San Jacinto Times
Beer proves more beneficial to mankind. Page 2.
The voice of San Jacinto College since 1991
April 23, 2012
The Student Publication of the San Jacinto College District
Vol. 22, No. 20
Transfer Students and Award Winners Page 4.
Best Buy CEO & Bard Bash Page 6.
Nine key tips to help students master their finals Check out our staff blog at
By COURTNEY MOUTON San Jacinto Times
right where it hurts.
With just a few stinging weeks away from summer the student body starts to crave that sun bronzing your skin, the taste of a refreshing snow-cone and most of all a break from school but there’s a few milestones left to getting to the beach and hitting the waves. With Finals week approaching quickly we all worry: how am I going to concentrate when I all I want to do is enjoy this beautiful summer weather? Well here are nine key tips to kicking your finals
9) Make a schedule and stick to it. When things begin to get a bit hectic it’s easy to forget to do something during the end of the year shuffle. Don’t even give yourself the chance to get off task make a list at the beginning of every day and check things off as you go about your day, you will feel productive and be on your “A” game. 8) Dress to impress. With all the late night study sessions that come along with finals, most students find themselves wanting to roll out of bed and head to class in their Disney Princess-inspired pajamas.
Snap out of it! It’s a proven fact that if you feel good about your appearance while going into a stressful situation like a Final, the outcome will be better. 7) Take some you-time. Set aside time to watch your favorite T.V. show, get some coffee with a friend, or just take a study break to collect your thoughts. Downtime during a stressful week is necessary to keep yourself from feeling overloaded, and tense. 6) Get rid of distractions. We’ve all got them. Whether it’s social media, a load of laundry that needs to be done or errands that need to be run the
list seems to only get longer when we have a full plate. If studying at home is distracting, try the library or the local Starbucks. A new application called “Self Control” offered for free at gives busy students the option of removing distractions created by the internet with just the click of a mouse. For those who can’t seem to block out time to focus on studies Self Control offers, with your permission, the option of blocking out websites for a predetermined about of time, not leaving leeway for online distractions to get the best of you. SEE FINALS on Page 5
Graduation = transition By JENNY RAMOS San Jacinto Times
As Finals are coming up, last minute caps and gowns are being purchased, everything is flying by so quickly. One moment you’re entering a classroom completely new and confused about where to go, hoping to succeed. Then, the next moment you’re about to walk across a stage taking that piece of paper you spent sleepless nights working to have; your degree. When you hear the mere word, “graduation”, automatically you think of the tradition of students shaking hands with the professors, taking their diploma and enjoying their five seconds of fame. However, some colleges tend to do it a little differently. Believe it or not, but in the U.S. alone there are several different graduation traditions students don’t know about. For example, Yale University gives their students a clay pipe to smoke out of right before graduation, and then they stomp on it right after the ceremony. SEE GRADUATION on Page 5
A busy summer ahead By JANETH CERVANTES San Jacitno Times
As this semester is coming to an end and we turn the page onto the next chapter of life, San Jac students are already wondering what they will be doing this summer. If you know you worked hard this semester, then you deserve a good break to do whatever you want during the summer. For some, Houston and its surrounding areas are where we will be this summer and we have no clue what to do because after years of living here, Houston sometimes seems redundant. For those who are clueless, here are some events and ideas to do this summer in the town of Houston. For those who want to overachieve, get a whole semester ahead, or maybe a class or two ahead, San Jac is offering summer classes. The classes do fill up quickly so if you want to take some summer classes, sign up for your classes as soon as possible. Finish reading this newspaper, of course. SEE SUMMER on Page 5
Farewell to Mr. Faour By CHRIS SHELTON Special For The San Jacitno Times
Photo by Michael Deats/San Jacinto Times
Commentary.............2/3 Around Campus..........4 Front Page Jumps.......5 Entertainment..............6
After the 2012 Spring semester, Communications Professor Fred Faour and San Jacinto College will cease their professional relationship. Faour cited his busy lifestyle as a reason for his departure. It is unclear who will follow Faour and teach journalism classes next year. He said that while he has made several lasting connections with fellow professors and other staff members, he will miss his students the most. Fortunately for Faour, the feeling is mutual. A current student in Mr. Faour’s Reporting class, Angelica Rodriguez, said his class exceeds the threshold for compelling. “(Faour) shows us how to do it, especially thinking and thinking clearly, instead of just telling us to do it. I like the way he teaches the class," Rodriguez said. “It’s different. It’s not just a boring lecture. I am actually excited to go to class and learn something." Faour teaches Reporting I and II, as well as Mass Communications, which are essential courses for a degree path in Journalism. Faour is also the faculty advisor of San Jac’s flagship newspaper, The San Jacinto Times. SEE FAOUR on Page 5
Ever have one of those dreams where you slept through your final exam? Well, don’t let it happen for real. Check out the complete finals schedule for the Spring 2012 semester: Page 4