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San Jacinto Times

Ali and Frazier are forever joined at the fist after their legendary bouts. Page 2

The voice of San Jacinto College since 1991

The Nittany Lions face a trying period amid sordid details involving a former coach. Page 3

All levels of government impact SJC November 14, 2011

The Student Publication of the San Jacinto College District

Vol. 22, No. 9

Check out our staff blog at www.sanjactimesstaff@wordpress.com

The Texas Renaissance Festival is an includes interesting sights. Page 6

Politics in today’s society is a permeable jungle By CHRIS SHELTON San Jacinto Times

When Upton Sinclair dipped his quill in ink and began meticulously crafting a realistic depiction of the horrors of the meat packing industry in 1904 I am sure he never envisioned that his book’s title would become an apropos metaphor for national politics in 2011. The world of politics has become, The Jungle, or an untamable force that is an important and necessary part of American society. National, State and local politics all affect Americans in varying ways that are individually consequential in their own right. It may seem far away, but San Jac students, and all college students in general, are directly affected by the policies that are codified in Washington D.C. every year. For instance, the extensive economic downturn and budgetary concerns are leading to a renewed interest in balancing the budget. With a national debt spiraling out of control at over 14 trillion and an ever-increasing yearly budget deficit it is understandable that tough decisions must be made. The intense debate over raising the debt ceiling birthed a “Super Congress” that is tasked with trudging a path towards fiscal sanity. All spending cuts and possible revenue increases are on the table, as they should be. Unfortunately for younger college students, these decisions will begin with demographics who vote less fervently. The decisions enacted by Congress will affect college students for a generation, so inaction on our part could lead to adverse financial aid policies.

MCT Campus

Once counted on federal grants like the Pell Grant may no longer exist in the same capacity after this year. More under privileged students may have to take unfavorable un-subsidized student loans. So it is imperative to fluidly understand national politics. With a sagging economy and low poll numbers President Obama is in danger of losing his re-election bid. It is paramount that college students become well versed on the stances of the Republican Candidates who could become the next elected President. For instance, all citizens should know where Mitt Romney, Herman Cain, and other prominent candidates stand on education and its funding. Young voters need to know if the rhetoric from the White House would be pro education before making an informed decision on a Presidential candidate. PLEASE SEE JUNGLE on Page 6

SJC Board pays tribute to Dr. Parker Williams at monthly meet The weekly political battles can be somewhat prosaic to the average American.

By MICHAEL DEATS San Jacinto Times

November seventh, and a board meeting is in progress. To which board meeting is being discussed here, I would point to our very own San Jacinto College District board meeting. With all the pomp and circumstance necessary, fine attire and proper grooming seemed to envelop the night.

Smells of perfume and cologne permeated the air. Following the pledge to the Flag, Dr. Murphy; president of San Jacinto Colleges’ South Campus, paid tribute to Dr. Parker Williams with a narrated picture slideshow. The slideshow was a moving testament briefly chronicling the life of dedication and achievement Dr. Williams has experienced. From this point on serious business stood out like an oily smear on the sidewalk. Items were brought

The SJC Student Government is a valued school organization By MIRANDA JENKINS San Jacinto Times

“I’m the president’s right hand man,” answered the charismatic Adam Guevara after being asked what his job description entails. Adam serves as the Vice President for the Student Government Association. The SGA is an active participant in events and campus programs; you have most likely seen their work around campus without realizing they were behind it. The SGA is designed to serve and cater to the student body. Their primary goal is to keep students up to date on what is happening around campus. The Student Government Association gives students the opportunity to explore leadership possibilities, enables them to help design and become involved in campus programs, and also allows students to serve as the voice of the pupils attending Central Campus. Meetings are run by parliamentary procedure to help meetings run smoothly. The typical meeting discusses plans and ideas for upcoming school events. Current events being planned are a Chili Cook-off and Christmas activities. At meetings


Commentary.............2-3 Around Campus..........4 Entertainment..............5 Front Page Jumps.......6

other clubs around campus are given a platform to discuss with the SGA anything in which they may need assistance in accomplishing. The SGA has considerable influence around campus, as well as statewide. In the Fall semester of 2010 the Gay Straight Alliance or GSA worked alongside the SGA to successfully change the college’s Equal Opportunity Statement found inside of the SJC student handbook. The policy previously stated, “It is the policy of San Jacinto Community College District not to discriminate on the basis of sex, disability, race, religion, color, age, national origin, or veteran status.” The Equal Opportunity Statement was later changed to the Non-Discrimination Statement and now includes non-discrimination against sexual orientation and gender expression or identity.

The organization has also worked alongside the Texas Jr. College Student Government Association by taking a stance against a bill that would allow licensed carriers to carry handguns onto college campuses. PLEASE SEE STUDENT on Page 6

before the board, motioned, seconded, and even explanations were offered for those in attendance so they may understand the evening’s affair. One major item that passed; the Chancellor has been approved to take appropriate actions to implement the state required Bacterial Meningitis Immunization Program. Along with this action, a Student fee of six dollars to offset record keeping costs related to the program was also approved.

Most items were deliberated upon in private it seems, with such a rapid pace set forth by the board. Upon closing, the board noted for all gathered in attendance, that they took a lot of time on their decisions.

On a later note, the Oct. 3 board meeting distinguished Mark Gour and Jay Cunningham from Grainger for a donation of $10,000 in scholarships.

Famous poet visits SJC By HARRISON LEE San Jacinto Times

The audience sat spellbound as pontifications piped through the air. Dr. Jerry Craven spoke at San Jacinto College Central Campus as part of the Texas Writers Circuit, a new program here on the campus. With selections from his two fiction works, Searching For Rama’s Spear and The Big Thicket, read aloud along with his new poetry collection Becoming Others, it was a wonderful exercise full of rhyme and reason. Dr. Craven has led a varied and exciting life in the world of words. With a Bachelor’s from Lamar University, a Master’s Degree from the University of Arkansas and a PhD from Bowling Green University, Dr. Craven has been in teaching and writing spots around the globe. He worked for the Amarillo Globe News while teaching at West Texas State [Now West Texas A&M]. His experiences as a columnist for the Globe News spawned the book Tickling Catfish, a favorite in the Panhandle. Poetry didn’t come all that quickly to Craven. “I wrote nothing but poetry until I was 45,” He said. He drew inspiration for his novel, The Big Thicket from his life in Jasper, Texas. Real life experience and imagery are what Dr. Craven considers to be the essence of good and proper writing, be it prose or poetry. “Imagery makes people, and people make stories.” He explained. Dr. Craven, a self-described poet, began working on fiction at the cue of his granddaughter. “She had

Photo by Harrison Lee

Dr. Jerry Craven reading passages at SJC. me read a Nancy Drew book. I told her I could write a better story. Then she made me.” Craven explained with a laugh. The result of the effort was Searching For Rama’s Spear, humorous look at life in East Texas with cross-cultural experiences and mystery worked in. The Piney Woods and Thickets of East Texas have served as a great inspiration to Dr. Craven and his fictional works, sometimes for the darker. “I have Cajuns and all manner of bad accents. In that aspect, it’s very accurate.” Dr. Craven’s various works are available in bookstores and online. His website, www.jerrycraven.com, has more information on the man and his works.


Times staff on importance of elections

November 14, 2011 San Jacinto Times • Page 2

Voting, above all else, a right not to be taken for granted By LESLY DELGADO San Jacinto Times

What will you be doing next Tuesday November 6, 2012? Many young adults do not have the slightest idea what will be happening almost a year from today. It is a long way from now, but it is a very important date. It is the United States 57th quadrennial Presidential election. The question is: will you vote? Statistics of the 2008 Census show that there where only 58.5 percent of registered persons to vote between the ages of 18-24. The Census report also states “This was also the only age group to show a statistically significant increase in turnout in the most recent election, reaching 49 percent in 2008, compared with 47 percent in 2004.” What about the rest of the 41.5 percent of the young US population that did not vote? I was one of them. Like many others I could care less as to whom our future President will be, like the rest of many other 18 year olds and recent high school graduates in 2008 I did not understand the whole election, speeches, and non-sense that was going on. All that I was hearing were lies and promises that will not be kept. Many young adults do not even bother to hear out the campaign speeches that the candidates make. All I could remember is that one night I was watching my favorite show and all of a sudden it is cancelled and I had to listen to sitting US Senators talk and persuade the people of this country to elect them. I can say that four years ago I was very uneducated on the Presidential elections and how they worked. I was so unaware, that the truth is, back in 2008 I could not even vote. I was an alien. Yes, an alien. At least that’s what my resident card said. I thought that I could vote until I actually opened my eyes and started to do some research. I found out that residents of the United States do not actually have the right to vote. I have taken US History and Government classes that talked all about this in length. But I am ashamed to say that I couldn’t even remember the rules and regulations that accompanied voting.

That’s when it really hit me. I could not vote. I did not know why it even mattered so much because in the past I simply did not care. It may have been something with my head and the way I thought, but thinking you have the right to something, and not caring for it when in reality you never really had. It does change the way you think. My point of view was flipped upside down. My family moved to this country for the “American Dream”, to live a better life and to reach our goals and let our voices be heard. I guess that’s why it mattered, because the fact was I could not vote, therefore I could not allow my own voice to be heard. This past February, I was fortunate enough to become a US citizen. With that accomplishment I also obtained the Right to Vote. Even though Presidential speeches still confuse me and I do not understand half of the words these candidates are use, I will not get upset when my show is interrupted with the people behind the podium giving their speeches. I will actually try to understand and pay attention. If we live in this Country then we all, as citizens, should hope for the best and think for the future that we want our children to live in. As young adults, one vote may not be the tiebreaker or seem as if it is so important at the time but it will leave a record that as an individual, you took the time to vote. One vote can be used to track statistics and perhaps make the difference. The people that vote are the people that rule. By that I mean, that those persons who are voting leave a footprint with their age, sex, residence, and even employment status. For example, if only 18 year old, single women are voting, then the presidential candidates will refer more to them, and cater more to their needs. My point is, if we of the college-going age start voting, then who knows, maybe one of the Presidential candidates for this upcoming election will take our hard work into consideration and help us out a bit. I encourage everyone to vote, because I will be one of the first in line to cast my ballot. For the first time in 22 years I will allow my voice to be heard and leave my footprint there. Get up and go vote!

Students have power and a voice in current politics By ASHLEY CRUZ San Jacinto Times

“With great power, comes great responsibility” A man shared this with his young nephew during a very critical time. Uncle Ben did not know Peter Parker would go on to become a superhero named Spider-man. When he shared those words, he was speaking into the hero he saw Peter becoming as a man. He understood that whether or not Peter realized or wanted responsibility and influence, he would have it. He also understood that with the power Peter had as a man, and understanding his responsibility, he could change the world. Could it be that there is a hero in us all? We may not have superpowers like The Amazing SpiderMan or Superman, but what if there are abilities and opportunities we have that are greatly overlooked or taken for granted? Maybe you are like I was. I did not see myself as one with “great power” for a long time. My insecurities were holding me back from potential and honestly at times I was just too distracted with things in my life to care about issues outside of me. Like Peter though, I began to realize that whether or not I believe I can do it, I could. I just need to try and sometimes keep trying. I also began to realize that whether or not I want to, I am impacting the lives of people and it either builds them or it doesn’t. Here are two definitions of power according to the Merriam-Webster dictionary: “ability to act or produce an effect” and “possession or control, authority, or influence over others.” Doesn’t everyone in some way fall under this category? Even our entertainment has power. It shapes how we see the world and even ourselves sometimes. Our Nation’s Forefathers also had power, yet weren’t many of them just ordinary people? They took hold of their ability to build a nation. They understood power gone wrong because of how they were treated and when they had an opportunity to make things right for themselves and future children they seized it. These men and women realized their responsibility to not only themselves but to the generations they would bring forth. According to Dictionary.com responsible is defined as: “answerable or accountable, as for something within one’s power, control, or management” and “chargeable with being the author, cause,

or occasion of something.” We all understand responsibility to some extent, especially us students and workers. We have assignments to do, material to learn or teach, people to communicate with, people to watch over, etc. What we do with our power ends in results that can be good or bad. When we don’t do our work or do it properly, there are negative consequences such a bad grade or even losing a job. There can also be positive consequences such as doing well, growing through our experiences, and being promoted. What we do with our responsibilities inevitably impacts others. Everyone on earth is part of a bigger picture then just themselves, whether they want to be or not. We all have the opportunity and responsibility of contributing something to the benefit or themselves or those within their influence. So let me ask this. How much more is our responsibility when we are given power as a citizen of a democracy? I especially want the young adult group to get this. According to the US Census Bureau, only 21.3 percent of the 18-24 year olds voted last year during elections. Recall the definition of responsibility. As Americans we all have decisions that are clearly within our control. Just because we choose not to involve ourselves doesn’t mean we aren’t responsible or that we aren’t making an impact. Perhaps being involved in politics isn’t your area of expertise, and gets you frustrated. I know I often get frustrated. You may not like it but it is still your responsibility for as long as you are an American citizen. You have been entrusted with freedom. I don’t believe our forefathers gave their lives for our freedom to be squandered and spent on living for ourselves, but to better the lives of everyone around us including the generations that follow us. You too are a hero. You are a Forefather to the generations to come. Freedom has a price. Not just the lives of many men and women, but the responsibility to honor and maintain it Perhaps fighting to keep our freedom and the voice of us as people is more than just voting. Maybe it is speaking up when there is injustice. Praying our leaders have wisdom and make the right decisions. Honoring our authorities. Paying attention to the current events. It is not the time or place to be apathetic about your citizenship or fearful about your power. Remember, in this country, you do have a voice and it is important, so fight to be heard.

The boxing world is saddened by the loss of Frazier By HARRISON LEE San Jacinto Times

He wasn’t as graceful as Ali, or as mysterious as Liston. He wasn’t the barbarian Jerry Quarry resembled, or the buzzsaw that was George Foreman. But you’d be foolish to say that Joe Frazier was never anything less than a Champion. His upbringing in rural South Carolina, his improbable rise and showing in the 1964 Olympic Games in Tokyo, which included the knockout of a 6’4, 230 pound Soviet, were the type of things you would consider for the basis for a good novel, but certainly not reality. Along with an amazing left hook and a truly stirring life story, boxing lost yet another link to its Golden Age of Heavyweights this week. Ali, Frazier, Foreman, Quarry, Liston, Ellis, Cooney, Holmes, Norton. Better yet, you had Howard Cosell doing interviews with all these guys. It is hard to imagine that TV used to be that impressive. At 67, Smokin’ Joe Frazier passed away earlier this week after battling liver cancer. With the passing of the years, the onset of pugilistic dementia and Parkinson’s, the Sweet Science has slowly been stripped of the people that made an era great. Back then all the great fights had nicknames that rhymed. The fighters all had just enough personality to make them known, but never wearing out their welcome. The fireworks happened between the ropes, not at clearly staged press conferences and garishly overblown pre-fight weigh-ins. We grew up with Tyson, Holyfield and the like. Fine boxers all, but nothing compared to what our parents got to watch on network TV. We’re the children of Pay Per View, Bob Arum and Don King. A

Smokin’ Joe and his left hook were a boxing icons.

good deal of us probably remembers the Mike Tyson-Robin Givens marriage/divorce as one of the better boxing matches of the 1990s. Or, we could always resort to Evander Holyfield ear jokes, but that’s just in bad taste. It is probably a by-product of cable, Pay Per View and the Internet, but boxing has wretchedly devolved into a sort of comedic afterthought. Tragic doesn’t begin to describe this slide. I suppose it could be part of some sort of cycle and maybe in five to ten years boxing won’t be relegated to the world of ESPN2. EDITORS

Michael Deats, Maria Chavez


San Jacinto Times

Chris Shelton

WEB EDITOR Greg Starks


San Jacinto College Student Publications

MCT Campus

Harrison Lee

CIRCULATION Cristal Calvillo


ADVISER Fred Faour

But perhaps the mere recorded history is enough. For me, I can never see the “Thrilla In Manila” enough. I’ll never get tired of Jerry Quarry, who often looked very close to death as his fights wore on, stand toe to toe with Ali and Foreman. Often times, the mere sound of an echo is enough to make sure a flawed, albeit current, product is still held in half-respect. After all, you can’t say boxing without the name Ali being, at maximum, five words behind. The beauty of the world of American sport is that it has a very long memory, and that it never lets its heroes and symbols truly die. Along with his marathon fights against Ali, fans of the gloved gladiators will be quick to point out the abject squalor in which Frazier grew up. From there, you’ll hear about his stocky height and less than graceful overall movement. But, he still had Gold Medals from the 1964 Olympics, and he was still one of the few men Muhammad Ali could not visibly intimidate. Frazier was the perfect foil to the bombastic braggadocio of Ali, no matter the fight or setting. His fights were never graceful, but they could never be called boring. A good Frazier fight was never tainted with words like ‘lowblow’ or ‘headbutt’. No, you could just merely watch him box his opponent, and often times himself, into exhaustion. In later rounds, you could see that he was so spent that he would put his whole body and frame into every thundering left hook. The ranks of the great Heavyweights are thinning with the passing of every few years, and that is a tragedy. Not just because there will probably never be another group to rival them, and not just because modern boxing cares more about Pay Per View numbers and what looks good on ESPN. It is probably pretty naïve to hope for a return to the Golden Age of Heavyweights, but as long as the memories and echoes resonate, the ring will never be truly empty.

The San Jacinto Times is published weekly by the journalism students at San Jacinto College Central, 8060 Spencer Highway, Pasadena, TX 77505. Opinions expressed herein are those of the writer and not necessarily those of the staff, its adviser, the administration or the Board of Regents. The Times encourages letters to the editor. Letters must be in good taste, accurate, free from libel, malice or personal controversy. Letters must be limited to 200 words in length. Letters submitted without the author’s signature will not be accepted.

The staff reserves the right to edit the letters for accuracy without altering the general meaning. Letters can be e-mailed to fred.faour@sjcd.edu. Letters must include name and phone number for verification. The online edition of the Times is available at www.sanjacintotimes.com.

Advertising space is available for $5.00 per column inch. Special rates are available. For news tips and information on advertising, contact the Times at 281-4782752.

Around campus/Commentary Espanol Norte

Lunes, Noviembre 14

• Junta del club de psicologia, 1:30 p.m., Burleson C1038

Martes, Noviembre 15 • Junta del club de justicia penal, 12 p.m., Wheeler A1031 • Junta del club Rotaract, 1 p.m., Slovacek S215 • Junta del club de psicologia, 1:30 p.m., Burleson C1035

Miercoles, Noviembre 16 • Junta del club HVAC, 12:30 p.m., Wheeler A1030

Jueves, Noviembre 17 • Junta del club de Anime, 2 p.m., Brightwell A1025 • Junta de la sociedad WEBB, 1:15 p.m., Burleson C1035

Viernes, Noviembre 18 • Junta del club de ciencias con orador Tim Mock, 12 p.m., NADM B2101

Sabado, Noviembre 19 • No hay actividades

Domingo, Noviembre 20 • No hay actividades


Lunes, Noviembre 14 • Junta del club Catolico, 10:30 a.m., CADM E202

Martes, Noviembre 15 • Fotos personalizadas (Gratis para estudiantes), 10 a.m., Centro Estudiantil • Reclutamiento para la universidad Sam Houston State, 10 a.m., Servicios de registracion • Junta de GSA, 2:30 p.m., CADM W112

Miercoles, Noviembre 16 • Junta de los republicanos del colegio, 10:30 a.m., CADM W218A • Junta de VYNE, 1:30 p.m., C3.222 • Junta de la sociedad de Anime, 2 p.m., CADM W112

Jueves, Noviembre 17 • Visita del campus de UHCL, 9:15 a.m., CADM cercas de servicios de registra cion • UHD Road rip, 10 a.m., CILC cercas de San Jac Mosaic

Viernes, Noviembre 18 • Junta de Phi Theta Kappa, 10:30 a.m., CILC 230 • Junta de SGA, 11:30 a.m., CILC 155 • Junta de LASO, 12:30 p.m., C3.204

Sabado, Noviembre 19 • No hay actividades

Sur Lunes, Noviembre 14 • El club B.E.S.T esta aceptando regalos para el bebe no nacido L-V, 8 a.m., Centro de ninos. • Junta del gremio de juegos, 3:30 p.m., 2141 • Junta del club de tenis, 3:30 p.m., canchas de tenis • Junta del club de MMA y aptitude fisi ca, 6:30 p.m., GYM 6120

Martes, Noviembre 15 • Evento de carrera y empleo, 10 a.m., Atrio • Declara tu carrera, 10 a.m., atrio • Program del dia de los veteranos, 10 a.m., atrio • Junta del gremio de juegos, 3:30 p.m.,2141 • Junta del club de tenis de 17 y menor, 3:30 p.m., canchas de tenis • Junta de SVA, 3:30 p.m., centro estu diantil

Miercoles, Noviembre 16 • Junta de AAA, 12 p.m., 4202 • Junta de Phi Theta Kappa, 1 p.m., 2141

Jueves, Noviembre 17 • Junta del club de Drama, 6 p.m., cuar to verde Bldg 15

Viernes, Noviembre 18 • Junta de Phi Theta Kappa, 1 p.m., 2208

Qaddafi gone; what next? By GABRIEL OSBURN San Jacinto Times

Colonel Qaddafi was one of the most colorful dictators in the Middle East and, up until October 20, he was one of the longest ruling as well. After surviving the attack on his motorcade by the French air force, he was later found hiding in a ditch by Libyan rebel forces and, as you’ve probably heard, was subsequently beaten, dragged through the streets and executed. For many Libyans who endured the bombing of their major cities, this was a day of justice and retribution. But some outside observers of the conflict are left with mixed feelings, specifically concerning the manner of Qaddafi’s death. Many westerners would have liked to see Qaddafi stand trial for the crimes he committed against his own people, though they also feel relieved that he was taken out of the equation of Libya’s reconstruction efforts Personally, I had to sit on the fence for a while


before I could decide where I stood on this. On one hand I feel that an inhumane act against an inhumane person is still inhumane, and doesn’t equal anything more than the latest in a long string of violent human behavior. On the other, I sympathize with these people who, for 42 years, endured the repression and tyranny of a crazy person. Eventually he became a symbol of that repression that, for the Libyan people, needed to be destroyed. Regardless of how everyone feels about Qaddafi’s demise, hopefully everyone can find common ground in wishing the Libyans some much needed peace and a return to normalcy. Throughout this revolution the regular people who live in cities like Tripoli have had to go without basic necessities like food and water, as many places like water treatment plants, wells, and regular businesses like bakeries and groceries, had been either destroyed or sabotaged with poisons. With the war winding down and the country gearing up for the massive reconstruction effort needed, some of these vital facilities have thankfully started working again.

A heads up for politics By CHRIS RODRIGUEZ San Jacinto Times

People think that politicians run themselves and their voices don’t count, but that’s not true. Your voice matters more then you think. Also your actions have more effect, more so then you think. There are plans in motion today that you may not be aware of. It is extremely important to stay on top of political issues. The state legislature has passed a law that requires mandatory meningitis immunization shot for all incoming freshmen. A small issue still arises among the mists of self protection. The price, who will cover it? Each of the injections cost 125 dollars and the state department has voted that each student will have to pay for their own injection. No assistance will be provided. San Jac alone is expecting several thousand incoming students, which will have to receive the immunization shot. The numbers for across the state of Texas are above the half a million mark. It may not affect you directly if you are a second year student but it may affect people you know. Every day there are also things that you or some-


one you know has done that affects our government. People deciding to drop out costs our economy millions of dollars. At San Jac alone, dropouts lose the institution 3.1 million dollars each year, although these figures take into account students that just need to take one or two classes to transfer. The State loses 74 million dollar’s each year. That in turn puts a large drain on our local and state economy. Students who apply for financial aid already have to wait long enough to receive their money, and then dropouts may occure, usually after all the money was paid to them. The next time you think about dropping a class or all your classes, stop and think about whom you are affecting. Not just your education but also everyone who pays taxes. Whether you may know it or not things you do inadvertently affect politics and the stance politicians will take on certain issues. Issues that will impact this college and people you know. So stay informed on issues and topics that arise in your surrounding area. Let your voice be heard attend town hall meetings go to the polls and show your support. Every little thing you do counts, when things do end up changing and you get caught off guard there is no room to complain if you were not active in your nation, state, and local level of politics.

Penn State Scandal rocks its football program and leaves the University crumbling as result By CHRIS SHELTON San Jacinto Times

On March 3, 2002 Joe Paterno drank the hemlock with Jerry Sandusky by doing the bare minimum in dealing with a suspected child abuser. Paterno deserved his fate because, in our great nation, her citizens have a moral imperative to protect those who are most vulnerable. The children of our nation


deserve an America where those in a position of power do not abuse clout to the detriment of their future. On Nov. 5th 2011, former Penn State Defensive Coordinator Jerry Sandusky was indicted on 40 criminal charges. Many of which involve heinous acts with children. He is accused of abusing eight children over a period of 15 years. At least two accusers allege a sustained relationship of abuse. On March 1, 2002 graduate assistant coach, Mike McQueary, witnessed Sandusky engaged in intercourse with a boy who appeared to be 10 years old. Instead of acting immediately, McQueary leaves the locker room and subsequently calls his dad, who advises him to go home immediately. What kind of a person can turn their head when such lascivious acts are apparent? What kind of father encourages his grown son to act as a coward fly on the wall? I can only speculate, but maybe McQueary had job security on his mind, as such vile accusations against a beloved figure could result in harsh consequences. But that is no excuse for minimal action. So on March 1, 2002 Mike McQueary drank the hemlock with Jerry Sandusky. On the following day McQueary did what he was legally required to do by reporting the lewd acts he witnessed to his superior, which effectively shielded himself from investigation but invites public scorn about the limits of his actions. The superior was Head Football coach Joe Paterno, and the aforementioned March 3rd date reenters the frame. On this date, after hearing what Sandusky did at Penn State facilities, Paterno did what he was legally required to do by reporting what McQueary saw to his superior. Sure, Paterno and McQueary were not involved illicitly, but their actions portray a pattern of indifference to child molestation, depending on your stature in the community. The response by Paterno’s superiors was even

November 14, 2011 San Jacinto Times • Page 3


Monday, November 14

• Psychology Club Meeting, 1:30 p.m., Burleson C1038

Tuesday, November 15 • Criminal Justice Club Meeting, 12 p.m., Wheeler A1031 • Rotaract Club Meeting, 1 p.m., Slovacek S215 • Psychology Club Meeting, 1:30 p.m., Burleson C1038

Wednesday, November 16 • HVAC Club Meeting, 12:30 p.m., Wheeler A1030

Thursday, November 17 • Anime Club Meeting, 2 p.m., Brightwell A1025 • Webb Society Meeting, 1:15 p.m., Burleson C1035

Friday, November 18 • Science Club Meeting with Speaker Tim Mock, 12 p.m., NADM B2101

Saturday, November 19 • No Scheduled Activities

Monday, November 21


• No Scheduled Activities

Monday, November 14 • Catholic Club Meeting, 10:30 a.m., CADM E202

Tuesday, November 15 • Personalized Photo Whiteboards (Free Event for Students), 10 a.m., Student Center • Sam Houston State University Recruitment, 10 a.m., CADM by Enrollment Services • GSA Meeting, 2:30 p.m., CADM 204

Wednesday, November 16 • College Republicans Meeting, 10:30 a.m., CADM W218A • College Republicans Meeting, 1 p.m., CADM W218A • The VYNE Meeting, 1:30 p.m., C3.222 • Anime Society Meeting, 2 p.m., CADM W112

Thursday, November 17 • UHCL Campus Visit, 9:15 a.m., CADM by Enrollment Services • UHD Road Trip, 10 a.m., CILC by San Jac Mosaic

Friday, November 18 • Phi Theta Kappa Meeting, 10:30 a.m., CILC 230 • SGA Meeting, 11:30 a.m., CILC 155 • LASO Meeting, 12:30 p.m., C3.204

Saturday, November 19 • No Scheduled Activities

Monday, November 21 • Catholic Club Meeting, 10:30 a.m., CADM E202 • SGA Meeting, 11:30 a.m., CILC 155 • Psychology Club Meeting, 2:30 p.m., CADM 209


Monday, November 14

MCT Campus

Board of Trustees member John Surma announces that Joe Paterno and University President Graham Spanier are fired.

more abhorrent.

Tim Curley, then the athletic director at Penn State, called a meeting with McQueary, took Sandusky’s locker room keys and barred him from bringing children on campus but the proper authorities were not notified. In March 2002, Tim Curley drank the hemlock with Jerry Sandusky. Notice how Curley’s actions neither solve the issue nor bring retribution for the known victims. It merely blindfolded the college to Sandusky’s actions. I hope Curly, Paterno, and McQueary can sleep at night because their actions warrant a level of reflection that is not conducive to a happy life. There was a gross failure in leadership at Penn State over the entirety of the Sandusky situation. Passing the buck to this magnitude surpasses the for-profit attitude that investment firms held in 2008. What needs not be lost is that Sandusky is the party who deserves the brunt of blame in this situation, but those who take proactive steps in looking the other way while a child predator thrives also deserve the criticism they face. Joe Paterno was fired on Nov. 9 and, in my opinion, it was the right call. The entire coaching staff and administration will be next. It is unfortunate that such a celestial career, like Paterno’s will include such a monumental fall but it must be done. Martin Luther King once stated that “injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.” There is a clear pattern of tacit consent to injustice at Penn State and because of it the entire university will be forced to drink the hemlock.

• Food Drive Benefitting Houston Food Bank (M-F), 8 a.m., Various Locations on Campus • The B.E.S.T. Club (Accepting Gifts for Jose Perez’s Unborn Baby M-F), 8 a.m., Children’s Center • Gaming Guild Meeting, 3:30 p.m., 2141 • Tennis Club Meeting, 3:30 p.m., Tennis Courts • MMA & Fitness Meeting, 6:30 p.m., GYM 6120

Tuesday, November 15 • Career & Employment Event, 10 a.m., Atrium • Declare Your Major, 10 a.m., Atrium • Student Bible Fellowship, 11:30 a.m., Game Room • TIES Meeting, 1 p.m., Game Room • SGA Meeting, 1:30 p.m., VPSD 4202 • Gaming Guild Meeting, 3:30 p.m., 2141 • 17 & Under Tennis Club Meeting, 3:30 p.m., Tennis Courts • Writer’s Block Meeting, 6 p.m., 3200

Wednesday, November 16 • AAA Meeting, 12 p.m., 4202 • Phi Theta Kappa Meeting, 1 p.m., 2241 • Newman Club Meeting, 2 p.m., SADM 2215 • Gaming Guild Meeting, 3:30 p.m., 2141 • Science Club Meeting, 4 p.m., 2235

Thursday, November 17 • Career & Employment Event, 10 a.m., Atrium • Declare Your Major, 10 a.m., Atrium • Veteran’s Day Programming, 10 a.m., Atrium • Gaming Guild Meeting, 3:30 p.m., 2141 • 17 & Under Tennis Club, 3:30 p.m., Tennis Courts • SVA Meeting, 3:30 p.m., Student Center • The Breakfast Club Meeting, 4 p.m., Cafeteria • Pre-Med Club Meeting, 4:15 p.m., S7.106 • Drama Club Meeting, 6 p.m., Green Room, Bldg 15

Friday, November 18 • MMA Meeting, 9 a.m., Gym • Phi Theta Kappa Meeting, 1 p.m., 2208

Saturday, November 19 • No Scheduled Activities

Monday, November 21 • Gaming Guild Meeting, 3:30 p.m., 2141 • Tennis Club Meeting, 3:30 p.m., Tennis Courts • MMA & Fitness Meeting, 6:30 p.m., GYM 6120

Around Campus

November 14, 2011 San Jacinto Times • Page 4

A Collective Effort by the art students of San Jac

By GREG STARKS San Jacinto Times

Recently there was an exhibition of some San Jac student’s artwork in the East wing of Central campus, perhaps you missed it? It was called the Collective Effort, and that is exactly what it was. A collective effort by the students of San Jac to put on a legitimate art show in an on-campus gallery. The students managed the set-up of the gallery, as well as provided all of the artwork for the Collective Effort The endeavor was, aside from getting the artists exposure and building their portfolios, intended to help the students gain the experience that is entailed in putting on an art show. I decided to give it a look, and am I glad I did. I was blown away by what was so inconspicuously residing, down the hallway from the news lab. The work I saw in there was excellent, all of it. The colors were so amazing, and just the sheer originality of the paintings, sculptures and graphic designs was stunning. I am not going to pretend like I am some art appreciation major with a Ph. D or something like that, but I know what a pretty picture looks like and I grasp the concepts of composition and presentation. So when I tell you that some of the best stuff I have seen in a long time was hiding in that small room, you can understand the gravity of what I am saying, or writing in actuality. I liked some of the paintings in the exhibition so much that I decided to buy six of them from two of the different artists. Those two artists were Aaron Gutierrez and Jason Deleon; along with Dave Silvero, those are three of the artists from the Collective Effort I have decided to tell you a little bit about. First Aaron. I asked him to tell me about himself, his work and where people can see it. He told me that he has already graduated from San Jac with an Associate in Arts, but is now currently enrolled in Medical Lab Tech program at San Jac in order pursue a stable career; understandable in our current economic climate. He works with mixed media, oil, acrylic, chalk, charcoal, etc. and found objects on his paintings, assemblages and sculptures. He says that he associates feelings, thoughts, sociocultural politics and philosophy into his work. Which is clearly apparent, in his paintings, especially in the Bush and Cheney Schizophrenic series that I purchased. He has told me that there will be other opportunities to see some of the featured artists work in the Spring Semester, perhaps around March. One will be on the subject of films, and the other

dropped out again out of frustration. Jason mainly paints with acrylics, but says he has done some mixed media work and some computer illustrations, yet he always goes back to painting. Most of his work is graphically inspired and very abstract according to Deleon. He describes an organic feel to his pieces with lots of attention to color and bold line work. He says that he likes to produce simple yet expressive pieces that the viewers can interpret for themselves. A large portion of his work, both current and previous can be seen at www.flickr.com/daedfulz . All of which is amazing and I wish I could cover all of my walls in them. Jason also wanted to add: “I’d also like to thank the art department, students involved in the show, and everyone who came to the gallery to check out the work. the Collective Effort show was a great experience and I’m glad we had the chance to exhibit some great work and I look forward to the next show.” Last but not least, there is Dave Silvero, who is majoring in Visual Communications and started at San Jac in 2008 and has been taking classes bit-bybit trying to build credits for the degree and possible transfer. He says that he sees himself more as a designer than as an artist. He believes in art that has a well-calculated aesthetic functionality and purpose, so most of the work he does is not for the sake of expression, but for usability and marketable commercial use. He mainly illustrates using very basic, traditional mediums like pencil and ink, and then merges them with digital elements, coupled with printmaking. This form of creative process is well suited for his own artistic philosophy; that art should be easily accessible by everyone, and mass reproduction and versatile application for him is the best way to achieve that expansive idea. As for subject matter, he says it solely depends on the client’s needs and what they need the design or illustration for.

Clockwise from the top: Aaron Guiterrez The Death of the Bull (Market), Dave Silvero NIPPON MAD, Jason Deleon Poor Little Greenie. will be at South Campus and that theme will range art. from gender to media to sociocultural arguments, so He said that painting and drawing are the only it should be a pretty wide range of stuff to appeal to things that he truly doing, and that returning to a lot of different people. school has really helped him progress in his art. Jason Deleon is the other artist I actually decided He is incredibly grateful to be mentored by such to purchase some of the paintings from. He original- great teachers and artists and for the freedom they ly started at San Jac several years ago, but dropped have allowed him. out a few times for various reasons. Thankfully he Without them he feels that the exhibition would decided to return last year and pursue what he loves, not have happened and that he would have likely

A bunch of his wok can be seen at http://roninbuddha.deviantart.com and if you are interested in purchasing a print or requesting commissions, you can contact Dave Silvero directly through twitter @roninbuddha. These artists are all very talented and I am certain that their success is mounting, and one day the stuff I bought will be worth millions. Until then, just keep an eye out for their work. They deserve that much.

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November 14, 2011 San Jacinto Times • Page 5

Ceremonials by Florence and the Machine has come By GREG STARKS San Jacinto Times

Ceremonials is the second studio album by UK female vocalist Florence Welch, and a supporting musical cast of a band, that is referred to as The Machine. On stage, and on tape they form Florence and the Machine. So if you have never heard their debut record Lungs, you are definitely missing out on something very special. It debuted at number 17 on the Billboard Heatseekers in July of 2009 when it was released in the States. Ceremonials is more of a grand sounding Baroque-pop record than Lungs, which was more Indie-soul. Still, the change of pace, and sound seems to be working well for Florence and the Machine. Ceremonials has reached the number 1 spot on charts in the UK, Ireland, Australia, and New Zealand. I guess we are a little behind the times here in the States, it is at number 17 on the Billboard charts here. The record is very strong from beginning to end. The emotions swoon and the arrangements stay right along-side the powerful voice of Ms. Welch throughout. I really like the mix of songs on ceremonials. It runs the gamut from soulful ballads to jump out of your chair jams. The machine lays down some Chamber-soul, harp filled booming tracks like No Light, No Light and give their best Phil Spector imi-

tation with the “Wall of Sound” on the following track Seven Devils. The prominence of sound in Seven Devils is just unrivaled in my opinion. There is nothing like what Florence and the Machine is doing out there. And yet, they are not often cycled through the playlists on American radio. I know 103.7 FM plays their stuff, but it is sporadic at best, and definitely not heavy in the rotation. Florence and the Machine are often likened to Tori Amos and Kate Bush. I can see where the comparison comes from, and both Tori Amos and Kate Bush are very talented musicians, but I think they pale in comparison to what was captured on Ceremonials. This record would appeal to everyone with a functioning auditory system.I am sure my Mom would even like this... in fact I am certain. I am also certain that you will like this record. It is spectacular from beginning to end, and earns an A undoubtedly. Take my advice and pick up Ceremonials as soon as you get a chance. It is a nice change of pace from the mainstream American music culture. Also, shell out the extra few dollars or few seconds of download time to get the deluxe version of the album. It comes with eight additional tracks that are comprised of demo and acoustic versions of some of the tracks from the album, and some that are not.

Feist returns as good as ever after a four-year hiatus By GREG STARKS San Jacinto Times

Nova Scotia born Leslie Feist, is quite possibly the best female singer-songwriter of the past decade. Her softly soulful voice and incredibly original arrangements have garnered her a fair amount of success in the past seven years or so. She has been releasing her own Indie\Baroquepop stylings since 1999’s Monarch, which, commercially, was a failure. In retrospect, it was a great album, just not for the time I suppose. It was not until 2004’s Let It Die, which featured her breakout single Mushaboom, which was accompanied by a wildly popular music video reminiscent of the final scene in Ferris Bueller’s Day Off, that Feist was actually known by anyone outside of Broken Social Scene (of whom she was an on and off member for several years) fans and obscurest music freaks like myself. Her next record, The Reminder was released in

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2007 was exponentially more successful, with three explosively popular singles, My Moon My Man, The Water, and 1234. This is when she was becoming a lot more accessible to the average Indie-pop listener, and when she gained a lot of mainstream media attention getting radio and television airtime in rotation across the country. Fast forward to four years later (today time) and behold Metals, easily my favorite of her records. Metals has charted in the top 35 of every music chart in the modern world, with the exception of the Spanish charts where it landed at number 72. Still, the top 75 across the board is pretty good. There is only one single from this record, but that is clearly not the gauge used to measure this album’s success. The single from Metals, How Come you Never Go There, is getting some air-time here in Houston on 103.7 FM, but not anywhere else on the dial. That is a disservice to the listening audience here in Houston. It is a bluesy soulful-rock opus that has been con-

densed into the standard three-and-a-half minute pop song format, (which is probably responsible for it’s selection into radio playlists) which would make love to the ears of anyone who was lucky enough to be within earshot of it when played. While we are on the subject of totally rockin’ epicness, The Undiscovered First is exactly that. It starts with a low bluesy guitar line and the softest of boot stomps in the background and then crescendos, with tambourines and horns filling the soundscape, into a female mob-vocal anthem. The second best song on the record for sure. The pleading style of Anti-Pioneer speaks to me on a completely different level than the upbeat rock energy of How Come You Never Go There and The Undiscovered First. I am pretty sure it is one of the best songs ever written and recorded, and I simply cannot get enough of it. The voice inside that tiny little woman is something special. It can break a heart and curl a smile all in the same song, simply amazing.

I am highly recommending Metals and all of Feist’s records for that matter. I will continue to sing Feist’s praises until they actually release something bad. Fortunately I do not see that happening anytime soon. A+ record all day long, even on Sundays.

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Around campus

November 14, 2011 San Jacinto Times • Page 6

Texas Renfest includes many compelling characters

An interesting cast of individuals always show up and participate at the Texas Renfest. By MIKE VASQUEZ San Jacinto Times

As my car disappeared from sight, it was the last thing I would see that reminded me we were in the 21st century. Huge castle gates and the sound of a roaring crowd pulled me into the mid-evil days. As I passed the ticket receptionist, a barbaric warrior, complaining about his mead, greeted me. Knights were racing past me on majestic steeds in the jousting arena. Cry’s for their country that they represented could be heard throughout the fair grounds. Epic battles drew crowds all day, along with comical relief shows that assisted in bringing the viewer back in time. Traveling down the avenue’s and shops, one shop

in particular caught my eye. The shop sold custom hats of all kinds. The most popular were the warlord helmets, the shop created helmets especially for the ultimate in sports fans. These helmets ran around $180. The helmets were real steel and were all custom. Real horns and fur were also used in making these works of art. As I walked around, turkey leg in hand I came across an elf. He told me of a magic garden that once entered, brought out the best in every traveler’s soul. Not knowing what I was in for I entered the garden. This was perhaps the best family oriented place in the whole festival. The plants were magical and the trees grown over to make a tunnel like entrance. Statues of mystical creatures made the children’s eyes light up. People

All photos by Jannette Marin

in the garden dressed in med-evil attire also enhanced the garden experience. However I offer one warning to the men who bring their ladies. The workers at this festival almost belittle you into spending money on your lady. After being conned for a fancy flower crown, we made our way toward the exit. As I came across a man named Sir Ector. He was a Spanish knight who was in the jousting tournament, fighting for the honor of his queen. He asked me if he could borrow my cell phone to call his wife. This was a funny contradiction but it did bring me back to reality. Sir Ector’s name was actually Robert, and his day job was a carpenter for Metro. After lending my services to this proven warrior, he bout me a round of honey mead to show his appre-

Even a centaur makes an apperance at renfest.


State elections are similarly important because state colleges are funded primarily through state funding. This is true of community colleges like San Jac and massive institutions with 50,000 students like the University of Texas in Austin. Funds allocated by the Texas Legislature can sometimes distinguish whether a new science building is approved or if a new football stadium is built or if tuition must be raised. Tuition for the University of Texas at Austin is 4,700 dollars for a full-time student and has steadily risen the past few years because of inflation and amongst other factors. Over 10,000 dollars per year is a substantial sum of money to invest. College is becoming more necessary to achieve you dreams and less affordable for the average American. Tuition cost is an enormous burden on college students and alleviating the stress is always in a student’s self-interest. Paying attention to proposed and enacted budget cuts is a must in today’s society because the ramifications are so far

Continued from Page 1 The bill has now been postponed and is deemed unlikely to make its way into the law books. On campus the SGA sponsored a successful food drive in the fall of 2010 and donated 1200 pounds of food to a local food bank. In the spring of 2011

Turns out that Robert makes extra money to fund his fishing hobby doing the renaissance festival. A devoted family man he hopes to someday get a better bass boat to take his kids out with him. Though the job is seasonal, most of the employees working the festival all have unique reasons as to why they are there. The festival was definitely a great opportunity for families to come together and bond. Nothing seems to bring out the fun in family activities like a good ole fashioned sword fight or puppet show. So whether you are a lord or a lady, the Renaissance Festival has something to offer people of all ages.

Republican Candidates and their stances on education

Continued from Page 1



and wide. Local political decisions are very important because it affects all in a tight knit community very closely. Local zoning rules decide which elementary; middle and high schools students attend for an education. A sound early education is the key for a successful period in college. Local coffers also keep students safe. The Houston Police Department and Houston Fire Department must have a presence to keep order around the city. A well-funded police and fire department allows students to have peace of mind while studying and toting books from class to class. You may not have an interest in carrying a machete and navigating the jungle that is the world of politics on a consistent basis but a working knowledge of the world around us is very necessary. The decisions made in Washington, Austin, and locally in Houston have too much of a huge issue impact not bury our proverbial heads in the sand.

the SGA participated in a Cell Phone drive and donated thirty devices to the 911 Cell Phone Bank. The 911 Cell Phone program provides cell phones and funds to law enforcement and affiliated service agencies. San Jacinto Central Campus is now an official drop off point for the 911 Cell Phone Bank.

Mitt Romney

Rick Perry

Supported the federal accountability standards of No Child Left Behind law. In 2007, said he was wrong earlier in his career when he wanted the Education Department shut because he came to see the value of the federal government in "holding down the interests of the teachers' unions" and putting kids and parents first. -According to the Huffington Post Turned down federal education aid to Texas worth up to $700 million because he saw it as imposing national standards on Texas schools. Says No Child Left Behind law gave Washington too much power to interfere with local government. -According to the Huffington Post "Unbundle education from the federal government down to the local level," expand charter schools and school choice. -According to the Huffington Post

Herman Cain

The SGA was also a driving force behind the recent Raven Rally, held in October, at Central Campus. If you have an issue you would like to bring to the SGA’s attention or simply want to see what the SGA is all about, please feel free to attend a meeting.

Membership is not required to attend and eager faces are welcome. Meetings are held every Friday at 11:30 AM in the ILC building, Rm T155 at Central Campus. Start making a difference in your campus community today and stop on by.

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