January 5th, 2017
A Closer Look at Fresh off the Boat 細說《菜鳥新移民》‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥p. 1 A Closer Look at Fresh off the Boat by Theodore Pigott, special correspondent
For many people, the television series Fresh off the Boat was a surprise hit. After all, this sitcom was the first major American TV show to feature an Asian-American family since Margaret Cho’s All-American girl in 1994, which lasted for only one season. Yet, this show Fresh off the Boat has become tremendously popular over the past few years, especially among Asian-Americans and even in many parts of Asia, including Taiwan. In fact, this past summer, the first episode of the show’s third season was filmed entirely in Taipei. Briefly speaking, Fresh off the Boat tells the story of Eddie Huang and his experiences growing up in American in the mid-1990s. In the show, Huang’s parents are Taiwanese immigrants to America, with Huang himself being born in Washington, D.C. The show focuses on the family’s move from Washington, D.C. to Orlando, Florida, after Huang’s father decides to open up a steakhouse there in 1995. In the episodes that follow, the show explores how Huang and his family try to adjust to living in an area with very few other Asian-Americans. It also looks at how Huang tries to fit in at his new school, while also highlighting Huang’s father’s attempts to achieve success in the restaurant business and live the “American dream.” The TV show is actually based on a memoir of the same name by Eddie Huang. He wrote the memoir to share his experiences growing up in America as a first-generation Asian-American, whose parents were “fresh off the boat.” Although Huang served as the narrator of the first season of the series and was involved in some of the show’s early episodes, he has since distanced himself from the show, complaining that the show had become an “ambiguous (and) artificial representation of Asian-American lives.” Nevertheless, fans of the show, especially those in Taiwan, were very excited about the first episode of the show’s third season. This season-opening was filmed on location at several spots around Taipei, including Dihua Street, Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall, and the Grand Hotel, among others. The episode also featured the superstar Hsu Wei-ning, who is also known as Ann Hsu. In the episode, the Huang family has returned to Taiwan, and Huang’s mother tells her sons that they are “home,” though her son Eddie reminds her that “we’ve never been here.” By the end of the show, however, Huang’s mother says that she is “homesick for Orlando.” ~1~
Perhaps this is why Fresh off the Boat has become such a success. Of course, it is full of funny moments, but it also takes a closer look at identity and the experience of Asian immigrants and first-generation Asian-Americans, while raising questions about just what “home” really is. Reading Comprehension
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) 1. What is the main topic of this passage? (A) The success of Fresh off the Boat, a popular sitcom about Asian-Americans. (B) Many problems that the TV show Fresh off the Boat has had to face. (C) A detailed look at how the American show Fresh off the Boat was filmed in Taiwan. (D) All of the differences between Eddie Huang’s memoir Fresh off the Boat and the TV show of the same name. ) 2. The phrase “fresh off the boat” in the last sentence of the third paragraph is closest in meaning to “________.” (A) come from a family of sailors (B) arrive in a new country by boat or ship (C) long-time residents of a different country (D) immigrants who have recently arrived in a new country ) 3. According to the passage, when does the story of the show Fresh off the Boat take place? (A) The 1980s. (B) The mid-1990s. (C) The early 2000s. (D) The present day. ) 4. What can be inferred from the passage about the reaction to the show by Eddie Huang, the author of the memoir Fresh off the Boat? (A) He is very satisfied with how the show is adapted from his memoir. (B) He is not very happy with the way that the show has turned out. (C) Actually, he has appeared in every episode of the show. (D) The article does not say anything about his reaction to the show. ) 5. According to the passage, what is one possible reason for the success of Fresh off the Boat? (A) One episode of the show was filmed in Taiwan. (B) There are many other TV shows about Asian-Americans right now. (C) Though being a comedy, the show also looks at serious issues, such as identity and the immigrant experience in America. (D) The show is very lighthearted and only full of many humorous moments, and it never looks at any other, more serious issues.
Vocabulary and Phrases
1. sitcom [] n. [C] 情境喜劇 As for me, friends, which revolves around six good friends living in Manhattan, is my favorite sitcom. 2. tremendously [] adj. 非常地 The smart businessman made investment in new technology and became tremendously successful. 3. episode [] n. [C] 一集(節目) The last episode of Sex and the City was broadcast on February 22nd, 2004. 4. entirely [] adj. 完全地 ~2~
The basketball player admitted that losing the game was entirely his fault. He was the one to blame. 5. briefly speaking [] phr. 簡單地說 The bus drivers are on strike and there are no taxis around. Briefly speaking, we had no choice but to walk home. 6. immigrant [] n. [C] (外來的)移民 This is a town of immigrants. Most townspeople from different countries moved here and started a new life. 7. steakhouse [`] n. [C] 牛排館 The steakhouse has an excellent reputation for fine sirloin steaks. 8. adjust [] vi. 適應 It took me a few days to adjust to the hustle and bustle of Tokyo. 9. fit in [] phr. 適應 The transfer student didn’t seem to fit in at the new school. 10. highlight [] vt. 強調 The documentary film highlighted the widening gap between the rich and the poor in this big city. 11. memoir [] n. 回憶錄 (= memoirs) In his memoirs, the famous actor shared his unusual journey from a little boy to a Hollywood legend. 12. generation [ n. [C] 世代,一代 The story of Nian has been passed down from generation to generation. 13. narrator [] n. [C] (書或戲劇中的)敘述者 The director is the narrator of this documentary about global warming. 14. distance [] vt. 使跟…保持距離 The charitable organization tried to distance itself from capitalism. 15. ambiguous [] adj. 模稜兩可的,含糊不清的 Sam’s reply was ambiguous, so we were not sure whether he agreed with us or not. 16. representation [] n. [C] 象徵,表示 In the painting, the clock is a representation of time, and the roses symbolize love. Words for Recognition
1. Fresh off the Boat 《菜鳥新移民》 《菜鳥新移民》是一部改編自黃頤銘的回憶錄《初來乍到》的美國情境喜劇。 2. Margaret Cho 趙牡丹 是美國一名喜劇演員、作家、創作歌手和服裝設計師。 3. All-American girl 《美國女孩》 一部描述韓裔女孩在洛杉磯成長的情境喜劇。 4. Asian-American [] n. [C] 亞裔美國人 5. Eddie Huang 黃頤銘 為亞裔美國人,是一位餐館老闆、廚師、美食家、作家兼律師。 6. American dream [] 美國夢 是一種信念,相信只要努力不懈地奮鬥就能夠在美國過著好生活的想法。 7. Dihua Street 迪化街
迪化街是大稻埕商圈最重要的市街,19 世紀末以來,這裡一直是臺北市重要的南北貨、茶葉、 中藥材及布匹的集散中心。 8. Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall 中正紀念堂 中正紀念堂位於臺北市中心,是為追念先總統蔣公而建造的紀念堂。 9. the Grand Hotel 圓山飯店 圓山大飯店創立於西元 1952 年,建築保留中國古典美,不僅是臺北市最耀眼的地標建築物, 也是當代宮殿建築的代表,聞名世界。 10. Hsu Wei-ning 許瑋甯 一名臺灣女演員。 Translation
細說《菜鳥新移民》 美國電視影集《菜鳥新移民》的成功令許多人大感意外,畢竟這部情境喜劇是繼 1994 年韓裔 演員趙牡丹(Margaret Cho)主演的《美國女孩》(All-American Girl)之後,第一部以亞裔美籍家庭為 主角的主流電視劇,而《美國女孩》僅播岀了一季。然而,《菜鳥新移民》在這幾年大受歡迎, 尤其吸引了眾多亞裔美籍和亞洲地區的觀眾,其中也包括臺灣。事實上,該劇第三季的第一集才 在這個夏天到臺北取景。 簡而言之,《菜鳥新移民》描述了黃艾迪的故事,以及他 1990 年代中期在美國成長的歷程。 劇中,艾迪的父母是來自臺灣的美國移民,在華盛頓特區生下了艾迪。劇情聚焦在 1995 年艾迪父 親決定到奧蘭多經營一家牛排館後,一家人從華盛頓特區搬到佛羅里達州奧蘭多的故事。後續幾 集演出了艾迪和家人如何融入這個亞裔移民極少的社區,也描繪了艾迪嘗試適應新學校,父親努 力經營餐廳生意,以及實現美國夢的過程。 該劇事實上改編自黃艾迪的英文同名回憶錄—《初來乍到》(Fresh off The Boat),作者透過這 本回憶錄,分享了身為第一代亞裔美國人的成長經驗,他們的父母正是「初來乍到」美國的一群 人。 儘管作者曾在第一季擔任旁白,並參與早期幾集的拍攝,但在那之後,他就漸漸與該影集劃 清界線,抱怨劇中所描繪的亞裔美國人生活,儼然是「粗淺且造作的假象」。 儘管如此,劇迷們還是對第三季第一集的開播興奮不已,特別是臺灣觀眾。開季首集的拍攝 地點包含許多臺北市地標,如迪化街、中正紀念堂、圓山大飯店等。除此之外,還請來巨星許瑋 甯客串。在該集中,艾迪一家回到臺灣,艾迪母親告訴兒子們他們回到「家」了,艾迪卻回她: 「但我們從沒來過這裡啊。」而在結尾時,反倒是艾迪母親說她「思鄉了,想念奧蘭多」。 或許這就是《菜鳥新移民》成功的原因,充滿搞笑情節是理所當然的,但本劇更深入探討亞 洲移民和第一代亞裔美國人的身份認同與生活經驗,並對「家」的定義拋出了疑問。 閱讀測驗解答:1. A 2. D 3. B
4. B 5. C