Becoming Independent
April 4 – June 27, 2023
Reception April 6, 12:30-1:30
Santa Rosa Photographic Society
July 6 – September 20, 2023
Reception July 6, 5-7pm
National Arts Program
February 6 - April 21, 2023
Reception March 12, 3-5pm
Pointless Sisters
July 6 - September 19, 2023
Reception July 13, 5-7pm
For more information visit SRCity.org/arts
Barnyard Adventures - Page 23 Learn about nature and how to care for farm animals at Howarth Park!
Summer Camps - Page 28
50 years of tradition –canoeing, archery, swimming, games, and more!
Learn to Swim - Page 46 Join us at the pool! Each year, we teach 4,000 children and adults to swim.
Adult Softball - Page 37
Let’s play ball! We have men’s, women’s, and coed leagues for all levels.
Pat, Bianca, and Josie Mlekus, along with Shannon and Roisin Mooney and Regina and Eden Polkinghorn celebrate their costume contest win at the St. Patrick’s Day 5k fundraiser. This popular family-friendly event happens next on Sunday, March 12, 2023. See page 2.
Subscribe to our monthly e-newsletter at
February 25
FairyTale Ball
4-6:30pm, Ages 4-12 & Chaperones
Finley Community Center
$40 per Adult/Child
Couple • A Disney
“Encanto” inspired evening for you and your special prince or princess.
Dancing, activities, light refreshments, and a visit from a special guest!
Pre-registration required, use code 55604 at SantaRosaRec.com or call 707-543-3737.
March 1 - 30
Leprechaun Treasure Hunt
Hunt for leprechauns in our City parks and win a pot of chocolate gold! Return leprechauns to the Finley Community Center, M-F, 8am-6pm to collect your prize. Visit SantaRosaRec.com for more information, including a list of City parks where leprechauns will be hidden.
March 3 - 12
A Theater for Children Presents: McQuaddie: A Dragon’s Tale
A Participation Play for Children Steele Lane Community Center Visit ATheaterForChildren.com for information and tickets.
Show times:
April 8
March 12
St. Patrick’s Day 5K
Presented by Fleet Feet Sports
12pm • Courthouse Square
Join us for this popular family event and fundraiser for the Recreation & Parks Scholarship Fund! Visit FleetFeetSantaRosa.com to register.
The McDonald’s and Their Avenue
Santa Rosa Rural Cemetery
10-11am; Tours leave every 20 minutes from Franklin Gate FREE! Donations appreciated. Pre-registration recommended (see page 6)
April 22
Earth Day
12-4pm • Courthouse Square - FREE
Food, live performances, local and earth-friendly products, and eco-friendly crafts and activities for kids. Visit srcity.org/EarthDay for more information.
April 22
Santa Rosa History Tour on Rosie the Trolley
10am-12pm; Departs from Howarth Park
$25; Pre-registration required.
Half of proceeds benefit the Recreation & Parks Scholarship Fund
Tour Theme: The McDonalds and Their Avenue Code: 58245
April 24
Friday 3/3, 7pm
Friday 3/10, 7pm Saturday 3/4, 1 & 3:30pm Saturday 3/11, 1 & 3:30pm Sunday 3/5, 3pm Sunday 3/12, 3pm
March 11
Arbor Day Tree Planting Party 9am-12pm
Join us at Northwest Community Park. See page 8 for details.
Santa Rosa History Tour on Rosie the Trolley
10am-12pm; Departs from Howarth Park
$25; Pre-registration required
Half of proceeds benefit the Recreation & Parks Scholarship Fund
Tour Theme: Remains to be Seen – History of Santa Rosa Code: 58246
May 13
Roses, Native Plants & Rural Cemetery Flora Tour
Santa Rosa Rural Cemetery
10-11am; Tours leave every 20 minutes from Franklin Gate FREE! Donations appreciated
Pre-registration recommended (see page 6)
May 14
Mother’s Day Plant Sale and Chosen Spot Expo
Luther Burbank Home & Gardens
Visit lutherburbank.org for details.
May 20
Kids to Parks Day
11am-3pm, Howarth Park - FREE
Celebrate this nationwide day of outdoor exploration and play with family friendly activities in Howarth Park! Activities designed for children ages 6-12, but all ages welcome.
July 8
Senior Expo
9am-12pm, FREE
Person Senior Wing of Finley Community Center
Come discover Santa Rosa businesses, organizations and activities that make our community a great place to live.
July 8
A Walk Down Cemetery Lane Tour
Santa Rosa Rural Cemetery
10-11am; Tours every 20 minutes from Franklin Gate.
FREE! Donations appreciated
Pre-registration recommended (see page 6)
May 29
Memorial Day at the Rural Cemetery
12pm, Franklin Gate
FREE! Donations appreciated
Honor the day with special guests, and tours of veterans’ graves. Note: uneven surfaces and slopes. Vehicle access into the cemetery is prohibited.
June 10
General History Tour
Santa Rosa Rural Cemetery
10-11am; Tours every 20 minutes from Franklin Gate
FREE! Donations appreciated
Pre-registration recommended (see page 6)
Sundays, July 16, 23, 30; August 6, 13, 20
Live at Juilliard Concerts
Julliard Park, FREE!
Join us for music, food and fun! Music line-up and more info at: srcity.org/LiveAtJuilliard
August 12
Tapestry of Cultures
Santa Rosa Rural Cemetery
10-11am; Tours every 20 minutes from Franklin Gate
FREE! Donations appreciated
Pre-registration recommended (see page 6)
630 Summerfield Rd • 707-543-3425
HowarthPark@srcity.org | HowarthPark.com
Visit “The Jewel” of Santa Rosa! This 138-acre community park provides seemingly endless recreational opportunities. There’s beautiful Lake Ralphine for fishing and boating, a softball field, tennis and pickleball courts, picnic areas, unique playground structures, miles of hiking and jogging trails, and the K-Land amusement area.
Trails, Playgrounds, Fishing
Open 7 days a week, sunrise - sunset
KLand, Snack Bar, Boathouse
Spring: March 4 - June 11
Sat/Sun, 11am-5pm (Snack Bar 11:30am-4:30pm)
Summer: June 12 - August 3
Mon-Thu, 11am-4:30pm (closed Fridays) Sat/Sun, 11am-5pm
Snack Bar:
Mon-Thu, 11:30am-4pm Sat/Sun, 11:30am-4:30pm
• No Jumpy in 2023
• Open for Spring Break (March 20-23)
• Closed on Easter (April 9)
• Open on Memorial Day (May 29)
• Rides close on rainy days, call 707-543-3425 after 9am on the day of your visit to confirm.
K-Land Attractions
Take a ride on the train or carousel!
$2 Each • 25 tickets $40
For updates on the Pony Rides and ticket prices, please visit: HowarthPark.com
Land of Imagination
This unique playground offers a children’s “Walk Through Time” where you can dig for dinosaur bones, watch a volcano erupt, stroll the streets of Old West Town, or conquer the giant net climber.
Animal Barn
During our summer season, stop by the Animal Barn and pet the animals. Open June 12 – Aug 3.
Tickets $2 (purchase at train station window)
Boating on Lake Ralphine Boat Rentals
Paddleboat: $12/hr • 4 people max (740 lbs., 2 Adults and 2 Youth)
Single Kayak: $8/hr • 1 person
Double Kayak: $10/hr • 2 people max Canoe: $12/hr • 4 people max/730 lbs. Stand Up Paddleboard: $12/hr • 1 person *Lifejackets are included with the rental and MUST be worn.
Bring Your Own Boat Boats under 20 feet, non-motorized or with electric engines ONLY are allowed.
Private Group Classes
Arrange your own boating class for a group of four or more. Email howarthpark@srcity.org or call 707-543-3298.
California Department Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) stocks Lake Ralphine regularly with trout and catfish. All CDFW regulations are in effect and a fishing license is required.
Events & Activities
Birthday Parties: See page 60
Summer Camp: See pages 28-31
Summer Work Experience: See page 9 Picnic Site Reservations: See page 59.
171 Santa Rosa Avenue
When the temps heat up, the cool water spraying down feels just right for kids and adults too! It’s free to enjoy this beat-theheat option at Santa Rosa’s Prince Gateway Park located near downtown. Dates and times subject to change.
Mon-Fri, 2-6pm Sat & Sun, 11am-6pm
7 days a week, 11am-6pm
Santa Rosa Avenue at Sonoma Avenue
LutherBurbank.org • 707-524-5445
Visit the historic landmark home and gardens of renowned horticulturalist Luther Burbank who lived in Santa Rosa for 50 years and developed more than 800 varieties of plants. For operating hours and tour information, visit lutherburbank.org or call 707-524-5445.
Interactive Museum
Youth Community Park
1701 Fulton Rd.
First weekend of the month
$1 per ride - donation requested
Jump aboard the mini-train at Youth Community Park operated by this non-profit, volunteer organization dedicated to preserving Sonoma County’s railroad history through the re-creation, in miniature, of railroad equipment and historic landmarks.
Schedule: 5/6 & 5/7; 6/3 & 6/4; 7/1 & 7/2; 8/5 & 8/6; 9/2 & 9/3; 10/7 & 10/8
Northwest Community Park
2880 West Steele Lane
Take a ride on the pump track at Northwest Community Park! The name comes from the pumping action used by the rider’s body to propel motion. The track is open seven days a week for the enjoyment of all, weather permitting. It is maintained by Redwood Trails Alliance & TREK Store Santa Rosa through Rec & Parks’ Adopt-A-Green Space Program.
1600 Franklin Ave • srcity.org/ruralcemetery • 707-543-3279
Open Daily, Sunrise to Sunset
This 17-acre historic landmark located in the heart of Santa Rosa was a burial site for early residents, primarily from the 1850s to 1930s. Burial plot maps and self-guided tour brochures are available at the kiosks and online.
Volunteers with the Rural Cemetery Preservation Committee bring Santa Rosa’s rich history to life with guided tours and events These tours are free except for the Lamplight Tours; however, pre-registration is requested (registration required for Lamplight Tours), and donations are appreciated. Tours depart from the Franklin Gate and last 60-90 minutes. NOTE: uneven surfaces and slopes.
The McDonald’s and Their Avenue
Sat, 4/8 at 10am, 10:20am, 10:40am & 11am
Free – Pre-registration recommended
Visit the McDonalds graves, then proceed down McDonald Avenue to view and discuss the historic homes and their early residents.
Roses, Native Plants & Cemetery Flora Tour
Sat, 5/13 at 10am, 10:20am, 10:40am, & 11am
Free – Pre-registration recommended
Stroll through the Rose Garden, California Native and Habitat Garden, and the entire cemetery to learn about the vintage roses and other historic and native plants.
Memorial Day at the Rural Cemetery
Mon, 5/29 at 12pm, Franklin Gate
Free – No registration required
Honor the day with special guests and tours of veterans’ graves.
General History Tour
Sat, 6/10 at 10am, 10:20am, 10:40am & 11am
Free – Pre-registration recommended
A family friendly walking tour through the gravesites with attention to Santa Rosa’s early residents’ history.
Volunteers restored the rural cemetery from decades of neglect and now operate the tours and work to maintain and improve this historic site. Learn more at: srcity.org/RuralCemetery
A Walk Down Cemetery Lane
Sat, 7/8 at 10am, 10:20am, 10:40am & 11am
Free – Pre-registration recommended
Experience the history and learn about the people resting in the Rural Cemetery who gave their names to the streets of Santa Rosa.
Tapestry of Cultures
Sat, 8/12 at 10am, 10:20am, 10:40am & 11am
Free – Pre-registration recommended
Explore the impact and interweaving of the diverse cultures of those who rest in the Rural Cemetery and how they helped form Santa Rosa’s mixed culture we embrace today.
Fri OR Sat • Ages 8+
Pre-registration required - $40-$50
Take a night tour of Santa Rosa’s pioneer cemetery to experience dramatic portrayals of our town’s early settlers. Wear comfortable walking shoes and bring a flashlight. Children must be age 8 or over. Tours depart from the McDonald gate. Note: uneven surfaces and slopes with limited lighting.
Sonoma Water and the City of Santa Rosa support individuals, businesses, neighbors, and community groups who volunteer as Creek Stewards to help keep local creeks clean and safe. Creek Stewards adopt a stretch of creek and help with restoration projects, pick up litter, and provide suggestions that add to the public's enjoyment of the trails, scenery, and wildlife. To learn more about your local creek and for information on becoming a Creek Steward call 543-3845 or email creeks@srcity.org.
For help organizing a creek cleanup with your neighborhood, school, group, or business email creeks@srcity.org.
Creek cleanups are great community service projects for students.
Dates: Mar. 4, Apr. 1, May 6, June 3, July 1, Aug. 5, and Sep. 2
Time: 10:00a.m. – noon | Location: Olive Park Footbridge (near 1698 Hazel St.)
On the first Saturday of every month help take care of Santa Rosa Creek flowing through the heart of downtown. The Greenway provides a home for river otter, kingfishers, egrets, and steelhead trout as well as parks, public art, and recreation.
Dates: 3rd Sat. of every month | Time: 10:00a.m. - noon | Location: Olive Park footbridge (near 1698 Hazel St.)
Cleanup Santa Rosa Creek along the Prince Memorial Greenway with Russian Riverkeeper on the 3rd Saturday of every month. russianriverkeeper.org/volunteer
Date: Wed., March 15 | Time: 3:30 - 6:30p.m. | Location: Near 2920 Dutton Avenue
Join this after-school community event to nurture a restored reach of Colgan Creekand help “green” the creek in celebration of St. Patrick’s Day! Learn about the many native California plants that grow along creeks and help them establish a foothol d.
Date: Sat., April 22 | Time: 9:30 - 11:30a.m. | Location: Olive Park footbridge (near 1698 Hazel St.)
Celebrate Earth Day’s 53rd birthday on the Prince Memorial Greenway. Help with a cleanup of Santa Rosa Creek, native plant care, and trail maintenance. Afterwards, join the Earth Day On Stage festival at Courthouse Square. srcity.org/EarthDay
Date: Sat., May 13 | Time: 1:00 - 3:00p.m. | Location: Pierson Street bridge (near 5 Pierson St.)
Build a toy boat and race it down the shallow rapids of Santa Rosa Creek. Laughs and prizes, everyone is a winner! Wear shoes that can get wet (no sandals). Don’t have time to build a boat? Materials and assistance will be available s tarting at noon to craft your own vessel.
Date: Thurs., July 27 | Time: 9:00a.m. - noon| Location: Near 4271 Streamside Drive
Running out of summer break activities for your family? Bring your kids down to the Streamside Drive Restoration Area along Santa Rosa Creek! You’ll join our naturalists from the Storm Water and Creeks Team to learn about the fascinating history of the region, dive into the wonders of the plant world, look for birds and wildlife, and observe several different stages of creek restoration that are improving the creek and riparian (streamside) habitat. Complete the creek protector book challenges to receive fun patches and make progress through the Creek Protector Activity book series. Upon completion, they will even ea rn a Creek Protector t-shirt! Please note that this is not a drop-off event.
We love our volunteers and invite you to join us to make a difference in our parks! A few ways to get involved are listed below. For more information on these programs, and to view a full list and sign up for volunteer opportunities, visit srcity.org/ParksVolunteer.
Your service club, scout troop, neighborhood, church, school or business may hold a volunteer workday or special project in one of our parks.
Join us on the second Saturday of the month for these monthly, family-friendly workdays that help beautify our parks through tasks such as picking up litter, spreading mulch, cleaning, pruning, weeding, and more. We provide tools. Individuals and service groups welcome.
If you love learning about gardens, local history, antiques, nature, and meeting interesting people from around the world, become a Luther Burbank Home & Gardens volunteer. Help plan events and work on special projects, plus enjoy exclusive volunteer appreciation events! For more information, visit lutherburbank.org.
The Santa Rosa Rural Cemetery is volunteer-operated and maintained. If you would like to support this historical gem, join a volunteer workday on the third Saturday of each month, maintain a plot through the Adopt-A-Plot program, join the Rose Brigade, or serve on the Preservation Committee. Those are just some of the ways to volunteer!
Help keep Santa Rosa’s parks and green spaces beautiful! The Adopt-A-Green-Space program welcomes individuals or groups who want to volunteer their time and efforts on a regular basis to care for a specific park or median in Santa Rosa. Participants commit to “adopting” the space for at least a year and performing tasks such as weeding, planting, seasonal maintenance, litter removal, graffiti removal, or other special projects.
Contact Us: 707-543-3279
volunteer@srcity.org srcity.org/ParksVolunteer
2023 Park-A-Month
Second Saturday of the month
For a full list of volunteer opportunities or to sign up for an event, please visit srcity.org/ParksVolunteer
February 11
A Place to Play – 2375 W Third Street
March 11
Arbor Day Tree-Planting Party
Northwest Community Park – 2880 West Steele Lane
April 8
Franklin Community Park – 2095 Franklin Avenue
May 13
Howarth Memorial Park – 630 Summerfield Road
June 10
Doyle Community Park – 700 Doyle Park Drive
July 8
Juilliard Park – 227 Santa Rosa Avenue
August 12
Pioneer Park – 2062 Peterson Lane
September 2 (First Saturday)
Olive Park & Prince Memorial Greenway –105 Orange Street
October 14
Pearblossom Park – 2850 Edgewater Drive
November 11
Brush Creek Park – 1180 Brush Creek Road
December 9
Oaklake Green Park – 429 Garfield Park Avenue
$115 Program & Materials Fee* • Ages 13-17
*Includes processing fees, training & materials, work shirt Teens ages 13-17, here’s your chance to meet new friends, gain experience for your resume and have fun this summer! You will work with recreation professionals in our parks and facilities, on the lake or at our pools. Help care for animals or teach children to swim! Many work experience volunteers go on to become members of our staff, and all participants contribute to the community. Check out the list of positions to find one that’s right for you.
Applications and the program brochure with job descriptions are available beginning March 1 and due by April 4. Applicants must be at least age 13 years by June 12.
Applications at:
Steele Lane Community Center, 415 Steele Lane Finley Community Center, 2060 W. College Ave.
1. Pick up or download an application and brochure to read the job descriptions, hours, and commitments.
2. Fill out and return the application in person with your non-refundable fee.
3. Set up and participate in your group interview; instructions will be emailed to you.
4. Attend mandatory orientation on May 10 (no parents please) and all orientation and training the week of June 5-9 for your assigned program. No exceptions.
March 1: Applications & program flyer available
March 30: Information night, 7-8pm (optional)
Steele Lane Community Center, 415 Steele Lane
April 2: 9am-1pm; Call for interview time*
April 3-5: 4-8pm; Call for interview time*
April 4: Application deadline
April 15, 17, 18, 19: Interview dates (mandatory; applicants choose one)
May 10: Orientation Night, 7:15-8:30pm (mandatory)
Finley Community Center, 2060 W. College Ave.
June 5: Aquatic Training (Finley Aquatic Center) 1-2pm
June 5-9: Training (mandatory)
June 12: Participants must be 13 years old by this date (no exceptions)
*After you submit your application, you will receive an email with instructions on your next steps, including the phone number to call to set up your interview.
The following is an overview of non-paid, volunteer work experience positions. Full position descriptions are available at srcity.org/workexperience.
Animal Barn Aide
Howarth Park
Assist with animal and facility care; show and inform the public about the animals; provide customer service. Minimum two-week commitment, 9:30am-5:15pm, Saturdays and Sundays mandatory.
Amusement Ride Aide
Howarth Park
Assist with amusement rides and/or concession stand. Minimum two-week commitment, 10:15am-5:15pm, Mon/Wed/Sat or Tue/Thu/ Sun.
Boathouse Aide
Howarth Park
Assist with boats and helping customers; watch for problems on the lake and go boating with campers when needed. Minimum two-week commitment, 10am-5:15pm, Mon/Wed/Sat or Tue/Thu/
Camp Wa-Tam, Doyle Camp, Camp Yu-Chi
Assist with camp activities, including song leading, skits, boating, archery, field trips, swimming, crafts, and nature projects. Minimum commitment of two 40-hour weeks and 30-hour mandatory training June 5-9.
Swim Lesson Aides
Ridgway or Finley Swim Center
Assist with swim lessons for children, lead aquatic games and basic safety and skills instruction. Minimum commitment of one session (two consecutive weeks). Morning and/or evening shifts, Mon-Thu.
Concession Aides
Ridgway Swim Center
Assist with food and beverage service, general clean-up, and other customer service duties. Minimum two-week commitment, afternoon shifts 2-5 days per week.
Junior Lifeguards*
Ridgway or Finley Swim Center
Assist with recreation swim supervision, enforce rules and provide light maintenance. Minimum two-week commitment, afternoon shifts 2-7 days per week.
*PREREQUISITE: Completion of Level 6 Lifeguard Preparedness or the Sonoma County Regional Parks Open Water Junior Lifeguard Camp with certification prior to June 10th or approval by aquatics recreation coordinator is required to participate.
Recreation Sensation Leader-In-Training*
Four School Locations (TBD)
Set a positive example, assist with camp activities including rec games, arts & crafts, academic activities, field trips and events. June 13 - July 28 (no camp July 3 & 4), Mon-Fri 8:15am-3:45pm, four Santa Rosa school locations.
*Financial assistance is available for this program thanks to special sales tax funding. Proof of eligibility is required at time of registration. Call Finley Community Center at 707-543-3737 for more information.
Tue/Thu • Ages 2-3
Finley/Madrone Rm
$72-$106 (6-8 classes)
Join this safe, stimulating, and creative environment for 2-3-yearolds and their adults. Share in your child’s joy and accomplishments as they explore arts & crafts, story-time, singing, games, and socialization to help them prepare for Tiny Tots! One parent/adult must accompany each child. Instructor: Tiny Tots Staff
Tue/Thu, 9-10am
Session Code
2/21-3/16 59679
3/28-4/20 59680 5/2-5/25 59681
Tue/Thu, 10:30-11:30am
Session Code
2/21-3/16 59682 3/28-4/20 59683 5/2-5/25 59684
Mon/Wed/Fri, 9-11:30am • Ages 3 ½-5
Finley/Madrone Rm
$171-$181 (9 classes)
Oodles of fun activities to keep your 3 ½-5-year-old engaged and growing in confidence and ability! Tiny Tots helps strengthen Kindergarten readiness through art, songs, music, games, stories, socialization, and outdoor play. Children must be toilet-trained (no pull-ups). Proof of age may be requested. Priority registration given to current participants. Waitlist available. Instructor: Tiny Tots Staff
Session Code
2/22-3/17 59678
Mon-Thu, 9-11:30am • Ages 3 ½-5
Finley/Madrone Rm
$80-$90 (4 classes)
This summer program keeps youngsters engaged with lots of fun crafts, outdoor games and water play time. Our emphasis is on socialization and fun. Children must be toilet trained (no pull-ups). Instructor: Tiny Tots Staff Session Theme
Mon OR Fri, 10-11:30am • Ages 2-4
Finley/Willow & Valley Oak Rms
$51-$78 (3-4 classes)
This class is perfect for the child who’s full of energy and loves art! Spend the first 30 minutes of class making themed art projects together and the last hour getting excess energy out by crawling, running, jumping, and singing in Kindergym class. Monday OR Friday enrollment is recommended (art and crafts projects are the same each day). Adult/child ratio is 1 to 1*. Instructor: Art 2, Play Too Staff
Mon, 10-11:30am
*NOTE: To keep this time safe and special for you and your child, please do not bring older siblings or unregistered friends to class
Mon, Wed OR Fri • Ages 1-4
Finley/Live Oak Rm
$10-$32 (1-4 classes)
Help your child thrive as they crawl, run, jump, and play with their peers! Children increase body and social awareness and learn to participate in group activities with the help of a parent or adult care giver. The environment is scaled to children’s needs and class format is open play, with parachute and song time. Adult/child ratio is 1 to 1*. Instructor: Kindergym Staff
Fri, 9:30-10:30am • Ages 2-3
Finley/Live Oak Rm
$45-$55(4-5 classes)
A wonderful world of imagination and ballet is created in this child/adult class specifically designed for the youngest dancer! Miss Jeran creates a playful, stress-free atmosphere as young children are supported by a loving adult (parents, grandparents, aunt, nanny, etc) to develop awareness of their bodies, physical skills and creativity. Contract
Instructor: Jeran Urrutia Session Code 4/7-4/28
Mon OR Tue • Ages 5-7
Finley/Live Oak Rm
$27-$54 (3-5 classes)
This is a pre-ballet class that introduces children to classical ballet and teaches the fundamentals of ballet, dance terminology, musicality, dance etiquette and choreography, with an emphasis on fostering creativity, imagination, and confidence.
Contract Instructor: Sabrina Ward
Mon, 5:30-6:15pm
Tue OR Thu • Ages 3-4
Finley/Live Oak Rm
$27-$54 (2-5 classes)
This is a creative movement dance class that gives little ones the opportunity to move their bodies and learn the building blocks of dance while teaching balance, coordination, fine and gross motor skills, musicality, and social skills, with an emphasis on fostering creativity, imagination, and confidence.
Contract Instructor: Sabrina Ward Tue,
Thu • Ages 4-6 & 7-12
Steele Lane/Hub Rm
Learn the beautiful sport of rhythmic gymnastics with ropes, hoops, balls, and ribbons. Children learn acrobatics, leaps, turns, and balance, and develop flexibility, strength, coordination, body technique, musicality, creativity, discipline, and self-confidence. No previous experience is required for the intermediate class. Dress Code: Leotard required, optional shorts, leggings, or tights underneath. Hair pulled back from face. No tutus or baggy clothes. Barefoot, socks, or gymnastics slippers. Contract
Instructor: Thea Torgersen
3-4pm • Ages 4-6
$30-$70 (3-6 classes)
Center (2210 Bluebell Drive) $85-$95 (4 classes)
Have a blast learning basic gymnastic skills on the Olympic apparatus! Specially designed and scaled equipment helps students gain important motor skills, increase body awareness, strength, coordination, and confidence. No experience necessary. Contract Instructor: Santa Rosa Gymnastic Center Staff
*No class 3/23, 4/20
Fri • Ages 3-4 OR 5-6 Finley/Live Oak Rm
$45-$55 (4-5 classes)
This combo class allows young dancers the opportunity to experience two dance styles! Beginning Ballet movement and positions are taught, and simple props are used to enhance creativity Tap Technique in tap shoes will help to develop counting, rhythm, and remembering skills. Upbeat, playful music is used throughout. Contract Instructor: Jeran Urrutia
Steele Lane Community Center
$59-$69 (4 classes)
Participants are guided through a series of rhythm, speed, balance and coordination skills and drills. Work through obstacles learning to dribble, pass and shoot This program helps kids fall in love with playing basketball & moving their bodies. Parent participation is highly encouraged but not required. Contract Instructor: National Academy of Athletics Staff
Sun, 9:30-10:20am • Ages 3-4
Wed, 4-5pm • Ages 4-7
Epicenter (3215 Coffey Lane)
$75-$85 (4-5 classes)
To engage our youngest athletes, we keep this group moving non-stop in a fun and fast paced setting. Adaptive training tools are used to build eye-hand coordination including softer, smaller balls Young athletes will feel the excitement of real training and game play without having to do things that their bodies aren’t ready for just yet This session is progressive, so it is important to make each class.
Contract Instructor: Empire Volleyball Club Coaching Staff
Sat, 9am-12pm • Coed Ages 5-7
Rincon Valley Community Park
$90-$100 (8 classes)
Join this instructional t-ball league for beginners, where short practices are followed by instructional games organized and coached by City recreation staff on eight Saturdays. Check out the league and ask questions before registering at a FREE “Field Day”on Saturday, February 25th, 9-11am at Rincon Valley Community Park. Registration ends March 1, pre-season basic skills and information clinic is Saturday, March 4, and instructional games begin March 11. Instructor: SRRP Staff
Session Code
3/4-5/6* 60132
*No games 3/25
Sun • Ages 5-6
Mon OR Wed • Ages 7-9 & 10-13
Finley Community Park
$135-$145 (8 classes)
Over the course of 8 weeks, youth athletes will go through three phases of power, strength, and speed training. The trainings will be expressed though teachings, exercise, and games The goal is for young athletes to learn about the body’s potential, challenging themselves to improve physically and mentally, but most importantly having fun getting fit for their sport or recreational activities. Participants are encouraged to enroll in both the Monday and Wednesday classes during the 6/5-7/26 session. Contract Instructor: August Campbell
Wed, 3:30pm-4:30pm • Ages 5+
Finley Park/Parking Lot
$10-$20 (1 class)
Is your child struggling to learn how to ride a bike? Through step-by-step engaging instruction, our patient instructors will help them learn to balance and get rolling. Contract
Instructor: Sonoma County Bicycle Coalition Staff
Session Code
Tue/Thu/Sat • Ages 5+
Finley/Live Oak
$80-$142 (11-18 classes)
This course in American Kenpo Karate provides harmony of the body, mind, and spirit, with instruction leading to accomplishing ranks from white belt to black belt. Self-defense techniques, sparring, fitness, and philosophy are emphasized. Students gain improved self-confidence, discipline, flexibility, balance, concentration, fitness, and respect. Individual needs and goals are addressed. Contract Instructor: Tom Porter
Tue/Thu, 5:30-6:30pm & Sat, 11am-12pm
Beginning class for white belt through blue belt. Session Code 3/7-4/15*
Tue/Thu, 5:45-6:45pm • Ages 5-16
Finley/Valley Oak Rm
$137-$153 (25-26 classes)
Our goal is to make the art and sport of Judo accessible to all who step on the mat, in a safe, supportive environment. Practice proper rolling and falling techniques, learn to grip, move, grapple and safely throw opponents. Judo knowledge, including some Japanese vocabulary, will be taught, as well as proper dojo conduct and discipline. Contract Instructor: Shining Together Judo Directors
Session Code
4/4-6/29 59557
7/6-9/28 59558
Wed, 4:30-5:15pm • Ages 7-14
Person Senior Wing/Rm 5
$23-$40 (3-4 classes)
This program is a weekly experience where kids escape the pressures of the world, kick on the music and train with their coaches and friends. KickFit is a fitness-oriented class that combines a fusion of martial arts techniques, plyometrics and acrobatics to inspire the athlete in everyone. Contract Instructor: Orlando Banuelos
Session Code
3/8-3/29* 59666
4/5-4/26 59667
5/3-5/24 59668
6/7-6/28 59669
7/5-7/26 59670
8/2-8/23 59671
*No class 3/22
Tue/Thu, 6:30-7:30pm & Sat, 12-1pm
Intermediate/Advanced class for green belt through black belt. Session Code 3/7-4/15*
*No class 3/21, 3/23, 3/25, 4/1
Mon/Wed, 5:30-6:15pm • Ages 7-12
Finley/Valley Oak Rm
$44-$84 (8-11 classes)
Aikido is the art of peace and self-defense. Students train together in a cooperative, noncompetitive environment, practicing both throws and falls with partners. Participants experience improved coordination, flexibility, balance, strength, endurance, confidence, and stress management. Masks required for participants and observers. Contract Instructors: Laura Doty and Isaiah Wisdom
Session Code
Mon/Wed, 4:30-5:30pm • Ages 5-17
“For Pete’s Sake”Field at Northwest Community Park
2750 West Steele Lane
$10-$20 (10 classes)
The Flag Rugby program introduces a safe, tackle-free, co-ed version of the popular worldwide game. Flag Rugby players will be led by experienced coaches and will focus on developing skills, teaching the game of Rugby, and learning proper techniques. Contract Instructor: Santa Rosa Youth Rugby Club Coaching Staff
Session Code
3/13-4/26* 60068
6/26-8/2* 60069
*No class 3/20, 3/22, 4/10, 4/12, 7/3, 7/5
Sun • Ages 3-9
Rincon Valley Community Park
$59-$69 (4 classes)
Participants are guided through a series of rhythm, speed, balance and coordination skills and drills Work through obstacles learning to dribble, pass and shoot This program helps kids fall in love with playing soccer & moving their bodies. Instructor: National Academy of Athletics Staff
Tue/Thu, 5-6pm • Ages 8-11
Galvin Community Park Tennis Courts
3330 Yulupa Ave, Santa Rosa
$100-$110 (8 classes)
All aspects of tennis are covered in these fun-filled classes! Participants receive instruction, have practice time and game time. Equipment balls and court size will follow the USTA’s 10 and under pathway for Red, Orange and Green Ball tennis. Please bring your own tennis racquet and water bottle.
Contract Instructor: Lance Hollon Session Code
Wed, 4-5pm • Ages 12-17
Finley Pickleball Courts
$50-$60 (4 classes)
Pickleball for youth! Come out and learn to play the fastest growing sport in America. Pickleball is easy to learn and exciting to play. Each week we will focus on a certain aspect of the game, work on some fun and competitive drills and practice those skills in games. Bring your own paddle if you have one, or instructor will provide paddle for participants who do not own one.
Contract Instructor: Linda Hoffman
Session Code
4/5-4/26 60076
6/14-7/19* 60139
*No class 6/28, 7/12
*Look for more Pickleball classes to be added during August. Check SantaRosaRec.com for additional sessions.
Sat • Rincon Valley Community Park
$100-$110 (8-10 classes)
Combine technical work, fitness, and cognitive decision making to maximize growth on and off the field. The goal for this class is to make your child fall in love with the beautiful game of soccer while using an openminded approach which leads players to be creative and reach their full potential. Contract Instructor: Alek Cordeiro
9-9:45am, Ages 2-3
9:45-10:30am, Ages 2-3
Sat, 9am-12pm • Ages 7-12
Finley/Willow Rm
$45-$55 (1 class)
Spring is around the corner and there’s no better way to celebrate than by creating some new works of art for the family garden. In this workshop, we will craft a hanging decoration, a bird bath/bee water station, and other garden décor that will make you smile while enjoying time outside. Instructor: Wina Natsir, SR Rec & Parks Staff
Session Code 3/11 59633
Tue, 3:30-5:15pm • Ages 7-12
Finley/Willow Rm
$53-$63 (4 classes)
Come mix it up with four great days of art, including painting, drawing, paper maché, mosaics, mono printing and collage! All materials included. Wear clothing for being creative! Contract Instructor: Kathryn Henderson
Session Code
4/4-4/25 59636
Thu, 3:30-5:15pm • Ages 7-12
Finley/Willow Rm
$53-$63 (4 classes)
Paint in watercolor, acrylics, and soft pastels. Create a color wheel to understand the concepts of color and mixing. Different surfaces, brushes, and alternative ways to putting down paint are introduced to achieve spectacular results. Please wear old clothes and bring a smock. Contract
Instructor: Kathryn Henderson
Session Code
4/6-4/27 59637
Tue, 3:30-5:15pm • Ages 7-12
Finley/Willow Rm
$53-$63 (4 classes)
Stringing, weaving, and making our own beads. Our handmade beads will be made of sculpy and painted to look like gold and silver Wooden beads are painted and clear coated to create necklaces. Glass beads, large and small, will be placed between with small glass string beads. Creations include earrings, bracelets, and necklaces. All materials included. Contract Instructor:
Kathryn Henderson
Session Code
5/2-5/23 59638
Thu, 3:30-5:15pm • Ages 7-12
Finley/Willow Rm
$53-$63 (4 classes)
This class starts with drawing to foster imagination and offers new skills using a variety of drawing tools: pencil, charcoal, colored pencils and ink pens, on an assortment of papers. Concepts of perspective, shading, and the modeling effect will be introduced, then transition to adding a splash of color with paint using different paint brushes, tools, color mixing, and application in watercolors and acrylics. All materials included. Contract Instructor:
Kathryn Henderson
Session Code
5/4-5/25 59639
Sat, 9am-12pm • Ages 7-12
Finley/Willow Rm
$45-$55 (1 class)
Just in time for Mother’s Day, we will make a beautiful hand-crafted card and wrapped gift for those special moms. Our class will also partake in a mini tea party, complete with British tea and biscuits. Optional teatime hats are encouraged. Instructor: Wina Natsir, SR Rec & Parks Staff
Session Code 5/6 59634
Sat, 9am-12pm • Ages 7-12
Finley/Willow Rm
$45-$55 (1 class)
Back to school does not mean an end to fun arts and crafts! Join us in this creative craft workshop using only repurposed materials. From wine bottle corks, K-Cup pods, to used toilet paper rolls, there is nothing we can’t make into art! Instructor: Wina Natsir, SR Rec & Parks Staff
Session Code 9/9 59635
These coed recreational youth sports camps are designed for kids of all abilities. The goal is to have tons of fun, learn sport-specific skills, and gain confidence on and off the field. Children learn about success, failure, and what it means to be part of a team. The focus is on skill development taught in a fun and positive environment.
Mon-Fri • Ages 7-13 St. Luke Basketball Courts
$168-$238 (5 classes)
• Ages 7-13
Mon-Fri, 9am-12pm • Ages 4-6 Galvin Community Park
$168-$178 (5 classes)
Mon-Fri, 8am-3pm* • Ages 6-12
Howarth Park
$205-$215 (5 classes)
Come join the Wa-Tam bunch for old fashioned fun in the great outdoors! Enjoy favorite Wa-Tam traditions like canoeing on Lake Ralphine, archery, crafts, nature projects and special guests. On Tuesday or Wednesday we will head over to Rebounderz for an afternoon of bouncing fun! Plus, Ranger Steve from Wildmind Science Learning brings out his awesome animal show and campers practice outdoor cooking skills with a barbecue lunch over an open fire. Parents are invited to a Friday afternoon presentation complete with songs and skits! All field trips subject to change. *Extended hours available Mon-Fri, from 3-5pm for an additional $60.
Session Code Extended Hours
3/20-3/24 57678 57679
Mon-Fri, 8:30am-3:30pm • Ages 5-10
Santa Rosa Gymnastics Center
2210 Bluebell Dr, Santa Rosa, 707-525-1720
$370-$380 (5 classes)
Filled with lots of gymnastics fun, flipping, jumping, swinging, and climbing. Each afternoon features a different activity, including tumbling, fitness, crafts, games, and rock climbing. NOTE: Release forms must be filled out prior to start of camp. Bring a lunch and something to drink. Contract
Instructor: Santa Rosa Gymnastics Center Staff
Session Code 3/20-3/24 58073
Mon-Fri, 9am-12pm • Ages 7-12
En Garde Fencing Studio, 917D Piner Road, Santa Rosa $200-$210 (5 classes)
This fun camp is created with the beginning fencer in mind as it brings the ancient art of dueling into the modern world with a week of fencing, cross-training, games and more. All equipment and a camp T-shirt are provided Wear fitness-style clothing and shoes and bring snacks. Contact Instructor: Jim Liebich
Session Code
3/20-3/24 58186
Mon-Fri, 1-4pm • Ages 7-12
En Garde Fencing Studio, 917D Piner Road, Santa Rosa
$200-$210 (5 classes)
Learn archery and the art of the sword in this fun camp for the beginning archer and fencer This camp brings the ancient art of dueling into the modern world, teaching the use of the sword with specially constructed foam weapons and combines it with the captivating sport of archery. Archery, fencing, cross-training, games and more will give students a solid foundation in these Olympic sports. Contact Instructor: Jim Liebich
Session Code
3/20-3/24 58190
*Take Both Camps Together!
Enroll in the Fencing Adventure Camp AND the Archery & Sword Adventure Camp for a full day of fun! A one hour supervised lunch break will be provided for students in both camps.
Mon-Fri, 9am-12pm • Ages 8-12
Steele Lane/Dohn Rm
$150-$160 (5 classes)
Join us for a comprehensive exploration of all things Theater! Learn stage terminology, dive into script reading and basic audition techniques, play some new and classic improv games, learn a musical theater piece…this camp has it all and is available to all skill levels. There will be a short performance for parents on the last day of camp. Contract Instructor: Annie Cooper
Session Code
3/20-3/24 59664
Mon-Fri, 9:30am-3:30pm • Ages 7-12
Finley/Willow Rm
$297-$307 (5 classes)
Pastel colors everywhere! We will create paintings of chicks, nests, eggs, and bunnies. We will also create three small nests: one with clay, another using organic material, and a third with wool felt, with a chick nestled in the middle. Cards, paintings, 3-dimentional objects, including a paper-maché bunny, as well as painted wooden eggs will also be included in this art-filled week. Contract
Instructor: Kathryn Henderson
Session Code
3/20-3/24 59517
Mon-Fri, 9am-12pm • Ages 8-12
Steele Lane/Dohn Rm
$150-$160 (5 classes)
Join us for a comprehensive exploration of all things Theater! Learn stage terminology, dive into script reading and basic audition techniques, play some new and classic improv games, learn a musical theater piece…this camp has it all, and is available to all skill levels. There will be a short performance for parents on the last day of camp. Contract Instructor: Annie Cooper
Session Code
6/5-6/9 59665
Mon-Thu, 9:30am-3:30pm • Ages 7-12
Finley/Willow Rm
$238-$248 (4 classes)
Come mix it up with four great days of art, including painting, drawing, paper maché, mosaics, mono printing and collage! For the student who wants to try everything, both two dimensional and three dimensional, this is their camp. We create, animals, still life, abstract and landscapes. Contract
Instructor: Kathryn Henderson
Session Code
6/5-6/8 59507
8/7-8/10 59515
Mon-Thu, 9:30am-3:30pm • Ages 7-12
Finley/Willow Rm
$238-$248 (4 classes)
Paint in watercolor, acrylics, and soft pastels. Different surfaces, brushes, and alternative ways to putting down paint are introduced to achieve spectacular results. We will approach landscapes, still life, abstract and an occasional portrait of a person or animal will be thrown in, all part of the fun. Contract Instructor: Kathryn Henderson
Session Code
6/12-6/15 59508
8/14-8/17 59516
Mon-Thu, 9:30am-3:30pm • Ages 7-12
Finley/Willow Rm
Create an organic metallic mermaid made with a dried kelp stalk. Use paper mache to give it a tail and arms. Use wire, a wooden base and plaster to create a fairy! Then add painted clothes and wings. Finish off with a Voo-Doo doll that is hand sewn and stuffed then decorated with hair, an embroidered face and a felt heart. Contract Instructor: Kathryn Henderson
Session Code
6/19-6/22 59509
Wed-Fri, 9:30am-3:30pm • Ages 7-12
Finley/Willow Rm
$238-$248 (3 classes)
Create all kinds of animals from cats to bats! Begin by sketching from models and magazine pictures, then work in color with pens, watercolor and more. Next, create three-dimensional objects from papermache and modeling clay and finished with color. As an added fuzzy treat, we will make a wool felted tufted animal. All materials included. Dress to work with art materials. Bring a snack and sack lunch. Contract Instructor: Kathryn Henderson
Session Code
7/5-7/7 59510
Mon-Thu, 9:30am-3:30pm • Ages 8-13
Finley/Willow Rm
$238-$248 (4 classes)
Learn how to draw a fashion model sketch or “croquis”(French for body). Master the croquis technique by sketching the body, hands, feet, and face in different positions, then design clothes in pencil, pen, ink, and watercolor and make a simple outfit. The last 15 minutes of Thursday’s class we will have a mini fashion show to show off our designs. Contract Instructor: Kathryn Henderson
Session Code
7/10-7/13 59511
Mon-Thu, 9:30-3:30pm • Ages 7-12
Finley/Willow Rm
$238-$248 (4 classes)
Create still life paintings of fruit with paint, acrylics, and watercolor, cut the fruit, make fruit salad, and have a splendid addition to your lunch! Then, concentrate on the work of Wayne Thiebaud and his creative cakes and more. Enjoy a special treat at the end of the day, only after you paint it! Contract Instructor: Kathryn Henderson
Session Code
7/17-7/20 59512
Mon-Thu, 9:30am-3:30pm • Ages 7-12
Finley/Willow Rm
$238-$248 (4 classes)
Stringing, weaving, and making our own beads. Our handmade beads will be made of clay and painted to look like gold and silver. We will then combine them with other multi-colored beads of all types. Creations include earrings, bracelets, and necklaces. Contract Instructor: Kathryn Henderson
Session Code
7/24-7/27 59513
Mon-Fri, 9:30am-12:30pm • Ages 6-12
Finley/Valley Oak Rm
$195-$205 (5 classes)
These science-based camps combine demonstrations with hands-on projects that participants take home and enjoy. Campers spend time each day in the “Make it Studio” where an abundance of materials will be available to bring ideas to life! All materials are included. Instructor: Mark Bradski AKA “Mr. Science”
You will be shocked at how fun electricity can be! Build safe electric circuits, switches, and invent a buzzer game. Make a mini robot, build a motor and generator, and have fun with static electricity. Plus, daily builders’ workshop to invent your own creation.
Session Code
6/19-6/23 58610
Create potions that pop and fizzle, as well as color and shape changing reactions! Have fun learning a bit of chemistry with heat and dry ice experiments. Experience edible reactions with food science experiments, as well as explore art with chemistry, and much more!
Session Code
6/26-6/30 58611
Mon-Thu, 9:30am-3:30pm • Ages 7-12
Finley/Willow Rm
$238-$248 (4 classes
Perfect for sewing newcomers and as the next step for those who have handsewn or used a sewing machine. Projects include a pin cushion, bookmark in felt with embroidery, and applique, stuffed animal and personal pillow. All project supplies are included. Contract Instructor: Kathryn Henderson
Session Code
7/31-8/3 59514
Everything will be flying! Make a wooden catapult, a mini elastic-powered rocket launcher, and design a rubber band launcher. Explore air powered flight, and other creative energy toys. Each student will receive safety goggles to use and take home.
Session Code
7/10-7/14 58612
Use your design skills to create toys based on science principles and solve engineering challenges. Make a magnetic toy that spins and floats. Build a strong structure with wood, an airplane launcher and marble roller coaster Test your engineering ideas to solve a problem all while creating science-based toys.
Session Code
7/17-7/21 58613
Design and build as never before using tens of thousands of LEGO® parts! Explore your craziest ideas in a supportive environment with Play-Well TEKnologies’contractinstructors. This program is not affiliated with the LEGO® Trademark. Contract Instructor: Play-Well TEKnologies Staff
Sat., May 6th, 9am-12pm • Ages 5-10
Finley/Valley Oak Rm
$40-$50 (1 class)
May The Force Be with You! Come explore a galaxy far, far away and learn which “Force”is actually with us. Build your favorite ships and iconic characters while recreating epic battles on your journey towards becoming a LEGO® Jedi Master.
Session Code
5/6 60179
Mon-Fri, 9am-12pm • Ages 5-7
Steele Lane/DeMeo Rm
$200-$210 (5 classes)
Let your imagination run wild with tens of thousands of LEGO® parts! Build engineerdesigned projects and use special pieces to create your own unique designs.
Session Code
6/5-6/9 58177
Mon-Fri, 1-4pm • Ages 7-12
Steele Lane/DeMeo Rm
$200-$210 (5 classes)
Master your engineering skills with tens of thousands of LEGO® parts! Apply realworld concepts in physics, engineering, and architecture through engineer-designed projects. Join us to design and build as never before and explore your craziest ideas!
Session Code
6/5-6/9 58178
Mon-Fri, 9am-12pm • Ages 5-7
Steele Lane/Dohn Rm
$200-$210 (5 classes)
Get ready to build your base, craft your tools, use your Minecart to harvest raw resources, and battle to stop the Ender Dragon from ending the world.
Session Code
6/19-6/23 58179
Mon-Fri, 1-4pm • Ages 7-12
Steele Lane/Dohn Rm
$200-$210 (5 classes)
In a Minecraft world powered by LEGO® resources, we will build shelters to keep out Creepers, craft mystical items that only true masters can wield, and perfect our crossbow skills to stop the Wither from taking over!
Session Code
6/19-6/23 58180
Wed-Fri, 9am-4pm • Ages 5-9
Steele Lane/Dohn Rm
$240-$250 (3 classes)
Prepare for a full-day LEGO® camp packed with hands-on and minds-on STEM fun! First, build projects inspired by cool machines while applying real-world concepts in physics, engineering, and architecture Then, interact with your favorite fairy tales and Disney stories, LEGO® style. All we need is your creativity and a little magic to bring it all to life!
Session Code
7/5-7/7 58185
Mon-Fri, 9am-12pm • Ages 5-9
Steele Lane/Dohn Rm
$200-$210 (5 classes)
This is the way! Get ready to embark on your LEGO® journey as we defend the Wookies on Kashyyyk, repair the Rebel shield generator on Hoth, and rescue Baby Yoda from Moff Gideon. Come explore a galaxy far, far away and learn which “Force”is actually with us!
Session Code
7/17-7/21 58181
Mon-Fri, 1-4pm • Ages 8-14
Steele Lane/Dohn Rm
$200-$210 (5 classes)
Design your custom LEGO® bot and mix and match chassis designs using wheels, treads or walking legs. Combine these with tools like drills, hammers and battering rams as you refine your masterpiece by sparring with friends and overcoming obstacles. Apply real-world engineering and physics concepts to help you bash and crash your way to victory.
Session Code
7/17-7/21 58182
Mon-Fri, 9am-12pm • Ages 5-7
Steele Lane/DeMeo Rm
$200-$210 (5 classes)
Calling all Pokémon trainers! With the Pokémon Championship approaching, join us as we build and catch our favorite Pokémon, rescue Pikachu from Team Rocket, take a ride on the S.S. Anne to uncover rare and mystic Pokémon, and battle to see who will hold the title of Pokémon Master. Come along on our journey to catch ‘em all!
Session Code
7/31-8/4 58183
Mon-Fri, 1-4pm • Ages 7-12
Steele Lane/DeMeo Rm
$200-$210 (5 classes)
In the race to be crowned the Ultimate Pokémon Champion, we need your help! Learn to build your favorite Pokémon, level up by teaching them special moves, evolve them into more powerful versions, and come face to face with the current champion in an epic battle for the title. Learn from our Play-Well Pokémon Masters so you can make it to the top!
Session Code
7/31-8/4 58184
Mon-Thu, 9am-1pm • Ages 8-12
Finley/Cypress Rm
$260-$270 (4 classes)
Join Doctor Pam (and her dogs!) to learn about responsible pet ownership, animal diseases, wild animals, and all the fun, gross and weird things veterinarians do! Each week has new topics, live dog visitors, and a fast-paced schedule of indoor and outdoor activities to exercise our minds and bodies! Registration includes all supplies, an adoptable stuffie pet, and a camp t-shirt. Contract
Instructor: Dr. Pam Wittenburg
Session Code
6/12-6/15 58200
6/26-6/29 58201
7/24-7/27 58202
Mon-Fri, 9am-1pm • Ages 8-12
Finley Park
$185-$195 (5 classes)
Join the instructors of the Sonoma County Bicycle Coalition for a fun, challenging, and inspiring week of bike focused activities where kids build their skills and get lots of practice bicycling safely and confidently. Participants must be able to ride a two-wheel bicycle independently (no training wheels), and have a functioning bicycle and helmet.
Session Code
6/12-6/16 58168
Mon-Fri, 9am-12pm
Ages 7-12
En Garde Fencing Studio, 917D Piner Road, Santa Rosa
$200-$210 (5 classes)
This fun camp is created with the beginning fencer in mind as it brings the ancient art of dueling into the modern world with a week of fencing, cross-training, games and more. All equipment and a camp t-shirt are provided. Bring snacks.
Contact Instructor: Jim Liebich
Session Code
6/12-6/16 58187
6/26-6/30 58188
Mon-Fri, 1-4pm • Ages 7-12
En Garde Fencing Studio, 917D Piner Road, Santa Rosa
$200-$210 (5 classes)
Learn archery and the art of the sword in this fun camp for the beginning archer and fencer. This camp brings the ancient art of dueling into the modern world, teaching the use of the sword with specially constructed foam weapons and combines it with the captivating sport of archery. Archery, fencing, cross-training, games and more will give students a solid foundation in these Olympic sports. Contact Instructor: Jim Liebich
*Take Both Camps Together! Enroll in the Fencing Adventure Camp AND the Archery & Sword Adventure Camp for a full day of fun! A one hour supervised lunch break will be provided for students in both camps.
Fri • Ages 6-8 & 9-12
Howarth Park/Animal Barn
$35-$45 (1-2 classes)
Join us for a fun and unique opportunity to learn how to interact with and care for farm animals. Participants will assist staff with feeding and grooming animals while enjoying interactive crafts and activities to enhance their understanding.
Mon-Fri, 8:30am-3:30pm • Ages 5-10
Santa Rosa Gymnastics Center
2210 Bluebell Dr, Santa Rosa
$370-$380 (5 classes)
Filled with lots of gymnastics fun, flipping, jumping, swinging, and climbing. Each afternoon features a different activity, including tumbling, fitness, crafts, games, and rock climbing. NOTE: Release forms must be filled out prior to start of camp. Bring a lunch and something to drink. Contract Instructor: SRGC Staff
Session Code
6/5-6/9 58064
6/12-6/16 58065
6/19-6/23 58066
6/26-6/30 58067
7/5-7/7* 58068
7/10-7/14 58069
7/17-7/21 58070
7/24-7/28 58071
7/31-8/4 58072
*Reduced week; $220-$230
Tue-Thu, 4-6pm • Ages 8-11
Galvin Community Park Tennis Courts
3330 Yulupa Ave, Santa Rosa
$75-$85 (3 classes)
All aspects of tennis are covered in these fun-filled camps! Participants receive instruction, have practice time and game time. Please bring your own tennis racquet and water bottle. Contract Instructor: Lance Hollon
Session Code
7/11-7/13 60082
7/18-7/20 60083 Save
The coed recreational youth sports camps are designed for kids of all abilities. The goal is to have tons of fun, learn sport-specific skills, and gain confidence on and off the field. Children learn about success, failure, and what it means to be part of a team. The focus is on skill development taught in a fun and positive environment
Mon-Fri • Ages 7-13
$162-$226 (5 classes)
Mon-Fri, 9am-12pm • Ages 7-13
$162-$172 (5 classes)
Mon-Fri, 9am-12pm • Ages 7-13
Galvin Community Park
$162-$172 (5 classes)
Mon-Thu, 10:30am-12:45pm • Ages 8-16
Lake Ralphine at Howarth Park
$55-$65 (4 classes)
Have fun boating on Lake Ralphine and enjoy boating races and games! Participants will learn basic water safety through paddle boating and develop boating skills through kayaking, canoeing and paddle boarding.
Session Code
6/12-6/15 58227
6/19-6/22 58228
6/26-6/29 58229
7/10-7/13 58230
7/17-7/20 58231
7/24-7/27 58232
7/31-8/3 58233
Mon-Thu, 1:45pm-4pm • Ages 11-16
Lake Ralphine at Howarth Park
$70-$80 (4 classes)
Looking for a new and exciting activity for your child this summer? Try this camp and your child will have fun and learn a lifelong safety skill. Under the guidance of experienced instructors, campers get hands on sailing experience, learn basic skills, and boating safety. All participants must be comfortable treading water.
Session Code
6/12-6/15 58234
6/19-6/22 58235
7/10-7/13 58236
7/17-7/20 58237
7/24-7/27 58238
Mon-Thu, 1:45pm-4pm • Ages 11-16
Lake Ralphine at Howarth Park
$70-$80 (4 classes)
This camp is designed for youth who have completed our Sailing Camp. Experienced instructors work with you to polish up your sailing skills and teach you more advanced techniques The camp is tailored to meet your skills and experience, ensuring you leave the class a better sailor. All participants must be comfortable treading water.
Session Code
6/26-6/29 58240
7/31-8/3 58241
Join the generations who have grown up with Traditional Day Camps by Santa Rosa Recreation & Parks! We’ve introduced children to recreational experiences, provided leadership skills, fostered new friendships, and created special time in Santa Rosa’s beautiful city parks for over 50 years! Come embrace the outdoors with activities such as archery, swimming, canoeing (Wa-Tam and Doyle only), hiking, songs, games, skits, and nature projects. Camps are staffed by local high school and college students who have literally grown up in our programs! Sign up for weekly sessions June 12 - August 11.
Youth Community Park
1700 Fulton Rd
Youth Park across from Piner High School offers a rustic setting next to a creek for this outdoor adventure camp. Crafts, games, skits, songs, archery, swimming at Finley Aquatic Center, nature projects, and field trips are among the highlights.
Doyle Community Park
700 Doyle Park Drive
Camp activities in Doyle Park include games, archery, canoeing, crafts, and events. Plus, add in special adventures with excursions to local destinations aboard Santa Rosa’s CityBus, including weekly swimming at Ridgway and field trips! ALL drop-off and pick-up is at the Doyle Park Clubhouse.
Howarth Community Park
630 Summerfield Rd
Spend a week in beautiful Howarth Park with new friends and activities such as canoeing, archery, nature and craft projects, and hiking to Spring Lake for an afternoon of swimming The week is capped off with an awesome parent’s night show and overnight for the campers!
Weekly sessions June 12 - August 11
Camp Wa-Tam
M-W, 9:30am-3pm; Thu/Fri Sleep Over, 1pm Thu to 10am Fri
Ages: 6-12*
$210-$220 • Ext Hours $50
Camp Yu-Chi** & Doyle Adventure Camp
M-F, 10:30am-5pm
Ages: 6-12*
$200-$210 • Ext Hours $6
*Children age 5 ½ are accepted if entering 1st grade in Fall 2023
**There is no Camp Yu-Chi Week 9
All field trips and special guests subject to change
Session 1: 6/12-6/16 • Fun on the Frontier!
Dust off those cowboy boots and put on your hats as we explore the dusty trails at camp! Spend the week home on the range as we gather for a Country Ho-down on Thursday complete with old timey games! A gold rush, western style food, games, and crafts add to the fun. Doyle and Yu-chi campers take a field trip to Cal Skate!
Session Code Ext Hours
Wa-Tam 57761 57765
Doyle 57768 57771
Yu-Chi 57766 57767
Session 2: 6/19-6/23 • Bugging Out at Camp!
Help us weave a web of fun as we check out a bug’s life at camp! Crazy critters abound when Wildmind Science Learning brings their Creepy Crawlers animal show to town. Campers will be buzzing with energy as they learn about the critical role that insects play in our ecosystem! An extra pair of legs and a tough exoskeleton will be needed to keep up with your counselors who will be ‘bugging out’all week at camp! Doran campers will also head to Doran Beach.
Session Code Ext Hours
Wa-Tam 58085 58086
Doyle 58044 58045
Yu-Chi 57790 57791
Session 3: 6/26-6/30 • Cave Dwellers
Journey back to the“Land Before Time” when your counselors lived in caves and
dinosaurs roamed the land. Hold on to those T-Shirts because campers might see actual CAVEMEN! Wildmind Science Learning will bring their famous “Reptile Show” complete with a boa, a python and monitor lizard. Doyle and Yu-Chi will head to Pump It Up to crawl through Caverns of Fun!
Session Code Ext Hours
Wa-Tam 58087 58088
Doyle 58046 58047
Yu-Chi 57792 57793
Session 4: 7/5-7/8* • Lights, Camera, Camp!
Future directors, actors, and producers step right up for some Camp Theater! The camp staff has a variety show planned in which the campers will be the stars. Creativity will abound as props, costumes and special effects are created. Each camp will enjoy a performance by a magician! *PLEASE NOTE: No camp Monday and Tuesday, July 3 and 4, this is a three-day session with pro-rated fees
Session Code Ext Hours
Wa-Tam 58089 58090
Doyle 58048 58049
Yu-Chi 57794 57795
Session 5: 7/10-7/14 • Stupendous Shark Week!
Mermaids, shells, fish, whales and don’t forget SHARKS await us as campers explore life under the sea through nature and craft projects. Nature projects will focus on debunking Shark myths as we make Shark Tooth Necklaces! Doyle and Yu-Chi Campers will take a trip to Doran Beach!
Session Code Ext Hours
Wa-Tam 58091 58092
Doyle 58050 58051
Yu-Chi 57796 57799
Session 6: 7/17-7/21 • Superduperhero Week
Is it a bird? A Plane? No! It’s those wacky and wild camp counselors! Camp crafts and group games will highlight your child’s favorite Superheroes! Camp Yu-Chi and Doyle Adventure Camp will fly through the air like their favorite Superhero as we visit REBOUNDERZ for a morning of jumping! Join us for a Marvelous week as all three camps do their best to thwart the camp villain from stealing their T-shirts.
Session Code Ext Hours
Wa-Tam 58093 58097
Doyle 58052 58053
Yu-Chi 57800 57801
Session 7: 7/24-7/28 • Pirate Week
Join the camp staff as they hoist the sails and swab the decks on a journey of the seven seas! Fun and adventure are in sight as we sail unchartered waters. You’ll spend the week in search of hidden treasure and return home with tales of your exploits! All three camps will have a Pirate Themed Fun Fair. Doyle and Yu-Chi campers will take a trip to Doran Beach for a scavenger hunt in search of buried treasure!
Session Code Ext Hours
Wa-Tam 58099 58100
Doyle 58054 58055
Yu-Chi 57867 57868
Continued on page 30
Session 8: 7/31-8/4 • Jammin’InDa Jungle!
Lions and tigers and bears, oh my! Get your gear ready as we delve into the deepest, darkest jungles that Howarth, Doyle, and Youth Parks have to offer. You may not see a tiger, but Ranger Steve might have a mountain lion up his sleeve when he brings his Wildlife Associates show to town! Doyle Adventure Camp and Camp Yu-Chi will visit explore the Jungles of Armstrong Woods!
Session Code Ext Hours
Wa-Tam 58102 58104
Doyle 58056 58057
Yu-Chi 57869 57870
Session 9: 8/7-8/11 • Mystery Week
Campers will become detectives as they try to solve the big camp mystery! A lesson from Sherlock Holmes and plenty of clues will help keep campers on their toes! A hike to Spring Lake for an afternoon of swimming, canoeing and archery will round out this final mystery week of camp!
Session Code Ext Hours
Wa-Tam 58120 58121
Doyle 58058 58059
• NEW! Full refund for cancellations made at least 7 days prior to class or camp start – Camp Wa-Tam excepted. 25% fee for any Camp Wa-Tam cancellation at any time following registration.
• 25% fee to cancel fewer than 7 days before class or camp start for all programs other than Camp Wa-Tam. Or, you may transfer to an alternate class.
• No refunds or changes within 3 business days of any class or camp start.
• Pick up your children on time; $5 late fee for each 15-minutes late.
• Register separately for each camp session and each session of extended hours.
• 5 ½ year olds who are entering 1st grade in Fall 2023 may register for all three camps.
• NEW! A weekly group photo (8x10) is available at Camp Wa-Tam for $5. Please choose the “Add Photo” option at checkout during registration.
What is the supervision ratio? Each group of 15 to 17 campers is supervised by one counselor, one counselor aide and 2-3 counselors-in-training.
What is the age range of your staff? Generally, our counselors are college age students and our counselor aides are high school age.
Does your staff receive training? All staff and volunteers attend a one-week training program to learn how to lead activities in a fun and safe manner.
Will my child be with kids his/her own age? Yes! Groups are divided by age so that the activities can be tailored accordingly.
Can my child be grouped with a friend? For requests to be considered, BOTH campers must request each other at the time of registration. Groups are divided by age, so the children must be within one year of the same age. We maintain a group size of 15-17 campers and try to accommodate requests within this limitation. Only requests made three working days PRIOR to the first day of camp are considered.
Do I need to park my car and get out to check my child in each day? Yes, for the safety of the children it is important that parents/ guardians check them in and out in person with their counselor. Please plan to arrive early and be patient while you find a designated parking space.
Do the camps fill up fast? Camp Wa-Tam does, and you may only register for a maximum of four sessions until June 2023. Please sign-up early if you have a specific week in mind.
What does my child need to bring? Specifics are included in the parent letter mailed in early June and can be downloaded online.
Can my 5¾ year old attend camp? Only if they have completed a year of Kindergarten and are entering the 1st grade in Fall 2023.
Are scholarships available? Scholarships are available for those who reside within the city limits of Santa Rosa and/or Santa Rosa Unified School district.
In support of the City of Santa Rosa’s Zero Waste Ordinance, we ask Camp Wa-Tam campers to bring their own reusable plate and fork for use at the Thursday cookout. Please label your items so they can be returned to you after dinner (they will be rinsed but not sanitized). All campers receive a souvenir reusable cup, and a souvenir frisbee dinner plate is provided upon each camper’s first registration for the summer.
Tue-Thu, 10am-3pm & Fri, 2-7pm • Ages 6-18
Howarth Park Gazebo
$190 (4 classes)
Santa Rosa Rec & Parks in partnership with United Cerebral Palsy of the North Bay is proud to offer Kamp Kennedy in its 53rd year! This day camp for children and teens with developmental disabilities provides an opportunity to greet old friends and make new ones. Plus, campers experience boating, crafts, songs, story time, games, and outdoor cooking. Kamperships are available for those in need, call 707-543-3737 to learn more. Registered participants will receive a special needs information form by mail in early July.
Session Code
7/25-7/28 57845
8/1-8/4, Tue-Fri, 10am-3pm • Ages 6-17
Howarth Park Gazebo
$200 (4 classes)
Presented by United Cerebral Palsy of the North Bay in cooperation with Santa Rosa Recreation and Parks, Camp KAOS in Howarth Park features arts and crafts, music, adapted sports, games, train rides, and more! For more information, visit UCPNB. org or contact Jen Whalen at: jwhalen@ucpnb.org
Neighborhood Services of Santa Rosa Recreation & Parks provides underserved youth and their families with safe places and quality programs close to home to enjoy recreational, social, and athletic activities. These programs are provided in partnership with the Santa Rosa Violence Prevention Partnership and are supported by the taxpayers of Santa Rosa, the Change for Kids program, and many individuals, businesses, and organizations to make our Santa Rosa community stronger. Visit srcity.org/NeighborhoodServices to learn more.
Santa Rosa residents who live in priority areas of the city identified through the Community Safety Scorecard OR who meet certain low-income criteria are eligible to participate in Neighborhood Services programs.
1. Go online to srcity.org/NeighborhoodServices to determine whether you live within a priority area and/or to view a list of ways to meet the income qualifying criteria.
2. Bring your proof of address or income eligibility to Steele Lane Community Center (415 Steele Ln.) or Finley Community Center (2060 W. College Ave.) Mon-Fri, 9am to 5pm.
3. Contact us today at neighborhoodservices@srcity.org or 707-543-4501 if you have questions or need assistance.
Neighborhood Services members are eligible to participate in after school programs, sports training and leagues, day camps during school breaks, the summer work experience program for teens, and special events for the whole family! Most programs are just $10 per session.
See page 33 for a list of upcoming Spring/Summer programs and visit SRCity.org/NeighborhoodServices for full program descriptions, locations, and schedule.
•Visit SRCity.org/NeighborhoodServices to become a Neighborhood Services member
•Current members may register online at SRCity.org/NeighborhoodServices
•In-person registration and processing of new memberships is available beginning 2/2, Mon-Fri, 9am-5pm at Steele Lane Community Center (415 Steele Ln.) and Finley Community Center (2060 W. College Ave.) New members, please bring your proof of eligibility with you.
Season: 2/25-5/13
Grades 4-6 & 7-8
$10 - includes team jersey
Season: 3/11-5/12
Grades 1-8
$10 - includes t-shirt and shorts
Grades 3-5 & 6-8
$10 - includes team jersey
Mon-Fri, 3/20-3/24, 8:30am-3:30pm
Grades K-6
Season: 6/12-8/3
Ages: 5-6, 7-9, & 10-13
No Fee
Mon-Fri, 8:30am-3:30pm
Ages 6-13
$20 - Registration begins 5/8
Grades 7-9
$10 - Registration begins 5/8
Grades 3-8
Recreation Sensation Leader-In-Training
June - July
Fun activities and events throughout the year for the entire family!
See page 32 to become a member and register!
Become a Jr. Giants Volunteer – We Need You!
The Junior Giants program is a partnership between the San Francisco Giants Community Fund, Santa Rosa Recreation & Parks, and YOU! Without community volunteers, this fantastic FREE program cannot happen. Please contact us today if you can help as a Head Coach (have baseball or coaching experience), Assistant Coach (have baseball or coaching experience OR have worked with kids before), or Team Parent (organized and efficient, no experience needed). To volunteer, call 707-543-4886 or email jflores@srcity.org
Wed, 5:30-6:30pm • Ages 18+
Finley/Live Oak
$66-$76 (8 classes)
Flamenco has a rich history that includes Spanish, Moorish and Jewish roots. Join us as we explore the art of Flamenco using footwork patterns, arm and hand techniques and gain a deeper understanding of body alignment and the use of our torso as the pillar of movement. Classes are accompanied by professional guitarist and will challenge students of all levels. Contract Instructor: Joelle Gonçalves
Session Code
3/1-4/26* 58005
5/17-7/5 58006
8/9-9/27 58007
*No class 3/22
Tue, 6:45-7:45pm • Ages 16+
Person Sr. Wing/Rm 3
$84-$94 (12 classes)
This class provides fun and exciting basic belly dance instruction. At the end of the 12-week session, participants will be invited to a Hafla (dance party) to enjoy a show put on by the Jewels of Beladi Dance Troupe.
Contract Instructor: Theresa Jade
Session Code
3/7-5/30* 58175
6/13-9/5* 58176
*No class 3/21, 7/4
Tue, 5:30-6:30pm • Ages 16+
Person Sr. Wing/Rm 3
$84-$94 (12 classes)
Jewels of Beladi Troupe is a dance troupe class is for intermediate and advanced students. Dancers must have completed Theresa Jade’s Beginning/Intermediate class. Costuming is a requirement if you perform. Enjoy opportunities to participate in a Hafla (dance party) and performances.
Contract Instructor: Theresa Jade
Session Code
3/7-5/30* 58173
6/13-9/5* 58174
*No class 3/21, 7/4
Wed, 12:30-1:20pm • Ages 18+ Finley/Valley Oak Rm
$23-$41 (3-4 classes)
Pilates is a fun and efficient way to strengthen and tone the body’s core muscles – the abdominals, back, hips, and shoulders. Exercises will be performed standing and sitting, kneeling, and lying down. This class is open to students at all levels. Modifications will be offered to make the exercises effective and safe for everyone. Contract Instructor: Autumn Buss
Session Code
tools for relaxation. All levels are welcome. Bring a yoga mat and wear clothing that allows for movement. Contract Instructor: Brenda Kobrin
Session Code
3/9-4/20* 58618
5/4-6/8 58619
6/22-7/20 58620
7/27-8/24 58621
*No class 3/23
Thu, 6:30-7:30pm • Ages 18+ Person Sr. Wing/Rm 3
$61-$71 (7 classes)
Tue, 5:30-6:30pm • Ages 18+
Person Sr. Wing/Rm 5
$36-$46 (4 classes)
Our core is the center brace of all our movements. Come build and maintain that brace to benefit muscular balance. Classes may incorporate bands, stability balls, or other equipment provided, standing, kneeling and lying down. Taught in a rhythmic flow to popular music, based on Pilates and years of fitness training, progressive movements are offered for adaption to individual needs. Please bring an exercise mat. Contract Instructor: JoRene Woodworth
Session Code
3/7-4/4* 58194
4/11-5/2 58195
5/9-5/30 58196
6/6-6/27 58197
7/11-8/1 58198
8/8-8/29 58199
*No class 3/21
Thu, 5:30-6:45pm • Ages 18+
Finley/Cypress Rm
$55-$76 (5-6 classes)
This practice builds awareness of the relationship between mind, body, and soul. A blending of Somatic and Hatha yoga increases flexibility, integrates the two sides of the body, builds strength, and provides
Fitness-focused with yoga undertones, WARRIOR Rhythm™ increases strength, flexibility, and balance. It’s yoga, weights, HIIT, and mindfulness rolled into one insanely rhythmic experience! Grab a yoga mat, and weights and get ready for unconventional yoga flows and unforgettable playlists designed to unleash your inner wild thing. Contract Instructor: Shayna Overly
Session Code
3/16-5/4* 58263
5/18-6/29 58264
7/13-8/24 58265
*No class 3/23
Mon/Wed 6:30-7:30pm • Ages 13+
Finley/Valley Oak
$48-$58 (8-10 classes)
Aikido is the art of peace and self-defense. Students train together in a cooperative, non-competitive environment, practicing both throws and falls with partners. Participants experience improved coordination, flexibility, balance, strength, endurance, confidence, and stress management. Masks required for participants and observers. Contract
Instructors: Laura Doty and Isaiah Wisdom
Session Code
3/6-4/5* 59559
4/10-5/8 59560
5/15-6/14* 59565
6/19-7/26* 59566
7/31-8/30 59567
*No class 3/20, 3/22, 5/29, 7/3, 7/5
Tue/Thu, 7-8:30pm • Ages 16+
Finley/Valley Oak Rm
$142-$156 (25-26 classes)
Gain physical and emotional fitness while developing courage, respect, honesty, self-control and courtesy. Students refine proper rolling and falling, throwing, grappling, and submission techniques. Judo terms and vocabulary are used and taught. Rank testing occurs at the end of each session. Academic or competitive learning tracks available with differentiated instruction. Judo uniform (Judogi) required and available for purchase in class ($65). For more info, visit SRJudo.com. Contract
Instructor: Santa Rosa Judo Club
Session Code
Tue/Thu/Sat • Ages 5+
Finley/Live Oak
$80-$142 (11-18 classes)
This course in American Kenpo Karate provides harmony of the body, mind, and spirit, with instruction leading to accomplishing ranks from white belt to black belt. Self-defense techniques, sparring, fitness, and philosophy are emphasized. Students gain improved self-confidence, discipline, flexibility, balance, concentration, fitness, and respect. Individual needs and goals are addressed. Contract
Instructor: Tom Porter
Tue/Thu, 5:30-6:30pm & Sat, 11am-12pm
Beginning class for white belt through blue belt.
Tue/Thu, 6-7:15pm • Ages 12+
Person Sr. Wing/Rm 4
$68-$78 (6 classes)
Grow your self-defense knowledge as you move through a variety of American Kenpo curriculum to develop a superstore sized defense toolbox, all while working with other like-minded and inspired women. Contract Instructor: Dai Phipps
Tue/Thu, 6:30-7:30pm & Sat, 12-1pm Intermediate/Advanced class for green belt through black belt.
*No class 3/21, 3/23
Sat, 9:30-11am • Ages 12+
Person Sr. Wing/Rm 4
$41-$51 (3 classes)
Increase self-awareness and empower yourself to take action to defend yourself and your loved ones. Classes have a heavy emphasis on female defense tactics and build gradually to increase knowledge and allow participants to practice in a safe environment. Contract Instructor: Dai Phipps
Join us for the 2023 summer and fall softball seasons with men’s, women’s, men’s masters (45+), and co-ed slow pitch softball leagues. Download league information, including how to create a team, at: srcity.org/Softball Questions? Email us at: softball@srcity.org
Registration: 4/10-4/29
Season: 6/5-8/18 (playoffs week of 8/21)
$575 per team
The season is 11 weeks and begins June 5th, with games at Franklin, Galvin, Howarth and Northwest Parks.
Registration: 7/31-8/19
Season: 9/11-10/20 (playoffs week of 10/23)
$345 per team
The season is 6 weeks and begins September 11th, with all games at Northwest Community Park.
Mon OR Wed • Ages 18+
Finley Pickleball Courts
$80-$90 (4 classes)
This class is designed for first-time players or anyone interested in learning what Pickleball is all about. We will cover fundamentals, rules, basic shot techniques, movement to the ball, court positioning, equipment, and simple strategy. Loaner paddles will be provided if you do not have your own. Please wear court shoes, hat, and bring water. Contract Instructor: Adam MacKinnon
Mon, 8:30-10am
Session Code
2/27-3/27* 60084
4/17-5/15* 60085
5/22-6/19* 60086
*No class 3/20, 5/8, 6/12
Wed, 2:30-4pm
Session Code
3/1-3/22 60087
4/12-5/10* 60088
5/17-6/14* 60089
*No class 5/3, 6/7
Courts are located at Finley Community Park and Howarth Memorial Park, and are first come, first serve, except for league and tournament play (which requires a permit) and Recreation & Parks programs/classes. To reserve, email sports@srcity.org or call 707-543-4317.
Courts are located at Galvin Community Park, Howarth Memorial Park and Finley Community Park and are first come, first served, except for league and tournament play (which requires a permit) and Recreation & Parks programs To reserve, email sports@srcity.org or call 707-543-4317.
Bennett Valley Municipal Golf Course 3330 Yulupa Ave • 707-528-3673
Youth and adult golf lessons are available at Bennett Valley Golf Course. Visit BennettValleyGolf.com for lesson details.
Sonoma County Bocce Federation runs leagues at Julliard Park; for league play and information visit sonomacountybocce.org or call 707-528-2710. If you would like to reserve a court, email sports@srcity.org.
Sonoma County Horseshoe Pitchers Club runs leagues at Doyle Community Park. For league play and information please call 707-477-8893.
Play Santa Rosa Sports Message Hotline: 707-543-4317
Field Conditions (Updated weekdays 3pm): 707-543-3474 Email: softball@srcity.org & sports@srcity.org
Mon OR Tue, 6:30-8:30pm • Ages 18+
Finley/Cypress Rm
$35-$45 (1 class)
Learn about the health benefits of a plant-based diet and information on how to begin incorporating these foods into your busy life while decreasing processed foods from your eating plan. This diet is now recommended by many leaders and organizations in health. Reading lists, shopping guides, recipes, and meal suggestions will be available. Contract
Instructor: Maria Arce, M.A.
8/14 Tue 58617
Mon OR Tue, 6:30-8:30pm • Ages 18+
Finley/Cypress Rm
$35-$45 (1 class)
Learn strategies for starting and remaining on a healthful journey by incorporating whole-foods and omitting processed foods from your diet. We will cover strategies for igniting your motivation, uncovering the daily challenges to health, and resources to make this healthful transition. Contract
Instructor: Maria Arce, M.A.
Tue • Ages 18+
$95-$105 (6 classes)
Learn positive and fun methods to train your dog (5+ months). Proof of vaccinations is required at the first class for each session. NOTE: Handlers under 18 years must be accompanied by an adult. Handlers only at first class (no dogs). No aggressive dogs. Contract Instructor: Mike Ossenbeck
Companion Dog 1 (Basic)
Mon, 6:30-8:30pm • Ages 18+
Finley/Cypress Rm
$34-$44 (1 class)
You’ve heard Lisa Foster on TV and radio commercials, now hear her LIVE as she illustrates how YOU can use your voice for commercials, films, and videos! Lisa presents a unique way to cash in on this lucrative full or part-time career that you can manage on your own terms. Contract Instructor: Richard Lazovick
Session Code
4/24 59632
Thu, 5:30-8pm • Ages 18+
Finley/Manzanita Rm
$47-$57 (1 class)
Companion Dog 2 (The Next Level)
Are you confused by all the new iPhone and iPad changes? Become more comfortable as you discover amazing features, capabilities, hidden secrets, and practical tips. Learn different ways to type, scan, add pictures and documents to emails and text messages, customize, send fun messages, and more! Bring your charged iPhone or iPad and your questions to this interactive class.. Contract Instructor: Richard Lazovick
Session Code
4/27 58262
Tue, 5:30-7:30pm • Ages 13+
Finley/Willow Rm
$96-$106 (4 classes)
Students explore all aspects of mosaics through two projects, including a 12-inch square mosaic steppingstone, ready for the garden and a three-dimensional vase or flowerpot, and learning to consider the curvatures as the pieces get smaller You will need to lift steppingstones (approximate weight, 20 pounds) and are welcome to bring in pottery or tile pieces to incorporate into your work. All materials included.
Contract Instructor: Kathryn Henderson
Session Code
4/4-4/25 59569
Sat, 9:30am-3:30pm • Ages 13+
Finley/Willow Rm
$95-$105 (1 class)
Learn the ancient art of mosaics, a fun and functional art form that can be applied to many surfaces and has many varied uses. This one-day class explores all aspects of mosaics through examples, demonstrations, discussion, and hands on application. Students will create a 12-inch square steppingstone, ready for the garden (and will need to lift 20 pound steppingstones). All materials included. Contract Instructor: Kathryn Henderson
Wed, Thu OR Sat • Ages 13+
Finley/Willow Rm
$140-$150 (1-4 classes)
Explore watercolor tools, brushes, paints, and paper, and create a basic color wheel, in this beginning or refresher course. Learn techniques by painting still life object such as fruit, flowers, land and sea landscapes. Handouts will help students to understand the medium and step by step instruction will be given. All materials included. Contract Instructor: Kathryn Henderson
Tue OR Thu • Ages 13+
Finley/Willow Rm
$140-$150 (6 classes)
Explore the basic concepts of drawing using pencils and drawing paper, and charcoal and charcoal paper. Less time will be spent on exploring tools and more on concentration of drawing techniques and seeing the objects then drawing. Each week will focus on a different drawing concept, with exercises to help with strengthening brain, eye, and hand coordination. All supplies included. Contract Instructor: Kathryn Henderson
Thu OR Sat • Ages 13+
Finley/Willow Rm
$95-$105 (1-4 classes)
Acrylics are more versatile than any other medium. They lend themselves to working in a mixed media format and can take on any style. Colors are exuberant, mistakes can be hidden quickly We will cover many acrylic techniques (a technique chart), as well as covering tools, surfaces, and brushes Techniques are applied by painting a still life and a landscape This course is an overview. Materials included. Contract Instructor: Kathryn Henderson
Join Santa Rosa Seniors 50 & Better! Receive an ID scan card to load a minimum of 5 visits in advance for drop-in programs, members save 50¢ per visit! Membership is $24 per year for Santa Rosa residents and is available but not required.
2060 W College Avenue • 707-543-3745
Mon-Fri, 8:30am-4pm
Bus Route #3, #6, #15
Discover empowering aging strategies and enjoy community support as you share your unique life experiences and aging concerns with your lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and questioning peers. Pre-registration required through the Santa Rosa Junior College Older Adults Program.
Instructor led seated and standing exercises to increase balance and stability. Suitable for those who use walkers or canes, and for those who have fallen, stumbled, or have a fear of falling. Caregivers welcome!
Pick up a game of 8 or 9-ball.
Play a variety of Bingo games and challenge your mind.
Join our monthly club “Books fall open, you fall in.” Current reading list available at the front desk.
Low-impact aerobics and strength training class to keep you in shape. Join this fun group and keep moving!
Hand & Foot, Sevens: some play experience necessary. Duplicate Bridge, Party Bridge, Pedro and Pinochle: experienced players only. Kaluki: will teach.
Promotes fitness, fun and friendship! Played seated with a beach ball.
Check email, work on a project or browse the web. Facilitators are available to assist. Need help troubleshooting? Bring your laptop or tablet.
Join the group for dynamic history discussions and presentations.
New Beginner: Welcoming new dancers and those who want easy dances.
High Beginner: Welcoming those who want easy dances.
Improver: High-beginner dancers with some experience who want to learn more challenging dances and work on their technique.
Intermediate: For dancers interested in moving up from improver level. Usually 3-4 dances per class, with one new dance taught every 2-3 weeks. Classes often include some discussion about technique.
Jam: For high beginner level or above. 6-8 dances per class; usually one new dance is taught.
Join us for a friendly game, featuring both eastern and western styles. No previous knowledge required, all levels welcome.
Preserve your family history and leave a record of your life experiences for your family, grandchildren and great grandchildren.
Practice meditation in each class with focused discussion. Experience health related benefits, improved focus and calm. Pre-registration required through the Santa Rosa Junior College Older Adults Program.
Participate in group field trips and discuss your photos with peers. Bring a flash drive to share 6-8 of your photos.
This mat class for all individuals works out the kinks and builds core strength. All levels.
Join the fun while getting a safe workout that stimulates the mind, improves hand/ eye coordination, reflexes, and balance. For beginners to advanced recreational players, all levels welcome! Mostly doubles, but some singles are also played.
A welcoming group of wordsmiths! Bring your Scrabble dictionary or borrow the facility copy.
Beginning & Intermediate Conversation: Practice sentences using past, present and future tenses.
Intermediate Grammar: Some knowledge of most tenses and a good vocabulary.
Participants will receive a full-body workout and improve their balance, coordination, and flexibility in this fun chair-based class.
Gentle, flowing movements exercise and relaxation.
Introductory class designed to help with tuning, parts of the ukulele, basic chords, using online resources and even a song. Material in this class is repeated each time. Ukulele required.
For those who have completed Brand New to Uke and want to continue building skills with easy beginner songs. The perfect way to gain confidence and prepare to join Bill’s Beginners and Beyond. Ukulele required.
Learn how to play fun songs on the ukulele. Group having fun playing and singing a wide variety of music. More challenging chords and arrangements. Some instruction provided. Semi-monthly Open Mic to help develop performance skills. Occasional public performances. Ukulele required.
A studio time to come and paint with other artists.
Easy flow Vinyasa-style yoga with deep stretching, standing balancing and meditation. Bring water, a towel, and a mat.
Learn basic Zumba moves to Latin and international music!
Learn basic Zumba moves and low-impact steps to Latin music.
*N.M. = Non-member (members are free for select activities) **Pre-registration required
Wed OR Thu, 10:30am-12pm • Ages 50+
Person Sr Wing/Rm 28
$22-$30 (4-5 classes)
Caring, confidential and compassionate support group for caregivers of loved ones with Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia. At meetings, you’ll learn best practices for coping with challenging behaviors, receive support from your peers, discuss the latest research and receive information about supportive services in our community. Pre-registration required. Contract Instructor: Susan Kay Gilbert, MA Edu
Wed, 10:30am-12pm
Tue/Thu OR Thu • Ages 50+
Person Sr Wing/Rm 23
$4-$8 pre-registration fee required
$25 Course Fee, AARP members $20*
*Paid day-of in class (check written to AARP only)
Learn current rules of the road, defensive driving techniques and how to drive more safely in today’s challenging traffic environment. Learn to manage common age-related changes in vision, hearing, and reaction time. First time students must take the full eight-hour course. The renewal course is for those who have completed the full course within the past four years.
FULL (2 classes) Tue/Thu, 9:15am-1:30pm
RENEWAL (1 class) Thu, 9:15am-2pm
Session Code 5/23 57689 8/8 57691
Thu OR Fri • Ages 50+
Person Sr. Wing/Rm 26
$23-$60 (2-5 classes)
Join this class where you develop your own unique style using watercolor techniques. Enjoy monthly themes, daily demonstrations, and critiques with pointers to help you improve. Material list available upon request. Pre-registration required. Contract Instructor: Barbara Marlin-Coole
Wed OR Fri • Ages 50+
Person Sr. Wing/Rm 25
When pole walking, you feel energized, taller and more confident! This training is designed for people with mild to moderate mobility challenges and is ideal if you are preparing for or recovering from joint surgery. People with MS, Parkinson’s, arthritis or aging joints find these skills invaluable for maintaining quality of life. A variety of poles are provided. Contract
Instructor: Jayah Faye Paley, ACE & AFAA certified
Wed, 12-2:30pm
$3.50 Member, $4 non-member
Session Code 6/7 57772
Fri, 9:15am-12:15pm
$35 Member, $45 non-member
Fri, 1-4pm • Ages 50+ Finley Complex
$8.50 member, $9 non-member
Drop-in with purchase of 5 visits
Enjoy the best ballroom dancing in Santa Rosa with live bands and DJ music playing your favorite sounds from the ‘40s to present. Keep your feet and spirits floating with the polka, waltz, cha cha, tango, and more. All are welcome with or without a partner. Themed Dance
Socials: 5/26 Memorial Day, 8/18
Hawaii Day
Monthly; 3rd Thu, 9:30-11:30am
Ages 50+
Person Sr. Wing/Rm 20
Free for member, $5 non-member
Meet with an elder law attorney for a 15-minute private consultation. Pre-registration required.
Fri, 3/17, 12-1:30pm • Ages 50+
Person Sr Wing/Rm 5
$9 member, $12 non-member Code: 48773
Join us for a wee corned beef and cabbage lunch to celebrate the Luck of the Irish! Pre-registration by 3/14 is required
Sat, 4/22, 10am-2pm • Ages 50+
Person Sr. Wing/Rm 5
$20 (includes 18 game sheets)
Play a variety of Bingo games and challenge your mind. Admission includes game sheets and lunch. We have daubers! Pre-registration by 4/19 is required: $10 due at registration, $10 due at event. Additional bingo packs (9 games) are available for $5 each.
Sat, 7/8, 9am-12pm • Ages 50+
Person Sr. Wing FREE
Come discover Santa Rosa businesses, organizations, and activities that make our community a wonderful place to live.
Mon, 11am-12pm • Ages 50+
Person Sr Wing/Rm 5
$6-$10 (4-5 classes)
Group focus on having fun while playing and singing together. A few basic chords (C, F, G7) are enough to get you started. Pre-registration and ukulele required.
455 Ridgway Avenue, 707-543-3421
Ridgway Swim Center boasts a 9-lane competition pool, a 2 - 3½ foot deep instructional pool, and a 140-foot water slide!
Office Hours: Mon-Fri, 9am-4pm; Sat/Sun, 9am-1pm
2060 West College Avenue, 707-543-3760
Finley Aquatic Center has a 10-lane competition pool and a 2.5-3-foot-deep instructional pool. The facility is fully ADA accessible, with pool ramp and ADA seat lift.
Office Hours: Mon-Fri, 6am-8pm; Sat/Sun, 9am-1pm
Join this reward program for swimmers and water fitness enthusiasts committed to their time in the pool! Receive discounted Punch Pass or save even more with a Monthly Pass –available to Members only.
• Membership cost $25 per family, per calendar year, and benefits include the following:
• Save $1 per swim with discounted Punch Pass.
• Save more with a Monthly Pass (Monthly Pass available to Members ONLY).
• Can be purchased at any time during the year and the fee will be pro-rated.
• Pays for itself in just 2-3 months depending how often you swim.
• Purchase at the front desk at Ridgway Swim Center or Finley Aquatic Center or by phone.
• No flotation devices, including swimsuits with built-in flotation pieces.
• Children under age 8 must be supervised by a responsible person age 16+.
• Children under age 5 must have an adult in the water with them always.
• No jean cut-offs, t-shirts, or street shorts allowed in the water.
• Only clearly identified service animals are permitted.
• Children must be 48 inches to ride the Ridgway water slide.
• Swimwear with exposed zippers, buckles or metal rivets are not permitted on the water slide.
• No thong/G-string suits permitted.
• Children over age five are not allowed in opposite-sex locker rooms. Unisex restrooms available.
Adults: $5
Youth 2-17/Senior 55+/Disabled: $4
Punch Pass (5 Visit Minimum)
Adults: $5 (Aquatic Member: $4.50)
Youth 2-17/Senior 55+/Disabled: $4 (Aquatic Member: $3.50)
All persons entering pool facilities are charged the entrance fee.
Join us for a fun time in the water for all ages! During Recreation Swim times, all facilities are open for public use and lifeguards are on duty.
Finley Aquatic Center
Mon-Fri: 3:30-4:45pm
Mon-Fri: 1:30-4:30pm
Sat/Sun: 1:30-3:30pm & 3:45-5:45pm
Ridgway Swim Center
Sat/Sun: 1:30-3:30pm & 3:45-5:45pm
Mon-Fri: 1:30-3:45pm Sat/Sun: 1:30-3:30pm & 3:45-5:45pm
General: $6
Senior 55+/Disabled: $5
Punch Pass (5 Visit Minimum)
General: $6 (Aquatic Member: $5)
Senior 55+/Disabled: $5 (Aquatic Member: $4)
Monthly Pass (must have an Aquatic Membership to purchase – see page 46)
General: $60 (non-SR Resident $70)
Senior 55+/Disabled: $50 (non-SR Resident $60)
Join us for year-round swimming for fitness. Kickboards and pull buoys are available for use. Lockers are available at both facilities for a 50¢ charge or you may bring your own lock. Lane availability varies.
Finley Aquatic Center
Mon-Fri: 6-8am, 9-11am (deep lanes only), 12:30-1:15pm & 6-7pm (all pool)
Mon/Wed/Fri: 11:30am-12:30pm (all pool)
Tue/Thu: 11:30am-12:30pm (deep lanes only)
Sat/Sun: 9-11am (deep lanes only) & 11:30am-1:15pm
No walking lane: Mon-Sun, 9-11am & Tue/ Thu, 11:30am-12:30pm
Ridgway Swim Center
Mon-Sun: 9am-1pm
Santa Rosa Masters Swimming is now operated by the Neptune Swim Club at the SRJC pool and is no longer offered at Ridgway Swim Center by Santa Rosa Recreation & Parks. For more information, visit: SantaRosaMasters.org
Multiple Sessions*; Ages 15+
General: $6
Punch Pass (5 Visit Minimum)
General: $6 (Aquatic Member: $5)
Monthly Pass (must have a valid Annual Aquatic Membership to purchase – see page 46)
General: $75 (non-SR resident $85)
Finley Aquatic Complex
Use the resistance of water for strength training and aerobic conditioning! These exercise routines help participants of all fitness levels to improve strength, endurance, flexibility and well-being with little to no impact on the joints. People with minimal water experience are encouraged to join us for this rejuvenating form of exercise.
Mon-Sun: 9-10am & 10-11am
Mon-Fri: 5-6pm
Tue/Thu: 11:30am-12:30pm (Gentle Water Fitness Class)
Tue/Thu: 7-8pm
Wed/Fri: 8-9am
Mon/Wed, 7-8pm; Ages 12-16
2-week sessions (4 classes, 1 hour each)
Finley Aquatic Center
$20-$30 - Pre-registration required
Learn the fundamentals of water polo. Participants must be able to swim four continuous laps in deep water without stopping and tread water for one minute straight.
Mon/Wed, 8-9pm; Ages 16+
General: $7
Punch Pass (5 Visit Minimum)
General: $7 per visit (Aquatic Member: $6 per visit)
Monthly Pass (must have an Aquatic Membership to purchase – see page 46)
General: $40 (non-SR resident $50)
This is a time for practice and scrimmages. Participants must be able to swim four continuous laps in deep water without stopping and tread water for one minute straight.
These courses are designed for all ages to gain basic water skills. The focus is water adjustment and fun!
Parent-Child: Ages 6 months-3 years
This is a FUN introduction to the water with singing, games, blowing bubbles, going underwater, floating, kicking and scooping. Parent participation in the water is required.
Tadpoles: Ages 3-5
Students work on comfort in the water and having fun. Basic skills like blowing bubbles, going underwater, floating, kicking and alternating arms are taught through games and imagination.
Water Frogs: Ages 4-5
Students work on water adjustment, submerging, front and back floats, kicking, front crawl, back crawl and elementary backstroke.
Sea Stars: Ages 6-9
Students work on water adjustment, submerging, front and back floats, kicking, front crawl, back crawl and elementary backstroke.
Dolphins: Ages: 10-15
Taught in 3 1/2 feet of water, students work on water adjustment and beginning swimming skills. Student progress and needs determine the pace of the course. More advanced skills may be taught including breaststroke, sidestroke, treading water, and dives.
Adult Beginner: Ages 16+
Students work on skills ranging from water adjustment and floating to front crawl, back crawl and elementary backstroke. The pace of the course is based on student progress and needs. The class is taught in 3 1/2 feet of water.
This program is designed to build swimming proficiency, technique and endurance. The focus is skill development.
Level 2: Ages 5-9
Prerequisite: Swim front crawl and back crawl 5 yards. Students work on side breathing, back crawl and elementary backstroke arms.
Level 3: Ages 6+
Prerequisite: Front crawl with side-breathing, back crawl for 15 yards, and elementary backstroke arms for 5 yards. Teaching emphasize on side-breathing and endurance for front crawl. Introduction to elementary backstroke kick, breaststroke kick, butterfly kick and sitting and kneeling dives. This course is taught in deeper water.
Level 4: Ages 6+
Prerequisite: Front crawl 25 yards with excellent side-breathing, back crawl 25 yards, elementary backstroke, breaststroke kick, and dolphin kick for 15 yards. Students learn to coordinate breaststroke arms and kick, are introduced to butterfly, work on treading water, and learn to do a standing dive.
Level 5: Ages 6+
Prerequisite: front crawl and back crawl 50 yards, elementary backstroke 25 yards, breaststroke and butterfly 15 yards. Students improve technique and endurance on the front crawl, back crawl, elementary backstroke and breaststroke and develop proficiency in butterfly, sidestroke, treading water, diving and flip turns.
Level 6 - Fitness Swimmer: Ages 6+
Prerequisite: front crawl and back crawl 50 yards, breaststroke and butterfly 25 yards. Students will continue to refine technique in all strokes and improve endurance while learning how to use pull-buoys and kickboards in their workout. Students will also learn how to use a pace clock, flip and open turns, and lap swim etiquette.
Level 6 - Lifeguard Preparedness (LGT): Ages 6+
Prerequisite: front crawl and back crawl 50 yards, breaststroke and butterfly 25 yards. Students will continue to refine technique in all strokes and improve endurance while learning lifeguard skills. Students will also work on water entries, swimming with a rescue tube, and rescues for distressed swimmer, active drowning and passive drowning victims.
• Participants must meet the minimum age level by first day of class.
• No make-up classes allowed. If a class is missed, please take the remaining classes.
• It is common for children to repeat a level before progressing to the next level.
• Drop off and pick up children on time (not early or late); this is required for safe supervision.
• Registration is required to participate in all fee programs.
• Classes fill quickly, register early and save your receipt to present at first class.
• Carefully register your child in the class at the appropriate skill level. If your child is under or over-qualified for a class, we will transfer him/her as appropriate. If there is no availability, you will receive a refund.
Finley Aquatic Center
Mon/Wed OR Tue/Thu
Each session is 4 lessons, 25 minutes each
$30-$40 per session
*Special Mon-Thu Spring Break Session for instructor training
Finley Aquatic Center
Mon/Wed OR Tue/Thu
Each session is 4 lessons, 25 minutes each
$140-$150 per session
Water Depth
S = Taught in Shallow water only (2 1/2 - 3 feet deep)
S/D = Taught in shallow (2 1/2 - 3 feet) or deep water (6 - 12 1/2 feet)
Finley Aquatic Center
Each session is 8 lessons, 25 minutes each $60-$70 per session
*In-Service Session: 4 lessons (one week), 25 minutes each; pro-rated $30-$40
**Session 2: No class Tuesday, July 4; pro-rated $52.50-$61.25
Finley Aquatic Center
Each session is 8 lessons, 25 minutes each $60-$70 per session
*In-Service Session: 4 lessons (one week), 25 minutes each; pro-rated $30-$40
**Session 2: No class Tuesday, July 4; pro-rated $52.50-$61.25
Finley Aquatic Center
Each session is 4 lessons, 25 minutes each $140-$150 per session
*Session 4: No class Tuesday, July 4; pro-rated $105-$112.50
Ridgway Swim Center
Each session is 8 lessons, 25 minutes each $60-$70 per session
*Session 2: No class Tuesday, July 4; pro-rated $52.50-$61.25
Finley Aquatic Center
Each session is 4 lessons, 25 minutes each $140-$150 per session
*Session 4: No class Tuesday, July 4; pro-rated $105-$112.50
Finley Aquatic Center • Ages 15+
Train to become a professional lifeguard with this American Red Cross blended learning course! The course combines 7 hours of online education with 20 hours of instructor-led classroom and in-water skills sessions that meet all criteria to become a professional lifeguard.
After registering, you will be sent a link to the online education sessions, which must be completed prior to the first skill session. Upon completion of the courses, participants receive certification for: Lifeguard Training, CPR/ AED/First Aid, which is valid for two years.
February 10-19
Fri, 2/10, 5-9pm
Sat & Sun, 2/11, 2/12, 2/18, 2/19, 1-5pm
Code: 55967
March 3-5
Fri, 3/3, 5-9pm
Sat & Sun, 3/4 & 3/5, 8:30am5:30pm
Code: 60167
March 20-25 (Spring Break)
Mon-Sat, 3/20-3/25, 1-4:30pm
Code: 60168
April 14-16
Fri, 4/14, 5-9pm
Sat & Sun, 4/15 & 4/16, 8:30am5:30pm
Code: 60169
May 5-7
Fri, 5/5, 5-9pm
Sat & Sun, 5/6 & 5/7, 8:30am5:30pm
Code: 60170
June 2-11
Code: 60171
June 30-July 9 Fri,
Code: 60172
Finley Aquatic Center • Ages 15+
Lifeguard certifications expire every two years. This class is designed for currently certified lifeguards to review and recertify before their certifications expires.
This blended learning review course combines 7 hours of online education with 10 hours of instructor-led classroom and in-water skills sessions. After registering, you will be sent a link to the online education sessions, which must be completed prior to the first skill session. Upon completion of the course, participants receive certification for: Lifeguard Training, CPR/AED/First Aid, valid for two years.
March 11-12
Sat & Sun, 12-5pm
Code: 60173
April 8-9
Sat & Sun, 12-5pm
Code: 60174
May 20-21
Sat & Sun, 12-5pm
Code: 60175
• A multi-generational water play experience with 16 interactive, recirculating spray features such as dripping palm trees, water cannons, deck sprayers, a super soaker, spraying arches, a water activity table, and a variety of other automatic and manually operated elements.
• Two new reservable picnic areas with tables and shade covers for birthday parties and community events.
• New concrete pool decks to provide enhanced, ADA compliant accessibility and to replace the existing deck area which is aging and failing.
• New tropical-themed landscaping, including palm trees, to create an enticing tropical paradise.
Finley Aquatic Center will be closed during construction, which is tentatively scheduled to begin in late summer/early fall of 2023 and be completed in spring of 2024.
Finley aquatic programs displaced during closure will be held at the city’s Ridgway Swim Center as scheduling availability allows. For current information on the city’s aquatic programming, visit srcity.org/Aquatics
For construction updates, including anticipated facility closure dates, updates on impacts to aquatics programs, and answers to frequently asked questions, visit srcity.org/FinleySprayGround
Info & Booking at: SRCity.org/FacilityRentals
Bennett Valley Golf Course
A beautifully appointed banquet room opening to an expansive patio overlooking gorgeous oaks and course views.
Church of One Tree
Adjacent to Juilliard Park, this magnificent venue was built in 1873 from a single redwood tree and restored in 2009 with modern upgrades.
DeTurk Round Barn
Among California’s oldest truly round buildings, a renovation in 2011 brought this historic building into the current century with stunning results.
Doyle Park Clubhouse
A small meeting space surrounded by established trees, open spaces and reservable picnic areas.
Finley Community Center
Designed for versatility, this modern multipurpose facility is perfect for a variety of events and gatherings and features an array of spaces where you can bring your event to life.
Franklin Park Clubhouse
A perfect spot for your group to meet, just a few steps from convenient parking.
Flourishing gardens, winding brick pathways, blossom-entwined archways and 19th century greenhouse create a breathtaking backdrop for outdoor special occasions.
Rosie the Trolley
Add old fashioned fun to any event while filling your group’s transportation needs.
Steele Lane Community Center
This center boasts the Dohn Room, a large event space with hardwood floors, cathedral ceiling, performance stage and adjacent lobby. Additional rooms available for parties and meetings.
Swimming Pools: Ridgway & Finley
Two spacious, sparkling pools, one with a giant water slide for your private party! Plus, the Birch Room at Finley Aquatic Center is equipped for a professional meeting or special occasion.
Person Senior Wing
An expansive and elegantly designed addition to the Finley Community Center, featuring spacious, well-appointed rooms for a variety of occasions.
Search by class name or code.
Visit Finley or Steele Lane Community Centers during operating hours and our Desk Staff will be happy to assist you with registration. For swim classes, please visit Ridgway or Finley pools.
*See facility addresses and hours under “Contact Us.”
• Registration is first come, first served.
• No in-class registration allowed.
• If a class is full, you are automatically placed on the waiting list.
• If you do not receive registration confirmation, please call the community or swim center.
• For accessible information, call 707-543-3292 / TDD 707-543-3289 (M-F, 8am-5pm)
Santa Rosa residents receive a $10 discount per session on most classes and activities. This discount is provided at registration.
Please Note: Program and other fees are subject to change. See updates at SantaRosaRec.com.
• Full refund for cancellations made at least 7 days prior to class or camp start –Camp Wa-Tam excepted.
• 25% fee for any Camp Wa-Tam cancellation at any time following registration.
• 25% fee to cancel fewer than 7 days before class or camp start for all programs other than Camp Wa-Tam. Or, you may transfer to an alternate class.
• No refunds or changes within 3 business days of any class or camp start.
• All cancellations must be made in person or by phone. See contact information under “Contact Us.”
Tax deductible donations provide recreational activities for financially challenged families such as swim lessons, camps, lifeguard trainings and senior memberships. Visit SantaRosaRec.com to apply for a scholarship or to provide a gift to the Scholarship Fund in any amount.
Persons with disabilities are invited and welcome to participate in all classes and activities. All Recreation & Parks buildings, pools and parks are wheelchair accessible. Some unpaved trails within our parks may not be fully accessible for those with mobility disabilities. Every effort will be made to accommodate activity and program participation on an individual basis. Please contact staff at the facility where you would like to participate, preferably at least two weeks in advance of the class or activity start date, to request individual accommodation.
General requests for accommodation or barrier removal can be submitted directly to Recreation and Parks at 707-543-3737 or through the City at SRCity.org/200/ Americans-With-Disabilities-Act#BR
707-543-3737 • ActivityGuide@srcity.org
TDD For Hearing & Speech Impaired M-F, 8am-5pm • 707-543-3289.
Finley Community Center
M-F, 8am-6pm • 707-543-3737
Person Senior Wing
M-F, 8:30am-4pm • 707-543-3745
Steele Lane Community Center M-F, 9am-5:30pm • 707-543-3282
Finley Aquatic Center
M-F, 6am-8pm; Sat/Sun, 9am-1pm 707-543-3760
Ridgway Swim Center
M-F, 9am-4pm; Sat/Sun 9am-1pm 707-543-3421
Play Santa Rosa Sports sports@srcity.org
Message Hotline • 707-543-4317
Sports Field Conditions •707-543-3474
Updated M-F at 3pm
Info Line: 707-543-3733
Finley Community Center rentfinley@srcity.org
Person Senior Wing rentfinleyseniorcenter@srcity.org
Steele Lane Community Center rentsteele@srcity.org
DeTurk Round Barn rentdeturkroundbarn@srcity.org
Church of One Tree rentchurchofonetree@srcity.org
Group Picnic Reservations
707-543-3753, picnics@srcity.org, or at Steele Lane Community Center M-F, 9am-5:30pm
Park Permits
Are you a strong communicator with a talent or skill to share? Santa Rosa Recreation & Parks wants to hear from you! We're looking for instructors with ideas for classes and activities to help grow our program offerings for all age levels.
If you love working with seniors and have an idea for an activity, pick up a class proposal packet at Person Senior Wing or Steele Lane Community Center or request one by email at: ActivityGuide@srcity.org
Share your knowledge, skills and talents at our city recreation centers or at your place of business. Inquire at Finley Community Center, online at srcity.org/rpjobs or by email at ActivityGuide@srcity.org
Spend your summer days at Santa Rosa’s parks, lakes, pools, and community centers
Each year, we hire and train over 300 seasonal employees, providing a fun-filled and rewarding summer job experience.
• Barn Attendants
• Boat Rental, Building & Pool Aides
• Camp Counselors & Aides
• Community Center Assistants
• Concession Workers
• Lifeguards & Swim Instructors
• Park/Building Monitors & Hosts
• Ride Operators
• Scorekeepers
Get all the information on summer jobs with Rec & Parks & how to apply at SRCity.org/RecJobs
Apply now—most positions fill quickly!