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e ur opean.lesb ian.n ews

N ove m b e r 2010

eur ut .or g t




E x c l u s i v e








C o v e r a g e :

I L G A C o n f e r e n ce Plus: LesBian Life|Studying LesBians|We Are Everywhere|The Lesbian News Stack


eurOut magazine About:

Dear reader One of the first things they taught me when I started university, was to be critical and to basically question everything that’s considered as normal or as a norm. I think this is the most valuable and memorable thing I’ve learned during my years as a student, regardless of the actual subjects that I studied. But at some point you graduate and move on with your life, you do other stuff, you get involved with other things, you become less critical about some things. It’s simply easier to go with the flow or do things ‘like they have always been done’. I catch myself doing it too. However, these past few weeks have been ones in which we at eurOut looked at some topics with a critical look and I feel refreshed and inspired because of it. For example, Ley looks at lesbian visibility in two articles about celebrity role models and advertising, and discusses what kind of visibility we really want and need. Natazzz takes a critical look at a study about British LGBTs in ‘Studying LesBians’ and Gwen

uses her own experiences to take a critical look at how she celebrates her bisexuality. Another inspiring set of moments was ILGA-Europe’s Annual Conference that took place in the Netherlands at the beginning of this month. With a clear focus on challenging the existing prejudices within the European LGBT activist community in order to move beyond what we know, the conference sent a message that is actually important for every human being to realize: a little bit of introspection while challenging our own status quo is vital to our success and growth. So in conclusion I hope that this issue of our magazine at least challenges one of your existing assumptions or attitudes. Enjoy!

Warm regards, Saskia Joreen Chief Editor

This magazine is a biweekly publication of, the leading website for European lesBian entertainment and political news in the English language. was launched in September 2008, and is now one of the most frequently visited sites on the web for gay women who are interested in European lesBian entertainment news, storylines on television, movies, music, events and political news. On a day-to-day basis provides thousands of readers with news, columns, in-depth articles, opinionated pieces and interviews. Readers also have the opportunity to connect with each other, to learn more about each other’s culture, environment and life, or to just have chats about the concerts they visited. Besides giving lesBians their much needed visibility, wants to create more understanding and solidarity among European lesBians, so that we can grow and develop into a European community that supports each other. Feel free to contact us with any questions, tips, remarks, or to just let us know what you think. Find our website at EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: Saskia Joreen ( PR-OFFICER: Anna McFaith ( Editor of Entertainment: Natazzz ( Editor of Politics: Maxime ( Art DirectION & layout: Embla ( ContributORS IN THIS ISSUE: Ley ( Gwen ( Chantal ( Special inspirational thanks go out to Sandra Showtime, founder of


In This Issue


4 Are We in Need of More LesBIan Celebrity Role Models? 6

We Are Everywhere


Advertising With Gayness – Is it Really Needed?

10 Celebrate Bisexuality Day!


13 LesBian Life: Dealing With Men 14 Lists Are Hot: 11 Great Lesbian Movies You Should See 18 The Lesbian News Stack


20 Studying LesBians: How Many of Us Are There Really? 22 Around The Corner: US LGBT Teen Suicides 25 Portrait: Scottish Singer Horse 27 ILGA Conference


32 Where Are We on Television? 33 A List of LGBT Organizations


Are We in Need of More LesBian Celebrity Role Models? In order to improve the visibility and acceptance of homosexuality, it is often perceived that gay and lesBian public figures should publicly come out of the closet. But should these celebrities be seen as role models? Or have public outings become yesterday’s news and are the everyday lives of out celebrities what needs to be seen? By: Ley UK newspaper The Guardian recently posted an article on their website called ‘Let people come out for all our sakes’. It discusses the lack of not only celebrities who come out in the public eye, but also mentions the lack of MPs who’ve publicly come out. In all honesty, I have to admit that I have mixed feelings about the whole ‘public celebrity outings’ as news. The article lists a poll that was ran after The X Factor’s latest winner Joe McElderry came out and stated that 50% said it wasn’t newsworthy for a newspaper’s front-page, and only 5% said that they thought it was news. Hand







appreciate the exposure and visibility aspects of celebrities coming out, I honestly think that the only way for equality and acceptance to truly take place is when outings are just part of everyday life, and not made into a great big song and dance. Part of the thing that gets me about

Does lesBian favourite Jodie Foster need to come out more officially than she already has?

it, is the whole game of hide and seek

next victim of the game is...??? Oh

immediately placed on your shoulders

that some celebrities go through before

yeah, of course: Jodie Foster.

for others to follow suit?

on with their life. The one example that

In an article in the Gay Rights section

National Coming Out Day took place

springs to mind is The L Word’s very

of the blog, they appear to

last month, and I wondered if that

own Molly: actress Clementine Ford.

be seeing Ms Foster as a flame barer for

would put a new level of pressure on

The woman was in and then out the

other Hollywood actors and actresses

celebrities, MPs and everyday people,

closet in such a short spell of time, I’m

to come out, if Jodie takes the plunge

to take their first tentative step out the

surprised she didn’t feel like a media

first and comes out more officially than

closet... or a giant leap? But when I think


she did at the Women in Entertainment

about it; why make it a national day at

Breakfast in 2007. Articles like these

all? Coming out is something that can

With these kinds of nervous outings, it

make it even harder for celebrities to

only be done when the person’s ready to

makes the hide and seek game almost

come out, because after all, would you

do so, not because someone thought it’d

more interesting than the outing itself:

willingly come out to Joe Public if you

be a great idea to put added pressure to

is she or isn’t she? Oh, ok, she is...

knew how much pressure would be

come out on a particular day!

just admitting they are gay and getting


Are We in Need of More LesBian Celebrity Role Models? I’m all for people coming out - it’s a massive step towards acceptance and knowing who you yourself are. I just don’t feel that those who do should be given the label of ‘role model’. Growing up, I looked at the TV or news or listened to the radio, but never felt that those I saw, heard, or read about were my role models. I think too much emphasis have been put on people in the media spotlight to become ‘role models’, and then when they screw up they get ripped to shreds through the very same media that put them there in the first place. In my experience, role models are people close to you that you share experiences with and admire, that you know have overcome all odds to be the incredible person that they are, and that make you want to be even a fraction of the amazing person they are. Not, I have to say, an actress,

Clementine Ford didn’t appreciate the big emphasis put on her sexuality when lesbian media first started to report about it.


what they already know; and we make

hear straight celebrities making public

person that is smiley in the spotlight,

out that we want to be accepted the

declarations that they’re straight.

but acts like a moody, spoiled brat in

same as everyone else, but go out of

reality. If a celebrity still falls under the

our way to do so, which just makes us

So for the balance to remain and

category, as a role model they should

stand out all the more.

acceptance to be seen as normal,





maybe the public declarations are

be consistent in personality both in and The article also highlighted the lack


of support for those individuals who

everyday living of out celebrities are

Ok, here’s where I am now known as

do come out publicly. We moan that

where the future of exposure and

a terrible gay: a teeny tiny part of me

there aren’t many people in the public

visibility now lays: being seen doing

feels the same about some Pride events.

spotlight coming out, but for those who

everyday normal things with their

Don’t shout at me, just hear me out. I

do take that step out of the closet, we

partner, and it not being seen as news,

completely get that us gays are known

shoot them down for taking so long to

but just them living their lives.

for partying, having a good time on

do it, making a big deal out of it when

nights out, and pretty much being all-

everyone knew they were gay already

round awesome people. This I do not

that it was no big surprise when they

have a problem with in the slightest.

did, and some even make comments

out the spotlight.

like: ‘Who cares?’ The one part that makes me question it that teeny tiny bit, is because of a

With responses like this, would you

few points: the media coverage that

come out if you knew that’s how it

accompanies the events just fuel the

would be seen: just another person

stereotypical images that Joe Public

making another big deal about who

has already created for us and are

they are? With this in mind I can partly

highly unlikely to change when all they

understand why some people don’t

see are those images simply reiterating

see it as news. After all, you don’t





Further Reading: Let people come out for all our sakes: Why Jodie Foster Should Come Out of the Closet: Congratulations on coming out, Jodie. Why did it take so long?


We Are Everywhere

By: Natazzz

Here is your overview of everything that happened and is about to happen in the world of European lesBian entertainment. We’ll keep you up-to-date on all the latest events and movie releases, what’s been happening in TV land and who did what to whom.



The Netherlands:

Dutch film maker Nienke

Help! Een homo in de klas (Help! A homosexual in the classroom) is

Eijsink, who you might know

a new documentary in which educators from the Dutch COC foundation

from her documentary about

are followed for a year while they tell about homosexuality in Dutch high

her obsession with doctor Chris

schools. The documentary will be shown on December 13 on Nederland 2.

from The Flying Doctors, has made a new documentary about a 12-year-old female Formula 1 racer. You can find out more



about Eijsink and her work at

The Netherlands:


Dutch singer Elle Bandita has

Sociologist Natacha Chetcuti

started a new band called Anne

has published a book entitled

Frank Zappa. It’s described on

Se dire lesbienne (Calling


her blog as crazy garage punk

Oneself a Lesbian), in which

noise, and listening to some of

she followed twenty lesbians for

the stuff makes me agree that

five years and describes what

it sure is crazy, but I’m not sure

their relationships, sexuality and

about the punk part. Find out

other experiences are like.

more on

TV-land: GERMANY: The NWR TV programme Queerblick has been nominated for an audience award. Queerblick is Germany’s first TV magazine especially for an LGBT audience.

Movies: GERMANY:



There’s a new German movie

The Kids Are All Right, the

out entitled Schwalbennest

Radio: UK: Radio station Resonance FM have a new weekly LGBT magazine show entitled Out in South London, every Tuesday evening from 6.30 until 7.00 pm. Every week there’s live interviews, as well as reviews, news and of course lots of music. Find out more and listen on


lesBian movie that some people

(Swallow’s Nest), about a girl


can’t wait to watch while others

living in a homonormative world

Musician Silje Hrafa Tjersland

want to stay far away from it, is

who’s always identified as a

has recorded a Christmas CD for

being released all over Europe in

lesbian. She ends up falling in

the Salvation Army. It will consist

the coming weeks, with the last

love with a guy. Sounds like an

of her singing classic and new

release being in the Netherlands

interesting ‘reversed world’ twist

Christmas carols. Just what the

on December 2.

to the coming out narrative.

world was waiting for!

We Are Everywhere Magazines:

Events: Austria There’s a photo exhibition on display in Vienna, entitled Women of Vienna, which shows photographs of important women throughout history who lived in Vienna. UK The L8 L Word convention, which will take place in Brighton next March, will not only include L Word actresses, but also lesbian actress Heather Peace, who plays Sam on Lip Service.

Books: UK: Scientific LGBT books are all the rage these days it seems. British-American neuroscientist Simon LeVay has released a book entitled: Gay, straight and the reason why: the science of sexual orientation. It sounds like a very interesting read. Find out more about the book at Europe/the netherlands: The EuroGames, a sporting event like the Gay Games, only limited to Europeans, are taking place in Rotterdam, the Netherlands next year. If you


are feeling sporty and would love to take part, registration has started on Monday November 1st. Find out more or register immediately at

Radio: The netherlands: Radio DJ (and TV presenter and comedian) Claudia de Breij has won the Zilveren Radioster 2010 (Silver Radio Star 2010), an annual award for (female?)


radio DJs, for which she was already nominated 4

A new book has been released in Sweden entitled Vi

years previously.

som älskar kvinnor (I Love Women), in which lesbian sexuality is explained in detail. The book is not

Books: The netherlands: Dutch author Anja de Crom’s latest novel entitled Onafwendbaar (Inevitable) will be released on November 17.

supposed to be an encyclopaedia, but tries to dismiss stereotypes “in a funny way”.

More entertainment news at:


Advertising with Gayness – Is It Really Needed? It’s time to put some advertising under the rainbow microscope and ask: does your brand really need to have gay adverts to attract attention to it? Is it a poor advertising tool, or is any exposure visibility nonetheless and should we embrace it in any way, shape or form? By: Ley Currently, there’s an advert from Maltesers in the UK that has been getting a lot of air time on television. It shows two straight couples watching TV, and while the men are asleep on the couch, the women are eating Maltesers and decide to do something ‘naughty’. They position their sleeping boyfriends in a way that makes them look like a cuddling gay couple, and have fun because of it. It follows a range of similar adverts in which the two women get up to a variety of pranks on one another, as well as other people, in order to balance out the lack of ‘naughtiness’ from consuming that particular chocolate. I think it’s kind of funny actually, and have a little giggle each time I see the two friends’ boyfriends curl into each other asleep and await with bated breath for the moment they realize it’s not their girlfriends that they’re curling into so cosily. Even though others might view it as using gayness (negatively) as something to laugh at, I didn’t see this advert as anti-gay. However, I have found some that confuse me. Like, for instance, an advert for Castro Dresses, in which a woman seduces and has sex with another woman just because she wants to steal her dress. You don’t actually see them have sex, but they do kiss, nudity is shown and sex is implied. Don’t get me wrong, I totally get the whole point in the sense that the seductress (a waitress) would do anything to get her hands on a Castro dress - on her wages I’m guessing they’re a little out of her budget - but


Advertising with Gayness – Is It Really Needed? the whole idea in which having sex with the dress lady falls under doing ‘anything’ is really rather rude to all us lovely lesBians. It gives the impression that it falls under the same category as bungee jumping into the mouth of a volcano, swimming with sharks and walking on hot coals. What’s worse is the fact that both women seem more than happy to participate... which shows the waitress lady as deceitful... possibly leading people to view all lesBians in a similar light. The thing that confuses me about this particular advert is the fact that they used gayness here when there are countless other directions they could have taken the term ‘anything’ and it’d still be seen as a good product. I just don’t understand why they felt the need to have the waitress make out with the dress lady as the ‘anything’, just so she could steal the dress. Another advert that has gayness as a selling tool is for Dolce & Gabbana watches. You see a man and a woman rushing towards each other, or so it seems. In the end you see they’re both rushing towards and embracing someone of the same sex. Granted, the level of gayness is glimpsed throughout the advert but not truly shown openly until the end of the advert, but it’s blatantly there nevertheless. Now, with this one I’m choosing to take the optimistic view of the use of gayness as the selling tool, because the voice-over at the end, with the little cheesy catch phrase, says one word: “Time”. Obviously as it’s about watches, the obvious is covered by the word with a watch being a timepiece, but also as there are both a gay couple and a lesbian couple in the advert I want to choose another view of the word: the fact it’s time to be open and accepting about visibility, be it in life, adverts or anywhere else.

Further Reading: Lesbian Women in Ads: GLAAD Advertising Media Program:


Celebrate Bisexuality Day! Bisexuals form a very small and often forgotten minority within the LGBT community, and they have their very own set of issues and prejudice that they run into. Is one day a year really enough to celebrate bisexuality? By: Gwen

Today is Celebrate Bisexuality

read: Little G described a female

all the time. There’s been one time

Day. Well, not really, but let’s for the

couple entering the train station hall

where a gay girl smiled at me as we

sake of it pretend it’s Thursday the

where she was standing, at which

both crossed the street, and I savored

23rd of October still, because there

they looked at her and let go of each

that moment for days afterwards.

are some things I want to say on

other’s hands. She wondered if she’s

There’s been two times when someone

why this day is necessary. They cover



shouted abuse at me on the street,

three topics, actually: falling under

straight male, and other people might

which was when I was ‘dressing the

the radar, earning ‘gay points’, and

assume she’s homophobic. Of course,

part’ on purpose. To everyone out

juggling straight friends. Don’t worry,

her situation is different from mine,

there I’m a straight girl, and I don’t

I’ll explain.

because there’s also a race issue that

blame anyone for thinking that. Or I

I never have to deal with. But it still is

know that if I started blaming people

falling under the radar.

for this, I should blame them for

The previous edition of our magazine




their entire gender system. Blaming

featured an article called ‘Too Queer or Not Too Queer’. It’s a recommended


Let me tell you: I fall under the radar

them for that is too much – it’s

Celebrate Bisexuality Day! ingrained in everyone so deeply. I’m

couple of boys who, in straight circles,

For instance, one of my straight

not cisgendered for the simple fact

talk about themselves in third person.

friends likes to use the big words like

of being attracted to women. I’d like

“Yeah, gay people do that.” Meaning

‘bitchy queen’, and I always let that

to think I’m even more gender queer

they do that. And usually, these are

go. Because on the other hand, he

because of the way I think and feel

the boys who include me in the fictional

also refers to his own dad as a ‘nigger’

and breathe. Small confession here:

straight circle they’re addressing at


I wouldn’t have minded being a bi

that time.

Model and what I’ve been told is the

man, I honestly think it would have





Dutch version of Jersey Shore (Oh Oh

been pretty much similar to the way

‘Gay points’ is not a scientific term,

Cherso) religiously. I can take those

I am now. The only difference (aside

obviously. But I made it up to describe

words these days, and I know that he



a concept very much real: I am not

is far from homophobic. He was one

that all women face) would be that I

gay enough. I am never gay enough.

of the first people I met in university

would no longer be falling under the

I wear purple and pink t-shirts, I

to start referring to my dating pool as

radar, because I wouldn’t be as gender

recently bought hot pink/blue Converse

‘people’ instead of just ‘boys’. But I

typical as I am now.

sneakers, more than half of my jeans

think I would say something if there’s

collection is made up of skinny jeans.

someone there who seems like they

When we think about me in relation

I sit straight, most of the time, I talk

are younger than me or less secure,

to straight people, when it comes to

straight, most of the time. Imagine

because I know that words hurt too.

forming friendships and stuff, is that

someone knows I’m bi, but has never

I know people have killed themselves


I am not gay enough. I am never gay enough! straight girls think I’m one of them and

seen me do anything gay, say anything

after relentless bullying in school [See

are subsequently surprised when I do

gay, or attend any gay event. How do

our article about it elsewhere in this

something they wouldn’t do. Straight

they know I’m serious, and not one of

issue, Ed.]. But I also know that not

boys think I’m straight, too, and that

those ‘weekend dykes’, as one of my

correcting my straight friend on this

would seem swell, but it immediately

bi friends put it? (She’s very hostile

front doesn’t mean I’m not passionate

places me across from them when

towards ‘weekend dykes’. I agree with

about the cause.

I want to be having conversations

her completely: they screw up our

on their level, plus coming out to


someone you’re crushing on isn’t the

My one gay classmate was on Grindr (a location-based social networking

most fun thing to do. I did it once, and

The truth is, they don’t. Which is why I

tool for gay men) the other day, and

the guy said he “couldn’t care less”.

can be accused of hiding my bisexuality

he was a row behind me. At some

Even when he made it so easy, it was

even in gay circles. I admit it, I have

point, my entire row was turned round

mind-numbingly scary. If he would

done that a few times. I personally

to observe him. I wondered what he

have minded, I think it would have

feel like most people subconsciously

was doing, he showed me his phone,

hurt me in ways unimaginable.

assume that when you’re bi, you must

and I said, “So you’re doing that now?”

have less reason to be fighting for the

He answered, “You know what this is?”,

In relation to gay people – which

cause. You must not be so passionately

all surprised. He’s my Facebook friend,

is where the gay points come in – I

fighting for the cause. And it’s true that

and it’s true not everyone immediately

have to go out of my way to make sure

my definition of fighting for the cause

runs to ‘Interested In’ to check what

they know I ‘get’ them. I’ve known a

has changed over the years.

it says, but by now he could’ve known


Celebrate Bisexuality Day!

I was bi. If he doesn’t, I was clearly

specific to bi people, but I do think

It’s important to be visible. And

falling under the radar again. If he

some of us fit into both the straight

that’s not just by wearing purple.

does know I am, this was a gay points

and the gay communities, and because

That’s just by living your life. By

earning moment.

the straight community is abundant, I

talking America’s Next Top Model

don’t have such a strong gay base. I

with straight guys, by buying pink

Gay points is like what some people

don’t have a giant group of lesbian

shoes, by knowing what Grindr is,

refer to as ‘street cred’, and I’m

friends who’ve all dated each other,

by having girly sleepovers, by talking

constantly trying to earn more of

and I’m not that actively looking for

girls with one of your best (straight

it, amidst a large group of straight

one. Still, I want to make sure my

male) friends. That’s the only way

people. Because let’s face it: my

new gay classmates know they don’t

any of us can do it. By not being

closest friends are straight. So how

have to act surprised when I know

beaten by the way your high school

I should be out and proud and not too loud... do I position myself within this group

what Grindr is. I’ve been part of this

classmates down South treated you,

of straight people, while at the same

community for a few years now, and

by not being beaten by the teachers

time not being seen as Katy Perry-bi?

with the risk of sounding snobbish, I’m

that did absolutely nothing when you

I need to continue earning gay points

rather well-informed.

finally got the courage to let it all out.

even with them. They need to see I’m

By not being beaten by expectations.

not completely out of balance, and that

So how do I juggle straight friends

yes, I do look at women, and yes, I get

with gay points? I haven’t completely

very nervous around naked classmates

figured this out. As for today, finding

But it’s the truth. My mother recently

in a swimming pool dressing room in

something purple to wear wasn’t

admitted her forcing pink skirts on me

Reykjavík. While at the same time, I

that hard. Then again, I’m quite sure

was “a test”. The way my mother is,

do look at men, and yes, I do think

nobody will notice I’m celebrating

she didn’t elaborate and would at this

rather elaborate thoughts about the

my bisexuality by wearing something

moment probably deny having said

muscles on that guy in my phonology

purple. And sure, I celebrate bi-

that. She said it, though. And like all

class. However, I shouldn’t overdo it,

sexuality every single day. And sure,

mothers, she probably knew I was gay

or I feel like I shouldn’t, because I

my life is pretty much okay. But it

long before I did.

don’t want to be a gimmick, or a fake

only became that way after I got

version of myself.

used to being a very small minority.

I’m happy not to be the sum of the

Before I came to terms with that, I

expectations that people have of a

I should be out and proud and not too

spent months of my life worrying,

bisexual nineteen-year-old. I’m happy

loud. Don’t tell them stories the way

agonizing, and feeling crap about

to be me, in all my colors and with all

you would bi friends. Don’t assume

myself. I was the first person to come

my issues and with my grumpy days.

they know the lingo. Don’t intimidate

out bi out of everyone I knew. I am

The days that I could beat someone

them with the lingo when you do use

still the only person in my daily life,

up the moment they even think about

it. Don’t continuously mention laws

if we forget about the few people I

saying something thoughtless about

that should be changed. Don’t be the

meet every two months or so for a

gay people.


specific gay thing or the few people

I know this last one is not completely


That is something I say too often.

I have classes with whom I have my

I’m happy to be here, and queer, and

suspicions about.

bi, and not going anywhere.

LesBian Life: Dealing With Men This issue of LesBian Life deals with two things surrounding our relationships with men: dealing with guy crushes and becoming one of them. By: Anna McFaith

I know that the whole definition of

late to end it gracefully. Oh — before

sat through a lot worse for a glimpse

being a lesbian means you don’t have

you think I don’t tell them I’m gay,

of Jessica Alba and Michelle Rodriguez.

a relationship with men but, of course,

it’s generally one of the first things

Mentioning that got me a couple of

we deal with men all day.

Not even

I mention, along with a long-term

very odd glances and a distinctly

a hard core feminist like myself has

girlfriend. Even though I tell them and

uncomfortable feeling that I’d suddenly

any problem with that. I love men. I

make it as clear as I can, after that…

shifted into ‘guy territory’ and the guys

love working with them, I love talking

everything gets messy.

in question suddenly had no idea what

with them and I love the way in which

to do with me anymore.

they relate to the world. No drama,

There is one way I know which tends

no insecurities, no double meanings.

to avoid this; becoming one of the

Another example; guys burping in

What they say, they mean. Yes, I’m

guys. And that is the other point I

front of me because ‘I’m not a target

generalizing, but it pretty much fits

wanted to raise; I don’t like becoming

anyway’. I’m sorry but when did being

with the men I befriend and work

one of the guys. I’m gay, not a male.

gay become a reason to abandon all


Just because I can appreciate a good

etiquette rules?

woman doesn’t mean I think like I look pretty straight. Any lesBian

the guys around me, thank you very

I’m always looking for the middle

can probably spot me, but for guys I


ground; that place where I’m still a

tend to be on the market. This means

girl but not a potential love interest.

that, unavoidable, every now and then



a man develops a little crush or the




So far I’ve found the balance fragile


and very dependent upon the guy if

need to flirt. Because I’m gay and in a

Machete, the new Rodriguez movie.

it succeeds or not. Some guys ‘get’

long-term relationship, it usually takes

Now, I don’t care much for Machete

the gay thing (still a girl like they are

a while before I realize what’s going

or Robert Rodriguez and the movie is

familiar with but not into them) and

on and by that time it’s usually too

probably not my cup of tea, but I have

some don’t.






Lists Are Hot: 11 Great LesBian Movies You Should See After talking about some of the worst lesbian movies last month, let’s look on the positive side this time and tell you about some really great lesbian movies. In no particular order, here are 11 lesbian movies (11, because Natazzz couldn’t decide which one to leave out) we think you should watch. By: Natazzz

Itty Bitty Titty Committee (US, 2007) I really like Itty Bitty Titty Committee, because it’s just a nice, fun lesbian movie. There are not nearly enough lesbian movies out there that are just fun. It has a great plot, likeable characters, great acting, a fun soundtrack and it stars lots of actors that I like (like Carly Pope, Clea DuVall, and Melanie Lynskey). It tells the story of Anna, a young, shy girl who doesn’t really know what kind of excitement life has to offer. She comes into contact with a group of radical feminist women who run a little guerrilla group called ‘Clits in Action’ (CIA). They try to show everything that is wrong (read: ‘women-unfriendly’) with the world by sneaking around at night and defacing public and private property with spray painted messages against the established. It really changes her life in the way that you can only be changed when you are still young. Even though the topic of the movie is rather serious and perhaps the message a little heavy handed, I thought IBTC was a fun watch. It’s a great portrayal of what it must be like to be part of a movement like this.

All Over Me (US, 1997) A movie that definitely cannot be described as ‘light and fun’ is All Over Me. This teen movie from the 1990s shows the harsh and depressing reality of being a gay teen, including one gay boy actually getting killed. What I love about this movie, is that amidst all that homophobia and hard life stuff, there’s a beautiful, realistic love story. Or not even a love story, just two young girls realising they really like each other. Claude is madly in love with her straight best friend, Ellen, but throughout the movie she ends up falling for a girl who actually likes her back, Lucy (played by a very young, very cute Leisha Hailey).


Lists Are Hot: 11 Great LesBian Movies You Should See

Heavenly Creatures (New Zealand, 1994) Heavenly Creatures tells the story of two teenage girls who live in a kind of fantasy world and have a very close friendship. Slowly this friendship evolves into something more. Their parents aren’t too pleased about their relationship, and in order to be able to stay together they decide to kill one of their mothers. It’s kind of creepy, even more so if you realize this film is based on a true story. The main characters are played by Kate Winslet and Melanie Lynskey, when they were still young and innocent looking, and the movie is directed by Peter Jackson (Lord of the Rings). It’s a really good movie that I recommend you check out, unless the murder part puts you off.

The Edge of Heaven (Germany, 2007) My next pick is not a typical lesbian movie, but it does feature a prominent, but matter of fact, lesbian relationship. The Edge of Heaven is about the differences between everyday life in Germany and Turkey. It tells the story of Nejat who, after his father dies, goes to Turkey to search for Ayten, the daughter of his father’s prostitute girlfriend. What he doesn’t know is that Ayten is a political activist who has already left Turkey and is currently in Germany. In Germany Ayten meets Lotte, a lovely German do-gooder, who, after discovering Ayten has no money or a place to stay, offers her to move in with her and her mother. Lotte’s mother isn’t too pleased by this, and I cannot really blame her. Quickly a strong bond forms between Lotte and Ayten and the two of them embark on a relationship. Then Ayten is arrested and deported back to Turkey where she ends up in prison. Lotte decides to follow her to Turkey and tries to get her released. This is a really good quality movie that just happens to have a lesbian plotline. An added bonus if you will, as The Edge of Heaven is a great and interesting movie even without the lesbian storyline. It’s not a light movie and it might make you want to shout at your screen a few times, but I promise it will not leave you indifferent.

Chutney Popcorn (US, 1999) As much as I complain about the lesbian pregnancy storylines in movies, there is actually one movie on the subject I really like. Chutney Popcorn tells the story about lesbian Reena, whose sister Rita can’t have children and she then offers to have a baby for her. Of course her girlfriend isn’t very happy about this, especially when the sister decides she no longer wants a baby. To make the story a little more interesting, the Indian background of Reena and Rita plays a big part in this film, including specific traditions and lots of yummy food. It nicely shows that no matter what your family is like, we all want the same thing; for us and our loved ones to be happy. What I like most about this movie is that it’s just a really nice movie and even though the subject might seem a little farfetched, the relationships portrayed in the movie seem very realistic.


Lists Are Hot: 11 Great LesBian Movies You Should See

But I’m a Cheerleader

(US, 1999)

This movie is a parody on so-called sexual reorientation camps and is probably not everyone’s cup of tea. It is at times all a bit much, but I really like the idea behind it and, more importantly, I think the love story between Megan and Graham is very cute. In But I’m a Cheerleader, Megan gets sent to a sexual reorientation camp by her friends and parents to be made ‘normal’. Of course, the sexual reorientation camp is the gayest thing you have ever seen. Even if she wasn’t convinced yet she’s a lesbian, the cute Graham (played by Clea DuVall) soon makes her realise she’s never going to be straight.

If These Walls Could Talk 2

(US, 2000)

If These Walls Could Talk 2 consists of three different thirty-minute stories about being a lesbian, each in a different time. The first is set in the fifties, the second in the seventies and the final part is set in the nineties. It shows very nicely how far we’ve come, and also how lesBianism is something of all times, but each time has its specific struggles and themes. I have watched the DVD of If These Walls Could Talk 2 many times and I have to say I love all parts for different reasons. The first part is heartbreaking, the second part is very hot and the third part paints a great picture of a modern lesbian couple.


(Germany, 2005)

Unveiled is about an Iranian woman named Fariba, who has to flee her country to avoid prosecution. Fariba tries to seek asylum in Germany, but she is denied residency. To avoid being sent back to Iran and risk being killed for being a lesbian, she takes on the identity of an Iranian man from the refugee camp. Now Fariba finds herself living as a man in a small town in Germany. She knows the only way she will be able to stay in the country long term is if she can arrange for some fake identity papers. Fake papers cost a lot of money and therefore she finds herself a job in a cabbage factory. It is here where she meets Anne, a beautiful blonde German woman who catches her eye from day one. They get on famously and slowly fall for each other. Of course, it is only a matter of time until Anne will find out Fariba’s true identity. Unveiled is about the harsh reality of life as a queer Iranian, as well as the hard life of asylum seekers in general. Yet at the same time, it is also a love story. It makes you think, about life and about how we as a society decide to treat other people. Bust most of all, it makes you realize that love is love no matter what form it takes.


Lists Are Hot: 11 Great LesBian Movies You Should See

Tipping the Velvet (UK, 2002) What can I say that hasn’t been said before about Tipping the Velvet? I discovered the adaptation of Sarah Waters’s novel of the same name by accident one night on the BBC back in 2002. It was a very pleasant surprise. Tipping the Velvet makes historic dramas fun, for me mainly because of the lesbian element. It tells the interesting life story of Nan King, from Oyster girl to rent boy to theatre star. More importantly, it has some really hot sex scenes.

Imagine Me & You (UK, 2005) Imagine Me & You tells the story of Rachel (Piper Perabo), who is about to marry her long term boyfriend Heck, whom she has always thought of as the love of her life. That’s when she meets Luce (played by the lovely Lena Headey) and everything changes. Rachel and Luce immediately hit it off and become really good friends. Soon it becomes clear that their feelings for one another go much deeper than mere friendship. Rachel starts to question her sexuality and soon she will have to make some tough choices between her familiar life with her husband and a chance of happiness with Luce. What I love about this film, besides that it’s just a really good romantic comedy, is that it has a very prominent lesbian storyline, yet the storyline is treated as part of the movie and it’s not the entire movie. Moreover, I like that the subject of being gay isn’t treated as something awful or problematic.

Show Me Love (Sweden, 1999) My number one pick has to be Show Me Love, simply because it’s such a cute teen love story. This Swedish film is about two seemingly different teenage girls who go to the same high school in a little town called Åmål and end up falling in love with each other. Agnes is a shy girl with not many friends and a huge crush on Elin, the most popular girl in school. Elin gets dared into kissing Agnes, then runs off laughing, leaving Agnes both humiliated and heartbroken. In fact, in true dramatic lesbian teen fashion she decides things are so bad that she’s going to kill herself. She is all set with a set of razors in her hand and depressing music playing in the background, when Elin shows up again to apologize for kissing her. Soon the girls realize that they quite like each other, but before they are ready to openly admit this to each other, themselves, and to the world, they have to overcome a few obstacles, including boys, family members and the nightmare that is called high school. Show Me Love is not just a love story, even though watching these girls figuring out they like each other is one of the cutest things I have ever seen. It’s a movie about finding out you are queer in high school, or perhaps it’s just a movie about what it’s like to be in high school: trying to fit in, trying to figure out who you are, and of course there is lots of self-created drama.


The Lesbian News Stack

By: Maxime

Political editor Maxime provides you with a fresh pile of political news with a focus on European LGBT content.

UK: LGBT History Month will focus

homosexuality seems to be widely

four same-sex couples will apply

on sports in 2011 and 2012 and has

accepted, race and ethnics still

throughout the following weeks for

started off with a pre-launch event

seem to be the issue.

the union they are banned from.

on November 2nd at Twickenham Rugby Stadium.

This will certainly be an interesting Human and LGBT rights activist

campaign to keep track of.

Peter Tatchell is the co-ordinator ‘How


of a campaign that challenges the

Figures from a recent survey in

issued by the Equality and Human





current bans on marriage for same-

Scotland reveal that more than half

Rights Commission, looks into how

sex couples and on civil unions for

(58%) of Scots would support gay

fair Britain has become. While

straight-couples. Four straight and


Bulgaria: Bulgarian politicians seem to

female colleague from another party

allegation saying it was all a joke. And

have a very special kind of humor – or

because he wanted to protect his

it really looks as if the guy with the

how else could you explain the claim

own party leader from accusations

sick humor was the victim of libel and

of a politician having been raped by a

of being gay? He later took back this

slander. Very confusing.


The Lesbian News Stack Russia:


Sweden: A total of 13 LGBT persons



A court ruled in October that

were elected to parliament during



the Parade ban in St Petersburg

the recent national elections.

replied to a survey intended to

was illegal, which is the first time a

help voters find the candidate

Russian court recognizes the right

Stockholm’s new rabbi, Rabbi



of LGBT persons to be part of the


survey included questions about

society. Now the gay community

issues in his inaugural speech. He


has to deal with Russia’s Orthodox

referred to Rabbi Andy Sacks; they

and same-sex relationships and

both belong to the Conservative

results show that a majority of

Masorti Movement, which is more

these candidates are in support of

tolerant than the Orthodox wing.

same-sex relationships.













Together with Gareth Thomas (captain of the Welsh rugby team), Secretary of State for Sports Rama Yade has presented the new ‘Charte contre l’homophobie dans le sport’ (‘Charter against Homophobia in Sports’).


The German Red Cross is the 30th organization to join the Berlin Alliance against Homophobia, an alliance which was initiated last year by the LSVD (German Lesbian and Gay Association).

Luxembourg: the



on the draft for gay marriage does









accepted a change in the bill for BAfÖG



same-sex partners will be treated the same way as everybody else.



for very rare occasions. The committee fears that - would lesbians and gays marry and adopt - this would be the case and that this information would be analyzed in statistics too.





directed at gay and transgender people with children, but also those who professionally deal with





parenting. Muslim LGBT organization Merhaba is nominated for VOEM, a Muslim emancipation award.

Serbia: nized on the day before the


According to the current Data



An anti-gay protest was orga-

committee for data protection.

to pass on information about



political opposition but from the

Protection Act, it is not permitted


guide to parenthood for gay and

One step closer to total equality,


Belgium: The Minister of Equal Oppor-



Church protesting this decision.




Pride march in October and on













with the Christian Democrats,

the day of the march itself they tried to disrupt it, but Serbian police protected the march and arrested several persons from the violent anti-gay group.

especially now that their front guys are slowly opening towards LGBT issues.

Italy: The Italian Secretary of State for

Czech Republic:

Family Policy, Giovanardi, claimed that gay adoption and trafficking of minors were linked, without

Sex education in schools, which

minority, has upset a conservative

providing any sources. It’s not the

includes learning about homosexuality

religious group, but the Minister of

first time he makes the news for

as a common sexual orientation of a

Education stands his ground.

his anti-gay sayings.


Studying LesBians How Many of Us Are There, Really? Studying LesBians is a monthly column in which Natazzz discusses recent and not-so-recent research involving lesBians or the LGBT community as a whole. This edition of Studying LesBians focuses on a study which claims that much less people in the UK identify as gay than originally thought. By: Natazzz

Recently, a British study was pub-

unless the number of people asked

of existing is to provide data that are

lished which showed that only 1,5 %


representative for an entire country.

of the UK population identifies as gay.

are representative of the general UK

Immediately all the online (LGBT)






The second - and more important -

news outlets were all over it, reporting

factor that made me question these

it as if it were fact. It made me raise

A quick look at the study showed that

results is how exactly questions about

my eyebrows, for several reasons.

there was not much to worry about on

sexual orientation were asked. It really

those grounds. The Office for National

helped that the nice people at UK

First of all, as a researcher I am very



newspaper The Guardian provided a

aware that study results cannot just

238.206 people. Plus it’s the Office for

spreadsheet giving us the number of

be generalised to the general public,

National Statistics, their entire purpose

people selecting each of the options:





Studying LesBians How Many of Us Are There, Really? 94,8 % percent identified as straight,

questions too. It didn’t make me any

they were or refused to answer? I

1% as gay/lesbian, 0,5% as bisexual,

less gay, just not out.

was not the only one to come to this

0,5% identified as other, 2,8% ticked

conclusion. This week many of the gay

the box saying they either didn’t know

The same reasoning can be applied

news outlets were writing about the

or refused to respond, and a final 0,5%

to those people who said they did

1,5 % number not being accurate.

skipped the question all together.

not know their sexual orientation. Confusion




You don’t have to be good at math


to see that all the headlines with their

identifications as not-straight.






You might be reading this and think:


why does it matter? Well, it matters

1,5% weren’t exactly accurate. For

because there are still a lot of people out there who think organisations that try to

starters, I bet bisexuals were annoyed

If we add all those answers together

improve things for the LGBT community

they were just lumped together with

we end up just a little under 5%.

are just naggers, always worrying about

the gays and lesbians.

This also happens to be the average

problems that don’t exist.

estimation most organisations that But even if we wanted to know which

deal with or help the LGBT community


percentage of the population identified


only 1,5% instead of 5% of the UK’s




You don’t have to be good at math to see that all the headlines with their 1,5% weren’t exactly accurate. as queer (or as not-straight), it would

When we look once again at the

population is gay, it justifies people

make more sense to also count the

spreadsheet, and look at the divisions

into thinking being gay is rare and

0,5% identifying as other. That already

by age groups, it looks like the figures


makes 2%.

aren’t quite right. It is very interesting

enough to support.





to see that in the younger age groups, I might be reaching a little here, but

very few people identify as straight.

I think it’s fair to assume that most of

But the spreadsheet also shows that

the people who refused to answer this

over 20% in each age group refused to

question are not straight. After all, if

answer the question.

you were straight why not just admit to belonging to the majority? A long

So how can they then come to the

time ago, when I was still in the closet,

conclusion that 95% is straight, if

I always refused to answer those

so many people didn’t know what

Further Reading: Spreadsheet from The Guardian:


Around the Corner: US LGBT Teen Suicides Having graduated from high school not too long ago, Gwen looks back on her experiences with gay bullying there and has a clear message for teachers, parents and society at large. By: Gwen

Dan Savage and his husband Terry in a still taken from their ‘It Gets Better’video. When I was in secondary school, I was

I’d allow myself not to go to those

people about it. When I went back

severely closeted. Everybody thought I

classes I knew were worst, whereas

to her a few weeks later, she told me

was straight, and although I at some

before that, I was one of those kids

matter-of-factly that she hadn’t done

point stopped going out of my way

who always showed up to everything.

anything, because “when you start

to come across straight, nobody ever

I overslept frequently, I stopped trying

doing that, you can make a thing out

seemed to doubt it. Still, especially

to make new friends, and I stopped

of everyone’s problems”. I don’t think

the last two years of secondary school

talking to my parents about my day at

I attended English very often after

were terrible, because of the slurs, the

school. There was no way I would tell

that, but that didn’t matter, because

teachers that didn’t do anything, and

them that one of my teachers laughed

my grades were fine. I would pay for

the way my openly gay classmates

to a ‘that’s so gay’ remark, or that she

it with detention or coming to school

were treated.

later went along with it, out of pure

an hour early, which would have

desperation to keep the class in her

me on the bus to the city at seven.


At the same time, my History class

Sometimes I wonder how I would have survived if I had come out,

had the same problem, and those

although I don’t think I was ready for

In February of my last year, I went

grades started plummeting. I just

that back then. Of course, a select

to see said teacher and told her I just

couldn’t focus on anything anymore,

circle of friends knew, but I was always

couldn’t go on in her English class

so I sent my History teacher an

careful what I discussed within the

like that. She said she would take it

e-mail explaining what was going

walls of that school. There were days

up and talk to some higher-placed

on. Thankfully he took it way more


Around the Corner: US LGBT Teen Suicides

seriously than my English teacher did,

later. 18-year-old Rutgers university

people graduating with me, only three

and whenever people were making

freshman Tyler Clementi jumped from

of them were queer, and only one of

bad jokes, he looked my way, worried,

a bridge into the Hudson river in New

them had problems. It doesn’t add up.

before putting an end to it.

York, after his roommate allegedly live

There are so many more kids suffering

streamed him making out with another

than you can see straight away, and

Most of us probably have these

boy. On the same day, 19-year-old

schools should make an effort to make

stories. I still feel indebted to those

Raymond Chase hanged himself in his

everyone feel included.

kids who did come out and risked it,

dorm room in Rhode Island. And these

braved the waters, because growing

are just the stories that we hear about

In the meantime, we as a community

up far from the metropolitan area in

in the press.

should try to make sure these kids

your country as a young gay kid isn’t

know that there are people who do

easy. And I would be the first to say

Most of my secondary school mini-

value them for who they are, and that

we did have a progressive school – we

traumas are far behind me. However,

if you wait long enough, you’re going

had gay teachers, projects related to

this last month I have been thinking

to be in charge of your own life. The

HIV prevention, and in my last year

what I would have had chances for had

people who used to taunt you in high

there, even a gay principal. It wasn’t

I not graduated and moved away from

school become insignificant, and there’s

supposed to be a thing, but somehow

that English teacher. Perhaps it’s not

a pretty good chance you’re going to

it still was.

fair to bring her into this, and I know I

be in college or university with people

I still feel indebted to those kids who came out... For others, it’s worse. It’s worse

have mentioned her at least one other

who are similar to you. They may still

because it’s impossible to stay in the

time. But the thing is, I tried my best

be straight, but they’re similar to you

closet and be believable, it’s worse

to explain to her that it affected my

in other ways, which makes sexuality

because it’s not just random slurs and

school work. And isn’t it a teacher’s

less interesting, or all-defining.

bad jokes, but it’s personal. It’s worse

job to bring out the best in each of his

for a lot of things I can’t fathom. Then

or her students? I think it is, anyway.

As I’m typing this I realize two of

what do you do?

My teacher is just one of the teachers

the recent suicide victims were in

out there, and who knows what other

college or university. I think there’s a

You probably all know what happened

teachers would have done? I only have

difference between the system in the

recently in the United States. 15-year-

two examples. However, I’ve been

Netherlands and other countries in that

old Billy Lucas from Indiana was found

thinking what I would have wanted to

most universities in the Netherlands

in his parents’ barn after he killed

say to her.

don’t have campuses. The only one I





can think of from the top of my head

from Texas killed himself by shooting

What I would like for every teacher

is an international honors program



to know is that making your school a

based in Middelburg – the Roosevelt

Walsh from California, was put on life

safe place is not making a fuss over


support after hanging himself from a

one person’s problems. I can hardly

tree in his backyard, and died nine days

believe that out of over a hundred








Around the Corner: US LGBT Teen Suicides

US actress Anne Hathaway in a still taken from The Trevor Project’s ‘It Gets Better’ video. don’t have dorms, we never have to

what the difference is between here

Tyler Oakley, where he says, “Who am

worry about roommates who sleep in

and the US that over there, so many

I to say that your life is gonna improve

the same room as you, and when you

more children are committing suicide.

too?” He places some question marks

don’t like someone you simply avoid

Perhaps I really don’t know what it’s

with the presumption that everything

them in the communal kitchen. I have

like to be gay in Texas, perhaps parents

will just work itself out. And I agree,

a room in a building where people

here are more supportive, perhaps it’s

we should continue to fight to make

tend to move in and out every few

the messages we get in the media.

life better for everyone, or otherwise this will just keep happening. What we

months and you hardly get to know each other by face. Through my major

That last bit we can change ourselves.

want are healthy, strong queer kids,

and electives, I now know people who

Which is why Dan Savage has started

and suicide over something like this a

can quote Oscar Wilde, have seen

a campaign called ‘It Gets Better’. It

thing of the past.

every Bergman movie ever made, or

features YouTube videos from all kinds

have an unhealthy kind of passion

of people telling suicidal queer kids

for the poetry of German poet Rainer

things will improve. The first video, by

Maria Rilke. Unlike the people in my

Dan Savage and his husband Terry, is

secondary school, these are the people

truly recommendable, just like, in my

I can talk to, no matter how weird that

opinion, the video sent in by the San

may sound.

Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus.

Besides the dorms, I don’t know

Another video I like is the one by


Further Reading: The ‘It Gets Better’ project: itgetsbetterproject The ‘Make It Better’ project:

Portrait: Scottish Singer Horse That Sheena McDonald (with the artist name Horse) would have a career in music seemed pretty much a given from birth; she was born on Saint Cecelia’s Day, which is the day that celebrates the patron saint of musicians. By: Chantal Horse hails from Newport-on-Tay, a small town in the north-east of the county Fife in Scotland. She spent her first two years in Anstruther, another small town in Fife, before she and her family moved to the town of Lanark in the Central Belt of Scotland. On her 10th birthday Horse got her first guitar and the rest, as they say, is history. She was already quite the performer in her school years; Horse made various appearances in school concerts. It wasn’t her only venture into the arts though. Next to her music, Horse would also draw and paint and was determined to go to art school and even prepared to set up her portfolio. While in the midst of doing arts in a variety of ways, Horse met Sandy Ash and the two teamed up to work out a short set of covers and it wasn’t long before Sandy placed an ad looking for other musicians. Angela McAlinden responded to the ad and the trio started talking and rehearsing.



conversation was the main thing they did and Sandy fell away. Angela and Horse still had some songs they wanted to collaborate on (Gibson St., Cinema Love Scenes) which turned into a writing partnership that lasted nearly two decades. During this time Angela and Horse were known under various names including




Astrakhan, but it wasn’t until a few demos later that publishers began to take note.


Portrait: Scottish Singer Horse The demo You Could Be Forgiven

to the studio with a pen and a note pad

Unfortunately, by the end of 1994

(including the so-titled single) was

and work started again. After she was

due to people leaving and people

singled out by Alex Radvanyi of EMI

given the ok to try her voice again, the

parting ways, Horse was left on her

(then CBS Songs) and after a series of

proper work started and the gang set

own, but not discouraged. She set out

meetings and negotiations a deal was

out to record the rest of the album.

to find her old fans and friends and set

finalized and signed in 1986.

up her own record company ‘Randan’. It was





Angela suggested that they’d rename

to go on a roll. The group had the

The fans never lost their interest

themselves ‘Horse’ and after various

opportunity to support BB King, Aztec

in Horse and with sensitive material

calls and minor setbacks

about Horse’s sense of loss and

that usually come with

not being able to say goodbye

the territory, the group’s

to her father, makes her latest

hard work was rewarded

album Coming Up For Air a treat

in the autumn of 1987

for old and new listeners alike.

when Simon Potts (music

Not all songs are about loss




though – Horse found a perfect



balance with other topics like

confirmed that he would

jealousy, lust, hope and other

be travelling to Glasgow

uplifting messages.



for the ‘Third Eye Show’ where Horse would be

When I first heard the voice

performing, to note his

of Horse I wasn’t quite sure

interest in the group.

what to think. I am quite tentative when it comes to




listening to music outside of

was scheduled for a few

my comfort box - though that

weeks later and a deal

comfort box has variety like


nobody’s business - but once I




December 23, 1987.

really listened to the lyrics and really started feeling the music

But the hard work wasn’t over; the

Camera and Tina Turner throughout

group needed to write their songs,

her German and UK tour and it didn’t

gather them and decide which ones

stop there – when Sweet Thing was

These are the type of songs I’d play

they would use for their first album.



in the background while working and

Pete Smith (a producer for, amongst

summoned by the Americans for a six

I don’t say this often. The smooth

others, Sting) and several others were

week promotional tour… and then the

sounds coming from the instruments

brought in and the recording began.

Gulf War happened.

and the voice that accompanies it just




The first single would be Forgiven and

get to me.

just as the single was being released

Everything stopped dead in their

disaster struck.

tracks; Simon Potts moved to Los Angeles,




Having had difficulties with her voice,

anything and EMI wouldn’t release

Horse found out she had a node on

them from their contract.

her left vocal cord; she would have to undergo an operation that would keep

It took the band a while to regroup

her completely silent for 10 days and

and finding a producer for their next

without her singing voice for at least

album wouldn’t be as easy as they

2 months.


This didn’t hold her back though;

right person and things started rolling

Horse had the operation and returned



I became enamored with it.





More: Official website: Twitter: horsemusic MySpace: myspace. com/horserandan

ILGA Conference ILGA-Europe is one of those organizations you know about and sometimes hear about, but you’re partly always wondering about what it is they actually do. Saskia, Anna and Gwen visited the 14th annual ILGA conference to get some answers.

“We won’t stop until we’ve reached full equality” By: Saskia Joreen



activist organizations that all operate

explains how his organization went



about cooperating with the police

becomes clear pretty soon that I’m

contexts, she says: “Of course there

force: “Police in Poland aren’t very

not going to find things that are of

are a lot of differences within activism.

gay-friendly. We started a dialogue

specific lesBian interest. Not because

Some organizations are more into

with them in the early 2000s. At first

the conference has nothing to offer

grassroots or street activism, others

we had made posters with the police

us lesBians; I was simply asking the

are more into legal and national

logo and a rainbow flag. At the very

wrong questions.

change and lobbying. When working

last minute, the police pulled out of

with them, we always take cue from

the campaign and said they didn’t


what the local organizations say

want to be associated with it. It’s a

theme and ILGA’s approach in general

about a specific subject. We don’t

problem we keep on facing – lower

has very little to do with pulling aside

have any ready-made answers to a

level employees are interested and

one group and putting the focus on

problem or situation.”

committed to do something against














them. With the theme ‘Expressing our our

differences, prejudices,



homo- and transphobia, but then it One of the biggest challenges ILGA-


Europe face, is to get discrimination

gets stopped on a higher level.”


of sexual orientation high on the

Despite the resistance among high

about embracing the diversity within

political agenda. “It’s still a very

level officials to do something about



delicate subject,” Evelyne explains,

LGBT issues, KPH have also (cont. on

to Evelyne Paradis, ILGA-Europe’s

“because it’s not seen on equal footing

next page...)

Executive Director, they want to

yet with for example discrimination

challenge the stereotypes within the

because of disability or race. There’s

community, specifically those related

for instance the debate on Roma

to gender, disability and racism. With

in France. What’s happening over

the philosophy that there is more

there is of course unacceptable and



politicians aren’t afraid to publicly say

activists than we think, ILGA want to

so. But when Baltic Pride was almost

focus on the commonalities between

banned, we tried to get the European

activists and their situations, while

Commission to say something, to

keeping room for diversity.

take a stand. And then everyone









became extremely careful, and went Evelyne: “Our approach is not to

about it very behind the scenes.

break down the groups within the

So that’s definitely an obstacle.”

LGBTI acronym. We do currently have an increased focus on the

It’s something that’s reflected

Trans and Intersex parts because

in a workshop I attended later

those have been underrepresented

on too, where Greg Czarnecki

for a long time.” When asked if

from the Polish Campaign

it’s not hard to work with so many

Against Homophobia (KPH) Evelyn Paradis


ILGA Conference had some successes in their work

My days at the conference in The

is sometimes even more important

with the police. Greg: “EuroPride in

Hague have been inspiring ones.

than trying to be objective.

Warsaw was a big success. It’s easier

Never before have so many European

to involve the police – the higher ups

LGBTI activists gathered in one

With still a lot of work ahead of

included - when there’s a concrete

place to share their experiences,

us when it comes to LGBTI equality

situation to deal with. And it helps

and many participants have told

in Europe, the words of Martin

when you speak their language.

me it’s very inspiring for them and


Polish police are very focused on PR

their activist work to be there. With

Chair, sound somewhat comforting:

and their image. They resist going



“We won’t stop until we’ve reached

to training on LGBT issues because

from outside the LGBTI community

full equality.” We all know this takes

they’re afraid the media will say

as well, it felt like a fresh wind was

time, but luckily the wonderful people

they have to go to this training

blowing through The Hague. It was

at ILGA-Europe and its members

because they’re homophobic. That

heartwarming to sometimes hear

don’t see this as a sign to just give

makes them look bad. It’s our job

the enthusiastic stories of some of

up. They will keep fighting the good

to then convince them that doing

our non-LGBTI allies and how they’re

fight, one step at a time.

the training will actually be good

committed to strive for equality for

PR for them. But it’s an ongoing

all. Not to mention that it was very

struggle. Police also back out a lot


with the excuse that they don’t want

my own assumptions about gender,

to appear as giving special attention

race, disability, religion and sexual

to just one group, in this case

orientation. As much as I always

LGBTs. They want to ‘treat everyone

try to be an objective journalist,

equally’. But of course that doesn’t

it’s impossible to be one. Being who

mean you should treat everyone the

you are shapes your perception of


the world. But to be aware of that








Find more conference reports, pictures and documents at

“Being there was a privilege” By: Anna McFaith I had never been to an ILGA

inclusion in the workspace, one

meeting; I’m not a member so

about LGBT health care and the

I’ve never had a solid reason to.

third on being an LGBT teacher.

Reporting about the ILGA-Europe meeting to all of those, like me,

For the first lecture, members

who never went, gave me more

of PARKS, CPP and Unison came

than enough reason and I’m glad

together to speak of management

I did. I only spent the Saturday in

terms like ‘diversity management’

the expensive hotel reserved for


the 250 visitors of the conference


but I can tell you that if I ever get

informative; we all know it’s still

the chance to go again, I will.

hard to come out of the closet as

‘positive lecture





LGB and I’m not even talking about ILGA-Europe




coming out as transsexual.

gement organized a multitude of

Ronald Plasterk


workshops for visitors and in order

The goal of the lecture was to

to report on them, we, of course,

show that hiring and nurturing

had to attend. That Saturday I


visited three workshops; one on

environment is actually a very good





ILGA Conference

business decision. Diversity brings

Her case was empowering and

important for empowering the LGBT

in more points of view and allows


community. Being there even for

teams to better reflect the current

the courage it takes to stand up to

society. Our part in it is to convince

a classroom with something that

our bosses and potential bosses of

students can’t just ignore like being

that fact.

LGB. To hear her go through the




steps she took to ensure it would The second workshop was centered

all go relatively well; to hear all the

around health care. Most of it was

thought she had put into this because

about gay men, HIV and (partly)

she didn’t want to hurt her students

the correlation between the two.

was truly inspiring.

Fighting the spread of HIV will mean educating those in risk categories


and, if possible, convincing them to

spoke through two other cases;

start taking medication which can

one where someone from an LGBT

prevent HIV - something that’s still

initiative spoke to a principal about

very much a taboo.










of LGBT students and one where The





someone of the same organization

about a very serious topic - was

spoke to the Minister of Education.

definitely the most fun. Organized

It was very informative to see what

by AOb Pink (an LGBT division of the

worked and what didn’t and one of

Dutch General Union of Education),

the most important things is to have

everyone attending was asked to

three solid points of advice. Any less

participate in a couple of role plays.

and you come across as unprepared;

We did three in total; the first one was

any more and the mountain of work

a case as presented by a wonderful

seems to become insurmountable.

woman who taught high school and walked into the classroom with her

On the train back home, I was tired

tutor students in their second year as

but definitely more aware. ILGA’s

a woman, when they had only known


her as a man before.




some of it was a privilege.

Further Reading: PARKS: Company Pride Platform (CPP): Unison: Gay and Lesbian Equality Network (GLEN): Algemene Onderwijsbond Pink (AOb Pink):

workshops and



ILGA Conference “It changed my life” By: Gwen What I found really interesting

has only been making more than one

something to convince the others to

about the ILGA conference was how

vowel sounds for a couple of years,

join us on our side.

there was a lot of room to think

to understand two languages, but

about other advocacy topics or topics

that doesn’t mean I know what kind

The statements we were confronted



of problems, stigma, and prejudices

with were of the type ‘It is better to

to the LGBTI cause. I somehow

she faces in her day-to-day life.

be disabled than to be gay in Europe’

ended up going to a workshop

Compare me to people who work

and ‘Disabled people can integrate

titled ‘Challenging our prejudices –

in a nursing home, and you might

fully into society’. Because of the

disability’. I’m being a bit dramatic

understand I was a lot less prepared

active nature of the exercise and

here, but it has changed my life.

for the first part of the disability

that I joined in despite my position

workshop: a confrontation exercise.

as a journalist, which I could have









taken to mean ‘onlooker’, I have no

everybody else in the workshop

It was the type of exercise I

notes of the discussion that ensued


remembered from useless classes

after each statement was made. One


in the first few years of secondary

thing I noticed was that it was all a

things. And that’s not even because

school. One end of the room means

lot more serious than when I was

I’m never confronted with disability.

‘I agree’, the other end means ‘I


I have a ten-year-old cousin (okay,

disagree’, the middle means ‘I don’t

around that age) who’s mentally and

know’ or ‘neutral’ - now go ahead and

Afterwards, someone

physically disabled, and from the

walk towards your opinion. An extra

were confused during the exercise

moment she was born she just was

rule was that you weren’t allowed to

and so was I. Most of the time, I felt

a part of our family. She’s one of the

speak if you were standing on the

like there was no one answer to the

sweetest kids I know, and despite

duct tape line in the middle. A couple

statement. For instance, ‘in Europe’

studying languages and linguistics I

of statements were displayed on a

is one of the most generic category

still don’t understand how you can

screen and after we had all made

markers you could use. And what

raise a mentally disabled girl, who

a decision, we were allowed to say

does one mean by ‘integrate fully’,




educated, more





and why are we acting like all disabilities are the same? I don’t think it’s necessarily bad to be confused during an exercise like this, though. Is it better to be disabled than to be gay? In what way, ‘better’? Legally, socially, personally? Should





minorities? If I stand at the end of the room meaning ‘I disagree’, does that mean I find it better to be gay than to be disabled, or that I think you can’t say that, or that I think it is equally bad? Obviously, confusion creates questions, and questions can get you started. The lady presenting the workshop was Karina Chupina, president of the international congressional of


ILGA Conference hard of hearing people, author, and

and wanted to have the highest


consultant on disability issues. To

tower, and although she was aware

necessary. It isn’t often that you

help us all communicate, there was

that I was next to her and couldn’t

get put in another person’s shoes,

a typist who made sure everything

do anything and she wanted to help

and just tying my arms to my back

that was said was displayed on two

me, in the end her competitiveness


screens. Then there was a group of

won. The Russian man who kept

life as a person without arms, but

Russian speaking people, who had a

saying the tower was going to fall

for the ten minutes we worked on

translator speaking into a device that

over did ask me a couple of times if I

constructing a paper tower, I got to

was connected to special earphones.

was okay, and I was. But I also didn’t

think about how it would be to do

I’d never seen that before, but it all

do anything to help, and it was only

day-to-day stuff like take notes in

felt quite futuristic.

because I knew it was just a paper

class or doing groceries. I wouldn’t

tower, and nothing important, that I

be able to do a lot of things I take

didn’t feel completely frustrated.

for granted.

writing notes, but I thought wrong.

The man who worked in a nursing

In a second workshop on the

And this is where my dramatic

home said it was only when he was

same day, the participants in the

‘it changed my life’ comes in: we

pretending to be in a wheelchair that


After the confrontational exercise I








thought I could happily go back to







were each ‘assigned’ a mental or physical handicap.



were instructed to try to cooperate to build a tower out of paper.




“I wouldn’t be able to do a lot of things I take for granted.”


ways LGBTI







organizations, or






accessible to people

We were given a pack



of printing paper and I was a person

he understood how it felt to be stuck

– both physically accessible and

without arms.

sitting somewhere. Sometimes, he


said, people would ask him to wheel






Needless to say, I couldn’t really

them somewhere, and he would be

help at all, because my hands were

really busy, so he’d have to come

Although the last part was more

tied behind my back. In our group

back later. Then when he got back,

useful for the actual participants,

there were two people supposed to

these people would sometimes be

it helped me see there’s a lot of

be deaf, one was supposed to be


potential in our movement to work

blind, and there were two Russian





speaking people who were supposed

The workshop later went on to

organizations and to make changes

to have disabilities as well, but the


within our own groups, as well. The

language barrier didn’t particularly

the LGBTI rights movement and


help either. There was a woman

the disability rights movement. For

of intelligent people ready to make

who could translate, but all one of

instance, disabled people were not

a difference. I heard an example

the Russian men kept saying was he

always able to marry. They weren’t

in which a disabled lesbian woman

was afraid the tower was going to

thought of as people who could make

was being accused of ‘putting her

fall over. Later, it turned out he was

their own decisions and this extended

sexuality in front of being disabled’.

supposed to have anxiety disorder.

to health care or support services.

It’s like people would get tired of

Similarly, we are in most countries

hearing she wasn’t just disabled,

One of the women in my group who

still fighting for marriage rights and

but a lesbian as well. These kinds

was supposed to be deaf said later

there’s a lot of things wrong on the

of things I think we can work to

that she was a competitive person

health care front as well.









Where Are We on TV? Where Are We on TV? lists what to look out for in Europe when it comes to TV series with a lesBian storyline, lesBian characters, or just specific TV programs about lesbians. E-mail your lesBian TV tips to

Belgium Thuis Mon-Fri at 20:15 on Eén Ann





Sandrine develop a stronger bond.

Finland Kotikatu Thu & Fri at 20:00 on YLE TV1 Laura doesn’t like that Krisse seems to be watching her every move. They discuss the issue of trust within their relationship and decide to go into relationship counseling. Salatut Elämät Mon-Fri at 19:30 on MTV3 After Heli and Sonya’s kiss, Heli – who seems to have a crush on Sonya - is a

Cat and Sam on Lip Service. (photo: BBC/Kudos)

bit confused about Sonya’s feelings for her and asks Sonya to be honest with her. Heli also turns out to be pregnant, much to her joy.

France Maison close Mondays at 20:50 on Canal Plus This new 8-episode mini series about a luxurious nineteenth century brothel in Paris features a lesBian character. Plus belle la vie

feelings and eventually doesn’t join


Heidi on her trip.

Mon-Fri at 13:45 on BBC One As Gio’s attempts to get Imogen’s






desperate, Rob realises that he will have

Mon-Fri at 20:15 on TV JOJ

to help her get rid of him.

Lucia is angry at Denisa for putting a camera at the bar to spy on Natálii, invading the privacy of their guests.

Lip Service From October 12 on Tuesdays at 22:30 on BBC Three Frankie moves into an apartment with Tess. Tess gets dumped by Lou for a

Mon-Fri at 20:10 on France3


Céline has to defend a man in court

Coronation Street

who mistook her friend Mélanie for a

Mon, Thu & Fri at 19:30/20:30 on ITV

prostitute, after which he assaulted

Sophian have returned home and have


to deal with everyone’s reactions to




guy while Cat and Sam finally seem

their relationship. Sophie’s mom, Sally, sticks up for them at the principal

to develop their relationship without Frankie interfering. Frankie meanwhile gets it on with Jay, and Tess sees them. Find full recaps of the show at


teacher’s office. A few weeks later a

Pobol y Cwm

Tuesdays at 20:00 on TV2

party is organised for Sophie’s 16th

Mon-Fri at 20:00 on BBC Wales

Heidi and Lone develop feelings for

birthday, where the pastor catches

Couple Gwyneth and Yvonne are on the

each other, but things don’t seem to

Sophian kissing about which he clearly

show, but have no notable storyline at

end well for them. Heidi leaves Hvaler


this point.

and asks Lone to come with her. Lone,

Read full, weekly recaps at

however, struggles with her lesbian






A List of Helpful LGBT Organizations per Country European





Association de Médecins

Lithuanian Gay League


Gais. www.medecins-gays.

LGBT Network


SOS Homophobie




Malta Gay Rights Move-








Lesbianas, ILGA Europe


Inclusive Foundation





Greek Sapphites


The Netherlands

Greek Lesbian

COC Nederland


de Lesbianas, Gays, Tran-


sexuales y Bisexuales




Rechtskomitee Lambda


Çavaria Wel Jong Niet Hetero


Lesbian and Gay Fede-



Bisexuales Española

ration in Germany





Norwegian National Asso-

Swedish Federation for

TEMA information center


ciation for Lesbian and


Gay Liberation

and Transgender Rights Hungary Bosnia and Herzegovina




Queer Bosnia and Herze-


govina. Bulgaria Bulgarian




HomO Poland




Samtökin ‘78

Pink Cross

Lambda Warsaw



Gay & Lesbian Equality



ILGA Portugal





Opus Gay




Czech Republic






Nash Mir

Gay and Lesbian League


Campaign Against Homo-

sation Gemini






United Kingdom


Danish National Association for Gays and Les-






Queer Youth





eur ut .org


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