Sandqvist Journal N°4

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This is what inspires us 6

Sandqvist HQ, Stockholm. Anton in the photo studio.




Mirjam Johansson ART DIRECTOR


his is a bi-annual publication from Sandqvist, made by Sandqvist. We want you to get to know us, to grasp the feeling that we have for bags and accessories and share our sources of inspiration.


Erik Bredhe, Jenny Nordlander, Josef Bull, Knotan, Michelle Hammenfeldt, Märta Thisner, Sebastian Westin, Stina Pettersson. COVER


Charlotte West PRINTER


In this issue of Sandqvist Journal we celebrate our 10-year anniversary with a magazine focusing on the people we admire who have influenced us and the things we enjoy doing. For example, we love to play hockey bockey so we sent journalist Jenny Nordlander to write about Korpen, a 100-year-old folk movement dedicated to athletics. Together with amazing photographer Märta Thisner, she tells a story of fighting spirit, sister- and brotherhood and sweat, starting on page 22. Sandqvist co-owners Daniel and Sebastian have been on a paddling trip to the isolated and bear-dense wilderness around the Valmen river together with European sales manager Patrik, who is also an expert fisherman. You can also see our house photographer Knotan’s breath-taking images from the trip on page 6. More inspiration in this issue: Swedish big wall climbing legend Lars Göran Johansson tell us about conquering the vertical horror of the Norwegian Troll Wall, smart fruit-powered buoys by artist Josef Bull, pine-scented leather grease from Sandqvist’s new co-lab with Tangent GC and wordplay by artist Stina Pettersson. Happy reading!



Stockholm Swedenborgsgatan 3




Gothenburg Andra Långgatan 22

Instagram sandqvistbags



Sandqvist Bags & Items AB Brännkyrkagatan 74 118 23 Stockholm Sweden

The River Wild “Hey! I’ve mentioned your adventure to several people here and they all agree that you are mad. I don’t know what Valmen looks like upstream, but according to the ‘wise old men’ you’ll never make that journey without busting both the canoes and yourselves… Let us know how it goes. Have a good weekend!”


Northern Valmen, located in western Sweden just a stone’s throw from the Norwegian border, is an area where more animals than people have set foot. The region is said to be the densest area for bears in Sweden. Far into the Sånfjället National Park, the river winds its way, starting as small mountain streams but when the winter snow melt pours down the mountain sides, they flow


together to form raging rapids. We’ve been mulling over the idea of paddling the upper section of Valmen for several years. One day in late May we set out, defying the advice of the campground attendant. Meeting us were fallen trees, cascading streams and impermeable forests. But we also encountered beautiful wilderness with beaver lodges lining the river and birds dotting the sky above.


Sandqvist Ă— Tangent GC. Pine wood scented leather care. 20


A scent of sweat The sports movement Korpen can be seen as the definition of how Swedes see themselves: pleasant and welcoming. It’s unpretentious and the rules are clear: the important thing is not to win but to have fun together. But beneath the surface brews a competitive spirit and the desire to beat that 65-year-old biddy or the 23-year-old punk who thinks he’s a hotshot.






active members of Korpen. The largest is the soccer movement followed by hockey and table tennis but almost everything is offered, including bowling, canoeing, qi gong, curling and even the Swedish curiosity “hockey bockey” or “Korpen hockey”. Hockey bockey is bandy on an ice hockey rink, whose avid followers include Sandqvist founder Anton and several others from the company. In Sweden, the last few decades have seen a shift away from a collectivistic tradition to more individualistic perspectives on life. As a result, social associations have been closing right and left but Korpen as a concept has weathered the storm, remaining relatively steady for the last 100 years or so.

t’s getting dark. The haze creeps over the Stockholm suburb of Liljeholmen and the weather is disagreeable and cold, but inside the gym you feel welcome. Fluorescent lighting offers its charming glow, and isn’t that the smell of rubber? Rubber from the soles that pound against one of those floors that levels the playing field for everyone – young and old, light and heavy, basketball players, volleyball players and floorball players. The rubber smell mixes with body odor too. A scent of new, fresh sweat together with the old, ingrained odor released from unwashed gym clothes. It feels like I’m back in 1998. Back when I was drinking milk and watching “Baywatch” after school – wondering whether or not I could skip handball and concluding that I couldn’t. I cycled off through the woods, with a key chain as a knuckle-duster in my hand, ready to stab a rapist in the eye. Finally I arrived and then everything felt calm, like I belonged. Friends, coaches, a potential crush. The relaxed atmosphere mixed with nervous tension. I’m thinking this must be the feeling one seeks when you join Korpen. Youth and community, sweat and joy. None of the pressures that once made you want to stop playing sports.

In Liljeholmen sports hall, two 35-year old media dudes, one with a beard, the other with a mustache, walk in with wrinkled t-shirts. It is something many people have in common here: wrinkled t-shirts that have just come out after having been shoved down into a makeshift gym bag. “We never play to win a game,” says Petter. “Yes we do,” says Björn. “But most of the time we play just to stay in the top division, don’t we? This is where all the chill people are. It would really suck to move down and have to start making friends with new people.” When Björn and Petter started playing Korpen table tennis, there were three divisions in Stockholm. It’s only been five years but now there are 13. In three years, the number of

Korpen is a national association made up of hundreds of local clubs. Anyone who wants to can start a team: friends, colleagues, a whole family, elderly people, middle-aged people, teenagers, beginners or pros. It is a structured league with competitive schedules but if you just want to run around and get a workout, that’s fine too. A million of Sweden’s 9.5 million residents are





teams has grown from 16 to 114. Today they are going up against a team that they are currently tied with for fourth place, but they aren’t nervous. It’s not important how the game goes “as long as you have fun”, they say. They begin to bounce the ball to warm up. The room reserved for table tennis accommodates 16 tables, all of which are in use. Bjorn pulls a half-hearted smash against Petter who mumbles “no” when he misses the ball. On his side, Björn stifles a “yes” but fails to hide his smile. They continue to warm up. Korpen’s motto is “everyone is welcome” and this becomes extremely clear in the ping-pong hall where one interesting character after another pops up. These are people who in normal life would not run in the same social circles. Next to Björn and Petter is the Sweden’s response to Zinedine Zidane who volleys with his partner, a man with amazing red, fluffy hair and an equally amazing headband that he wears in true Björn Borg style. It is also extremely clear that table tennis is the new hipster sport. I see the same people here that I would if I were to go to the trendiest of bars in the trendiest Stockholm neighborhoods on a Saturday night. The vibe feels ridiculously obvious and familiar: the training hysteria, seeking what is homegrown and natural, making your own sausage and starting you own Korpen team – but at the same time “not caring so much”. Less ridiculously obvious is that the reigning king here is the 72-year-old Bo Andreasson. He has corkscrew curls and, along with his teammate, leads the league, and as we will soon see, will go on to win the whole thing. He has become a professional in his golden years, he says. The week after the season is over he, Berndt and Ann-Marie – friends, fans and fellow table tennis players – are flying to New Zealand in the hope that “Bosse” will win the Veteran World Championships. Swedes are known for being bad at socializing across generations, but Korpen is the wonderful exception that proves the rule. From the very beginning Korpen was related to various professional groups. At the beginning of the 20th century this meant men, who wanted to prove their merit against each other. The chimney sweeps wanted to show that they were stronger than the firefighters and the police wanted to prove they could take the cobblers. They ran, high jumped and wrestled. Everything was a bit willy-nilly, often leading to fights because there were no clear rules. Around the end of WWII, a noteworthy gentleman stepped up and took the lead. His name was Carl Albert Andersson, the social democratic chairman of the Stockholm City Council and the head of the Konsum food co-op chain. He



started the “Svenska Korporationsidrottsförbundet” (the Swedish Corporation Sports Association), “Korpen”, hence the popular name for the league. “Korpen” also means “raven” in Sweden, but the association never meant for the name to refer to the bird. Andersson was of the opinion that following WWII people needed “healthy bodies and something to hope for”. But “people” still only referred to men. Even if there were efforts to launch campaigns advertising public sporting weeks to a wider audience, Korpen’s sports and fitness activities were still tightly linked to the workplace. It wasn’t until the 1950’s that someone came up with the idea that women might also benefit from getting exercise and started a campaign promoting “vitality for women” where housewives were encouraged to engage in gymnastics. The concept of “family fitness” was introduced as part of this movement and Korpen had its major breakthrough. During the 80s the association’s influence grew even further when spinning indoor cycling and fitness classes became popular. After a dip in popularity during the economic crisis of the 90s, Korpen picked up again and succeeded in attracting the 16-25 year-old demographic. In just a few years, it has gone from having 1,500 youth members to 250,000.



point that they were actually shouting. And didn’t Björn get a crazy look in his eyes as his face grew more and more red, more and more sweaty? There was also a lot of talk about how the team that they would face would be tougher to beat since they save their best players until the end of the season, something many in the association look down upon. “But you can do whatever the hell you want since this is Korpen!” one of the players said a little aggressively when the subject came up.

We are on new classic Korpen grounds – the dirt fields of the Stockholm suburb of Skarpnäck. It’s almost summer, almost warm and the sun even shines once in awhile. The time is 6:10 p.m., five minutes until the match starts, but only three players from Afrika FC (the team plays in the women’s fourth division) have turned up. “It’s Korpen, you know, not so fussy. The important thing is not to win.” One is jogging in place; the other is checking Facebook on her phone. “What set-up should we use then?” jewelry designer Rut-Malin asks the others. “Shall we try the 2-2-2 this time?” “What the hell, let’s try it,” says Lisa, who is an agent for illustrators and designers. It’s now 6:13 p.m. and four more people have shown up. There are now enough people for a full team: six field players plus a goalkeeper. The referee shouts that it’s time, and the players trot out on the field. Five minutes into the game Afrika FC has the fantastic sum of three substitutes. This is not nearly as oddball as the table tennis in Liljeholmen, equally as hipster, but with less of an age gap. Several times during the game opponents find that they know each other. There are shots, goalkeeper saves, and greetings: “Hi there! How’s it going?” Afrika FC is behind 1–0 when the second half kicks off and gradually the mood changes. Suddenly, nobody is saying anything to anyone else. Now it’s game time.

I decide to do a quantitative study based on whomever I can get in touch with on Facebook. And without a single exception, the responses confirm what I have just realized. All this bountiful glory is a scam! Here are some quotes from the flood of messages that came pouring into my inbox when I asked the question “What does Korpen mean to you?”:


“It’s extremely serious. People have gotten into fist fights on the field, someone spat in my teammate’s face last Sunday and legs have been broken.” “Eventually you realize the dream of becoming a new Brolin, Zlatan or Gareth Southgate (!) is meaningless – that’s when Korpen becomes an important part of your life.”

“People have such freaking expensive equipment. We play at a small sports center with shitty targets, but the guys still have some sort of an aerodynamically calculated super stick for SEK 1,500 (USD 200).”

The forward Elin, a communications professional, suddenly finds herself in a situation alone with just the ball and the opposing team’s goalkeeper. Hot on her heels is another player from BK Benbrott (Team Bone Crushers). The dirt fields of Skarpnäck have likely never seen such speed. In a cloud of dust all three of them collide and one of them, or maybe all three, howls. Blood is running down the goalkeeper’s leg. A penalty is called, then play resumes. The match ends 2–1 in favor of BK Benbrott and the mood is subdued. Everyone goes straight to the bus and heads home. But wait a minute. This is Korpen! It doesn’t matter, because you had fun, right? Suddenly I remember the evening of table tennis in a new light. I can hear Petter and Björn’s repressed sounds during their game as they became louder and louder the closer they got to the end. It got to the

“Everyone who plays Korpen dreams of a professional career (no one wants to admit this, but everyone does) and when the referee blows the whistle people start pushing their limits and get injured.” “You might not always invite those who are bad to come and play…” So the definition of Korpen is the epitome of how we Swedes want to see ourselves. And what Korpen actually is, is also what we are. Welcoming – but actually not very. Open – but not very. Pleasant, shy and polite. No, not very.



Josef Bull is a Swedish artist living in New York. His art often uses outdoor technology and explores how materials carry information about our culture and modern society. On view is “Fruit Battery Buoys�, 2012. The buoys are equipped with LED lights powered by fruit. The electricity is generated from acidic juice and transmitted through zinc, copper plates and common alligator clamp wires. Battery life: approximately two days. 34


“Should we keep going or turn around?” Lars-Göran Johansson is the climbing legend who in 1978 forged his own path, the Swedish route, up the vertical Trollveggen, or “the Troll Wall”. Located in western Norway, this 1100-meter high cliff is one of the most well known big walls in the world. Here is Lars-Göran’s own story. WORDS BY ERIK BREDHE





don’t remember when I first heard about the Troll Wall. It was just one of those mountains that all climbers knew about. In the 1960s, English and French climbers competed to reach the the top first, resulting in the “English route” and the “French route”. At the time those were the only routes, but we wanted to find our own. My climbing buddy Tommy Nilsson and I stood by the foot of the mountain for several days with our binoculars, studying the grey wall that shot straight up into the sky. Then we set out. On our first attempt, in 1977, after five days of climbing, we were forced to stop half way up and rappel down the 600 hundred meters we had come. The weather was terrible and our packs were too heavy. But the trip wasn’t in vain. Next year when we tried again we had a better idea of what the mountain looked like. Now we also knew that we could find snow to melt for drinking water. On June 17 1978 we tried again.

In June, the sun never really sets in this part of Norway. After a 20-hour climb, around 2 a.m., we could finally catch our breath on a gravelly mountain ledge. We had a meal consisting of tea, rosehip soup, ham and root mash and fell asleep securely tied to a rock on the ledge. I don’t remember what I dreamt about that night but I woke up around lunch the next day to a grey and gloomy sky, partly obscured by an equally grey, triangular overhang 200 meters up. Getting past this huge rock was just one of today’s challenges. Then disaster struck our climbing party. After three pitches, the shoulder strap on my backpack snapped and the bag disappeared down into the misty depths. Thoughts raced through my head: Why had I insisted on using my old semi-broken backpack? And what was in it? Slowly I started to realize that the bag actually contained not only all of my bivouac equipment, but also my camera and mine and Tommy’s

A unique series of spires and pinnacles are formed along the summit rim of The Troll Wall. Legend has it that the trolls who once inhabited these mountains were enternally petrified for their sins – and now stand here overlooking every climber who attempts to conquer the great wall.

Hanging on to hope. Lars-Göran Johansson gets a few hours of well deserved sleep after five days of climbing during their first attempt to reach the top. The next morning, he and his climbing partner, Tommy Nilsson, are forced to retreat due to bad weather and overpacking. 38

“Suddenly it’s bright outside and the sun breaks through the clouds. At the same time, the rain subsides. I peek out from under the tent flap and am privy to the most fantastic sight. Below me, maybe 500 meters down, is a wooly cloud cover, illuminated by the sun from above. The mountain sticks up through the clouds. Romsdalshorn, Venjetinden and all of the other peaks. From up here, Trollveggen is sunlit. The cliff is dripping with moisture, it’s still drizzling. It’s 4 a.m.” July 27, 1977, excerpt from Lars-Göran Johansson’s climbing journal

To the right stands the huge vertical cliff that is the Troll Wall. Early mornings, between 3–5 a.m., is the only time when the mountain is fully illuminated by the sun. On the other side of the valley stands Romsdalshorn, another popular destination for climbers. 40


rainwear. Was it even possible to continue now? A gentle, quiet drizzle started to fall while we stared down into the fog. We decided to push on a bit further. Turning back would mean giving up on this trip for the year – maybe giving up on it forever. In the face of these facts, we agreed to at least see what the next rope length looked like. And then, suddenly, our luck turned: I found my old Fjällräven jacket that I had left the year before in a heap on a gravel ledge. It would now have to serve as both sleeping bag and protective garment. But we were still far from the top. One of the water bottles had crashed down with the backpack, so for the next 24 hours we only had one liter of water between the two of us. I remember being curled up on an outcrop, sucking on small icicles while showers of stones and moss tumbled down around me. Tommy was pushing on further above me. All of this I saw though a haze, and was so exhausted at this point that I kept dozing off every now and then. It started to feel as if we had been climbing this wall since the beginning of time and would keep doing so through all eternity while the sun spun round and round over our heads. We could see the top of the ridge 100 meters up, but our two attempts to reach it failed, as the paths we took turned out to lead nowhere, and we were forced to retreat. But then we found lighter terrain. At 4 a.m. on the morning of June 21st, we finally reached the top. It had now been 40 hours of climbing since the last time we slept. We were both so exhausted that we just crawled up over the ridge, collapsed right there on the slope and fell asleep.

Lars-Göran Johansson topped out his own route on Trollveggen on June 21 1978 after climbing for 60 hours. He has not climbed the mountain since then, but the Swedish route is still in use. In the last few decades, some of the mountain face has eroded, but the route still winds it’s way up the kilometer long rock wall. Sandqvist created the backpack Lars-Göran in 2012 as a tribute to the climbing legend.

Opposite page: The last photograph taken of the backpack that was lost down into the depths. This page: An exhausted but happy Tommy Nilsson admires the view from the top of the Troll Wall after successfully reaching it in June 1978. 42


Stina Pettersson is a visual artist based in Gothenburg. She works mainly with textual art, installations and booklets. On view is “Air, tree mountain,� a text piece playing with and deconstructing a classical landscape image.

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RUNE 2007

MERYL 2007

Ten years of Sandqvist Why aren’t there any laptop bags that are smart, durable, laid back and don’t make you look like an office drone? That question was the impetus for Sandqvist Bags & Items. Anton Sandqvist tells the tale of the journey that started with him sitting by himself in basement sewing in 2004. Ten years later he is the founder of a company with 11 employees that sells bags and accessories to 350 stores in 30 countries.

How did you get into bags, of all things? “In 2004, I was working as a civil engineer at a multinational tech company. I always carried my laptop with me, but I never found a computer bag that I liked. I was already a bit vain, so I wanted something that would be attractive and durable but still reasonably priced. I decided to make a bag myself. The first version was in gray tarpaulin and the handle was made from a seat belt. People seemed to like it.”

How did you get out of the basement and into a successful company? “In 2006, I decided this needed to be more than just a hobby.

STEVE 2010

JACK 2009

OTTO 2009

ROALD 2009

My brother Daniel Sandqvist and our mutual childhood friend Sebastian Westin joined the company. They had published a lifestyle magazine and had the experience and contacts in the fashion world that I lacked completely. We wanted to do fashion, but our backgrounds were in nature, in the Swedish craft tradition and outdoors.”

original design. She made it in a very light material similar to our current Lightweight series. Karin was ahead of her time, but I didn’t like that flimsy, baggy feel so I kept the shape but switched the material to heavy 18 oz canvas and belt leather.”

Where do you get your inspiration?

“There are so many things so it is impossible to pick one in particular. I have joined Friday prayers with thousands of people in a mosque in Delhi, eaten fried cockscomb with the councilor of Dongguan, met with fashion buyers while bottle-feeding my seven-month-old baby, skateboarded naked downhill for a photo shoot and lots of other stuff. Somehow the old saying ’It’s not the destination, but the journey that counts’ is quite appropriate.”

“We are all outdoor enthusiasts who are happiest when we are out in the wild. We wanted to make everyday products inspired by nature that work just as well in the city as they do in the mountains or beside a river. They should be durable and reliable with a focus on functionality. At the same time, we don’t want to drown in technical features. Our Swedish heritage, quite simply.”

What’s the most memorable thing that happened to you in the last ten years?

So you just started sewing and made a bag? “I found an industrial sewing machine online and bought it mainly for fun. I’ve always been handy and took sewing lessons at school. When I was a teenager in Glanshammar in the 80s there were a lot of patchwork jeans around. I tried my hand at piecing together my own clothes.”

STINA 2010



STIG 2011

Now, ten years after you started, Sandqvist has around 200 different products in its line. Is the first computer bag still closest to your heart or do you have another favorite? “I have a special relation to Roald, as it was the first backpack we made and probably one of the first vintage inspired backpacks using heavy cotton canvas combined with leather. It is a true Sandqvist original and I still use a very early sample that has become nicely bleached and patinated over the years. Karin Malm who freelanced for us back in 2007 made the

HANS 2011

BOB 2013

Looking ahead, what’s your dream for Sandqvist for the next decade? “Being modest as many Swedes are, my dream is not to build an empire but to make bags that people love and that will last a long time. I also want to have great fun at work, be a good employer for our staff and to the workers who make our bags and thereby also provide a livelihood for their families. Hopefully I can also make a good living for my family and myself. But wherever we will end up, only the future can tell.”

OSKAR 2013

HUGO 2014




CANVAS ORIGINALS All of our canvas products are made of highly durable, heavy duty 18 oz cotton canvas and have details in thick tooling leather.




36 × 50 × 22 CM

50 × 36 × 22 CM

50 × 36 × 22 CM

Canvas backpack with details in cognac brown leather. One inner pocket. Adjustment straps on the sides for compression. Sewn from just two pieces – inspired by WW1 military backpacks.

Canvas backpack with details in dark brown leather. One inner pocket. Adjustment straps on the sides for compression. Sewn from just two pieces – inspired by WW1 military backpacks.

Canvas backpack with details in dark brown leather. One inner pocket. Adjustment straps on the sides for compression. Sewn from just two pieces – inspired by WW1 military backpacks.

TORBJÖRN BLACK 62 × 38 × 24 CM Canvas travel trunk with details and handle in black leather. One outer pocket with flap cover and one inner pocket. Gray lining. Adjustable, removable shoulder strap.









48 × 36 × 24 CM

48 × 36 × 24 CM

36 × 28 × 8 CM

36 × 28 × 8 CM

30 × 42 × 20 CM

30 × 42 × 20 CM

56 × 33 × 18

25 × 41 × 19 CM

Canvas weekend bag with details in dark brown leather. Two outer and one inner pocket. Metal YKK zipper closure. Adjustable, removable shoulder strap. Water resistant cordura bottom.

Canvas messenger bag with details in black leather. Two open inner pockets. Inner sleeve for a 13" laptop. Gray lining. Adjustable shoulder strap.

Canvas backpack with details in cognac brown leather. Two outer pockets and one inner pocket. Inner sleeve for a 15" laptop. Gray lining.

Canvas backpack with details in cognac brown leather. Two outer pockets and one inner pocket. Inner sleeve for a 15" laptop. Gray lining.

Canvas weekend bag with details in cognac brown leather. Two outer and one inner pocket. Metal YKK zipper closure. Adjustable, removable shoulder strap. Water resistant cordura bottom.

BOB BLUE 28 × 36 × 14 CM Canvas backpack with details in cognac brown leather. Two outer bellow pockets on the sides. Inner sleeve for a 15" laptop. Gray lining.

BOB OLIVE 28 × 36 × 14 CM Canvas backpack with details in dark brown leather. Two outer bellow pockets on the sides. Inner sleeve for a 15" laptop. Gray lining.

Canvas messenger bag with details in cognac brown leather. Two open inner pockets. Inner sleeve for a 13" laptop. Gray lining. Adjustable shoulder strap.

Canvas tote bag with details in dark brown leather. One outer pocket and one inner zipper pocket. YKK zipper closure. Water resistant cordura bottom.






30 × 41 × 14 CM

56 × 30 × 30 CM

25 × 41 × 19 CM

25 × 41 × 19 CM

25 × 41 × 19 CM

Canvas backpack with details in cognac brown leather. One inner zipper pocket. Inner sleeve for a 13" laptop. Gray lining.

Canvas backpack with details in cognac brown leather. One inner zipper pocket. Inner sleeve for a 13" laptop. Gray lining.

Canvas backpack with flap cover and details in black leather. One inner zipper pocket. Inner sleeve for a 15" laptop. Gray lining. Leather shoulder straps.

Canvas cylinder gym bag with details in cognac brown leather. One outer zipper pocket. YKK zipper closure. Adjustable removable shoulder strap.

Canvas backpack with details in black leather. One inner zipper pocket. Inner sleeve for a 13" laptop. Gray lining.

Canvas backpack with details in black leather. One inner zipper pocket. Inner sleeve for a 13" laptop. Gray lining.

STIG MULTI BLUE/GRAY 25 × 41 × 19 CM Canvas backpack with details in cognac brown leather. One inner zipper pocket. Inner sleeve for a 13" laptop. Gray lining.








40 × 27 × 12 CM

40 × 27 × 12 CM

26 × 41 × 11,5 CM

26 × 41 × 11,5 CM

25 × 41 × 19 CM

25 × 41 × 19 CM

25 × 41 × 19 CM

25 × 41 × 19 CM

Canvas messenger bag with details in cognac brown leather. Two open pockets and one zipper pocket inside. Inner sleeve for a 15" laptop. Gray lining. Adjustable, removable shoulder strap in canvas with shoulder patch in leather.

Canvas messenger bag with details in dark brown leather. Two open pockets and one zipper pocket inside. Inner sleeve for a 15" laptop. Gray lining. Adjustable, removable shoulder strap in canvas with shoulder patch in leather.

Canvas backpack with details in cognac brown leather. One outer zipper pocket. Inner sleeve for a 13" laptop. Gray lining. YKK zipper closure.

Canvas backpack with details in cognac brown leather. One inner zipper pocket. Inner sleeve for a 13" laptop. Gray lining.

Canvas backpack with details in cognac brown leather. One inner zipper pocket. Inner sleeve for a 13" laptop. Gray lining.

Canvas backpack with details in dark brown leather. One inner zipper pocket. Inner sleeve for a 13" laptop. Gray lining.

Canvas backpack with details in cognac brown leather. One inner zipper pocket. Inner sleeve for a 13" laptop. Gray lining.

Canvas backpack with details in black leather. One outer zipper pocket. Inner sleeve for a 13" laptop. Gray lining. YKK zipper closure.






36 × 31 × 12,5 CM

36 × 31 × 12,5 CM

26 × 41 × 11,5 CM

26 × 41 × 11,5 CM

34 × 40 × 15 CM

Canvas briefcase with details in cognac brown leather. Two large and two small outer pockets. Three inner pockets. Inner sleeve for a 15" laptop. Gray lining. YKK zipper closure. Adjustable, removable shoulder strap.

Canvas briefcase with details in dark brown leather. Two large and two small outer pockets. Three inner pockets. Inner sleeve for a 15" laptop. Gray lining. YKK zipper closure. Adjustable, removable shoulder strap.

Canvas backpack with details in cognac brown leather. One outer zipper pocket. Inner sleeve for a 13" laptop. Gray lining. YKK zipper closure.

Canvas 1950’s style factory bag with handles and details in cognac brown leather. Two inner zipper pockets. Gray lining. Adjustable, removable shoulder strap. Designed in collaboration with vintage store Herr Judit.

Canvas backpack with details in black leather. One outer zipper pocket. Inner sleeve for a 13" laptop. Gray lining. YKK zipper closure.


URBAN OUTDOOR Urban style meets outdoor functionality. The Urban Outdoor series all uses the same highly durable and waterproof 1000 denier Nylon 6.6 Cordura™ as outer material.




25 × 38,5 × 12 CM

25 × 38,5 × 12 CM

49 × 38 × 22 CM

Cordura backpack with details in cognac brown leather. One inner zipper pocket. Inner sleeve for a 13" laptop. Gray lining.

Cordura backpack with details in cognac brown leather. One inner zipper pocket. Inner sleeve for a 13" laptop. Gray lining.

Cordura weekend bag with details in black leather. Three outer zipper pockets and one inner zipper pocket. Gray lining. YKK zipper closure. Adjustable, removable shoulder strap. Padded bottom and straps for size adjustment.

HARRY BLUE 49 × 38 × 22 CM Cordura weekend bag with details in cognac brown leather. Three outer zipper pockets and one inner zipper pocket. Gray lining. YKK zipper closure. Adjustable, removable shoulder strap. Padded bottom and straps for size adjustment.









42 × 30 × 13 CM

42 × 30 × 13 CM

29 × 40 × 13 CM

29 × 40 × 13 CM

40 × 43 × 9 CM

40 × 43 × 9 CM

37 × 12 × 9 CM

37 × 12 × 9 CM

Cordura reporter bag with handles and details in black leather. Two outer zipper pockets and two large compartments inside – one for a 17" laptop. Gray lining. Adjustable, removable shoulder strap.

Cordura reporter bag with handles and details in cognac brown leather. Two outer zipper pockets and two large compartments inside – one for a 17" laptop. Gray lining. Adjustable, removable shoulder strap.

Cordura roll top backpack with details in black leather. One outside zipper pocket and two vertical zip entries on the sides. Inner sleeve for a 17" laptop. Gray lining. YKK zipper closure. Adjustable shoulder straps can be concealed in back pocket.

Cordura roll top backpack with details in cognac brown leather. One outside zipper pocket and two vertical zip entries on the sides. Inner sleeve for a 17" laptop. Gray lining. YKK zipper closure. Adjustable shoulder straps can be concealed in back pocket.

Cordura hiking backpack with details in cognac brown leather. Two large outer zipper pockets and one inner zipper pocket. Inner sleeve for a 15" laptop. Gray lining.

Cordura hiking backpack with details in cognac brown leather. Two large outer zipper pockets and one inner zipper pocket. Inner sleeve for a 15" laptop. Gray lining.

Cordura Bumbag with strap and details in black leather. One big and one small compartment, both with zipper closure. Belt adjustable between 85–112 cm.

Cordura Bumbag with strap and details in cognac brown leather. One big and one small compartment, both with zipper closure. Belt adjustable between 85–112 cm.








38 × 27 × 12 CM

38 × 27 × 12 CM

38 × 27 × 12 CM

38 × 27 × 12 CM

31 × 14 × 7,5 CM

31 × 14 × 7,5 CM

28 × 46 × 21 CM

28 × 46 × 21 CM

Cordura backpack with details in cognac brown leather. Two side pockets and one outer lid pocket. Inner sleeve for a 15" laptop. Gray lining. Suitable for heavy loads with wide, ergonomic shoulder straps.

Cordura backpack with details in cognac brown leather. Two side pockets and one outer lid pocket. Inner sleeve for a 15" laptop. Gray lining. Suitable for heavy loads with wide, ergonomic shoulder straps.


Cordura messenger bag with details in black leather. One zipper pocket and two open pockets inside. Inner sleeve for a 15" laptop. Gray lining. Removable cross strap.

Cordura messenger bag with details in cognac brown leather. One zipper pocket and two open pockets inside. Inner sleeve for a 15" laptop. Gray lining. Removable cross strap.

Cordura messenger bag with details in cognac brown leather. One zipper pocket and two open pockets inside. Inner sleeve for a 15" laptop. Gray lining. Removable cross strap.

Cordura messenger bag with details in dark brown leather. One zipper pocket and two open pockets inside. Inner sleeve for a 15" laptop. Gray lining. Removable cross strap.

Cordura bumbag with details in cognac brown leather. One outer zipper pocket. Gray lining. YKK zipper closure.

Cordura bumbag with details in cognac brown leather. One outer zipper pocket. Gray lining. YKK zipper closure.









28 × 46 × 16 CM

28 × 46 × 16 CM

28 × 46 × 16 CM

28 × 46 × 16 CM

40 × 28 × 7 CM

40 × 28 × 7 CM

30 × 50 × 20 CM

30 × 50 × 20 CM

Cordura backpack with details in cognac brown leather. One outer lid pocket. Inner sleeve for a 15" laptop. Gray lining. Suitable for heavy loads.

Cordura backpack with details in cognac brown leather. One outer lid pocket. Inner sleeve for a 15" laptop. Gray lining. Suitable for heavy loads.

Cordura backpack with details in cognac brown leather. One outer lid pocket. Inner sleeve for a 15" laptop. Gray lining. Suitable for heavy loads.

Cordura backpack with details in cognac brown leather. One outer lid pocket. Inner sleeve for a 15" laptop. Gray lining. Suitable for heavy loads.

Cordura laptop bag with handles and details in black leather. Two flat outer pockets with press button closure. One zipper pocket and two open pockets inside. Inner sleeve for a 15" laptop. Adjustable, removable shoulder strap.

Cordura backpack with details in black leather. Two outer bellow pockets on the sides, one outer lid pocket and a vertical zipper pocket on the front. Inner sleeve for a 17" laptop. Gray lining. Suitable for heavy loads with wide, ergonomic shoulder straps and removable waist strap.

Cordura backpack with details in black leather. Two outer bellow pockets on the sides, one outer lid pocket and a vertical zipper pocket on the front. Inner sleeve for a 17" laptop. Gray lining. Suitable for heavy loads with wide, ergonomic shoulder straps and removable waist strap.






28 × 46 × 16 CM

28 × 46 × 16 CM

28 × 46 × 16 CM

Cordura backpack with details in cognac brown leather. One outer lid pocket. Inner sleeve for a 15" laptop. Gray lining. Suitable for heavy loads.

Cordura backpack with details in cognac brown leather. One outer lid pocket. Inner sleeve for a 15" laptop. Gray lining. Suitable for heavy loads.

Cordura backpack with details in cognac brown leather. One outer lid pocket. Inner sleeve for a 15" laptop. Gray lining. Suitable for heavy loads.

25 × 38,5 × 12 CM Cordura backpack with details in black leather. One inner zipper pocket. Inner sleeve for a 13" laptop. Gray lining.

40 × 28 × 7 CM Cordura laptop bag with handles and details in black leather. Two flat outer pockets with press button closure. One zipper pocket and two open pockets inside. Inner sleeve for a 15" laptop. Adjustable, removable shoulder strap.

Cordura laptop bag with handles and details in cognac brown leather. Two flat outer pockets with press button closure. One zipper pocket and two open pockets inside. Inner sleeve for a 15" laptop. Adjustable, removable shoulder strap.

WAXED CANVAS A completely new series of bags using a durable, waxed cotton canvas quality in heavy 18 oz weight. The bags have a water repellent effect and are outfitted with a waterproof cordura bottom.




28 × 36 × 14 CM

45 × 35 × 22 CM

40 × 27 × 12 CM


Waxed canvas backpack with details in dark brown leather. Two outer bellow pockets on the sides. Inner sleeve for a 15" laptop. Gray lining. Water resistant cordura bottom.

Waxed canvas weekend bag with details in dark brown leather. One outer pocket and two inner pockets. Gray lining. Metal YKK zipper closure. Adjustable, removable shoulder strap. Water resistant cordura bottom.

Waxed canvas messenger bag with details in dark brown leather. Two open pockets and one zipper pocket inside. Inner sleeve for a 15" laptop. Gray lining. Adjustable, removable shoulder strap. Water resistant cordura bottom.

Waxed canvas washbag with dark brown leather hanger. One outer zipper pocket and four inner pockets. Gray nylon lining. YKK zipper closure.

LIGHTWEIGHT SERIES Bags made of light, strong and water repellent ripstop polyester. These bags can all be compressed to fit into the small pocket bags that are included.




47 × 31,5 × 23 CM

34 × 39 × 14,5 CM

28 × 42 × 19 CM

Ripstop trunk in 100% nylon with black leather details. Zipper pocket on the side. Nylon zipper closure. Can be folded and stuffed into a small pouch which is included.

Ripstop totebag in 100% nylon with black leather details. Nylon zipper closure. Can be folded and stuffed into a small pouch which is included.

Ripstop backpack in 100% nylon with black leather details. Nylon zipper closure. Can be folded and stuffed into a small pouch which is included.

MADE IN SWEDEN SERIES A small quantity series of bags handmade in Sweden, using the finest Italian vegetable tanned leather. Take good care of your Made in Sweden bag and you will have a long time friend to follow you through thick and thin.




35 × 25 × 2,5 CM

35 × 25 × 2,5 CM

40 × 27 × 8 CM

40 × 27 × 8 CM

Leather briefcase in black leather with black stitching. Two large compartments insde, one for a laptop up to 14" or our laptop case Anders. Pen holders and two small compartments on the middle wall. Adjustable, removable shoulder strap.

Leather briefcase in cognac brown leather with brown stitching. Two large compartments inside, one for a laptop up to 14" or our laptop case Anders. Pen holders and two small compartments on the middle wall. Adjustable, removable shoulder strap.

Leather laptop case in black leather with black stitching. Suitable for a 13" laptop. Fits perfectly inside the Magnus briefcase from the same series.

Leather laptop case in cognac brown leather with brown stitching. Suitable for a 13" laptop. Fits perfectly inside the Magnus briefcase from the same series.


LEATHER CLASSICS Our Leather Classics are bags made of vegetable tanned leather of very high quality. These bags will age and become even more beautiful over time if properly cared for.




42 × 30,5 × 12 CM

42 × 30,5 × 12 CM

35 × 40,5 × 11 CM

Leather handbag with metal details. Fits a 15" laptop. Two inside zipper pockets. Metal YKK zipper closure. Adjustable, removable shoulder strap.

Leather handbag with metal details. Fits a 15" laptop. Two inside zipper pockets. Metal YKK zipper closure. Adjustable, removable shoulder strap.

Leather shopper. Two inner zipper pockets. Adjustable, removable shoulder strap.








35,5 × 29 × 8 CM

35,5 × 29 × 8 CM

35,5 × 29 × 8 CM

32 × 36 × 11 CM

30 × 42 × 20 CM

30 × 42 × 20 CM

48 × 30 × 22 CM

Leather briefcase. Inner sleeve for a 13" laptop. One front pocket under the lid and one inner zipper pocket. Gray lining. Removable straps. Can also can be carried as a backpack.

Leather briefcase. Inner sleeve for a 13" laptop. One front pocket under the lid and one inner zipper pocket. Gray lining. Removable straps. Can also can be carried as a backpack.

Leather briefcase. Inner sleeve for a 13" laptop. One front pocket under the lid and one inner zipper pocket. Gray lining. Removable straps. Can also can be carried as a backpack.

Leather totebag. One outer and one inner pocket. Metal YKK zipper closure. Adjustable, removable shoulder strap.

Leather backpack. One outer and one inner pocket. Inner sleeve for a 15" laptop. Gray lining. Adjustable shoulder straps.

Leather backpack. One outer and one inner pocket. Inner sleeve for a 15" laptop. Gray lining. Adjustable shoulder straps.

Leather weekend bag. One outer and one inner pocket. Metal YKK zipper closure. Adjustable, removable shoulder strap.

GABRIELLA BLACK 35 × 40,5 × 11 CM Leather shopper. Two inner zipper pockets. Adjustable, removable shoulder strap.

JOHN COGNAC BROWN 48 × 30 × 22 CM Leather weekend bag. One outer and one inner pocket. Metal YKK zipper closure. Adjustable, removable shoulder strap.








43 × 30 × 9 CM

43 × 30 × 9 CM

43 × 30 × 9 CM

43 × 30 × 9 CM

35 × 39 × 8 CM

35 × 39 × 8 CM

36 × 27 × 7 CM

Leather tote bag. One inner pocket. Leather strap closure. Handle length 60 cm – suitable to carry over the shoulder.

Leather tote bag. One inner pocket. Leather strap closure. Handle length 60 cm – suitable to carry over the shoulder.

36,5 × 24 × 8 CM




Leather briefcase. One outer pocket and one inner canvas zipper pocket. Adjustable, removable shoulder strap.

37 × 28 × 10 CM

37 × 28 × 10 CM

33 × 21 × 7 CM

33 × 21 × 7 CM

Leather shoulder bag. One outer and one inner zipper pocket. Metal YKK zipper closure. Adjustable, removable shoulder strap. Removable leather keyring strap.

Leather shoulder bag. One outer and one inner zipper pocket. Metal YKK zipper closure. Adjustable, removable shoulder strap. Removable leather keyring strap.

Leather briefcase. One outer zipper pocket and several inner pockets. Inner sleeve for a 15" laptop. Gray lining. Metal YKK zipper closure. Adjustable, removable shoulder strap.

Leather briefcase. One outer zipper pocket and several inner pockets. Inner sleeve for a 15" laptop. Gray lining. Metal YKK zipper closure. Adjustable, removable shoulder strap.

Leather briefcase. One outer zipper pocket and several inner pockets. Inner sleeve for a 15" laptop. Gray lining. Metal YKK zipper closure. Adjustable, removable shoulder strap.




18,5 × 14,5 × 6 CM

18,5 × 14,5 × 6 CM

18,5 × 14,5 × 6 CM

Leather shoulder bag. Two open inner pockets and one inner zipper pocket. Metal YKK zipper closure. Removable leather shoulder strap. Removable leather keyring strap.

Leather shoulder bag. Two open inner pockets and one inner zipper pocket. Metal YKK zipper closure. Removable leather shoulder strap. Removable leather keyring strap.

Leather shoulder bag. Two open inner pockets and one inner zipper pocket. Metal YKK zipper closure. Removable leather shoulder strap. Removable leather keyring strap.

Leather briefcase. One outer zipper pocket and several small inner pockets. Inner sleeve for a 15” laptop. Gray lining. Adjustable, removable shoulder strap.




25 × 18 × 5 CM

25 × 18 × 5 CM

25 × 18 × 5 CM

36,5 × 24 × 8 CM

Leather shoulder bag with metal details. Two inner pockets. Metal YKK zipper closure in silver color. Adjustable, removable shoulder strap. Removable leather keyring strap.

Leather shoulder bag with metal details. Two inner pockets. Metal YKK zipper closure in silver color. Adjustable, removable shoulder strap. Removable leather keyring strap.

36 × 27 × 7 CM Leather laptop bag. One zipper pocket and two open inner pockets. Inner sleeve for a 13” laptop. Gray lining. Adjustable, removable shoulder strap.


ANNA BLACK Leather shoulder bag with metal details. Two inner pockets. Metal YKK zipper closure. Adjustable, removable shoulder strap. Removable leather keyring strap.

Leather laptop bag. One zipper pocket and two open inner pockets. Inner sleeve for a 13” laptop. Gray lining. Adjustable, removable shoulder strap.


Leather briefcase. One outer pocket and one inner canvas zipper pocket. Adjustable, removable shoulder strap.

Leather handbag with metal details. Fits a 13" laptop. One zipper pocket on the inside. Metal zipper closure. Adjustable, removable shoulder strap.

KÅRE BLACK LEATHER 37 × 12 × 9 CM Leather bumbag. One big and one small compartment, both with zipper closure. Belt adjustable between 85 – 112 cm.

Leather handbag with metal details. Fits a 13" laptop. One zipper pocket on the inside. Metal zipper closure. Adjustable, removable shoulder strap.


COLABS Projects we have collaborated on with our friends.




68 × 84 CM

68 × 84 CM

68 × 84 CM

68 × 84 CM

Canvas apron with straps and details in cognac brown leather. Two large and two small pockets, nametag pocket and two tool loops. Adjustable waist and neck straps. Designed with the Swedish star chef Niklas Ekstedt.

Canvas apron with straps and details in cognac brown leather. Two large and two small pockets, nametag pocket and two tool loops. Adjustable waist and neck straps. Designed with the Swedish star chef Niklas Ekstedt.

Canvas apron with straps and details in dark brown leather. Two large and two small pockets, nametag pocket and two tool loops. Adjustable waist and neck straps. Designed with the Swedish star chef Niklas Ekstedt.

Canvas apron with straps and details in dark brown leather. Two large and two small pockets, nametag pocket and two tool loops. Adjustable waist and neck straps. Designed with the Swedish star chef Niklas Ekstedt.





22 × 14 × 5 CM

24.5 × 26 × 6 CM

31 × 40 × 14 CM

Canvas bottle bag with handles in cognac brown leather. Two small outer pockets. Six bottle pockets inside. Designed in collaboration with drink connoisseur and journalist, Alf Tumble.

Canvas and black leather roll top backpack. One inner pocket. Inner sleeve for a 15" laptop. Gray lining. The shoulder straps are adjustable and concealable in a back pocket, so that the bag can be carried as a tote. Straps for MC attachment included.

Canvas leather care kit with details in dark brown leather. Contains polishing cloth, black shoeshine, leather conditioner and a brush, all from Saphire. Made in collaboration with the Swedish store Grandpa.


23,5 × 13 × 5 CM Canvas tool roll with details in black leather. One pocket with press button closure and one zipper pocket. Multiple tool pockets.

KIDS SERIES Finally! Durable, practical and beautiful bags and items for Kids made with the same high quality requirements as all Sandqvist bags. In heavy duty, water resistant nylon Cordura with details in leather.



25 × 35.5 × 17 CM

25 × 35.5 × 17 CM

Cordura backpack with star shaped detail in cognac brown leather. One outer zipper pocket. Lightning shaped pullers. Nametag in leather. Suitable for kids age 4–10.

Cordura backpack with star shaped detail in cognac brown leather. One outer zipper pocket. Lightning shaped pullers. Nametag in leather. Suitable for kids age 2–5.



25 × 35.5 × 17 CM

25 × 35.5 × 17 CM

Cordura backpack with star shaped detail in cognac brown leather. One outer zipper pocket. Lightning shaped pullers. Nametag in leather. Suitable for kids age 4–10.

Cordura backpack with star shaped detail in cognac brown leather. One outer zipper pocket. Lightning shaped pullers. Nametag in leather. Suitable for kids age 2–5.

LUNA MULTI BLACK/PLUM 22 × 10.5 × 2 CM Cordura pencil case. Metal YKK zipper closure.

LUNA MULTI BLUE/RED 22 × 10.5 × 2 CM Cordura pencil case. Metal YKK zipper closure.

ITEMS Wallets, laptop and iPad cases, washbags and other small and beautiful things in leather or canvas.




21,5 × 16 CM

21,5 × 16 CM

7,5 × 12 CM

Canvas zip case with details in cognac brown leather. Metal YKK zipper closure.

Canvas zip case with details in dark brown leather. Metal YKK zipper closure.

Leather iPhone 5 case.

ORVAR 5 COGNAC BROWN 7,5 × 12 CM Leather iPhone 5 case.









10 × 9 CM

10 × 9 CM

25 × 16 × 10 CM

25 × 16 × 10 CM

22 × 15 × 10 CM

22 × 15 × 10 CM


8,5 × 10,5 × 2 CM

Canvas washbag with cognac brown leather hanger. One outer zipper pocket and four inner pockets. Gray nylon lining. YKK zipper closure.

Canvas washbag with dark brown leather hanger. One outer zipper pocket and four inner pockets. Gray nylon lining. YKK zipper closure.

Leather wallet. Press button closure. Space for cash. Six card slots. Coin compartment on the backside.

Leather wallet. Press button closure. Space for cash. Six card slots. Coin compartment on the backside.

Canvas washbag with details and hanger in black leather. One outer zipper pocket and three inner pockets. Gray nylon lining.

Canvas washbag with details and hanger in cognac brown leather. One outer zipper pocket and three inner pockets. Gray nylon lining.

Canvas iPad zip case with details in cognac brown leather. YKK zipper closure.

Canvas wallet with details in cognac brown leather. Space for cash. Three card slots. Coin compartment with zipper closure.








11 × 12 × 2 CM

11 × 12 × 2 CM

11 × 12 × 2 CM


36 × 26 CM

36 × 26 CM

36 × 26 CM

40 × 27,5 CM

Leather zip wallet. Space for cash. Six card slots. Coin compartment. Metal YKK zipper closure.

Leather iPad zip case. Metal YKK zipper closure.

Padded canvas laptop case with details in cognac brown leather, for a 13" computer. Zipper pocket on front. YKK zipper closure.

Padded canvas laptop case with details in cognac brown leather, for a 13" computer. Zipper pocket on front. YKK zipper closure.

Padded canvas laptop case with details in cognac brown leather, for a 15" computer. Zipper pocket on front. YKK zipper closure.


Leather zip wallet. Space for cash. Six card slots. Coin compartment. Metal YKK zipper closure.

Leather zip wallet. Space for cash. Six card slots. Coin compartment. Brass color metal YKK zipper.

Padded canvas laptop case with details in black leather, for a 13" computer. Zipper pocket on front. YKK zipper closure.








19 × 11 × 2 CM

19 × 11 × 2 CM

19 × 11 × 2 CM


8,5 × 10,5 × 2 CM

8,5 × 10,5 × 2 CM

11 × 7,5 × 2 CM

Leather purse wallet. Space for cash. 16 card slots. Coin compartment. Wrist strap. Metal YKK zipper closure.

Leather purse wallet. Space for cash. 16 card slots. Coin compartment. Wrist strap. Metal YKK zipper closure.

Leather purse wallet. Space for cash. 16 card slots. Coin compartment. Wrist strap. Metal YKK zipper closure.

Leather iPad zip case. Metal YKK zipper closure.





19,5 × 8 × 1 CM

19,5 × 8 × 1 CM



Leather laptop case for a 13" laptop. Metal YKK zipper closure.

Leather laptop case for a 13" laptop. Metal YKK zipper closure.

Leather pencil case. Metal YKK zipper closure.

Leather pencil case. Metal YKK zipper closure.

Leather wallet. Space for cash. Six card slots.

LEATHER BALM PINE WOOD 2 × ℮ 60 ML / 2FL. OZ A 100% natural leather care product developed together with Tangent GC and a British bee farm. The leather grease consists of bees wax, rapeseed oil and wool wax lanoline and a touch of pine oil for fragrance. 2-pack of 60 ml each.

Leather wallet. Space for cash. Six card slots.

Leather wallet. Space for cash and coins. Six card slots. YKK zipper closure.


11 × 7,5 × 2 CM Leather wallet. Space for cash and coins. Six card slots. YKK zipper closure.

Sandqvist HQ, Stockholm. Custom build drag race moped project by Christopher Robin Nordstrรถm, designer at Sandqvist.



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