The Gallows Post - May 2019

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Public Notice: If you would like to have any information or pictures published in future additions, please send it/them to or you can hand deliver it me at any meeting.

Important Dates & Events for May May 1: Deadline: Advance

LCI Convention Registration & Hotel Room Requests; Registration/Hotel Deposit Refunds Deadline: International Contest for Newsletters and Websites May 1-31: Dining for Dollars Fundraiser by Springfield Global Lions Club May 5: 14th Annual Northern Virginia Vision Walk May 7: Arlington Host Lions Club Ladies Luncheon Insert in the April Paw Prints May 16-19: Lions of Virginia State Convention in Chesapeake, Virginia May 17: Lions

Club Scrapbook Contest Entries due (State Convention)

May 17: James Bland State Competition (at Convention) May 17: LOW Lioness/Lions Selven Powell Golf Tournament May 18: Stafford County Lions Club White Cane Event (Giant Food) May 27: National Memorial Day Parade in Washington, D.C. May 30: Stafford County Lions Club White Cane Event (Giant Food) Important Dates & Events for June

June 1: Helen Keller Day May 5: World Environment Day May 7: Lions Clubs International Birthday May 11: Montclair Lions Club 40th Charter and installation Night May 15: Deadline: Submission of Pre-Certified Delegate Forms for 2019 International Convention in Milan, Italy Important Dates & Events for July July 5-9: 102nd Lions Club International Convention Milan, Italy July 17: Foundation Fighting Blindness Cruise to Alaska District 24-L Lions! Reminder to send your newsletter articles, photos, events, etc. to the District 24-L newsletter co-chairs (Lion Tom Lominac at or Lion Beth Kelley at by the 15th of each month.

Part II of this months newsletter to follow.......

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