Lookbook 2019/2020
The idea behind the concept Every single bead is handmade and they are all haindpainted by 1 of the 350 women who are employed at KAZURI in Kenya. The clay comes from de Mt. Kenya area and with many years of experience it makes every single piece of jewellery very beautiful and unique.
Read more about de Kazuri story at
Earthy greens
Autumn-winter 2019/2020
Model: Petit tango festive Pita pat fresh green
Autumn-winter 2019/2020
Aqua greens
Model: Pitapat en petit tango in blue bird, Small cadeaux chloĂŠ, Earring cadeaux chloĂŠ
Autumn-winter 2019/2020
Colors of Nature
Modeel: Tango eveningwood Earring drop round tomato
Model: Small cadeaux midnight, Pitapat purple sensation Petit tango pansy, Earring cadeaux midnight
Autumn-winter 2019/2020
Model: Petit tango san fransisco, Earring drop round light yellow
Model: Small cadeaux bright red, Frutti rings shades of red, Petit tango shades of red
Living Coral
Model: Pitapat rosso orange Petit tango sunny citrus Bracelet tiny shale earthy
Model: Pitapat fata morgana, Petit tango sunset boulevard, Drop round light Yellow
Out of Afrika
Model: Petit tango oriental Bracelet balloons oriental Earring cadeaux bright red
Earty greens
Petit tango Festive, pitapat Fresh greens, petit tango Nothern lights, petit tango Fresh greens, pitapat Northern lights.
Aqua green Drop cadeaux ChloĂŠ, Frutti rings Blue bird, petit tango Blue bird, Kilifi River, small cadeaux ChloĂŠ, pitapat Blue bird, bracelet tiny shale Blue bird.
Colors of nature
Petit tango Honey, petit tango Black/white, tango Evening wood, petit tango Black, kilifi Brown melange.
Drop cadeaux Midnight, petit tango Purple sensation, Petit tango Mid blue, small cadeaux Midnight, petit tango Berry blues, petit tango Pansy, sue Berry blues.
Bracelet cadeaux Bollywood, small cadeaux Bollywood, petit tango Glow, petit tango Hope, petit tango San Fransisco, ring medium violet-yellow.
Bracelet pitapat Cherry, frutti rings Shades of red, petit tango Bright red, petit tango Shades of red, tango Bright red, small cadeaux Bright red, pitapat Cherry.
Living coral Tango Orange, pitapat Earthy, sue Earthy, pitapat Orange, petit tango Sunny citrus.
Out of afrika
Pitapat Fata morgana, tango Warm tan, pitapat Sunset boulevard, petit tango Fata morgana, petit tango Sunset boulevard.
Petit tango Oriental, small cadeaux Holly, petit tango Stay tuned, matching bracelets.
Autumn-winter 2019/2020
Trademart Utrecht Kazuri&more Standnr. X2B215
Kazuri Schweiz Elisabeth Scheuble Hohlweg 12 8640 Rapperswil
Greta Donne Sint Servaasstraat 59 3500 Hasselt
Contact: Julia Wijnja +31(0) 611 113 663 Sietske Wijnja +31(0) 630 565 477
info@kazuri.nl www.kazuri.nl
kazurischweiz @gmail.com
Elke maandag open van 10 - 17 uur
greta.donne @gmail.com
Fairtrade ceramic jewelry from Kenya