S PR I NG / VÁ R 2016
There Are many kinds of beers on the Faroe Islands
This is the one you’re looking for Ask the cabin crew
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20 10 Bumbur yvir Leith og Edinburgh
Summary, page 18
20 Smædna gentan breyt slóð og gjørdist oddviti
Summary, page 30
32 Windsurfing in the Faroe Islands 52 Where to visit in the Faroe Islands 64 Á Kreta minna fólk um føroyingar 72 Swimming Pool for Local World Star
Samandráttur, síða 80
84 Krossorðagáta og sudoku 86 Barnasíða
88 Søgan um Atlantic Airways 90 Facts about the Faroe Islands
64 ATLANTIC REVIEW is published by Atlantic Airways, Vaga Airport, FO 380 Sørvágur, tel. +298 34 10 00, fax. +298 34 10 01, e-mail: info@atlantic.fo. Layout and advertising: Sansir P/F, Lucas Debesargøta 3, Postbox 1099, FO 110 Tórshavn, tel. +298 355 355, fax. +298 355 350, e-mail: info@sansir.fo. Printed by Føroyaprent. Edited and coordinated by Sansir, in cooperation with Atlantic Airways. Responsibility: Jóhanna á Bergi. This publication may only be reproduced in agreement with the publishers. Cover: Sergio Villalba
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The Sky is the Limit Imagine arriving in the Faroe Islands in the month of May and expecting good spring weather, because you intend to have some good moments windsurfing on the sea. Then when you arrive, May is one of the coldest and fiercest months that people have known for ages, and the waves challenge you with their freezing cold and mighty fury. This is what some young adventurers travelling to the Faroe Islands experienced last year, however, that is the nature of the Faroe Islands – unpredictable and breath taking all at the same time. Our friends, who struggled with the waves last year, received an unforgettable journey, took hundreds of iconic photos of the experience and told their stories to millions of people. You can see some of their photos in this magazine and it is clear that these men are quite the daredevils. The same can be said about those people, who in 2010 started constructing the first 50-metre competitive swimming pool in the Faroe Islands in Vágur in the island of Suðuroy. The reason was that local swimming talent Pál Joens-
en won the silver medal in the 1500-metre free in the European Senior Swimming Championship. Ten years ago no one would have expected that a swimmer from the Faroe Islands would ever get that far in international swimming. However, when Pál Joensen won three gold medals in the European Junior Championship in 2008 in Belgrade, everyone immediately knew that the Faroe Islands had raised a sporting gem. Now a swimming pool is constructed and it is named after the 25-year-old man from Vágur. There are no limits to what is possible! This edition also features the story of Annika Hoydal who has composed songs for Faroese poetry for nearly 50 years and who has performed for the people of the Faroe Islands both as a solo artist and as a member of a band. She was braver than most when she stepped onto the stage, and now she is 70 and has received one award after the other, among them the National Cultural Award. You can also read about the many
events that take place in the Faroe Islands this summer. Nobody needs to get bored in the Faroe Islands this summer, because there will be music festivals, traditional village festivals, cultural events, sporting events and boating festivals. You can also read about many of the exiting travel destinations in the islands. Atlantic Airways is in constant development. The airline now offers several cheap tickets and this leads to an increase in the number of travellers. This is good for the airline. We are also happy to have added a new travel destination to the two we already have in southern Europe – Mallorca and Barcelona. This summer we will also fly to Crete. I wish you all a good and adventurous journey!
Jóhanna á Bergi CEO, Atlantic Airways
Í ár eru 100 ár liðin, síðan týskir zeppelinarar bumbaðu skotsku býirnir Leith og Edinburgh. Fleiri kendir føroyingar vóru sjónarváttar til hesa sjáldsomu og skakandi hending, sum kostaði fleiri mannalív og loypti mikla øði í skotar
17. juli í 1917 varð Vesta torpederað og sakk
Sunnukvøldið 2. apríl 1916 lá DFDS-damparin Vesta í
Bretsku myndugleikarnir óttaðust tó, at týskarar høvdu
dokkini í Leith.
ætlanir um at bumba herflotastøðina Rosyth og brúnna um á Firth of Forth. Tí vórðu boð givin um at myrkaleggja
Her hevði skipið ligið so ofta, tí í fleiri ár hevði Vesta havt
alt økið. Hvørki Leith ella Edinburgh høvdu nakra loftverju,
fasta rutu til Leith. Men júst hetta várkvøldið gjørdist
so tað galt um at forða flogskiparunum í at fáa landkenning.
øðrvísi, enn nakar hevði ímyndað sær. Og hetta var ikki bara galdandi fyri fólkini umborð, men eisini íbúgvarnar í
Leith og grannarnar í Edinburgh. Tí óbodnir gestir við
Flogskipini komu úr Nordholz í Slesvík, har týska marinan
óreinum ætlanum vóru í væntu.
hevði eina av sínum flogstøðum.
Fyrr á degi vóru nevniliga boð komin úr Onglandi um, at
Upprunaliga løgdu fýra flogskip leiðina tvørtur um Norð
týsk flogskip, nevnd zeppelinarar, vóru sædd á veg norður
sjógvin henda dagin, men bert tvey settu kósina norður
eftir. Týskarar høvdu áður bumbað London og býir har
móti Firth of Forth. Tað vóru flogskipini L14 og L22.
suðri, men ongin hevði væntað, at teir fóru at hætta sær so langt norður. Tí flogskip kundu einans finna leið, um
Skiparar á L14 og L22 vóru ávikavist Aloys Böcker og
skiparin hevði land í eygsjón, og var veðrið vánaligt, var
Martin Dietrich. Báðir høvdu tign sum kapiteynleutnantar
nærum ógjørligt at stýra einum flogskipi.
og drúgvar royndir sum flogskiparar.
Herluf B. Thomsen
Petur Mortensen
L14 og L22 vóru yvir 160 og 179 metrar til longdar.
Manningin á hvørjum skipi taldi 14 mans. Teir hildu til í
Um klokkan hálvgum tíggju á kvøldi boðaði bretska
tveimum innilokaðum gondolum, sum hingu undir stóru
hervaldið frá, at flogskipini vóru sædd við St. Abbs á
ballónini, ið var fylt við 35.000 m3 av vetni. Flogskipini
skotsku eysturstrondini.
vóru útgjørd við maskinbyrsum at verja seg við og lastaðu 41 bumbur. 27 av bumbunum høvdu vanliga spreingiløðing,
“Take air raid action,” varð fráboðað. Hetta merkti, at øll
meðan 14 vóru eldbumbur, ið skuldu festa í bygningar, har
ferðsla varð steðgað, ljós vórðu kámað, og heitt varð á
tær raktu.
fólk um at søkja sær skjól.
Aloys Böcker og Martin Dietrich vóru fullgreiðir yvir
Umborð á Vesta hevði skiparin tryggjað sær, at lanternur
veikleikarnar hjá flogskipunum. Tey vóru stór og flugu
og mastrarljós vóru sløkt, og at kúgvaeygu og skylight
høgt, og tá bumburnar vórðu blakaðar við hondmegi,
vóru myrkaløgd. So burtursæð frá einstøku sigarett
vóru ikki stór sannlíkindi fyri, at tær raktu nakað ávíst
glóðunum í kvøldinum var bølamyrkt á dekkinum, har
mál. Tí var aðalmálið við at senda flogskip til Bretlands
manningin og ferðafólkini vóru savnað í góðveðrinum.
heldur ikki at raka hernaðarlig mál, men at spjaða ótta og misnøgd millum bretar um teirra luttøku í krígnum.
Millum ferðafólkini vóru Petur Mortensen, Johan Morten
Talan var um eitt slag av terrorismu.
sen og Herluf B. Thomsen, allir keypmenn í Suðuroy. Teir stóðu og skimaðust upp í loft. Ein ávísur spenningur ATLANTIC REVIEW 4/2016 / 13
Bumburnar raktu fulkomiliga hissini mál, eitt nú íbúðarhús og skúlar. Ein fall á Grass market, og ein mundi rakt Edinburgh Castle
kendist á monnum, men ongin ótti. Tí hóast kríggið hevði leikað í síðan 1914, merktist lítið til ræðuleikarnar í Føroyum. Gamaní var nakað av vørutroti, og skipaflutningurin til Evropa var nervaður av, at bretar kannaðu øll skip. Hinvegin var prísurin á klippfiski høgur, og tískil vunnu keypmenn nógvan pening. Fyri teir tríggjar suðringarnar á dekkinum hevði kríggið tí ikki elvt til stórvegis stúran ella ótta. Ikki enn í øllum førum. ÁLOPIÐ BYRJAR Tá klokkan var farin av ellivu, hingu L14 og L22 yvir fjarðarmunnanum á Firth of Forth. Flogskipararnir vistu, at onkustaðni á norðara armi lá ein stórur herskipafloti, og á sunnara armi lá skotska háborgin Edinburgh. Men tá alt var myrkt undir teimum, og skíggini órógvaðu í heilum, var torført at seta kós. Umborð á L14 gjørdi Aloys Böcker tó av at flúgva eystureftir og inn yvir landið. Tá hann eina løtu seinni sá ljóskastaran á einum herskipi og hoyrdi kanónir smella, snaraði hann
Böcker eftir einum hóskandi máli at tveita sín drápuliga
suðuryvir móti Leith og Edinburgh og bað sínar menn
førning eftir.
vera til reiðar við bumbunum. Brádliga hoyrdist ýlið av eini bumbu, ið fall gjøgnum Suðringarnir á dekkinum á Vesta hoyrdu kanónskotini, og
luftina. Hon brast í skipsbátin hjá farmaskipinum Saga.
tá aftur var kvirt, hoyrdu teir óhugnaliga dunið av Mayback-
Fólkini á dekkinum á Vesta hvukku við, og tá kvirt var
motorunum á L14, sum skiftivís settu ferðina upp og
aftur, høvdu tey eina kenslu av, at L14 hekk beint uppi
niður. Sveimandi yvir teimum onkustaðni leitaði Aloys
yvir teimum.
Alois Böcker og L33 neyðlendu í Essex í 1916
Alois Böcker, flogskipari á L33
Suðringarnir hugdu at hvørjum øðrum og spurdu seg
Bumburnar raktu fulkomiliga hissini mál, eitt nú íbúðar
sjálvar, um hetta mundi vera seinasta stundin.
hús og skúlar. Ein fall á Grassmarket, og ein mundi rakt Edinburgh Castle. Fleiri bumbur fullu eisini í óbygdum.
Tað, sum fyri løtu síðani hevði verið spennandi, var nú vorðið ein ræðandi ótti um, at lívið fór at fáa ein bráðan
Nógv høvdu leitað sær út í gøturnar at uppliva hesa sjáld
enda í dokkini í Leith.
somu hending, tí tey dugdu ikki at ímynda sær, at stríðandi partar ynsktu at føra kríggj móti sivilfólki. Men tá tey sóu,
Skjótt fullu næstu bumburnar frá L14. Tær raktu granna
hvat týsku flogskipini høvdu í hyggju, gjørdust tey ræðslu
dokkina skamt frá, har Vesta lá. Og so var ein øgilig
sligin og óð.
spreinging. Dekkið á Vesta skalv, og eldhavið stóð himmal høgt. Dagur bleiv til nátt, og hjartkiptu keypmenninir úr
Tey skiltu ikki, hví ongin vardi teirra bý, og í berum ráðaloysi
Suðuroy merktu ógvusliga hitan floyma inn yvir seg.
varð skotið við “The One O’Clock Gun” uppi á Edinburgh Castle fyri fyrstu ferð síðan 1861. Kanónin, ið upprunaliga
læt skot av hvønn dag klokkan 13.00, so skip kundu seta
Bumburnar høvdu rakt eina stóra whiskey-goymslu á
skipsklokkurnar rætt, var eisini hetta kvøldið lødd við
Commercial Street. Stóri eldsbrunin virkaði sum ein viti
fyri flogskipini, sum nú høvdu munandi betri umstøður at halda fram við sínum yvirgangi móti skotsku býunum.
Ein lítil roynd varð gjørd at verja býin. Eitt Avro 504 hernaðar
Aloys Böcker var skjótur at koyra á motorarnar á L14 og
flogfar við opnari kabinu fór á flog, men í myrkrinum var
setti kós inn yvir býin. Martin Dietrich á L22 fór aftaná.
vónleyst at finna týsku luftskipini, og tá flogfarið skuldi
Næstu minuttirnar sóust flogskipini stoyta bumbur yvir
seta seg aftur, hendi ein vanlukka, og flogskiparin varð
Edinburgh og Leith sum snarljós av himni.
illa skaddur. ATLANTIC REVIEW 4/2016 / 15
Yvir London varð L33 rakt av granatum og seinni eisini
Álopið, sum vardi í 35 minuttir, kostaði 13 mannalív, og
álopið úr luftini. Alois Böcker royndi at flýggja. Hann
24 vórðu løstað. Burtursæð frá whiskey-goymsluni í Leith
blakaði alt óneyðugt fyri borð fyri at halda flogið, men
var fíggjarligi skaðin avmarkaður, men týskarar høvdu
kendi seg at enda noyddan at neyðlenda í Essex. Har
nátt sínum máli.
skundaði manningin sær at seta eld á L33, so tað ikki skuldi fella í bretskar hendur. Tískil endaði Alois Böcker
Edinburgh og Leith høvdu merkt sviðan av krígnum, og
og manning fyrra heimsbardaga í bretskum varðhaldi.
ótryggleiki var sáddur millum fólk. Og í týsku propaganda miðlunum varð álopið lýst sum væl eydnað.
Martin Dietrich førdi flogskip, til kríggið var liðugt. Samanlagt var hann við í 115 álopum.
Dagarnar eftir álopið var nógv skriving í bretskum bløðum, har funnist varð at myndugleikunum fyri ikki at verja býin
og gera fólk varug við vandan. Og tó at hetta var einasta
Suðringarnir umborð á Vesta hildu leiðina fram til Keyp
álopið á hesar býir undir øllum fyrra heimsbardaga, vórðu
mannahavnar. Hóast teirra uppliving í dokkini í Leith var
skjótt munandi stig tikin til tess at gera verjuna betri.
lítil í mun til ræðuleikarnar á hermótinum í Evropa, so er
Skipaðar mannagongdir fyri myrkalegging vórðu settar í
ongin ivi um, at teir vóru skelkaðir av at sanna, hvussu
verk, og ikki færri enn tríggir flogvøllir vórðu bygdir har á
náðileysir kríggjandi partar kunnu vera.
leiðini. Og tó at Vesta bjargaði sær undan hesum álopinum, gjørdist FLOGSKIPARARNIR
fyrri heimsbardagi hennara lagna.
L14 og L22 komu aftur til Slesvík í øllum góðum. Tilsamans vórðu flogskipini bæði nýtt 25 ferðir í álopum á Bretland
Tann 17. juli í 1917 var Vesta á veg úr Seyðisfirði til Fleet
undir fyrra heimsbardaga.
wood við sild og ull, tá týski kavbáturin U-88 torpederaði tað. Fimm mans komu ikki afturíaftur, men restin av
Tann 24. september 1916 førdi Alois Böcker luftskipið L33,
manningini og ferðafólkunum megnaði at rógva til Sumbiar
tá hetta saman við 11 øðrum var við í stórálopi á Ongland.
í bjargingarbáti.
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Keypir tú vørurnar á dutyfree.fo, geva vit tær dupult stig á títt DutyFree FAE Pluss kort. Við DutyFree FAE Pluss kortinum kanst tú savna tær stig og fáa fyrimunir, tá ið tú keypir í DutyFree handlinum í Vága Floghavn. Fá DutyFree FAE Pluss kortið ókeypis í handlinum.
P/F Duty Free FAE
Vága Floghavn
380 Sørvágur
Faroe Islands
Tel. 35 44 00 ATLANTIC REVIEW 4/2016 / 17
Faroese travellers saw zeppelins bombing Scotland This year marks the hundred-year an-
val stations of Rosyth and the bridge
Despite the fact that the world had been
niversary of the German bombing of the
across the Firth of Forth. Consequently
at war since 1914, very little was known
Scottish cities of Leith and Edinburgh by
they ordered a blackout of the entire
about the horrors of war back home in
zeppelins. Several well-known men from
area. Neither Leith nor Edinburgh had
the Faroe Islands.
the Faroe Islands witnessed this terrify-
any aerial protection, so it was impera-
ing event first hand, the horrors of which
tive that the Germans were not allowed
When the clock had struck eleven, the
caused the loss of many lives and en-
to identify any target on the ground.
L14 and the L22 hovered over the mouth
raged the people of Scotland.
of the Firth of Forth inlet. The Faroese The air ships originated from Nordholz
men on board the Vesta heard the can-
The attack happened the Sunday evening
in Schleswig, where the German navy
non’s blast and when silence was in the
of 2 April in 1916, as the DFDS-steamer
maintained a base. Two air ships set
air again, they heard the terrifying roar
Vesta was docked in Leith harbour.
course for Firth of Forth. They were the
of the L14’s Mayback engines that was
L14 and the L22. The pilots on board
alternating between full and low force.
The ship was no stranger to this har-
L14 and L22 were Aloys Böcker and
Somewhere in the air above them, Aloys
bour because Vesta had maintained a
Martin Dietrich. Both men had consid-
Böcker was searching for a suitable tar-
regular route to Leith for many years.
erable pilot experience.
get to drop his deadly load on.
ways no one could imagine. And not
The captain of the Vesta had made sure
Suddenly they heard the roar of a bomb
just for the people on board the ship, but
that lanterns and mast lights were put
falling through the air. It exploded in a
for the citizens of Leith and their neigh-
out and that portholes and skylight
ship’s boat belonging to the cargo ship
bours in Edinburgh too.
were darkened. Except for the occasion-
Saga. The people on the deck of the
al cigarette glow in the evening dark-
Vesta jumped and when the noise set-
Earlier that day, reports had come in
ness, everything was pitch black on
tled, they were left with the feeling of the
from England that German air ships,
deck, where the crew and travellers had
L14 hanging directly above their heads.
so-called zeppelins, were spotted head-
gathered in the good evening weather.
The men from Suðuroy looked at each
But this spring evening was different, in
ing north. The Germans had already
other and wondered if their last hour
bombed London and other cities to the
Among the travellers were Petur Morten
south, but no one expected that they
sen, Johan Mortensen and Herluf B.
would dare travel so far north.
Thomsen, all merchants from the is-
The attacks on Leith and Edinburgh
land of Suðuroy. They stood peering at
lasted 35 minutes and cost 13 lives.
The British authorities were afraid that
the skies. There was a certain excite-
None of the travellers from the Faroe
the Germans planned to bomb the na-
ment among the men, but no fear.
Islands were hurt in the attacks.
had arrived.
Enjoy the most beautiful bustrip in the world
Mykines not included. Children 7-15 years old half price. ATLANTIC REVIEW 4/2016 / 19
SMÆDNA GENTAN BREYT SLÓÐ OG GJØRDIST ODDVITI "Eg havi altíð lagt dent á dagin í morgin, gingið mína egnu leið og valt at sæð møguleikar heldur enn forðingar. Eg sigi við meg sjálva, at eg skal gera tað betri í morgin," sigur Annika Hoydal, sum júst er fylt 70 og í 2016 hevur fingið bæði Mentanarvirðisløn Landsins og vunnið fleiri FMA-virðislønir. TEKSTUR NICLAS JOHANNESEN MYNDIR SEM JOHNSSON, SIGMAR M. MØRKØRE, ALAN BROCKIE
"Alt hevur verið so tilvildarligt hjá mær"
"Kom innar," sigur hon. Lógvatakið er fast, røddin júst hin sama væl kenda, ið hevur tølt og definerað føroyska
Klokkan á Ráðhúsplássinum hevur júst sligið fimm. Tað
tónlist í nærum hálva øld. Annika Hoydal er nýliga farin
hevur regnað stútt niður á grádæmdu húsatekjurnar, og
um tey 70, men her er ikki farri av pensióntilveru at hóma
lini floymurin frá sunnudagsdølskum gøtuljósum ber
í rúmligu og fjálgu íbúðini mitt í hjartanum á kongsins
boð um ein stórbý í frígeari. Ein dúgva stetlar aftan á
Keypmannahavn, sum er prýdd við eini ørgrynni av
einum vilstum breyðmola, ið fer fúkandi eftir vegnum
føroyskum málningum.
beint við Christiansborg Slotsplads. Februar mánaði hómast framvegis í baksýninum. Nú eru vit næstan har,
"Ja, handan fekk eg frá Zacharias Heinesen, tá eg fylti
GPS'arin og tygara bilførari.
"Tú snarar til vinstru. Veitst tú, hvar Holmens Kirke
Hon peikar á ein vatnlitamálning av gomlu Hoyvíkini
liggur? Har snarar tú aftur til vinstru, ikki fyrstu ferð,
við útsýni yvir Nólsoyarfjørð. Hetta er barndómsútsýni
men aðru ferð, og so ert tú á Admiralgade," sigur kenda
røddin í telefonini. Annika ber árini, sum vóru tey sprøklutir springbóltar, Har stendur hon so í durunum. Smílandi og mest av øllum
ið dansa við henni gjøgnum tilveruna. Gongulagið er
átøk hinum litríka várinum, ið bæði fólk og fæ nú munnu
lætt, tónalagið syngjandi og talan týðilig, nú hon vísir
leingjast so dyggiliga eftir.
runt í stóru íbúðini. Hetta hevur verið hennara heim síðan miðskeiðis í sjeytiárunum. "Umráðið varð rópt Minefeltet, tá eg kom higar. Hetta var eitt fátækrakvarter, og her búðu ongi ríkfólk tá. Men eg helt, eg var so heppin, tí hetta var bíligt og lá sentralt," sigur hon. Nú 40 ár seinni er fátækrakvarterið meira líkt einum ríkmannaøki. "Ja, soleiðis er tað altíð. Tað byrjar við innflytarum – ella teimum longst niðri á stiganum – ið skulu hava onku staðni at búgva. Síðan sansa listafólk, at her grør um gangandi fót, so tey flyta higar. At enda tevja ríkfólkini, at tað er her, tað hendir, og so keypa tey alt við tí úrsliti, at hvørki arbeiðarar ella listafólk longur hava ráð at búgva á staðnum." ATLANTIC REVIEW 4/2016 / 23
Mál og ljóð hava altíð hugtikið meg. Tónalag hevur nógv at siga, hvussu dentur verður lagdur á hetta ella hatta, og hvussu hjáljóðini verða modellerað
Kári Mouritsen, Annika Hoydal, Jógvan Dahl og Jógvan Telling í Harkaliðnum
ANNIKA HOYDAL VIÐ HARKALIÐNUM 1969 Úr Kabarettini, EP 1970 Harkaliðið, EP 1971 Harkaliðið, LP 1973 Harkaliðið Vind op, vind op i rå/Herr Sinklar, Single 1989 Harkaliðið Mjólkavegurin, LP 1991 Harkaliðið, Nýtt Grovt og Gamalt, LP ANNIKA HOYDAL SOLO OG ONNUR SAMSTØRV 1975 Til børn + vaksin frá Anniku, LP 1977 Annika og Jógvan, LP 1981 Mit Eget Land, LP 1983 Spor í Sjónum, LP 1991 Dulcinea, fløga 1997 Havið, fløga 2000 Stjerner Mine Venner, fløga 2015 Endurljóð, fløga
Sama skil var við kvæðunum. Fleiri vóru í øðini, tá tey
Smílið og samfelagsrevsarin renna saman í eitt, tá hon
hoyrdu nýggjar útsetingar av hesum aldargamla siði, og
prátar um politikk, erotikk, nepotismu, snævurskygni,
summi hildu, at tey gingu ov títt. Nú fjøruti ár seinni er
kærleika og kvæðini, ið hava verið við til at mynda
tað neyvan ov nógv sagt, at Harkaliðið við Anniku á
hennara leið sum tónlistafólk og definerað hana sum ein
odda blásti lív aftur í kvæðini og var við til at varðveita
slóðbrótara og fyridømi fyri komandi ættarlið.
eina mentan, sum meira stóð fyri falli enn stóð uppi.
Í hálva øld hevur hon evnað og skapt ein dýrgrip av
At Annika var framman fyri sína tíð, hevur eftirtíðin greitt
melodium til fyrst og fremst yrkingar hjá bróðiri sínum,
víst. Sjálv viðurkennir hon, at tað fall henni í lut at gerast
Gunnari Hoydal - heilt frá studentakabarettunum í
symbolið upp á alt tað, ið eitt burturoldað fedraveldi
60'unum. Tær vóru ein samanrenning av vinfólkum,
ræddist við eini framfýsnari, frælsislyntari kvinnu, ið
sum síðan stovnaðu Harkaliðið, ið var virkin sum
bæði tordi at syngja um erotikk og hava meiningar um
bólkur inn í áttatiárini. Har vóru Jógvan Telling, Jógvan
politikk og rættindi í sínari list.
Dahl, Kári Mouritsen og at byrja við eisini Jaspur Petersen. Tey løgdu klassiskarar eftir seg sum "Ólav
Annika hevur prátað seg heita. At hon er skørp, sansar tú
Riddararós," "Eitt kvøldið so síðla," "í Dans" og hin
skjótt, og at hon er málsliga tilvitað, dylur hon ikki fyri.
forbodna "Fimtan," ið nam við seksualitetin hjá eini gentu og megnaði at forarga fólk, hóast ikki eitt einasta
"Eg havi altíð elskað mál og at eygleiða," staðfestir hon
ónærisligt orð varð sungið.
flennandi og sigur søgur um, hvussu hon longu sum smágenta eygleiddi fólk so inniliga, at tey hildu, hon ATLANTIC REVIEW 4/2016 / 25
gløddi at teimum, og hvussu hon sum 16 ára gomul helt fyri við eina eldri danska kvinnu, at hon segði "nue" og ikki "nuu," meðan ein onnur fekk at vita, at hon segði "flask" og ikki "flæsk." Hvørgin teirra ánaði, hvat henda unga gentan blabbaði um. "Mál og ljóð hava altíð hugtikið meg. Tónalag hevur nógv at siga, hvussu dentur verður lagdur á hetta ella hatta, og hvussu hjáljóðini verða modellerað. Tá tað
Eg havi altíð lagt dent á morgindagin. Sjálvt á døkkasta degi havi eg sagt við meg sjálva, at eg skal gera tað betri í morgin
snýr seg um tónleik, hevur sangur ongantíð snúð sum tonala ekvilbrismu fyri meg. Tað hevur ikki mín áhuga. Men tað at siga eina søgu við sangi hugtekur meg framvegis almikið." ÚR HOYVÍK TIL EKVADOR Vit sita í hennara arbeiðsrúmi, og hon hevur latið dyrnar á glopp inn í sín hugaheim. Tú sansar, at aftan fyri hesa hugtakandi kvinnuna, ið kann tykjast so sterk, sum var hon høgd úr basalti, býr framvegis ein følin og nærum
"Eg havi ofta hugsað um, hvat tað er, ið fólk síggja, tá tey
forfjónað smágenta. Ikki altíð hevði hon so lætt við at
síggja meg. Tað má vera okkurt, ið sær út sum styrki. Men
fóta sær í eini tilveru, sum barnaárini førdi hana úr
fólk síggja sum oftast bara tað uttara og ikki tað innara."
trygga umhvørvinum í Hoyvíkini heilt til Ekvador, haðani hon varð send einsamøll aftur til Føroya at ganga
Annika tigur eina løtu, og tú fatar, at nú vil hon velja
í skúla á Sandi, tí foreldrini funnu útav, at skúlagongd
sær orðini við umhugsni.
var ikki møgulig í fátæka landinum í Suðuramerika. "Eg veit ikki hví, men gjøgnum lívið havi eg upplivað Tíðin uttan foreldur og beiggjarnar Egil og tvíburðarnar
ferð eftir ferð, at fólk hava sitið við mína lið og greitt
Kjartan og Gunnar, sum fóru á eftirskúla í Danmark um
mær so inniliga frá teirra líðingum. Eg havi spurt meg
sama mundið, setti síni spor hjá teirri yngstu í
sjálva, hví tey velja at siga mær frá teirra trega og
mótburði. Eg veit tað ikki. Men kanska tað er nakað um tað, at tann, ið hevur verið fyri líðing, fangar betur
"Eg varð sera væl móttikin á Sandi. Tað var slettis ikki tað.
líðingina hjá øðrum."
Men tað var strævið. Eg var gentan, ið stóð handan leik tjaldið og kagaði út og sá, hvussu hini børnini spældu."
ALT KANN GERAST BETRI Úr stovuni eru nú tónar at hoyra. Hetta er sera sangbara
Helst var tað her, at hon bygdi sær eitt kropsligt
og væl klingandi fyrsta lagið "Tú Minsta Land" av nýggu
skjøldur, ið skuldi verja hana móti ágangi.
útgávuni Endurljós.
SSO skeið
GMDSS skeið
ERM skeið
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Skeiðini eru sambært STCW-sáttmálanum. Koturnar til skeiðini finnast á heimasíðu skúlans.
Vinnuháskúlin · Boks 104 · 110 Tórshavn Tel 350 250 · info@vh.fo · www.vh.fo 28 / ATLANTIC REVIEW 4/2016
Tað boðar frá framfýsni, at heldur enn at skoða aftur á
konsertferð er í umbúna, og so skal hon til Føroya til
lívsverkið gjørdi Annika av at bróta upp um ermar og
Faroese Music Awards, sigur hon.
hátíðarhalda 70 ára dagin við eini nýggjari útgávu, har hon sjálv hevur sett løg til ellivu tekstir hjá beiggjanum
Seks dagar seinni verður kunngjørt á FMA, at ársins
Gunnari og pápanum Karsteni Hoydal, sála.
tónleikaheiður fær Annika Hoydal, og hon fær tvær tónleikaheiðurslønir aftrat teirri heiðurslønini. Tá hon
Og nú stendur maður hennara, Klavs, í hurðini við
trínur á pall at taka ímóti, reisast 400 fólk í Norðurlanda
tveimum gløsum av heimagjørdum, reyðlittum og væl
húsinum, og lógvabrestirnir hava næstan ongan enda.
kryddaðum drykki til okkara.
Hesa løtuna er ilt at ímynda sær, at kvinnan á pallinum eina viku frammanundan nærum byrjaði við at staðfesta,
"Eg havi altíð lagt dent á morgindagin. Sjálvt á døkkasta
at "alt hevur verið so tilvildarligt hjá mær."
degi havi eg sagt við meg sjálva, at eg skal gera tað betri í morgin. Ja, eg havi í roynd og veru altíð hugsað meira
Við ella uttan tilvild hevur hon sum fáur víst veg, hegni
um, hvat kann gerast, heldur enn hvat ikki ber til."
og vilja at gera mun, og áðrenn projektørljósini verða sløkt, og rullutekstirnir fara eftir sjónvarpsskíggjanum,
Vit eru komin til næstsíðsta lagið, "Snigil," eitt vakurt lag
eru hennara boð til mannamúgvuna.
við meistarligum undirspæli frá Kim Hansen. Stundin er komin at siga farvæl, nú sunnudagur er vorðin sunnu
"Njótið lívið! Haldið fram!"
kvøld. Hvat er so næst á skránni? Ein norðurlendsk ATLANTIC REVIEW 4/2016 / 29
Annika Hoydal – The Queen of Faroese Folk Music “I have always focused on tomorrow, walked my own path
on many occasions with string instruments. A consequence
and chosen to see possibilities rather than obstacles. I tell
of this was that the old ballads were sung more often. Many
myself that I will do better tomorrow,” says Annika Hoydal,
listeners objected to this modernisation, but the fact of the
70, who in 2016 was awarded the National Cultural Award
matter was that the old ballads experienced a renaissance.
and won many Faroese Music Awards. Time has proven the fact that Annika Hoydal was ahead of Annika Hoydal has composed songs and has sung for the
her time. She herself has come to realise that it was be-
Faroese people for nearly 50 years, sometimes as a solo art-
stowed upon her to become a symbol of everything that an
ist and during the seventies and the eighties together with
obsolete patriarchy was afraid of in an enterprising, liberal
the popular band, Harkaliðið, which ruffled the feathers of
woman who dared to sing about eroticism and politics.
the bourgeoisies in the Faroe Islands with their socially critical and teasing songs.
She recently turned 70 and ever since then she has accepted one award after the other. In January, she received the
Annika became the image of the strong women whom no
National Cultural Award in the Nordic House, and later in
one could topple and she dared to sing about the things that
March in that same house, she received several music
others sought to hide away. One of her songs on sexuality
awards at the Faroese Music Awards for her new album.
was banned, because it was thought to be too indecent. Its apparent indecency, however, is nothing by today’s stand-
“I have always focused on tomorrow. Even on my darkest
day, I have said to myself that I will do it better tomorrow. Yes, in fact, I have always emphasised what is possible and
Harkaliðið also modernised the traditional Faroese ballads 30 / ATLANTIC REVIEW 4/2016
not what cannot be done,” Annika Hoydal says.
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WINDSURFING IN THE FAROE ISLANDS Some people may think that in order to go surfing, you have to travel to warmer countries because that is where people normally surf. How足ever, Sergio Villalba and his friends think differently. They think that the Faroe Islands are the best place to surf, because the waves are quite unique TEXT UNI ARGE PHOTO SERGIO VILLALBA
They have done it again! In November of 2013, photographer Sergio Villalba and his friends came to the Faroe Islands where they surfed in the beautiful bay off TjørnuvĂk. The result was a series of photos in Atlantic Review that captivated many people because it is extremely rare to see someone surfing in the Faroe Islands.
Now they have tried windsurfing in the Faroese waves. They arrived in the Faroe Islands in May of 2015 and expected to see fair weather that close to summer, but they were met with snow and heavy winds. However, they were far from discouraged because the experience became all the more unique.
As the pictures show, Faroese nature provides a breath-taking scenery for windsurfing, and Sergio Villalba admits that it is very hard to struggle with the Faroese waves.
“This is the third time I have tried surfing in the Faroe Islands, and this was the hardest one yet,� says Sergio Villalba.
“The two previous trips were in October and November and this time we expected everything to be a lot smoother, but we were treated to a lot of wind and tall waves, and of course, it was fantastic, because that is what we came for!�
! v a g g e l g o m o K
Melda til 5 dagar áðrenn tú ætlar at gevast við at roykja
Ver ein góð fyrimynd At tey eru góðar fyrimyndir, kann sigast um tey 15 ára gomlu, tí í 2011 royktu 19% av teimum dagliga, men kanning í vár vísti, at hesi 15 ára gomlu við risafetum eru komin niður á 8% dagligir roykjarar. Ein sólskinssøga, sum vónandi fer at hava við sær, at tey vaksnu eisini verða bend rætta vegin. Ein fimtingur av føroyingum roykja Ein fimtingur av teimum vaksnu føroyingunum roykir dagliga, hetta vísir kanning í heyst, sum Fólkaheilsuráðið lat Gallup gera fyri seg. Gerið sum tey ungu. Legg av at roykja á nýggjárinum – tað er kul.
Fá stuðul, tá tú leggur av Fólkaheilsuráðið bjóðar tær, sum roykjara, ein øðrvísi hátt at sleppa av við heilsuskaðiliga óvanan. Hetta fer fram soleiðis, at tú fært stimbrandi sms-boð yvir fartelefonina, tá tú hevur gjørt av, at nú skal tað vera! Tú meldar teg til nakrar dagar áðrenn stóra dagin og fært javnan stuttar, hjálpandi boðskapir, sum stuðla tær í at halda fast við tína avgerð. Hátturin hevur verið royndur uttanlands við góðum úrslitum. Ókeypis átak Tú kanst melda teg til við at senda eitt sms við tekstinum „gevst“ til 1919, og tú fært sms-boð sendandi yvir teir næstu tveir mánaðirnar. Sms-boðini eru ókeypis og tú kanst melda teg til alt árið. Les meira á www.fólkaheilsa.fo
Ver við í ókeypis átakinum hjá Fólkaheilsuráðnum, ið er við til at stimbra og hjálpa tær, sum hevur gjørt av at gevast við at roykja.
Sergio and his friends’ adventure was featured in an article in the Red Bull Bulletin and as a video on the Internet. Millions of people have seen the pictures from the trip.
The windsurfer in the pictures is Dany Bruch. He is truly fearless and his courage secured a number of unforgettable images for Sergio and Red Bull.
Slingbytind Down Lady Jacket v/hettu - jakkarnir fáast eisini til menn
Slingbytind Down Lady Jacket - jakkarnir fáast eisini til menn
Svolvær Down Long Jacket Lett og varm lang dunjakke i vindtett og vannavvisende materiale med svært god dunkvalitet. Svolvær inngår i Bergans’ livsstilserie, som består av smarte hverdagsplagg med beskyttende egenskaper fra teknisk bekledning.
Sera lættur jakki, sum fyllir lítið. Serliga framleiddur at brúka á túrum í náttúruni. Nóg heitur til kaldar Black/ Deep Sea/ dagar, nóg Plum/ lættur at bera í ryggsekkinum. Slingsbytind er partur av Slingsby røðiniDark hjáMaroon Bergans. Í røðiniSolid eru Charcoal klæði, framleidd tilSolid at Dark Grey at brúka á gongu-, skíð- og fjallatúrum, har best hugsandi funksjón, lág vekt og framúr haldgóðska eru í fullkomnari javnvág. Slingsby fyllir gjølla ásettu krøvunum og mennir júst tey produktini, sum kravfestingin ásetur! FREDRIK SCHENHOLM
í Klaksvík TURGLEDE í Runavík EKSTREM
Frítíðarklæðir í Miðvági bergans.no
Jógvan Weihe í Tórshavn
Skipshandilin í Tórshavn
Maria Poulsen í Tórshavn (bert taskur)
Every year, the Faroe Islands are a boiling pot of music, culture and sports. Here is an overview of the many events that take place up until September 2016. Past and present exist side by side in Faroese life. The St. Olaf’s Festival is a traditional holiday in Tórshavn that draws people from all of the islands, and with the big musical festivals the Faroese summer has also become an international moment of joy
During this summer, you can experience the
Other events include the annual boating festival in
annual Country and Blues festival in Sørvágur,
Vestmanna, a knitting festival, running competi-
Tórshavn musical festival Voxbotn, The G! Festival,
tions, culture nights, international football matches
the Summertónar event, The Summerfestival in
and the annual Sailor’s Day in Klaksvík. In addition
Klaksvík and a Seafood Festival. The traditional
to these events, there will be a host of smaller
village festivals around the country that feature the
events e.g. in the Nordic House and many smaller
traditional oar boat races are also held during the
venues in the country. The Faroe Islands are yet
summer. In addition to these events, there are also
again getting ready for brighter days. Here are some
many cultural events on the agenda.
of the many events you can experience this year:
25 April: Flag Day
20 May: Boating Festival, Vestmanna
The British recognized the Faroese flag on 25
The village of Vestmanna hosts the an-
April in 1940, and that makes the flag 76 years
nual boating festival where small boats
old this year. Flag Day celebrations are being held
sail into the natural harbour in the village
all over the country where people gather to hear
and people gather for fun and various
speeches about Faroese history and present. The
events. There are exhibitions, fairs, danc-
largest such Flag Day celebration is in Vaglið in
es and food fairs. Sometimes there are
Tórshavn. However, the rarest version of the flag
also lectures regarding interesting his-
hangs in the church in Fámjin in the island of
torical subjects. The boating festival is
Suðuroy. That flag is the first Faroese flag ever.
especially popular and the people are very friendly.
MAY 14 -16 April: Knitting festival, Fuglafjørður
7 May: The “Ein dagur á grynnuni” seafood event
Knitting has always been very impor-
country can be, and in 2015, this event was organised
tant to the Faroese and now, for the sec-
for the first time in Tórshavn’s city centre. The guests
ond time a knitting festival is going to
were served a variety of seafood, like the world famous
be held in the islands. Creative and
seafood soup by Birgir Enni, skipper of the schooner
skilled teachers will hold workshops,
Norðlýsið. Many people visited the event last year and
and knitted clothes will be sold, while
the organisers decided to organise another event this
talks will be organised in cafés, panel
year. It is a lot like being in the Bergen fish market.
debates and entertainment. All the special Faroese knitting patterns will be discussed and presented at the event.
The Faroe Islands are as closely tied to the sea as any
28 May: Island Days in Tórshavn Municipality Tórshavn municipality has grown a lot these last years and an ever-increasing number of villages and islands have joined the municipality. Every year, the municipality organises a special Island Day when people have had the opportunity to visit the various islands. If you are looking to visit the islands around Tórshavn, then this is the day to do it.
June - August: Concerts in grottos with sloop Norðlýsið 3 June: Culture Night, Tórshavn 4 June: The Norðoyastevna, Klaksvík
27-28 May: Tórshavn 150 year anniversary
4 June: Tórshavn Marathon and Half-marathon
Tórshavn municipality is the oldest
event and run some 42 kilometres along the Faroese roads.
municipality in the Faroe Islands. It
You can also run half and still experience the grandeur of
was founded in 1866. This day is cel-
nature in the Faroese summer air. The Tórshavn Marathon
ebrated with various events, and there
is increasing in popularity and many famous international
will be many activities in the streets of
runners usually attend the marathon.
If you are feeling up to it then you can register for this
Tórshavn, especially on 27 and 28 May, e.g. concerts and events for children.
June - August: Summartónar, concerts around the Faroe Islands Summartónar is the musical festival that focuses on small venues around the islands. Among the concert venues are The Nordic House and the
11 June: The Sundalagsstevna village festival, Hvalvík
villages of Mykines and Gjógv. You can see the full Summartónar program on www.tutl.com. Participating musicians come from the Faroe Islands and abroad and it is a rare experience to
18 June: Eystanstevna village festival, Runavík
hear some of the world’s biggest talents performing in a small church somewhere.
10-11 June: Country and Blues festival, Sørvágur The country’s sole country and blues festival is held in
25 June: Voxbotn, Concert day, Tórshavn
the village of Sørvágur near the only airport. Country
The last four years, Tórshavn’s Vágsbotn
music is very popular in the Faroe Islands and so is this
harbour has been the venue for large out-
festival. If you want to hear the Faroese country singers
door concerts with Faroese as well as for-
and some good foreign ones too, then this is the event to
eign bands and artists. Some 4000 people
attend. Remember to bring your cowboy hat!
usually attend the event that offers new music as well as oldies. People of all ages attend Voxbotn, the music event that rocks the capital for a full 12 hours.
s n i s r á l i t ð i v Knaolmigastu renning hug
2 July: Jóansøka village Festival, Vágur
7 July: Føroya Regatta The old Faroese wooden ships will show their true might and glory when the Føroya Regatta is organised every year. The ships arrive in Tórshavn on 7 July where they set sail for Vágur on
the island of Suðuroy. Tickets for the regatta can
be purchased in the Tórshavn information centre.
• Ein herligan dag við rørslu og hugna saman við
nógvum hundrað glaðum kvinnum.
• Nógvar góðar fyrimunir, so sum lekra renniblusu, •
avsláttur av renniklæðum og -skóm, gávukort o.a. Samlað virði yvir 1.000 kr. Møguleika at vinna nógvar góðar vinningar.
9 July: Fjarðastevna village Festival, Vestmanna
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Melda til á kvinna.fo frá 29. apríl og tryggja tær gávuposa og blusu í rættari stødd!
Heildarloysnir frá Articon
Eitt trygt grundarlag Articon hevur serligan førleika innan jørð-, kloakk-, betongarbeiði, byggibúgving, vega- og havnagerð, fjarhita, timbur- og snikkaraarbeiði eins og ymisk apteringsarbeiði, tá skip verða bygd ella umvæld. Men vit kunnu standa fyri ella vera partur av so at siga øllum verkætlanum ella byggiarbeiði so sum skrivstovubygningar, verksmiðjubygningar, goymsluhallir, umvæling og umbygging.
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SPARRINGSFELAGIN HJÁ FØROYSKUM LEIÐSLUM SAMAN FÁA VIT TAÐ AT EYDNAST Ring 230060 so skipa vit fyri einum óbindandi práti.
Hitt okkum á lh.fo, LinkedIn ella á tel 230060 48 / ATLANTIC REVIEW 4/2016
28 - 29 July: St. Olaf’s Wake, national holiday, Tórshavn St. Olaf’s Wake is the Faroese national holiday. The annual Parliament opening is on St. Olaf’s Day. It is customary for priests and politicians to march in procession from the Tórshavn cathedral. There are a host of cultural and sporting
16 July: Vestanstevna village festival, Sørvágur
events during St. Olaf’s Wake, and there are sales booths, restaurants, exhibitions, gatherings and fun fairs during the holiday. The traditional midnight sing-a-long in Tórshavn city centre, Vaglið attracts some 12-15000 people.
14 - 16 July: G! Festival, Gøta
4 – 6 August: The Summarfestival, Klaksvík
You will experience the most beautiful and
The biggest music festival in the Faroe Islands takes place
strange Nordic music festival under mount
in Klaksvík and it usually draws crowds of 8000 to 10000
Støðlafjall on the beach in the village of
people. Among the past performers are Scorpions, Robin
Syðrugøta. The waves created their own mu-
Gibb, Westlife, Brian McFadden and Shakin Stevens. This
sic and the fresh Faroese night smelled of sea-
year, Cliff Richard will visit Klaksvík. The town is sur-
weed while Europe, Travis, Nephew, Teitur
rounded by tall mountains and the atmosphere is particu-
and Eivør performed at the festival in the last
larly charming in the dusk. It is a special experience to
years. This experience has been unforgettable
hear the crowds sing along to some of the well-known
for those who experienced it.
Faroese songs.
9 Sept. The Faroe Islands-Hungary, national football match August: The Ovastevna village festival, Nólsoy
The Faroese national football team became
In 1986, Nólsoy native Ove Joensen performed the feat
world famous in 1990 when it beat Austria
of rowing alone from the Faroe Islands to Denmark in his
in its first ever qualifier. The team also made
small oar boat, the Diana Victoria. The journey took 42
the headlines in the last qualifying round
days. Ove was celebrated as a hero when he arrived in
when it beat Greece twice and had two near-
Denmark. He died in a drowning accident in 1987 and
wins against Hungary. Now the team will
the Nólsoy village festival is held in his honour. The Di-
get another chance at beating Hungary. Buy
ana Victoria is on display in Nólsoy.
a flag and come and support the team!
SEPTEMBER 3 sept. The Beautiful Vágar Half-marathon This day Frælsi Athletics Sport Club on Vágar organises Faroe Islands most beautiful half-marathon. It will start in the picturesque village of Gásadalur, and will go through all the vil-
20 august: Running event for women, Tórshavn
lages on Vágar with the finishing line by the church in the village of Sandvágur.
august: SEAMANS DAY in klaksvík
258 mm
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Vit hava hitapumpur, ið taka hita úr luft, sjógvi og jørð. Vit hava serkunnleikin at ráðgeva tær í hvørjar loysnir eru bestar til tín tørv. Set teg í samband við okkum á tlf. 350 300 ella umvegis t-post á demich@demich.fo og fá eitt orkuprát, tað er ikki bara heit luft.
Ring 350 300 Okkara dygd – tín trygd! ATLANTIC REVIEW 4/2016 / 51
Where to visit in the Faroe Islands TEXT UNI ARGE PHOTOS FAROEPHOTO
The Faroe Islands are a captivating composite of past, nature and present. This composition can be experienced the very moment you step off our aircraft in Vรกgar and you see the mountains, lakes and colourful villages, animal life and ever-changing weather on the road to your Faroese travel destinations. In this edition, we highlight some of the destinations that are worth a visit
Historically, Gjógv has been hit hard by boat and shipping
The village of Gjógv to the north of the island of Eysturoy
accidents and this was probably the reason why people
is one of the most recognisable of the villages in the North
from the village started emphasising academic learning.
Atlantic because of the distinctive gorge for which the vil-
There was a time when the village of Gjógv was home to
lage is named. Thousands of travellers visit the village
33 children who had all lost their fathers.
every year and most of them stay at Hotel Gjáargarður. There are 80 houses in the village but today only 26 people
It is impossible to say for certain what the future will be
live here. The population has steadily decreased since
like for the village, but the old life will probably not return.
1940, when it was 283.
Many new holiday homes have been built these last years, which combined with the many travellers during the sumGJÓGV
mer, have turned Gjógv into a lively summer village. In winter they light the colourful lights in the gorge itself and the village is more beautiful than ever in the breaking waves. You can also hike away from the village into the beautiful valley of Ambadalur and see the protruding rock, Búgvin. Not far from Gjógv is Mount Slættaratindur, which is the highest mountain in the Faroe Islands. It takes a mere hour to climb it.
Islands to Denmark in 1986. The trip NÓLSOY
took 42 days and the feat made Ove Joensen world famous. Not far from the village are The Princess Ruins, which are ruins from a settlement that is believed to have belonged to a Scottish princess who settled in Nólsoy. From the village you can hike all the way to the south end of the island,
which is called Borðan. It takes no
Nólsoy is a long and narrow island that protects the capital
more than four hours to walk either
of the Faroe Islands against the harsh easterly winds. Art-
way. This is a very captivating trip,
ists have depicted this beautiful island innumerable times,
which is good for the soul and mind.
and the most beautiful of all the paintings have been paint-
Out on the Borðan you will see the
ed by Nólsoy-native painter Steffan Danielsen. There is
beautiful lighthouse, which has been
also a café in Nólsoy where you can hear live music and
erected out of rocks. Nólsoy is one of
there are several historical buildings to see. The oar boat,
the sunniest places in the Faroe Is-
the Diana Victoria, is kept on display in the boathouse un-
lands and if you are visiting on a good
der the information centre. It belonged to Nólsoy-native
summer’s day, the sun will be up from
Ove Joensen who singlehandedly rowed it from the Faroe
early morning to late evening.
THE SELKIE – A POPULAR STATUE On the Stórakneysa site in the village of Mikladalur on
that no one could enslave. The sel-
the island of Kalsoy is a statue, which has already re-
kie is beautiful and breath taking
ceived iconic status in Faroese art and the tourism in-
to see, and already thousands of
dustry. It was unveiled in 2014 and depicts a selkie,
people has had their pictures taken
who was forced to live with the farmer on the Sun-
with her. You can also buy models
nanágarði farm and to bear him children. The farmer
of her as souvenirs in the shops.
who had stolen her sealskin went fishing one day and she was successful in retrieving her skin and throwing herself back into the sea. The man mourned his loss and took his revenge by murdering the selkie’s children. The selkie’s wrath struck the man, village and the island. In return for the farmer’s misdeed, many men from the island of Kalsoy were cursed to die at sea. The legend of the selkie is a reminder that no good can come of enslaving people. When looking at the statue that sculptor Hans Pauli Olsen has created, you are not in doubt that this is a determined and free woman
MYKINES – THE ISLAND OF PUFFINS AND GANNETS One of the most captivating excursions in the Faroe Islands
shooting at the lighthouse on the islet. The lighthouse was
is the hike from Mykines village to the islet, which is joined
an important strategic target, because they thought that a
to the island by a bridge that is said to be the only bridge
radio station was in the lighthouse. No one was injured by
that crosses the Atlantic Ocean. On the road to the islet,
the attack, but people in the village were terrified by the it.
you pass the puffin habitat, which is like something out of a fairy-tale where you hear the persistent flapping of gentle puffins that return to their holes in the landscape. The gannets can also be seen in the cliff between the island and the islet. Out on the islet you will approach the lighthouse, which lights the westernmost peak in the Faroe Islands.
Archaeological excavations indicate that grain has been grown in Mykines in the 7. century and it is believed that Irish monks lived in solitude on the island around that time. Today only 11 people live on the island. In 1940, 170 people lived on the island. During the Second World War, the villagers were shocked when a German bomber started
VESTMANNABJĂ˜RGINI - THE BREATHTAKING BIRD CLIFFS The bird cliffs of Vestmanna are among the true gems that Faroese tourism has
and protruding rocks with narrow
to offer. Already centuries ago people set sails east along the shoreline to see
sounds. These colourful settings attract
these grand cliffs with their grass-covered steep tops, the vertical rocks project-
travellers while thousands of birds en-
ing from the sea and the teeming bird life. Today boats carry somewhere be-
tertain with their birds’ sounds. Once
tween 10,000 and 15,000 tourists there every year. The spotting of a puffin
you have experienced the bird cliffs of
perfects the trip.
Vestmanna, you never forget them again.
The bird cliffs of Vestmanna are unlike any other cliffs in the Faroe Islands. They are not only vertical cliffs protruding several hundred metres into the air as you see elsewhere. Here there is a multifaceted composition of bird cliffs, green grassy terraces in the cliffs with sheep, high peaks, gorges, grottos, holes
SILVURSNIÐ To find out more about Silvursnid, please visit our shop in Vágsbotn, Tórshavn, or visit us on www.facebook.com/silvursnid
Vestmanna Tourist Centre SagaMuseum · Sightseeing boat-tours Restaurant · Sovenir shop tel (+298) 471500 · touristinfo@olivant.fo · www.visit-vestmanna.com ATLANTIC REVIEW 4/2016 / 59
HESTUR – CONCERTS UNDER THE ISLAND Hestur is a tall and steep island not far from Tórshavn. To the west of the island are the bird cliffs and the top of the island is flat with several small lakes. Hiking on the island is always a breath-taking experience. There have been several popular national meetings in the past. The people of the village of Hestur have traditionally survived by keeping sheep and other livestock as well as fishing. The birds in
the mountains were also a source of food for the people in the past, however, many men have died in the treacherous mountain, and in 1919 a full third of the men in the village were lost at sea. Many travellers come to Hestur during the summer, and the trips to the west of the island are particularly popular, because concerts are held there. Many of these excursions are outlined in travel brochures from the Faroe Islands. Re-
ment so people moved to the place
mains have been fund at the Hælinum site to the south of
where the current village is situated.
the island, which indicate that people have lived here ever
The sloop Norðlýsið often sails from
since original settlement of the Faroe Islands. However,
Tórshavn to Hestur but you can also
conditions have not been favourable for permanent settle-
get to the island by speedboat.
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PICTURES FROM YOUR TRAVELS We have many happy customers and love to hear from them. Here we are showing a small selection of images tagged on Instagram. Would you like your picture in our inflight magazine? Tag your picture with #atlanticairways and your picture just might end up here. Truly, there are many great photographers among our passangers!
Á Kreta minna fólk um føroyingar Oyggin er seks ferðir størri enn Føroyar, og á henni búgva 650.000 fólk. Men á Kreta minna fólk um føroyingar, tí tá tit hittast, spyrja tey bæði, hvør eigur teg, og hvaðani tú ert. Frá 27. juni til 25. juli flýgur Atlantic Airways hvønn mánadag niður á Kreta. Ein hópur av spennandi ferðamálum er at vitja á oynni, sigur Jórun Jacobsen, sum búsettist har í 1990 TEKSTUR UNI ARGE MYNDIR ISTOCKPHOTO, JÓRUN JACOBSEN
Eitt tað mest hugtakandi landið í heiminum, tá um søgu
og fornaldarfrøði ræður, er Grikkaland. Kendasta forn
Jórun Jacobsen úr Havn varð í mars 1990 send niður á
minnið í landinum er Akropolis, og frásagnirnar um,
Kreta at arbeiða í sambandi við, at hon gekk á Spies
hvussu fólkaræðið tók seg upp í landinum, eru hugtakandi
Rejselederskole. Fyrsta dagin á oynni hitti hon mannin,
og spennandi. Griksku sorgarleikirnir eru eisini víðagitnir,
Renos, sum hon giftist við í 1994. Síðan hevur hon
og fleiri minnast ivaleyst, at ein teirra, Antigone, varð
undantikið árini frá 2009 til 2013 búð á oynni, og hon
spældur í Norðurlandahúsinum.
letur sera væl at øllum har – ferðamálunum, náttúruni, siðvenjunum, fólkinum og veðurlagnum.
Grikkaland er eisini kent fyri sínar mongu oyggjar, og ein tann kendasta er Kreta, sum er tann størsta og fólkaríkasta
”Fólk á Kreta eru sera blíð, og grikkar sum heild eru
grikska oyggin. Hon er m.a. kend fyri síni høgu fjøll og
kendir fyri at vera ærligir og álítandi, tó at teir kanska ikki
sínar mongu strendur. Nú verður so lætt hjá føroyingum
altíð eru so skjótir í vendingini,” greiðir Jórun frá. ”Fólk á
sum nakrantíð at vitja oynna, tí frá 27. juni til 25. juli í ár
oynni hugsa ikki so nógv um vinning, men um, hvussu øll
fer Atlantic Airways at flúgva hvønn mánadag niður á
skulu hava tað so gott sum gjørligt fyri lítið og onki. Tey
eru spontan og ganga ikki høgt upp í klokkuna,” sigur hon.
Jórun Jacobsen
Eitt dømi er, at spyrt tú onkran á Kreta, hvat nummar næsta vika í kalendaranum er, fært tú onki svar, tí tað vita fólk ikki, og tey skilja heldur ikki, at nakar tímir at ganga upp í tílíkt. Í smærru bygdunum á oynni eiga fólk bara tað mest neyðuga, men tey eru altíð glað og nøgd. Bara tey hava heilsuna, so er alt gott, plaga tey at siga á bygd.
”Náttúran er sera vøkur, og her eru nógvar vakrar gjáir, Samaria, Imbros, Patsos, Kollita og fleiri aðrar. Søguligu støðini eru m.a. Knossos, Festos og Sakros, og oyggin Spinalonga er serliga kend, tí tey spedølsku búðu har í farnu øld. Kendastu strendurnar eru Elefonisi, Falassarna, Preveli og Vai. Er ov nógv fólk á teimum, kunnu aðrar strendur vitjast,” sigur Jórun.
”Tað, sum altíð hevur hugtikið meg, er, at fólk á Kreta minna nógv um føroyingar. Hvørja ferð tú hittir onkran fyrstu ferð, spyrja tey, hvaðani tú ert, hvussu tú eitur, og hvør eigur teg, og tá tit hava tosað saman eina lítla løtu, kennast tit væl. Sera áhugavert er, hvussu nógv hendan atferðin minnir um okkara,” sigur Jórun Jacobsen. VØKUR NÁTTÚRA Høvuðsstaður á Kreta er Heraklion, sum eisini er størsti býurin. Jórun, maðurin og børnini búgva tætt við býin Rethymno, har hon arbeiddi, tá hon fyrstu ferð kom niður á Kreta. Í dag hevur hon eina ferðaskrivstovu, Melissa Mediterranean, sum selur útferðir og leigar út hús og hotellkømur. Hon er eisini ofta tulkur, tá fremmandafólk vitja, og mong eru ferðamálini, hon viðmælir.
Síni mongu ár á oynni hevur hon lagt til merkis, at flestu ferðafólk vilja uppliva sól og strendur, og onki løgið er í tí, men hon viðmælir eisini fólki at vitja smærru bygdirnar, tí her kann Kreta upplivast, sum Kreta veruliga er. Í bygdunum síggjast eldri konur í svørtum klæðum, og eldri menn sita á kaffistovu. Mitt á vegnum ganga asnar við tungum byrðum. Hetta er autentiskt bygdalív.
Á Kreta eru mong oliventrø, og olivenolja er ein av størstu útflutningsvørunum. Víndrúvur verða nógv dyrkaðar. Tær verða heystaðar í september, tá vínið eisini verður gjørt. Norðurlond innflyta nógvar appilsinir av Kreta. Tær verða tiknar um veturin. Hjá føroyingum kann eisini vera áhuga vert at eygleiða útróðrarbátarnar, sum leggja upp bæði fisk og høgguslokk.
We offer Faroese specialities. Fantastic nature and wildlife. Experience the local people and the calm of Viðareiði. Easy access for wheelchairs.
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Føroysk sápa til føroysku náttúruna
Harða, kálkríka vatnið í útlondum krevur aðra sápu enn bleyta, kálkfría vatnið í Føroyum. Tí er útlendsk sápa vanliga tilsett kálkbindandi evni, sum ávirkar náttúruna, eisini ta føroysku. Kemilux hevur ment eina reina føroyska sápu, ið ikki inniheldur hesi evni.
Fliðan er umhvørvismerkið hjá Kemilux. Fliðan er prógv fyri, at vøran lýkur strangastu ES-krøv viðvíkjandi góðsku og umhvørvi. Hartil inniheldur vøran eingi óneyðug kálkbindandi evni. Fliðumerkt vøra er gjørd við atliti til føroysku náttúruna. Vit eru glað – og fliðan er glað. ATLANTIC REVIEW 4/2016 / 71
In 2008, Pál Joensen attracted the attention of the world when he won three gold medals representing the Faroe Islands at the European Junior Swimming Championship in Belgrade. Since then, the Faroese youngster has achieved several remarkable results in international competitions, and now his home village of Vágur has celebrated his achievements by building the first 50 m pool in the Faroe Islands. Naturally, the pool bears his name - Pálshøll.
Pál Joensen dives into the pool of Pálshøll
It is the 11th of August in 2010. Pál Joensen from Vágur is taking part in the European Swimming Championship in Budapest. The people of Vágur have gathered in Stóra Pakkhús – a local gathering place. The fact that such a young man has achieved so much is truly unexpected and unprecedented. He has made the impossible possible. The crowd cheers as Pál wins the silver medal. The village of Vágur has reared the first elite swimmer the Faroe Islands has ever seen. Jón Bjarnason, Pál Joensen's former trainer
Pál Joensen has trained and trained in Vágur’s 25 m pool for many years in the past. A few years previously, a journalist asked him what his goal with swimming was. He answered that he wanted to become the greatest swimmer in the world. People laughed at that. No one is laughing this day in August of 2010.
Build that man a pool and name it after him! English commentator, European Swimming Championship 2010
Pál wins the silver medal and finally establishes the fact
of a dream bigger than anything ever seen before in the
that the conditions surrounding the activity are not
Faroe Islands. They want to build a 50 m pool.
everything. Pál finished second in Europe in the 1500 m freestyle swimming this day. Despite the fact that he has
“We took the words of that British commentator to heart
only had a 25m pool to train in, he managed to secure a
that day, and a dream was born,” says Dennis Holm.
medal for this feat in a 50 m pool. The five men have nothing. There is no money, no one “Build that man a pool and name it after him!” one
has any tangible plan to invest money in a swimming
English commentator said in the television after the feat.
pool. There is no project description either. No plans. The
The world had once again noticed the talents of the
only thing they have is a dream to see a 50 m swimming
young man from Vágur in the Faroe Islands, and in
pool become reality.
particular, the media picked up the story about the poor training condition.
On the 17th of October in 2015, that blank piece of paper has become a 6-lane 50 m pool, a wellness spa, children’s
pool, fitness centre and café. However, the road leading to
19th of August in 2010. A week has passed since the local
this result has been long and often hopeless.
hero performed the feat. A few local enthusiasts meet: John Henrik Holm, Dennis Holm, Jón Bjarnason, Andrias
Jacobsen and Heri Mortensen. There is a blank sheet of
The five years were characterised by a tremendous will
paper on the table in front of them but their hearts are full
and what some people would call utter madness. Only ATLANTIC REVIEW 4/2016 / 75
Pál Joensen
4600 people live on the village of Suðuroy and it has the
next step was to get the locals to get behind the project
highest unemployment rate in the Faroe Islands. How-
because otherwise, it was never going to happen,” says
ever, that did not stop the entrepreneurs and locals in
Dennis Holm.
creating what many thought was impossible. A full 50 m swimming pool was estimated to cost about DKK 80
Companies and people around the island got together to
million and the entrepreneurs knew that they had to build
complete the grand project and the Government together
it for just a fraction of that cost.
with most of the municipalities on the island provided funding. Companies in Suðuroy gave timber, paint and
When Faroese power company SEV agreed to provide the
other material cheap and volunteers came to lay the floor
swimming pool with excess heat from the local power
and paint the walls and wash. Everything was finished on
plant, it seemed like the million kroner plan just might
17 October in 2015. A hall with a swimming pool for
become reality. Without that excess heating, the daily
competitive swimming along with a spa, fitness centre
operations would just be too expensive.
and a children’s pool was now available. A place where people from all over the country could come and gather.
“They agreed to give us the excess heat, and then the 76 / ATLANTIC REVIEW 4/2016
If we dared to dream big back then, then we certainly must allow ourselves to dream big now that we have proven that it is possible
“Pál sometimes comes here to train. This house bears his name and everyone knows who he is. All I need to do is to shout to the children in the pool that Pál usually trains in lane three. And then they jump in it immediately and fight over who gets to swim laps in it,” Jón Bjarnason, Pál’s former trainer explains. The Swimming Association of Suðuroy is strong – not only in the competition with other swimming associaPÁL DOVE IN FIRST
tions in the Faroe Islands, but as a whole. There are
On that emotional and ceremonious day in October of
several young swimmers who are deemed to be rising
2015, the people of Suðuroy finally saw what they had
stars on the starry skies of competitive swimming, and
fought to make happen. Pál Joensen dove into the pool
for most of them, Pál is the role model.
while local members of the Faroese Government, Sirið Stenberg and Henrik Old held the red tape. And then
“He is the underlying foundation in the swimming
Pálshøll was open to the public.
association, because he is the man who paved the way. He is the one who proved that it was possible despite the
“It was a very emotional moment. Seeing the dream right
poor conditions,” says Jón Bjarnason.
there in all its glory and seeing how people were happy about our new gathering place,” says Dennis Holm.
Pál Joensen and his former trainer dared to dream big dreams when they trained in Vágur’s small 25 m pool and
Today, Pál Joensen lives in Denmark. He trains there daily
they manged to reach many of those big goals together.
for various international competitions and despite the fact that he lives abroad, Pál is still the local hero for the
“If we dared to dream big back then, then we certainly
people of Suðuroy and indeed the people of the Faroe
must allow ourselves to dream big now that we have
Islands as a whole.
proven that it is possible,” says Jón Bjarnason. ATLANTIC REVIEW 4/2016 / 77
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To urge young and enthusiastic people on in such a way as we do in Vágur is something I have not seen elsewhere in the world
However, he is forced to represent Denmark in the Olympics, because the Faroe Islands do not have an Olympic membership. This does not mean, however, that the local community is not behind him wherever his travels take him. “This competitive pool not only gives hope to myself to represent my little community, but also to the young generations of swimmers, athletes and the people of the Faroe Islands as a whole. It gives them inspiration to PÁL IS PROUD OF HIS COMMUNITY
follow their dreams and reach for the skies,” says Pál
Pál Joensen was very proud when the dream of a 50 m
pool finally became reality. The swimmer who has been celebrated innumerable “When I was told that they would build a 50 m competi-
times in front of great crowds is proud of the fact that
tive pool in my home village I was not only proud of my
young swimmers are greeted and guided as well as they
achievements as a swimmer, which was the starting
are in his home village.
spark of the project, but I was proud of the community from where I am from,” says Pál Joensen.
“To urge young and enthusiastic people on in such a way as we do in Vágur is something I have not seen elsewhere
Pál Joensen has often stated that he wants to represent
in the world,” says Pál Joensen.
the Faroe Islands in international competitions and that he wants to see the Faroese flag waving as he collects the
The competitive pool is situated in Oyrini in Vágur and it
medals for his achievements. This has also been the case
cost DKK 9000 for each square metre – or roughly 20
with the European and World Championships, because
million total. That is roughly one quarter of what these
he has been allowed to represent the Faroe Islands.
types of halls normally cost. ATLANTIC REVIEW 4/2016 / 79
Pálshøll - fyrsti 50 m hylurin í Føroyum Pál Joensen vakti ans kring heimin, tá hann í 2008 umboð
Teir fimm menninir høvdu einki. Ongir pengar vóru tøkir,
andi Føroyar vann trý gullmerkir í EM-kappingini í svimjing
tí ongin hevði nakra ítøkiliga ætlan um at seta pengar í ein
fyri juniorar í Beograd.
langhyl. Ongin verkætlanarlýsing fanst heldur. Ella tekningar. Tað einasta, teir høvdu, var ein dreym um at
Pál hevur síðan fingið fleiri einastandandi góð úrslit í
fáa gjørt ein langhyl.
altjóða kappingum, og nú hevur heimbygd hansara, Vágur, heiðrað hann við at byggja Føroya fyrsta 50 m hyl. Hylurin
Mett varð, at langhylurin fór at kosta 70-80 mió. kr., men
eitur Pálshøll.
tá hann stóð liðugur 17. oktober í 2015, kostaði hann bara 20 mió. kr.
Upprunin til verkætlanina var, at Pál Joensen í 2010 var við í EM í Budapest fyri seniorar. Í Stóra Pakkhúsi í Vági
SEV játtaði at geva langhylinum avlopshita frá lokala
vóru bygdafólkini savnað at stuðla honum. Rómurin var
el-verkinum. Vinnulív og fólk í oynni og kring landið gingu
øgiligur, tá Pál vann silvur. Hann gjørdist nummar tvey í
eisini saman um at fremja stóru verkætlanina, samstundis
1500 m frísvimjing, hóast hann frá barnsbeini bara hevði
sum løgtingið og flestu kommunurnar í Suðuroy lótu fígging.
vant í einum 25 m hyli í Vági. Fyritøkur í Suðuroynni lótu timbur, máling og annað tilfar “Bygg hasum manninum ein langhyl og uppkalla hylin
bíliga, og sjálvboðin gjørdu alt frá at leggja gólv á til at
eftir honum,” segði ein enskur viðmerkjari í sjónvarpinum
mála og vaska. Tann 17. oktober 2015 var arbeiðið liðugt.
eftir bragdið. Tann kensluborna og hátíðarliga dagin í oktober 2015 sóu Ein viku seinni hittust nakrar eldsálir á fundi í Vági, John
suðuroyingar so loksins tað, teir høvdu stríðst fyri. Pál
Henrik Holm, Dennis Holm, Jón Bjarnason, Andrias
Joensen kavaði í hylin sum tann fyrsti, meðan landsstýris
Jacobsen og Heri Mortensen. Á borðinum høvdu teir eitt
fólkini, Sirið Stenberg og Henrik Old, hildu í reyða snóri
blankt pappír, men í hjartanum ein dreym, sum var størri
num. Pálshøll var vorðin veruleiki.
enn tað, sum Føroyaland áður hevur sæð. Teir ætlaðu at byggja ein 50 m hyl.
„Langhylurin gevur ikki bara mær stóran íblástur til at umboða mítt lítla samfelag. Hann gevur vónandi eisini
„Vit tóku orðini hjá bretska viðmerkjaranum til okkum
ungum svimjarum, ítróttarfólki og føroyingum sum heild
hendan dagin, og ein dreymur var føddur,“ sigur Dennis
íblástur til at fremja sínar dreymar og bjóða seg fram,“
sigur Pál Joensen.
Auditing // Accounting // Advisory // Tax
In order to foresee the future you must know the past Experts in international taxation and corporate finance issues and advisers to the Faroese business community Reliable and professional since 1964
Faroese Salmon from HiddenFjord The salmon is farmed in the bay of Sørvágur, gutted at the Luna processing factory in Sørvágur and packed in the Vágar airport restaurant. This is how your new in-flight meal is prepared
Salmon & Pepper Baked Salmon filet served with mashed kohlrabi - 4 persons. Put mixed pepper and salt on 600 grams of salmon filet and bake in oven for 15 minutes. Boil and mash one kohlrabi with creme and butter. Serve this on a plate with the baked salmon filet on top and a twist of herbs.
Salmon & Pepper
Salmon &
Sandwich with salmon Pepper mousse - 4 pieces
Baked Salmon filet served with mashed kohlrabi - 4 persons. Salmon mousse: 150 grams of smoked salmon, Put mixed pepper and salt on Baked 600 grams of Salmon filet served 1,5 dl of crème fraîche, two spoons of salmon filet and bake in oven 15 minutes. withformashed kohlrabi - 4 persons.chopped chives, and juice of ½ lemon. Boil and mash one kohlrabi with creme and Blend all ingredients in a mixer. Put mixed butter. Serve this on a plate withpepper the bakedand salt on 600 grams of Put in four ½ sandwiches with salad. salmon filet of and bake in oven for 15 minutes. salmon filet on top and a twist herbs.
Boil and mash one kohlrabi with creme and butter. Serve this on a plate with the baked salmon filet on top and a twist of herbs.
Te l
2 98 23 3 3 20
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In picturesque surroundings, far away from the treadmill of reality, Gjáargarður is the most charming hotel of the Faroe Islands. Enjoy the idyllic village of Gjógv or go hiking in the impressive countryside. Back at the hotel, a lovely dinner awaits your fresh and uplifted spirit. Gjógv is ideally situated – enjoy local attractions or go sightseeing by car. The northern islands are less than an hour away, as is Tórshavn, the cosy historic capital. With our friendly service and hospitality, you are guaranteed an unforgettable stay.
Welcome to Gjáargarður Guesthouse of Gjógv FO-476 Gjógv, Faroe Islands Tel. +298 42 31 71 info@gjaargardur.fo www.gjaargardur.fo
GJÁARGARÐUR Guesthouse of Gjógv ATLANTIC REVIEW 4/2016 / 83
KROSS orðagáta
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býur í Avstralia, ið 1 Næststørsti var vertsbýur fyri fyrstu olymp-
í røstum kjøti, ið verður 4 Smakkur róptur tann fimti smakkurin eftir
isku leikirnar uttanfyri USA og Evropa í 1956.
.net 2015
Í 2014 gjørdi Katrin Ottarsdóttir henda sjálvbiografiska filmin um eina sálarsjúka mammu og ein víkjandi pápa.
Rannsóknarfari, ið ferðaðist til Kina í 13. øld og gjørdist vinur við Kublai Khan.
Fronsk Heilsan
súrt, søtt, beiskt og salt.
lati upp
táttur Nólsoyar Páls, ið 5 Kendasti er 229 ørindi langur. hesi norsku kommunu, bara ein 6 Ítíma frá flogvøllinum í Bergen, er eitt skíðstað, ið er ein sonn perla fyri skíðentusiastar.
linja rÚka illa
griks. Bóks.
partur av HÚsi skordýr
gera glaðan
akurknívur teknikkur
ímynda sær
seyðir gevur lyFti gera Beinan
stígi stórum
stakkur av Hoyggj
land í aFrika samleikaprógv veikt ljóð
Fáa sær skriFt gisting
Beiggi gerist Betri oyðimørk
S U d o k u
land í evropa
6 1
2 1 4
5 6 3 4 9 1
Fekk eyga á Fenaður
stór skál
7 9 5 2
1 3 9 4 6 6 2 1 9 5 9 3 6 5
8 7
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2 7 8 6 8 1 4 9 3 6 4 2 6 1 4 7 2 5 3 3 8
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This could be you
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Barnasíðan Eftir Rebekku J. Simonsen
Hvar fara børnini at ferðast?
Finn veg
Hjálp tjaldrinum at finna veg heim til Føroya
Fá øll orðini at passa inn í puntarnar PLANTUR ÁRAR VASI BRILLUR KETTLINGAR
Hvønn lit hava blómurnar? Set linjur ímillum
Rósa Páskalilja
Blá Reyð
Gloym-meg-ei Summardái
0+ ár
3+ ár
V 1000el mbillum til bør økur n og u ng
7+ ár
10+ ár
Faroe Law provides legal assistance to business enterprises with an emphasis on the commercial, practical and pragmatic objectives of the client. Our areas of practice include: Mergers and acquisitions Company law Project development and financing • Restructuring and insolvency law • Building and construction law
Banking and financing law Oil and gas law Maritime law • Tax law • International contracts
Faroe Law is an independent Faroese Law Firm with associated offices in Copenhagen, Aarhus, Nuuk, Moscow and Kiev. We are result oriented and provide a personal tailored service to our clients. www.faroelaw.fo · faroelaw@faroelaw.fo Faroe Islands Faroe Law P/F Magnus Heinasonar gøta 10 Postbox 158 FO - 100 Tórshavn Tel. (+298) 66 99 00
Copenhagen DELACOUR Law Firm Langebrogade 4 1411 København K Tel. (+45) 70 11 11 22
Aarhus DELACOUR Law Firm Åboulevarden 11 8000 Aarhus C Tel. (+45) 70 11 11 22
Greenland Nuna Advokater A/S Qulilerfik 2, 6 Postbox 59 3900 Nuuk Tel. (+299) 32 13 70
Russia DELACOUR Law Int. Aps M. Dmitrovka 23/15, ap. 3 127006 Moscow Tel. (+7) 495 589 1189
Ukraine DELACOUR Law Int. Aps 59, Zlylyans´ka Street Suite 107 Kiev 01033 Tel. (+38) 04 42 07 08 98
Søgan um Atlantic Airways Atlantic Airways fleyg sín fyrsta túr millum Føroyar og Danmark 28. mars í 1988. Felagið varð formliga sett á stovn 10. november í 1987 við tveimum eigarum, Føroya Landsstýri og Cimber Air. Tað var ikki nøkur løtt uppgáva at loysa Atlantic Airways úr lagdi. Raksturin gav hall fyrstu árini, og tá búskaparkreppan í Føroyum av álvara fór at gera um seg í 1992, var eginognin hjá felagnum horvin. Cimber Air var tá farið úr felagnum, og landsstýrið mátti tí einsamalt taka um endan. Loysnin var, at landsstýrið teknaði 75 milliónir krónur í nýggjum partapeningi, og við tí eydnaðist at geva føroyska flog felagnum nýtt lív. Tey ringastu kreppuárini eydnaðist ikki at fáa Atlantic Airways at geva avlop, men gongdin vendi. Í 1995 hevði felagið á fyrsta sinni avlop á rakstrinum. Hetta árið varð virksemið spakuliga víðkað til eisini at umfata flúgving til Íslands. Atlantic Airways átók sær at standa fyri hesi flúgving í samstarvi við Air Iceland. Árini eftir gekk skjótt hjá Atlantic Airways. Felagið fór at flúgva millum Ísland og Grønland og fleiri leigutúrar úr Keypmannahavn til Bosnia. Og í 1998 gjørdi Atlantic Airways av at leiga eitt flogfar aftrat. Við tveimum flogførum bar til at víðka flúgvingina uppaftur meira. Fyrst varð túratalið millum Føroyar og Danmark økt. Í 1998 fór felagið at flúgva til Skotlands og í 1999 eisini til Noregs. Víðkaða flúgvingin fekk stóra undirtøku millum manna, og felagið fekk tí tørv á eini varandi loysn fyri flogfør.
Farið varð til samráðingar um keyp av nýggjum flogfari í oktober 1999. Sáttmáli varð undir skrivaður í november, og 2. februar í 2000 stóð næsta flogfarið av slagnum British Aerospace 146-200 í Vágum. Síðan hevur Atlantic Airways víðkað nógv um talið á flogførum og fráferðum. Í dag eru fýra flogfør og tvær tyrlur í flotanum. Í januar 2008 undirskrivaði felagið sáttmála við Airbus um at keypa nýtt flogfar av slagnum A 319. Flogfarið varð sett í flúgving 28. mars í 2012, og stutt eftir varð farið at flúgva beinleiðis til Barcelona. Í september 2012 vann felagið Airline of the Year-heiðursløn á aðalfundinum hjá European Regions Airline Association í Dublin í Írlandi. Dómsnevndin segði, at avrikini at taka í nýtslu heilt nýggja navigatiónstøkni á Airbus-flogfarinum og prógva sítt stóra virði fyri Føroyar eru einastandandi. Føroya landsstýri einskildi í 2007 ein triðing av Atlantic Airways, og felagið varð tá skrásett á virðisbrævamarknaði. Í 2014 samtykti løgtingið eftir uppskoti frá landsstýrinum at keypa einskilda triðingin aftur frá privatu partaeigarunum, og landsstýrið eigur nú aftur alt felagið.
S/N 5079
S/N 2186
S/N 3905
Type: Seats: Engines: Length: Wingspan: Max Speed: Max Range:
Airbus 319-112 144 2xCFMI CFM56-5B/7. 33,84 m 33,91 m 911 Km /t 5.984 Km
Type: Seats: Engines: Length: Wingspan: Max Speed: Max Range:
Airbus 319-115 144 2xCFMI CFM56-B6/P. 33,84 m 33,91 m 911 Km /t 5.984 Km
Type: Seats: Engines: Length: Wingspan: Max Speed: Max Range:
Airbus 319-11x 144 2x2xCFMI FM56-5B6/3. 33,84 m 33,91 m 911 Km /t 5.984 Km
Faroe Islands Bergen
Aalborg Edinburgh Billund
41987: Atlantic Airways stovnað 41988: Heri Mortensen verður stjóri. Fyrsti túrur millum Danmark og Føroyar
41992: Cimber Air úr felagnum 41995: Magni Arge verður stjóri 41995: Íslands-leiðin stovnað 41998: Grønlands-leiðin stovnað 41998: Nýtt flogfar leigað 41998: Skotlands-leiðin stovnað 41999: Noregs-leiðin stovnað
41999: Nýtt flogfar í flotan 42007: Skrásett á
42008: Sáttmáli við Airbus 42012: Barcelona-leiðin stovnað 42012: Nýtt Airbus-flogfar í flotan
42013: Annað og triðja Airbusflogfarið koma í flotan
42013: Jørgen Holme tekur við sum stjóri
42014: Atlantic Airways kunnger nýggja strategi
42015: Jóhanna á Bergi verður fjórði stjórin í felagnum
42016: Flúgva niður á Kreta
SN: 36133
BELL Helicopter Textron BELL 412EP/HP 2 STK Pratt & Whitney
Engines: PT6T-3D Lenght: Width: Main-rotor, diameter: Sling: Max Speed: Average Speed: Max Altitude: Max Flighttime: Max Range: Seats:
12,90 M 2,50 M 14,00 M 1300 KG 259 Km/T 231 Km/T 6000 FT 4 Hours 874 Km 10 (13)
SN: 36069
BELL Helicopter Textron BELL 412EP/HP Engines: 2 STK Pratt & Whitney PT6T-3D Lenght: 12,90 M Width: 2,50 M Main-rotor, diameter: 14,00 M Sling: 1300 KG Max Speed: 259 Km/T Average Speed: 231 Km/T Max Altitude: 6000 FT Max Flighttime: 4 Hours Max Range: 874 Km Seats: 10 (13)
Useful information
INFORMATION OFFICES Visitnordoy/Klaksvík, tel. 45 69 39 Visiteysturoy/Fuglafjørður, tel. 23 80 15 Visiteysturoy/Runavík, tel. 41 70 60 Visitvagar/Sørvágur, tel. 33 34 55 Visittorshavn/Tórshavn, tel. 30 24 25 Visitsandoy/Sandur, tel. 36 18 36 Visitsuduroy/Tvøroyri, tel. 61 10 80 Visitsuduroy/Vágur, tel. 23 93 90
LOCATION AND SIZE Situated in the heart of the Gulf Stream in the North Atlantic at 62°00’N, the Faroe Islands lie northwest of Scotland and halfway between Iceland and Norway. The archipelago is composed of 18 islands covering 1399 km2 (545.3 sq.miles) and is 113 km (70 miles) long and 75 km (47 miles) wide, roughly in the shape of an arrowhead. There are 1100 km (687 miles) of coastline and at no time is one more than 5 km (3 miles) away from the ocean. The highest mountain is 882 m (2883 ft) above sea level and the average height above sea level for the country is 300 m (982 ft).
EMERGENCY ASSISTANCE Dial 112 for any type of emergency assistance anywhere in the country. First aid is provided at the hospitals in Tórshavn, Klaksvík and Tvøroyri. HEALTH INSURANCE Citizens of Nordic countries and Great Britain are covered under their respective public health plans while in the Faroes. Residents of other countries will need to acquire theirown traveller’s health insurance. BANKING HOURS Banks in major towns and some villages are open from 9:30 to 16:00 weekdays. All banks are closed on Saturdays and Sundays. Secure Automatic Teller Machines (ATMs) are available from 6:00 until 02:00 every day. BUSINESS HOURS Most shops are open from 10.00-17.30. On Thursday and Friday many are open until 18.00. Shops close on Saturday at 14.00. SMS shopping centre in Tórshavn is open until 18.00. Most shops are closed on Sunday. Kiosks, petrol stations and most bakeries do not close until 23.00, also on a Sunday. POSTAL SERVICES The main post office in Tórshavn is open Monday to Friday 09.0017.00. Village post offices have shorter opening hours. Please note that all post offices are closed on Saturdays and Sundays. TRANSPORT A well developed transport network makes it easy to travel around the islands. Timetables for the helicopter, buses and ferries can be found in all travel and tourist offices, as well as on board all ferries and in the hotels. CAR HIRE It is possible to hire a car at the airport in Vágar, in Tórshavn and several other places around the islands. For more information, contact the tourist offices. MOUNTAIN HIKING Due to the changeable weather, it is advisable to take a map and warm clothes. Never go alone. CURRENCY As a self-governing region of the Kingdom of Denmark, the Faroese government prints its own currency, the króna, although Danish coins are used. The exchange value is equivalent to the Danish krone. TIME DIFFERENCE The local time is GMT, which is one hour behind CET (Denmark Norway - Sweden). 90 / ATLANTIC REVIEW 4/2016
CLIMATE The weather is maritime and quite changeable, from moments of brilliant sunshine to misty hill fog, to showers. The Gulf Stream encircling the islands tempers the climate. The harbours never freeze and the temperature in winter time is very moderate considering the high latitude. Snowfall occurs, but is shortlived. The average temperature ranges from 3,5°C in winter to 12°C in the summer. In sheltered areas, the temperature can be much higher, but the air is always fresh and clean no matter what the season. POPULATION The population is 48.704 (1st January 2015). More than 20.000 people live in the metropolitan area which comprises Tórshavn, Kirkjubøur, Velbastaður, Nólsoy, Hestur, Koltur, Hoyvík, Argir, Kaldbak, Kaldbaksbotnur, Norðradalur, Syðradalur, Hvítan es, Sund, Kollafjørður, Signabøur and Oyrareingir, while about 4,600 people live in Klaksvík, the second largest town in the Faroe Islands. FORM OF GOVERNMENT Since 1948, the Faroe Islands have been a self governing nation of the Kingdom of Denmark. It has its own parlia ment and its own flag. It is not, however, a member of the European Union and all trade is governed by special treaties. LANGUAGES SPOKEN Faroese is the national language and is rooted in Old Norse. Nordic languages are readily understood by most Faroese, and English is also widely spoken, especially among the younger people. RELIGION Religion plays an important part in Faroese culture and over 80% of the population belong to the established church, the Evangelical-Lutheran. 10% of the population belong to the Christian Brethren (Plymouth Brethren). INDUSTRY The fishing industry is the most important source of income for the Faroes. Fish products account for over 97% of the export volume. Tourism is the second largest industry, followed by woollen and other manufactured products.
Mainroad Denmark, Iceland, Norway, Scotland and Spain Ferry routes Denmark Helicopter
Bus routes
Airport Tunnel (no toll) Sub-sea tunnel (Toll)
Heimsins besti laksur byrjar sum heimsins besta rogn Á Marine Harvest hjúkla vit um hvønn smálut í framleiðsluni. Rogn, smolt og laksur mugu hava bestu umstøður at mennast, so at vit kunnu framleiða heimsins besta laks. Við áhaldandi nýhugsan og burðardyggari menning er Marine Harvest vorðin størsti og fremsti framleiðari av aldum atlantslaksi, Atlantic Salmon. 92 / ATLANTIC REVIEW 4/2016