Music video proposal

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Music Video Proposal Band & Track Name: Selena Gomez – Birthday Running Time: 3.46 General style of music video: the genre of “Birthday” is a combination of pop and electropunk. I will be creating a lyrics video that illustrates the strong relationship between both the lyrics and the visuals. An example of this would be featuring items (mis-en-scene-) that go well with the theme of celebrations or birthday. I would like to relate to those themes because the song “Birthday” was originally created for Selena’s birthday. The lyrics video should be concept with no performance elements. Briefly describe what will happen in your music video, highlight camera angles and effects: I would like this lyrics video to be made out of a variety of camera shot angles and types. An example of this would be extreme close up, close up and medium close up camera shots. This variety will allow me to relate back to the conventions of a music video. When it comes to appearance I would like this lyrics video to appear homemade and inventive. This is why I want to create the video primarily from items which can be found at home such as cupcakes or balloons. The typography or lyrics on the screen will be handmade because I believe this will add a quirky element overall to my final work. Whilst editing I would like to use fast forward or slow motion on certain elements of my filming in order to emphasise certain elements of the video as well as match the music with visuals. I would like the shots to move on beat, yet I am not yet sure whether that will be possible. What resources will you need? : to record this lyrics video I will need equipment such as a tripod, camera, laptop, SD card and lighting. I would like most of my lyrics video to be filmed whilst it’s light outside, yet I am prepared to film with artificial light as long as it looks as natural and professional. I will need a variety of props for this project. The list will include; cupcakes, sweets, mason jars, balloons, candles, presents, wrapping paper etc. Because this will be a lyrics video and not a performance for example, I will not need any actors or actresses to film. This should make my filming schedule slightly more flexible and less expensive. Who will you need to organise for your music video shoot? Are they reliable? N/A – reason stated above.

How will you access the location? Is your idea ‘do-able’ in terms of resources and time scale? : I would like to record my video at home which is very accessible and in my opinion do-able. This is because I do not have to rely on anyone else except myself. When it comes to resources I will have to buy or create a background which will be suitable to my lyrics video. I would like the background to be a neutral colour such as white or cream because they are mostly regarded as primary colours which will go well with a variety of others. In terms of the time scale I can be reasonably flexible. This is because I will be working mostly by myself.

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