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San Jacinto Times

Leonard Brown has a great feel for Aligators during North Campus’s Gator Day. Page 4

The voice of San Jacinto College since 1991

SJC reflects on a fallen student September 26, 2011

The Student Publication of the San Jacinto College District

Vol. 22, No. 2

Best game of the year? Page 7

Check out our online version at www.sanjactimesstaff@wordpress.com

Are PETA’s criticisms hypocritical? Page 2

School shows support for Perez family, Lady Coyotes By MICHAEL DEATS San Jacinto Times

Photo by Michael Deats

Community members look at photos of Jose and the soccer team as they came throughout the day to purchase brisket plates and donate to the Memorial Fund for Jose Perez

San Jacinto South campus hosted a BBQ fundraiser in memory of Jose Perez, killed recently in an auto accident. Also occurring was a Lady Coyote softball double/doubleheader on Sept. 17. The girls managed to pull off three wins and one loss as they worked through an exhausting four games in a row. Over 300 people showed up to support the Coyotes and donate to the Perez family. There were 46 briskets cooked overnight by Mike Saenz, his brother Joey Saenz, and Kim Clemens, and served with drinks. Proceeds went to help the Perez family in the wake of their loss. A somber mood pervaded the event as mourning commenced. Dr. Brenda Hellyer attendended, showing her support for The Perez family as well as the softball team. The soccer team was not in attendance as they were at the going home services for Perez in Dallas.

Car burglaries at Central Campus are still under investigation By CHRIS SHELTON San Jacinto Times

On Friday, Sept. 16, 2011, between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m., three possible burglaries were reported. According to a San Jacinto College Police Department press release “Upon further investigation, it was determined that the incidents reported were [of] two vehicle burglaries and one criminal mischief.” According Sargent Ludwig, also of the San Jacinto Police Department, criminal mischief constitutes an attempted burglary where no entry is gained. Any student who has credible information on these incidents is encouraged to contact the San Jacinto Police Department immediately.

The two car burglaries occurred in separate lots around campus. They occurred respectively in Lot 1 and Lot 18, while the criminal mischief occurred in Lot 3. At this point there are no suspects in custody but investigation is still ongoing. It is still unclear if the burglaries and criminal mischief are related but the possibility of a collaborative effort still remains. Police Chief Jeffrey Van Slyke warns that a group, not a singular entity, is the likely culprit, stating that “In my experience, in incidents like these there tends to be more than one person involved, usually involving a lookout.” According to the San Jac Police Department “no additional information is available.”

Cheif Slyke advises students and faculty that adhering to the following tips are conducive to a safe environment at San Jacinto College. 1. Do not leave your vehicle unlocked. 2. Secure all valuables, including cash, laptops, or anything valuable that could compel someone to act. 3. If you take a night class, remember to park in well-lit areas. 4. Observe your surroundings i.e. pay attention to individuals walking through the parking lot that are looking inside of vehicles. 5. Always use your common sense when observing suspicious behavior in the parking lot.


Photo by Harrison Lee

Students are informed of SJC policy upon entry to central campus.

San Jac commemorates its 50th Anniversary at board meeting

Van Edwards: A portrayal of his life seen through the aperture

Sept. 19, 2011 marks the first San Jacinto College day, a state holiday approved by the surrounding municipalities as well as the Texas State government, in honor of San Jac’s continued devotion to their community’s educational needs. State Senator Mike Jackson, of District 11, along with state representatives Wayne Smith (District 128) and Larry Taylor (District 24) were present. After the elected officials addressed the Board, a film was played, narrated by Dr. David LeMaster, promoting the ideology and values of San Jacinto College District. Shortly after the film was played, a series of Q&A interviews were conducted between the Chancellor, the Presidents, three alumni and three current students. Dr. Brenda Hellyer, the Chancellor of SJC, interviewed Gene Blasingame about his early days at San Jac and how he felt about the campus now. A trend started to build as Dr. John Bolen, a founding faculty member, and Dr. Gary Friery both received interviews by Dr. Maureen Murphy, president of south campus, and Dr. Allatia Harris, the president of north campus. Dr. Friery’s word to the current faculty “Get Involved!”

Van Edwards is an adjunct photography teacher at San Jacinto Central as well as University of Houston Clear Lake. He has been teaching here for 30 years now. It does not take long in listening to him to hear how passionately he enjoys living life with purpose. When asked what he liked most about teaching, Edwards replied, “I teach, really, because it is a privilege to share with others what I am learning about the world.” Every year he not only gets to share what he is learning, he gets to learn from others. Everyone has a different perspective of the world. There is always something new to learn and do. Technology is advancing rapidly. It allows us to do so much more than we could have imagined especially when we use it strategically. He encourages others to use technology wisely and pursue their passions. “If you find something you really love, which can lead to other things, you pursue those.” Teaching hasn’t always provided him with the finances that he needs, so he has used his passions like photography and building over the years to earn income. For fifteen years he had a freelance business in addition to teaching. During this time he did editorial photography, architecture, and medical photography. He also spent five years building museum exhibits for the Children’s Museum. Because he developed skills in his passions he was able to use them to do extra jobs. Not only was he able

By MICHAEL DEATS San Jacinto Times


Column/Commentary...2 Around San Jacinto.....3 Front Page Jumps.......4 Entertainment...........5-7

Photo courtesy of SanJac.edu

The Board is together again.

The trend that was set and the message that was being sent was the casual manner these alumni made their way to San Jac and how easy it is for people of any background to find a higher education at San Jac. Dr. Niel Matkin, President of Central Campus, broke the trend of looking to the past though, as he brought out three students currently enrolled, and interviewed them on the contributions they have made to San Jac and their future in education as well as their careers. The students were Krystell Castillo, Angie Langdon, and Adam Guevara.


By ASHLEY CRUZ San Jacinto Times

Photo by Ashley Cruz

Professor Edwards is more than what meets the eye. to do what he enjoyed but financially he provided for his family but he was able to stay out of debt. It isn’t always easy, however if one is willing to work hard and embrace the challenges of life as opportunities, pursuing our dreams is possible. Edwards inspires us to change the world by showing others how to live in the world through how we use our skills and technology. He concludes with this: PLEASE SEE APERTURE on Page 4

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