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Sant Bani Magazine J U ~ Y1991

The Voice of the Saints

With Love and Keen Interest

V O ~ 16-1 .

Sant Bani Magazine The Voice of the Saints July 1991 - Volume 16, Number 1

With Love and Keen Interest Baba Sawan Singh Ji a letter

Message to the Graduates Sant Ajaib Singh Ji June 19, 1991

The Precise Work of the Master Guillermo Torres from a talk given May 19, 1991 --


Masters Always Shower Grace Sant Ajaib Singh Ji a question G. anszuer talk from March 31, 1981



change of address for Pappu Photocredits: Cover (painting of Baba Sawan Singh), artist unknown; p. 1 (top), Bobbe Baker; p. 2, Jonas Gerard; pp. 7, 25, Pat Brown; p. 28, Charlie Boynton; back cover, Tom Kuhner; others unknown. SANT BANlIThe Voice of the Saints is published periadically by Sant Bani Ashram, Inc., Sanbornton, N.H., U.S.A., for the purpose of disseminating the leaehings of Ihc living Master, Sant Ajaib Singh Ji, of His Master, Param Sant Kirpal Singh J1, and of the Masters who preceded them. Editor Emeritus: Russell Perkins. Editor: Richard Shannon, with kind assistance from: John Brock, Pat & Nancy Brown, Marsha Fader, Edythe Grant, and Susan Shannon. Annual rubs&ption rate in U.9. $30.00. Individual issues $2.50. Back issues $2.50. Forelgn and special mailing rates available o n request. All checks and money orders should be made payable to Sant Bani Ashram, and all payments from outside the U.S. should be oa an International Money Order or r check drawn o n a New York bank (with a micro-enmded number). Correspondence should be addressed to Sant Bani Ashram, Franklin, N.H. 03235, U.S.A. Articles, including stories and poems, on the theory and practice of Sant Mat, are most welcome. Views expressed in individual articles are not necessarily the views of the journal.

Attack the Mind's Fort Sant Ajaib Singh Ji Their very own. They understand every religion of this world as Their very own and They understand this world as Their home. They also lovingly tell us that this Path is not the Path of doing propaganda or making publicity. This is a Path of uniting with God, and after meeting with Him, this is a Path of keeping quiet. Lovingly He says that one who says that he knows everything in fact is the ignorant one. He who knows everything does not tell others. Sufi Saint Farid also says the same thing. He says that in patience you gain everything. Patience gains all and the Masters who have so much patience in Them, even though They are very close to God Almighty, still They do not leak out the secret to anyone. Whenever the Saints come into this world, They never say, "We are the Masters," or "We are the teachers," or "We are your gurus." They always look at our souls because the soul is the innocent one. All the problems are with the mind. So when the Masters come into this world, They do not claim to be our teacher or our Guru or Master. They tell us, "You may understand us as your elder brother or you may call us as your friend. You may call us with any name you want." But They do tell us, "Whatever the Masters This Satsang was given on July 26, are telling you to do-you do that; 1990, at Sant Bani Ashram, Sanborn- follow Their teachings, go within and see the reality with your own eyes. And ton, N.H. after you have seen the reality, you


to My Beloved Gurudev who had so much mercy on this poor soul. You know how this world is; it is a jungle of passions and difficulties. Here the souls are suffering in pain all over the world and there is no peace anywhere outside. If someone showers grace on you and if He has mercy on you, mercy and grace that you cannot get from anything outside-you can only get that from the Master-so there are no words through which I can thank My Beloved Master for all the Grace He showered on Me. Only after going within can we thank the Master for all the Grace and Mercy He has showered upon us. A brief hymn of Kabir Sahib is presented to you tonight. Kabir Sahib was born in a very poor family in the Muslim religion but many people belonging t o different religions, Hindus and others, came t o Kabir Sahib and they became His disciples. People from all different walks of life and many great kings and emperors also came to Kabir Sahib and they got initiation from Him and they became His disciples. Sant Mat is not any community, it is not any religion. It is a path of improving ourselves. Saints have love for all the religions and all the countries of this world. They understand this whole world as AM VERY GRATEFUL

July 1991


may call us by any name you want." Masters do not make us change our religion. They do not make us take up any outer appearance. They do tell us that this body is the covering of our soul; and it does not make any difference with which garment you cover this outer covering (which is covering our soul) because the outer appearances which we might take up do not have any connection with our soul. So a brief hymn of Kabir Sahib is presented to you. One of His disciples came to Him and asked Him this question, "Master, what do You think this world is, or how do You see this world?" So Kabir Sahib replied, "This world is like a battlefield and there are two different kinds of wars or battles going on. One is the battle to obtain wealth, women, and name and fame; and the other battle going on in this world is happening on the mental level." Saints and Mahatmas have fought that battle and They have gained the victory over their mind. They go within and Masters put whoever follows Them on this Path and They make them fight in the battlefield. They tell us how we have to go within ourselves and how we have to fight with the five passions: lust, anger, greed, attachment, and egoism. Since They themselves have gained victory over the mind, They teach Their disciples to do the same. He says that in the Silver Age people fought for women. Ravana was a very mighty king, a very mighty warrior. Using his might and power, he abducted Sita, the wife of Lord Rama. In order to release her from Ravana, Lord Rama went and fought a very fierce battle in which many people were killed. * * The story is told in the Ramayana.

In the Copper Age, people fought for wealth. We often read in the great epic Mahabharata, about the battle between the Pandavas and the Korovas who were cousins; they fought over land and wealth. Lord Krishna went to Deryodana, the eldest son of the Korovas, and asked him to give the Pandavas, his cousins, five villages so that they could maintain themselves. But Deryodana was so adamant that he said, "No, I will not give anything to the Pandavas. I am not willing to give them even that much land as it takes to hold the tip of a needle-what to talk about giving them five villages." So because of land and wealth they fought that long battle and many people got killed in that battle. And India lost so much in that battle that still it has not recovered from that loss. So we have to fight this mental battle with our mind. Mahatmas lovingly tell us that we do not have any enemy outside in this world who would be as powerful or as mighty as our mind. Mind is our greatest enemy and he is sitting within us. If we are able to gain a victory over our mind, if we are able to conquer our mind, then we can easily reach the Creator of this creation. Guru Nanak says that even though one has to fight with the five mighty warriors, but still, since the disciple has the protective hand of the Master on his back, he can easily triumph over them. He says that even though the disciple has t o fight with the five warriors - the five passions are the five warriors-but since the Master is always with the disciple, He's always there t o protect the disciple, that is why we can easily continue our battle with the passions and we can easily gain a victory over them. Kabir Sahib calls this human body SANT BANI

as a fort. Here He will explain to us how He gains the victory over this indestructible fort, how He went within and how He gained the real eternal peace. 0 Brother, how to conquer this

strong fort which has double walls and three-fold moat? So Kabir Sahib lovingly tells us that you might have seen the forts of the ancient time. Most of the forts were made strong by having double walls so that if the enemy was able to break through one wall of the fort, the other wall would be there to keep them out of the fort. So Kabir Sahib lovingly tells us that this body is also like a fort and just as the ancient forts were made with two walls, in the same way, this human body also has two walls. One is the attraction for outer entertainment and music and things like that; and the other wall which we have to break through is the wall of duality. And if you have seen any fort of the ancient times, you would have seen that there is a moat around the fort. In the same way there is moat around the mind's fort which is made up of the three attributes: rajo gun, tam0 gun, and sato gun. * Even Brahma, Vishnu, and Mahesh - the three deities who are responsible for the creation, maintenance, and destruction of the creation - are controlled by rag0 gun, tam0 gun, and sato gun. And just as at the entrance of a fort you see guards, in the same way, at the entrance of this human fort there are two guards - sins and the virtues. You might have read in the book The Ocean of love: the Anurag Sagar * The three gunas, or qualities, are energy, inertia, and purity.

of Kabir Sahib, how Sat Parush was pleased by the Negative Power because he did the devotion of Sat Parush and he pleased Him. Because of that devotion he got the boon from the Sat Parush to create his own creation. He got the souls from Sat Parush and he imprisoned the souls in the cage of the body and he attached the mind to them and he involved the souls in so many different things of this world, that he made the souls forget the Real Home. Negative Power did the devotion of Sat Parush or the Positive Power, the Almighty One, once for seventy ages, another time for sixty-four ages. This is also just an estimation. Nobody knows for how much time he did the devotion of the Positive Power, but Sat Parush became pleased with him and Negative Power asked for the souls. So you will understand that the Negative Power who got the souls after doing so much devotion, after doing so much sacrifice, does not let the souls go easily. That is why, in order to keep the souls here with him, he has created so many things. Don't understand that this body in which our soul is trapped is only made of skin, flesh, and bones. He has put so many other things within our body to keep the soul there. The powers or forces which are put within our body by the Negative Power to keep the soul here are so powerful that we can not defeat them by any intellectual wrestling or by reading of the Holy Scriptures, or by doing anything of an outward nature. There is only one way we can defeat those forces or powers which are within our body, and Kabir Sahib will explain to us how we can do that. He says that we can defeat those powers only with the Grace of the Master and only by using

the power of Simran which we get from the Master.

Kabir Sahib lovingly tells that within our body the Negative Power has kept many powerful forces, but five of them are very powerful and they all have the very powerful commanders of those forces; they are lust, anger, greed, attachment, and egoism, and, moreover he has kept twenty-five prakritis" and they are also equally powerful.

told me that I had to close my eyes in respect to the world and I had to open them inside. At that time, from the eyes of this poor soul, the tears rolled down and I requested to My Beloved Lord, "Master, how am I going to overcome all the difficulties; how am I going to face all these difficulties. Until You shower Grace upon me, how can I do all this?" He said, "I promise that I will always be by your side and I will always come here when you need me." So My Beloved Gurudev fulfilled His promise and whenever I needed Him, He was always there. He always came there t o see me.

The poor soul does not have an.y control over them, 0 Lord, what should I do?

Lust is the window, pains & happiness are the doorkeepers, sins and virtues are the doors.

Kabir Sahib calls himself as the poor one, or as an orphan one; he calls himself as the most humble one. He says, "0 Lord, I am the poor one, 1 don't have any strength, I am the orphaned one. How can I fight with all these powerful forces which are within me, unless You help me? Unless You give me Your Power, I can not fight with them. Kindly shower Grace upon me t o fight with these forces just as You helped Lord Rama when he was killing the demons - You came to help him in the same way, please help me so that I can kill these forces." When my Beloved Guru Dev told me to make a small room in which to meditate, He put His hands on my eyes and

Now Kabir Sahib says that in order to enter this fort, this human body, first of all we need to go through the window which is in the two doors of this fort. Those who have gone to Rajasthan, if you remember, there is a small window-like door in one of the two big doors of the main gate of the ashram. And they keep that main gate closed and only that small window kind of door opened for people to come in and go out. So He says that in order to enter that fort, this fort of the human body, first of all we need to go through that small window which is kept opened. But over there we have these two people guarding that door: the pains and happiness, sins and virtues are the ones who are guarding that door and first of all we need to rise above them in order to enter this fort. So Kabir Sahib here says that in order to enter the fort, first of all we need to open the door of the pains and the happiness. You know that nobody

Five passions, twenty-five categories, attachment, pride and jealousy. AN lean on the powerful Maya.

* Prakriti may be roughly translated as attribute. In The Crown of Life Master Kirpal describes it as the active life principle behind form and color; it resides in the astral plane. The same thing in the causal plane is called pradhan, and in the physical plane it is called maya. It also connotes the unity of the thing and its essence, e.g. water and wetness.


asks for pain-everybody wants the happiness. And when we get involved in the happiness, we forget God Almighty. So this is the trick of the mind. Sometimes he bothers us with pain; sometimes he involves us in happiness. He does all this so that we may forget our real work and we may forget going to God Almighty. So that is why Kabir Sahib lovingly says here that first of all one needs t o rise above the pain and happiness if he wants to enter the fort.

The great dreadful anger is the commander, And the rebel mind is the king. Kabir Sahib says that when we finally enter this fort, this human body, first of all we have to face the forces of anger. Anger is like a commander of the forces which are within us and first of all when anger sees us coming there, he creates the darkness within us and that is why it is said that when we are attacked by anger, our vision becomes hazy, we cannot see anything. And that is why it is said that anger chews up all our good qualities. When anyone goes within after doing the meditation, the mind orders his forces to go and fight with the meditator and anger is like the commander of those forces. That is why when we do the meditation, we are always bothered by one or the other of these forces. Further Kabir Sahib says that neither an unchaste person nor an angry person can do the devotion of the Lord. The greedy person also cannot do the devotion of the Lord. By remaining unchaste or by falling into lust, our soul falls down and we cannot rise above. When we get angry our attention gets spread out everywhere, our vision becomes hazy and we cannot see the things very clearly. And a

greedy person can never even think about doing the devotion of the Lord. Kabir Sahib says, "Only some brave one who has risen above all these forces of mind, who has gained a victory over all these forces of mind, can do the devotion of the Lord."

Wearing the armor of taste and the helmet of attachment, one aims the bow of ignorance. Now Kabir Sahib says, "You see how much mind has protected himself. He is wearing the helmet of the pleasures of this world. In his bag he has the arrows of bad intellect." If somehow we are able to come to the mind we have to break his helmet. He wears a helmet like people who ride motorcycles wear-it is very strong and he has protected himself very much. He also has the arrows of bad intellect which he tries to shoot at us. First of all we are not able to go to the mind, but somehow - after killing all the forces of the mind-when we are able to reach the mind, he has protected himself so much, that it becomes very difficult for us to break through all the protective things which he has and we have to fight a very fierce battle with him. Kabir Sahib also tells us about the attachment. Suppose there was a person who used to live in a village and he migrated to a city. He lived in the city for a very long time and after some time another person from his village came to visit him in the city. So the person who had moved from the village earlier and was living in the city asks the villager, "How is everything in the village?" So the villager tells him all about what happened in the village since he left. He says, "Well, such and such person left the body . . . So and SANT BANI

so lost his father . . . and such and such person lost this thing or that thing." So when he goes on telling things about the other people, the city person goes on listening to all these things but he does not get excited or worried about them. But finally when the village person says, "There was a big flood which has washed away your home." Then the city person becomes very much worried and he then cries out in pain. He starts snatching his hair because he's attached to his own home, to his own family, that is why he cannot stand the bad news about his family. When I was about fifteen years old, once there was a fire in our village and we were about five or six hundred meters away from the village, playing and my uncle was also there. So when we saw the fire in the village, everybody thought about running to the village to try to put out that fire. And when we were going to do that, my uncle said, "Well, don't bother about that fire; let people die in that fire," without realizing that his own home was on fire. Later on when he learned that his house was burned in the fire and nothing was left, since he was so much attached to his own things and his own home, he could not bear that pain and he thought of going to the well and jumping into it and committing suicide. So you see that this is called the attachment. We cannot bear even a little bit of loss when it comes to our own self. It does not matter if other people are losing a great deal, we are not bothered. But when we lose anything which we are attached to, we cannot bear it. Kabir Sahib says that the mind has protected himself very much by wearing very powerful armor on him which

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is very difficult to destroy. But when anyone who gets the initiation from the Perfect Master goes within, after killing all the forces, when he finally comes to face the mind and if he uses the weapon which has been given to him by the Master, then he can easily destroy, he can easily cut that armor which the mind is wearing.

The arrow of desires remains within, The fort cannot be conquered like this. Kabir Sahib tells us, "Dear ones, lovingly I am telling you about all the weapons which the mind has in his store. He has the arrows of the desires and that is why no matter how much you have, but still your desires, your greed, goes on increasing." That is why He says that even if one collects millions and billions, still he goes on desiring more and more; and the more one goes on collecting, the more he wants. Once there was a disciple of a Master who served the Master with the desire that maybe someday the Master would become pleased with him and He would give him something. After some time, he came to the Master and said, "Master, now it has become very difficult for me to maintain my family. Kindly shower grace on me and give me something." His Master was pleased with him and so He gave him four candles and told him, "Take these candles and light one candle and go in one direction. Dig in the place where this candle goes out; take whatever you find there, and take care of your family. Then don't have more desires and don't use any other candle and don't go to any other site, any other direction. But if still you want to have more, you 9

can light another candle, go in another direction and whatever you find there, remain content with that. But if you still cannot do that, light the third candle, go in a third direction and take out whatever you get from that, but never go in the fourth direction. So he went home with the candles. First he lit one candle, he went to one direction. And he dug at the place where it went out, and he found some silver coins. He came back home but you know that he was not satisfied. His desire was very strong to have more and more, and he did not control his mind; he took another candle out and he lit it and went to another direction where he found some gold coins. Then he thought let me try another direction also because it is possible that I may get something even more valuable. So when he went in a third direction, he got some even more valuable things. Still he was not satisfied and then he thought, "Maybe in the forth direction, which my Master has told me not to go, Master has some hidden treasure or something very valuable, more valuable than all the things I've got and I should find that out. " So he went in the fourth direction; his Master had prohibited him from going there, but still he went. And when the candle went out and he dug at that place he saw a house under the earth. He saw a door, which he opened, and then he saw a person who was buried under the roof of that house as if he was carrying the roof of that house on his head. So he asked that person, "Is there any hidden treasure over here?" That person said, "Yes, there is a very big treasure here, but since I have this roof on my head, I will not be able to show you where it is.

Can you help me with this roof? Why don't you come and take this roof on your head and then when I am free I will tell you where the treasure is." So when he did that, the person who had been trapped there said, "Well, I also came here looking for the hidden treasure because I was not content with whatever my Master gave me. Now if someone who has more greed than you comes here, only then will you get free." So this is the condition of those who are greedy, those who do not become content with whatever they are given by God. Baba Bishan Das used to tell one very interesting story about the greed. He said that once there was a pundit who had a cat. The pundit had taught that cat to sit still with a burning lamp on its head while the he would tell stories or give lectures to the people. This was to impress the people that even birds and animals were in the control of that pundit. He wanted to attract more people that is why he was showing this trick and everyday he had this burning lamp on the head of the cat. So people would come there and since people were very innocent, they would praise him a lot. They used to think that the cat was also doing the devotion of that pundit and they were very impressed by the devotion of that cat. You know that along with the innocent people, sometimes some clever people also come. So one day a clever person came there and he thought of playing a trick on the pundit. So he brought a mouse in a cage, and he covered it with a towel, and he sat down in the audience near the cat. The pundit started telling his story or whatever he was doing. And the cat was sitting there still with the burning lamp SANT BANI

on her head. But after some time when the man saw that all the audience was very much enjoying the story of the pundit and that everybody was very happy and content, he removed that cloth from the cage. When the cat saw that there was a mouse in front of her, she did not stay still, she at once tried to snatch the mouse. Then everybody was surprised; they had always seen the cat sitting perfectly still with the burning lamp on her head. This was the first time that the cat had moved. So they asked the clever person what was the reason. The clever person who had played the trick said, "You see, dear ones, this cat was doing the devotion as long as she had not seen the mouse, but when she saw the mouse she forgot about her devotion." So this is the condition of those who are greedy. They seem to be doing the devotion of God as long as they do not see anything which they can have. But when they see that there is something they can get, they forget about doing the devotion of God and they run after that greed.

Using the dynamite of love, and the rocket of attention, fire the cannonball of wisdom. Now Kabir Sahib says that no matter how many powerful forces our mind and the Negative Power have deployed within us, still those warriors who have determined to win the battle do not care about any of those forces. They march into the battlefield and they never cease the fight. So here Kabir Sahib says, "What did I do in order to fight with the Negative Power and the mind? I threw the bomb of knowledge given to me by my Master, and I used the love of the Master as dynamite t o

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blow up all the stations of the Negative Power and the mind within me." You know how you can destroy even big hills and mountains using dynamite. In the same way, Kabir says that He destroyed the hills and mountains of the Negative Power, and He threw the bomb of knowledge which He had received from His Master, and in this way He destroyed all the creation of the Negative Power within.

The fire of Brahm is lit easily and with one attack the fort is seized. Now He says, "When I threw the bomb of the knowledge of the Master, the fire of knowledge came out from that bomb and the forces of the Negative Power could not stand that fire. And all the five passions - the five forces of the Negative Power and mind - started running here and there. At once I ordered my forces not to let them go. I asked them to kill those forces of the Negative Power right there. In the place of lust came continence; in the place of anger, the force of forgiveness came; in the place of greed came the force of contentment; and in place of egoism came the force of humility; and in place of attachment came the force of detachment or the real love of God Almighty." So He says, "When I ordered my forces to go and take over this battle, the forces of the Negative Power surrendered and they were killed right there."

Taking the Truth and contentment along, I started fighting and broke both the doors. With the grace of the Master, and being in the company of the Sadhus, I captured the king of the fort.

Kabir Sahib was a great Saint. He was a Param Sant. But still you sce how much respect He had for His Masfer and how much He emphasizes doing Simran and doing the Satsang. He says, "Doing the Simran and the Satsang, and with the grace of my Master, I was able to control the king of this fort." The mind is the king of this fort, this body. So He says, "With the grace of my Master and by doing the Simran and attending Satsang I was able to control the owner of this fort." Kabir Sahib says that we are defeated only if we are defeated by the mind; and we win only if we defeat the mind. That is why He says here that if we somehow are able to defeat our mind and if we are able to take this mind back to its Real Home (Brahm is the home of the mind), if we are able to take this mind back to Brahm, then instead of remaining our enemy, he becomes our friend. So that is why Kabir Sahib says here that until you take the mind to its home, he is your enemy. But once you've taken him to his home, he becomes your best friend. By the Power of God and Simran I have cut the trap of Kal.

Now He says, "With the Power of God and the Power of the Simran, I was able to cut all the traps, all the nooses, which the Negative Power had created and I was able to defeat them. Dass Kabir says, I have climbed over the fort and I have got the indestructible kingdom.

Kabir Sahib says, "I was able to climb over the fort and I got the kingdom of Sach Khand which is the indestructible kingdom. Kabir Sahib has put a lot of emphasis on doing the Simran and on 12

attending Satsang. Lovingly He has explained to us that we have to do the Simran. When we do Simran -- after vacating all the nine openings of the body, after reaching the eye center, when we go within and are able to reach the Form of the Master - after that all these passions and all the difficulties which we have to face now, they do not exist over there. Often I have said that the physical existence of lust, anger, greed, attachment and egoism is at our eye center; and in their astral form they reside in Trikuti or the second plane. So if we are able to come to the eye center and furthermore if we are able to go beyond the eye center and go to the inner planes, when we cross the second plane, then we do not need to fight with all these passions because in Par Brahm, these things do not exist. So that is why He lovingly explains to us that when we are able to remove the three coverings from our soul: the physical, astral and causal covers, and when we are able to go into Par Brahm - after doing Simran and rising above the nine openings of the body then our soul becomes able to return to her Real Home, Sach Khand. That is the indestructible region, and it is the place from where our soul was separated long ago. After getting separated from that place, our soul came down. Our soul is in the form of a drop. So that drop was separated from the vast ocean. She came down into this world. She got kicked and knocked. She went here and there. She suffered a great deal. So when, with the grace of the Master, she is able to do the Simran, then she is able to go back to her Real Home, and she gets the real peace because she has returned to her eternal home. SANT BANI

With Love and Keen Interest Baba Sawan Singh Ji January 1, 1913 his mind and senses under control and has not seen the Master during his lifeYour letter full of affection gave time. No doubt the path of the Saints is me great pleasure. My pleasure was the most difficult and the narrowest still greater to find that you have full but They do not put any soul in error. faith in the instructions, and that you They have clearly sung in their poetry are working with love and devotion to that unless the spirit is freed from the get Internal Truth. Consider yourself matter, the true knowledge is impossvery fortunate to that Almighty Who ible and without true knowledge there gave you this human form and then is no salvation. Soul is a particle of the mercifully revealed to you this only Almighty and it is the animate PrinciPath to reach His Abode. If for a few ple in our bodies, while the five Tatwas moments you turn your attention to (air, water, earth, ether, and fire), the people of the world around, you three Gunas (qualities of matter), orwill find that they are sacrificing ev- gans of senses, mind and matter are all erlasting bliss for the sake of very ordi- inanimate. Until a soul has realized its nary and transitory things. Some are animate self in the body, through the intoxicated with wealth and power, mercy of Satguru and the strength of while others are struggling in poverty devotion, it is more or less subject to and want. From the prince to the peas- the temptations of mind and matter ant, all are occupied with the world and that is why pleasure and pain do and its cares. No one thinks that one not leave it. Therefore, it is proper to day he will have to depart, hence no guard yourself carefully. Awaken your one knows whence he came here, why intellect by thought and devotion and he came, whither is he bound, and try to control your senses. No doubt it what is best for him to do. All regard is difficult, yet it is the only key to this world as their permanent abode. If success. Mark that we are here for a there is any seeker after Truth, then short time only and in the end our owing to the grievous lack of spiritual bodies even will desert us; what then experiences, unfortunately he is led by can we expect from other people in this the selfish into ways which cannot world. Think of death, what a sorrowfully serve his purpose. Some in the ful and awe-inspiring scene it is. At hope of future happiness in Paradise that time, neither friends will help us and others of better happiness in this nor our worldly greatness. Only the world are put to various forms of wor- "Word" and our Satguru will relieve ship. But the Satguru is proclaiming at us. Therefore, even now begin to prethe top of His Voice that salvation af- pare for that event lest you be found ter death cannot be attained by anyone wanting in the time of trial. who, during this life, has not brought Desire has abased the soul. When it



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desires something and fails to find the object of its desire, it feels pain. Therefore, abandon your desires even now and accustom yourself to be resigned to the Will of the Master. Mind is a slave to habit and is forcibly led astray by it. Find for yourself what habits are obstacles in the way of truth. Get rid of them by and by and fill their place by good ones. For instance, anger should give way to calmness and avarice to contentment, and so on. By continued application, mind will give up bad habits. But note that mere theory of a thing does not help, unless a thing is actually done. Mind is very powerful. At the time of deliberation, it makes promises but does not care to fulfill them when the occasion arises. To control it is not the work of haste; it requires years of patient perseverance. As long as it does not begin to take pleasure in the internal music, it must fly out to worldly pleasures. Apply your mind with love and keen interest to the exercises, without any false apprehensions. One day you will get complete control over your mind and senses and it is a great blessing. Secondly, about a trembling sensation in the middle of your eyes at the time of exercise, you need not be anxious about that. In the beginning, such a trembling often happens. You ought to concentrate your attention on the internal sound, in the upward direction, and do not put any pressure upon your eyes or try to turn the pupils inward by your own effort. Only try to keep your soul connected with the Holy Sound. As the beginners are quite unaccustomed to see inward, therefore some strain is put which results in this trembling. But nothing is to be feared in it. After a time, the pupils of themselves turn backward. In

contemplation, do not put any strain upon your eyes, do it as if you were trying to picture before your mind an oft seen subject. Contemplation is a very important element; care should be taken to perform it rightly. You write that you cannot contemplate a candle flame. It is exactly so. But you will be able to do so by a little application. When you begin to hear the bell sound clearly in the right direction, you may give up Simran (repetition of Holy Names) and then connect your soul with the Sound again. Sometimes a thunder is heard during exercises; don't be frightened by that. Its reason is that soul wants to ascend instantly leaving the body behind. But body does not want to leave it. The soul is ready but the body is not. And if, during the inward march, any obstacle or danger comes in your way, repeat the Holy Names; it will disappear at once. Such dangers are simply the creation of our mind intended to mislead the soul. But if you find that a certain condition has become worse by Simran (repetition), then don't fear, it is for your benefit. I am very glad to learn that you are no more troubled with cooking meat for your guests and that they also do not trouble you in the matter. You are quite right in saying that when you make up your mind to do a certain thing, circumstances will adjust themselves to your intention. So, if we make up our mind to give up other bad habits like meat-eating, it is not a bit difficult. Only a little willpower is required. About completing the romance, you may finish it. But, in future, never think of writing any more because by doing so, our valuable thoughts which if kept within lead to great beneficial SANT BANI

results, go out and do not serve any purpose. Moreover, so much labor is simply lost if we do not act upon the principles which we lay down for other people in our books. Everyone can write a great deal with the help of so many books and what he has heard from other people. But how does it benefit the writer? What benefit will a blind person derive by lighting a lamp? He will simply waste his time. As far as possible, keep your powers within and enjoy their fruit yourself. But there is no harm in writing when the soul has reached a stage from whence the mind cannot throw it down and Master orders it do so for anything done for the benefit of others without any hope of reward for the doer. But I have no faith in such words. How can a person help others when he himself is helpless? A person himself the slave of mind cannot free others from their slavery. Can a sleeping person awake others? He will do better to awake himself first. Though the mind says that he has no desire for worldly greatness and reputation, yet when honor and wealth present themselves to him, he begins to think himself a better and a superior personage. But in Sant Mat (the path of the Saints), one has to regard oneself the humblest and the lowliest of all. As the wealth of this world is in danger of thieves and robbers, so is the spiritual wealth also liable to be snatched away by thieves. These thieves do not come from anywhere without, but are lying hidden

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within our bodies. I have told you everything relating to this matter, but as you have a desire to finish the work, I allow you to do so; but in the future this thought may not create any obstacle in your way. In your letters, ask any question about your spiritual journey. Such questions are never awkward. I am His servant for this work and to help His children in this matter is the humble duty which the Lord has imposed upon me. The soul, living within the orders of the Master, regularly engages in Bhajan with love and faith and does a kind of service for Him. For the Master has taken upon Himself the burden of carrying all the souls to whom He has revealed His Path to Father's Abode. So if a soul tries to reach there speedily, it lessens the burden of the Master. I finish this letter with the advice that you look upon your time as the most precious thing and go on increasing your time for devotion. With full faith in the Master, derive proper benefit from His gifts. He is always with us, and we do not know in how many ways He is helping us. I approve of your daily routine. Those who labor in their worldly duties properly can also attend to their spiritual duties too. Lazy and laborfearing people cannot derive any benefit from Bhajan. Yours affectionately Sawan Singh

Message to the Graduates Sant Ajaib Singh Ji June 19, 1991 Dear Ones, May the love and blessings of Almighty Lord be with you always. First of all, I would like to congratulate all of you for graduating from Sant Bani Ashram School. I am sorry that I was not able to send this Graduation Message in time for your graduation ceremony. I hope you will forgive me for this delay. Dear children, you know that now when you will go to different colleges, you will have to meet many new people. The environment in which you will be living now will be much different from the environment of Sant Bani School. I hope that you will maintain your strength and the wisdom which you have received from attending this school, and meeting all the challenges in your life, that you will progress and prosper in your life. My best wishes are always with each of you. I only pray to my beloved Lord Kirpal that He may always keep you in good company, and may bless you with all His grace, so that, along with progressing in your worldly life, you may also come closer to God Almighty, Who is within us. I send all my love and best wishes to you once again. With all His Love, Yours affectionately,




The Precise Work of The Master GUILLERMO TORRES


difficult to put an experi- getting into. So, a few months after I ence of such great magnitude into received initiation, which was on April words. I have witnessed something 9, 1977, she also decided to get initithat I never thought I would see. Be- ated, taking our son Antonio with her. fore I get into the details of the final After initiation she rapidly began moments of my wife Elvira, I would drifting away from the Path, returning like to say something about our lives. to her previous lifestyle. Her life had We were married for thirty years, and always been simple; she enjoyed our when we got together we did not know home life, her friends, and simple that even then the Master was taking things like playing canasta now and charge of our lives. We were far away then. At that time we were living in from coming onto the Path yet, in a Colombia. I was in an executive post formal manner. But that doesn't mean and our social life was active. She was the Master wasn't with us at that mo- a very clean person always and a very ment. I remember the first night that good mother, but as far as her spiritual my wife and I spent together; we got life went, she was apparently not doing on our knees and we told God in sim- much. She went back to eating meat ple words that we wanted to dedicate but never seriously opposed me as far as my own way was concerned. That our lives to Him. And even though doesn't mean that I was being a very neither my wife nor I were very religood Satsangi, but I was trying to keep gious in the traditional way, that very the vegetarian diet, meditate here and moment was the beginning of our life there and keep up with the Path. going into the Master. Elvira's true awakening began in We were like two stones that started 1988. When the Master came to Colrolling down a river, hitting each other. ombia that year, we were living here in Of course my wife's material was much the United States. I was on a business better than mine. Much sooner than I, trip in Brazil at the time, and Elvira she become completely polished, while decided on her own to go t o Colombia I am still a rough stone with many to see the Master. We met in Bogota. sharp edges. This is why I am still here All she did while the Master was visitand she is already back in Sach Khand. ing Subachoque was work at the lanElvira had never appeared to be very gar, in the kitchen. She was completely interested in spiritual matters. I was dedicated to that, and even though she the one who was always searching, and had many friends in Colombia, she she was always trying to see what I was didn't visit anybody. She simply stayed there working continuously, and as Transcribed from a talk given at Satsoon as she finished her work and the sang in North Miami, Florida, on May Master left, we came straight back to 19, 1991. Elvira Torres left the body the U.S. without having any social on March 6, 1991. contacts in Colombia. She dedicated T IS VERY


those few days entirely to the Master, and He soon started rewarding her dedication in a wonderful manner. I started seeing a transformation, a metamorphosis, of someone who was not very interested in a spiritual life into someone who became highly spiritual in a very short time. She started to meditate a little bit, became a vegetarian again, and started reading quite a lot about the Master with me. After so many years of being initiated, Elvira really began to learn about the Master. She was in perfect health in those days. Elvira had a desire in her life-she wanted to go to Europe with me - and it so happened that our son Antonio decided to give us a trip to Europe. We went to Europe and had a wonderful time! This was like a honeymoon, but it was a honeymoon in the Master. It was extraordinary. We were able to thoroughly enjoy our adventure while having the presence of the Master with us all the time. It was the final time for us to be together in peace and love, no longer with the love of the world but instead with the love of the Master. During our trip something very strange happened. My wife had a cousin whose husband was a very prominent Colombian physician practicing in Germany, and during our visit we had the opportunity to see them in Cologne. We happened to let them know about our trip in advance. Elvira and her cousin hadn't seen each other for more than fifteen years, and the possibility of getting together with them at that time was minimal. Nevertheless, they made a special effort and came to Cologne to visit us, staying in our hotel. That was in itself a very unlikely occurance. We thought at the time that this was just a social July 1991

event with no further implications. Immediately after we came back to the United States, Elvira had a routine physical examination and was diagnosed as having very advanced ovarian cancer. She had never presented any symptoms of importance. The doctor suggested an immediate and major operation, which was performed. One day after surgery Elvira dictated a very short letter to the Master. She said: "Like most humans I come to You only during difficult moments. I have been a bad disciple. But I have always loved You, respected You and admired You. I don't know if I have the right to ask for Your help and that You take me by the hand during this step from life to death. I need Your help. I love you, Master." By then she knew that she was going to go. But the process of dying often takes some time, and the hope began to build up that some sort of a cure, some sort of treatment, might work. The doctor suggested a course of chemotherapy, but things began to turn in such a way that the chemotherapy would take place in Germany rather than in the United States. The reason, not yet revealed, for the treatment to take place in Germany was not because of the chemotherapy itself, but because the Master was creating the proper setting t o direct Elvira's soul to Him. When Elvira was operated on and the chemotherapy was about to start, another unusual thing happened, and that was the earthquake in San Francisco. My wife's cousin in Germany called Elvira's brother in the U.S. to find out if any of the members of the family living in San Francisco had any problems. He said, "No, the person who is in trouble is Elvirita; Elvira has 19

cancer." Immediately her husband, a very compassionate man, called us in Boca Raton and asked me to bring Elvira to Germany where chemotherapy and cancer treatment is in some ways a little more advanced than in the United States. We considered the idea for a while but were very hesitant to do it. In spite of our hesitation we bought the airline tickets and got ready, but later we decided that we were not going. The tickets were for the following Sunday. On that Sunday morning- I still don't know how- I found myself talking to Dr. Molina, Master's Representative in Colombia, who was visiting his daughter Elvia in California. The odds of reaching Dr. Molina precisely at this critical moment were virtually zero. I asked Dr. Molina, "If you were in my wife's situation, would you stay in the U.S. for treatment or go to Germany?" He is a physician, so I trusted his opinion. He told me, "If it was me who was going through this, I would already have been in Germany." That was at ten o'clock in the morning. At six o'clock in the evening we were taking the plane toward Europe. So Elvira and I went to Germany, and I left her there with her cousin for the course of chemotherapy. During that time she had to endure loneliness, the lack of her intimate family, her husband, children, grandchildren and live with people who, although loving and wonderful, were not her dearest ones. Later on she told me that she had learned a very important lesson during that period. She learned in that dark, cold, northern European winter, that the only thing that belonged to her was God and the Master. She had nothing else - everything else did not belong to her. Then she knew that no matter

how much people tried to help her, she was all by herself, and only she herself could feel her own pain and loneliness in spite of being surrounded by loving people. So that was an extraordinary lesson; that was a wonderful thing. The Master began to clean all the five passions from her, and when she came to the end of her life she was a completely clean human being. But let me tell you about the fine tuning and precise work of the Master, of how delicately He works. The letter Elvira wrote asking the Master to help her t o die hadn't been answered because it had been delivered by the Group that went to India during the period when the Master got sick. But one day, many months later, just before leaving for Germany to see my wife, I received Master's reply to Elvira, along with a letter to me. His answer to Elvira (translated from Spanish) said:

'7 am very sorry to know about the illness that you have. Beloved daughter, I want you to understand that this is nobody's fault. This is something that goes according to the will of the Lord and the karmas of your past life. I hope that you accept this will of the Lord with happiness and with all your faith in Him. I feel much compassion for you, and I pray to my Beloved Lord Kirpal to help you in all possible ways. You should not worry about anything, because now you are under the protection of the Great Master. Even i f you suffer much physically, you should not worry about leaving this world because you will be born to a new life. Keep faith in the Master. God bless you." His answer to me (again translated SANT BANI

from Spanish) was also beautiful: "I am very sorry to know about the illness of Beloved Elvira. I have much compassion for her soul. I wish to advise that in this difficult moment you should have more faith in the Master and do more Bhajan and Simran so your soul receives the strength to withstand this pain. This also will help Beloved Elvira. I am very sorry that I could not answer this letter before. Please take good care of Beloved Elvira and try to make her as comfortable as possible. She is paying her karmas and we should try to help her as much as we can. Always try to keep an environment of Master's remembrance. This will help her very much."

I took these letters to Germany, and for my wife it was extraordinary that I came with the Master's reply to her plea. After the chemotherapy in Germany, which lasted for a period of six months during which I was able to go and visit her once in a while, Elvira returned to the United States. Then the Master came to the U.S. and we went to see the Him in New Hampshire. We had a long interview with Master - the most beautiful interview you could dream of. The Master received us lovingly and He was very aware of the situation with Elvira. He told her:

should not be afraid of death; you should not worry about anything because you are not going to die. Your soul will not come back into this world again. Your soul will go back to Sach Khand. You should not worry about anything. If you will keep yourself peaceful and quiet, and when you will leave the body with a peaceful and quiet mind, the Master will definitely come to take you and you will be able to tell the Satsangis around that the Master has come to protect your soul and to take your soul. If you will not maintain the peaceful and quiet mind, and if there will be no Satsangis around you, even though the Master will come to protect you and to take care of your soul, you will not be able to tell the people around you that the Master has come. But that does not mean that Master will not protect your soul. Definitely in your within Master will take care of your soul because He has taken your responsibility. I have sympathy for your soul."

One might question how it could be possible that someone who has not meditated a lot and apparently has not done much of what you are supposed to do when you are in Sant Mat could be taken directly t o Sach Khand. But then I realized one very important thing: that the prerequisite for getting to Sach Khand is to be completely clean, to become passionless - to have "You know that this world in which we no passions. And this is what the Masare living is a home full of sufferings. ter was able to accomplish during all If we see anyone happy over here, we this period of preparation with my do not know when his happiness is wife, with her sickness and everything going to turn into unhappiness. We do else, including the trip to Germany. In not know when a happy person is a short time He was able to clean her going to get the suffering of his body completely, so that by the time she was and when he will become sick. You ready to go, she was no longer an ordi-

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nary human being. She was completely pure. So it is not that she was taken and was going to be cleaned up somewhere else. I think this is why He said that she was going to Sach Khand. After we returned from seeing the Master in New Hampshire, Elvira became very ill again and needed a second major eight-hour operation because she had developed a total intestinal obstruction. Among our fine friends were many very strong Christians in the traditional sense, and they began once more to try to show Elvirita their way. At this point, please understand that in no way do I want this to be taken in a derogatory manner or as criticism; I am simply trying to explain so that the complete message is clear. These wonderful people were trying to convince Elvirita that Jesus was the only Savior, and I didn't want to get involved in that particular aspect of Elvirita's life concerning her eternal destiny. When I saw what was happening I thought, "Master, I'm going to stay away from this. These wonderful people come here to pray for her health and lay their hands on her hoping for a cure and stress to her the importance of Jesus as the Savior. I am not going to enter into any disagreements. I am going to cooperate with everything they do, and I will let you handle the entire situation by yourself, Master, because it is not my job to do that." So, they used to come and say the rosary and do the novenas and the laying on of hands and everything that they normally do. And I helped them out, and allowed my wife to do all those things, and in no way did I direct her in one way or another. That was between her and the Master. In the same way, there was a wonderful nurse

on the hospital night shift who took beautiful care of my wife. She used to pray with Elvira in the same way. I was thinking that possibly my wife was going to go that way, and I said to myself, "If this is going to be the way, then let it be that way, because it is not my place to direct anyone spiritually." This is one thing that the Master always says, that two blind people trying to lead each other is not such a good business. But one day I asked her, "Elvirita, if at the moment of leaving the body you see Jesus on one side and the Master on the other, with whom would you go?" And she said, "1 would go with the Master." I said, "Why?" She said, "Because I have seen the Master, but I have only seen pictures of Jesus painted by people who never actually saw him." Elvirita became addicted to the drug she was taking for pain, a derivative of morphine. Some days after the second operation I noticed that she no longer had pain but that she was addicted. So I went to the doctor and said, "Doctor, we have a case of addiction with my wife. What are we going to do?" He said that it would be possible to detoxify her, and he put me in contact with a psychiatrist, a specialist in the field. We decided to detoxify her at home. But the actual detoxification was of secondary importance. Something crucial happened during that extremely painful process. The detoxification took four days, and it was very, very difficult for Elvira. One night, in a semi-conscious state, she started saying some strange things and indicated that something or someone did not want her to say the words of the Master. Then she started saying the Hail Mary. Elvira and I repeated the Hail Mary maybe ten or SANT BANI

fifteen times. All of a sudden she opened her eyes and was completely conscious. She looked into the corner of the room and said, "Oh? The Master is sitting there! Why don't we do Simran?" And from that moment on until the moment her soul left her body, no influence other than the Master was ever present. The detoxification itself was not really important, because Elvira was a very ill person. The whole thing was staged by the Master for one purpose: t o prepare her mind for the moment of her final departure. The appearance of the Master at that time was like a preview. That was a beautiful thing. Then something else happened. If we stayed here in the United States our Christian friends would continue distracting Elvira and I wasn't going to stop them. But Master's plan was different. At that point our son Antonio from Bogota called us, saying, "Nothing more can be done for Mami there in the United States. Why don't you bring her here to Bogota where we can give her more attention and care?" Just at that point Elvirita felt substantially better, so I said, "Why don't we go?", and she said, "Fine, let's go." So we went. We took the plane and she had her final meal at the airport. When we got to Bogota she was obstructed again and couldn't eat anything else from that point on. Antonio received us with a great deal of love and had everything prepared for us to be very comfortable in his apartment. Luz Delia, a very dear friend of ours who was the instrument through which we were able to come to the Path, was there with her family waiting for us. We loved them all very much, and apparently the Master wanted Luz Delia to be a part of Elvira's final days. Luz July 1991

Delia began to come daily t o meditate with Elvira, holding her hands. That was a very beautiful thing to see. Elvirita was very, very ill, but very, very much alert. However, there began to be too much socializing with all our relatives and friends, and the Master again intervened. Elvira needed some days of complete quiet t o prepare her soul for the final step. So my son suggested, "Why don't we call Dr. Cure. He is an initiate of the Master who has performed some extraordinary cures. Why don't we call him to come see her." Finally we reached Dr. Cure, and Elvirita seemed to have improved by the time he got there. Dr. Cure said, "We may try to unblock the gastrointestinal system, but we cannot do it at home." So we took her to a small medical center that belonged to an initiate who was a friend of Dr. Cure. When she got into her room and saw the Master's picture over her bed, she was so happy and contented. Dr. Molina stopped by to see her. Then Luz Delia came, and Elvira told her, "I am going in two days." Possibly the Master let her know, because she was very sure. We spent two days and one night in that little hospital. This was a time of complete rest for her. During the second night when I was with her in her room, all of a sudden I felt a tremendous urge like a voice inside was telling me, "Take Elvira back to your son's apartment immediately." It was about eight o'clock and raining very hard, so I thought, "Well, why don't we do it tomorrow? Why does it have to be right now?" The answer was, "No, it has to be immediately." So I had an ambulance called, and I went in the ambulance with Elvirita to the apartment. When you see the precise work 23

of the Master, you are just simply repeated all five words, Elvira just reamazed. Five minutes after we arrived peated the last two: sometimes the back at Antonio's apartment, Elvira's fourth continuously, and sometimes mother called from California. That the fifth continuously, as if the first talk with her mother was the final talk three words were already transcended. she had with any of her other relatives. But at a certain moment, even At the apartment only Luz Delia, though we were doing Simran, she Antonio and myself were there with started going, "No-no, no-no, no-no." Elvira. We didn't think that she was Possibly that was a moment of temptagoing to leave the body that night even tion; something was happening then. though she was looking very ill. So I Perhaps because she hadn't meditated told her, "I am going to give you your long enough, she didn't know how to injection for pain." As I prepared the differentiate between the positive and medication she told me teasingly, the negative, and she may have been "Give me this injection for pain for tempted somehow. At that moment tonight and for all the nights to come." Luz Delia, who seemed to be directed That was a little private joke of her by a higher hand, put her thumb beown. She knew that she was going. I tween Elvira's eyes and said, "Elvirita, gave her the injection. She was lying it is here." Then Elvira went up. As covered on her bed, and suddenly she soon as she went up she opened her pulled her blanket aside and tried to sit eyes with a look like a child opening up. Luz Delia asked, "Is the Master her eyes, completely clean and peacehere?" She said, "Yes." She saw the Master outside in the room at that mo- ful. At that moment Luz Delia again ment. That was a very chilling and ex- asked, "Is the Master with you?" And she answered, "Yes," in the voice of a traordinary moment for all of us. Then the process of the soul leaving child. She was conscious of the entire situthe body began, from the legs up. ation. She never lost consciousness, Throughout that period she was comnot for one minute. Once she reached pletely conscious and in perfect peace. the eye center, her respiratory freThere was no pain; there was no atquency began to slow down, slower tachment; there was nothing there that could signify fear or desire to remain and slower and slower, but with no in the body. She was just leaving in agony. It began to be very apparent complete peace and quiet. All of a sud- that she was leaving. When it was alden, for a couple of minutes she ready several seconds between breaths, started moving her eyes back and forth Antonio began to cry because he saw as if she were dreaming, and she that his mother was going. When she started saying some things in English heard him crying, she came back down and some things in Spanish. It was immediately because of the attachvery possible that she was seeing her ment to her son. At that moment Luz life, or parts of her life, in those mo- Delia told her in a very sweet, but very ments. During all that time we were firm manner, "Go away, go away. doing Simran aloud. When Elvira re- Catch the Master's hand and go with peated the Simran she got especially Him." And so she went. During her final moments, Elvira attached to the two last words. As we SANT BANI

gave witness t o the presence of the Master on two occasions: outside at the beginning of the process of leaving the body, arid then when she was ready t o go, in her within. That was really extraordinary. Then she went, simply went, in a completely quiet manner. The Master took her as I have never seen anybody leaving the body before. I saw one of my aunts leaving the body, and it was a very terrible experience. It was very painful, and the anxiety was unbearable. And I saw my father leaving the body, but he was unconscious. But I saw my wife leaving the body in full consciousness and full awareness of the situation-she knew what was going on-with n o July 1991

fear, with the presence of the Master. This is a confirmation that what we are doing is Real. This is n o fairy tale. After I have seen this, I cannot ask for anything else. But somebody told me, "You can ask for something else; you can ask to go the same way that your wife went." I had never seen anything like that before, but this person told me, "You'll see your own way of going out, and then you'll see something even better for you." S o at the moment at which the process finished we could not feel sad. There was a tremendous amount of joy. I'm sad now, at this moment, because I miss her very much, and I a m happy that I miss her, because she has become one with the Master. If I think about her, I a m also thinking about the Master, so perhaps I have the right to be attached to her. I feel very lonely because she is no longer with me physically. It is not that our life was perfect in any way. We had our ups and downs, and as in every marriage, many times I felt a n intense love for her and other times I just wanted to throw her out the window. We were put together on the Path with the necessary mixture of defects and good qualities to help each other on the way. The beautiful thing is that the Master allowed us t o be faithful t o each other during the entire thirty years. Now she is already there with Him, and I hope that soon I may g o and accompany her. 25

Masters Always Shower Grace Sant Ajaib Singh Ji


there are four ters. Someone writes that such a Mabhajans by Bramanand, I have hatma was born on such a date and never heard about this Mahatma can another person writes differently acyou please tell us about Bramanand? cording to his understanding. From the bhajans written by Mahatma Bramanand we can see how Not much is known about Mahatma strong was the love he had for his MasBramanand but he was a Mahatma ter and from his bhajans we can see who was born in a place called Pushthat he had so much love and faith in pur which is in Rajasthan. One or two hundred years ago there his Master. He has written in his bhajans that, were many Mahatmas present on this "Nobody else except the Master can plane. You know that not much is help us in the hells and nobody else can known about many of the Mahatmas help us cross this ocean of life without because when the Mahatmas come in the help of the Master." this world only in a few cases are their life sketches written down and the recThis question maybe has the sound of ord kept. criticism but it is not meant to be. Kabir Sahib was the first Mahatma, When the souls were given to this crethe first Param Sant to come into this ation, my question is where do they world and He came in all the four ages come from? My concern is that they and He never went below the human may have come from Such Khand and body. He was a great Mahatma but after travelling through the cycle of still there are many conflicts and many eighty-four lakhs, that well, maybe misunderstandings about his life story. when I get up there, it might just be Someone writes that he got married time that some other great soul would and had children, somebody says that have done a lot of devotion and then he never got married. Nobody knows they would be recruiting life for anfor sure when he was born and there other creation and that is my concern. are many misunderstandings about his life also. In Sar Bachan Swami Ji Maharaj has There are many other Mahatmas written under the title, "The Dialogue whose life stories are not available and with the Soul" because there also the for others there are many differences soul asks similar types of questions, between the versions of different wri- the soul asks that, "What is the guarantee that once I come up to Sach This question & answer session was Khand I will stay there and you will given, March 31, 1981, at Sant Bani not give me once again to the Negative Ashram, Rajasthan. Power? So Almighty Lord replied, N THE BHAJAN BOOK


"This Mauj, this Will, happened only Dear One, you know that our mind is a once; once you have come back to me very obstinate enemy and since he is an there is no question of going back to agent of the Negative Power it is his the Negative Power because I will not duty to stop the souls from doing the create this Will again." devotion of Almighty Lord. So that is The thing is that when a Satsangi why he is performing his duty well; he gets Initiation he never goes below the is obeying his Master. In the same way human body, so nobody should think when we sit for meditation, when we that they will have to go in the cycle of are sitting to do the job of our Master, eighty-four lakhs births and deaths. we should also perform our duty very You should be sure in your heart that well. As mind is doing his duty and he since you have got the Initiation from is trying his best to stop us from doing Master you will definitely go to Sach the meditation, in the same way, at the Khand and you should not worry that same time, we should also perform our Sat Purush will once again hand you duty very well. We should obey the over to the Negative Power. You commandments of the Master and not should not worry about that because listen to the mind; we should only lisonce you go back to Sach Khand you ten to the Master and do what He has will stay there and you will not be sent told us t o do. back here. Swami Ji Maharaj has written that Could one visualize the Master's Form Sat Purush says, "I have created this Negative Power knowingly because while doing Simran? without the fear of the Negative Power the other souls were not coming under If we will do the Simran lovingly and affectionately then without visualizing my control." the Form of the Master, the Form of When a soul comes into this world the Master Himself comes there and and after suffering in this world when starts dwelling within us. that soul goes back to her Real Home It is a natural practice; you know she finds so much happiness that she that if you remember anything you will doesn't want to come back into this world again. You know that when we start seeing or feeling that thing in are united with someone from whom your within, in your mind. In the same we were separated, our joy knows no way when we will do the Simran given bounds. We are so happy once we have by the Perfect Master, lovingly and afbeen united with our long separated fectionately, then by Himself His beloved that who wants to be sepa- Form will start appearing within us. If we are making any efforts from our rated from them again? side, if we are trying to visualize the I know that it is very important to have Form of the Master then we will not be a very good attitude about meditating, able to get any success in that because to be in the right frame of mind, and we won't be able t o visualize the comyou say continually not to feel it as a plete Form of the Master. Sometimes burden. What is the best way to get our we may be able t o visualize only the mind to stop feeling it is a tremendous eyes of the Master, sometimes the burden to meditate? beard or turban, and in that way

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our meditation will be disturbed, we won't get any success at that. S o it is better just t o d o the Simran lovingly because if we remember the Master lovingly H e will start t o appear within us by Himself. When the relatives of an Initiate die do they know when they pass on that they have gotten liberation from the Master? Yes, he knows that but he cannot say that t o others. If there is any Satsangi relative who has done meditation and who goes within in meditation then he definitely learns whether his relative has been liberated or not. It is a matter of faith and having the experience. As you say, if a relative of a Satsangi, even if he is not an initiate, even if he has not seen the Master, but if he has heard about the Master from his Satsangi relative and if he has a

little bit of faith in the Master then definitely he is under the protection of the Master and Master definitely protects him. Master Sawan Singh Ji used t o say, "A satsangi's one generation gets liberation, of the satsangis who d o meditation many generations get liberation, and one hundred and one generations of the Param Sant get liberation. This is my own experience, that there was one boy of fourteen years old, who was one of my relations and he was suffering from a disease and he left the body at a very young age. But his last days were very painful for him, he would complain that the snakes were all over his body and the insects were eating up his body and that he was seeing many dangerous and evil faces. H e would complain to his mother, "Mother why are you not helping me?" His mother and the other people around were not able to see and experience all those things because SANT BANI

they were all astral. Whenever I would go near that boy he would request me to stay longer with him because he would say that whenever I went and sat with him the evil faces stopped coming to him and he did not feel any biting from the insects or snakes and he felt peace at that time. That boy was not an initiate but his parents were initiated by the Master. Master had told them in a dream that since he is suffering so much, he would not be able to live in this world, he would die after three days. The Master told them He would come to take his soul and that he would be born again in the human body and he would become a man. Master even told them the name of the village where he was going to get a new birth. Master told his mother that three days from then He would come around midnight and take the boy's soul up. But before leaving the body the boy would drink some tea. So on that night at eleven-thirty that boy asked for tea and his mother went in the kitchen to make the tea. At that time, because she was having so much faith in the Master she was singing a hymn and she knew that the boy would not leave the body until he drank the tea, so she was delaying in making the tea. Anyway, at five minutes of twelve she came in with tea because that boy had said, "Bring the tea as soon as possible." As soon as that boy drank two spoonfuls of tea he left the body. Before leaving the body he spoke the name of Master, and since I was sitting very close to him he put his hand on my chest. Even though he had been having so much pain in his last days, when he left the body his passing out was peaceful. He did not have any pain at that time because Master came July 1991

there to protect his soul and Master took his soul up. His parents did not weep because they had faith in the Master and they knew that He had protected his soul. Regarding my father I have said many times that he did not have the opportunity to have the darshan of my beloved Master. He used to say, "I will see when your devotion will liberate me." He used to say that in the way of a taunt. When I came to Master at that time my father was very old and he was not able to travel to have the darshan of Master, so once I requested Master, "Master, my father is very old and he has not seen You and many times he taunts me and says, 'I will see when your devotion will liberate me' " and 1 requested Master to take care of his soul. A few days before he left the body, the relatives cabled me. Since he was living in the Punjab and I was living in Rajasthan, I went there and he told me that he loved me very much. He caressed me and he told me that he was seeing two Forms in his within Who had white beards and white turbans. When I showed him pictures of Master Sawan Singh and Master Kirpal Singh he said, "Yes," that They were the ones Whom he was seeing within and They were saying, "We have come to take you." Then he realized that my devotion was going to liberate him and then he told people, "Today I realize that the devotion which my son is doing is true and the Master whom he is worshipping, whom he is following, is also the true one." Master Sawan Singh Ji used to say, "It is a very big thing that the Masters take care of the human beings, the rel-

atives of the Satsangis, but They even take care of the souls of the animals who are taken care of by the Satsangis."

In the same line of questioning, you mentioned about relatives that knew about the Master and were somewhat favourable toward the Master, what about relatives who in their lifetime, were thinking that the Master was a very bad thing, when they die what happens to them, does the Master take care of them as well? You see they are also protected because sometimes they also remember the Master; it doesn't matter in which way they remember the Master. There is one very famous story in the Sikh history about Chandu Savai who was an officer of Emperor Jahangir. He was the person who was responsible for the torture that was given to Guru Arjan Dev Ji Maharaj. He had enmity toward Guru Arjan Dev Ji Maharaj; he made Him sit on hot coals, he put burning sand on His head, and he did many other bad things to Guru Arjan Dev. After Guru Arjan Dev was tortured to death, the Sikh people wanted to take revenge on Chandu Savai. They requested Emperor Jahangir to give him to the Sikhs. When Chandu Savai came into the hands of the Sikhs, what did they do? They put a chain around his neck and pulled him as one pulls a dog, and they gave him a very hard time. When he was brought into the city of Lahore the person who had put the burning sand on the head of Guru Arjan Dev came there. He was also very angry that Chandu Savai had made him do such a bad deed. So he came there and he hit Chandu Savai on

the head with a very heavy vessel and because of that Chandu Savai left the body. But before leaving the body he requested Guru Arjan Dev Ji Maharaj, "0 Master, only you can save me from this pain." Because he remembered Guru Arjan Dev Ji lovingly, and previously when he was planning t o torture Guru Arjan Dev, day and night he would always think of the plans of how to kill Guru Arjan Dev. So he was also remembering Guru Arjan Dev and he had remembered Him a lot. So because of his remembrance and the request of his end time, Guru Arjan Dev came there and liberated his soul. This question was asked by one of the five devotees of Guru Gobind Singh, he asked Guru Gobind Singh, "Master because Chandu Savai did such a bad thing; he killed a perfect Master it means that he must be suffering in hell." But Guru Gobind Singh replied, "No, he is not in hell anymore, as a matter of a fact as soon as he left the body he was liberated by Guru Arjan at that time and he was not sent into hell. When he left the body the Angels of Death also came because they wanted to give him the punishment for all his bad deeds but at the same time Guru Arjan Dev and the other Masters also came there because he had requested for help and he had called Them. So They came there and They could not but shower grace on him and They liberated his soul. Master used t o say about Jesus Christ that when he was being crucified, at that time he said, "0 Lord, forgive them because they have not understood me." Because Saints and Mahatmas have a very big heart They always want to shower grace on the souls. They know SANT BANI

that the souls do not do any bad deeds, the soul and what He has to make the all the bad things are done only by soul do. But I will advise you that you should mind. They also know that only what is in the Will of God happens, and the never think such things. You should souls do not have anything in their never think that when you will not progress much in this lifetime then you hands. The souls that love the Master and will be kept in some of the inner planes who have love and affection for others and then Master will pray for you and remain at peace in this world as well as take you back home-you should not in the world beyond; when they go in think like that. You should think, "No, the inner planes there also they find it is our duty to do the meditation." You should have the desire to do the peace and happiness. Those souls who do not love the meditation and to complete the task Master, who do not have any love and which you have been given in this affection for other people, they do not lifetime. If the son does not work and does find any peace in this world. They are always easily hurt and they always re- not earn any money but instead looks main in pain in this world as well as at the property of the father and asks when they go into the other world. him, "Which property will you give When they go in the other world, in me, how much money will you give the inner planes, there also they find me?" and things like that. No doubt his father will definitely give him whatno peace or happiness. ever he needs, he will give him the Sant Ji, the non-initiated souls that are house and money. But since he has not taken by the Master, are they given earned that money, both his friends rebirth, or are they taken directly to and well-wishers will say, "He is not a Sach Khand? good man because he has not earned his money. All his money was given t o Those who have not got the Initiation him by his father." they are given the human body in Once some sevadars came to Master which they are given the Initiation. Be- Sawan Singh and requested Him t o libcause liberation is only in the Naam. erate them without doing the meditation but Master Sawan Singh said, If we do not progress much in this "No. This is not possible. It is your incarnation and Master chooses not to work t o do the meditation and it is the send us back for another birth and He work of the Master to shower grace on puts us in a particular place in the you. If you will leave off meditating inner planes, do we continue our medi- you will have to start from that very tation in the inner planes, is it a differ- point where you left off." ent kind of meditation? Sant Satgurus come into this world with a lot of grace and there is no God has given the full authority to the doubt in this fact that lovingly They Master and it is up to Him to decide carry the burden of Their disciples whether He has to send the soul back without them even asking for it but it is into this world or not; and only He our duty to help in Their mission and knows in which plane He has to keep we should also carry and share some of

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the burden which They are carrying. The only way of doing that is by doing the meditation.

When we feel pain during meditation - I know You have talked about it some, but I still don't understand very well. Kirpal used to say when He put us into meditation to make sure you do not have any tension in any part of the body. But I know that if I don't have any pain at all, I may go to sleep. I know a little bit of pain will keep me awake, and sometimes more pain helps me to concentrate more, could you explain some?

Well, this is not a problem that everyone is having. Usually when the Masters explain about pain They tell us that we should sit in such a position in which we do not have any tension in the body, because if we d o not have any tension in the body only then will we be able to sit for a long time. There are some people who if they sit without any tension, if they sit comfortably they fall asleep, but this is not the case of everybody. Those who have this problem should sit in such a way in which they may feel a little amount of pain and still remain awake.

Change of Address for Pappu PLEASE NOTE: The address for sending letters to Sant Ji from places OUTSIDE NORTH AMERICA (Pappu's mailing address) has changed. Any mail sent to Pappu should now be sent to the following address: RAAJ KUMAR BAGGA 28 BHERA ENCLAVE PASCHIM VIHAR OUTER RING ROAD NEW DELHI 110041 INDIA As before, letters going from NORTH AMERICA should be sent to: RUSSELL & JUDITH PERKINS R.R. 2, Box 111 Antrirn, N.H. 03440 U.S.A. (Tel. 603-588-6193) Packets of letters are sent from this address, timed to coincide with Pappu's trips to Rajasthan, for most efficient handling.



Once same sevadars came to Master Sawan Singh and requested Him to liberate them without doing the meditation, but Master Sawan Singh said, "No. This is not possible. It is your work to do the meditation and it is the work of the Master to shower grace on you. If you will leave off meditating you will have to start from that very point where you left off." Sant Satgurus come into this world with a lot of grace and there is no doubt in this fact that lovingly They carry the burden of Their disciples without them even asking for it, but it is our duty to help in Their mission and we should also carv and share some of the burden which They are carrying. The only way of doing that is by doing the meditation.

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