December 30th, 2016
臺北 101 國際登高賽
observation n. 觀察 challenge n. 挑戰 feature vt. 以…為主要特色
annual adj. 一年的 attract vt. 吸引,引起興趣 respectively adv. 分別地
contrary adj. 相反的 hold vt. 舉行,舉辦
express vt. 表達,顯露 1. ( ) Peter injured his head in a serious car crash. He needs to be kept under _____ in the hospital for a few weeks. (A) preservation (B) observation (C) reservation (D) conservation 2. 臺北 101 國際登高賽吸引來自世界各國的好手。 ____________________________________________________________________________________ 3. 今年的賽事舉辦在五月一日,超過 30 多個國家的選手參賽。 ____________________________________________________________________________________ July-2 predict vt. 預測,預言 critical adj. 重大的 immigration n. 移入
英國公投脫離歐盟 in favor of . . . 支持,贊同 emerge vi. 出現 negotiate vt. 商議,協商
combination n.結合,組合 conduct vt. 實施 currency n. 通貨,貨幣
4. ( ) A great majority of the employees were _____ the company’s new policy. They are all happy with the decision. (A) against (B) opposed to (C) in favor of (D) prefer to 5. 歐洲整合的想法在第二次世界大戰後出現。 ____________________________________________________________________________________ 6. 他們的願景是團結歐洲各國讓歐洲更穩定,並透過國家間的合作來避免未來的衝突。 ____________________________________________________________________________________ August-1 accomplishment n. 成就 strip vt. 除去 clear vt. 許可,批准
傳奇之死 professional adj. 專業的 overturn vt. 推翻 retire vi. 退休
slave n. 奴隸 conviction n. 定罪 diagnose vt. 診斷
7. ( ) Muhammad Ali was _____ with Parkinson’s disease, and this disease affected his speech and movement. (A) diagnosed
(B) found
(C) discovered
(D) predicted
8. 據說阿里(Ali)在 12 歲時就開始了拳擊生涯。 ____________________________________________________________________________________ 9. 他年輕時很快的就成為一名優秀的拳擊手,並於 1960 年在義大利羅馬舉辦的奧運拿下拳擊賽 的金牌。 ____________________________________________________________________________________ August-2 commence vi. 開始 notoriously adv. 聲名狼藉地 infection n. 感染,傳染病
奧運開幕在即,里約問題叢生 renowned adj. 有名望的 contaminate vt. 污染 assault n. 突擊
multitude n. 多數,眾多 foul adj. 難聞的,糟糕的 participant n. 參加者
10. ( ) Rio’s water is notoriously dirty and _____ with human waste, industrial runoff, and floating garbage. (A) contracted (B) overshadowed (C) contaminated (D) renowned 11. 2016 年夏季奧運(Summer Olympics)即將在以玩樂及陽光聞名的巴西(Brazil)里約熱內盧(Rio de Janeiro)開幕。 ____________________________________________________________________________________ 12. 雖然全球都興奮到了極點,這個盛會卻在比賽前夕(run-up)被許多問題蒙上一層陰影。 ____________________________________________________________________________________ August-2 September-1 claim vt. 聲稱,斷言 dismiss vt. 對…不予理會 reaffirm vt. 重申,再次聲明 demonstrate vt. 顯示,表明
南海緊張局勢加劇 potential adj. 潛在的 defiantly adv. 挑釁地 differentiate vt. 區別,辨別 resolve vt. 解決;解除
disputed adj. 有爭議的 representative n. 代表 deliberately adv. 故意地 involve vt. 牽涉;包含
13. ( ) The United States of America still regards the South China Sea as international waters, and it has deliberately sent its naval ships through this area to _____ this. (A) resolve (B) involve (C) dismiss (D) demonstrate 14. 中國大陸對於此項裁決不予理會,事實上還杯葛公聽會。 ____________________________________________________________________________________ 15. 它挑釁地宣稱還會繼續在南沙群島(Spratly Islands)建設新的機場。 ____________________________________________________________________________________ September-2 integrate vt 合併 embrace vt. 接受(想法等) opt vi. 選擇 enact vt. 制定(法律)
意識形態衝突:布基尼禁令掀爭議 conform vi. 遵照,順從 norm n. 基準,標準方式 modestly adv. 質樸地 comply vi. 順從,遵守 distinctive adj. 獨特的 erupt vi. 突發,爆發 terrorist n. 恐怖主義者 justify vt. 證明…有道理
16. ( ) How these newcomers _____ into French society is a source of ongoing tension in France. (A) opt (B) integrate (C) comply (D) erupt
17. 思想傳統的法國人認為移民不只要遵守法國法律,也須遵從法國的規範及社會習俗。 ____________________________________________________________________________________ 18. 然而,有些穆斯林(Muslim)移民不願意接受缺乏道德的傳統和行為。 ____________________________________________________________________________________ October-1 device n. 裝置 phenomenon n. 現象 transportation n. 運輸
精靈寶可夢 Go,席捲全臺! virtual adj. 虛擬的 fury n. 猛烈 propose vt. 提議,建議
critic n. 批評者;評論家 flock vi. 群集,蜂擁而至 via prep. 經由,透過
19. ( ) To save money, Brian takes mass _____ instead of driving a car to work. (A) translation (B) transformation (C) transportation (D) transaction 20. 雖然有很多臺灣人渴望可以玩到這個遊戲,但 Pokémon Go 最初開放的亞洲國家只有日本。 ____________________________________________________________________________________ 21. 就在 8 月 6 號,這個遊戲終於在臺灣正式開放。 ____________________________________________________________________________________ October-2 allege vt. 主張,斷言 press n. 新聞媒體
菲律賓總統掃毒爭議 execute vt. 處決,處死 conference n. 會議
presume vt. 假設,認定 mock vt. 嘲弄,譏笑
slaughter vt. 屠殺
n. 分裂
adj. 惡名昭彰的
22. ( ) According to the law, a person is to be _____ innocent until there is enough concrete proof of that person’s guilt. (A) resumed (B) presumed (C) consumed (D) conducted 23. 新上任的菲律賓(Philippines)總統杜特蒂(Rodrigo Duterte)已下定決心,會不計代價將國內犯罪 及毒品氾濫問題一掃而空。 ____________________________________________________________________________________ 24. 從他五月贏得選舉之後,已經有超過三千人被警方及軍方擊殺。 ____________________________________________________________________________________ November-1 merit vt. 值得;應受 refugee n. 難民 nominate vt. 提名
拯救敘利亞人的白盔隊 faction n. 派別,派系 assistance n. 幫助,協助 unarmed adj. 非武裝的
endure vt. 忍受,忍耐 estimate vt. 估計,估算 regardless adv. 無論如何
25. ( ) When Sean saw an old woman carrying a heavy bag, he came to her _____ right away. (A) persistence (B) resistance (C) insistence (D) assistance 26. 令人難過的是,敘利亞人民已承受了數年的戰爭,更不用提及每日的轟炸。 ____________________________________________________________________________________ 27. 因此,許多敘利亞人民選擇離開他們的家鄉,成為難民,數以千計的避難者冒著生命的危險 前往歐洲和加拿大。 ____________________________________________________________________________________
pioneer n. 先驅者 icon n.偶像 recognizable adj. 可認出的 considerable adj. 相當重要的 committee n. 委員會 affirmation n. 肯定;確認
applaud vt. 鼓掌,喝采 output n. 產出 boundless adj. 無限的
28. ( ) The decision to award Dylan the Nobel Prize for Literature came as something of a surprise, but is being widely _____. (A) appointed (B) applauded (C) approached (D) apologized 29. 巴布‧狄倫獲頒諾貝爾文學獎以認定他這幾十年來的音樂產出。 ____________________________________________________________________________________ 30. 諾貝爾委員會的選擇不僅是對他天份的肯定,也是對他那似乎無限的高水平創作力的認定。 ____________________________________________________________________________________ December-1
川普意外地勝利,將成為美國下一任總統 competition n. 競爭 boast vi. 吹噓;自吹自擂 nomination n. 提名 conservative adj. 保守的 series n. 一系列;一連串 offensive adj. 冒犯的 comment n. 意見,評論 allegation n. 指責,指控 harassment n. 騷擾 31. ( ) Donald Trump often _____ about his experience in business, and he claims that he will “Make America Great Again.” (A) boasts (B) boots (C) boosts (D) boards 32. 許多人很震驚,當川普被揭露自 2005 年來發表了許多非常下流,並且冒犯女性的言論。 ____________________________________________________________________________________ 33. 一些專家表示,這些言論和被川普性騷擾的女性的指控,將會讓川普在這次的選舉付出代 價。 ____________________________________________________________________________________ December-2 scandal n. 醜聞 foundation n. 基金會
南韓總統身陷醜聞 affair n. 事務 executive n. 行政負責人
status n. 地位,身分 investigator n. 調查者
vt. 防止,阻止
vt. 揭露,發現
vt. 濫用
34. ( ) Having close ties with the president Park Geun-hye, Choi Soon-sil was able to indirectly exert control over the political _____ of the country. (A) scandals (B) statuses (C) executives (D) affairs 35. 崔順實(Choi Soon-sil)利用自己是總統密友的身份,強迫南韓企業捐款數百萬到她掌控的基金 會。 ____________________________________________________________________________________ 36. 這些捐款的公司主管們不得不同意崔的要求 ____________________________________________________________________________________
Answer Key 1. B 2. The Taipei101 Run Up attracts runners from all over the world. 3. This year's race, which was held on May 1, had participants from more than thirty countries. 4. C 5. European integration is an idea that emerged after World War II. 6. The hope was that a united Europe would be a more stable one, and future conflicts could be avoided through mutual co-operation between countries. 7. A 8. Legend has that Ali began boxing at the age of twelve. 9. Ali quickly became an excellent boxer, and he ended up winning a gold medal at the 1960 Olympics in Rome, Italy. 10. C 11. The 2016 Summer Olympics are set to commence in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, a city renowned for fun and sun. 12. Yet even as global excitement reaches a peak, the festivities have been overshadowed by a multitude of problems in the run-up to competition. 13. D 14. China dismissed the ruling and actually boycotted the hearing. 15. It defiantly stated/claimed that it would continue to build new airports on the Spratly Islands. 16. B 17. Traditionally-minded French people feel that immigrants should conform not only to France’s laws, but also to French norms and social conventions. 18. However, some Muslim immigrants are reluctant to embrace the traditions and behaviors lacking in morals. 19. C 20. Though many Taiwanese people were eager to play the game, PokÊmon Go was initially only available in Asia in Japan. 21. It is on August 6 that the game finally became officially available in Taiwan. 22. B 23. The new President of the Philippines, Rodrigo Duterte has determined to rid his country of crime and drug abuse, no matter what the cost. 24. Since he won the election in May, over 3000 people have been killed by police and the military. 25. D 26. Sadly, the Syrian people have endured years of fighting, not to mention almost daily bombings. 27. As a result, many Syrians have chosen to leave their country and become refugees, with thousands making the risky journey to Europe and Canada. 28. B 29. Bob Dylan was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature to recognize his musical output over several decades.
30. The selection by the Nobel Committee is not only an affirmation of his genius/talent but also a recognition of his seemingly boundless creativity at the highest level. 31. A 32. Many people were shocked when it was revealed that Trump had made extremely rude and offensive comments about women since 2005. 33. Some experts say that these comments, along with allegations by other females of sexual harassment by Trump, could cost him the election. 34. D 35. Choi Soon-sil took advantage of her status as a(n) close/intimate friend of the president to force South Korean companies to give/donate millions of dollars to the foundations she controlled. 36. The executives of the companies that gave/donated the money could not help but/had no choice but to agree to Choi’s demands.