Quote from memory: 1) The Dove 2) The Beggar Maid -----------------------------------------------Essay Writing: Mass Media Key Sentences1) Mass media is the powerful means of communication. 2) Mass media includes Radio, News papers, T.V. Public platforms etc., 3) It educates and entertains all sorts of people. 4) It creates awareness among the people. 5) It is powerful weapon to promote business, trade and commerce. 6) The role of mass media is important in Democracy. 7) Mass media must be free from all bias. 8) It should help to perform the society.
S.S.L.C STUDY MATERIAL Essay Writing: Environmental Pollution Key sentences- 1) Mixing impurities to nature is pollution 2)Man is the main cause for all sorts of pollution 3) The rapid growth of population has added to it. 4) Industries and machines that release smoke and harmful chemicals cause all types of pollution 5) The three main pollutions are water, noise and air . 6) The ill effects of the above are bad health and making life miserable. 2 marks questions(supplementary Reading) 1) Why did Bhima refuse to jump over the monkey’s body? 2) What efforts did Bhima make to pull the monkey out of its tail? 3) Why did Gandhiji request the headmaster to exempt him from gymnastics? 4) What notion did Gandhiji have about gymnastics and why? 5) Why did Duchess go on strike? 6) Why did Duchess dislike living in the country?
National Festivals/Symbols/Integrity: 1) National festivals are celebrated to promote national integrity. 2) It is needed because ours is a country with many states and languages. 3) The important national festivals are Independence Day, Republic Day, Gandhi Jayanthi etc., 4) As all other countries we have our own national symbols. They are national Flag, Emblem, Anthem. 5) These three National Symbols help to identify our own country. 6) The purpose of celebration national festivals is to develop patriotism among the people. 7) It is the duty of every citizen to protect and preserve the ideals of freedom struggle.
4 mark questions: Prose.: 1) Describe Andy’s second visit to the post office? 2) How can you say that Vikram Sarabhai was an ideal manager of human resources? 3) How can we say that Sarabhai was a kind hearted teacher? 4) Give an instance to show that Narendra has a powerful concentration of mind. 5) What was the Pandit’s problem and how did Daksha solve it? Poetry: 1) Summary of Tartary 2) Qualities of mother 3) Work is worship
2 Mark questions: Prose 1) Why did the postmaster call Andy’s master a goose? 2) How are satellites useful? 3) What is ‘Retreat’? Who started it? 4) What advice did Chandrashekar give to youngsters? 5) How can you say that Kalpana was unique from other girls? 6) Who according to the author is a civilized person? 7) What are the signs of civilization according to Nehru? 8) Who created the British a sense of defeat and how? 9) Who gave the British sleepless nights and why? 10) What did the king send Daksha through her father and why?
2 mark questions: Poetry 1) What did the dove grieve for according to Keats? 2) What did the lords say about the beggar maid’s beauty? 3) What is the message of the poem “Work is Worship” 4) Why we shouldn’t judge the God? 5) What does the poet advise the devotees to do? 6) What does Gabriel Okara want to unlearn and relearn? 7) What are the different faces the poet wears in the poem ‘Once upon a Time’? 8) What did the neighbors ask the miser? What was his reply?
Subscription Respected Subject: Body ABCof (Yours the Sir/Madam Letter XYZ faithfully/obediently)
Extracts: Prose 1) Andy Handy at the post Office. 2) Swami Vivekananda 3) Magician with the ball 4) The women who made us proud. 5) Dr. Vikram Sarabhai 6) The king’s Greatest Prize Poetry: 1) The Dove 2) The Beggar Maid 3) The Miser and his Gold
Dear friend/ (subscription) ABC Body father With love of XYZ
Letter Writing Format: Official Letter:
Personal Letter:
Date: To
GHS, KUNDALAGURKI Give one word for the following: 1) A person who leads a wandering lifeVegabond. 2) Make fun of someone in order to hurt-Taunt. 3)One who does something first-Pioneer. 4)One who has noble aim for future-Visionary. 5) One who foretells things by studying starAstrologer. 6) A person who travels in a spacecraftAstronaut 7) One who studies rocks and soil-Geologist. 8) One who studies the human mindPsychologist. 9) One who conducts a scientific study of the
GRAMMAR & VOCABULARY Name the figures of speech: 1) I had a dove and the sweet dove diedAlliteration. 2)Sweet little red feet, why should die?Synecdoche. 3) As shines the moon in clouded skied-Simile. 4) My mother, black, prolific earth motherMetaphor. 5) A wild bear bearing a little of little onesMetaphor. 6) She was mean, crooked, ready to scratch like a monkeySimile. 7) Like a hurt bitch, she based her teeth-Simile. 8) A jungle bear has no
NAME: Prefixes:- (in, un, dis, mis, il, ir, non, anti) ‘IN’ Justice-Injustice Glorious-inglorious . Sincere-insincere Ability –Inability Active – Inactive Accurate – Inaccurate Complete –Incomplete Capable—Incapable ‘DIS’ Like-Dislike AgreeDisagree Belief-Disbelief OrderDisorder Courage –Discourage Honor –Dishonor ‘UN’ Rival-Unrival Happy-Unhappy , DoUndo SuccessfulUnsuccessful Pleasant -Unpleasant
sun, the moon and the stars-Astronomer. 10) A person who is skilled in preparing medicines-Pharmacist. 11) A building in which monks live-Monastery 12) A person who has been appointed or selected to attend a conference-Delegate. 13) People who do something for the love of it-Amateurs. 14) Cruel and violent behavior-Barbarism. 15) An animal that is cruel and dangerousBeast. 16) Ability to move or think quicklyAgility. 17) Something good mentioned in an official record-Citation. 18) A place where arms
need for Gita-Metaphor. 9) He plans his foot steps in the seaPersonification. 10) He rides upon a storm-Personification . 11) He hides a smiling face-personification. 12) And in the evening lamps would shine, yellow as honey, red as wine-Simile. 13) So sweet a face, such angel grace’-Simile 14) She didn’t even wear, like a good wife, Any vermilion on her brow’Simile. 15) White, and gold, and green they’d be and cluttered thick as seeds ,-Simile 16)With all their conforming smiles Like a fixed portrait smile’Simile
Fortunate – Unfortunate Healthy – Unhealthy Lucky—Unlucky Wise-Unwise True –Untrue ‘IR’ Relevant-Irrelevant Regular –Irregular Responsible— Irresponsible ‘IL’ Literate –illiterate, Luck –illuck ‘NON’ 18) Violence – Nonviolence 19)Controversial –Non controversial ‘ANTI’ Terrorism – Anti terrorism Corruption – Anti corruption ‘MIS’ Understand— Misunderstand
are stored-Armory. 19) Some one who knows a lot about a subject-Scholar. 20) A person who loves money and hates spending it-Miser.
Articles: 1) A useful 2) An honest 3) An honorable 4) A university 5) An M.P. 6) A one eyed-man 7) An hour 8) An M.L.A 9) An M.A. 10) The most 11) The highest `
17) ‘My laugh in the mirror shows’ Only my teeth like a snake’s bare fangs’-Simile
Fortune – Misfortune ‘IM’ Mortal –Immortal Perfect- Imperfect Appear –Disappear legal –Illegal
Correct form of the word:1) arrive-arrival 2) curious-Curiosity 3) examine-examination 4) admit-admission 5) correct-correction 6) announceannouncement 7) appear-appearance 8) fortune-fortunate 9) achieve-achievement
Auxiliary Verbs:1. Have you seen God? 2. Does God really exist? 3. Was it a holiday yesterday? 4. How did Duchess get her food? 5. Is it a right way to speak? 6. Do you know the answer? 7. Did you understand the poem?