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Hispanic Heritage Month e student publication of the San Jacinto College District

Vol. 24, No. 2

October 14, 2013

Events pay tribute on all three campuses

Christopher Rodriguez San Jacinto Times

Carolina Rodriguez Staff Writer

kicked off the opening day ceremony of National Hispanic Heritage Month Sept. 16 at San Jacinto College Central Campus. The annual celebration runs until Oct.

Mariachi band Calmecal (L) plays traditional mariachi music in the student center to kick off Hispanic Heritage Month (HHM). A STEM panel discussion is one of HHM’s many featured events.

16 on all three San Jac campuses, and is packed full of events meant to be both festive and informative. The month-long celebration culminates in a closing ceremony featuring food and music on Cen-

SJC student sets sights on Deer Park political race

The traditional sounds of the mariachi

Giovann Rosales Staff Writer

The President of the San Jacinto College Central Campus Republicans will put his political experience to the test when he runs for Deer Park City Council in the 2014 election. Jarrod Keeling will be running for Position 5 of the six-member council. Beckie Stockstill-Cobb will be the incumbent candidate running against him in the May race. Keeling said that if elected, his primary focus will be on improving the conditions of community

Giovann Rosales San Jacinto Times

Jarrod Keeling is running for City Council.

parks, encouraging voter participation, addressing the drainage issues, and reducing the city’s spending of taxpayer money. “I really want to give back to my community. I’ve lived in Deer Park since I was 10 years old…I’ve gotten to experience such great opportunities here… It’s not about ambition. If I didn’t think I was sincerely the best person for this job, I wouldn’t run,” Keeling said. He said his interest in politics started at about age 16. Two of his mentors are Texas Senator Ted Cruz and former U.S. Representative Ron Paul. Keeling credits his former government teacher, Angelina Cavallo, for inspiring much of his political ideology. Cavallo is aware of Keeling’s interest in joining local government. “What better way to publicly serve than to run for office. It’s one of those opportunities where we have a chance to give back to the community,” said Cavallo. Keeling, a full time student at San Jac, is majoring in Environmental Science. He is involved in several college activities including serving as president of the College Republicans, Vice President of Young Americans for Liberty, and Treasurer of the Entertainment and Multi Media Society (EMMyS) club. He was recently appointed Precinct Chair for Precinct 420. Keeling said campaigning efforts will begin sometime in February or March of 2014 and will range from fundraisers to block walking. “Expect to see the flowers of political season…My family is supportive and confident that I will either win the position or come close to it,” Keeling said.

tral campus. Dina Castillo, professor and head of the social science department, said the National Hispanic Heritage Month is celebrated between Sept. and Oct. because

Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) History month is underway at San Jacinto College Central Campus. History month, hosted by Student Life at Central Campus, centers around the successes and struggles of life in the LGBT community. Angie Langdon, the Student Life Advisor for the Gay Straight Alliance (GSA) at Central Campus said the month long celebration is centered on raising awareness. “The goal of History month is to

provide a fun and educational way to learn about the LGBT lifestyle. We are not in a ‘don’t ask, don’t tell’ society anymore,” Langdon said. The GSA, formed in 2009 at San Jac, was created to reach out to both communities in an effort to teach acceptance, not just tolerance among the student body. Central Campus’s newly elected GSA President, Karina Soto, said she is pleased with the advances the LGBT community has made, and the opportunities History month at San Jac Central has to offer. “I'm very proud of all of the sup-

See Heritage on Page 4

Steve Bailey (L) and Victor Wooten make up the duo Bass Extremes.

Grammy winner returns with pal to perform at Central

Susan Moosavi Staff Writer

Multiple Grammy winning bassist Victor Wooten will perform at San Jacinto College Central Campus Oct. 21 to benefit the Brittany Williams Memorial Scholarship Fund. Fellow renowned bass player Steve Bailey will join Wooten as part of the collaborative duo, Bass

San Jac celecbrates LGBT History Month

Shawna Russell Staff Writer

several Latin American countries won their independence from Spain during those months.

port we are receiving from Student Life and the GSA,” Soto said. “We are so excited for what’s to come. It's amazing to see how society is much more accepting and how it continues to change for the better each day.” “MILK,” the first of three screenings at Central Campus offering a firsthand look at the hardships the gay community went thru while paving the road for success, will be shown Oct. 15. A candlelight vigil at 7:00 p.m. in the North Courtyard will follow. “Monsters U,” and “Rent,” which also demonstrate the adversities of

Extremes. Last year, Wooten’s concert raised $16,000 for the scholarship fund that provides tuition for Audio Engineering students at San Jac. According to Audio Engineering professor Angela Beyer, students can expect the concert to continue as an annual event.

See Wooten on Page 4

gay life, will be shown Oct. 17. Events such as themed trivia, the distribution of rainbow colored bracelets, free hugs, and tie-dyeing bandanas offer a lighter, more hands-on way to learn the history of the LGBT community. The month-long celebration at Central Campus will culminate with Post Secrets, the public display of secrets written anonymously on postcards by the student body and faculty and posted on a wall Oct 28 – Nov. 1. “Everyone has a secret they want to get off their chest,” Langdon Shawna Russell San Jacinto Times said. The yearly LGBT event aims to promote acceptance.

San Jacinto Times

October 14, 2013

C-Rod says what C-Rod thinks: Breaking up with Breaking Bad


sion, Breaking Bad, has come to an end. It was a satisfying ending in my opinion (no spoilers here) because no loose ends were left in the last episode. As AMC’s promo puts it, "all bad things must come to an end." I’ll miss the high drama in each episode that literally kept me biting my nails, and turned me into… a Breaking Bad junkie. I started watching the show last year, the summer before college. Several of my friends recommended it, and my family wouldn't dare to interrupt my dad's Breaking Bad Sundays. I

Christopher Rodriguez Editor-in-chief

The greatest show on televi-

decided to see what all the hype was about. I found it on the glorious Netflix. So, I began watching the series from the pilot, and I couldn't stop. I found that Breaking Bad itself was a drug. It’s hard to watch just one episode. The show’s protagonist sells drugs. But in reality, he’s actually selling you the show, and you just keep buying it. The drama in each episode creates more anticipation for the next episode, which is what drives the series. You want to know what will happen, and you’ll jit-

ter until you get your Breaking Bad fix. Also, Breaking Bad affected what I bought. No, I did not buy crystal meth. I bought merchandise related to the show. I wish I owned more, but I have to make do with what I have. If you wear Breaking Bad merchandise, people are going to notice. The iconic "Los Pollos Hermanos" or "Heisenberg" sketch are images people associate with the show. I own a "Heisenberg" shirt and people notice it; they say "cool shirt." I like that, because I'm not

the only one in a “16 and Pregnant” world that watches good shows and appreciates them. Watching Breaking Bad was like escaping my world. When I would turn on the TV, I would go into my Breaking Bad world. Once that hour was over, all I could think about was homework, and what was going to happen on the following week's episode. I repeated the cycle until the show was over. As most addictions go, the wait between fixes got worse as the series neared its close. As it was ending, I still wanted

More from Moore: Will Schuab deliver?

Alex Moore

Department Editor

Each season for the last three years, the Houston Texans started the NFL season with high expectations. This year is no different. Unfortunately, the competition is. Recently, the Texans were shining stars for the AFC with our smash mouth defense,

disciplined zone blocking scheme, and devastating play action game. The only down side? The less-than-mobile Matt Schuab. While Schuab is a serviceable quarterback, he lacks the necessary mobility to escape even simple pressure. He doesn't have to be RG3 or Russell Wilson. All he needs is to be able to escape a little pressure. In the words of Hall of Fame Head Coach Bill Walsh about his former quarterback Steve DeBerg, "He plays just good enough to get you beat.'' Schuab threw an interception that was returned for a touchdown by Richard Sherman with about two minutes left in the fourth quarter to tie the game. The Texans were shocked in an overtime loss against the Seattle Seahawks.

All this was caused by a blitz the Seahawks brought forcing Schaub to throw an irresponsible pass right into the hands of Sherman. This was his sixth interception of the year, three of which were returned for touchdowns. The following week against the 49ers, Schuab was at it again throwing another interception that was returned for a touchdown. This gave him a new NFL record, four consecutive games with an interception returned for a touchdown. Now, many quarterbacks go through rough patches. Ben Roethlisberger and Eli Manning did, or do. But, that’s acceptable because they have championship rings to offset the tough times. Schuab doesn’t have that luxury. Schuab is a decent quarter-

back, but he is not the type that will pick up his team and carry them to a win like a Manning or Brady. Now, I'm not saying we need a reincarnation of a Hall of Famer, but someone that doesn't have his feet stuck in concrete and can escape a simple blitz would be nice. While the Texans defense is stout giving up just four touchdowns in weeks two, three and four, Schuab gave the opposition three by himself. This Texans offense is no joke with talent everywhere you look. Running backs Arian Foster and Ben Tate run hard and thrive in the zoneblocking scheme. The offensive line, when healthy, is extremely reliable and is often referred to as one of the best in the NFL. To top it all

off, we have three solid receivers: future Hall of Fame wide-receiver Andre Johnson, sophomore Keyshawn Martin, and rookie DeAndre Hopkins. Then there is the duo of tight ends, Owen Daniels and Garrett Graham that would be a safety blanket to any quarterback. It seems like any other serious quarterback would thrive with such talent around him, but Schuab is finding ways to under achieve. So, with all this talent surrounding him, the question remains, ‘Why does Matt Schuab still come up small?’ One can only hope that somehow he will turn it around. At the very least, maybe he will stop tripping over his own feet and get out of the way of his team.

Inside the mind of a college student: Is social media unsocial?

Jake Rojas Staff Writer

Technology has always been the undoing of man. Aldous Huxley said, “Technological progress has merely provided us with more efficient means for going backwards.” It consumes man’s energy, eliminates jobs, and in the process, weakens man’s work ethic. Although advancements continue to litter the technological landscape, none has impacted young people like the development of social media.

Social media has profoundly impacted all aspects of modern life; nowhere more so than social life. It is, after all, called social media. I used to view Facebook and Twitter as something I did for fun; not much else. Now, it’s not even fun. I view it as something I have to do, almost like a daily homework assignment or checking Blackboard. It wasn’t always like this. Back in high school (2 years ago), I loved getting on Facebook. It was interesting to see other kids’ profiles, and pictures of what they were doing. You could check the status of the girl you liked to see if she was single or not. Usually, you could also find information about parties. It was a good tool back in the day. But, going forward, it seems rather childish. Now that I’m in college, I don’t care what other people from my graduating class have done. That’s just me, though. I think social media has hindered the growth of a lot of college students, in one way or another. Some people I know constantly check

their own, and other people’s Twitter accounts. They can keep in touch with everyone they went to school with and see what everybody’s been up to. The problem? Sometimes, those are the only people they communicate with or know. What happened to the days where you graduated, and everyone moved on with his or her life? I’m not suggesting social media holds people back from an education or following a career path. But, if you do have a social media account and actively use it, it can make attending San Jac feel like “thirteenth or fourteenth Grade”. Its impact isn’t limited to San Jac or other community colleges, it has reached universities as well. A lot of my friends went off to universities. I assumed when I went to visit them, they would have met a slew of new people, or made a few new friends. I was wrong. When I took a trip to San Marcos, I saw a large number of people from my high school had migrated toward each other there. At one apartment complex,

eight apartments in a row on the same floor were inhabited by kids I went to high school with; all of whom weren’t good friends in high school, but now all hang out. Now, I don’t know if social media is to blame for this, but if it isn’t, what is? Was it just a roll of the dice and by chance, they happened to end up living next to each other? Or was it collusion? It begs the question, why go out and meet new people when you are just a click away from someone you already know? The knowledge of what your high school peers have done is prevalent, but shouldn’t be relevant. Social media can help us stay in touch, help us meet new people, help inform the general public of news, along with many other functions. In my experience though, I think it makes college, community or university, feel a little too much like high school…Which reminds me, I wonder if Tammy Jacobson is going to read this. I hope she likes it and thinks I’m cool.

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to see what was going to happen, but I didn't want it to end. I was at a tug-o-war with my desires. Watching the last episode, I accepted there would be no more Breaking Bad Sundays. I have to remember the experience and why it happened. No more Breaking Bad… just breaks me. But, it was a high that I will remember. I can’t find a new show to watch since there’s nothing on that compares to Breaking Bad. I will wander the channels trying to find a new escape. All I have now are memories.

Chapa’s tips to a bright career

Jonathan Chapa Department Editor

One thing to always remember, no one is perfect. Especially when it comes to knowing what career to pursue. Picking a career path is not easy for everyone, but for a lucky few it is. Now, I am speaking to students who may be feeling pressure about deciding what career they want in life. I’ve been at San Jacinto College since Fall 2010, and I have encountered many students that do not know what career path to choose. So, don’t be afraid. You’re not the only one who’s faced a challenge like this. What I can do to relieve some pressure is give some helpful advice to help you decide. First, an easy method to help find a career is to look at your hobbies. Evaluating the hobbies that interest you may help lead to a career you‘ll enjoy in the long run. It is very possible to have more than one interest you’re good at, so take time to research each as a job opportunity and find out what is required for that career. If that doesn’t work, you can take a career exam to find out what might be a good fit. I found a career path that suited me through trial and error. Before I started college, I wanted to get into graphic design. As the semesters at San Jac went by, I started to realize that graphic design was not for me. I needed to find something I felt more comfortable with. Before transferring to the University of Houston Clear Lake, I had to be sure what career I would pursue. After realizing graphic design was not for me, I soon discovered communications. After reading up on what Communications was about, and taking elective courses in newspaper writing, mass communications, and photography, I was confident that this should be my career in life. So, use your time wisely at San Jac. Your future isn’t too far away.

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San Jacinto Times San Jacinto College Student Publications


Hellen Papadacos




Christopher Rodriguez



Efren Diosdado Susan Moosavi

Jonathan Chapa Alex Moore

Carolina Rodriguez


Giovann Rosales

Sara Quintana


Jake Rojas

Shawna Russell Sydney Walker Jessica Warren

The San Jacinto Times is published five times a semester by the journalism students at San Jacinto College Central, 8060 Spencer Highway, Pasadena, TX 77505. Opinions expressed herein are those of the writer and not necessarily those of the staff, its adviser, the administration or the Board of Regents. The Times encourages letters to the editor. Letters must be in good taste, accurate, free from libel, malice or personal controversy. Letters must be limited to 200 words in length. Letters submitted

without the author’s signature will not be accepted. The staff reserves the right to edit the letters for accuracy without altering the general meaning. Letters can be e-mailed to Hellen.Papadacos@sjcd.edu. Letters must include name and phone number for verification. The digital edition of the Times is available at http://issuu.com/sanjacintotimes. Advertising space is available for $5.00 per column inch. Special rates are available. For news tips and information on advertising, contact the Times at 281478-2752.

San Jacinto Times

October 14, 2013

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Lifestyle & Entertainment

San Jacinto College brings award-winning play ‘The 39 Steps’ to Central’s stage

Sydney Walker Staff Writer

Jessica Warren San Jacinto Times

Professor Chad Hines gets inside the heart of art

Left to Right: Artist Chad Hines and San Jac professors Todd Allison, Michael Unger, and Daniel Longtin stand in front of one of the pieces from the exhibit.

Jessica Warren Staff Writer

Central Texas College professor and artist Chad Hines revealed the inspiration behind his artwork during an Artist Talk at San Jacinto College Central Campus’s art gallery Sept. 26. Two major influences affecting his artwork are his family, and his experience installing floors in homes, Hines said. Initially, the artist saved left over material from work that he used for his pieces. “I enjoy the format of the flat surface,” he said. I work intuitively, in a sense of where I don’t know exactly where I’m going when I start something,” the artist said. Meanwhile, he said the artwork on display at San Jac, whether a drawing of his children or a

woodwork piece, mostly draws from his personal life. “(The artwork) has to do with the family in some sense. Little tidbits of just everything come from my parents’ house, or my grandparents’ house that I’ve seen growing up my entire life,” he said. Although Hines knew he wanted to be an artist since he was a child, it took him longer than planned to get there. “Being an artist has been a life long journey,” he said. Hines is from Temple, Texas where he attended Temple Community College while working as a laborer. After that, he graduated from Stephen F. Austin State University in 2009 with a bachelor’s degree in studio art and a minor in printmaking. Recently, Hines discovered the artist Whitfield Lovell to whom he feels a connection because of

their mutual interest in working with wood. “I respond a lot to more contemporary people…especially I’ve noticed a connection to some of my works from this artist,” he said. Hines said his tool of choice is an angle grinder, which creates embedded lines in his woodwork pieces. Every line has an ingrained thought to go with it. “Thinking is an abstract thing. Thinking is connected to the brain, and we have all these lines in our brain, and that is like information that is embedded in there,” he said. The experiences and artwork Hines shared resonated with students at San Jac who appreciated the substance behind his work. Student Amanda Luse said, “I can tell there is a lot of meaning behind it. There are a lot of different stories.”

San Jacinto College Central Campus’s Department of Theatre and Film continued its season with the award-winning play, “The 39 Steps” that ran Oct. 9 to Oct. 13 in Slocomb Auditorium. The play is a parody of John Buchan’s 1915 novel, and Alfred Hitchcock’s 1935 film; both thrillers of the same name. The original versions are considered classics in their respective genres, but in 2005, the story was transformed into a slapstick comedy. The plot remains the same focusing on a man and his female counterpart as they try to stop a group of spies called “The 39 Steps” from stealing top-secret information. When the man stands accused of murder, the two flee the police. The novel and film are both thrillers, but the onstage production is saturated in comic relief. Since the play’s debut, it has won the Lawrence Olivier Award for Best Comedy, and two Tony and Drama Desk awards. The play was directed by Brian Hamlin who, as well as being a director, is a San Jac theatre professor, fight coordinator, and actor. Audiences took a front row seat as the ensemble cast created images like an onstage plane crash using an almost bare stage and minimal props. Hamlin said, “[The play] is ba-

sically done on a black stage and the actors create the scenes. The audience, sort of, buys into the illusion.” The College’s production of the melodramatic comedy featured a set built from pieces that were all found and assembled instead of being purchased, and 20 actors playing over 130 characters. “The play is traditionally performed by four people, the two main characters and two ‘clowns’. What I did was expand

the cast to about 20,” Hamlin said. Including auditions and rehearsals, the Theater Department members worked since August to bring the production to the stage. The cast included Jac students, as well residents from the surrounding communities. The show stars Alex Martinez, a San Jacinto freshman as main character Richard Hannay, and community resident Catherine Massoe as Pamela, his female partner.

Courtesy of San Jacinto College Central Department of Theatre and Film

October 14, 2013

From the Cover

San Jacinto Times


Continued from Page 1

The colleges’ Hispanic student population is around 41 percent, and campus events introduce them to new opportunities, Castillo said. “The event like the STEM discussion lets students who are interested in these kinds of subjects to realize that they can achieve those career fields like being doctors, scientist, and they shouldn’t let anything

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Artwork by Chris Gaviria


Continued from Page 1 “It might be different groups, but we’d like to make it a yearly concert series,” Beyer said. According to his official website, Wooten was voted one of the Top Ten Bassists of All Time by Rolling Stone Magazine in 2011. He was also voted Bassist of the Year three times by Bass Player Magazine. Besides working with Bailey, the acclaimed musician has worked with many big names including, Susan Tedeschi, The Dave Matthews Band and Chick Corea. Professor and Director of Audio Engineering Les

Williams is the man behind the concert. He has been a professor at San Jac for over 20 years and has even worked with major recording artists such as The Steve Miller Band. According to Williams, he was able to organize the event at a lower cost because of his friendship with Wooten “Not only is it a great experience for people to witness world-class musicianship, but it also provides scholarships to audio students,” Williams said. Meanwhile, Williams is working on bringing other big names to perform for the memorial fund. “I’m working right now to try and get Lyle Lovett in maybe next year,” Williams said. “When next year gets around,

we’ll probably have something under our hats to keep this annual event going.” Bass Extremes will perform at 8 p.m., Oct. 21, in Slocomb Auditorium. Advance purchase tickets will be $25 and are available at bassextremes.brownpapertickets.com. Tickets can also be purchased at the door on the day of the show for $30. Students can buy tickets on the same website for $10 with a student discount code. The code is available to students who email their name and a copy of their valid student ID to sjccmusic@gmail.com. Tickets are also available at the Monte Blue Music Building front desk. Further information is available at 281-476-1832.

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Page 4

stand in their way of achieving that sensational experience,” she said. According to Castillo, San Jac is giving the college community a chance to learn about the contributions of other cultures. “Everyone as a whole can benefit,” she said, “Events like these give us that opportunity as a learning institution to go in depth, and teach our students the importance of the cultures and what they bring to the United States,” she said. Student Blanca Saldana said celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month at San Jac gave her an

opportunity to commemorate her culture’s history and future goals. “The way we are raised and with our principles, no matter where we are or where we go; we keep our culture… live it and we respect other cultures,” Saldana said. Nora Gonzales, also a student at San Jac, felt proud about the celebrations taking place at the campuses. Gonzales said, “The College allows us to celebrate a culture together in one same place, and that is something to be proud of.”


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San Jacinto Times

October 14, 2013


Monday, October 14

• FYE Registration Kick Off Party, 10 a.m., N6.108 • Rotaract Club Meeting, 2 p.m., N12.215

Tuesday, October 15 • National Day of Writing Event sponsored by the English Department, 7 a.m., N12 Courtyard • Ladies of Integrity/Men of Honor Speaker on Domestic Abuse, 11:30 a.m., N12.200 • Webb Society Meeting, 1:30 p.m., N7.132

Wednesday, October 16 • Contemporary Service Corp. Employment Recruiter, 11 a.m., N12 Lobby

Thursday, October 17 • Anime Club Meeting, 2 p.m., N9.140 • Phi Theta Kappa Meeting, 4 p.m., N13.208 • FYE Stress Management Workshop, 4:30 p.m., N6.108

Friday, October 18 • Science Club Meeting, 12 p.m., N1.3062 • Math & Engineering Club Meeting, 1 p.m., N8.201

Saturday, October 19 • No Scheduled Activities

Sunday, October 20


• No Scheduled Activities

Monday, October 14 • College Democrats Meeting, 12:30 p.m., C2.222

Tuesday, October 15 • MILK Movie Screening, 1 & 5 p.m., Ballroom • Psychology Club Meeting,, 1:15 p.m., C2.209 ª• NSCS Meeting, 4:30 p.m., C19.131

Wednesday, October 16 • Hispanic Heritage Month Closing Ceremony, 11 a.m., Student Center, Lounge A

Thursday, October 17 • Zumbathon, 11 a.m., Student Center, Lounge A • Sociology/Anthropology Discussion Group, 3 p.m., Student Center

Friday, October 18 • SGA Meeting, 11:30 a.m., C1.155 • TACHE Meeting, 12:30 p.m., C3.209 • Phi Theta Kappa Meeting, 2 p.m., C1.238

Saturday, October 19 • Gaming Society Meeting, 10 a.m., Student Center

Sunday, October 20


• No Scheduled Activities

Monday, October 14 • Tennis Club Meeting, 2 p.m., Tennis Courts • Philosophy Club Meeting, 3 p.m., S7.158 • MMA Meeting, 8:30 p.m., Gym

Tuesday, October 15 • Pharmacy Tech Club Meeting, 11 a.m., S1.251S • Student Bible Fellowship, 1:30 p.m., S6.196 • African American Association, 1:30 p.m., S8.104 • SBF Meeting, 1:30 p.m., S6.196 • SGA Meeting, 2:30 p.m., S6.152 • T.I.E.S. Meeting, 3 p.m., S7.128 • Game Enterprise Guild, 3:30 p.m., S8.1062 • Coyote Science Club, 4 p.m., S1.135A

Wednesday, October 16 • PBL Meeting, 3 p.m., S8.2014 • ESOL Club Meeting, 4 p.m., S8.1014 • Writer’s Block Meeting, 4:30 p.m., S9.214

Thursday, October 17 • SVA Meeting, 2:30 p.m., S8.2066 • Game Enterprise Guild, 3:30 p.m., S8.1062

Friday, October 18 • MMA Meeting, 9 a.m., Gym • Phi Theta Kappa Meeting, 1 p.m., S9.116

Saturday, October 19 • No Scheduled Activities

Sunday, October 20 • No Scheduled Activities

Page 5

San Jac maritime programs move full speed ahead

Christopher Rodriguez Editor-in-chief

If there’s one program at San Jacinto College that sails the seven seas, it’s the maritime program. The program director for Central campus, Captain Mitch Schacter, explained the broad scope of the program that maintains a different focus on each of the three campuses. "San Jacinto College maritime is three-parts. On the North campus, it's called Maritime Logistics. That's everything that happens in the Port of Houston. South campus is Maritime Administration, which is shipping company management,” Schacter said. “What we do here (Central campus) is the U.S. Coast Guard required and approved training for the professional mariners that work on a boat. If you’re receiving a paycheck to work on a boat, you have to have Coast Guard training," he said. Schacter said San Jac’s maritime students range from young beginners, to experienced seamen. "We train from the eighteenyear-old deckhand on a tugboat, to the sixty-five-year old captain on an oil tanker. Coast Guard requires certain training all the way along, and anytime you want to upgrade, you need more training and sea time (days at sea)," he said. According to Shacter, maritime jobs are in demand, and that trend is expected to continue. "The industry is going through a big growth spurt. Sixty percent

of our workers are over fifty years old. So between those sixty percent retiring, and all the new business we have, there is tremendous need for new maritime workers. And it's huge money, great time off, and it's an attractive career," he said. The local maritime industry asked San Jac to start the program in order to service the needs of existing mariners who need certification upgrades or renewals to continue working. "We have the 18 year old recent high school grad, and we have the maritime academy graduate out of Texas A&M. Those are our only two applicants: the guy that knows nothing and the one who we don't get to talk to because they go off to ocean,” Schacter said. “They (maritime industry) asked for a two-year degree that gave the high school student two more years to mature, all the Coast Guard classes that they would

have to have later on in the career, and a little bit more math and science. So, we now have a college degree attached to it," he said. The program at Central campus is currently housed in a temporary building, but is being outfitted with all the necessary equipment, Schacter said. "We have classrooms, labs, and we have simulators being installed. It's a room-sized simulator, and we'll run you out of there seasick. The room doesn't move. It's all visual… We have three simulators coming in. Our small simulators have fourteen 65'' monitors. The bigger ones even more; it takes over 100 networked PCs to run it," he said. The College is building a new facility in the Bayport Terminal Facility right next to the Port of Houston. San Jac is the only community college in Texas to have its own maritime program.

Christopher Rodriguez San Jacinto Times

This pile of equipment will eventually outfit the simulator room at the maritime facility at Central campus.

ing our students on the type of equipment their actually going to be using. In the art department, that’s very much true as well,” Kent said. In contrast, his students would be at a disadvantage if they are restricted to working solely with Apple computers, he said. “I need to teach people to repair computers. Most of the computers being repaired are not Apple computers. If I’m only teaching (them) to repair only Apple computers, I’m not preparing them to go into the world,” Kent said. Although Kent said Apple computers are superior in overall quality, Dell is a better purchase for consumers. “I believe that the Macintosh is a better computer,” Kent said, “I think its got a better operating system, fabulous quality control, (and) very good design…It’s (Dell) a better buy money-wise, and for a majority of what people need.” Central campus history professor Yvonne Frear said she would love for San Jac to move to a more Apple-friendly environment, but she doubts that will happen. “I do not believe that the campus will want to replace all the Dell computers,” she said, “The cost exceeds the benefits to the users. I personally prefer the Apple computing system, especially its stability.”

First Social Media Week wraps at SJC

All three San Jacinto College campuses hosted their first ever Social Media Week presentations Sept. 30. to Oct. 3. The events featured sessions for both employees and students aimed at educating them about social media use protocol. Scylla Lopez, San Jac’s Social Media Coordinator and the event organizer, said the different sessions were geared toward the specific needs of students and faculty. “We wanted to make sure each student and employee has an opportunity to attend one of the sessions. There is so much to cover with social media, so we felt it would be good to offer variety,” Lopez said. With social media becoming one of the main channels of communication, Sac Jacinto College wanted to show students and employees how to correctly use it.

Monday, October 21 • No Scheduled Activities

Tuesday, October 22 • Men of Honor Meeting, 12 p.m., N10.128

Wednesday, October 23 • Financial Aid Workshop, 10 a.m., N6.108 • Medical Assistant Club Meeting, 11 a.m., N7.151 • Financial Aid Workshop, 6 p.m., N6.108

Thursday, October 24 • Anime Club Meeting, 2 p.m., N9.140

Friday, October 25 • Fine Arts Friday Free Concert, 12 p.m., N1.103 • Math & Engineering Club Meeting, 1 p.m., N8.201

Saturday, October 26 • No Scheduled Activities

Sunday, October 27


• No Scheduled Activities

Tuesday, October 22

Apple computers are popular among consumers, but that’s not the case at San Jacinto College. San Jac uses Apple products in certain classes, but the majority of the College’s computers are Dell computers. Central campus technology professor Mike Kent said he thinks San Jac will not make a move to Apple computers. “I anticipate that we will stay windows based, and that’s just because of the majority of the computers in industry and in business are windows machines. So the reality is that windows (have) the dominant share of the market space.” Kent said. However, Kent said there is a need for Apple products in select areas of the College. “I think when a department can justify a need for (an) Apple machine, such as the art department uses them, and journalism uses them because the best desktop publishing software is on Apple,” he said. “The journalism department can argue and say that we need Macintosh’s because if you are doing desktop publishing in industry, you’re going to be doing it on a Macintosh. So, we need to be teach-

Staff Writer


• Tie-Dye Event, 10 a.m., North Courtyard • College Democrats Meeting, 12:30 p.m., C2.222

Jonathan Chapa

Efren Diosdado


Monday, October 21

Dell to Apple: Prof weighs in

Department Editor

Around Campus

“Students reach out to us and to other students for help through social media. We use our social media sites to inform our college community about what’s happening on campus and important deadlines and academic dates. We use it to promote our programs, highlight achievements and recognitions. With social media being such a big part of everyone’s lives, we felt it was important that our students and employees know how it can be utilized to their benefit, and used properly,” Lopez said. Social Media Week came together with the help of Lopez and the marketing staff after she brought up the idea in late 2012. All of the speakers for the event volunteered their services and time. She was able to connect with most of them through LinkedIn. As the social media coordinator, Lopez was inspired to create Social Media Week after seeing what students were posting on-

line. She said she wanted to find a way to inform students about the importance of maintaining a good online reputation. She also wanted to let students know how they can enhance their college experience through social media, Lopez said. “There are so many stories about how people were able to find their dream job just by creating a profile on LinkedIn. That’s why we need to tell our students about it,” she said. Lopez said she hopes the College can host Social Media Week annually because of the important information students and employees can take away from the sessions. “It’s all about how students can connect with the College, and how employees can connect with their students using social media. I hope that everyone will realize that social media isn’t just about posting where they are going on Facebook, or pictures of what they are eating on Instagram,” Lopez said.

• Texas State Teachers Association Student Program, 1:30 p.m., C20.261/263 • Psychology Club Meeting, 1:15 p.m., C2.209 • National Society of Collegiate Scholars Meeting, 4:30 p.m., C19.131

Wednesday, October 23 • Taste the Rainbow, 10 a.m., Student Center, Lounge A

Thursday, October 24 • National Day on Writing, 11 a.m., Student Center, Lounge A ª• Sociology/Anthropology Discussion Group, 3 p.m., Student Center, Lounge C

Friday, October 25 • Student Government Association Meeting, 11:30 a.m., C1.155 • TACHE Meeting, 12:30 p.m., C3.209 • Phi Theta Kappa Meeting, 2 p.m., C1.238

Saturday, October 26 • Gaming Society Meeting, 10 a.m., Student Center

Sunday, October 27


• No Scheduled Activities

Monday, October 21 • Tennis Club Meeting, 2 p.m., Tennis Courts • Philosophy Club Meeting, 3 p.m., S7.158 • Pre-Med Club Meeting, 4:30 p.m., S12.106 • MMA Meeting, 8:30 p.m., Gym

Tuesday, October 22 • M.A.D.D. “Horrors of a Crash,” 9 a.m., Student Center Lawn • Pharmacy Tech Club Meeting, 11 a.m., S1.251S • SBF Meeting, 1:30 p.m., S6.196 • Game Enterprise Guild, 3:30 p.m., S8.1062

Wednesday, October 23 • Save-A-Life Tour, 10 a.m., Student Center Atrium • Coyote Future Teachers Club Meeting, 3 p.m., S7.156 • ESOL Club Meeting, 4 p.m., S8.1014

Thursday, October 24 • 17 & Under Tennis Club Meeting, 3 p.m., Tennis Courts • GSA Meeting, 3 p.m., S8.1006 • Game Enterprise Guild, 3:30 p.m., S8.1062

Friday, October 25 • MMA Meeting, 9 a.m., Gym • Fall Fest, 6 p.m., Student Center Atrium/Lawn

Saturday, October 26 • No Scheduled Activities

Sunday, October 27 • No Scheduled Activities

October 14, 2013

San Jacinto Times

Sports & Fitness

San Jac soccer pulls in powerhouse players

Alex Moore Department Editor

All three campuses of San Jacinto College feature outstanding athletes on their team rosters, and South campus is no exception. The sixth ranked Coyotes soccer team boasts talent from different parts of the world. Head Coach Ian Spooner said the guys he brings in are key to his success. He has five international players on his squad right now, three from Spain and two from Brazil. Both nations are considered powerhouses when it comes to soccer, and these players reflect that sentiment. "International recruiting is a big part of having a successful program. Players here are great players, but haven't been exposed to the competition level that the players overseas have been (exposed to),” Spooner said. “Most of the time, over there, you are playing against future pros and high levels of competition. It's not the same in the States. Most people here play soccer for fun and don't really think about pursuing it as a career. And if they do, most the time they go somewhere else to play,"

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Spooner said. Spain and Brazil have strong ties to the game encouraging young children to play in the hopes that one day, they may play for club teams; or even achieve the ultimate dream of playing for their national team at FIFA World Cup. The Coyotes started this season strong with a 71 record and 3-1 in conference earning a top ten ranking in the national polls. Year after year, San Jac lands toward the top of the polls with steady play by each team. Their best finish came in 2008 as the national runner-up. The team has a strong presence on the national stage by continuing to bring in top talent to replace the players that leave. Adding players from around the world is a big boost for this team that has big aspirations for this season. In spite of cultural differences, Coyotes forward Sito Seoane said the team works very well together. "I believe that we have a really solid team with a great connection. We all blend together well and compliment each other in a way that makes the team run smoothly and efficiently," Seoane said.

Courtesy of SJCD Marketing Department

Forward Sito Seoane (L) fends off a Ranger College defender to control the ball.

Gator coaching staff, players make All-Star appearance

Alexis Davlin Staff Writer

The coaching staff and eight baseball players from San Jacinto College North Campus took to LaGrave Field in Forth Worth, Texas for a two-game series as part of the Texas/New Mexico All-Star Game Sept. 26-27. Region 14 South, San Jac’s conference team took a 9-3 loss against Region 5 North Friday but rallied back Saturday with a 15-1 win against Region 5 West. Gator coach Tom Arrington, who took over San Jac’s baseball program in 2001, served as head coach for Region 14 South for the All-Star appearance. DJ Wilson, Assistant Coach for the Gators, said reaching the AllStar game is a complicated procedure. “Creating this team is a long process of elimination,” Wilson said. “Four conference teams including Region 14 South, Region 14 East, Region 5 North, and Region 5 West all have to elect their best players and then decide on the final eighteen players and eight pitchers.” However, picking the coach is a simpler matter, Wilson said. “Deciding on who coaches the team, is the winner from the previous season which was Region 14 South; who finished the 2013 season as the Region 14 South Zone champion with an overall record of 32-21. Region 14 South includes San Jac, Blinn, Alvin, Galveston, Wharton County JC, and Laredo,” he said. Gators on the All-Star team included catcher Konner Frazier, second baseman Kelvin Ramos, third baseman Geonte Jackson,

DJ Wilson Gators Assistant Coach

Konner Frazier (L to R), Geonte Jackson and Brandon Sonnenberg pose together after their win against Region 5 West.

pitchers Clayton Isherwood and Dustin Cook, outfielder Brandon Sonnenberg, shortstop Matt Eureste, and outfielder Karl Smith. Although Friday’s game resulted in a loss for Region 14 South, Wilson said there was a lot of impressive gameplay. “Brandon Sonnenberg had himself a game with one hit, two

walks, two stolen bases, a run batted in, and a run scored,” he said. According to Wilson, Saturday was third baseman Geonte Jackson's turn to light up the field going 3 for 4 with two doubles, three runs batted in, a stolen base, and crossing home plate two times.

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