San Jacinto Times
Former coach Gernander honored at recent Ravens game. Page 4.
The voice of San Jacinto College since 1991
Love is in the air around San Jac February 13, 2012
The Student Publication of the San Jacinto College District
Vol. 22, No. 12
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Best ways to break up/Valentine’s Day special: Page 6.
Know when to pass the keys. Page 2.
A Valentine’s Day history to remember By LAUREN MOTLEY
San Jacinto Times
Photo By Vanessa Piña/San Jacinto Times
There are plenty of things to do on Valentine’s Day, especially around San Jacinto’s three campuses, as Stephanie Piña left and Joseph Garcia, right, illustrate. See story: PAGE 6.
Roses are red violets are blue… and I hope you know it is Valentine’s Day. February 14: the day of flowers, chocolates, cards, glitter, diamonds, proposals, and more, but what if there was more to the day then all the modern day marketing scheme? What if it was just a day that you should show your loved ones you love them whether it is family or your special someone? Valentine’s Day is now considered to be just one big marketing plan made by card makers, florist, and candy companies. Most people don’t realize the history of Valentine’s Day had nothing to do with Hallmark or Hersey’s, but it was the kindness one man showed to many people in love. According to the history channel, back in the early days of the Christian church there was an Emperor named Claudius. The emperor was obsessed with war and would go out to battle for years at a time. He faced a problem of his soldiers becoming home sick and not fighting to their full potential in fear of leaving their families alone forever. For this reason, Emperor Claudius outlawed marriage in hopes to create a grand army; however, the emperor was unaware of one person who would change everything, Saint Valentine. Not agreeing with the Emperors choice Saint Valentine began to marry young couples in love. As a result of his decision to disobey the Emperor, he was sentenced to death. While Saint Valentine awaited his fate in jail, the couples he married came to show their gratitude by bringing notes and flowers to him. On the last day of Saint Valentine’s life he wrote a beautiful love letter to the woman of his dreams and signed it from your Valentine. This was the birth of the holiday, as we know it. Saint Valentine teaches us an amazing lesson in the meaning of loving one another on Valentine’s Day. Saint Valentine was there for people in love so many years ago, much like your loved ones are there for you today so on this very special day take the time to thank them. No one would be anywhere without the love and support of the people in your life, so we should celebrate that. Yes, it is an awesome feeling when you get a diamond, chocolates, or that amazing dinner date, but an even better feeling is the emotional bond you have with the people in your life. Even though, you have the bond all year round on Valentine’s Day take a second to pause to think about everyone in your life you love or once loved. Whether or not you have a significant other to buy you a rose or if you have someone who does love you; just make sure they know you appreciate them on February 14. That is the true meaning of the holiday.
Looking for the perfect gift? There are many options available By JENNY RAMOS San Jacinto Times
Time passes, and the days slowly creep closer to Valentine’s Day. It isn’t until you see that store commercial on all the specials to get your loved one, that you realize there is only one day left to purchase something. What do you get him or her? A panic erupts and you begin to stress over the occasion. There are several ways to make it seem as if
you had Valentine’s Day planned months ahead of time. As long as you play your cards right, it can be easily pulled off with the “general” gift ideas for Valentine’s Day. Of course, it is a desire to always purchase something for your significant other to wear. For women, sexy looking outfits pop into a man’s mind. It is different if the girlfriend is there with you to pick it out, otherwise, never select lingerie for her. You could be completely off her size. Whether it is “too
Robotics team competes
big” or “too small”, both could be equally offensive to the girlfriend. This will lead to awkwardness and maybe even a breakup. Unless you are tired of her, then guess away at the size. Now, as boring as it may sound, jewelry to wear is a much more safer method for giving. A man may seem easy to find a gift for, but it could be just as complicated. Don’t think too hard, start with the easier routes. If the man is into sports, tickets to see his favorite team play, plus a jersey
will easily satisfy him. One thing to keep in mind; it is not recommended to purchase something for him to wear. Other than a jersey, most apparel is not preferable. A man could be quite selective with a watch or necklace compared to a woman. Keep it simplistic, that way there won’t be that awkward moment of “returning” the item. Now, even if you are on a tight budget, money should not be a huge issue. SEE GIFTS on PAGE 5
College honors Piper nominees
By COURTNEY MOUTON San Jacinto Times
Some students dream of becoming pro basketball players or football superstars but the students that participated in the Bowled Over 2012 Southeast Qualifying Tournament hosted at the San Jacinto Central Campus dream of something different. Dreams of robotic excellence and a trip to St. Louis, Missouri for the Youth World Robotic Championship are what filled the minds of the anxious students who attended this weekend’s competition. “Robotics is just as much of a sport as any other event,” said Cody William, assistant coach of the Huntington High School Gear Heads. “With everything from team cheers, pom poms, and plenty of spirit each school entered the competition in a league of their own.” William commented. Though the Friday portion of the competition started off rocky with mechanical complications, spirits were renewed as Saturday’s events began without missing a beat. Teams competed in the Southeast region qualifier Friday and the Houston qualifier on Saturday both apart of the First Robotics Competition (FRC). All participants were encouraged to incorporate a themed design into their robot and no one was there to disappoint. Everyone from the “I-Robots” to the “Mohawk Warriors” decked out their teams with plenty of eye-catching spirit. Teams were judged within six different categories, The Judges Award, Design Award, Motivate Award, The Rockwell Collins Motivate Award, The Connect Award and The Think Award, the most SEE ROBOTICS on PAGE 5
Commentary................2 Around campus...........4 Front page jumps........5 Valentine special.........6
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From left to right, Barbara Brown with Dr. Niel Matkin, Dr. John Bolen with Dr. Maureen Murphy, and Sean Perrodin with Dr. Allatia Harris. The Three Piper nominees were each presented a certificate by their respective campuses presidents, and were nominated by their peers. Only 10 nominations from around texas will be chosen to recieve the Piper Award, which includes a $5,000 award for outstanding performances and superior teaching. See story: PAGE 5.