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an , Inn o vat i o n



Where Joy, Learning, Innovation and Service meet


Eduvacation An Introduction

What We Do • Our prime aim is either to make ‘Children’s Vacation Educative’ and or their ‘Education as Joyous as Vacation’ • ‘Conventional Education’ imparts mainly the ‘Substance’ for success whereas we focus more on developing ‘Efficiency’ needed to achieve the benefits and ‘Values’ that drive them to benefit all others… • We focus on cultivating ‘Good Habits and Values’ and developing ‘Healthy Inspiration and Competitions’ in character-building. We believe that our ‘Tuition and Training’ will lead ‘Habits’ to get culminated into ‘personal interest in, dominant preference of and uncompromising policy of ‘Goodness’’.

• Our strength is ‘Impressive Imparting Methodology’ that makes ‘Academic Challenges Smooth’ and leaves an indelible mark of the ‘Characters’ implanted. • We experiment the ‘Power of Nurture; that can ‘bring out’ Latent and Unprocessed Gifts of Positive Nature’ and ‘eliminate Unpleasant, Non-productive and Unruly Traits’. • ‘Eduvacation’ fills the gaps in children’s ‘Learning, Teaching and Living Methods and Environment’. • Apart from being educated, we want our learners to be ‘Talented and Multi-Talented’ and hence coach them accordingly. • We try to create maximum and essential exposure about ‘Nature, Society, Nation and World’ as well as instill ‘Responsibility and Development’ spirits in our students; within the shortest time frame, by special approaches...

• In higher dimension, Childhood means ‘Purity, Beauty and Benevolence’. In lower or common dimension, it indicates ‘Innocence, Neglectfulness, Ignorance and Immaturity’. These ‘lower dimension qualities’ may extend beyond age and overrule the strength of developments and may result in ‘Futility or even Fatality’. We provide exercises for ‘Refreshing and Retaining’ the higher dimension and ‘removing’ the lower forms. • We believe that every ‘Child’ has a genius in it and every genius • ‘Eduvacation’ identifies the of their students that needand special has a ‘Child Component’. Bycategories facilitating ‘Emergence ‘Enhancement’, Attention and Motivation’ providescolors ‘appropriate Guidanceand and we bring and the vibrant of ‘Intelligence Training’; ‘Transformation’ approach for misbehavers, ‘Empowerment’ for Jubilance’ together. poor performers, ‘Promotion’ for average students, ‘Enhancement’ for bright and promising achievers and ‘Direction’ for the dynamic.

'Eduvacation prioritizes the spirit to acquire wisdom and strength to assimilate the same' and places the 'substance of learning; different subjects of study', only as second and secondary. Hence, our students, who are well equipped with vital and effective tools of mastery can easily conquer their simple targets like distinction, centum or grades. We organize academic schooling as per 'our Pattern and Authorized Syllabus', in our partner and member institutions.. We provide general coaching and special tuitions for aspirants.. We also render special packages and programs for students in vacation.

Eligibility • Apart from students, we also have exclusive packages for Parents, Teachers, Researchers and General Candidates.

• ‘Monotony and Overload’ dilute children’s involvement and performance. In order to entertain and educate learners, we provide a ‘balanced mixture of Media Treat, Interpersonal Engagement, Field Work, Study and Exams’ and of course; ‘Fun and Play’… • ‘Knowledge Potential’ is not only based on textbooks, teaching and studying. ‘Health, Mindset, Intellectual Ability and various other environmental factors’ also play major role. Eduvacation’s success key is ‘Comprehensive View and Care’. • ‘Eduvacation’ identifies the categories of students that need special ‘Attention and Motivation’ and provides ‘appropriate Guidance and Training’; ‘Transformation’ approach for misbehavers, ‘Empowerment’ for poor performers, ‘Promotion’ for average students, ‘Enhancement’ for bright and promising achievers and ‘Direction’ for the dynamic.

Eligibility • Apart from students, we also have exclusive packages for Parents, Teachers, Researchers and General Candidates. • Even though we target kids and young students (from playschool to college levels), we have also programs that ensure progress for all ages and all levels of employed people. Even retired seniors can derive the benefit and share the same with their family and friends as ‘Passion, Profession or Service’. Eduvacation is a ‘Life Graduation’ program.

Teachers • We mainly assess the ability of a teacher to ‘Influence and Develop’ a child. ‘Responding and Progressing Ability’ of a child is ‘also’ considered. Apart from evaluating achievements of students, we study their ‘Interest, Hard Work, Latent Potential’ and other assuring factors, and customize training methods and programs befittingly.

• We try to emerge as and employ ‘Special Teachers’ who are well-equipped with ‘Commitment’, aided by ‘Views and Vision’ of ‘Psychology and Pedagogy’; keeping ‘their ‘Knowledge, Communication, Achievement and Experience’ as well as Technology’ factors necessary but secondary.

Our Social Responsibility • Almost all special gadgets and gifts reach only ‘Educated, Rich and Urban or Developed Societies’. We have ‘free’ ‘Eduvacation’ programs designed for rural, remote and tribal communities; in their language and to suit their levels of understanding.

Curriculum • Regarding school subjects, we follow the standard curriculum of different grades, recognized by education board. Our ‘Special Inculcation’ methods are derived from the ‘Designing and Vision’ of

‘Thinkers, Analysts and Experts’ associated with us and we plan to regularly update and upgrade the same. The syllabus covering our findings and exercises shall be published soon..

Affiliation • Once structured, we will initiate affiliation with reputed ‘National and International Institutes’ of Educational Research.

Fees • Fee structure can be finalized only after affiliation and other formalities. The fees for the ‘Introduction and Trial Sessions’ will be Rs. 1000 irrespective of the period and Rs. 1000 per month for long term programs. We have ‘Concession, Installment and Scholarship’ provisions for ‘Needy and Exceptional’ candidates.

Schedule • ‘Eduvacation’ programs are available as both ‘one time’ session and if interested, one can opt for ‘Continuous Learning’ mode. Starting from ‘weekend’ two days sessions, we have regular (on all weekdays or all weekends, during monsoon, winter and summer vacations, or two, three, six and twelve months courses), apart from the time and course preference of the aspirants compliable with our environment. • After our classes and even after our training, students can continue their assignments in their living and learning environments and report in our WhatsApp and mail groups. • Our concepts, models and their respective assignments and projects should be carried out by our students ‘throughout their life’.

The Process Student Assessment Self-Identification Training for Students Etiquettes, Manners, Behaviors and Discipline Responsibility Building Communication and other Presentation Skills Capacity Building Parents Watch, Teachers Watch, Correction and Customization Campus Studies (Learning about School, Teachers, Education, Exams and Environment) Syllabus – Subject Assignments, Evaluation, Certification and Awards Projects and Convocation

Application We implant the ‘Common Foundation Material’ that is needed for succeeding ‘in all fields of Achievement and Service’ and useful in ‘all walks of life’. Based on their ‘Area of Interest and Need’, the same can be applied.

Exposure Eduvacation curriculum has ‘Inculcation Process’ as ‘Minor’ component and ‘Exposure and Experience’ as ‘Major’ component. We facilitate visit to various establishments and functional centers and meeting with ‘Inspiring, Electrifying and Transforming Personalities and persons for Interactive Learning’. Thus education extracted from information becomes reality in front of them that they can ‘See, Feel and Understand’. This learning actually makes strenuous memory and acquisition practices unnecessary as retention and ability to explain or solve emerge as a spontaneous spring.

Visits NAME OF PLACE Pla�orm Shop Simple Shop Market Auc�on House Cyber Café and Data Centre Mall Gym Magic Show ‘Drama and Movie’ Company and Theatre Music Composi�on Studio Product Exhibi�on Techno Exhibi�on Science Exhibi�on Recrea�onal Exhibi�on Theme and Amusement Park Film City or Media Factory Hill Sta�on Trekking Hill and other Adventure Spots Library Museum Stadium Planetarium IT Park Marke�ng Agency TV Sta�on Radio Sta�on News House Print Media office Airport Pilot Training Academy Play School Nursery School Special School High and Higher Secondary Schools Campus and Career Consultancy

PERSONS TO MEET Micro-Merchants Merchants and Customers Traders and Customers Auc�oneers and Aspirants Operator Shop Owners and Shoppers Exercise Coach Magician Producers, Directors, Ar�sts and Technicians Composer, Technicians and Ar�sts Organizer, Conductor and Manager Organizer, Conductor and Manager Organizer, Conductor and Manager Organizer, Conductor and Manager Management, Creators, Technicians and Staff Managers, Technicians and Producers Na�ve Inhabitant, Tourism Officer and Tourist Adventurist and Coach Administrator, Librarian and Passionate Reader Curator and Staff Director, Coordinator and Staff Operator, Instructor, Theatre Specialist Professional, Human Resources Team, Innovator, Technocrat and Industrialist Strategist, Crea�ve Producer and Manager Administrators, Ar�sts, Technicians and Producers Administrators, Ar�sts, Technicians and Producers Administrators, Ar�sts, Technicians and Producers Management, Editor and Staff Authori�es and Staff Management, Faculty and Students Students, Teachers and Field Experts Students, Teachers and Field Experts Students, Teachers, Analysts and Ac�vists Students, Teachers and Field Experts Consultants

Compe��ve Exam Coaching Centre College University Research Laboratory (Any) Research Ins�tute (Any) Sports Academy Mar�al Arts School Agriculture University Forensic Lab Pharma Research Lab Space Research Organiza�on Industry Prin�ng and Publishing House Food Storage and Processing Unit Waste Recycling Plant Hydro-Electric Power Plant Nuclear Power Plant Animal Breeding Centre Plant Nursery Farm Organic Farming Site Sericulture Farm Hor�culture Farm Floriculture Farm Waterfalls River Dam and Reservoir Sea Ship Zoo Sanctuary Forest Tribal Zone Mines Hospital (General, Maternity and Cri�cal Illness) Police Sta�on Fire Service Sta�on

Facul�es and Students Students, Faculty and Management Students, Faculty, Registrar and Vice Chancellor Technicians, Scholars and Students Technicians, Scholars and Students Coach, Stars and Learners Learners, Teachers and Experts Dean, Researchers and Students Analysts and Inves�gators Management, Scien�sts, Technicians, Trainees and Staff Scien�sts, Engineers and Technicians Inspira�onal and Successful ‘Senior and Young’ Industrialists Printer and Publisher Research Team, Technicians and Staff Staff, Technicians and Scien�sts Staff, Technicians and Scien�sts Staff, Technicians and Scien�sts Scien�sts, Traders, Analysts and Staffs Green House Manager Peasants, Workers and Managers Research Team, Experts and Farmers Experts and Staff Experts and Staff Experts and Staff Nature Lovers Nature Lovers and Ecologists Engineers Oceanographer and Marine Biologists Captain, Sailors and Passengers Zoologist, Curator, Aquarist and Director Caretaker, Conserva�on Biologist, Ornithologist, Nature Lovers Officers, Researchers and Students Tribes Laborers, Management, Residents of Adjacent Locality, Farmers and Environmentalists Doctor, Specialist, Paramedical Assistant, A�endant and Pa�ent Re�red Chief Administrators and Serving Officials Fire Investigator and Fire Fighter

Prison Court Slum Undeveloped Village Developed and Smart Village Bridge, Flyover and other Public Construc�on Sites Metropolitan City State Capital Na�onal Capital Border Dispute Area Cow Care Home Animal Slaughter and Rescue Centres Animal Care Centre Old Age home Orphanage Care Home for Specially Enabled Rehabilita�on Center for Addicts and Others Medical Camp Emergency Service Camp Counseling Centre Refugee Camp Asylum Mortuary Crematorium Laborers Union and Welfare Office Dry and Drought Zone Famine Area Poverty Region Hunger and Malnutri�on Area Illiteracy Region Epidemic Region ‘Communal Disharmony’ Area Disaster Site Environmental Degrada�on ’Spot’

Administrators and Prisoners Judge, Registrar and Advocate Students and Trainers Villagers and Ac�vists Visionaries, Ac�vists and Villagers City Engineers Residents and Rural-Urban Trend and Life Analysts Residents and Rural-Urban Trend and Life Analysts Residents and Rural-Urban Trend and Life Analysts Residents and Security Forces Residents, Mediators and Security Forces Managers, Cow Ac�vists and Cow Entrepreneurs Slaughterers, Butchers and Ac�vists Ac�vists, Administrators and Welfare Board Authori�es Inmates, Care Takers and Management Inmates, Caretakers and Management Inmates, Care Takers and Management Inmates, Care Takers, Therapists and Management Beneficiaries, Volunteers, Ac�vists, Analysts and Doctors Beneficiaries, Volunteers, Ac�vists, Analysts and Doctors Beneficiaries, Analysts and Doctors Refugees, Caretakers, Ac�vists and Analysts Affected, Caretakers, Analysts and Ac�vists Mor�cian, Embalmer and Supervisors Operator Leaders, Workers, Labor Right Ac�vists and Welfare officers Survivors, Relief Team, Ac�vists and Analysts Survivors, Relief Team, Ac�vists and Analysts Affected, Ac�vists and Analysts Affected, Ac�vists and Analysts Affected, Ac�vists and Analysts Survivors, Relief Team, Ac�vists and Analysts Affected, Conflict Resolu�on and Peacemakers Team and Analysts Affected, Ac�vists and Analysts Affected, Ac�vists and Analysts

Eco Zone Local, Na�onal and Interna�onal N.G. O. Interfaith Centre Peace Academy and Training Ins�tute Secretariat Assembly Parliament Government Mint Naval Training Academy Airforce Defense Research Academy Embassy Police Training Academy Military Training Academy Army United Na�ons’ Office

Analysts, Admirers and Inhabitants Head, Advisors, Staffs and Beneficiaries Religious Heads, Ac�vists and Peacemakers Analysts, Project Heads and Students Administrators and Staff Members and Staff Members and Staff Authori�es, Manager and Staff Authori�es, Faculty and Students Administrators and Officers Authori�es, Research Team and Staff Diplomats Trainers and Students Students and Trainers Soldiers and Officers Officers and Staff

Meetings ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈

Freedom Fighter President of India Prime Minister Election Commissioner Governor Chief Minister Minister Lok Sabha Speaker Rajya Sabha Speaker Member of Parliament Member of Legislative Assembly Political Party Leaders Mayor Councilor Border Security Force and their Families Widows and Families of Martyrs Revolutionary Leaders Anti-Terrorism Fighter, Negotiators and Reformers NSS, NCC and Scout Team Vigilance and Anti-Corruption Officer Intelligence Officer Security Analyst Expert on Arms, Ammunitions and Explosives Investigational Journalist Private Detective Millionaire Young Millionaire Budding Entrepreneur

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Senior and Young Highest Civilian Awardee (India) Nobel Laureate (Science and Peace) Glorious Laureate Peacemaker Ambassador of Peace Negotiator and Arbitrator World Renowned Professional Illustrious Achiever Olympic Medalist Oscar Awardee Best Seller Book Writer Guinness Record Holder Philosopher Think Tank Educational Researcher Academician Geneticist Hospital Dean Psychiatrist Veterinary Doctor Plant Scientist Behavioral Therapist Physical Educator Speech Therapist Family Counsel Traditional and Alternate Therapist Dietician and Nutritionist Paramedic Nurse Ideal and Simple Mother and Father

◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈

Naturalist Chemist Geographer Forest Conservator Anthropologist Historian Epigraphist Social Activist Great Philanthropist Best Social Subject Movie Maker Management Expert Multi-Lingual Orator Inspirational Speaker Memory Expert Baby Sitter Government-Public Liaison Officer Business Consultant Insurance Consultant Event Manager Sculptor Famous Classical Dancer Famous Instrumentalist Architect Portraitist Jewel Designer and Maker Textile Designer and Traditional Craftsman Fashion Designer Arts and Crafts Restorer Antiquarian Diamond and other Gems – Industrialist, Worker and Trader

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Acrobat Folk Artist Puppeteer Clown Humorist Street Artist Rehabilitation Worker / Trainer Unadulterated Aboriginals Endangered Ethnic Community Members Suppressed Community Member War Survivor Disaster Survivor Survivors of Crime and Injustice Suicide Survivor Honest Bureaucrat Survivor Juvenile Criminal Rehabilitated Woman Unemployed Cottage industry worker Female Service Workers (Bus / Auto Drivers and others) Struggling, Successful and Inspirational Specially Enabled People Struggling and Successful Transgender Peon Porter Daily Wages Worker Workers in Horrible and Humiliating Circumstances Beggar Street Children Street Dweller Disturbed Street Dweller

Assignments Tell a Story

Students should tell a rare story; or any usual story with a new twist and claimax. They should also present the message of the story for our successful lives.

Share your Story

Each student has to share some interesting and message-bearing personal life experience...

Healthy Humor

Present laugh-stirring expressions, dialogues and incidents from your imagination and experience. See that they are hurt-free, message based and thought provoking.

Hand (some) Writing

Make your writing ‘Legible, Neat and Elegant’ by rigorous practice.

Powerful Speaking and Writing

Develop in you the arts of ‘Precise, Impressive, Informative, Authentic and Impactful Speaking and Writing’.

Write a Poem

Each student has to compose and present/attempt to present a short poem.

Shoot your Movie

Think a story for a short film, fix casting among yourselves, enact the short film by providing appropriate dialogues and shoot the film in available smart phones/cameras.

Frame a Game

Frame a new and interesting game that enriches mind and brain; and play.

Talent Display

Every student has to identify their own talents and talents in others and ‘bring out’ the same, for shaping and development.

Play with Logic

Create or work with logical puzzles and problems and solve them. Evaluate your logical sense and strength.

Wisdom Quiz

Compile exhaustive valuable inputs from sources and conduct quiz on aspects and issues of ‘Society, Science, Environment’, ‘Humans and Humanity’, ‘Future’ and others, within your circles and for schools and public.


Compile valuable information and inputs from discussions, articles, books, shows, documentaries and your opinion and findings, and structure your own ‘Knowledge Centre’.

Your Adventure

Perform any adventure of your expertise with proper safety measures. Also share the thrill of your earlier adventures.


Learn and do housekeeping practices and make your kitchen, study rooms, rest rooms and entire house space clean, orderly and elegant.


Learn simple gardening as ‘Hobby, Trade and Service for Nature’.

Fancy Dress

Choose a character and expose yourself with suitable attire and appearance.

Fancy Profession

Choose a profession such as ‘Teacher, Engineer, Doctor, Scientist, Astronaut, Businessman and Advocate’, dress accordingly and demonstrate…

Cook, Serve and Eat

Cook a good dish, serve and eat with your friends.

Serve your Recipe

Try to invent a new recipe; delicious, nutritious and good (Sattvic) and enjoy by serving it to others.

Conduct a Tour

Study about ‘Logistics, Competitive Marketing and ExperienceDesigning’ aspects of tourism and enjoy, organize and conduct tours as passion and or profession.

Clean Earth

Initiate ‘Cleanliness’ project from your place and surroundings and spread awareness and ensure maintenance of cleanliness.

Love Nature

Understand about any part of nature; its issues and initiate some action of protection and remediation.

Turn to Nature

Replace your perilous but attractive and expensive synthetic and chemical preferences with ‘eco-friendly and beneficial’ counterparts.

True Value

Realize the value of every unique gift provided to us; such as ‘Food, Water, Air, Elements of Nature, Life Forms and Relations’ and ‘Respect and Relish’ them.

Village Experience

Visit serene, struggling and developed villages, interact with locals, experience their values, life conditions and needs.

Simple Living

Cut down elements and practices of futility and luxury and find their simple but ‘sufficient and decent’ replacements.

B 5 (‘Bold, Brave, Bright, Brisk and Brilliant’)

Load yourself with exercises and tasks that make you Bold, Brave, Bright, Brisk and Brilliant.

Time in your Hands

Cultivate the habit of time saving, maintenance and productive engagement by systematic exercises that ensure punctuality, speed and perfection in all of your tasks.

Safety Intelligence

Qualify yourself with alertness and caution in all risky circumstances of your living, working and moving places, so that you can prevent and mitigate dangers and also educate and rescue others.

Learn a Habit

Learn a good habit from your friends and surroundings.

Leave a Habit

Leave a ‘futile or bad habit’ with your strong will.


Avoid deadly addictions and limit your unnecessary, excessive and adverse affinity towards elements and agents of fascination.

Eliminate your Ill

Throw your deep-rooted illness by your ‘control, medicines and natural ways of cure’.

Throw your Evil

Remove the evil that resides in your mind, speech and deed…Start with a specific and simple disorder in you.

Enrich your Profile

Create your meaningful profile and enrich it with your ‘self-initiated and entrusted activities and assignments’ and colorful presentation of your laudable aspirations.

Make a Friend

Make a new and useful friend from neighborhood cyber world who suits your attitude and aspirations.

Teach your Friend

Teach your friend his favorite or risky subject and equip him with confidence and capacity.

My Sweet Friend

Find or Form your dearest friend; a positive and earnest well wisher and caretaker.

My ‘Buddy Bright’

Befriend a brilliant and bright and ‘Resourceful and Successful’ comrade and boost your standards and status.

My Dearest Friend

Make a friend from marginalized, suppressed and abandoned community and empower him/her with your affection and care.

Form your Club

Select any ‘Subject or Art’ of your passion and form an active club for ‘Aspirants, Learners, Experts and Promoters’ of the same, and expand your versatility and vision.

Widen your Network

Extend your circle by adding qualified associates of your age and seniors, gained through meeting, discussions, study, work, neighborhood, play and social media.

Reach your Rulers

Keep in touch with your administrators of various levels through any channel of communication, and present your frank and bold ‘Comments and Criticism’ on social conditions and demands.

Leader in You

Earn ‘Moral Courage, Clarity, Determination and Rich Support’ by persistent and intensive leadership training and trials, and emerge as a leader.


Console someone in distress and strengthen their mind to get back to wellness and action.


Cultivate the habit of appreciating every good move and encourage friends, eradicate gaps and enhance friendship…

Charge a Dull Head

Select an innately dull friend and charge him with your advice, help and concern…

Settle Frictions

Settle the friction between two parties, with your emotional and logical arguments.

Reach and Teach

Reach out to students living in poor conditions and remote rural areas and guide them for their successful studies.

‘Virtue’ Net

Cultivate a good quality in your neighbor or friend by your smart force-free move.

Popularize a Personality

Find out any unnoticed and unsung person with a glorious quality, talent and achievement, and popularize him/her through your network and social media.

Search your Guest

Invite good, accomplished and noble people as your guest and host them…

Show Hospitality

Show the warmth of hospitality to a simple and unexpected guest.

Find a Family

Identify a family that needs help and moral support and nourish them with your words and deeds of kindness and service.

Learn a Language

Learn a new language and improve your communication skills.

Learn a Subject

Know the beauty and value of any subject that is ‘Unknown, Unappealing or Risky’ for you and learn it by involved practice.

Master an Art

Select a new art and master it by training and practice.

Teach a Language

Teach a language familiar to you to your friends who want it.

Teach a Subject

Choose a subject of your ‘Interest and Choice’ and teach it to your associates and aspirants.

Memory Development

Provide your brain regular ‘Tasks and Challenges’ that could keep your memory extraordinarily active and sharp.

Author a Book

Take any useful topic of your interest and author a book. Also, e-publish or publish it.

Learn from History

Choose any event from history and scrutinize its relevance for contemporary scenario and future. Make a research presentation of what lessons you have personally learnt and what the world can learn, from the event.

Learn your Life Lesson

Learn a life lesson on all possible occasions from your experiences and others.

Write your Diary

Note each and every observation, learning and experience of your daily life and add your appreciative and analytical remarks.

Write a Biography

Find any dignified person of your choice, endowed with great values and write their biography.

Write your Life

Pen down your ‘preferable real life’ experiences and draft your interesting, informative and inspirational autobiography.

Know a Pain

Visit any suffering community and know their pain; try to bring relief.

Feel for an Issue

Feel for any issue that happens around and free yourself from undue curiosity and negligence.

Show your Kindness

Show your kindness to needy people by helping them at appropriate time by all possible means.

Wish Tree

List down all of your wishes; simple to great and form a ‘Wish Tree’. Keep on regularly visiting and modifying the tree and add notes about your ideas, plans and development stages.

Fulfill a Wish

Find out the ‘simple and reasonable wishes’ of ‘hope and support less’ people and fulfill it.

Touch a Soul

Do some noble deed that touches the life of any of your associate.

Wipe a Tear

Approach your friend who is in deep agony and wipe his tear.

Care for Others

Learn the process of dedicated and effective caring of people…by involvement.

Save a Life

Save a life by ‘Blood Donation, Supporting with Resources and Physical Rescue’. Counsel and build hope in the depressed and suicidal attempter.

Droplets of Charity

Involve as many as possible in a huge charity and show the power of collective service.

Adopt a Child

Adopt a helpless child and support for its livelihood and successful life through all possible channels.

Adopt an Elder

Adopt an elder and with your kindness and support, keep him/her ever cheerful and peaceful.

Adopt a School

Adopt any needy learning center and feed the students with your learning, memory and examination tips, in your free time and enhance their zeal and vision to succeed in their studies, also by other forms of support.

Educate an Illiterate

Promote an illiterate by directing towards, providing or organizing appropriate schooling.

Back to School

Send back to school, a dropout student affected by poverty, aversion, fear and environment, by your counseling, motivation and possible support.

Sponsor a Student

Sponsor for studies and other needs of a ‘Deserving and Craving Student’ with your personal resources and networks.

‘Clean and Caring’ Clinic

Consider your nearby clinic for ‘maintaining and developing cleanliness and proper care’, with your and your team’s voluntary services.

Liberate a Labor

Identify any child labor or bonded labor and organize their dignified lives through study and employment.

Give your Idea

Take a common issue and provide your ideas for better understanding and appreciation.

Analyze a Situation

Try to analyze any situation in your surrounding and verify your inputs with the situation and its outcome.

Judge a Decision

Attempt to judge every decision; yours and others; from all angles and improve your decision-making abilities…

Study Failure

Go back to your failures and learn where you missed or have mistaken success.

Solve a Problem

Study a problem either of yours or of others and solve or make them solve, with your direction.


Select any field and enhance your creativity and with due guidance and team, find out a new ‘Element, Dimension, Force, Idea, Design, Approach, Process or Product’.

Design your Product

Design a new product; a ‘design, device, mobile app or anything useful’.

Sell your Ideas

Supply your valuable ideas to needy and zealous seekers and fix your own idea market.

Sell your Product

Prove your ‘Trading and Marketing’ abilities by selling a product on line and through agencies. Study and live in your own earning…and help others for the same...

Make your Money

Find the trend and demand, fix a suitable form of earning and start making your own money and be independent and supportive to others.

Start Saving

Realize the value of every bit of money, filter your expenses and commence safe savings.

Produce from Waste

Minimize waste and attempt to find ways for its reuse, recycling and remanifestation.

Work in an Office

Work in any office for few sessions or days and learn about group and team culture, discipline, interaction and collective potential.

Work in a Trust

Work in a social service organization and learn the basics, tools and sources of social work.

Take a Campaign

Choose any social issue, and campaign for awareness and action, by motivating your associates and others.

Take a Project

Take a project of ‘Study or Service’ that suits your interest and complete it.

Check your Health

Have a thorough check-up of your health by self-assessment and diagnosis and design your life style accordingly.

Map your Mind

Analyze your ‘Mindset and Responses’ and fix your ‘nature and needed correction, attunement and elevations’.

Test your IQ

‘Search, Study and Learn’ the standard methods of assessing IQ and estimate yourself.

Assess Yourself

Find out the entire facets of your inner, active and responsive nature and assess your role, responsibilities, reach and rewards.

Know and Tame your Mind

Learn about the mysteries and splendors of mind through scientific and experiential sources and engage in methods to stabilize, tame and strengthen your mind.

Art of Influence

Learn the art of influencing others by your ‘Smartness, Presentation, Confidence and Will’, for good causes.

Meet your Model

Select your life role model and establish friendship and regular interaction.

Be a Model

Take a principle and with thorough involvement and practice, try to establish yourself as a model for others.

Interact with Achievers

Meet great achievers and learn from their struggle and success stories.

Trace your Purpose

Trace the purpose of your existence in this world.

Fix your Goal

Fix a concrete life goal and draft an action plan with ‘steps and procedures’ to achieve the same, starting from this day.

Path of Worship (Optional)

Explore your path of worship and its connection with ‘Values, Abilities, Achievements and Service’.

64 Arts for the Modern World ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈

Videography Photography Web Designing Brochure Designing Mobile Applications-Apps and Games Social Media Networking and Marketing Theme Park Designing-VR-AR-Imagineering Robotics and Artificial Intelligence Graphics and Animation Data Management Theme Designing and Documentary Making Powerpoint Presentation Blogspot Content Development and Drafting

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DTP and E-Publishing Multilingual Typing Online Trading Marketing Speaking Narration-Analysis and Debate Accounts Maintenance Inventory and Stock Management Event Management Travel Management-Logistics and Hospitality Project, Budget Plan and Fund Sourcing Team Formation and Delegation of Work Friendship and Relation Building Multi-lingual Abilities Driving Swimming Cooking, Diet and Nutrition Housekeeping Essential Maintenance (Plumbing, Electrical, Carpentry, Car Mechanism, Masonry) Decoration Gardening and Cultivation Waste Minimization and Recycling First Aid and Health Care Animal Care-Cow Care Child Care and Parenting Caring the Uncared Social Service Personality Building and Beautification History and Heritage

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Journalism Legal Knowledge Human Rights Tax Awareness-Wealth Management Green Construction Plan and Design Environmental Awareness Safety Management and Emergency Preparedness Crisis Management Self Defense Counseling ‘Conflict Resolution and Dispute Resolution’ and ‘Harmony and Peacebuilding’ Teaching Music Dance Drawing Humor Handicrafts Sports Brain Games Exercise Meditation

Lecture, Discussion and Workshop Topics ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈

‘Child- Its Dress’-Sense, Code and Style The Neatness Manual Discipline- ‘Simplified and Sweetened’ The Complete ‘Personality Guide’ ‘Good Look’-Beauty, Gaiety and Behavior Speak, Start and Succeed- ‘Power of Words and Action’ ‘Hand Writing’ Architecture ‘All in All’ Housekeeping Respect Elders-Homage to Age Time Management- ‘Clockaholics’ ‘Pure and the Best’- Being Quality-Conscious Child Health-Food, Diet and Medication ‘Diet and Drug’ for your ‘Brain Health’ Knowledge in Your Kitchen-Nutritional Psychiatry

◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈

‘Homacy’-Health Sources from our Home Food, Waste and Poison- ‘Art of Eating’ Holistic Growth-Exercises for ‘Body Building and Mind Building’ ‘Safe in the Nature’s Lap’- ‘Eco Friendly Habits and Ventures’ Friendliness and Friendships Know Your Friends Know Your Enemies Know Your Parents Perfect Relation Building- ‘Child-Parents and Teachers’ Parents, Teachers and Students- ‘Triad’ Psychology ‘Rhymes and Stories of the New Century’ ‘Puzzles and Riddles’ Play-The Brain Boost New Age Sports ‘Play and Gain’ ‘Play Big’-Games for Cultivating ‘Goodness and Greatness’ ‘3 D’-Gadgets-GOD, Gift and the Ghost ‘Net’ Profit-Useful Websites, Apps and Provisions ‘Humor and Happiness’-Redefined and Refined ‘Rest, Relax and Recreate’-Right Choices, Methods and Rewards 100 Ways for Making our ‘Free Time’ ‘Fruitful’ The First Challenge- ‘Attention Building and Development’ Intelligence-Assessment and Acquisition Techniques Know Your Brain Joyful Maths Science Studies- ‘Relishing the Knowledge Thrill’ Learn any Language-Foundation for Multi-Lingual Mastery ‘Doubt, Ask and Debate’-Features of ‘Active and Growing Intelligence’ Learn to Analyze- ‘Sharp Brain’ Route Map Examination Preparedness and Practices Advanced Learning-Bridging between ‘Knowledge and Efficiency’

◈ ‘Study Championship’- ‘Welcome Risks and Challenges’ ◈ ‘Student Life’– ‘Seriousness, Significance and Sensitivities’ ◈ ‘Handle with Care’-Learning ‘Caution, Vigilance and Meticulous Action’ ◈ Art of Lifesaving- ‘Issues, Conditions and First Aid’ ◈ Bravery Building-Students and Emergency Support ◈ Know Your Rights-Freedom and Rules ◈ Society, Crime and Safety ◈ Art of Teaching- ‘Traits, Skills and Techniques’ ◈ Shaping Sturdy Generations- ‘Health, Hygiene and Sanitation Concerns’ ◈ Family- System, Values and Social Impact ◈ Admin Lab-Grooming Future Administrator ◈ ‘Technodents’- ‘Building Scientific and Innovative Temper’ ◈ ‘Visionary’ Kids-The Future Engineers ◈ ‘Juniors and Seniors’-Age and Challenges ◈ Curriculum for ‘Culture of Living’ ◈ ‘Make a Difference’- ‘Hard Work and Smart work’ Effect ◈ Know Your Potential-Power of Wish and Will ◈ You, Your Nature and Future ◈ ‘The Unique You’-Unleashing the Best Distinction ◈ Your Mega Identity- ‘Man and Superman’ ◈ ‘Make Yourself’- Self-Learning and Self-Development ◈ Self-Sculpting- ‘Becoming What you Want’ ◈ ‘Dream Drives Destiny’- The Power of Passion ◈ The Reality Show- To Remain ‘Brave and Ethical’ in a Corrupt Society ◈ ‘Be Cool’- ‘Anger and Anxiety’ Control ◈ Power of ‘Silence, Patience and Calmness’ ◈ Right Decision Making- ‘Pathway to Success’

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Missed Opportunities- ‘Fortune behind Failure’ Success Revisited The Life ‘SEA’-Settlement, Enjoyment and Achievement Know your Planet Essential Education - Learning and Feeling ‘Oneness’ Peaceful Mind-Principles and Practices Job Preparedness - ‘Seeking Settlement in an Unsettled World’ Career Infinit World at your Doorsteps-Global Vision, Service and Success Effect of Music in ‘Learning and Work’ Find your Spirit and Form your Team Professional Aesthetics and Ethics ‘Study and Work Place’-Environmental Factors and Design Multi-Tasking Ability and Multi-Job Management ‘White Money’-Earning, Law and Conscience Easy, Good and Safe ways for Early Enrichment Zero Budget Popularity and Marketing ‘Say No to Pollution’- Mission Possible ‘Road Safety’-Rules and Practices ‘Save and Serve’-Blood and Organ Donations Aliens Around- The Chemical Intruders Hospitality, Honor and Help-The Human Touch Truth, Honesty and Compassion-Humanity building ‘Social Awareness and Action’- ‘Campus to Communities’ Zero Budget Service National Security- Students’ Role and Responsibilities Students-Soldiers of Peace How to win a Child’s Heart Extreme Child Care- ‘Indulgence and Rigidity’ Impact ‘Kid Watch’-Smart and Shrewd Parenting

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Child-Play, Mischief and Crimes Child and Punishments-Need, Method and Effect Analysis Innate Goodness and Manifestation tools Instincts- ‘Architecture, Balance and Control’ Emotion Management- Streamlining ‘Sensitivity and Insensitivity’ ‘Autism Solution’- Refreshing and Reinforcing Mind Energy Misinvested-Handling the Restless and Hyperactive ‘Asset in an Adamant Child’-Obstinacy and Positive Harvest How to Win Others-Conquest of Positive Urge ‘The Unreachable’-Challenges in Transforming Hard minds Babies, Kids and Youth-Needs, Demands and Challenges Anatomy of a Smart Child Kidonomy- Students, ‘Money and Valuables’

Syllabus Sources • • • • • • •

‘Eduvacation Concep’ Lectures Observation and Interaction with Students Personal Analysis and Experimentation Experts’ Views Correction and Enhancement Measures and Effect Journals, Articles and Books Impact in Students’ Intelligence, Performance, Character and Success

Advisory Committee

Dr. D. Swaminadhan Former Member of Planning Commission, Government of India; Former Vice-Chancellor of Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University (JNTU), Hyderabad, India

Dr. A. Kalanidhi Former Vice-Chancellor of Anna University, Chennai; Vice- Chairman of Commonwealth Science and Technology Academy of Research, Chennai, India

Dr. E.G. Rajan Founder President of Pentagram Research Centre Pvt. Ltd., Hyderabad, India.

Dr. Kishore Vaangal PhD., Global Practice Leader - Entrepreneurship CSR Evangelism Ethical Governance and Institutional Economics; Chief Operating Officer of Transcendental Capital LLC, Chennai, India

Prof. Dr. Vudem Dashavantha Reddy Former Director of Centre for Plant Molecular Biology, Osmania University, Hyderabad, India

Dr. Sri. P. Kamalakara Sharma Founder Trustee, Dhanwantari Foundation International, Hyderabad, India

Prof. Pratibha Nallari Former Head, Dept of Genetics & Biotechnology; Former Director of Institute of Genetics & Hospital for Genetic Diseases, Hyderabad, India


Ms. Santhiya Ragini

Multimedia Syllabus Designer

Address: 29/1, Sri Ramanuja Mission Trust, Erikkarai Street, Nesapakkam, Chennai - 600078. Phone: +91 74486 45784 Email:

Mr. G. V. Raja Reddy

Director, Projects and Programs

Address: Sri Rama Nilayam, 120/3RT/10-3-640, 4th floor, Vijayanagar Colony, Hyderabad – 57. Phone: +91 98668 51072 Email:

Mr. Vinay Awathe

Government, Media and Public Relations

Address: D-283, Vashi Plaza Bldg, Sector 17, Vashi Navi Mumbai-400708. Phone: +91 99308 49722 Email:

Mr. L. Bharath Kumar

Student Coordinator and Team Leader

Address: Sri Rama Nilayam, 120/3RT/10-3-640, 4th Floor, Vijayanagar Colony, Hyderabad-57. Phone: +91 79954 61067 Email:

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