San Diego Woman Media Kit

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Informing, Entertaining & Featuring the Women of San Diego

San Diego Woman celebrates women throughout its pages. With articles on issues of importance to women, San Diego Woman provides a forum for all things female. San Diego Woman started over 3 years ago and soon gained popularity among local women. A change in ownership and design brings a new and improved publication with an entirely new look and feel as well as improved editorial content. With articles on health and wellness, fashion, business, lifestyle, relationships and timely topics of interest to all San Diegans, our magazine provides a breath of fresh air and a reason to sit down prop up your feet and get lost in our pages. San Diego Woman is a free bimonthly women’s regional publication. Reflective of the San Diego lifestyle, our magazine has a relaxed casual flair, yet covers important issues which face all women today. From learning how to cope with the stresses of our multi tasking lifestyles to finding the hot location for your next International getaway, San Diego Woman recognizes how diverse women are and yet how similar they can be. Our pages will include charity functions, foundations that make a difference, and women who have dedicated their lives to making San Diego, and even the world, a better place. Sit back and relax and help us to celebrate the female spirit with stories of inspiration, dedication and accomplishment.

*Women’s Regional Publications of America

How Does One Woman Create a Block Buster MagazineTenacity and Talent By Robert Tussey San Diego Woman magazine is the only women’s magazine in San Diego and it took a brave woman from New York to make it happen. Judith Habert claims she is more of a San Diegan than a New Yorker, as Rancho Bernardo has been her home for the past ten years. With a love of writing and photography, she attended St John’s University in New York to obtain a Bachelor of Science Degree in Photojournalism. Judith worked as a photographer for New York Newsday and Doubleday publishing company and spent many years freelancing for several well known entities including; the History Channel, The Girl Scouts, Canon USA, and the State of NY just to name a few. Along with her love of photography she was a wordsmith and knew that at some point in her career she needed to find a way to combine the two art forms. Judith’s business, marketing and promotional skills were sharpened working as a Recruitment and Marketing Manager for one of the largest Prudential offices in Manhattan, as corporate Liaison for Nikon USA, and as a Professional Photography Liaison for Canon USA. After relocating to San Diego, Judith found a way to combine her interests and talents and San Diego Woman Magazine was born. Ironically, the origin of the magazine was not planned. Judith was teaching classes in writing and publishing and helping potential writers recognize and hone their writing skills in the hopes of one day getting published. She also offered students insight into how to get published having authored and published two books. It was one of her former students who approached her with an idea to start a local magazine. She asked Judith if she would consider signing on as the Editor-in-Chief of this new publication. After several weeks of meetings with the publisher and a friend, who was an extremely talented graphic designer, the concept of San Diego Woman Magazine was born. The three women launched the first issue of San Diego Woman in December of 2006. The magazine was not sophisticated or glossy, but it provided a forum for local women to share their thoughts and dreams in a medium previously unavailable to them. The attention to the magazine began to grow and writers and photographers rallied to become a part of this new publication. Many of Judith’s current and former students were thrilled to be contributors to the publication and she was able to give first time writers the dream of seeing their names in print. The magazine covered topics of interest to women of all ages and ethnicities. After five issues the former publisher of the magazine decided she needed more time with her family so she decided to close down the publication. It was at this point that Judith felt devastated, as did the magazine’s creative director, Sonali Soni. The magazine was met with such excitement and interest that the thought of saying goodbye to it was just too hard. Judith started pounding the pavement trying to come up with some financial backing to revamp San Diego Woman and bring it back to the women of San Diego bigger, better, and glossier than before. “One of the first things I did was to contact the top 50 female business owners in town to ask them what they wanted to see in a women’s magazine” states Judith. She was not surprised when the answers were almost identical. “The women told me that they were sick and tired of women’s publications that focused on the fact that they were too old or too fat. For once they wanted a publication which was entertaining, educational and recognized the accomplishments of women, not one that made you feel bad after reading it” So Judith was determined to do just that. With a small amount of start-up capital and a large amount of determination, the new San Diego Woman Magazine was born and its first issue hit the newsstands in March of 2007. The look was totally different,

whereas the previous publication was on paper stock the new version was on high quality glossy stock, the page count rose from 32 pages to 52 pages (with future plans to grow to 100 or more, ) and more sophisticated distribution methods were utilized. It didn’t take long for this new publication to get noticed. The Women’s Regional Publication of America, an organization consisting of women’s magazines nationwide, bestowed two First Place Gold Medals on the new publication. They received “Best New Publication Launch” and “Best Publication Redesign.” The recognition did not stop there. Soon San Diego Woman gained media exposure with cover stories on two of the favorite women in San Diego, news anchors Carol Lebeau and Kimberly Hunt, the longest running female news anchor team in the nation. Before too long the local TV stations had picked up the newfound popularity and San Diego Woman found itself featured on the News. The response from San Diego women was phenomenal, and some of the top women in town began showing interest in San Diego Woman and what it was accomplishing for local women. Carol Lebeau, this well known and respected news anchor and women’s health advocate was so thrilled with the publication that she even signed on as a columnist with the magazine. A regular feature, “Women of Distinction” became a favorite of readers. This feature highlighted local women who have made a difference, fought back from adversity, became successful in spite of the odds, or just took the initiative to dedicate their lives to causes of importance. Some of the prominent women in town were soon contacting the magazine to become involved. San Diego Woman took up issues, focusing on local charities that didn’t have big budgets behind them to promote worthy causes, but needed a platform to make their needs heard. The Mayor’s wife, a well known philanthropist, introduced the magazine to the San Diego Center for Children and San Diego Woman ran a feature on the good that this center was doing for special needs children. San Diego Woman continues to support the Center in all of its promotional needs. Health issues, like new scanning options for breast cancer, health symposiums for women, and walks to promote healing for many women centric diseases became prominent in the publication pages . Once again, San Diego Woman and more specifically Judith Habert, received recognition for the good she was doing in town by the Mom Business Association (MBA) at their inaugural conference held at Joan Kroc Institute for Peace and Justice at the University of San Diego. Judith received the “Mompreneur of the Year Award” sponsored by MBA and National Association of Women Business Owners. So where does the magazine go from here? “We are looking towards the future. Improving every issue and making it the voice of the Women of San Diego. We are increasing our web presence and reaching out to women everywhere, to share their accomplishments and help our readers to realize that no star is out of reach. As for our hopes for the future, plans are in the works to expand the size of the publication, and the frequency (becoming a monthly publication.) We also plan to retool the website to better meet the needs of our readers and to become the home page for all San Diego Women.” Judith’s dreams for San Diego Woman do not stop there. She strongly believes that every community deserves a women’s publication and long range goals are to introduce this concept to other areas of California in the future. Right now she has developed long range goals to start an “LA Woman” and an “Orange County Woman,” but she may not stop there. San Diego Woman is a truly unique publication with a truly unique woman at the helm. It is a publication that fills a void that has long existed in San Diego, and probably in most communities across the nation. A voice for women, not a male bashing publication or an “I am woman hear me roar” magazine, but instead it provides a forum for women. To sum it up simply, you can refer to the mission statement prominently displayed below the Red, Black and White banner on each magazine cover. “Informing, Entertaining and Featuring the Women of San Diego” but perhaps they should add in Helping, Supporting and Encouraging because this is certainly what this San Diego Publication has been doing. -endHow Does One Woman Create a Block Buster Magazine-Tenacity and Talent

Why Advertise in San Diego Woman? Women purchase approximately 91% of all products and services and directly purchase or influence the purchase of 91% of all homes. With the power of the purse and the pulse of their family, women control 89% of bank accounts and influence 80% of health care decisions. Certainly, you can advertise in publications with a more broad spectrum of readership, but let’s face it, Why would you? With the above statistic in mind, it becomes an obvious choice to advertise in a publication geared directly to your target buyer. Why wouldn’t you want to get two full months of exposure for less than most magazines charge for a monthly ad? With three distribution companies monitoring our publications at our varied distribution spots throughout the city, our magazine is on the shelves for two full months. A definite bargain no matter how you look at it. Surely, you can pay more to advertise, but why would you? Our rates are considerable less than the City magazine and all national publications. We become even more of a bargain when you consider that those other publications target not only women but the entire population. To make your business a success would you not want to target the group that makes 91% of all purchasing decisions? Of course you could reach readership throughout the country, but once again...why would you? Your business is in San Diego. No other magazine in town has a readership of 60,000 women. Why waste money sending your message out to a large percentage of readers who may never even visit the area let alone your place of business? San Diego Woman is connected with the women’s market not only in San Diego, but across the country. We are a member of The Women’s Regional Publications Of America (WRPA). The WRPA is a fast growing association of publishers across the United States that inform, serve and spotlight women and the organizations, businesses, and communities that serve them. Women focused media represented by WRPA includes regional women’s magazines, websites, electronic media, directories, newsletters, and calendars. Through our membership in this association we are able to always have our finger on the pulse of what women want, and the best method to reach them. Our monthly educational teleconferences and yearly convention focus on WOMEN and only WOMEN, being certain that we are in touch with their needs, advertising statistics, and the best methods available to assure our advertisers that we know how to not only reach their target market, but sustain reader loyalty.

Reader Demographics Who do we target? I imagine that answer is obvious “Women” specifically “San Diego Women.” We are truly geared to a wide variety of women. Each issue is read by over 60,000 women in the San Diego area. Our target market is the over 30 woman, although we have even younger women who are regular readers and benefit from the experience and knowledge of our writers. Our readers are well educated and socially conscious. Our average reader is established in her career and secure in her life’s goals. She turns to San Diego Woman as the prominent resource on issues pertinent to community women. Whether she is looking for tips on finding the best surgeon, investment options or lists of volunteer and philanthropic opportunities to support, San Diego Woman can provide the answers. Even if she is just in search of some fun things to do on a girl’s night out San Diego Woman is the source. San Diego Woman concisely delivers information that is tailored just for her. Place your advertisement in San Diego Woman and grab the attention of women who are savvy in their decision making, educated, civic minded consumers who have a comfortable disposable income. These are women who do their homework and are likely to research goods and services before making major purchases, medical decisions, or vacations plans. Advertise in San Diego Woman today and target local women without wasted circulation.

Circulation San Diego Woman is everywhere that your customers go. They will have a tough time entering a place of business in the San Diego area without finding a copy of our magazine. We can be found at all major supermarkets, drug stores, health clubs, specialty stores and health/nutrition stores. Our magazine is also mailed out to some of San Diego’s most affluent neighborhoods to guarantee placement of your advertisement in the eyes of those with the most disposable income. San Diego Woman is a high gloss, high quality, free publication that makes it desirable to our female readership. No woman can pass up a bargain, and our magazine is one of the best bargains in the county.

Advertising Rates San Diego Woman is an integral part of any advertising campaign for businesses whose products and services are designed for local women. Relative to other local publications, advertisers will find San Diego Woman to be a cost-effective medium.

Sizes Full Page ½ Page 1/3 Page ¼ display Business Card

Open Rate




2,500 1,400 995 675 500

2,375 1,275 895 595 425

2,100 1,100 750 475 350

1,950 1,000 600 395 300

Premium Placement Back Cover Center Spread (2 pages) Inside Front Cover Website Ad (2 months) Other

Add 25% Add 20% Add 20% Add 20% Add 15%

Website Only Advertising Place a 1/3 page ad on our high traffic website for $499.00 for two full months of exposure.

Bi-Weekly Email Advertising Place an ad in our Bi-weekly digital newsletter sent to the desktops of 2,500 potential customers for $199.00.

Dedicated Email Blast Advertising Reach our email list of 5,000 potential customers through a dedicated email blast for $499.00 (limit one blast per month)

Special Advertising Sections Do you want to do something unique to get noticed. Ask about our “Women Mean Business” feature.

1/2 page horizontal 1/2 page vertical

Full Page

Business Card

1/4 page display 1/3 page vertical 1/3 page horizontal

San Diego Woman is 8 1/8” x 10 5/8” with an image area of 7 3/8” x 9 7/8 and is printed on high gloss 60 lb text stock. Full page 1/2 page (horizontal) 1/2 page (vertical) 1/3 page (horizontal) 1/3 page (vertical) 1/4 page display (vertical) Business Card

7 3/8” x 9 7/8” 7 3/8” x 4 9/10” 3 7/10” x 9 7/8” 7 3/8” x 3 7/10” 2 2/5” x 9 7/8” 3 7/10” x 4 9/10” 3 1/2” x 2”

Artwork Deadline The first of the month prior to each issue. * All payment is due in full with artwork submission in advance of each issue’s publication. E-mail camera ready ads to

Women Mean Business

Women Mean Business Sandra Winters Founder & CEO Corporate Solutions Sandra Winters is the founder and CEO of Corporate Solutions a virtual assistant firm that offers their services to small to midsize companies throughout the country. Sandra, a former Executive Assistant at one of the nations top Financial Institutions, recognized a void in the corporate world and created her company to fill this need. Her company which started in 2001 as a sole proprietorship now consists of over 100 qualitfied assistants available with the click of a mouse, to meet the needs of busy executives across the country. Sandra worked in corporate America for over ten years when she and her husband decided it was time to start a family. Sandra did not want to give up her freedom and the security of an additional income, so she started Corporate Solutions so she could work from home,while still having time with her newborn. She soon became extremely busy fulfilling the executive assistant need in a virtual environment She was working for clients from all over the country and even some international firms. With the workload increasing Sandra realized that there must be other women out there with similar needs who might want to share in her vision of not having to abandon the business side of their lives when motherhood approached. It was then that Sandra decided to expand her business and before long she had a full staff of corporate specialists from all over the country working in a virtual environment. Corporate Solutions is a household name among top local and national corporations and Sandra could not be happier. San Diego Woman applauds Sandra for her hard work and count her among a select group of San Diego women who mean business. For more on Sandra and Corporate Solutions, visit our website at

Women are the ultimate customer… read the secret to attracting this profitable market to your business! We know you want and need women customers. National and local research indicates that 91% of all purchasing decisions are made by women. Whether you provide medical, dental or other health services you need to reach women with your message. If you sell automobiles, financial, real estate, clothing and beauty products there is no doubt you need to reach the women of San Diego. And we are the definitive voice of San Diego women! We are the only Women’s magazine in San Diego! We have won prestigious national awards for our publication. Approximately 60,000 women read each issue of our publication. Read what some of our prominent women and advertisers of San Diego say about us:

Carol Lebeau Former News 10 Anchor says: “Judith Habert has taken “San Diego Woman” to a new level. The features are fascinating and informative. The magazine highlights women from all walks of life doing wonderful things in San Diego. The photography is first-rate…the layout creative and eye-catching. It’s simply beautiful… a “must read” in San Diego.” Mary Kay Brown, Cosmetic Advertiser says: Thanks for the great job on my advertisement! The response has been amazing! Dr. Renato Bortoluzzi, DMD, Advertiser says: Advertising in your magazine has made a definite impact in my practice. The calls keep coming in! In times of uncertainty, people mistakenly cut back on advertising. It is the one thing that can help your business become dominate. No matter what business or service you provide, this is the time to raise your profile among women consumers. Now is the time to brand your name before millions of women in San Diego. Look at the covers of our magazines and the one you have in your hand. What a class publication!

Whatever your advertising strategies are for your business, let us at San Diego Woman make them a reality. Call us today for a FREE in-house consultation and we will prove to you, not only can we best enhance your brand identity, but at prices you won’t believe!

Call us today at 760 738 8700 or Email:

A Special Testimonial from: Kimberly Hunt Anchor News 10 San Diego Judith, “Thanks so much for the beautiful article about the charitable work for which Savannah and I are involved. Your combination of talent and graciousness puts San Diego Woman in a class of its own. Quickly after you began the interview you recognized my passions. Without me even realizing it you kindly focused on what means the most to me, not a predetermined idea of what the article should be. You’re writing was beautiful, and it exactly reflected who I am. When you brought your photography, and artistic staff, to our house for the photo shoot, each and every one of them were equally as congenial and gifted. We had such a good time we would have liked for all of you to stay for dinner! Then we were blown away by the pictures. We’ve never had a better family photo. Your magazine is beautiful cover to cover. From the moment you introduced yourself, to the day the magazine arrived on newsstands… it was a pleasure to work with you. We cherish this timeless article, and we consider ourselves part of a fortunate group of people to have appeared in the pages of San Diego Woman.” Kindest Regards,

Kimberly Hunt ABC/10News

More than Just Advertising! At San Diego Woman we believe that our advertisers need more than just a rate quote. Our Marketing Manager has many years of experience in developing comprehensive marketing strategies for businesses who wish to attract more women clients, patients, or customers. For a FREE comprehensive evaluation of how to reach the women of San Diego with very powerful and successful marketing tools call 760 738 8700 or write Remember our mission is “Informing, Entertaining and Featuring the Woman of San Diego.” We are the ONLY Women’s Magazine in San Diego County.

Contact Us San Diego Woman strives to maintain a personal touch. Our Publisher/Editor-in-Chief and Creative Director are easily accessible to answer questions and address concerns pertinent to our publication.

Judith A. Habert Publisher/Editor Phone: 760 738 8700

Sonali Soni Creative director Phone: 858 354 5365

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