Paulo Coelho 100.000.000 copies sold Tribute 2007

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Thanks giving Dear Reader, It has been twenty years since the publication of my first book, The Pilgrimage. 2008 will mark the twentieth anniversary of my best-known novel, The Alchemist, whose characters have already learned 66 languages and, hopefully, will continue learning many more. Looking back over these past years, I feel the need to thank you for your continued support, which has helped me to fulfil my dream of being a writer and dedicating my life to storytelling. The fact that I am able to write fills me with enthusiasm as I follow my Personal Legend. It’s a great privilege to know that each new novel I write still manages to provoke your interest, and it’s also a source of joy to see that my earlier works continue to attract new readers. I warmly thank you for your attention and affection, which have been a constant inspiration to me as I proceed on my journey. The meaning of the path lies in people, and we always see the world more clearly when we allow the mystery of each encounter to be revealed. With love,

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100 Million Copie s s old Worldwide With 100 million copies sold in over 160 countries, Paulo Coelho is one of the most widely-read authors of our time. To date, 455 translations of Coelho's works have been published in 66 languages and his novels have become permanent fixtures on bestseller lists around the world. What underpins the success of the many books he has written over the last two decades? Although he writes out of a need to understand himself and his own life, he nevertheless touches the hearts of millions as they discover that the author is asking the same questions they ask themselves, "even,� as Coelho puts it, “if we don't share the same answers". His novels have won him praise from high-profile admirers as well as from a young kid from the Los Angeles ghetto, from a retired French school teacher, an aggressive London business-woman and a lady who works at a supermarket checkout. Coelho's readership knows no frontiers of sex, age, class, cultural background, nationality or creed. After the success of his masterpiece, The Alchemist, and with the continuous support of his fans, his career boomed. Many publishing houses joined in this astonishing adventure, many wonderful novels followed and all of that has led to his present status as a respected author acclaimed worldwide. His followers value and esteem him for his awareness of the problems in the world, his spirituality, his probity of character, his wisdom, but most of all, for his ability to speak to everybody. Paulo Coelho is an advocate of multiculturalism through his work with UNESCO as a Special Counsellor for Intercultural Dialogues and Spiritual Convergences. The author was appointed a United Nations Messenger of Peace in September 2007 and this will allow him to continue to promote intercultural dialogue and to focus on the needs of children. Nowadays his success as a writer has surpassed his books. His name is better known than any of the 14 books he has written. And yet this 60-year-old, greying Brazilian, dressed from head to toe in black, remains serene and down to earth, but also full of enthusiasm, boldness, curiosity and commitment to life.


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A homage to Paulo Coelho “Those who don't expect to have a million readers shouldn't even start writing.” – Johann Wolfgang Goethe Whenever a new novel by Paulo Coelho is published, the global print-run of his books rises by several million within a week. Paulo Coelho is a phenomenon, which many have tried to explain – in vain. For some, he is an alchemist of language, for others a mass culture phenomenon. So great is his success that he's more than just an author. He’s read throughout the world, even by people who otherwise never read books or don’t normally have time to read. There’s a photo of Bill Clinton during his first term as president of the US strolling through the White House garden with one of Paulo Coelho's novels. Soccer star Ronaldo, Sinead O'Connor, Julia Roberts and Madonna are four of the millions of fervent Coelho readers worldwide.


Given the gigantic print-runs of his books today, it’s hard to believe how it all began, with exactly 900 books – the number of copies sold of the first edition of The Alchemist in Brazil. Shortly after its publication, one of my Swiss authors, Hugo Loetscher, a globetrotter, who knows Brazil very well, read it and recommended it to me. I knew nothing about SouthAmerican literature, don’t read Portuguese, and so I said no. A mistake, as I was soon to learn.

Thus began the second launch of The Alchemist in the German language market. It was an incredible success. Shortly after its publication in autumn of 1996, the book hit the bestseller lists – even though it wasn't a new book and the German translation had already been on the market for five years. The Alchemist remained on the bestseller lists for 10 consecutive years, and has been so successful in the hardcover edition that we have so far held back from publishing it in paperback.

The Alchemist became an international bestseller and was also published in German, by a small publishing house in Munich. Their sales were reasonable, but certainly not as good as in other countries. At the Frankfurt Book Fair in 1994, somebody else recommended Paulo Coelho and said The Alchemist would fit perfectly into the Diogenes paperback list. I got hold of a copy of the book and read it on the flight back to Zurich. By the time the plane had landed, I had decided to do everything in my power to acquire the paperback rights for this book. Complicated negotiations followed, but the result was worth waiting for. In the end, Diogenes acquired not only the paperback, but also the hardcover rights.

When The Alchemist was first published by Diogenes in 1996, we were able proudly to announce: "Paulo Coelho's books have been translated into 28 languages and have sold more than 12 million copies worldwide." Those 12 million copies have grown to an incredible 100 million copies. Paulo Coelho hit the 100 million copies mark shortly before his 60th birthday, so we can congratulate our author on both occasions. Along with 74 other publishers and millions of readers worldwide, I'm looking forward to Paulo Coelho's future books. – by Daniel Keel, Founder and Publisher of Diogenes Verlag, Switzerland

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Bio graphy Paulo Coelho was born in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in August 1947. He has led a very intense life. Before he became internationally known and a worldwide bestseller, he had to overcome many obstacles. As a teenager, he had to face the brutality of electric shock treatment in the psychiatric hospital where his parents, who took his rebelliousness as a sign of madness, interned him three times between 1966 and 1968. As a member of the esoteric underworld, he was put in prison for alleged subversive activities against the Brazilian dictatorship and subjected to physical torture. Later, Paulo joined forces with rock star Raul Seixas and, as a hippie, was very much part of the age of "love and peace" and "sex, drugs and rock'n'roll". Together they composed 120 songs (between 1973 and 1982) that revolutionized Brazilian rock music; some of which are hits today. Hérica Marmo has described that period of his life in his book, The Magician's Song: Paulo Coelho's Musical Career, published in 2007. Hippie, journalist, rock star, actor, playwright, theatre director and producer of television programs, this whirlwind life came to an end in 1982, during a trip to Europe. In Dachau and later in Amsterdam, Paulo had a mystical meeting with "J", his new mentor, who persuaded him to walk the Road to Santiago de Compostela, a medieval pilgrim's route between France and Spain.

Paulo Coelho holds the Guinness World Record for the most translations (53) of a single title (The Alchemist) signed in one sitting (45 minutes). The record was achieved as a result of an international book-signing held at the Frankfurt Book Fair in 2003. The man behind the author loves reading, travelling, computers, the Internet, music, football, walking, and practicing Kyudo – a kind of meditative archery. He has always been interested in cinema and is at present working on his first film project called the Experimental Witch. Every morning, he wakes early and, after a two-hour walk, shoots 24 arrows using one of his three bows. He and his wife Christina Oiticica divide their lives between Rio de Janeiro and Europe.

In 1986, at the age of 38, Paulo Coelho walked the Road to Santiago, and it was there that he reconverted to Christianity and found again the faith bequeathed to him by the Jesuit fathers of his school years. He would later describe this experience in his first book, The Pilgrimage, published in 1987. The following year, his second book, The Alchemist, established his worldwide reputation. The novel has already achieved the status of a universally admired modern classic. This story, considered to be timeless by many, is set to enchant and inspire whole generations of future readers. Subsequent books were Brida (1990), O Dom Supremo: The Greatest Gift (1991), The Valkyries (1992), Maktub (1994), By the River Piedra I Sat Down and Wept (1994), The Fifth Mountain (1996), Love Letters from a Prophet (1997), The Manual of the Warrior of Light (1997), Veronika Decides to Die (1998) and The Devil and Miss Prym (2000). Among his recent novels are Eleven Minutes – best-selling fiction title worldwide in 2003 –, The Zahir (2005), Like the Flowing River (2006) and The Witch of Portobello (2006). He has received numerous prestigious international awards. The critics have praised his poetic, realistic and philosophical style, and the symbolic language that does not speak to our minds, but to our hearts. He has been a member of the prestigious Brazilian Academy of Letters since 2002.


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Major Prize s and Awards • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •


MACH 2 AWARD, for 1,500,000 trade books sold (Italy 2007) Distinction of Honour from the City of Odense/Hans Christian Andersen Award (Denmark 2007) Las Pergolas Prize 2006 by the Association of Mexican Booksellers (ALMAC) (Mexico 2006) Platin Book Award for The Zahir by Austrian booksellers (Austria 2006) I Premio Álava en el Corazón (Spain 2006) Cruz do Mérito do Empreendedor Juscelino Kubitschek (Brazil 2006) Wilbur Award, presented by the Religion Communicators Council (USA 2006) Kiklop Literary Award for The Zahir in the category "Hit of the Year" (Croatia 2006) DirectGroup International Author Award (Germany 2005) Goldene Feder Award (Germany 2005) The Budapest Prize (Hungary 2005) Order of Honour of Ukraine (Ukraine 2004) Order of St. Sophia for his contribution to the revival of science and culture (Ukraine 2004) Nielsen Gold Book Award for The Alchemist (UK 2004) Ex Libris Award for Eleven Minutes (Serbia 2004) Best Fiction Corine International Award 2002 for The Alchemist (Germany 2002) Club of Budapest Planetary Arts Award 2002 as a recognition of his literary work (Germany 2002) Bambi 2001 Award (Germany 2001) XXIII Premio Internazionale Fregene (Italy 2001) Crystal Mirror Award (Poland 2000) Chevalier de l'Ordre National de la Légion d'Honneur (France 1999) Crystal Award by the World Economic Forum (1999) Golden Medal of Galicia (Spain 1999) Finalist for the International IMPAC Literary Award (Ireland 1997 and 2000) Comendador de Ordem do Rio Branco (Brazil 1998) Golden Book (Yugoslavia 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000 and 2004) Super Grinzane Cavour Book Award (Italy 1996) Flaiano International Award (Italy 1996) Knight of Arts and Letters (France 1996) Grand Prix Litteraire Elle (France 1995)

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Paulo Coelho Institute Paulo Coelho and his wife, Christina Oiticica, are the founders of the Paulo Coelho Institute, a non-profit organization financed exclusively by the author's royalties. Its mission is not to be a charity but to provide support and opportunities for underprivileged and ostracized members of the Brazilian society, especially children, the elderly and the mentally ill. At present, the Institute provides financial support for Creche Escola Meninos da Luz, Lar Paulo de Tarso, in the PavãoPavãozinho favela of Rio de Janeiro, which currently looks after 430 children. It started with 80 children in 1996, and its next goal is to grow large enough to support 800 children.

k For more information: Creche Escola Meninos da Luz, Lar Paulo de Tarso Rua Saint Roman 136, Rio de Janeiro 22071, RJ, Brasil Phone: +(5521) 2522 9524 / 2247 0810 / 2247 8145 Contact: Isabella de Moraes or Yolanda de Moraes Rego / E-mail:

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The Witch of Portobello (2006)


The Alchemist (1988)



The Pilgrimage (1987)

k Brida (1990)

The Valkyries (1992)


The Fifth Mountain (1996)

Maktub (1994)


Like The Flowing River (2006)


Veronika Decides to Die (1998)


By the River Piedra I Sat Down and Wept (1994)



Manual of the Warrior of Light (1997)


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20 Years


Eleven Minutes (2003)





The Zahir (2005)

The Devil and Miss Prym (2000)


Writing for you 100 Million Copie s

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Everything that we see around us is the result of a dream

The book that makes the world dream The Alchemist (1988) When you want something, the whole Universe conspires to help you realize your dream. Santiago, the hero of the novel, already forms part of a select gallery of illustrious characters and leads us through his story to experience a remarkable adventure.

“When I wrote The Alchemist, I was trying to understand the reason for the existence of life. Instead of writing a philosophical treatise, I decided to converse with the child inside my soul. To my surprise, this child was living inside millions of people around the world. With this book I wanted to share with my readers the questions which, precisely because they don't have an answer, make life a great adventure”. – Paulo Coelho


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Editions: Rights sold in 66 languages Afrikaans, Albanian, Arabic (Lebanon and Middle East), Assamese, Azerbaijani, Basque, Bosnian, Bulgarian, Catalan, Complex Chinese, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch (Belgium, The Netherlands), Eastern Armenian, English (Australia, Canada, India, New Zealand, South Africa, UK, US), Esperanto, Estonian, Farsi, Finnish, French (Belgium, Canada, France, Switzerland), Galician, Georgian, German (Austria, Germany, Switzerland), Greek, Gujarati, Hebrew, Hindi, Hungarian, Icelandic, Indonesian, IsiXhosa, Italian, Japanese, Kannada, Kazakh, Korean, Latvian, Lithuanian, Macedonian, Malay, Malayalam, Marathi, Mongolian, Nepali, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese (Brazil and Portugal), Punjabi, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Sinhala, Simplified Chinese, Slovakian, Slovenian, Spanish (Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, Spain), Swedish, Tamil, Telugu, Thai, Turkish, Ukrainian, Urdu, Western Armenian, Vietnamese.

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Brida (1990)

Eleven Minute s (2003)

The surprising true story of Brida O'Fern, one of the youngest Teachers of the Tradition of the Moon. The remarkable story of someone's life told with simplicity and joy, a story in which magic speaks all the languages of the human heart.

"Once upon a time, there was a prostitute called Maria…" Like a fairy-tale for adults, this is the beginning of the novel that shook the world.

“An anonymous text says that each person, during his or her life, can adopt one of two attitudes: building or planting. Builders can take years to finish their tasks but one day they do finish and then they are hemmed in by their own walls. Life loses its meaning once the building is over. Those who plant may suffer storms and can rarely rest, but the garden never ceases to grow, and although it requires the constant attention of the gardener, it also allows life to be a great adventure. In the history of each plant is the growth of the whole earth.” – Paulo Coelho

“Eleven Minutes does not intend to be a manual or a treatise on men and women faced by the still unknown world of sexual relationships. It is an analysis of my own journey, without wanting, at any time, to judge what I experienced. I wrote this book in order to discover whether I had had the courage to learn everything life had taught me in this respect.” – Paulo Coelho

Editions: Rights sold in 18 languages Arabic (Lebanon and Middle East), Bulgarian, Catalan, Croatian, Czech, Dutch (Belgium, The Netherlands), English (Australia, Canada, India, New Zealand, South Africa, UK, US), Farsi, German (Austria, Germany, Switzerland), Greek, Hebrew, Italian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese (Brazil, Portugal), Romanian, Slovenian, Spanish (Argentina, Bolivia, Central America and the Caribbean, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico, Paraguay, Peru, Spain, Uruguay, Venezuela).


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Editions: Rights sold in 44 languages Albanian, Arabic (Lebanon and Middle East), Armenia, Bosnian, Bulgarian, Catalan, Complex Chinese, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch (Belgium, The Netherlands), English (Australia, Canada, India, New Zealand, South Africa, UK, US), Estonian, Finnish, French (Belgium, Canada, France, Switzerland), Georgian, German (Austria, Germany, Switzerland), Greek, Hebrew, Hindi, Hungarian, Icelandic, Indonesian, Japanese, Italian, Korean, Latvian, Lithuanian, Malayalam, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese (Brazil, Portugal), Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Simplified Chinese, Slovakian, Slovenian, Spanish (Argentina, Bolivia, Central America and the Caribbean, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico, Paraguay, Peru, Spain, USA, Uruguay, Venezuela), Sinhala, Swedish, Thai, Turkish, Ukrainian.

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The Witch of Portobello (2006 ) Who is this mysterious woman called Athena? The orphan abandoned by her gypsy mother in Transylvania. The child taken to Beirut by her adoptive parents. The clerk working in a large bank in London. The successful real estate agent in Dubai. The priestess of Portobello Road.

Like the Flowing River (2006 ) Rather like a cross-section of Paulo Coelho’s literary work, Like the Flowing River is a compilation of tales, opinions and ideas drawn from articles published in various newspapers between 1998 and 2005.

“The pages in this book describe moments I have lived, stories I was told, and thoughts I’ve had at every stage of the river of my life.” – Paulo Coelho Editions: Rights sold in 13 languages Catalan, Czech, Dutch (Belgium, The Netherlands), English (Australia, Canada, India, New Zealand, South Africa, UK, US), Farsi, French (Belgium, Canada, France, Switzerland), German (Austria, Germany, Switzerland), Italian, Polish, Portuguese (Portugal), Russian, Slovakian, Spanish (Argentina, Bolivia, Central America and the Caribbean, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico, Paraguay, Peru, Spain, Uruguay, Venezuela).


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“I wanted to explore the feminine side of divinity, I wanted to plunge into the heart of the Great Mother. I felt the need to question why society had tried to lock away the feminine side of God. But why explore the feminine side of God? People sometimes ask me if I believe in witches, to which I always answer: I do. Unfortunately the word “witch” still has many bad connotations. To me, a witch is a woman who is capable of letting her intuition guide her actions, one who communes with her environment, who isn’t afraid of facing challenges. I wanted to talk about the prejudice that modern witches face in modern society.” – Paulo Coelho Editions: Rights sold in 44 languages Albanian, Arabic (Arab countries), Bulgarian, Catalan, Chinese, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch (Belgium, The Netherlands), English (Australia, Canada, India, New Zealand, South Africa, UK, US), Estonian, Farsi, Finnish, French (Belgium, Canada, France, Switzerland), Georgian, German (Austria, Germany, Switzerland), Greek, Hebrew, Hindi, Hungarian, Icelandic, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Latvian, Lithuanian, Macedonian, Malayalam, Marathi, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese (Brazil, Portugal), Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovakian, Slovenian, Spanish (Argentina, Bolivia, Central America and the Caribbean, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico, Paraguay, Peru, Spain, Uruguay, Venezuela), Swedish, Taiwanese, Turkish, Ukrainian, Vietnamese. 100 Million Copie s


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The Magician: the Story of Paulo Coelho Over the past few years, journalist and writer Fernando Morais has scrutinized every moment of Paulo Coelho's existence to produce a detailed biography entitled The Magician, covering his life from birth until today. The 500-page work will be illustrated with pictures and documents and will be published in 2009. The work began in early 2005, when Morais started accompanying Coelho on his trips. Together they went to Hungary, Egypt and the Czech Republic, as well as other places in Central Europe, and recorded several hours of interviews. As the biographer reveals, during their time together, the two writers became close friends. "But I also took care to keeping a certain necessary professional distance," he admits. Such was the degree of trust between them that they agreed Coelho wouldn’t read the final draft of the biography. "Whenever Paulo asks me something, I say: 'You’ll have to buy the book to find out.'" Fernando Morais revealed that, once, when he read Coelho's will, his attention was immediately caught by the mention of a locked trunk which was to be burned along with its contents soon after his death. "I was really intrigued and wanted to know what was inside the trunk. Paulo said it wasn’t important, but I insisted and said that if it wasn’t important, he wouldn't have put it in his will." Coelho then set his biographer a challenge: If he found the soldier who had wrongfully arrested him in the Brazilian state of Paraná in 1969 on accusations of terrorism, and who had then terrorized him for a whole week, then he could open the trunk. "When I sent him the interview and the picture of the soldier, he sent me the key to the trunk and I discovered that it contained 40 years’ worth of diaries." Important passages from Coelho's "treasure trunk" will be included in the biography. Divided into two sections, the first goes from his birth to the vision he had in a concentration camp in Germany. According to Morais, he reveals the identity of the person who appeared to Paulo in that vision and who later became his Teacher in the sect "Regnus Agnus Mundi" (RAM). The second section is devoted to the author's success and fame, after having fulfilled the dream of his life, publishing a book and becoming a writer with a worldwide readership.


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Fernando Morais was born in 1946 in Mariana, Brazil, and is one of the most important contemporary biographers in Latin America. An acclaimed journalist and successful writer whose books have been translated into 21 languages, he has received the Esso Award three times, and the April Award for journalism on four occasions. The film Olga based on his homonymous novel was nominated to the Oscars for Best Foreign Language Film in 2005. He has also been a Member of the Brazilian Parliament, as well as Secretary of Culture and Education in the State of São Paulo.

k “On the morning of August 24, 1947, St. Bartholomew’s Day, a baby was born in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Stillborn and motionless in his mother’s womb, showing not the slightest intention of going out into the world, the baby had to be removed using forceps. When pulling him out, the doctor must have heard a slight noise, similar to the sound produced by a breaking pencil: it was the child’s delicate collarbone which had not withstood the pressure of the forceps. But there was no point regretting the incident: the newborn child was dead, asphyxiated by the fluid that had protected him for nine months in his mother’s body. His grieving Catholic parents called for someone to administer the last rites to the child. In the absence of a priest, a nun from the hospital was called to give the final blessing. Then, the sound of the parents’ weeping was joined by a moan, almost a mew: the boy was alive. In a deep coma, but alive. Being born was the first challenge destiny had set Paulo Coelho, and he had survived it.” – Extract from The Magician by Fernando Morais.

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This beautiful series of stationery books with quotes taken from the author's best-loved titles, as well as insights drawn from interviews, previously unpublished works and vivid four-colour artwork by the renowned Norwegian artist Anne Kristin Hagesæther reveals Paulo Coelho's ideas, philosophies and extraordinary views on life. This line is marketed in 14 countries with more than 1 million copies sold to date since 2003.

Alongside this main product line, there is also a variety of other products with quotes from the author's work: a stationery line specifically designed for Latin America, comprising a gift book called Essential Words and the Personal Legend diary which has, to date, sold 1.5 million copies; a table calendar available in Latin America and Spain, and postcards for the USA.

Life: Selected Quotations by Paulo Coelho

Enigma: Agenda 2008 by Paulo Coelho

A delightfully illustrated book to be savoured either little by little or at one sitting, an absolute must.

A beautifully illustrated calendar, Enigma is a perfect companion throughout the year.

“When you want something, the whole Universe conspires to help you realize your desire.”

“On each one of these 365 days I will look at everything as if for the first time - especially the little things.”

– Paulo Coelho

– Paulo Coelho

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“The house of literature has many mansions, and I believe Coelho takes his place within an important tradition of fabulist writing.”

International Praise

“The readers wait for every new book by Coelho as they wait for a beam of sun after too long a winter.”

“The Witch of Portobello, is fantastic. Paulo Coelho has touched on the important issues of our time.”

The Times about The Zahir, UK, 2005

Arguments and Facts, Russia, 2005

Dagbladet, Norway, 2007

“Brazil wizard makes books disappear from stores.” The New York Times, USA, 1999

“A novel like thunder. “Like his other novels, The Witch of Portobello, is an incredibly beautiful read… Vast skill.”

“The world’s favourite author.”

Associated Press, USA, 2007

The Express, UK, 2005

The Zahir deals with addiction,

Excelsior about The Fifth Mountain, Mexico, 1997

Chosun Ilbo, South Korea, 2005

Zhensko Tzarstvo, Bulgaria, 2005

“An exceptional writer.” “Reaffirming his narrative talent, the best-known Brazilian author of our times presents readers with another thrilling novel.”

over-indulgence and obsession.”

“Paulo Coelho is a master of making ordinary things unique.”

USA Today, USA, 2005

“Coelho represents the legend of a wise storyteller.”

“This book is perhaps his most realistic and meaningful work.

Il Corriere della Sera, Italy, 1995

“A very hard, and yet a very warm story about life itself.”

Veronika Decides to Die

“It is high time that Brazil won a Nobel Prize, and The Zahir could be the book that was needed for Brazil to do just that.”

“Coelho's Witch of Portobello boasts a stunningly novel account of events.”

Chou Chou about Veronika Decides to Die, Japan, 2001

is a novel all doctors should read.” Dr. Amin Vazirian Dard, Pain Magazine, Iran, 2000

Al Hayat, Lebanon, 2007

"A fascinating, sensitive and gripping story."

Revista Veja, Brazil, 2005

Financial Express about Eleven Minutes, India, 2003

“A compelling portrait of the destructive power of heartbreak.”

“He has no halo, but lives like a saint, he has no wings, but is the sweet companion to millions of human beings, he does not wear a priest's robe, but, for many people, his words are God's words.”

“A truthful, frank and provocative piece of writing that is not culture or territory specific but talks of a universal experience.”

El Espectador about The Devil and Miss Prym, Colombia, 2001

The Tribune about Eleven Minutes, India, 2003

“Veronika Decides To Die is an invitation to reflect deeply on our existence.”

“Paulo Coelho is one of the most influential writers of our time.”

Revista Ercilla, Chile, 1999

Diario Crónica, Argentina, 2007

“Mr. Coelho's talent as a writer and his exceptional ability to touch the lives of

Age about The Zahir, Australia, 2005

“A brilliantly crafted examination of 'madness'.” Herald about Veronika Decides to Die, South Africa, 1999

men and women across boundaries and cultures makes him a powerful Messenger.” – Ban Ki-moon, UN Secretary-General

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Newspaper Columns Paulo Coelho's highly versatile and appealing columns have been syndicated for 10 years now. They attract large reading audiences worldwide, regardless of their cultural and religious backgrounds and have become a reference point for a public who look forward to these pieces as a pleasant rendezvous. Readers of 109 media in 58 different countries have already had the chance to enjoy them.

Estonia Finland France Georgia Germany

As well as the newspaper columns, he occasionally publishes articles on current affairs.

Albania Argentina Austria Bolivia Bosnia Brazil


Shekulli Viva, La Nación, Para Ti Kurier, Blickpunkte Oh! (La Prensa, Los Tiempos, Correo del Sur) Dnevni Avaz Newspaper O Globo, A Tribuna, Amazonas em Tempo, Cidade de Itapira, Correio da Bahia, Correio da Paraíba, Diário da Manhã, Diário da Região, Diário de Pernambuco, Diário de Sorocaba, Diário do Nordeste, Estado do Paraná, Folha do Estado, Hoje em Dia, Jornal A Comarca, Jornal A Platéia, Jornal ABC Domingo, Jornal Classimax, Jornal Correio de Sergipe, Jornal Correio do Sul, Jornal da Baixada, G1, Jornal da Manhã, Jornal de Brasília, Jornal de Itatiba, Jornal de Limeira, Jornal de Santa Catarina, Jornal de Valinhos, Jornal Diário do Sul,

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Jornal do Povo, Jornal Extra, Jornal Gazeta do Sul, Jornal Gazetta Editora e Serviços, Jornal O Liberal, Jornal O Sul, Jornal O Vale Paraíbano, Jonal Página 20, Jornal S/A Gazeta, Jornal Tribuna Impressa, O Jornal, Tirbuna do Norte, Rádio Juruá FM Bulgaria Dnvenik, 24 Hours, Story Magazine Canada La Semaine, Le Soleil Chile Publimetro, La Segunda, La Tercera China South China Weekend Colombia El Espectador Costa Rica La República Croatia Elle Magazine, Jutarnji List, Slobodna Dalmacija Czech Republic Metro Daily, Pravo Dominican El Nacional Republic Ecuador El Universo El Salvador La Prensa Egypt Akhbar Al Adab

Greece Guatemala Honduras Hungary Iceland Indonesia India Ireland Italy Japan Korea Lebanon Lithuania Mexico Netherlands Nicaragua Norway

Femme’s website, Anna Anna, Suomen Kuvalehtia's website Changer Tout, Psychologies Magazine 24 Hours TV Hören + Sehen, Bild, Welt am Sonntag Ta Nea Local Times La Prensa Metro Daily DV Hiduz Magazine, Surya Newspaper, Gramedia’s Website The Asian Age, Marathi Daily Lokasatta Starboard Oggi, Corriere della Sera The Book Traveller Joong Ang Il Bo, Teen's Note, The Feature, Cho Sun Il Bo Al Bayan Newspaper, Virgin Magazine, Aztag (Armenian) Dialogas Reforma Boek Magazine, Happinez Magazine, Ode Magazine La Prensa Ny Tid, Bergens Tidende

Oman Panama Peru Poland Portugal Puerto Rico Romania

Russia Serbia Slovakia Slovenia South Africa Spain Sweden Switzerland Taiwan Turkey Ukraine United Kingdom Venezuela

Y Magazine La Prensa El Comercio Pani, Wrozka, Zwierciadlo Viva, Lux, Jornal de Noticias, Revista Livros, Reader’s Digest Primera Hora Evenimentul Zilei, Pro TV Magazine, Romania Libera, Romania Ziarul de Duminica, Elle Komsomolskaya, Egoist Generation, Izvestia Newspaper Pravda, Sobesednik Politika, Vecernje Novosti Pravda, Domino Forum Delo Odyssey Magazine, Beeld, Die Burger (Afrikaans) El Mundo, El Semanal (Grupo Correo), L’Avui (Catalan), El Punt (Catalan) Topphalsa Magazine Sie+Er Magazine (Sonntags Blick), Schweizer Illustrierte, Truce Magazine China Times Daily, Yaputo Aksam Daily, AKtuel Magazine, Kacak Yayin, Vatan Express, Moloda Galychyna, Postup Think, The Guardian's website El Nacional

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“We go into a restaurant to have dinner. We order risotto with truffles, and a good wine. We chat about life, and once again she comes out with an absurd comment: “This food is rectangular!” She noticed the look of alarm on my face. Rectangular food? “You must think I’m crazy, but I’m not. At one point in my life I thought that I was colour-blind, that I got colours all mixed up. I went to the doctor and discovered that I have a common neurological disorder.” When I got back home I immediately started doing some research on the computer and was surprised to find out about something I had never heard of before in my life: synesthesia. A condition in which the stimulus of a certain sense provokes perception in another. Those who suffer from this type of disorder confuse sounds with smells, sights with taste, colours with touch (not necessarily in that logical order). Some scientific studies claim that this is the origin of people being able to see auras around people; I disagree with these studies, for I believe that we all have an astral body that can be seen when we alter our perception. But what fascinated me most was the fact that what we perceive through our five senses is not an absolute truth. Synesthetic people have a completely different notion of the world from ours, though this doesn’t prevent them from leading a relatively normal life. […] To my great surprise, some studies point out that one in every 300 people is synesthetic (although most say that the ratio is one in every 2,000). The next day I called my friend and asked what sensation she associated with me. "Gentle" was her answer. Well, synesthesia can’t always be logical!” – Excerpt from "Synesthesia"

k “When I was a child I used to read a magazine that my parents subscribed to, which had a section called "My most unforgettable character" in which ordinary people talked about other ordinary people who had influenced their lives. Of course, at that age (nine or ten), I had my own unforgettable character. On the other hand, I was sure that, over the years, this model would change, so I decided not to write to the magazine and submit my opinion (today I wonder how they would have reacted to receiving a contribution from someone so young). […] My most unforgettable character was José, my grandfather’s youngest brother. He never married, worked as an engineer for many years, and when he retired, he decided to move to Araruama, a city near Rio de Janeiro. That's where the whole family went to spend the summer holidays with the children. Uncle José was a bachelor, so he probably didn’t have much patience with that yearly invasion, but that was the only time when he could share a little of his loneliness with his greatnephews and -nieces. He was also an inventor, and to accommodate us he decided to build a house where the rooms only


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appeared during the summer! He pressed a button, and the walls descended from the roof, the beds and cupboards emerged from the outer walls, and there were another four bedrooms to house the new arrivals! […] He taught me to love things done from the heart. He showed me the importance of doing what you wanted to do, regardless of what other people said. He gave me shelter when, as a rebellious adolescent, I had problems with my parents.” – Excerpt from "My Unforgettable Character"

k “The letter I can’t answer is lying right here on my desk. It reached me through the efforts of a Dutch couple who sent me an e-mail in June 2006. I didn’t think it was very important, and so didn’t answer. At the end of that same month they wrote again, and again I paid no attention. And then came the warning letter, written in sterner language: "This is the last time we are asking you this favour. It is up to you to write to Justin or not. Or rather, it is up to your conscience. I got to know your books because he recommended them. Yours truly, Jacobus" […] I read the text of the e-mail carefully: it says that Justin Fuller, prisoner #999266 at the Polunsky Unit, Livingston, Texas, will be executed, on 24th August, which happens to be my birthday. I write the letter. The week following my birthday, Jacobus writes to me once more: Justin received my letter and wrote a reply before he was executed. […] "Dear Mr. Coelho: "Death row is the arena where the policies of Power, Retribution and Violence are applied to a man using materials such as concrete and steel, until this man turns into steel and his heart becomes as hard as concrete. However, though steel can be hard, it can still be flexible, and though the heart can be transformed into concrete, it still beats. Beyond the concrete and the steel stands the man, his love of life, and the great principles that rule human beings. […] In the USA they execute prisoners in the name of what they call ’justice’ without taking into account whether they were well represented in court, the circumstances of their birth and their family environment. "While I wait out the last appeal to the Supreme Court, I feel full of life and strong, and my spirit is completely free. "If I transcend, I will finally be able to float in the wind and enjoy freedom. I have realized that although my body is imprisoned, my life has changed and my soul can still love, because all freedom is mental. Many people in this world, although they are on the outside of prison, are far more in bondage than I am. "Only when these people come to understand that freedom is a state of the mind will they truly be able to enjoy it." […] The letter that I couldn’t answer, from a man condemned to death, arrested when he was 19 years old and executed when he was 27, contains not a word of complaint: it speaks of freedom and life.” – Excerpt from "The letter I can't answer"

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Christmas Tale s

Every December the author writes a story to bid farewell to the dying year. It is syndicated in different countries all round the world, irrespective of their religious and cultural backgrounds. In 2006, readers of 117 media in 64 different countries enjoyed Paulo Coelho's Christmas tale.


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Paulo Coelho’s Web World

Blo g

One of Paulo Coelho's passions – as well as a self-declared addiction – is the Internet. This is a channel that enables him to be in direct contact with his readership, something that has always been very important to him. In his own words: "Readers are my treasure". Unlike pop stars or theatre actors, the only way the author can interact with his audience is through his various websites or at book-signings.

In spring 2006, Paulo Coelho travelled to Santiago de Compostela to celebrate the 20th anniversary of his first pilgrimage there in 1986. He also held surprise book-signings - announced one day in advance - in some cities along the way, to have a chance to meet his readers. In the ninety days of this pilgrimage the author travelled round the globe and caught the famous Trans-Siberian Railway to Vladivostok. During this time Coelho launched a 4-language blog, "Walking the Path", in order to share his impressions with his readers. This later developed into his present multilingual blog, which has since grown exponentially.

Here's an overview of Coelho's increasing presence on the Internet from 1996 until summer 2007:

Website In 1996 Paulo Coelho launched his website and since then it has received 6 million visitors and is available in 16 languages. His bi-weekly newsletter has 120,000 subscribers and is distributed in 7 languages.


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Through his blog, readers can post their comments on his work, accompany him throughout the world and see what his daily life is like through his own photos. This blog is fed on a daily base from a number of different sources: Daily Message, Today's Question, Quote of the Day, News, Youtube videos, Free Downloads, Cards and the following highlights: Discussion Forum In this forum Coelho provides an open space in which to debate current affairs and a series of topics closest to his heart, such as: torture, religious wars, xenophobia, marriage, prayers, counselling, grief and daily miracles.

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Reader’s Corner for The Witch of Portobello Before the actual publication of his latest novel, The Witch of Portobello, Coelho took the unusual step of posting the first 11 chapters of the novel on his blog, to give the readers a space to debate and let them give their opinion on the book. So far, this event has expanded the blog to 13 different languages and has attracted as many as 1 million visitors. This novel is also the origin of an unprecedented film project called The Experimental Witch. The Experimental Witch Throughout his career as a writer, Coelho has been trusted and helped by people who did not know him well, but who enabled him to follow his dreams. As a symbolic way of returning these favours and offering new opportunities to other artists, he has invited the filmmakers and musicians among his readers to make a film adaptation of his latest book. Each filmmaker is asked to choose a character from the novel and shoot all the scenes in which that character interacts with the heroine, Athena, and in the case of musicians, they are asked to compose a theme based on one of the 15 characters. The author will retain the rights to the film and in exchange will promote it at festivals and on the Internet. This project has stirred imaginations and been picked by such major newspapers as The Times (UK) and the EFE press agencies.


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So cial Network Communitie s Paulo Coelho’s keenness to explore the Internet has also led him to well-known social communities such as MySpace and Facebook. The author has discovered a multitude of dynamic communities dedicated to his work, the largest being on Orkut, which now has almost 60,000 members. Most of these social communities include fan pages where his work is discussed. This further presence on the Web represents hundreds of films up-loaded onto YouTube (his ad for the Hewlett Packard campaign attracted more than 30,000 viewers), pictures and quotes on Media Share Sites and a panoply of blog posts, PPS & un-official fan clubs all over the Net.

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Hewlett Packard

In March 2007, Hewlett Packard launched its campaign "The Computer is Personal again" in Latin America with a TV spot starring Paulo Coelho. In it he shares his experiences of using the computer. The ad is being broadcast in Latin America and Europe, as well as in an on-line campaign. He took his fee in the form of a donation to the Paulo Coelho Institute, a foundation that helps children who live in a favela in Rio.

Partners “The world has become my home. In an age when corporations are becoming more humane and more global and struggle to assimilate qualities such as boldness, success, sympathy and beauty, several established brands and companies have seen the potential of Paulo Coelho, who long ago stopped being a signature and became instead a worldwide brand. His capacity to appeal to all kinds of people all around the world adds value to their brands.

Montegrappa In October 2006, in an event held in Milan, Italy, the foremost Italian pen manufacturer officially named Paulo Coelho world ambassador of its brand on the occasion of the launch of "Espressione", their new product line which includes a fountain pen with the author's name on it. In June 2007, the company held another event at the Thyssen Museum in Madrid, at which Coelho was present, to launch their new pens in Spain.


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And my computer . . . its door through which words flow, like threads which I use to knit books. It’s where e-mails feed my blog like a river feeds the sea, where pictures can immortalize a moment. My computer is a mill where I can lock myself in to write . . . or check the soccer scores . . . It’s my window on the world.”

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Starbucks In January 2007 the coffeehouse chain Starbucks distributed five million Venti cups printed with a Coelho quote throughout the United States as part of its "The Way I See It" programme, which prints the words of thinkers alongside words from one of their customers.

“Remember your dreams and fight for them. You must know what you want from life. There is just one thing that makes your dream become impossible: the fear of failure. Never forget your Personal Legend. Never forget your dreams. Your silent heart will guide you. Be silent now. It is the possibility of a dream that makes life interesting. You can choose between being a victim of destiny or an adventurer who is fighting for something important.” In September 2007 Starbucks ran a promotion in all its 90 German coffeehouses: 250,000 booklets containing the first chapter of The Witch of Portobello were placed at a prime location – at the counter where people get their orders. This was combined with a competition, in which their clients could win copies of the novel and signed cups, as well as a signing session at its Munich coffeehouse and a Podcast on


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Credits October 2007, © Sant Jordi Asociados Agencia Literaria S.L. Written by: Montse Ballesteros Photos and Sources: Paulo Coelho and Sant Jordi Asociados Agencia Literaria S.L. Graphic Design: Lene Stangebye Geving / Contact: Address: Passeig Garcia i Faria, 73-75, Torre A, 7º 5º, 08019 Barcelona, Spain. Phone: +34 93 224 01 07 / Fax: + 34 93 356 26 96 / Email: Website:

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