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San Jacinto Times

Slick Rick is always subject for political debate. Page 2

The voice of San Jacinto College since 1991

Tragedy strikes SJC community

September 19, 2011

The Student Publication of the San Jacinto College District

Vol. 22, No. 1

Check out our online version at www.sanjactimesstaff@wordpress.com

MTV and Gaga. Intrigued already? Page 6

New hires boost police force. Page 3

Star player killed in car accident on way to practice By MARIA CHAVEZ San Jacinto Times

San Jacinto Publicity

Freshman soccer player Jose Perez was killed in a car accident on Sept. 13 on his way to practice.

San Jacinto Community College suffered a great loss on Tuesday morning. What started to be a normal day ended with the tragic death of soccer player Jose Perez. Shortly after 7:30 a.m., the BMW Perez was riding in along with three other soccer players, was involved in a collision at the intersection of Beamer and Astoria. The driver was heading South on Beamer and ran a red light, which lead to him colliding with a Honda Accord at the intersection. Perez was killed; the other three passengers survived with minor injuries. Perez was riding in the back seat and it has been reported by the Houston Chronicle that he was not wearing a seat belt. San Jacinto men’s soccer will be suspending all non-conference games due to their grieving, but will continue to play soon. “We will still honor our conference games, and our team is united in its passion to honor Jose, his memory, his competitive spirit, and his life,” Coach David Santesteban said in a statement released Tuesday afternoon. In the statement, Santesteban also mentioned he had “high hopes” for Perez and that the team knew “he would impact the team in a positive way.” PLEASE SEE PEREZ on Page 4

SJC looks good for its age The sweltering Texas weather caused wildfires, hardships

By JANNETTE MARIN San Jacinto Times

By TIFFANY SEXTON San Jacinto Times

Editor’s note: San Jacinto College is celebrating its 50th anniversary. Each week we will highlight current and upcoming events surrounding this milestone. It is finally here: San Jacinto College is celebrating its 50-year anniversary. This has been a remarkable journey for the community and citizens, and most of them are proud to say their experience at San Jacinto College was a positive result in their lives. For those who do not know the history of San Jacinto, on September 18, 1961 the College officially opened at 8:30 a.m. with an enrollment of 700 students. Even though the College was known before that: In July 1961, two buildings in Pasadena were leased for temporary site to hold the first classes. It was only a dime store and nearby building remodeled and divided into classrooms. Who ever though San Jacinto College would revolutionize from two small convenient stores to now enrolling thousands of students per year? By the 1970’s, San Jacinto offered a degree program in the growing field of automotive mechanics and also introduced welding technology. Voters also approved a $3 million bond issue to build an administrative-technical building. So many programs such as cosmetology and sports were being added and more students were enrolling. By the 1980’s and 1990’s, more and more buildings were constructed, the number of students increased, and by September 1997, Adena Loston was named the first African American to become a SJC campus president of the South campus. Quickly the college


Column/Commentary...2 Around San Jacinto.....3 Front Page Jumps.......4 Entertainment...........5-6

Photo by Harrison Lee

2011 is a golden year for SJC. began to be more successful, and by the 2000’s, new facilities were built and were funded by $91.4 million capital improvement bond. They built Learning Centers for all three campuses, new fine arts for the North and South campuses, and a music building at the central campus. Technology also advanced, enabling students to register online, make class payments, search for classes, and many more things only the Internet service could provide. PLEASE SEE LOOKS GOOD on Page 4

As you step out your door in the morning the sun instantly starts shining right in your face. The browning grass begins to crunch under your feet from lack of water, and you notice all of the leaves that have fallen to the ground. The Texas summer heat has arrived along with the humidity, and we now have the longest drought on record. Eric Berger, a blogger for the Houston Chronicle, stated “Houston has received about 1.5 inches of rain in the last three months, which is roughly equivalent to what the Sahara Desert gets during the same time period.” It is a frightening thought knowing that Houston is being compared to the Sahara Desert. Experts are extremely concerned that the drought will continue for several more months and possibly into the next year, according to Tim Heller on abc13.com’s weather blog. Tropical storms and hurricanes are usually not types of weather people wish for, but lately Texans are praying for any type of rain. “The seriousness of the drought and heat in Texas goes without saying, and most of Texas would be willing to take a hit from a tropical storm or minimal hurricane to bring a change,” said Alex Sosnowski, expert senior meteorologist. No one wants a serious storm to occur, but at this rate the drought is doing the same amount of damage. In addition, wildfires seem to happen daily across Texas. “Texas Forest Service responded yesterday to 63 new fires that burned 32,936 acres, including 22 new large fires;” confirmed the Texas Forest Service newsroom. Burn bans are happening in most of the Texas counties along with water restrictions. Everyone is holding off as much as they can to try to settle the wildfires and to not run out of water. “Bayous, cattle ponds and farm fields are drying up, and residents are living under constant threat

MCT Campus

The raging wildfires are statewide. of wildfires, which have already burned across thousands of square miles,” Sosnowski said, a reality confirmed by Associated Press writers, Seth Borenstein, Roxana Hegeman, Sheila V. Kumar, Kristi Eaton, and Sam Holmes. The farmers are having a difficult time raising their cattle and growing their crops. They have had to put down some of their animals during this drought to save money since their crops are not making them any profit. “One of the hardest hit agricultural sectors is livestock. Texas is the biggest cattle producer in the United States and ships beef to many foreign markets. Earlier this year, ranchers endured one of the worst winters on record with several days of subzero temperatures in a region where freezes are rare. The drought has made it even harder, driving up the cost of hay and leaving some areas so dry that cattle have died of thirst in their pastures,”according to blogger john@bestpublications. PLEASE SEE WILDFIRES on Page 4

Will Perry win the presidency?


September 19, 2011 San Jacinto Times • Page 2

Yes, but for all the wrong reasons

No, because Obama should

There is a perfect storm a' brewin' down here in the South. I am not talking about a hurricane, but about our very own Texas Governor “Slick” Rick Perry(not to be confused with Slick Rick the rapper). He has formally thrown his hat in the ring and announced his candidacy for President. While there are millions of red-staters that are clambering at the bit to see another good ol' boy in the Oval Office, I am personally terrified by the thought of Slick Rick getting any more political power. I understand that my views are well in the minority in this State, but perhaps his policies can explain where those fears come from. Although, I will take the route of explaining why 99% of my fellow constituents and the rest of the voting majority will vote Perry in 2012. The reasons can be split into two categories. On one side resides Mr. Perry the man. On the other lies Slick Rick's policy. Personality: He is George W. Bush on steroids with a gun and a better head of hair A+ National Rifle Association member rating and a concealed handgun license holder Personal friends with Ted Nugent Former Air Force officer Farmer Married his childhood sweetheart Devout Baptist Author of two books Policy: Former Democrat Wants to reform taxes Wants to reform Social Security Proponent of states rights Strict on immigration Pro-Life Opponent of gay marriage In favor of teaching Intelligent Design Wants to increase military spending Opposes increased gun control Supports Israel's sovereignty Death penalty supporter Believes climate change is not caused by humans

When this beautiful nation was introduced to Barack Obama she was on the verge of a messy divorce. With a wink, a smile and several captivating speeches a nation fell for his Ivy League pedigree and idealistic vision for what the nation of Bill Clinton, Ronald Reagan, John F. Kennedy and Theodore Roosevelt can still attain. Obama was an enigma who related to our youthfulness. He was billed as the charismatic leader who wrapped all the endearing qualities of the aforementioned Presidents in a tightly wrapped Snuggie around his heart. What nation could pass on a regal combination of charm and intelligence that was so antithetical to the previous administration? Certainly not a struggling nation in the midst of the worst recession since the excesses of the Gilded Age and roaring twenties concluded and the Great Depression began. Obama is expected to be a once in a generation leader who could lead America back to prominence after a lack-luster eight years. The nostalgic feeling for our previous Patriarchs is a contretemps for the Obama Administration because we forget ten percent unemployment under Reagan or Clinton’s approval rating before Timothy McVeigh rocked the nation in Oklahoma. Fast forward to 2012 when America’s romantic comedy and infatuation stage with President Obama is over. There have been several bouts of infidelity against his liberal base and America’s previous husband is back in the picture. Insert current Republican frontrunner and Texas Governor Rick Perry, who is the darling of the Tea Party and Evangelicals, which consequently makes Perry the bane of Independent and Moderate voters nationwide. He is the gun toting sun of a gun and a caricature of what George Bush, who was born in Connecticut, pretends to be. Perry has surged past previous republican nomination leader Mitt Romney in recent polls. However Fred Thompson and Howard Dean showed how much an election can change in a short period of time. But, as is true with all national elections, substance is necessary to attain the trust of the American populace. Immediately ques-

By GREG STARKS San Jacinto Times

I honestly can see some good things in those lists, and I can understand why someone who is living in fear of uncertainty would choose to elect him President, but in reality he is just a paper tiger. He and his policies are a falsehood. Although, I agree with some of his ideas, the ones I do not agree with far outweigh thie ones that I do. I know that your average voter is too afraid of radical change to actually vote against Rick Perry, and he will most likely be our next President. Things will continue to go poorly in this country, and we will all be worse off because of it. This country needs the voting majority to be

Rick Perry is running for President.

By CHRIS SHELTON San Jacinto Times

MCT Campus

courageous and understand that Perry and all other social conservatives have clearly traded compassion and empathy for callousness and apathy. How can someone that does not want to better his fellow man better the entire country? He along with the majority of conservative America believe in living life according to the laws of God, and apparently that means persecuting people who aren't like you is acceptable, and blindly following and supporting anyone who is like you is greatly encouraged. I feel that over the past two decades or so, people have been scared into voting conservative by the talking heads and radio talk-show hosts. “Beware the socialist agenda… Watch out for Big Government… They're just going to tax you more… He wasn't even born in America,” are all typical conservative talking points. Blanketing the political news field is how they convince your average American to form the “right” opinion. They are meant to make you afraid to vote, or even think, any other way. The people who most Americans listen to in regards to forming their opinions, and subsequently their decisions, are supporting a conservative agenda. Perry is the spearhead of said agenda, and he is hedging his bet on everyone’s fear of an unbridled government that is just tax and spend. No one wants to have to pay more taxes, but that is what will rebuild this country...money, and the spending of it. Thats what Democrats do, they tax, because the government is a business and businesses need money to work and to fix the things that are wrong with it. There are a lot of things wrong with this country, and blindly following a party's figurehead is definitely one of them. Slick Rick is not what this country needs. We need informed voters, and people who are willing to work to make this country better. Voting to save your paychecks from the Government, and just because someone on television, or in print tells you to is not good for our country. The ostrich approach of voting along party lines, burying your head in the sand and hoping for the best is not going to work. It did not work in 2000 and in 2004, so why would it work in 2012?

tions arise about Perry’s Gubernatorial records. A healthy skepticism is necessary to make an informed decision. Perry has stated that 40 percent of the nation's new jobs have been created in Texas since June 2009. This figure, in a vacuum, is very impressive in the current economic climate. But when you consider that Texas has a lackluster 8.4 percent unemployment rate you realize these figures are cosmetic at best. Texas ranks twenty-seventh out of fifty one states in unemployment rate according to US Department of Labor’s website. It’s akin to President Obama’s job creation numbers. Obama frequently boasts of two million private sector jobs while national unemployment is still hovering above nine percent with twenty five million Americans unemployed. In both cases job creation is apparent but not enough to offset population growth. Perry also has to escape from the shadow of his Texas predecessor George Bush’s attempt at a Presidency and republican kingmaker Karl Rove scathing disapproval. Obama is great at linking the Republican nominee to George Bush. Just ask John McCain. My main problem with Governor Perry is his adherence to the axiom of decreased regulations and lower taxes no matter the fiscal repercussions. 2011 bore Texas an opportunity to embrace the principles of shared sacrifice. Instead we drastically slash education and deliberately underfund Medicaid by almost five billion, according to the Associated Press. Whether this was the correct decision is obviously a matter of polarizing political opinion. Political ideology is dangerous because it creates enormous caverns filled with contempt, generic differences and talking points that eviscerate the channels of compromise necessary to keep America great. Perry’s views on climate change, evolution, education, and social welfare and tax policy would exacerbate an already Texas sized cavern in the current political landscape. The simple fact is that Presidents are judged by their efficacy throughout the American economy. If unemployment dips below seven as it did during Reagan’s first term as President, Obama wins in a landslide. If not, the comparisons to the first George Bush will be more apt and the smell of Texas Chili will encompass the White House.

Curtain up on another Texans season. Hope for a good show By HARRISON LEE San Jacinto Times

As a writer, it’s most probably quite impossible to match the sheer joy of all the wonderful traditions that accompany the starting of football season: game-day, tailgating, getting into alcohol-fueled arguments over the most trivial of statistics. It’s a rite of passage that ends summer and kicks off fall. Beyond all the cliché NFL films narrations that contain almost Vanity Fair like prose, pro football is a ritual we would all be terribly bored without. Personally, sports talk-radio was boring enough without a real off-season. Luckily, we can all now bask in the glory of arguments about how quickly Bryan Braman will achieve cult hero status. Even the completely meaningless Pre-Season games brought about renewed vigor and enthusiasm, and not just because we all wanted to see if a grown man actually could be named LeStar. The Playoffs or bust mentality has been further bolstered by a productive 3-1 Pre-Season record, thus adding to what will be either an amazing achievement of the human spirit or yet another dashing of carefully arranged hope. Why is it we so loyally flock to Reliant Stadium on Sundays? Perhaps it is because half of us are afraid that this team might leave, which might result in another pleasant bout of emotional jeopardy. Of

course, it is easy to be lured into the frenzy by such oddly effective promotions as “Battle Red Day”. But outside of your high school football team’s Homecoming Game, you’d be hard-pressed to find a more communal, slightly cult like, experience. Of course we go willingly into this folly because, besides something to do on Sundays, it gives us a marvelous sense of community. Though this sense of comradeship is probably fueled by copious amounts of liquor and chicken wings. But no matter, it is all worth the hullabaloo. Even if it is a total disconnect from the real world, we would all rather whine about defensive issues in the secondary than talk about wildfires.

I have to admire the collective devotion of the Texans’ faithful. All those sellouts and noise related penalties have to count for something in regards to our NFL prestige. Year after year of rosters filled with suspect amounts of tight ends and the occasional quarterback follies only seem to make the team all the more alluring. Like it or not, there will always be a chuckle whenever someone mentions Glover Quin’s unassisted assist to help the Jacksonville Jaguars. I can still tell you exactly where I was when Kareem Jackson achieved his singular ‘one shining moment’, AKA that one time he managed to randomly fall down against the Cowboys. It only makes sense that we Texans followers choose to take these less than stellar accomplishments in stride. I would rather laugh than cry is one EDITORS

Michael Deats, Maria Chavez


San Jacinto Times

Chris Shelton

WEB EDITOR Greg Starks


San Jacinto College Student Publications

Harrison Lee

CIRCULATION Cristal Calvillo


ADVISER Fred Faour

way to look at it. Maybe it is a kindred sympathy or the fact that we just can’t bring ourselves to be mad at this, our Pro Football family member who is every so often prone to embarrassing moments that boggle the mind, but somehow manage to make themselves more endearing. After the Oiler/Titan debacle, it would be hard to ever imagine Houston fans ever actually leaving the team, no matter the frustrations. In that aspect, we’re like a guy who happens to be dating an exceptionally out of our league woman. By default she’s allowed to do whatever she wants with whomever she wants whenever she wants, and not care if we know about it. What are we going to do? Leave? She knows we won’t, thus making us the relationship version of a security blanket.

I consider myself pretty jaded when it comes to rooting for any football team, but after an off-season as daft as this one, it only makes sense I have found myself pouring copious glasses of the Wade Phillips and 3-4 Defense Kool-Aid. Like the rest of Houston, I was giddy to discover how bad the rest of the AFC South was. Masochistic or not, Number 18 for the Colts being out of action is a thing little short of beauty. It’s a little like Dr. Seuss: A win is a win no matter how small. It’s almost foolish not to blindly and happily cheer along at this early point. The bandwagon hasn’t yet pulled a Thelma & Louise and raced off the nearest cliff with alarming alacrity. Like a dingy bar with quality drinks, we keep The San Jacinto Times is published weekly by the journalism students at San Jacinto College Central, 8060 Spencer Highway, Pasadena, TX 77505. Opinions expressed herein are those of the writer and not necessarily those of the staff, its adviser, the administration or the Board of Regents. The Times encourages letters to the editor. Letters must be in good taste, accurate, free from libel, malice or personal controversy. Letters must be limited to 200 words in length. Letters submitted without the author’s signature will not be accepted.

coming back to Reliant Stadium even though we know things can get a little awkward. There is the larger, corner booth brute [Peyton Manning] that occasionally threatens to beat you up just for the sheer pleasure of it. Luckily, we might avoid him altogether this year. It’s amazing how fast we so willingly compromised on our tried-and-true stand up to bullies theory for the sake of two possibly easier wins. Though, at least the Texans can now claim to have played the stat-tastic Kerry Collins in two different blue-ish uniforms. And now we can say we managed to beat him up in our own house.

34-7 may have come by virtue of no Peyton, but I challenge you to tell that to a rocking and rolling Reliant Stadium. Call it the purest form of sports catharsis around, but is their anything better than watching those annoying horseshoe helmets scurry away in shame? From here, we can look with open and optimistic eyes towards the Dolphins and Saints. We always beat the Dolphins and at least the Saints looked mortal against the Packers and, in the spirit of life being a circle, a Dom Capers defense. With the guarded optimism that has made fans of the Texans famous, we actually look forward to the scary part of our schedule. Perhaps it’s because we’ve decided that there’s no need to Monday Morning Quarterback. More realistically, I suspect that all those who root for the Texans have finally decided that the fate we seemed to be resigned to in fact belongs to someone else. The staff reserves the right to edit the letters for accuracy without altering the general meaning. Letters can be e-mailed to fred.faour@sjcd.edu. Letters must include name and phone number for verification. The online edition of the Times is available at www.sanjacintotimes.com. Advertising space is available for $5.00 per column inch. Special rates are available. For news tips and information on advertising, contact the Times at 281-4782752.

Around campus Espanol Norte

Lunes, Septiembre 19 • No hay actividades

Martes, Septiembre 20 • Reclutador de UH Main, 10 a.m, mesa de NSTC • Junta del club Rotaract, 1 p.m., NSTC S215

Miercoles, Septiembre 21 • Gator Slam, 10 a.m., Patio • Orador especial: Plundering Empire, Pirates, y el Spanish Main, 9:30 a.m., NFAB 103

Jueves, Septiembre 22 • Junta del club de Anime, 2 p.m., NTEC A1025

Viernes, Septiembre 23 • No hay actividades

Sabado, Septiembre 24 • No hay actividades

Domingo, Septiembre 25 • No hay actividades

Lunes, Septiembre 26 • Reclutador de UH Downtown, 10 a.m., NSTC Table

Central Lunes, Septiembre 19 • Mason Rankin East West exposicion de arte, 12:30 p.m., Galleria de artes

Martes, Septiembre 20 • Noche del Club de Pintar, 2:30 p.m., FAB 213 • Mason Rankin East West exposicion de arte, 3 p.m., Galleria de artes

Miercoles, Septiembre 21 • Mason Rankin East West exposicion de arte, 12:30 p.m., Galleria de artes • Noche de San Jac en el Rodeo de Pasadena, 7 p.m., PSLR Fair Grounds

Jueves, Septiembre 22 • Mason Rankin East West exposicion de arte, 3 p.m., Galleria de artes

Viernes, Septiembre 23 • Mason Rankin East West exposicion de arte, 12:30 p.m., Galleria de artes

Sabado, Septiembre 24 • No hay actividades

Domingo, Septiembre 25 • No hay actividades

Lunes, Septiembre 26 • Una conversacion de galleria de artistas, 2:30 p.m., Galleria de arte


Lunes, Septiembre 19

• Junta de Artes Marciales Mixtos, 6 p.m., Gym

Martes, Septiembre 20 • Junta del Govierno estudiantil, 1:30 p.m., 4202

Miercoles, Septiembre 21 • Musica de Grant Terry, 11:30 a.m., Atrium

Jueves, Septiembre 22 • Ceremonia de induccion Phi Theta Kappa, 6 p.m., Cuarto de Banquetes

Viernes, Septiembre 23 • No hay actividades

Sabado, Septiembre 24 • Clinica de Vacunas de rabia a bajo precio, 9 a.m., 1114 & 1117

New Chief brings order BY JACOB KESSINGER San Jacinto Times

As of May 2011, San Jacinto College has revamped its security force with more officers, new modes of transport, and an augmented duty rotation. Under the direction of police chief Jeffrey Van Slyke, San Jacinto College has added 15 full-time officers to the ranks of its police department. Also added were new cars, bicycles, and golf carts in order to increase mobility throughout San Jacinto's three campuses. These changes come as a result of a report drafted by the International Association of Campus Law Enforcement in 2010. Chief Van Slyke was unable to provide the Times with a copy of the report because, “it is an administrative working document, case sensitive, and a work-in-progress.” New ranks were also created in order to more efficiently divide the work among officers. Previously, each campus staffed only one captain, one sergeant, and five officers. Also added are officers staffed for weekend and night shifts. As well as the newly minted police chief, the ranks of Detective Sergeant, Assistant Chief, Sergeant of Training And Crime Prevention Coordinator, and Sergeant of Tech Support-Procurement and Evidence Manager, which gave all officers a full-time position. Officers now rotate every two hours between foot patrol, police cruiser, golf cart, and bicycle to maintain a comprehensive security presence and to keep officers fresh and alert. Crime is up across all three campuses; instances of burglary, car theft, and assault have increased from 2008 to 2010. The record number of students attending San Jacinto College campuses this year will most likely continue the trend. The increased security on campus may be necessary in order to ensure a safe and productive learning environment. The work performed by the campus police involves more than just handing out tickets for traffic and parking violations. It also entails investigating crimes and making arrests. Though hundreds of tickets are issued every year, hundreds more instances of services such as escorting students and employees to their cars, unlocking vehicle doors, and assisting motorists are performed by campus police as part of their duty to the students and employees of San Jacinto College. Chief Van Slyke would like students to know that officers are available around the clock to provide security escorts to and from their vehicles if requested. An escort can be arranged by calling campus police dispatch.

All eyes are on the Lady Ravens Volleyball team after last year’s stellar season. The Lady Ravens finished second in the nation last year with an over-all record of 29-10. The team goes into this season with a national rank of No. 9 overall in the nation in the pre-season poles. San Jacinto College returns two sophomores from last year’s squad. NJCAA All-Tournament selection Jazmine Green and Rachel Tower are back to lead a team that includes three transfers and

Musical lovers get ready: San Jacinto Central announced that this Fall’s grand performance is the treasured story of an optimistic orphan named Annie. Director of this show is Professor Brian Hamlin, who is excited to direct this fun, family friendly show for the San Jacinto community. After reviewing many auditions, a cast of 65 people has been chosen. Of these 65, Hamlin has cast Annie to be played by San Jacinto’s very own Sara Smith. In addition he cast Ashley Hays as Mrs. Hannigan, Angie Warren as Grace, and Matt Triesmyer as Daddy Warbucks. The entire team has already started getting to work by beginning their staging process. Hamlin says that once everyone

SJC at Rodeo

Tuesday, September 20 • UH Main Recruiter, 10 a.m., NSTC Table • Rotaract Club Meeting, 1 p.m., NSTC S215

Wednesday, September 21 • Gator Slam, 10 a.m., Courtyard • Special Speaker: Plundering Empire, Pirates, and the Spanish Main, 9:30 a.m., NFAB 103

Thursday, September 22 • Anime Club Meeting, 2 p.m., NTEC A1025 Photo provided by San Jacinto College

New Chief Jeffrey Van Slyke

Pursuant to the service-oriented nature of campus police, Chief Van Slyke shares his view of the role of campus police with the new hires. Chief Van Slyke said that he does not “condone a cuff 'em and stuff 'em” mentality and believes that an “arrest should only be made as a last resort.” Chief Van Slyke assured the Times that each new officer undergoes an “extensive interview process,” and is informed of the unique challenges that face campus police. As a Doctor of Education in Higher Education Administration and two-year director of public safety at Georgetown University in Washington D.C. Chief Van Slyke is has experience with the issues and challenges of securing an educational institution. Crime is an unfortunate reality both on and off campus. Though an enhanced security profile on campus will help to combat crime related incidents, students should remain vigilant in order to prevent the No. 1 security issue on campus: theft. Laptops, notebooks, purses, and backpacks are all targets of petty theft and Chief Van Slyke advises students to “be aware of your surroundings.” Each student is a citizen on patrol or C.O.P. Remember,” Chief Van Slyke echoes the San Jacinto Police Department motto, “cooperate and graduate.”

several freshmen. Green was third on the team last year in kills per set (2.96) and service aces (33 total). Tower averaged 1.45 kills per set and just under .50 blocks per set last season. Expectations couldn’t be any higher and keeping that bar set high is going to be a huge priority for coach, Sharon Nelson. After their wins against Lon Morris and Brooke Haven the Lady Ravens currently sit at 9-2 for the season and hope to keep the wins coming on September 16 when they host the 50th Anniversary Tournament here at Central Campus. The spirits are high in the gym for what our team can do, and our team is starting to show signs of continuing to carry on the winning tradition.

learns where to go and what to do it will much easier to polish leading to a great performance. Over these next three to four weeks, Hamlin will be working with his crew of people to help make this show possible. While Richard Turner is in charge of costumes, Hamlin assists Curt Meyer with the set design and construction. Music director Michael Vaughn from Lee College will prepare this cast of 65 people for a great performance. The show will be performed on October 7, 8, 14 and 15 at 7:30pm as well as October 9 and 16 at 2:30pm. Special school performances are edited down in time for younger audiences enjoyment. These performances will be on October 13 at 9 a.m. and October 14 at 10 a.m. Be sure to bring your family and friends, you wont want to miss this classic.

On Sept. 21 the San Jacinto College night at the Pasadena rodeo is taking place. Two dollars from every ticket sale will be donated to San Jacinto College Foundation, with tickets costing 15 dollars, tickets can be found on campus and at the district office. Tickets are good for any night during the week of Sept. 16 through the 24. Get your tickets while they last and have fun at the Pasadena rodeo.

San Jac with school’s app San Jacinto College is hitting Facebook with Schools App, a safe way to interact with your courses online and reach other college students in class. The application runs separately from your newsfeed in the sense that it posts into your newsfeed but does not share your Schools App posts with your friends.

Friday, September 23 • No Scheduled Activities

Saturday, September 24 • No Scheduled Activities

Sunday, September 25 • No Scheduled Activities

Monday, September 26 • UH Downtown Recruiter, 10 a.m., NSTC Table


Monday, September 19

• Mason Rankin East West Art Exhibit, 12:30 p.m., Fine Arts Gallery

Tuesday, September 20 • Paint Club Night, 2:30 p.m., FAB 213 • Mason Rankin East West Art Exhibit, 3 p.m., Fine Arts Gallery

Wednesday, September 21 • Mason Rankin East West Art Exhibit, 12:30 p.m., Fine Arts Gallery • San Jac Night at the Pasadena Rodeo, 7 p.m., PSLR Fair Grounds

Thursday, September 22 • Mason Rankin East West Art Exhibit, 3 p.m., Fine Arts Gallery

Friday, September 23 • Mason Rankin East West Art Exhibit, 12:30 p.m., Fine Arts Gallery

Saturday, September 24 • No Scheduled Activities

Sunday, September 25 • No Scheduled Activities

Monday, September 26 • Artist Gallery Talk, 2:30 p.m., Fine Arts Gallery


Monday, September 19

• Mixed Martial Arts Meeting, 6 p.m., Gym

Tuesday, September 20 • Tobacco: Reduce Your Cancer Risks, 10 a.m., Kaleidoscope Room • Student Government Meeting, 1:30 p.m., 4202

Wednesday, September 21

BY MICHAEL DEATS San Jacinto Times

BY MICHAEL DEATS San Jacinto Times


• No Scheduled Activities

Annie comes to San Jac BY ASHLEY CRUZ San Jacinto Times

8 DAYS A WEEK Monday, September 19

Lady Ravens represent

BY MIKE VASQUEZ San Jacinto Times

September 19, 2011 San Jacinto Times • Page 3

It’s a great way to make study groups online and debate your curriculum with your peers. The app also provides instructors with a means of answering question and reminding students of assignment due dates in a private manner. Clubs and faculty organizations both will have the ability to champion their causes in the new Schools App and provide easy advertising and promotion for school events.

• Music of Grant Terry, 11:30 a.m., Atrium • African American Association Meeting, 12 p.m., 4202

Thursday, September 22 • Phi Theta Kappa Induction Ceremony, 6 p.m., Banquet Room

Friday, September 23 • No Scheduled Activities

Saturday, September 24 • Low-Cost Rabies Vaccination Clinic, 9 a.m., 1114 & 1117

Sunday, September 25 • No Scheduled Activities

Monday, September 26 • No Scheduled Activities

Jumps, etc

February 19, 2011 San Jacinto Times • Page 4

Nation remembers years later By CATY CHRISTY San Jacinto Times

This year marked the 10-year anniversary of the terrorist attacks on Sept. 11. The day will never be forgotten. Future generations will always know the bravery of the men and women who died that day, and those who've fallen since. For the past several years construction has been underway in New York City to rebuild the Trade Center. Along with the new buildings, a rather secret memorial has been built. This year on Sept. 11, two memorial pools were unveiled at ground zero. The pools lie in the very footprints of where both the North and South Towers stood. As an added honor, the names of all 2,996 lives that were lost that day have been permanently engraved on the walls of the fountains. There is no specific order to which they were written, rather alluding to the relationships between all of the lives that were lost. The families and loved ones of the people who were lost were given the opportunity to see the pools and the names thereon first. These memorial pools, which have been aptly named Reflecting Absence, are sure to be a mustsee for every American who ever visits New York City in the future, lest we never forget those fallen friends. Future generations will see this beautiful attraction and carry on the memory of that day. Meanwhile, down here in the Houston and Pasadena area, the day was remembered as well. Since 2007, the Travis Manion Foundation has been hosting a Heroes Run on the anniversary of 9/11. Travis Manion was a United States Marine who died in 2007 fighting for his country. His parents, Tom and Janet Manion, started the foundation to "honor the fallen by challenging the living." Participating runners included Prairie View A&M Navy ROTC, a few U.S. Army veterans stationed at Ellington, U.S. Marines from Alpha Company and H&S Company running as a whole platoon, Houston Firefighters, Policemen, and countless motivated civilians. Mayor Annise Parker said Houston's run had the largest attendance across the nation. The day began at 8:30 in the morning on Sunday with a commencement ceremony to honor fallen heroes. There were motivational speakers along with the Color Guard of each military branch presenting their colors while the National Anthem rang loud and clear in the forefront. After the ceremony was the 5K run. A sea of people traipsing the



San Jacinto College Web site

Continued from Page 1 This year, Texas Governor Rick Perry joins other agencies to declare September 19, 2011 as San Jacinto College Day in honor of the College’s Golden Anniversary. All year long, SJC will incorporate the 50th anniversary into many existing activities and would love students to be part of it. A celebration will began today as “San Jacinto College Day,” There is going to be a board meeting and kick-off celebra-

tion at 7p.m. at Central, Monte Blue Music building. Throughout the year, decades from the 60’s and up will be celebrated and it’s important that you get more information from our sub-committees of the different dates and events happening right here at San Jacinto Central Campus. Get involve and join, many activities that the college has planned throughout the year.

Lights, camera, Lit class COURSE FOCUS

By MICHAEL DEATS San Jacinto Times

Each week, the Time will feature a different class offered at San Jacinto. A few days before school started, my classes were just paid for, and I had just finished getting my textbooks when I received a phone call. This call was from Dr. David LeMaster. Dr. LeMaster had been searching for students to fill his course Literature and Film and I was recommended for the class. Not really knowing what I was in for I signed up for the class. Expecting old creepy movies that were poorly adapted from their novel counterparts, I courageously waltzed into the class while film clips from Star Wars were playing on the screen and LeMaster was lecturing on the many possibilities of film and the archetypes represented. The class got really in depth from the very start. Repeatedly LeMaster stated, “The Director is God.” As with every course there are prerequisites, and Literature and Film is no exception. Students are required to complete Composition one and two, and for Honors students, you must maintain the standard 3.25 GPA rating. Literature and Film currently has 3 instructors at central campus; David LeMaster, Vicki Brown, and recently added was the ever so clever Nick Wiess. English, History, and Art Majors can all benefit from this course as it will count as three credit hours in humanities or even as an elective.

From Monty Python and the Holy Grail to A Street Car Named Desire these fine instructors guide you through the world of film, as it is adapted from literature. As I am in LeMasters class I can personally say that silent films will be studied along with in-depth looks at Amadeus and The Grapes of Wrath. Students will also be using short stories and novels to portray how they relate to current events or even how they are interpreted now. Don’t expect the class to be all about movie watching though. Research assignments will be due before too long and these movies are a lot more than they seem. Clips will be shown in class to illustrate points during lecture hours and students are expected to read and to be able to verbally communicate concepts and interpretations using an immense vocabulary that bridges the gap between the words on the page and the picture on the screen. Most importantly though is the meaning behind both. That is what you will learn to put together, as you take a trip through time and view the history behind the art you will study.

Continued from Page 1 Perez was a member of the U.S under-17 national team. “He also was a starter for FC Dallas soccer club’s Development Academy,” said Daniel Robertson, who runs a blog devoted to FC Dallas (Quote provided by the Houston Chronicle.). Perez was a two-way midfielder and was “very good offensively and very good defensively,” Stated Robertson. Perez recently graduated high school in May from Keys Learning Center in the HurstEuless-Bedford school district. His former Principal told the Chronicle that Perez was “charming, wonderful, [and] a great student.” “He was determined to be a soccer player.” Principal Jacoby said. Everyone who knew Jose Perez knew that one day he was going to make it big in the soccer world.” “A rising star on our soccer team…” Chancellor Dr. Brenda Hellyer said in a statement emailed to the San Jacinto College Community. She also stated that Coach Santesteban was having a “hard time” because Perez “chose San Jacinto college”

WEATHER Continued from Page 1

People are already grasping at straws to save money in the economy that we are in right now, they do not need the drought on top of that to dry up their land and kill off their crops. As we have all been wondering about the wildfires, lack of water, the cattle, and our crops, one thing that has yet to be discussed: How the human health has has been during this drought. One concern that has been brought up is the rapid amount of animals catching rabies. A writer for the Texas Tribune, Ari Auber said, “Statewide, 591 animal rabies cases were reported during the first six months of this year, compared to 387 cases for the first six months of last year."In this time of drought, animals are searching for food and water, which increases the likelihood of interacting with each other and then infecting each other through bites," said DSHS spokeswoman Carrie Williams. Another concern is about our firefighters who are out there controlling all of these wildfires. There are a lot of them who are suffering from heat exhaus-

MCT Campus

America remembered Sept. 11 with this memorial.

grounds of Ellington field. The day ended with another ceremony and celebration around 5:00 PM. Among the runners was Private First Class, Joseph Gomez of the United States Marine Corps, H&S Company. The marines in H&S Company had been participating in their monthly drill weekend; a weekend out in the field for training purposes. Since drill weekend landed on Sept. 11, their unit decided to run as a whole platoon in honor of their fallen brothers in arms. "It was a truly motivating weekend," PFC Gomez said.

over many other offers. “This morning we lost a friend,” Santesteban added. “ Our hearts and prayers go out to his family and loved ones. We are all devastated by this accident.” The coach then went on to say, “we will carry the torch of Jose and this year will be in honor of him.” Our hearts and prayers go out to his family and loved ones. San Jacinto has prepared college officials to deal with this kind of situation and they will be on hand at the South Campus to help students cope with this tragedy.

Photo courtesy of Sanjac.edu

Perez on the field he loved.

tion while they are trying to keep the public safe. Paul Harrop from Newschannel 6 stated, “Three Vernon Firefighters are recovering from heat exhaustion. They each became ill while fighting a fire in Lockett Monday. Fire Officials say heat is on the minds of fire crews, but at the front of thought is fighting flames.” Texas is losing cattle, crops, land, health, and money during this drought. “The $5.2 billion in losses estimated by the Texas Agrilife Extension Service already exceeds the previous record of $4.1 billion during the 2006 drought, and the drought is expected to continue for months,” confirmed by the editor of ThinkProgress Green at the Center for American Progress Action Fund. The end result of the 2011 drought is still unknown. Experts think that the only way it will end is through a storm, but we can all hope that it will end without having to do any more damage throughout the State.

David LeMaster, Professor at San Jacinto College. Wildfires have been a problem in Texas due to dry conditions.

MCT Campus


September 19, 2011 San Jacinto Times • Page 5

Gloss drop by Battles A+ Local concert calendar By GREG STARKS San Jacinto Times

Battles is an experimental progressive rock band founded in New York in 2002, and they are definitely the best band you have never heard of(if you have, well done). They are kind of a super-group so-to-speak. The members are from other fairly well known acts, such as Lynx and Helmet as well as some not so well-known acts such as Don Caballero and Storm & Stress, all worth lending an ear to. Gloss Drop is Battles first release since loosing front-man Tyondai Braxton to his own solo devices, but they are not weaker because of it. The energy on Gloss Drop is amazing, a pulsing whirlwind of looping guitars and booming drums. The album has a very unique sound exclusive to Battles. The feel is like a mix of a house party and an island luau performed by a rock band with tons of guitar effects and loop stations. While most of the songs are instrumental, some vocals are provided by guest appearances

from 80’s music God Gary Numan, Blonde Redhead’s Kazu Makino, and Japanese visual artist and vocalist Yamantaka Eye. The guests all lend a necessary cog to the gears that make Gloss Drop such an amazing record. I was very skeptical about this album prior to pressing play; I realize now that the remaining members are still going strong and making some of the best new music that is out there today. They all have such massive amounts of talent in what they do, and that comes through the speakers with amazing clarity. Battles have established themselves as the purveyors of cutting edge progressive rock. I usually pick a couple of songs that stand out to me as a starting point for a listener, but with Gloss Drop they all stand out. I recommend that you acquire this as fast as possible, as well as their previous album Mirrored. If there was a grade that existed higher than an A+, they would get it. Since there isn’t, an A+ is what they get, but I feel compelled to add a few extra +’s there on the end. So A+++ it is.

By GREG STARKS San Jacinto Times

Sept. 19 Agnostic Front, The Mongoloids, The Horrors, The Stepkids-Fitzgeralds Kaiser Chiefs-House Of Blues Muhammadali, Cop Warmth, Shakes-Mangos

Sept. 20 Seth Walker-McGonigel’s Mucky Duck The Fox Derby, Lighthouse Music, Lound Valley, Neptunes Explode-Super Happy Fun-land Boyce Avenue-Fitzgeralds Kip Winger-House Of Blues B.M.C. of Swishahouse-Mangos 10 Years-Hurrican Harry’s Sept. 21 That 1 Guy, Pogo-Stereo Live Brandon Rhyder, Scooter Brown Band-Blue Moose Lodge Glen Campbell-The Stafford Centre

Sept. 22 Neon Indian, Com Truise-Fitzgeralds Atmosphere, Blueprint,Evidence-House Of Blues Get Scared, Dr. Acula, Girl On Fire,-Warehouse Live(studio) Swishahouse Crew-Warehouse Live(ballroom)

Sept. 23 Indian Jewelry, The Watermarks, Tense, Searching For Signal-Fitzgeralds Weird Al Yankovic-Verizon Wireless Theater Hanson(haha!)-Warehouse Live Paul Van Dyk-Stereo Live Deiselboy-Rich’s Def Leopard, Heart-Cynthia Woods Mitchel Pavilion Sept. 24 Mix Master Mike-Fitzgeralds Queensryche, Windowpane-House Of Blues Peachcake, A Room In The Body-Super Happy Fun-land Matt Nathanson, Maroon 5, Train-Cynthia Woods Mitchel Pavilion Alien Ant Farm-Scout Bar The Aggrolites, Peelander-Z-Warehouse Live Randy Travis-Houston Arena Theater American Fangs-Fitzgeralds

Sept. 25 Journey, Night Ranger, Foreigner-Cynthia Woods Mitchel Pavilion

Taking Back Sunday

By GREG STARKS San Jacinto Times

Pop-Punk quintet Taking Back Sunday has been releasing music for over a decade now and tearing up the US billboard and Indie charts since their first full-length album Tell All Your Friends was released in 2002. Every one of their records has charted in the top 20 on either the Billboard 200 or the US Independent charts. This is their eponymous release(that means self-titled), and I feel that it is an appropriate decision to “self-title” this record. It seems to be what they were striving toward all these years. A blend of pounding drums and driving guitar melodies with some lighter almost pretty sounding interludes. T.B.S does a really good job at keeping poppy and staying punk at the same time. Although I would never describe their music as either of the two, I suppose those are words solely generated from the genre. They are also described as Emo-rock. While I detest the word “emo”, I

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think that might be closer to what they actually are. The lyrics are layered with confessions of intense emotions and belted out of Adam Lazzara quite accordingly. Taking Back Sunday is a great album, it is a really active listen. If you were to just put it on in the background I feel a lot would be lost. The guitars and bass put on a rock clinic. If you were to ever write a pop punk album, this should be on the inspirational albums list. The energy is so intense on Taking Back Sunday, it makes me want to explode on some songs, and get introspective on others. My foot hasn't stopped tapping since the album started, but I'm pretty sure it is like that with all five of their records. T.B.S is definitely a zenith of this generations poppy emorock. They have proven that even after a decade, they are still more rockin' than ever. This album definitely gets an A. I love Taking Back Sunday and I suggest that you fill your ears with it as soon as you can. Trust me, they'll thank you for it(your ears that is, not T.B.S, they don't care what you do).

Movie Review: Horrible Bosses

By KRISTINA TAYLOR San Jacinto Times

Horrible Bosses came to theatres on Friday, July 8 and in my opinion is the best comedy I have seen in awhile. I have seen many previews for movies that make the movie seem really good and then left disappointed after seeing the film. This was not the case for Horrible Bosses; after seeing the preview, I knew I wanted to see the film and it definitely did not leave me disappointed. Directed by Seth Gordon, Produced by Brett Ratner and Jay Stern and Written by Michael Markowitz, John Francis Daley and Jonathan M. Goldstein. The three main characters in this film are Nick (Jason Bateman), Kurt (Jason Sudeikis), and Dale (Charlie Day); they are best friends in the film and all have one thing in common, they hate their bosses. Kurt is the only one at first who does not hate his boss or job but unfortunately his boss dies, leaving the company to his son, Bobby Pellitt (Colin Farrell), who does not care about the company at all and is rather humorously addicted to cocaine. Nick’s boss, Mr. Harken (Kevin Spacey), makes him believe that he is going to get the big promotion as long as he can show he deserves it by doing over the top things for his boss. Instead, Mr. Harken gives the promotion to himself after misleading him. Dale’s boss, Dr. Julia Harris (Jennifer Aniston), sexually harasses Dale knowing he is engaged and is not interested at all. She threatens to tell his fiancée that he is sleeping with her when in fact he is innocent. They eventually come up with the idea to kill their bosses but they know they are not smart enough to do it themselves. So, they try

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to hire an ex-con (Jamie Foxx), to do the dirty work for them. The actual name of Foxx’s character is alone worth the cost of a ticket. There are five top films that Seth Gordon has been a part of that he is known for, one of them being Horrible Bosses. One of the four movies he did not direct, he was the producer. According to Rottentomatoes.com, on the “T-meter” it was ranked 70 percent fresh and 77 percent of the audience liked it. Every week since it has been released, which was two and a half months ago, it has ranked in the top 50 box office. The weekend gross was 9.9 million dollars and the total gross was 114.9 million dollars. On Fandango.com, most of the fan reviews had good things to say and said it was a must go see. Of course people are going to have their own opinions and may think it could have been better. Rolling Stone Reviews review on the movie by Peter Travers says, that it was funny but wishing that it could have been funnier. They comment on how good the actors were in this film but the writers could have written it better, saying they wrote a “timid script.” Although, Steve Persall of the St. Petersburg Times has a different opinion on the movie, He refers to this film as “the best adults-only comedy of 2011.”

Fans of comedy, this is a must see movie all the way. I have seen The Hangover 2 and Due Date recently, I liked them both but this film is even better. The writers of Horrible Bosses need to write more like this and the actors definitely succeeded the roles that were presented to them. For those who did not get the chance to see it in theaters, the movie comes out on DVD Oct. 8, 2011. Horrible Bosses will be out on DVD soon and is worth a look.

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September 19, 2011 San Jacinto Times • Page 6

Lady GaGa goes different as Jo Calderone at VMA’s By MIRANDA JENKINS San Jacinto Times


Gaga as Jo Calderone pontificates life as a man

The MTV Video Music Awards premiered on August 28 with Lady Gaga slated to open the show. Yet when the show began, some pompadour sporting, cigarette-smoking greaser greeted the audience instead. The Danny Zuko impersonator was in fact Lady Gaga dressed in drag as her new alter ego, Jo Calderone. Jo recited a lengthy monologue in which he discussed the break up between Lady Gaga and himself, before belting into an energetic performance of Lady Gaga’s latest single “You and I” which involved a troupe of Jo Calderone look-alike back up dancers and Jo spraying the audience with beer. Lady Gaga did not emerge after the performance as was expected and instead chose to stay in character the entire night. She reportedly used the men’s bathroom, puffed on a cigarette, and hit on women, including Britney Spears, whom she awkwardly attempted to kiss after presenting Britney with an award. Jo first appeared on the cover for Lady Gaga’s recent single, “You and I” and made a second appearance in the You and I music video playing the role of Lady Gaga’s boyfriend. The reasoning behind introducing this time warped persona is difficult to come by, as Jo Calderone only briefly discusses himself and instead speaks primarily of Lady Gaga. While walking the VMA red carpet, Jo Calderone offered a brief description of his background explaining, “I am from New Jersey. My family is from Palermo, Sicily and I’m not a singer or a model or an actor or anything. I am just a guy.” Lady Gaga’s new gimmick is being viewed by many as performance art and the LBGT community is especially pleased with her new persona as it sheds visibility on FTM transgenders. Yet, judging from the evidence shown at the VMA’s, Jo actually seems to be a character designed to feed Gaga’s own ego. Jo does not appear to be a fully fleshed out character. He was given a weak background, which was only briefly mentioned and then spent the rest of the night discussing his and Lady Gaga’s love affair. He also does not seem to have a particular message to spread other than sentiments of acceptance and individuality identical to that of which Gaga herself always dispenses. It makes one wonder why she feels the need to create an alter ego whom merely repeats ideals that she can less confusingly deliver as herself. It gives the impression that this creation is only a half thought, poorly executed idea and that Gaga simply said to herself one morning, “I think I’ll dress up like Google images my imaginary boyfriend today.” Although many are congratulating Lady Gaga for the bravery and originality she displayed at the

VMA’s Gaga is not the first celebrity to introduce an alter ego. In 1999 country singer Garth Brooks introduced his edgy counterpart Chris Gaines in an attempt to safely stray from country music and branch out into the rock genre. A movie written about the fictional character, titled The Lamb was in preproduction at the time and Brooks released the album In The Life of Chris Gaines as a prequel soundtrack to the motion picture. Chris Gaines was given a lengthy and unique background. He was an Australian pop singer who suffered through a serious car accident causing him to seek plastic surgery. He toured for a few years with a band called Crush and experienced the death of a band mate. In the Life of Chris Gaines was established to cover a twenty-five year span during Chris Gaines life. Chris was a well-developed character, yet once put into execution reception was mixed. The album did moderately well and managed to snag three Billboard charting singles, but fans were confused. Was it supposed to be taken seriously? Why exactly was Garth Brooks pretending to be an edgy Australian pop star? Production of the movie came to a halt and Brooks retired the Chris Gaines character shortly after. In 2008, Beyoncé received a much warmer response from fans after introducing her alter ego Sasha Fierce. The album I Am…Sasha Fierce debuted at number one on the Billboard 200 Chart and sold 482,000 copies in its first week of release. The album was released as a dual disc set to further showcase the two personalities Beyoncé hoped to present her fans. The first disc contained slow tempo ballads meant to symbolize Beyoncé’s love of soulful R&B songs, while the second disc held electro inspired euro dance songs that better represented the character of Sasha Fierce. This might be the reason Beyoncé’s persona was better received than Garth Brooks. Beyoncé refrained from submerging herself fully into the character of Sasha Fierce, making it clear that Sasha was simply a facet of her personality and that she was in fact not pretending to be an entirely different person. Will Jo Calderone fare better than Chris Gaines or become as popular as Sasha Fierce? It might be too soon to tell. Reviews of Jo Calderone have been mixed at most. Jo was met by a bewildered and somewhat annoyed audience at the VMA’s and critics have accused Gaga of unoriginality and showboating. Lady Gaga may need to pull in the reins on Jo a bit, and proceed gingerly down the path Sasha Fierce so recently blazed, by explaining Jo Calderone’s origins and most importantly his purpose. Perhaps then, the question of whether Jo Calderone is merely another publicity stunt will be answered.

Beginning July 26, 2011 2011-2012 permits available at the Business Office ONLY

Here’s what you need to get your free permit:

• Students – San Jac picture ID, San Jac ID (G00#), and vehicle license plate number

• San Jac Employees – San Jac picture ID, San Jac ID (G00#), and the contact information for your department (extension, building, office number, etc.) • Contract Employees – Company Name or Department, Your Name, social security, driver’s license or state ID number, and the contact information for your company or department (extension, building, office number, etc.)

• Motorcycle – San Jac picture ID, San Jac ID (G00#), and vehicle license plate number

• Special/Handicap – State issued driver’s license, San Jac ID (G00#), vehicle license plate number, and appropriate documentation (handicap placard, doctor’s note, etc.)

• Temporary (rental, new vehicle) – San Jac picture ID, San Jac ID (G00#), and vehicle license plate number or temporary plate number. Business Office Hours: M-Th- 8:00am-7:00pm, F-8:00am-4:30pm

Image courtesy of MCT Campus

Around campus

Signs, signs, everywhere a sign

September 19, 2011 San Jacinto Times • Page 7

New signage, construction mark Fall semester

San Jac adds some nifty new signs

New construction paves the way for a better San Jac tomorrow.

Photos by Harrison Lee

San Jacinto college has been infused with many new signs that better illustrate the buildings around campus. New students are now treated to visual aides akin to those that you find at the local mall. Soon an impressive new building will arise from the construction.

September 19, 2011 San Jacinto Times • Page 8

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Fall F all Open Open House House

Saturday, S aturday, O October ctober 1 9a.m. p.m. 9 a.m. ttoo 1 p .m. SStudent tudent SServices ervicees and Classr Classroom oom mB Building uilding

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If you require special accommodations for any condition or disability please call (281) 283-2515 by September 23. *With transcripts (which will not be returned) and required test scores; MHA/MBA, MHA, Professional Psychology, Counseling, Doctorate D octoratte E Educational ducattional L Leadership ead dership an and nd iinternational nternattional sstudents tudents aare re n not ot eeligible ligible ffor or oon-the-spot n-the-spot ad admissions. dmissions. **The $$35 **The 35 application ap pplicattion ffee ee w will ill n not ot bbee as assessed ssessed ffor or sstudents tudents w who ho ssubmit ubmit an n aapplication pplicattion ffor or ad admissions dmissions d during uring O Open pen H House. ouse. IInternational nternattional sstudents tudents w will ill h have$35 ave$35 d deducted educted ffrom rom ttheir heir $$75 75 aapplication pplication ffee. ee.

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