema r c hi ngba ndbegi nst hec onc er t . T hen t heWi ndS y mphonyper f or ms . I t ’ ss ea ml es sa ndev er y t hi ngha ppensqui c k l y . ” T hec onc er ti sapa r t ner s hi pbet weenS DS U’ sS c hool ofMus i ca ndDa nc ea ndt heS a nDi egoS y mphony . S ev er a l member sofS DS U’ smus i cf a c ul t ya r ea l s os y mphonymember s .

“ We ’ r egr a t ef ul t ot hes y mphonyf ora l l owi ngust ous et hi sbea ut i f ul per f or ma nc es pa c e , ” Ki t el i ngers a i d. “ S t udent sgett heoppor t uni t yt opl a yi nawor l dc l a s sv enue . T heypl a ys owel l , t heydes er v et ha tc ha nc e .

“ T hei rey esl i ghtupa ss oona st heypl a yt he r s tnot esi nt heha l l bec a us ei t ’ ss uc hagr ea ts ound. Peopl e ma ybes ur pr i s edbyt hequa l i t yofourmus i c i a ns . T ha ts t a gel et st hem s howhowgoodt heyr ea l l ya r e . ” J a ni eHs i a o, av i ol i ni s ta ndmus i ceduc a t i onma j ora tS DS Uwhopl a y sS unda y , c a l l edhere x per i enc e per f or mi nga tt he2016ev ent “ e x hi l a r a t i ng. ” “ I ’ mr ea l l yl ook i ngf or wa r dt os eei ngt hema s s i v ea mountofpeopl ewehopewi l l bei nt hea udi enc e , ” Hs i a os a i d, “ bec a us ei ts howsusj us thowma nypeopl es uppor tus , t hea r t sa ndmus i ceduc a t i on. ” Ac c or di ngt oda t af r om l oc a l s c hool di s t r i c t s , t heuni v er s i t yes t i ma t est ha ti teduc a t esnea r l y65per c ent ofa l l mus i ct ea c her si nt hec ount y . S DS UL i v eDownt own’ sgoa l i st or a i s e$100, 000f ora nendowment f und. “ Wi t houtt hi sf und, wec oul dl os emus i ceduc a t i oni nours c hool s , ” Ki t el i ngers a i d. “ T hemoneys penton t i c k et st oS DS UL i v eDownt ownwi l l gor i ghtt ot heendowmentt ohel pc r ea t emor emus i ceduc a t or s . T hi sc a nha v eal ongt er m effec tonc ul t ur ei nt hi sa r eaf ordec a dest oc ome . ”

I na ddi t i ont oc ont r i but i ngt oa ni mpor t a ntc a us e , t heev entpr omi s est obef una ndi ns pi r i ng— ev en bef or ei ts t a r t s . Pl a nsf orpr ec onc er tmus i ci nc l udeaj a z zduoa ndens embl esofmi ddl e-a nds ec onda r y s c hool s t udent s . Ki t el i ngerwi l l c onduc tt heWi ndS y mphonydur i ngt he r s tha l foft hec onc er t , pl a y i ngbot ht r a di t i ona l a ndc ont empor a r ymus i c . Onenewerpi ec e , J i m Bonney’ s2006“ T hr enody , ” wi l l f ea t ur eS DS Uda nc er s per f or mi ngor i gi na l c hor eogr a phy . I nhonoroft hec ent enni a l ofBer ns t ei n’ sbi r t h, t hec onc er t ’ ss ec ondha l fwi l l i nc l udet wooft hef a med c ompos er ’ swor k s . A120per s onc hoi ra ndt heS DS US y mphony , c onduc t edbyMi c ha el Ger des , wi l l per f or m Ber ns t ei n’ sc hor a l c l a s s i c“ Chi c hes t erPs a l ms . ”

Roc kOuta tS UMME RCONCE RT S J AMP ACKE DWI T HAMAZI NGL I VEMUS I C L i v emus i cundert hes t a r s F r om t hebea c ht ot hemount a i ns , S a nDi egoS ummer sa r ef ul l ofa ma z i ngl i v emus i c . Whet hera ta s t a r s t uddeda mphi t hea t eroranei ghbor hoodpa r k , t her e' snobet t erwa yt os a v ors ummert ha n s pendi ngawa r m ev eni ngout door s , l i s t eni ngt oa l mos ta nyt y peofmus i c . Her e' sar undownofs omeoft hebes topt i ons , ma nyoft hem f r ee , whi c hwi l l l ea v ey out a ppi ngy our t oes .

BAYS I DES UMME RNI GHT S When: J une30-S ept ember3, 2017 T heS a nDi egoS y mphony ' sBa y s i deS ummerNi ght sf ea t ur esf ood,r ewor k sa ndf a nt a s t i cor c hes t r a l per f or ma nc esundert hes t a r sa tpi c t ur es queE mba r c a der oMa r i naPa r kS out hi ndownt ownS a nDi ego.

symphony SPRING 2018 â– $6.95



Summer Music Festivals Where Place and Music Meet

#Metoo and Classical Music

Apps in the Concert Hall

Crowdsourcing a Symphony

Remembering José Antonio Abreu (1939–2018)

The San Diego Symphony has chosen Rafael Payare as its next music director, succeeding Jahja Ling, who led the orchestra from 2004 to 2017. Payare begins a four-year contract immediately, serving as music director designate for the first year, transitioning to music director in 2019. Payare will conduct the San Diego Symphony for ten weeks each season, including performances in the Bayside Summer Nights series. Born in 1980 and a graduate of Venezuela’s El Sistema music education program, Payare began formal conducting studies in 2004 with José Antonio Abreu. He has served as principal horn of the Simón Bolívar Symphony Orchestra and as Rafael Payare its conductor. In 2012, he won first prize at the Malko Conducting Competition. He has led numerous major orchestras in the U.S. and abroad. Payare is music director of the Northern Ireland’s Ulster Orchestra, a post he will retain through June 2019. Payare is married to American cellist Alisa Weilerstein.


director of the Baltimore Symphony Orchestra, will add the chief conductor of the Vienna Radio Symphony position in September 2019.

The Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra has appointed director of artistic planning and administration. NATE BACHHUBER

INON BARNATAN has been named music director of La Jolla Music Society’s SummerFest, effective 2019.

The Virginia Symphony Orchestra has named ELIZvice president of development.


is the new executive director of the Quad City Symphony Orchestra in Iowa.


The Orchestra of St. Luke’s in New York City has appointed two new violinists, BENJAMIN BOWMAN and JESSE MILLS. The South Carolina Philharmonic has appointed marketing and public relations director. SAMANTHA BRESKE

is the new executive director of the Alabama Symphony Orchestra.


The InterSchool Orchestras of New York has named music director, effective July.


FRANCESCO LECCE-CHONG has been named music director of the Santa Rosa Symphony, effective in July. YUGA COHLER is the new music director of the Ridgefield Symphony Orchestra in Connecticut.

Anastasia Chernyavsky

Musical Chairs

Payare to Lead San Diego Symphony


Glenn Ross

José Antonio Abreu, the founder and creator of Venezuela’s Simón Bolívar Youth Orchestra and El Sistema music-education initiative, died on March 24 in Caracas. He was 78 and had been battling illness since retiring several years ago. Born on May 7, 1939, Abreu was trained as a musician and an economist. In 1975, he formed the first orchestra of what would become El Sistema, a teaching system through which the Venezuelan government supported free music education for the country’s children, most of them living in poverty. Over four decades, thousands of children went through the program, whose graduates include Gustavo Dudamel, music director of the Los Angeles League of American Orchestras President and CEO Philharmonic. The teaching model has been replicated in Europe, South Jesse Rosen (left) with José Antonio Abreu in 2008, when Abreu addressed delegates at the League’s and North America, and elsewhere. Conference in Denver, Colorado. El Sistema USA, which supports a nationwide alliance of El Sistema-inspired organizations in the United States, has invited all those with personal memories of Abreu to submit them to an online memorial. Jesse Rosen, president and CEO of the League of American Orchestras, described Abreu as “an extraordinary musician and leader who revolutionized the orchestral field’s thinking on cultural equity and on the idea of access to the arts as a basic human right. Maestro Abreu showed us how the promise of the most vibrant orchestral experience lies in opening up the connections to our common humanity. Maestro Abreu’s El Sistema has modelled just how that works, and in doing so, he has been a gift to all of us in music—a true testament to the transformational power of orchestral music.”


The Sun Valley Summer Symphony in Idaho has appointed DEREK L. DEAN executive director.

Symphony Tacoma in Washington has named KIT EVANS interim executive director.

Bassoonist REBEKAH HELLER has been appointed co-artistic director of the International Contemporary Ensemble in New York City. DAVID HYSLOP has been appointed interim president and CEO of the Omaha Symphony in Nebraska.

The Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra has appointed DIANA MARIA LARA director of communications. has been named executive director of the Boulder Philharmonic Orchestra in Colorado.


has been appointed assistant conductor of Ohio’s Columbus Symphony Orchestra and music director of the CSO’s youth orchestras, effective September 1.



has been named executive producer of Schirmer Theatrical, a subdivision of the music publishing company Music Sales Group.


GRETCHEN NIELSEN has been named executive director of From the Top, the National Public Radio show. Nielsen was previously vice president of education initiatives at the Los Angeles Philharmonic.

The Juilliard School has appointed DAVID ROBERTSON director of conducting studies, effective fall 2018.

ALFRED SAVIA , the long-time music director and conductor of Indiana’s Evansville Philharmonic, will step down at the end of the 2019-20 season.


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