PROGRAM Eugenia León ( Selections to be announced from the stage.)
Sunday, November 5 | 7:30PM
DAY OF THE DEAD CONCERT WITH EUGENIA LEÓN A City Lights Special Concert “En cada uno de nosotros, cuando la escuchamos,
vocalist Eugenia León guitar Flavio Meneses Torres piano Rosino Serrano García
la acción benéfica de Eugenia León auspicia el redescubrimiento de la capacidad de gozo… Viajero, detente: has llegado a la región más transparente del canto.” “For each one of us, when we listen,
Performance at the Jacobs Music Center's Copley Symphony Hall
there is a gift in Eugenia León that brings about a rediscovery of our capacity for delight… Traveler, search no more: you have arrived at the most diaphanous region of song” José Antonio Alcaraz
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