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San Jacinto Times

A look into Black History month. Page 3.

The voice of San Jacinto College since 1991

February 20, 2012

The Student Publication of the San Jacinto College District

A look into the hit show The Walking Dead and H&M. Page 4.

Vol. 22, No. 13

Remembering Whitney Houston. Page 7.

An in-depth look at human trafficking Check out our staff blog at www.sanjactimesstaff.wordpress.com

Sex slavery on the rise across the world By COURTNEY MOUTON San Jacinto Times

One day fades into another as we all seem to fall into our own habitual routines. The people we meet, the jobs we do, the places we go all intertwine into this messy thing we call life. But the thought crosses your mind, are we missing something? Human trafficking is defined as obtaining a person by means of force, fraud or coercion for the purpose of a commercial sex act or labor services. Sadly, the United States has the largest sex tourism industry in the world. Houston with its many economical ports and close by borders has become the Human Trafficking Capital for the United States. I-10, a highway that most Houstonians travel on frequently is said to be a major corridor by which human trafficking victims reach their destinations across our city. Not only is Human Trafficking the second largest criminal industry in the world, it’s the fastest growing. 17,500 foreign nationals are trafficked into the United States each year. Experts estimate that 200,000 children in just the United States are at high risk to be exploited to human trafficking each year. Hitting home for many fathers, Statistics from the Texas Sex Trafficking Obliteration Project show that 80 percent of individuals subject to get forced into trafficking are women and young girls between the ages of 11 and 13. “Few activities are as brutal and damaging to people as prostitution. Field research in nine countries concluded that 60 to 75 percent of women in prostitution were raped, 70 to 90 percent were physically assaulted and 68 percent met the criteria for posttraumatic stress disorder in the same range as treatment-seeking veterans and victims of state-organized torture,” Stated the U.S. Department of the state, Trafficking in persons report. A whopping Twenty-five percent of all Human Trafficking happens in Texas alone. Many are promised a good job in another country, kidnapped by traffickers, sold into the industry by parents, boyfriends and even husbands completely unaware of what they’re about to be subject to; a complete loss of all personal and physical freedoms.Victims not only face daily abuse but many physical and SEE TRAFFICKING on Page 6

MTV Made an appearance at San Jac Central in talent search MCT Campus

By VANESSA PINA San Jacinto Times

Vanessa Pina/San Jacinto Times

Students lined up for MTV at Central campus, hoping to make it.

On Feb. 8 students sat anxiously outside of room 210 in the Student Center at the Central Campus for a once in a life time opportunity to impress producers of MTV’s show Made to grant the wish of making their dream come true. Students gathered a little before noon in order to be one of the first to audition. Only 60 numbers were given out but that didn’t stop many from waiting for hours, hoping to get their turn that would give them the chance to get closer to their dream. Made is one of MTV’s hit shows, where a teen is chosen to fulfill a goal/dream. This takes place with-

An all campus look at events By JANETH CERVANTES San Jacinto Times

We’ve all seen a small table or a whole festival with food and fun activities while walking around campus. These activities are helpful and ease the stress of the day. They are sometimes announced either on the school’s website or posters around campus. For those who don’t check the website often or notice these posters, here are a few events that will take that stress away and make a long day a little more tolerable. Each San Jacinto campus has different events happening this upcoming month. North Campus is very busy this month with many programs which will increase the knowledge of staff and students. On Thursday evenings and Friday mornings, Professor Steve Lorenz will be hosting a series of Bird Watching activities. On Thursdays from 5-6 p.m. Professor Lorenz will meet students by the Student Center N 12.125 and Fridays from 8-10 am


Commentary.............2/3 Entertainment..............4 Around Campus..........5 Front Page Jumps.......6

in front of the fountain at the student center. Also, The Fourth Annual African American Read-in will be taking place in The Monument Room. The event will take place on Wednesday Feb. 22nd from 11:00am-Noon and free Soul Food will be served to those who attend. For more information contact Sandra Curry. That same week, The Symposium on Gerontology-Geriatrics Awareness and Education will be held in the Fine Arts Center of the North Campus. From 8am-3:30pm presentations from several San Jacinto College professors and keynote speaker Robert Rouse, director of the Texas Consortium Geriatric Education Center at the Huffington Center on Aging, will take place. The conference is for professionals and students who would like to gain knowledge on how to deal with aging family members. San Jacinto’s Central campus is home to many Student Life clubs and also has some fun upcoming SEE EVENTS on Page 6

in a course of several weeks by the help of their “made coach”, usually someone who is experienced in the field that they are interested. Every student waited with the same potential and passion to announce the unique goal that they have been keeping in the back of their mind.. “Ever since I was a little girl I wanted to do this; it’s something that has always been there but I’ve been too shy”, said Kaitlyn Hughes who wants to be made into a country singer. Geovanny Martinez whose major is criminal justice said, “I want to be made into an actor, I’ve taken acting classes and I would like to meet Dwayne Johnson.” Also choosing the acting field, Bailee Gonzalez whose major is to be a pastry chef said “I want to be an actress like Megan Fox.”

“I want to be made into an MMA fighter” said David Robertson who has been practicing martial arts since he was six years old. For Candy Trejo who’s is studying psychology she wants to be made into a public speaker for domestic violence awareness; she decided this after her sister was murdered last September. MTV’s Made arrived at San Jacinto in search to change a student’s life by helping them accomplish a long time dream, other than their goals and education. In the audition students were required to introduce themselves to a webcam followed by an interview with producers explaining what they hoped to be made into, how it is important to them and why. Once a student is chosen MTV will contact them with the news.

Edith Manzanares/San Jacinto Times

North greets welcome center North Campus has a new welcome center.


San Jacitno Times

San Jacinto College North has come a long way, since September 1961. With only 870 students at the Central campus, it rapidly grew into three campuses and five extension centers. It has served the citizens of East Harris County, Texas, for more than 50 years. Surrounded now by a caring community and students who thirst for knowledge, San Jacinto College North has opened its doors to many. Enrollment at the North campus has increased each year, bringing forth positive changes to the campus. With the increase of students each year, the North campus continues to welcome former, new, and current students each day. Students have walked through the campus many

times, looking for Enrollment Services, Financial Aid, and Testing Center in one building, then looking for the Counseling Center and Business Office in another building. Sometimes it was a small problem walking back and forth between the buildings, especially during the start and end of a semester, trying to speak to a counselor for career guidance, and then walking to the next building to speak with Enrollment advisors for registration or schedule changes. On rainy days, students would wait downstairs at the student center for the rain to slow down, to walk over to the Administration building for Enrollment Services, testing, or financial aid. Not only has the student body grown in size, but the North campus has grown facility wise as well. It is with great pride and excitement to announce that San Jacinto College North has added a new buildSEE NORTH on Page 6

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