PIFx1m-May Issue - Clint Steele

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PAY IT FORWARD x 1 Million


May 31st, 2013



Join us as we thank our local policemen and firemen.

In This Issue:

30 Seconds To Death: One Man’s Account of Our Local Heroes Performing A Miracle Can Paying It Forward Really Help Your Business? The Story Behind Ossipee Trails Motor Sales

PLUS MORE…. Once you have finished reading this copy of the magazine- please PAY IT FORWARD and pass it on to someone else.

➥ editor’s note Almost one year ago I decided to set a goal of performing or inspiring others to perform 1 Million acts of kindness…hence Pay It Forward x 1 MILLION. I started this journey on September 28th, 2013. The same day my father would have turned 70 years old. (he was killed a few years ago in an alcohol related car accident). I have dedicated this year to him, one of the greatest men I have ever known here on earth. To get the ball rolling 10 of us joined with McDonalds of Maine to give away 1000 free coffee vouchers in down town Portland to anyone and everyone. In 50 minutes we gave away these 1000 acts of kindness. Since then I have teamed up with people from all over the world to perform acts of kindness. Together, we made over 10,000 homemade Valentines Day cards for the homeless, nursing home residents, and prison inmates. I have partnered with local hockey parents and players to raise money for families in need. I am also affiliated with individuals who have gone out on their own to feed homeless people walking down the street, and so much more. I have loved every minute of it BUT I NEVER thought one of my acts of kindness might involve helping to save someone’s life! On April 15th, as most of the world stood back in sorrow and talked about and watched the happenings of the Boston Marathon bombings, I along with some very brave men found ourselves in a position where despite our efforts, thought we were watching a woman die right in front of our eyes. Due to the efforts of those who cared about someone they didn’t even know, and the efforts of some of our local heroes, she not only is alive today but she is back to living a normal life; Truly amazing (see cover story 30 Seconds From Death). The total acts of kindness right now as I write this is closing in on 30,000. 6 months left and I have a long way to go. A lot of people are starting to join me and momentum is starting to build. I plan on reaching my million by September 28th, 2013 HOWEVER…as it has been said…it is not reaching the goal that is the prize but rather who you become as you strive to reach the goal. This path has been amazing and it has made me grow in ways I never imagined. For that I am truly grateful whether I reach the goal or not. If you would like to join me on this venture and help make the lives of thousands of people or even one person better, please contact me and find out how you can make a positive difference, not only in someone else’s life, but in your life as well! PAY IT FORWARD Dr. Clint Steele, DC, CSCS

➥ CONTENTS Page 3: Can Paying It Forward Help Your Business? Page 4-5: 30 Seconds To Death- Our Local Heroes Page 8: Take A Stand...Against Bullying

L to R: Ofc. Dean Hannon II, FF/Paramedic Dean Belanger, FF Joey Haberny, FF David Webb, FF/EMT Brandon Brichetto, FF Dave Kroll, FF/EMT-I Chad Charland, Ofc. Ted Hatch

Page 9: Paying It Forward On ICE Page 10: Children’s Corner Magazine Information:

PAY IT FORWARD x 1 MILLION...the MAGAZINE is a monthly magazine with the sole purpose of motivating, inspiring, empowering and encouraging you to live your best life possible and help others do the same by PAYING IT FORWARD. We are a worldwide publication with editions printed locally for our local PIFx1M partners. Our mission is to teach, share and help others realize the awesome benefits of PAYING IT FORWARD. For more information please check out our website at http://www.payitforwardx1million.com.

Contact Info:

Please contact us at www.payitforwardx1million.com. Email us at drcs56@yahoo.com or call us at 207-240-4908


Pay It Forward x 1 Million…the MAGAZINE | May 2013- Issue 2

➥ Can Paying It Forward Help Your Business?

The Story Behind Ossipee Trails Motor Sales by Dr. Clint Steele

I am sure you have heard…” It is more important to give than to receive”, “What you give is what you get”, “Give, and it will be given to you.” or “…he who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and “he who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully.” Is this all really true? Does Paying It Forward personally or as a business really come back to benefit you? A few months ago I heard the following story of an owner of a local used car dealership doing something amazing, AMAZINGLY GOOD THAT IS! This man drove his own vehicle, 700 miles out of his way, to pick up and buy back a vehicle he had sold to a young 19-year-old Maine woman who had just moved to Kentucky. The vehicle was having issues after the move and the young lady was told by local mechanics the car needed a new engine and transmission. Tim Devine, co-owner of Ossipee Trail motor sales heard the story while vacationing in Arizona, and drove 700 miles out of his way to buy it back, pick it up and tow it back to Maine. Please note: he was in no way responsible for this car as it had been a few months since the purchase took place. It turned out the vehicle was fine and only needed a minor mechanical repair, but the point is this man, along with his wife, Sonja Devine, made the decision to help this young lady even though they didn’t have too. This is only one story…there are more. Helping a young football player at Thornton Academy, a young man they have never met. Sending a large some of money to an orphanage in Africa just because. Deciding to take $100 of every car sale and donate it to Make A Wish Foundation and various charities. I could keep going and going. ”We have always given back here and there, but a few years ago we decided to go out and make a precise intentional effort to give back,” says Tim. “We don’t do it to promote ourselves or say look at us but since we started doing this we have noticed a dramatic increase in our business and I truly believe it is because of this effort. “The giver is the one who receives the most blessings and I’m not talking just financially, in fact finances are way down on the list of blessings you receive in matter of priority.” ”The difference in our life has been really incredible not to mention the life of our business. I find that people want to do business with those who are giving back and making a positive

Tim and Sonja Devine difference in the community. We don’t do it for that reason but word gets out.” Says Sonja. “As a community if we all contributed even a little bit of positivity it would be amazing the difference we would see in our schools, in our businesses and in our community as a whole.” Now please make sure to know as I share this story, Tim and Sonja don’t do these things to get noticed or to brag. They have true genuine hearts to help others not expecting anything in return however, as with any law, they cannot avoid the consequences “ what you give will come back to you multifold”.

What do you have coming back to you?

If you own or know of a business who has an awesome PAY IT FORWARD story please contact us and share.

May 2013- Issue 2 | Pay It Forward x 1 Million…the MAGAZINE


➥ Our Local Heroes Seconds To Death- 30 Our Local Heroes April 15th, 2013, 6:50 pm…most everyone has the nightly news on watching the video footage of the Boston Marathon bombings. I have never been big on watching the news although I did catch bits and pieces of it earlier in the day and knew what was going on. I figured I would wait and sort through the stories later to find the heart warming, hero stories that come out of events such as this, proving the goodness in the majority of people instead of the evil in a few.

As I listen to the message and look through my phone, little do I know that my life is about to change forever.

Instead of staying home to watch the news I decide to head to a men’s group meeting at church like I have many times on Monday evenings. I have always enjoyed the camaraderie and the uplifting message that is so often shared at these meetings and today I felt like I needed this more than ever. As I enter the room the men are sitting in a horseshoe style format with our leader up front speaking. I pull up a chair just behind

Those first to the scene: L to R : Paul Lambert, Chuck Carman, Clint Steele, Tom Pequinot, Front L to R : Carli Carman, Brooke Carman


everyone so I can not only listen but also play with my phone with out everyone noticing. As I listen to the message and look through my phone, little do I know that my life is about to change forever. Little do I know the life of someone whom I have never met is in extreme danger in a room right across the hall. Little do I know of the events that are about to take place. Suddenly the door opens to the room and in walks a little girl. She seems a little anxious and speaks in a hurried manner with a tone that comes across as a little scared. She speaks loudly enough so all of us can hear and says…” I think the woman needs help, she fell down and is not talking.” My heart quickly sinks as I stand up and hurry across the hall into the other room. Three other men do the same. As I enter the room I see a woman lying on the floor with her eyes wide open but her body in a very rigid catatonic state. As I kneel to try and speak with her she stares right into my eyes but is unable to say anything. I hear a voice say, “let’s move her away from these chairs.” Her body is up on her side with part of her back up against the legs of some stacked chairs. We slowly move her away from the chairs so she is lying flat on the floor. I hear the guys behind me talking on the phone sharing the address of the church. I reach down for her wrist to check for a pulse. It is very faint so I move to her neck and still, I can only find a very faint pulse. Another man is up towards her head and he is trying to get her jaw unlocked. She continues to stare into my eyes as I speak to her. There is no response. Another man standing behind me grabs her hand and just holds it. I can still hear someone talking on the phone. I move my hand back to her wrist to try to find her pulse again. The faint pulse I had earlier is gone so I move back to her neck, that pulse is gone too.

Our EVERYDAY Heroes: THANK YOU L to R: Ofc. Dean Hannon II, FF/Paramedic Dean Belanger, FF Joey Haberny, FF David Webb, FF/EMT Brandon Brichetto, FF Dave Kroll, FF/ EMT-I Chad Charland, Ofc. Ted Hatch

Pay It Forward x 1 Million…the MAGAZINE | May 2013- Issue 2

I look back at her eyes and still she continues to stare into mine but this time there seems to be more intensity as if she is trying to talk to me. Her white face is now turning blue. More and more blue, my heart sinks even further as I know what has to be done. It has been years since I was certified in CPR but I have to try. I have to! The man at her head works hard to get her jaw to unlock so he can open her mouth so we can start CPR. Finally…her mouth is open. Without even speaking to each other we both just know we have to do. He starts breathing and I start chest compressions. Oh Lord, please, Oh Lord please I just keep saying to myself. I look into her eyes again and this time her eyes speak back to me…”please help me, please help me”. “ Come on you can do this, you got this, please Lord, please,” I just keep saying to myself over and over. “ You can do this, you have to live” We stop and check for a pulse again, I think I might have one but it is so light that maybe it’s my imagination just hoping. Then it sounds like she is taking a breath, but again not sure as it may just be air coming back out the man put into her. We have to keep going I think to myself and again with out saying a word we start up again. I look back into her eyes again as they begin to close…”Help me, HELP ME” they say to me. Suddenly I see a tear start to form in one corner of her eye. As her eyes close the tear slowly slides down the side of her face. Without warning another man walks into the room. It’s a policeman. He kneels down and opens up his bag. “Continue chest compressions,” he says to me as he sets up leads onto her chest and places a device into her mouth. I continue chest compressions as he continues to work. He asks me to stop and move away…”CLEAR” he yells and a second later her body jumps as the electricity passes through it. Several more men walk into the room. I get up and move out of the way to allow them to do what they do. As I step back I am in awe of how these men are working together and talking to each other. Like a well-oiled machine they work. I keep hearing one of the police officers asking the EMT how long. 10 minutes. Then again… 12 minutes. The men continue to work. “Clear,” again her body jumps as the electricity passes through it. Three men trade off chest compressions. Another man is placing an IV into her arm. “What’s the time?” I hear again. “15 minutes” Please Lord, please Lord I just keep saying to myself. The men continue to work, they are so calm and cool but as time goes by I can tell they are all growing more and more concerned. Every so often they seem to get a heart beat but then it seems it is lost again, but I really can’t tell what is going on as I am trying to keep my distance. “Time,” I hear again. “18 minutes, CLEAR” her body shakes again as the electricity passes through it. “Please Lord, please, “ I just keep saying to myself. ”Ok we got it.” One man says. “Time?” “19 minutes and 30 seconds”. “Let’s transport her”. Two of the men run out and bring back a hard board. The men work together to put her on the board. Finally she is on her way out to the ambulance and heading to the hospital, it felt as though it may never come.

Three of us watch as they upload her into the ambulance. One of the policemen walks over to us and says, “well she is headed to the hospital but she is not out of the woods.” He explains to us that if they had reached 20 minutes without detecting a specific pulse, they would not have been able to transport her. Later while at the hospital the doctor informs us the woman is not doing well. They are going to induce a medical coma and they have no idea what will happen when they bring her out. The doctor continues to tell us that even if she does come out of the coma ok her brain went long periods of time with no oxygen so not to expect much. Two days later I head back to the hospital to see her. “Wouldn’t it be amazing if she were ok” I say to myself as I approach the ICU unit. The nurses direct me to her room and as I approach I see a woman sitting upright in bed watching tv. I am amazed. I walk in and introduce myself for the first time. WOW…it is like nothing every happened. She even says to me, “ I don’t know why I am here, I feel fine.” A miracle? As I spoke with doctors and the men at the scene that Monday night I believe it was a miracle. This woman happened to be at church. If she had not come to church that night to watch a few kids she would have been at home where no one was home nor would have been home for some time. The little girl who walked over to us knowing something was wrong. 19 minutes and 30 seconds…30 more seconds and she would not have been transported to the hospital. The medics, policemen, firemen and doctors at the hospital, all of whom have been doing this for years and years, are amazed that this woman is alive, let alone fine. 30 seconds from death? Maybe…or maybe it is someone wanting you to be in awe of Him. For me it is the latter. I believe that God works through us. I believe that God worked through many men and one little girl that night. All of who stepped up and made it happen.

I believe that God worked through many men and one little girl that night.

Now more than ever I have the utmost respect for our local heroes, our policemen, firemen and paramedics. All of you are incredible! The way you all worked that night was inspiring. My hat is off to all of you. To the men and the one little girl who stood up at that men’s group meeting to lead and to aid someone whom you didn’t even know… you are incredible and I am proud to have served with you! We were all an instrument of God that night. Thank you!

May 31st, 2013 Join us as we celebrate Our Local Heroes Day. We are looking to partner with elementary schools, youth groups, boy and girl scouts and more to thanks and appreciate those who put their lives on the line for us each day, our local policemen and firemen. Please join us. Learn more at http://www.payitforwardx1million.com May 2013- Issue 2 | Pay It Forward x 1 Million…the MAGAZINE



Please support our LOCAL PAY IT FORWARD x 1 MILLION business partners who are providing not only an excellent service/product, but who are making a positive difference in this community.

Coastal Drywall, Inc. Commercial and Residential Grant Carrier 207-272-9993 26 Distant Pines Drive- Gorham, ME 04038 E-mail: gcarrier@maine.rr.com Find us on Facebook at Coastal Drywall, Inc.


Gorham Plaza, 593 Main St. (Route 25) 839-7272

Gorham House of Pizza 2 State Street Eat-In/ Take-Out

CALL 839-2504 or Fax Orders to 839-2148 Increases Fuel Mileage | Prolongs Engine Life Reduces Harmful Emissions Jeffrey Labbe Fuel Management Consultant labbex34@gmail.com 207-756-5373

Hours: Sunday-Thursday 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. Friday and Saturday 11 a.m to Midnight


Nola Fennessy

207-776-0302 Independent Associate Regional Vice President www.legalshield.com/hub/nolafennessy

Betty Reynolds Independent Distributor Cell 207-415-3520 bettyjrey@yahoo.com www.sendoutcards.com/bettyreynolds

Partner with a million dollar producer and get the results you are looking for.

The greatest gift you can give to someone is to believe in them. Call us for all your insurance needs. 1085 Brighton Agency, Portland, ME 04102 P(207)775-3793 F(207)761-0562


The Maine Real Estate Network

Kim Carignan-Associate Broker 183 US Route 1 Falmouth, ME 04106 207.781.1123 - Office 207.807.5226 - Cell kimc@themainerealestatenetwork

Pay It Forward x 1 Million‌the MAGAZINE | May 2013- Issue 2


Please support our PIFx1M partners, all of whom are committed to helping our community PAY IT FORWARD. See their ad for their PAY IT FORWARD contribution and also make sure to find out more at our community page at http://www.payitforwardx1million.com

Gorham House Of Pizza

The greatest gift you can give to someone is to believe in them.

2 State Street Eat-In/ Take-Out BRING THE WHOLE FAMILY Fresh Dough Daily Fresh Salads- Calzones-Pasta Beer-Wine GREAT PIZZA and more!

Call us for all your insurance needs.

CALL 839-2504 or Fax Orders to 839-2148 We accept Visa/MC Hours: Sunday-Thursday 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. Friday and Saturday 11 a.m to Midnight


1085 Brighton Agency, Portland, ME 04102 P(207)775-3793 F(207)761-0562

CELEBRATE RECOVERY If you’ve been hurt, “We want to heal you.” If you’ve been confused, “We want to lead you.” If you’ve ever felt helpless to change anything, “We want to help you.” If you’ve ever felt no one understands, “We want to comfort you.” If you’ve ever felt worried or afraid, “We want to offer you peace.”

Come join us at Life Church, 8 Elkins Rd. Tuesdays at 6:30 pm. FMI Contact Crystal LaChance 207-839-6354

Make A Positive Difference In The Lives Of Thousands Of People In YOUR Community While Promoting Your Business. Partner With Us and Join The Movement You will be seen by thousands and thousands of people


May 2013- Issue 2 | Pay It Forward x 1 Million…the MAGAZINE


➥ Take A Stand...Against Bullying Making A Difference In Our Schools by: Betty Reynolds | Big Moose Harley-Davidson Growing up, I used to hear “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me”. Well nothing can be further from the truth. Words can hurt and leave lasting impressions that can not only effect you now but for many years to come. Although I grew up and was bullied, I knew it was not about me it was about the bully. I knew they often lashed out on others for attention and it helped me to move on in my life. Turn on any television talk show and you will at some point see a teen who has contemplated taking his/ her own life because they have been bullied so much, but instead overcame and Jillian Jensen from the X-Factor now give hope to those who are being bullied. Bullying is an epidemic. It used to be that the bullying stopped once you left school, but now with social media and cell phones, it just doesn’t stop. What was once only word of mouth bullying to only a hand full of people has now turned to cyber-bullying where thousands can be reached in a matter of minutes.

“Be Inspired and Take a Stand” Against Bullying

with Big Moose Harley-Davidson May 9th, 2013 n o i t a n Do vent 5:00 - 9:00pm Only E at the

Portland Elks Lodge #188 1945 Congress Street Portland, ME 04102-1903 Arts and Literacy Contest for schools FMI contact Betty Reynolds at 415-3520


Our schools aren’t equipped to handle what is going on. They are not trained to notice the signs or give students tools to help them cope in a world that can be cruel. They are neglecting those who finally have the courage to say something, suspending the ones who stand up for one another and the bullies just get detention or suspension, which does nothing. Having those who bully do something good for someone else is the only way to teach them, that getting attention or feeling good about themselves, doesn’t have to happen by lashing out on others, but by doing good things for others. Over the last year I have had so many people come into my life regarding bullying and I cannot help but feel I am being lead to inspire and empower others to be a voice in their schools and communities. Motivated to bring awareness and find organizations that are passionate about helping kids and schools. With 3 teens taking their own lives this last month alone in Maine, I know that what I have been lead to do, is not only the right thing but something that we all need to do as a community to be of service to others. To be there for someone, to give them hope and help. Being inspired and empowered in your life to make a difference… is a simple as taking action. We are asking families to be the change you wish the world to be and be a voice in your school and community in a positive way. The only way to combat negative in this world is with Shannon Selig positive. We are taking a stand at Big Moose Harley-Davidson on May 9th and hope you will join us for food, fun, and entertainment by leaders in the music industry and more who want to make a difference in this world. We will be raising money for organizations that are making a difference in schools with musicians like “Uncle Jim” Mayer from the Jimmy Buffett Band, Jillian Jensen from the X Factor, Shannon Selig, and Nancy Silberkleit. In addition Co-CEO of the Archie Comic Books will be on hand to give away over 100 comic books and so much more! All of these people coming from out of state to make a difference and inspire all to take a stand against bullying. We need to be a voice and help! Come for some incredible inspiration, food and entertainment on May 9th from 5:00-9:00 pm at the Portland Elks Lodge #188, across from the Portland Jetport and “Be Inspired and Take a Stand” against bullying. Doors open at 4:30 with free gifts to the first 100 people and plus more! Together, we can make a difference!! In appreciation and gratitude, Betty Reynolds

Pay It Forward x 1 Million…the MAGAZINE | May 2013- Issue 2

➥ Paying It Forward On Ice Local Hockey Players and Parents Come Together To Honor One Of Their Own by: Dr. Clint Steele

of Gorham, Maine. Hockey players and parents from as far South as Saco/Biddeford, as far West as Berlin, NH and as far North as Bangor plus many more families from Portland, Lewiston/Auburn and Augusta paid it forward to benefit a beloved hockey mom. ”She was my world, she was my everything” Said Jeff Barrell of his wife, Diane, as he thanked everyone for the tremendous amount of support. The first annual PAY IT FORWARD x 1 MILLION Mini 3 on 3 Hockey tournament took place on April 13th and 14th at USM Ice Arena in Gorham Maine. The tournament was a HUGE success with over 150 families attending and over $1,000 being raised to help the family. Hockey players, coaches, and parents alike enjoyed the unique format of the tournament and loved the cause. Thank you to all those who attended and donated. PAY IT FORWARD x 1 MILLION would like to continue this annual hockey tournament each year to help raise money for families or individuals within the hockey community in need. If you know of someone in need who would benefit from the proceeds of this tournament please contact PAY IT FORWARD x 1MILLION at their website, www.payitforwardx1million.com Imagine having a terminal rare disease, knowing the only thing that will most likely save your life is a double lung transplant. What if this person were your spouse, or your mom or one of your closest friends? Would you do anything and everything you could to make sure she survived? The family and friends of Diane Burrell of Auburn, Maine did just that, and finally, on March 5th, 2013 Diane was approved to be on the list to get that transplant. Sadly, Diane would never be able to receive a transplant as she passed away that very same day. The same friends and family who committed to helping her are now committed to helping the Barrell family pay off huge amounts of medical debt. All these people who loved Diane, in addition to the youth hockey community, came together in honor of her, the weekend of April 13th and 14th. Diane was a hockey mom whose son, Jake, plays for the Maine Renegades out

A special thanks to the following businesses who either made a donation or sponsored a team. PAPA Johns Pizza of Gorham, Maine Dunkin Donuts of Gorham, Maine L/A Harley out of Lewiston, Maine United Ambulance out of Lewiston, Maine

May 2013- Issue 2 | Pay It Forward x 1 Million…the MAGAZINE


➥ Children's Corner Molly Kite & Co. is proud to join hands with Pay It Forward x 1 Million Magazine. The column is written by seven year old Molly Kite, the main character in “Molly Kite’s Big Dream”, a children’s book for ages 7 to 107 teaching the world about dreaming big and knowing when to take action. Look for a diary entry from Molly Kite and an action step for you or your child to take toward putting your best foot forward each day. Dear Diary, It’s a beautiful spring day, but me and Faith... (you remember my rag doll Faith don’t you?) Well, we were a little bored so we went to see what Nana Whacky was up to. She was in the kitchen writing in a notebook and had her glasses slid down on the end of her nose trying to see the papers better. We talked a bit and it went like this: “What’s up, Nana?” I asked. “Reviewing and renewing my goals, dearie. And what are you doing?” she said. “Nothing,” was what I said. “We’re doing nothing. What do you mean you are reviewing goals. What’s that about? Do I have goals I should be reviewing?” Nana put her pen down just then and pushed her glasses back up to her eyes before reminding me of last summer’s dream to be potter. “Do you remember how much you wanted to make vases and pretty things?” she asked. I nodded my head and made sure Faith nodded hers, too. “Yes, we remember!” “If your dream had not come true yet, Molly Kite, when you look at that goal of being a potter would you still want it? I mean, would you still really want it to come true?” She had her face real close to mine just then, as I thought about that question. I knew my answer. “Yes, yes, yes, Nana Whacky! I would still want it to be true. Very much so!!” She patted my head, pinched Faith’s cheek, picked up her notebook and pen and put them in the cupboard saying “Young lady, you just reviewed and renewed your goals. Good for you.” So Diary, I guess reviewing your goals means looking at them again to see if you still want them to happen. I keep my goals on a paper taped to my closet door. Tomorrow I’m going to sit and think about every one of them, but not before I make a new goal to have pizza every night for dinner. Gotta go, I hear brother Banjo calling me outside to catch frogs.

Big hugs & blueberry kisses,

Molly Kite


Parent’s Pay It Forward action step:

Encourage the young folks in your life to have goals and dreams. Explain to them about the difference between short term and long term goals and help them to set some of each. Post their goals and dreams in a location so that they can easily look at them daily. Assist them in reaching the dreams by asking them every day what they did to bring them one step closer. Post your child’s goal at: www.facebook.com/MollyKite

Play time for kids. Circle the words in the article that are the answers to the questions. What did Molly Kite want to be, do or have? What goal did Molly Kite add to her list? What time of year is it? Where was her brother Banjo?

**BONUS** Write a silly sentence including all of the words you circled.

BIO: Tam I Am Veilleux is a Maine based children’s book author, teacher and transformational speaker encouraging everyone to create big change. Please visit: www.chooseBIGchange.com for more information.

Pay It Forward x 1 Million…the MAGAZINE | May 2013- Issue 2

Please support our PIFx1M partners, all of whom are committed to helping our community PAY IT FORWARD. See their ad for their PAY IT FORWARD contribution and also make sure to find out more at our community page at http://www.payitforwardx1million.com

May 2013- Issue 2 | Pay It Forward x 1 Million‌the MAGAZINE


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Pay It Forward x 1 Million…the MAGAZINE | May 2013- Issue 2

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