Questionnaire Analysis I used survey monkey for my questionnaire. Survey monkey is a website which allows us to create a survey of 10 questions in a quick and professional manner. The website is open and available for people to participate of all ages however I decided to share my survey through my social media too. I sent it to both people who I know buy music magazines regularly and those who hardly do. By doing this, I have a wide variety of responses. This would give me an idea of what readers might want from my magazine if they saw it on a shelf and knew nothing about it, as well as what people who read might expect. In the long term, I will have to filter through any anomaly results to fit around the target audience I have chosen (17-20) . I have decided to base around that age range because I know more about this age group than any other and I have knowledge I could use to help me create a music magazine. When writing my questionnaire I tried including open and closed questions, as well as an option of ‘other’ to really find out specific information I could work on. Also, it helped to ask specific questions like “what do you expect from an interview on a double page spread?”.
Out of 23 people who participated, 15 were female and 8 were male. Straight away, this means that it will be harder to aim my magazine at both genders as I know less about males. This factor would be really difficult to control in survey monkey as it is an open website and I have no power over it, I could only filter through my results. However, from this I can tailor the magazine to fit one specific gender and it will help me advertise my magazine.
This graph shows that there are 6 males and 10 females between the ages of 17-20 who participated in my questionnaire.
Asking people for their age makes it a lot easier to target and categorize audience. For example every group range will have different interests and expectations. This graph shows that 6 people between the ages of 13-16 participated, 16 between 17-20 my chosen age range and 1 person over 21.
When asking this question I wanted to find out which genre of music was the most popular to help me determine which genre I should base my music magazine around. By looking at these results, pop and indie were the two favourites with 13 and 12 responces. This question not only had an option to write in ‘other’ and a few said alternative and rnb but they were allowed to pick as many as they wanted to make sure I had a range of results to choose from.
This data shows that the majority of people who answered my questionnaire were between the ages of 17-20 and this is why I have decided to use this as my target audience as I have the most information about them.
These are my target audience results. We can clearly see that pop and indie are still the most popular choices. However,in both graphs these results are spread out so I could decide to have a mixed genre music magazine to widen my audience span. The music genres I would not include are country and reggae as they have the least votes.
The chart above illustrates that 70% of asked people don’t read music magazines. This could suggest that I didn’t ask enough people or that people are waiting for something new, meaning there is a gap in the market. Perhaps the question should have included online music magazines or through a smartphone as it is rare for the younger generation to buy paper copies.
This graph shows that 68% of people said they don’t read music magazines and 32% do, although these results are slightly better than in the graph above there is still a large amount of people which don’t read. This could mean that people are either uninterested or picky.
This question links in with the one above. It shows that no one reads magazines on an everyday or weekly basis. The most popular result was never with 67% and once a month with 33%. It also shows that this question has been skipped twice so the results aren’t fully complete which I will take into consideration.
Results in my chosen age range show that 64% of people never read magazines and that 36% do on a monthly basis. These results allow me to decide how often my magazine should be published. Because there are no results for everyday or weekly, it would be a waste of time and money to produce a magazine that often as it would be ignored. I think that my music magazine should come out once a month but before the month starts as it is much more appealing to receive a magazine before than couple weeks into the month, especially for current events magazines. Also the magazine would be at a disadvantage if competitive magazines delivered information before.
This graph shows that out of 23 people asked 63% would pay 1-1.99 for music magazine, 22% would pay 2-2.99 and 18% would pay 3-3.99 and the rest would pay 4+. It is clear that people don’t like spending as much on music magazines so it would be a wise idea to set the price quite low.
When it comes to 17-19 year olds 50% of people said they would pay 1-1.99 for a music magazine. Asking the target audience how much they would spend on a music magazine helps set a realistic price so more copies of the magazine would be sold. Students have less money so I think it would be appropriate to keep the price lower.
Upcoming festivals, interviews and reviews were the most popular features that people would expect to see in a music magazine. Competition and exclusives were two of the least favourites with only 18% and 30%.
These are results from my target audience and are fairly similar to the graph above with one exception of the exclusives not being in the bottom two here. This gives me a clear idea that my double page spread should be based on one of the top three picks. When doing this question my audience was allowed to choose more than one question and I think this gave me such a wide variety of results.
This graph shows that the most popular colours were monochrome with 28%, blue28% and pastel 22%.
In this graph the colour blue is the most popular choice 51% with monochrome and pastel colours following at 19%. By asking the audience which colours they would like to see in a music magazine I am fitting the appearance to their comfort so they will buy it. I could slightly adjust these colours in photos and text however the main colour has to have the right connotations to match the genre.
This question shows whether people think music magazines should be formal, informal or mixed. 9% of people think that a music magazine should be formal, 30% think it should be informal and 61% think it should be a mixture of both.
62% of people between the age of 17-20 think that a music magazine should be a mixture of formal and informal, 32% think it should be informal and only 6% think it should be formal. From this information we can gather that the majority of my audience prefer a mixture of both. When I create my magazine I have to make sure I have a good balance between the two so people take my magazine seriously but the subtle informality will allow me to engage with them, make them feel as though the magazine is personal.
I used an open question at the end of my questionnaire on purpose to make my audience think outside the box on what they expect from an interview on a doube page spread. Each of these answers is different and will help me to plan my double page spread in more detail and in more thought.
When asked ‘What do you expect from an interview on a double page spread?’, my target audience had many ideas such as information, photos, upcoming gigs, exclusive information, pictures as well as lots of text and to entertain etc. The replies were relatively similar to the graph above which shows that people expect the same standard from a double page without realizing. This information will help me when I write my article magazine.