First amendments of front cover draf Based on personal critical evaluation
From my critical evaluation of the front cover first draf, I noticed some areas which I wanted to change. This is a link to my blog on where to find this draf and evaluation.
1.I have enlarged and put a line under this buzz to make it stand out more. Unfortunately, this makes the front page look very unflattering because it’s in the view of the masthead.
3.This is the price and issue number that I have added to the front page of the magazine.
2.I have tried incorporating a puff on my front page to make it even more conventional however, as a whole it makes the front cover look too busy and less organized. This is because the puff is hidden behind the models head.
5.In the first draf I realised that the masthead’s last three letters had no space in between them which might of looked like there was no attention paid to detail. I have adjusted this issue in InDesign with no real issues.
7.This month’s issue of Complex is about indie music, including the indie artist Paula. I have included the word indie to make it very obvious for the audience.
4.I adjusted these artists to suit the indie genre too, previously they were mixed, more applicable to a general 6.In the first draf the name Paula was in Franklin Gothic Heavy font size 98. I decided to change that font to Nirmala UI to make the name look more delicate and feminine like to suit the personality of my cover star. Franklin Gothic Heavy makes a great masthead because it’s very visible and big at the top of the page however, in the middle, especially over the artist it was too much.
8.The same goes for these two cover lines, I had to change them from alternative artists to indie to make sure it was clear from the cover lines on which genre the issue is based on. Afer changing these cover lines, I also changed the names on the contents page to suit the both pages.
This is the second draf of the front cover. By taking into account elements which I discovered to change through personal critical analysis, I have managed to improve certain elements, further improving and developing the appearance of the page. I will show this design to my target audience in order to gather their feedback. However, in my opinion the buzz in the top third of the page needs to be more subtle, the line makes it too distracting. The puff doesn’t suit the overall design of the page and it doesn’t work with the image, making it too busy. It almost looks like it’s there by mistake on the wall too. As much as I would like to include one I adding one would make the page look too heavy. I think the artists mentioned at the bottom of the page should be underlined to add a subtle finishing and mature touch. I think that would work better than at the top because the top and lef is the first place we look at and the line above the masthead makes it as if it’s cutting off the top. To make the buzz word stand out more I will possibly enlarge it again or change the font, to make sure it’s eye catching because as mentioned in one of selling points.