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e student publication of the San Jacinto College District

September 17, 2012

Central unveils science facility

Janeth Cervantes

San Jacinto College Central Campus students and faculty are being treated to a brand new science building featuring stateof-the-art laboratories and lecture halls. Central’s newest facility is ready for the Fall 2012 Semester.

San Jacinto Times

The unveiling was like unwrapping a Christmas present. Somehow, it had morphed from a cacophony of skeletal structures to a symphonic union of art and architecture. San Jacinto College Central Campus opened the doors of its newly constructed science building in time for the Fall 2012 semester with an enthusiasm that rivaled that of a child on Christmas morning. Science classes will no longer be taught in the Heinrich and Frels buildings where they have been held for 40 years. They will now be conducted in the 108,000 square foot facility that features 3 stories of state-of-the-art laboratory equipment and brand new lecture halls. Geology professor Karen Purpera has been teaching geology at Central campus since 2008, and like the rest of her colleagues, See SCIENCE on Page 6.

Michael Deats San Jacinto Times

Sweltering summer heat sends Central student to local hospital Caty Christy

San Jacinto Times

“I started playing [soccer] and didn’t listen to my body,” said Central campus student Kalia Le Jeune after almost suffering a heat stroke August 29 while playing for her PE class on a sweltering 98 degree day. Le Jeune was in the Student Center when other students noticed her skin was deep red and she was not perspiring. Two students who had relevant training were able to respond quickly. Caty Christy San Jacinto Times David Young and Joseph Soto began to Joseph Soto visits Le Jeune in the administer basic first aid to regulate her hospital. body temperature and keep her from

going into shock. “They took me to class and I laid [lay] down on the floor,” Le Jeune said. Young and Soto elevated her head and legs while sponging cool water all over her body. They massaged her limbs to keep them from seizing up. Le Jeune was taken by ambulance to Patients Hospital in Pasadena. There, she was given IV fluids to regulate her body’s electrolytes. “I could feel my heart sputtering,” she said, adding that she mostly feared losing consciousness and having a seizure. She was released from the hospital later that same day. Le Jeune advised students who are taking PE courses this semester to “drink a lot of water and do not wear long pants.”

Commish marks the spot

SJC gets historic marker Brooks Kubena

San Jacinto Times

Caty Christy San Jacinto Times

San Jacinto College District recieves a historic marker in front of the Central Campus ILC building.

San Jacinto College is now recognized as a significant part of Texas history after the Texas Historical Commission erected a historic marker last month. The marker celebrates the contribution the college district has made to the state and local community. The college’s district office applied to the commission a year ago for consideration. The application was approved and the marker was delivered during the summer. It was installed at the front of the Interactive Learning Center (ILC) on Central campus August 21. The marker symbolizes the achievements and advancements the three-campus college district has made during its 50 year existence. “It’s a reminder and an honor.” Administrative Dean Dr. James Braswell said. “This is pretty early. Most things take more than fifty years to earn such recognition. It’s an honor to have it because it means that the commission viewed its existence as significant enough to be marked.” Dr. Braswell, who was present during the unveiling, feels the narrative on the marker will provide viewers with an understanding of the San Jacinto College District’s cultural and historical role in the community. S e e H I S TO R I C o n P a g e 6 .

Angelica Rodriguez San Jacinto Times

All three San Jac campuses welcome veterans back with new help center.

Serving those who serve

San Jac opens vet centers Jose Alejandro

San Jacinto Times

Last July, San Jacinto College proudly unveiled three new Centers of Excellence for Veteran Student Success aimed at aiding veterans with their transition back into civilian life and the college community. Central campus work-study student Michael Vasquez explained that all work-study recipients working at the centers are either veterans, or have been involved with veterans in

some capacity. Assisting veterans often requires specialized knowledge because their needs for financial aid and job placement may differ from those of other students. According to Vasquez, the practice of veterans helping other veterans results in a smoother transition because they can communicate with one another on the same level. Prior to the establishment of the new centers, there were sections in the financial aid office dedicated See VETERANS on Page 6.

On the inside...

Campus cats, page 4 & 5

SJC Alum, page 8

September 17, 2012


San Jacinto Times

Page 2

Minx Thinks: Feminist blogger in right

Asher Minx

San Jacinto Times

Anita Sarkeesian is a feminist video blogger of steadily rising popularity. Her work never shies from exploring the recurring roles and portrayals of women in pop ular culture. In the past that theme has lent itself to a diverse range of topics, from examining The Hunger Games' conversion to film, to deconstructing gender-based child-marketed television ads. Seeing sizable viewer hits, her videos often invite both discussion and controversy.

Until recently, Sarkeesian's social critiques have focused largely on passive media earning mild responses from her ideological opponents. That all changed after the announcement of her campaign to raise money for Tr o p e s v s . Wo m e n i n Vi d e o Games, a new series that would analyze prominent female archetypes within the genre. E v i d e n t l y, t h e I n t e r n e t h o l d s gaming quite close to its heart. So much so that the threat of someone highlighting sexism in what has traditionally been treated as a boys' club is met with threats and impassioned misogyny. I n a d d i t i o n t o a n o rg a n i z e d e ffort to harass the creator online, her campaign announcement was flagged as "terrorism." Multiple demands were sent to Kickstarter - the host of the fundraiser - to defund the project. Drawings and photoshopped images showing Sarkees ian’s likeness being sexually assaulted flooded the blo-

gosphere, and a "Beat up Anita Sarkeesian" game was uploaded t o N e w g r o u n d s . F o r t u n a t e l y, they took it down less than 24 h o u r s l a t e r. S o m e o f t h e m o r e tech-savvy protesters distributed her personal information online and attempted to hack her email account. For Sarkeesian, attempts at this level to block relevant discussion might have been disappointi n g t o h e r, b u t t h e y w e r e definitely not discouraging. For many fans and casual onlookers, they only helped prove her point. After reaching the campaign's $6,000 goal, supporters went on to provide over $100,000 in donations, allowing for new research and an unexpected expansion of the series. C u r r e n t l y, A n i t a p l a n s t o p r o duce 12 new videos, covering such tropes as Damsel in Distress, The Sexy Villainess, Backg r o u n d D e c o r a t i o n , Wo m e n a s Reward, and the 10 Most Common Defenses of Sexism in Games.

Art by Chris Gaviria

Central’s gym not up to speed with South’s

Monica Davila

San Jacinto Times

Separate but equal fitness rooms on every campus, where have we heard that before? As some of you may know, fitness can be expensive and time consuming. All three San Jacinto College campuses offer students free use of their cardio and weight rooms. However, some have better equipment than others. There is a drastic difference in qual-

ity when it comes to the cardio rooms 24-Hour fitness, a professional gym. through the weight room to get to the cardio room. Of course, this at South and Central cammay not be a problem for everypuses. One might think one considering you get the octhat Central campus recasional eyeful of attractive, ceives more funding than sweaty people. However, for North or South; therefore, students that do not attend a it should have better gym specific workout class, the equipment. Oddly enough, this is not the rooms do not open until 2:30 p.m. on Mondays through case. Thursdays, creating schedule South Campus has an conflicts for many people. Not amazing cardio room that all of the machines work, and is separate from the the ones that do, have sticky weight room and that is handles as if someone was eatopen to all students from ing candy while working out. 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. All of the The sign-in method is hopemachines are clean and lessly old school. I mean, paper function properly. Better Monica Davila San Jacinto Times. and pen hopeless. yet, signing in is computOn the bright side for Cenerized. Also, there are Campus cardio facilities are available to all tral’s fitness enthusiasts, Physposters on the walls to as- students and faculty ical Education Department sist any newcomers to exOn the other hand, the Central Cam- Chair Sandi Morgan stated the departercise. As a matter of fact, South campus student Marisha Gibson com- pus fitness center tells a much differ- ment was approved for supplemental pared South’s fitness facility to that of ent story. First, you have to go budget requests that will eventually

fund updates to the facility. According to Morgan, the department’s hope for the future is to “have a new PE/Fitness center for classes and for all students, faculty and staff to use.” In Central Campus’s defense, we have to take into account that fitness machines cost a lot of money; well into the thousands per machine. One question that must be asked, If Central campus can afford to have 3 rooms full of weight machines, why can’t they renovate one cardio room? More importantly, is Central campus playing favorites? From my observations at 9 different gyms, women tend to use the cardio machines and men tend to use weight machines. In using the bulk of its funding for weight machines, is Central Campus discouraging women from coming and working out? Perhaps I have stumbled on a topic for another column.

Part-time students more common on SJC campuses

Araceli Bautista San Jacinto Times

Of the approximate 33,000 students enrolled at San Jacinto College, only 32 percent are considered full-time. This means over half of the student body is classified as part-time. Many part-time students are commonly referred to as nontra-

San Jacinto Times San Jacinto College

Student Publications



Hellen Papadacos


ditional students, typically meaning they are older in age, may have a full-time job, and possibly have a family to provide for. Since these students are considered nontraditional, it is typical for them to be overlooked by the institution while traditional students are overrepresented. With the majority of students here at San Jac attending parttime, should there not be help and services provided specifically for them? Financial aid is one of the most significant factors for any student’s college career. Often, it can be the deal breaker. One of the basic requirements of many scholarships and grants is that students maintain full-time status eliminating a wealth of possible aid for the majority of San Jac EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Caty Christy


Angelica Rodriguez, Vanessa Piña



Courtney Mouton, Edith Manzanales

SPORTS EDITOR Brandon Hurley



students. This leaves them burdened with student loans which many students believe should be avoided as much as possible. As far as financial aid awarded by the college, part-timers receive half, and sometimes less than half of the aid given to their full-time counterparts. Another troubling fact concerns students taking classes at more than one institution. Due to regulations outlined by Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), they can only receive aid from one of the schools they are attending. This means, if a student decides to take six hours at one school and six at another, they are considered part-time and will receive the typical aid for a part-time student, although they are taking a full time course load. STAFF WRITERS Araceli R. Bautista Monica Davila

Anally De Leon

Liliana I. Delarosa Leif Hayman

Brooks Kubena Asher C. Minx

Adrian X. Salas

Christopher T. Villegas

This leaves approximately half of their combined tuition uncovered. A part-time student is defined as someone who is taking six or less credit hours a semester. While their tuition is not as steep as a full-timer’s per semester, they will typically end up paying the exact same amount as a fulltimer over the course of their college studies. Unfortunately, this can be very discouraging and may prevent many from completing their degree at all. Elle Manis, the mother of four teenagers, is a longtime San Jac student. At 42, Manis will finally receive an associate’s degree this spring after six years of on-and-off attendance; the result of more pressing priorities.

The San Jacinto Times is published biweekly by the journalism students at San Jacinto College Central, 8060 Spencer Highway, Pasadena, TX 77505. Opinions expressed herein are those of the writer and not necessarily those of the staff, its adviser, the administration or the Board of Regents. The Times encourages letters to the editor. Letters must be in good taste, accurate, free from libel, malice or personal controversy. Letters must be limited to 200 words in length. Letters submitted without the author’s signature will not be accepted.

This is the difficult reality for many part-timers. Elle has maintained the same full-time job for 19 years and many times has been forced to choose between going to school, and providing for her family. Her biggest obstacle was finding classes each semester that fit around her work and family schedule. It was the semesters that did not fit her schedule when she took time off from school. She believes that if she did not have to work as much, she would have finished her degree much earlier. While it is obvious that these students are willing to sacrifice to pursue an education, at this point, it is not as obvious that colleges are willing to sacrifice enough to provide proper support for their growing part-time student body.

The staff reserves the right to edit the letters for accuracy without altering the general meaning. Letters can be e-mailed to Hellen.Papadacos@sjcd.edu. Letters must include name and phone number for verification. The online edition of the Times is available at http://issuu.com/sanjacintotimes Advertising space is available for $5.00 per column inch. Special rates are available. For news tips and information on advertising, contact the Times at 281-478-2752.

San Jacinto Times

September 17, 2012


Monday, September 17

• Art Alumni Invitational Exhibition, 9 a.m., Galeria Del Norte • Constitution Day Event, 11 a.m., Student Center Lobby

Tuesday, September 18 • Art Alumni Invitational Exhibition, 9 a.m., Galeria Del Norte • STD Testing, 12 p.m., N12.200 • Men of Honor Meeting, 12 p.m., N6.108

Wednesday, September 19 • Art Alumni Invitational Exhibition, 9 a.m., Galeria Del Norte • Anime Club Meeting, 2 p.m., N9.133

Thursday, September 20 • Art Alumni Invitational Exhibition, 9 a.m., Galeria Del Norte • Anime Club Meeting, 2 p.m., N9.133

Friday, September 21 • Math & Engineering Club Meeting, 10 a.m., N8.251 • Fine Arts Friday Concert Series Presents: Solero, 12 p.m., N1.103

Saturday, September 22 • No Scheduled Activities

Sunday, September 23


• No Scheduled Activities

Monday, September 17 • Constitution Day Event, 9 a.m., C11.1081 • Jason Cassidy Performance, 11 a.m., Raven Café • Martial Arts Club Meeting, 1 p.m., C18.117

Spotlight on Faculty Billy MacTavish makes movie magic

gree in Fine Arts, in 2011 he received a Master’s Degree in Multimedia CommuniClose your eyes and cations. imagine yourself on a He has worked on movie set full of bright many successful films lights, Hollywood including Rocket Man stars, fast cars and (1997), Friday Night deadly sharks. Lights, Lights (2006), and The camera, action! Texas Chainsaw MasIf you are fascinated sacre:The Beginning by movies and would (2006). Most recently, love to know what he served as the Lightgoes on behind the ing Director for The scenes, then keep readPreacher’s Daughter ing because San Jac(2012) which is curinto College has a Michael Deats San Jacinto Times rently running on the professor who can diProfessor MacTavish enjoys working Lifetime network. rect you (no pun inIn addition to feature tended) down the right with students at San Jac. graduated college. For bud- films, he has worked on nupath. You may be wondering who ding filmmakers, professor merous television commerthis mysterious teacher is. MacTavish advised, "collect cials of which he claimed his That would be the filmmaking as many business cards as you favorites were automobile instructor in the Video and can and never throw any of commercials. His work has garnered nuFilm Production program at them away." He also stressed San Jacinto College, professor that the industry is tough and merous Industry awards innetworking plays a big role. cluding a Telly for a movie Billy MacTavish. MacTavish added, "I have al- trailer, as well as an Accolade, The passion for his profession materialized early in life. ways loved to mentor those a REMI, and a Golden Ace for While other children watched who are just getting into, or Cinematography and Editing cartoons, professor MacTavish wanting to know about the for the TV Pilot The Caveman would wake up early Saturday business." That led him to Theory (2012). Professor MacTavish loves mornings and head to the cin- higher education where he ema to watch as many movies began teaching as an Adjunct his profession and feels that as he could until the theater Instructor in 2005. MacTavish teaching is a way of giving explained, “Education is very back to the industry that has closed. He tells the San Jacinto important and since the econ- been so instrumental in his Times that he loves all types of omy is slow at the moment, life. “Teaching at San Jacinto movies because he considers this is the perfect time to go to College is a natural evolution them research. He analyzes school and to absorb every- in continuing that practice," he added. In spite of his extensive films down to the smallest de- thing about the field.” Professor MacTavish is not experience, he does not mind tails to learn as much as possible about his craft. His satisfied with just teaching. He working with young students extensive resume boasts 25 began his own production unfamiliar with the industry. years of diverse professional company named Moving Instead, he feels most reexperience including shooting, Camera Solutions with two warded when his students sudproducing, directing, writing, partners, where he continues denly grasp the elusive and editing all forms of media. to work as a Cinematographer. concepts associated with art Although professor Mac- and entertainment. His career began at an advertising company right after he Tavish holds a Bachelor’s De-

Liliana Delarosa San Jacinto Times

Page 3

Around Campus


Monday, September 24 • No Scheduled Activities

Tuesday, September 25 • Hispanic Heritage Concert, 10:30 a.m., N1.103 • Rotaract Club Meeting, 1:30 p.m., N12.215

Wednesday, September 26 • Voter Registration, 10 a.m., Student Center Lobby • Ladies of Integrity Meeting, 11:30 a.m., N12.112 • Men of Honor Meeting, 12 p.m., N6.108 • Anime Club Meeting, 2 p.m., N9.133

Thursday, September 27 • Anime Club Meeting, 2 p.m., N9.133 • Phi Theta Kappa Induction, 7 p.m., N1.103

Friday, September 28 • Math & Engineering Club Meeting, 10 a.m., N8.251

Saturday, September 29 • No Scheduled Activities

Sunday, September 30


• No Scheduled Activities

Monday, September 24 • Martial Arts Club Meeting, 1 p.m., C18.117

Tuesday, September 25 • Lester and Susan Balloon and Body Art, 10 a.m., Student Center Lounge A • TSEA Meeting, 1 p.m., C20.263 • Sociology/Anthropology Club Presents Read a Book, 1 p.m., Library Lobby

Tuesday, September 18

Wednesday, September 26

• Sociology/Anthropology Club Presents Read a Book, 1 p.m., Library Lobby

• Anime Society Meeting, 1 p.m., C15.115 • Martial Arts Club Meeting, 1 p.m., C18.117

Wednesday, September 19

Thursday, September 27

• Student Rave, 10:30 a.m., Student Center Lounge A • Anime Society Meeting, 1 p.m., C15.115 • Martial Arts Club Meeting, 1 p.m., C18.117

• PTK Meeting, 1 p.m., C1.230

Thursday, September 20

Saturday, September 29

• PTK Meeting, 1 p.m., C1.230 • Ars Lyrica, 7 p.m., Corbin Recital Hall

• No Scheduled Activities

Friday, September 28 • No Scheduled Activities

Sunday, September 30 Friday, September 21


• No Scheduled Activities

• No Scheduled Activities

Saturday, September 22

Monday, September 24

• No Scheduled Activities

• No Scheduled Activities

Sunday, September 23 • No Scheduled Activities

Tuesday, September 25

Monday, September 17

• Voter Registration, 10 a.m., Student Center Atrium • Volunteer Fair, 10 a.m., Student Center Atrium • Phi Theta Kappa Study Skills Workshop, 2:30 p.m., S12.101


• Constitution Day Event, 11 a.m., Student Center Atrium

Tuesday, September 18 • SGA Meeting, 2:30 p.m., S11.228

Wednesday, September 19 • No Scheduled Activities

Thursday, September 20 • Movie Screening Don’t Change the Subject, 10 a.m., Fine Arts Theater • SGA Meeting, 6:00 p.m., CiCi’s Pizza in Pearland

Friday, September 21 • PTK Meeting, 1:00 p.m., S8.2014


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Wednesday, September 26 • Voter Registration, 10 a.m., Fine Arts Theater • Presentation by the League of Women’s Voters, 11 a.m., Fine Arts Theater • Coyote Future Teachers Club Meeting, 3:00 p.m., S7.100

Thursday, September 27 • Voter Registration, 10 a.m., Student Center Atrium

Friday, September 28 • No Scheduled Activities

Saturday, September 29

Saturday, September 22

• No Scheduled Activities

• No Scheduled Activities Talk to a recruiter today to learn more. GoANG.com/TX


Sunday, September 23

Sunday, September 30

• No Scheduled Activities

• No Scheduled Activities

San Jacinto Times

September 17, 2012

From the Cover

Page 6


Continued from Page 1

she is enjoying the building’s conseems much more spatemporary offerings. “All of our new cious, updated, and modgeology labs are equipped with comern,” Rodriguez adds. puters, projectors, and document camThe building is deeras,” said Purpera, “which will be signed to Leadership in useful when teaching labs.” Energy and EnvironBefore the new building opened, mental Design (LEED) science students learned in outdated Silver standards, which laboratories that were setup during emphasizes natural, the 1970s. “The building is better orrather than artificial ganized by discipline. I’m enjoying light. having my geology colleagues’ ofCasting a shadow, fices and labs near my own,” said however, on the buildPurpera, “We were somewhat spread ing’s debut is adequate out in the old building.” parking, a proverbial Students and professors alike each Caty Christy San Jacinto Times complaint for San Jachave their own favorite feature. Biol- The Periodic Table decorates the interior of the into College students. ogy major Jorge Enriquez, who has new science building. Rodriguez and Enriquez experienced both the old and new scinote that parking near ence buildings, enjoys the design and puters and equipment in the laborato- the building is very limited. equipment that the new building offers. ries. General Studies major Lidia RoIn all, both students and teachers are “The classrooms look really cool,” said driguez is just enjoying the entire still very excited. “I think we are all enEnriquez, “it actually feels like a univer- facility as a whole. Rodriguez attended joying the new building,” said Purpera, San Jacinto College since last fall and “I have heard nothing but positive comsity.” Freshman Health Science major, says there is no comparison between the ments from students and from colCindy Martinez enjoys the newer com- old and new facilities. “It’s new. And leagues.” the open space when you walk in, just


Continued from Page 1

“[The narrative] is an informational piece so that when you visit or go by, it has a chance of teaching you something.” Dr. Braswell said. The marker tells how the school came into being, becoming the first community college in the area. With many of the 375 markers in Harris County posted near empty fields, this marker differs from others because it provides a historical reference for an active institution. “The school was and will continue to be a point of interest.” Dr. Braswell added. “In another fifty years that sign will still be there. Our students come and go every two years or so, so it’s nice to have something that tells them that what you see here wasn’t always here. That things grow from nothing into something because the actions of a few people; a few students in 1961.”


Continued from Page 1

to assisting veterans, but students would get confused since both units were housed in the same space. The new center has eliminated that problem and Vasquez added that a lot of veterans find the new environment more relaxed. Each campus offers roughly between 2,000 and 2,300 feet of space that is equipped with a kitchenette, computer work stations, and an on-site veterans’ assistant. The new centers did not require any new construction on any of the three campuses. Central campus refurbished an old auditorium instead of building a new space. Donations from many different efforts funded the creation of the centers. Last year on Veterans’ Day, Foundation Chairman Frank Nadolney and his wife Carmen hosted a reception that garnered $30,000. In addition, $375,000

was donated in material and labor. The project received a $400,000 grant during 2010 from the Fund for the Improvement of Postsecondary Education from the U.S. Department of Education. Numerous local companies donated time including Rizzo & Associates, DuroTech, Bay-IBI Group Architects, Facilities Programming and Consulting, JE Dunn, SpawnGlass, Tellepsen, among many other groups. The official opening ceremony the Centers of Excellence for Veteran Student Success on all three campuses is slated for Veterans’ Day, Nov. 11, 2012. Ruth Keenan, San Jacinto College’s executive Director of Development explained that the new centers are very important because, “our veterans serve us, and now it’s time for us to serve our veterans…”

New iPhone 5 steps up Apple’s game Michael Deats

San Jacinto Times

The iPhone 5 has officially been unveiled. With the new generation of iPhone many of the diehard Apple fans can finally see an upgrade. Most importantly though, is that pricing will not change according to Apple. The iPhone 5 will be maintaining its two-year contract price of $199 and will be supported by Sprint, AT&T, and Verizon. Now we can move on to the more exciting stuff. The New iOS6 will integrate social media apps such as Facebook with your pictures and videos for faster sharing and streaming. A fifth row has been added to the app menu to allow easier app management. According to Apples website the

iPhone 5 boasts a faster A6 Quad core processor, which is a step up from the A5X processor that The new iPad runs on. Which means the quick response times 4s users are used to will be even faster. This ensures a smooth execution of all the apps you could dream of. The Display is the next big thing to see an upgrade. For the avid iPhone enthusiast, the elongation of the screen is exciting. Stretching the diagonal Retina display from 3.5 inches to 4 inches makes for a more appealing image. According to apple the resolution has been stretched to 1136 by 640, which should allow for a better visual display. Upgrading the data to 4G LTE has been a long awaited dream of the average iPhone user. With the

iPhone 4 everyone thought 4G LTE was a given, but sadly 2 models went by, nonchalantly failing to observe the competition promoting such lightning fast transfer speeds. The photographers will be ex-

For the avid iPhone enthusiast, the elongation of the screen is exciting. tremely happy to see an upgrade in their picture quality. The iSight Camera, while staying at 8 megapixels, received improved stabilization and a sapphire crystal lens cover. According to Apple the sapphire lens cover will protect your

lens and sharpen the image. The video quality remains roughly even with the iPhone 4S at 1080p HD. Minor enhancements include a tweak to Siri, allowing for more questionability and deeper integration with the rest of your phone and the battery life has been expanded by roughly ten percent and is expected to provide 8 hours of talk or LTE data transfer, or 225 hours on standby. The new, thinner look, with a wider screen isn’t everything the users dreamed of, but the metal back casing provides more durability. Offering consumers a thinner smartphone, apple reduced the weight of the new device by 28 grams. Release date for the new iPhone 5 is scheduled for Sept. 19 2012 but preordering is still a possibility.

San Jacinto Times

September 17, 2012

Page 7

Student Life

Rec uses new codes Skyrocketing costs push Brooks Kubena

San Jacinto Times

The San Jacinto Campus Recreation Department is making an effort to bring in a larger and younger group of students by setting up Quick response (QR) codes around the Central campus. The code looks like a bar code. Students can download the QR code reader app on their smart phones and then scan the code to reach the Campus Rec home page. The QR code is the most recent of the many updates Campus Rec has made in order to keep up with the newest crop of tech savvy students. “The advances in technology have dramatically changed.” Assistant Director of Campus Recreation Mary Shelley said. “I’ve been here about five years. Then, we just basically handed out flyers, and that was pretty much our only means of marketing. Well with Facebook, texting, email, and just the growth of the apps on the phone and all that, it has just escalated.” Shelley has overseen the department through such developments and believes this update will make activities more accessible to students. The code will direct users to the website, and by clicking on the Central campus they will be able to access rules, contact information, and even register

for activities. The registration process has been a longstanding hindrance to student involvement on campus. “About three years ago,” Shelley said, “before we were online, we had to do a sign up meeting. But there was always an issue with students attending the meeting, and people weren’t able to participate because of that. So I figured if we could do it all online, then people, no matter what they have going on, could sign up at midnight if they wanted to because it’s available to them 24/7.” Previous technological ventures by Campus Rec have already proven successful with their official Facebook page reaching over 1,000 likes. After a recent five year report on their participation numbers showed a 98% increase in the number of students last year, they hope that this next step will continue to increase student involvement. Shelley, and the Campus Rec department, will continue to make adjustments as technology inevitably changes. For now, they have provided their students with easier means to become involved. “This will be our second year online.” Shelley said. “So we’re seeing how that goes, and we will evaluate each semester what we can progress upon, and if anything comes up then we will try and implement that, and get necessary approvals to be able to do it.”

students to rent books Courtney Mouton San Jacinto Times

As students gear up to start off the semester right they are faced with the challenge of getting back into their school grind. Paying for classes, getting books, and studding run in the forefront of their vision as the leisurely summer habits take a backseat. With the price of getting a degree being higher than ever, students are presented with the struggle of simply paying for it all. According to money.CNN.com tuition and other school related costs are raising higher than inflation. So, students are faced with a question: How can I make this more affordable? Dozens of frustrated students stand in line of the school bookstore as they await the ever so present doom

soon facing their bank accounts. Jbanisha May, student and part time employee at the San Jac Central bookstore says she hears firsthand the trouble of her fellow students as the dish out hundreds of dollars a semester for books and thousands for tuition. Since students have no control over the 8.3 percent raise in tuition costs added to their bill since 2011, therefore many look to their books when cutting costs. May claims more students are renting to save every penny they can. “When given the ticketed textbook price; renting book or obtaining electronic E-Books save students from throwing their money down the drain.” says May. May claims about 80 percent of students have chosen to rent their books because it is a less expensive alternative.

“More and more students are choosing to rent their books; it saves them up to fifty percent of the cost. This is especially good for the books that are hard to sell back.” commented May. “I think we’ve all got that dreaded pile of books we spent a pretty penny on just sitting around because we couldn’t sell them back, and that’s the worst.” Avoiding exploitation seems to be the name of the game as students advance in their college career. Though tuition prices at San Jac are still considered pricey, students who choose to take the two year route to an associate’s degree save thousands of dollars; making the transfer to a four year university more financially durable. “Attending an institution like San Jac plus saving money by renting textbooks is the most affordable options for students with a budget.”

Courses target freshman students at San Jac Jaclyn Bates

San Jacinto Times

Entering freshmen are facing new requirements during their first college semester at San Jacinto College meant to transition them into college-level courses. PSYC 1300 and EDUC 1300 are courses called Learning Framework. In actuality, they are the same class listed under different disciplines, and both fulfill the new requirement. The purpose of

this class is to enable students to develop effective academic behaviors for college success. The course bounces between both the research and the theories of learning, cognition, and motivation. Upon completion of the class, students will be able to apply what they have learned to continue to be successful in a college environment and throughout their college careers. Research examining community colleges indicates that this introductory course will help students transition more

effectively into the college level courses. Dr. Linda Thompson-Grim, a professor of education at South campus said, “Faculty and professors here want students to do well in their studies, graduate with an Associate’s degree, and then, when appropriate, transfer on to complete their undergraduate degrees. The 1300 course offers valuable information to help students succeed in achieving these goals.” Another psychology professor, who preferred to remain anonymous, believes this class requirement may be pointless

considering it does not fulfill any other college’s curriculum requirements. The class is only required by San Jac. Dr. Thompson-Grim stated this class centers around success. Students use assessment instruments to assess their strengths and challenged areas. They are shown how to make that information work for their current studies. Building an academic calendar, critical thinking, enhancing their memory, relationship building, and health and wellness matters are all part of the 1300 experience. Study

skills, note-taking skills, reading skills, and research skills are learned in the class. Psychology professor Jenny Deitz, who is also a Licensed Therapist Associate, believes this class is significant. “The main idea I’ve shared with my students would be that, anything they could potentially experience in another course, I want them to experience in my class so they aren’t thrown as many curveballs,” she added.

Young film program picking up momentum in second year at SJC Angelica Rodriguez San Jacinto Times

San Jacinto College students interested in film and web media production can get hands-on training as part of Central cam-

pus’s Video and Film Production program. Now in its second year, the program is divided into 6 semesters of coursework including summer sessions. Heading this effort is Billy MacTavish (featured on

page 3) whose curriculum offers Writing for Electronic Media, Cinematic Production, and Television Production. A laboratory practicum offers training in all areas of the entertainment industry like digital editing, lighting and sound, as

well as web production. The program works in cooperation with the student production company Crazy Ravens Productions to showcase the work of young San Jac talent. Additional classes are offered that are

geared toward theatre majors that emphasize acting techniques for film and video. Detailed information is available at San Jacinto College Central campus through the counseling office or through the Fine Arts Department.

Texting while driving continues to be problematic Vanessa Piña

San Jacinto Times

It can be done early, it can be done late. It can be done at any place on any given day. Texting has become the new way to interact with one another. When was the last time any of us had a verbal conversation with some one? Of course we love texting due to the convenience it provides. It allows us to communicate with multiple people at a time making it less time consuming. Texting can be done anywhere at any time, however the influence it has on our behavior can be brutal. From running into walls, falling into fountains, to losing your life in a car accident, texting can be terminal. Electronics are the essential needs in a college student’s life, our cell phone being at the top of the list. According to The New York Times, psychologists claim that this specific form of communication is leading to distraction in school, failing grades, anxiety and sleep deprivation. Texting in class is disrupting for everyone in the classroom causing students to lose focus on important lectures. Students are not able to concentrate knowing that they have a text message waiting. The majority of professors have taken matters into their own hands, requesting students to fully turn off their cell phones. Students failing to do so students could be asked to leave the classroom.

Texting has become such an addiction that many are simultaneously walking and texting not paying attention to the environment, putting them at risk of getting hurt. If you take a look at a huge crowd, instead of seeing people interacting with one another, mostly you see heads down on their cell phones texting away. The result of this is injuries. Students are walking into poles in the parking lot, crashing into walls and running into other students on campus. Although the consequences of texting and walking are mild, texting while driving increases the distraction and the risk of getting hurt. According to Stop the Texts, Stop the Wrecks a texting driver is twenty-three times more likely to get into a car accident. Texting while driving can be deadly. Studies show that looking at a single text message while driving is like driving with your eyes shut. Even though checking your phone for a text takes approximately 3-4 seconds, it is equivalent to crossing a football field going on a speed limit of 60mph. Although for students it might be simple to say “I don’t do it often” sadly that is not enough when your life is at stake. Texting while driving is becoming as dangerous as drunk driving. Chance Bothe a student from Texas was driving home from college earlier this year and nearly lost his life due to a text message. A simple of “b right there” caused his pickup truck to veer off a bridge. Bothe suffered severe brain injuries, broken

Texting while driving is hazardous for both drivers and pedestrians

neck and fractured face that required reconstruction. For most college student’s texting is seen as another form of communication. Unfortunately texting has taken another route since it’s a threat to our life. Thankfully technology has devel-

oped a variety of apps to avoid texting while driving. One of these apps is the AT&T DriveMode. This app works by automatically sending a reply to incoming text messages that lets the sender know you are driving and cannot respond. Hav-

Vanessa Piña San Jacinto Times

ing your phone out while driving can be tempting, but turning it off and putting it away can help the distraction. The message a text contains can’t be more important than your life.

Students urged to seek academic counseling Anally De Leon

San Jacinto Times

Attending a new school could be frightful and discouraging, especially when you have no friends. Students across the nation are returning to universities or are fresh out of high school. There is a sense of feeling that all students get of freedom since they are not obligated class attendance. Roll sheets start having fewer names by mid term and classrooms begin having elbowroom. Along with the absence comes the non-refundable consequence. What can help the students who get discouraged of an education for lack of funds and focus on other routes?

The Texas Higher Education Board rolled out a plan in the year 2000 for students to take dual credit courses in high school and receive credit at the college level, but to also measure where the state stand in educational progress. The State of Texas wants to see raising numbers of students enrolled in universities or technical schools and complete the curriculums. Research has been provided to reduce the churn of students dropping out of college at mid point. The “Bridging the Gap” program is measured every five years over a 15-year term to determine if students are acquiring higher end degrees and technical certifications. Benchmarks are distributed to

make the goal of reaching out and assuring the program is helping overall institutions and students. By granting extra funding for financial aid. Each institution has to identify its weaknesses and address them to complete the mission assigned by the state of Texas. The Texas Board of Education posts progress reports from each institution on their website every summer where it identifies if the areas of study have been met. Texas is focusing on the critical fields needed such as, engineering, computer science, math, and physical science and providing financial fund to those students who chose these career paths. It is now painless for students to have access

receiving grants and scholarships for their educational studies. The program is geared to keep the student school oriented and pursue a career. In the long run a college graduate will earn more money and have a better style of living as opposed to someone who must work twice as hard. The program expects to reach the goal by the year 2015 with more than 500,000 students enrolled and obtaining degrees. The Texas State Data Center in the Bridging the Gap summary addresses statewide, less than half of the students whom have entered public universities will graduate with a bachelor’s degree in period over six years. Sadly to say if

Texas graduation rates remain low, the poverty rates will continue to raise making citizens decline $3,000 per year in household incomes. The students at San Jacinto College are not graduating or transferring within a timely manner. In the 2011 progress report issued by The Texas Higher Educational Board, 15,000 students were enrolled at SJC and only close to 1,300 associate degrees were awarded. Students need to take time to visit the academic counseling at SJC to be certain they are taking the required classes. Keeping in mind they have to explore major options and figure what fits them best.

San Jacinto Times

September 17, 2012


Times sports update: soccer and volleyball at it again at SJC

Adrian Salas

San Jacinto Times

Soccer balls and volley balls are scoring points for San Jacinto College sports, and here is what can be expected from the Ravens and Coyotes this season:


What’s the best way to describe our Men’s Soccer Team this year? Like the first day of school with lots of new faces coming into the picture. Of the 25 players listed on the roster, 18 are freshman athletes. The remaining seven, who are sophomores, were not on last year’s roster. According to www.sanjacsports.com, only five players are returning from last season. This poses the challenge of taking 20 unfamiliar faces and asking them to work together as a cohesive unit. This is not an easy task for soccer. One of soccer’s greatest players Pele once said, “Practice is everything.” This statement is not only true in Soccer but in all sports. Practice and time will be what it takes to work cohesively as a unit, and continue their success.

Off to a Good Start

The Coyotes are off to a good start winning two of their first three games this season. The Coyotes scored two goals in each of their victories (2-1 against Richland College and 2-0 to Cloud County Community College) demonstrating that this team can score. All of this was accomplished without last season’s leading goal scorer, Guillermo Alvarez. With Alvarez not listed on this year’s roster, look for Forward Jaime Rodriguez to stand out in 2012. Rodriguez tied for third last season on the team for goals scored with 3. He has also already struck the net this season, which is consistent with the Coyotes start… good. Coming off a 10-5-1 record last season, a 2-1 start this season, and 20 new faces, this season has the makings of an interesting one.


For our San Jacinto Ravens Region 14B 2011 Champions, 2012 seems headed down the same path. Currently the Ravens are ranked fourth nationally

Adrian Salas San Jacinto Times

San Jacinto Souths Coyotes bringing everything the got on the field.

in the National Junior College Athletics Association (NJCAA) Pre-Season Poll. The Ravens have done well out of the gates with an 8-1 start to their season. Their only loss was to 10th ranked Iowa Western Community College and two of their eight victories so far include two NJCAA top 10 ranked opponents, eighth ranked Eastern Arizona College and fifth ranked Western Wyoming Community College. These victories are a testament to their ranking in the NJCAA poll among community colleges throughout the nation.

Stand Out Player

Kanoe Pupuhi is one of San Jacinto

College’s star athletes. Pupuhi has decorated herself with several individual awards in her freshman season as a Raven (Region XIV co-setter of the year and first-team all-conference). Pupuhi’s stat line definitely backs up her accolades, averaging 10.31 assists per set (eighth in the nation according to San Jac Sports) and averaging an impressive 1.71 digs per set. Pupuhi enjoyed success as early as high school taking Roosevelt High School to two state championships. Aside from individual performance and awards, she also brings leadership skills coming off a three-year stint as team captain at Roosevelt High School.

Clemens joins the Skeeters

Brandon Hurley San Jacinto Times

Roger Clemens Pitching for the Sugarland Skeeters at the age of 50. Brandon Hurley San Jacinto Times

Pitcher Roger Clemens, a former student of San Jacinto College, is making a splash in the sports world again with his recent outings as a member of the Sugarland Skeeters and it makes a person wonder: “Why? “…” Would he even be able to do it at his age?” Clemens recently defended himself against perjury charges stemming from allegations of performance enhancing drug use. This cloud of suspicion certainly had some negative effect on his reputation as a pitcher. At age 50, maybe the living legend feels that he has something to prove as if the 24 year career, 11 all-star team selections, and 7 CY Young awards weren’t enough. In the 8 innings he has pitched since his return to baseball, Clemens has pitched a shutout. He’s allowed only 3 hits and struck out 3 batters in two starts while al-

lowing zero runs. This is impressive when you’re talking about a 50-year-old man, yet these numbers came in two games in the Atlantic League. Independent league players are professionals, but it’s not the same as pitching against MLB playoff contenders. The Rocket could still get rocked. So why is he doing it? He could be pitching for fun, or he just likes the attention. Think about it…if you were a legendary baseball player and people hung on to every word you said, wouldn’t you enjoy messing with them a little bit? In an interview, Clemens told KRIV “… if I was going to do it, I’m going to pitch against a contender. That’s who I want to knock out.” Clemens said, "Why would I want to waste my time running around and getting in shape? I get over to Minute Maid; I'll crank it up and get it over 90 for a contender. We'll knock them right out of the playoffs. That would be fun. Pitching against somebody that's not in contention

wouldn't be any fun for me." At age 50, who can blame him? When you get to be where Roger Clemens is in life, you can pretty much do whatever you want. Actually, Clemens has been doing whatever he wants for a pretty long time now. This is the same man who had a “family plan” clause in his last contract with the Yankees. This allowed Clemens extra time to spend with his family and he was not obligated to go on road trips with the team when he was not scheduled to pitch. You have to be a pretty big deal in order to tell the Yankees what’s up while still getting paid by the biggest franchise in baseball. What would a comeback mean for the Astros? Well, quite a lot actually. It would fill up the stands at Minute Maid for a night. Clemens jerseys would sell out at the team store. Someone would actually have to clean the bird feces off the top 20 rows of bleachers in the ballpark and Jim Crane, owner of the team, is open to it. The ‘Stros are MLB’s second worst team and they need whatever buzz they can get, so it makes sense. One immediate problem, Crane told CBS that he would not pitch Clemens against a playoff contender. It’s obvious the courtship is off to a rocky start. It’s not like there’s a ton of games left to play. That’s not going to stop Houston sports fans from getting excited. Miguel Garcia, a baseball player from North Shore who pitches for a recreational league on Sundays says, “There’s no doubt in my mind he’ll come back. He’s pitching 88 mph right now for the Skeeters. If he works out his arm and ices it down, I know he could get up to 91 or 92 miles an hour on his fastball. He still has all his other pitches.” Says Garcia, “If he comes back, it’s good for him. It’s good for the Astros. It’s good for everybody.” If Clemens comes back to the majors and does well, it would be one of the most amazing performances of all time. I say we let the man do what he wants. We already know that’s what he’s going to do anyway.

Page 8

Alkaline diet touts Ph balance Brandon Hurley San Jacinto Times

“I feel great! I’ve lost 10 pounds, I have more energy, and I feel better. Come to think of it, I don’t think I’ve been sick since I started this diet.” Sounds awesome, right? This is what creators envisioned when they came up with the Alkaline Diet. Sometimes referred to as the Ash Diet, the Alkaline Diet has gained momentum with the help of increased publicity through various alternative medicine practitioners and “buy my book to change your life” websites. Human bodies are mostly composed of water. The fluids in our bodies are essential in transporting nutrients through the body. The key to the diet is regulating the Ph levels of those fluids in your body to a number that is considered optimal. Somewhere between 7.35 and 7.45 is the magic number…for those of you taking notes. In addition to getting exercise, the alkaline diet is based on eating fresh fruits and vegetables, which have a high level of alkalinity. Also, it requires shying away from processed foods, meats, poultry, and grains. Acidalkalinediet.com says the ratio for eating alkaline and non-alkaline foods should be somewhere near 70/30. Most websites that endorse this lifestyle change claim that, over the years, humans have created a ph imbalance in their bodies by incorporating an excessive amount of acidic foods in their diet. This imbalance causes an increase in disease later in life; such has cancer or heart disease. So basically, if a caveman didn’t eat it, it’s not worth eating. Well, all of this news may be distressing to some. On this path, the future doesn’t look very good. However, on a positive note, people who adopt this lifestyle are less likely to be affected by dis-

ease. “Cancer cannot develop in the human body at the proper Ph level of 7.35,” according to Jeffery Scott of Pasadena, TX, who claims he is currently a few weeks into the diet. Everyone knows that people need to eat more fruits and vegetables. Most would do so if not for the busy American lifestyles that we have doomed ourselves with. Yet, not many people are so eager to cut back on foods like meat, poultry, cheese, and grains. Every revolution has its tyrant and every idea has its doubters. Experts claim there is absolutely no evidence that supports claims that this diet can reduce the risk of cancer or heart disease as advertised. They contend that idea of regulating your Ph by eating the right food is false as well according to professionals. Marjorie Nolan, RD., an American Dietetic Association spokeswoman tells Sonya Collins of Web M.D., "It's a diet of fresh fruits and vegetables, plenty of water, avoiding processed foods, coffee, and alcohol, which are all recommendations for a generally healthy diet anyway," Nolan says. "But our body regulates our pH between 7.35 and 7.45 no matter how we eat." Let the story of Kim Tinkham be a cautionary one. Tinkham gained popularity when she was featured on The Oprah Winfrey Show. Tinkham shocked the world by choosing the Alkaline Diet in an attempt to cure herself of breast cancer instead of listening to her doctors and undergoing proper treatment. Although after nine months on the diet, her symptoms went away and her bloodstream showed no signs of disease, Tinkham died of breast cancer in 2007. So it seems we have not found a cure for cancer yet, but if you’re looking for a new diet that is pretty solid, this may be the one for you.

Get Fit

Amy Chandler

San Jacinto Times

Not all F-words are bad. Just think fun, fit and free. So grab the flab and join the fitness frenzy at the San Jacinto College Central campus recreation center. San Jac Central is offering a variety of sports and workouts for individuals, as well as for those interested in team sports. Whatever you desire, the rec center is sure to have it all. Individual sports include golf, tennis, racquetball, table tennis, pool, and even X-box 360 for the gamer crowd. Team sports enthusiasts can join soccer, volleyball, indoor soccer, ultimate Frisbee, and three-on-three basketball. For those not interested in sports, take advantage of the free open gym opportunity available to all students and faculty. Participants must show their SJC ID cards in order to participate. Heads up to all interested parties, deadlines to register for team sports are fast approaching. • Volleyball games will be held Tuesday and Wednesday nights between 5-8 p.m. beginning Sept. 25. Registration ends Sept. 21.

• Indoor soccer games will be played every Tuesday night between 6-8 p.m at the Central campus Aux gym #116 beginning Oct. 2. Registration ends Sept. 28.

• Three-on-three basketball will be held every Tuesday and Wednesday night between 5-8 p.m. at the Central Campus Main Gym #100 beginning Oct. 16. Registration ends Oct. 12. • Ultimate Frisbee will be played every Thursday night in the Track Stadium Fields starting Nov. 8. Registration ends Nov. 2.

Gamers interested in pool, table tennis and X-box, the tournaments will take place in the Game Room located in the Student Center. The open gym is available every Tuesday and Wednesday night between 5-8 p.m. On Tuesdays it is held in the Aux Gym #116, while on Wednesdays it is held in the Main Gym #100.

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