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A REPORT ON Pitiable & Pathetic Conditions



A Study on Widows of Vrindavan

Unveiling the Reality of Vrindavan- The City of Widows UHRF‐CSR has expanded its areas of reach through a variety of programs. These programs include domes c violence awareness, vic m support & vic m‐to‐survivor program. We also promote dignity, respect and support for deserted elderly widows in Vrindavan (Mathura, India). Vrindavan, a place revered as the birthplace of Lord Krishna, is also the dwelling of the widows. In fact, this sacred place can also be known as the “City of Widows”, not because of their number, but their pi able dependence on charity, which makes them such a prevailing feature of this city of spirituality. Draped in white saris, many of these women bent with age and holding a s ck for support, they can be seen scuffling their feet around the city, mostly around the Bhajan Ashrams where they chant prayers and receive uncooked rice, len ls and minimal amounts as charity. We have examined the situa on of “Vrindavan Widows” and have unfurled several issues depriving these women from fundamental rights.

A Study on Widows of Vrindavan

According to our findings, the average age of the widows is about 60 years. More than 85% women have flocked to Vrindavan from West Bengal and rest from Orissa, U ar Pradesh and other states. The educa onal level of these women states that 75% women have Primary Educa on, while some are illiterate. The main cause of these women finding a shelter in Vrindavan includes‐ 70% of the women have arrived in Vrindavan out of family compulsion such as‐       

Death of husband at early age and within 1or 2 years of marriage Alcoholism of husband Dispute with son or daughter‐in‐law Dispute with other rela ves Des tu on by husband for various reasons An extra marital rela on of husband or second marriage A er death of husband or impoverishment returned to parents family but they are not willing to keep with them.

20% women came due to religious reasons and only 5% have come to Vrindavan on their free will.



A Study on Widows of Vrindavan

Economic Stability More than 85% widows belong to poor or middle class families. They lack proper financial schemes and hence are deprived of even the basic facili es. The common source of income of women living here includes‐ Bhajan, Pension, Begging, Wages, Gi from Family Member and others. About 30% women generate their income through Bhajan or charity, while 20% get pension, 2% is taken care of by family/rela ves and rest depend on begging or “Dan” in the form of blankets, food and saris. We found that the total income that the women generate from all sources goes up to Rs. 2,000/‐ out of which some women send money to their sons and daughters. Some women own a bank account with considerable amount saved however upon their demise who get access of these funds is not known.

A Study on Widows of Vrindavan

Accommodation UHRF‐CSR studied the types of accommoda ons the widows of Vrindavan are facilitated with and we found that the women stay in rental, shelter homes and ashrams. Not all women have access to well‐ maintained shelters as about a third of women live in open space like Ghats, streets, bus‐stops and railway sta ons. We observed that widows staying in shared rooms or rental accommoda ons are living a hard life as there is li le space and there is lack of proper ven la on, facility of bath, etc. Our study even reveals that women living here have health issues as well as most of them belong to elder‐group. Based on our findings we are looking forward to reform the lives of the widows living in Vrindavan under our “Women Empowerment” ini a ve. We educate women and help them learn certain skills so that they can lead their life decently. UHRF‐CSR believes that a society's success depends upon women and hence, we empower women to let the society be equal for one and all. UHRF‐CSR is a developmental and humanitarian organisa on working with vulnerable masses in and around India including Women who are prone to gender‐based violence, Des tute & Elderly Women, Widows and Migrant workers as well as their families in Urban Environments to allow access to Basic Rights, Underprivileged communi es.



A Study on Widows of Vrindavan

Why Widows Find Vrindavan a Heaven for Themselves? Although the commercializa on of Vrindavan‐ the accessibility of income more easily than the villages of West Bengal and other states‐ is definitely a major a rac on. According to a report, 41% widows said they came to the city as it's the place of God. 20% said they came here as no one was there in the village to look a er them. 14% said they had issues with rela ves and 7.6% said they chose to live in Vrindavan out of poverty. In fact, most of the widows have nothing to go back to. 82% said their husbands had le no savings and 65% said they didn't even have property. Only 50% of the women who had property, which in most cases was a hut, were able to access it. The majority of women, who did have property, gave it to their children or it was snatched by their children. 14% said the property had been seized by their in‐laws. Whatever jewellery they had, was either grabbed, gave away, or sold. Most of the women came to Vrindavan as paupers. In fact, 30% travelled to Vrindavan without a cket.

Disappearance of Caste & Class One of the most inspiring features of Vrindavan is the disappearance of caste & class. Though the widows belong to all castes, Kshatriya, Brahmins, Sudra, Vaishya, and even tribals, widowhood & poverty had brought them to an even ground. At the homes they live together, eat together, at the bhajan ashrams they sit together & sing and there is a lot of bonhomie as well as sharing of experiences and sorrow.

A Study on Widows of Vrindavan

Worse Situation in Radhakund, Goverdhan and Barsana The condi on of widows in Radhakund, Goverdhan & Barsana is shoddier than that of those living in Vrindavan. They have no ra on card, no pension and even if they have one, they get only kerosene excluding health care. Most of the women have become beggars. The dona ons, the NGO efforts and the bhajan ashrams are focused in Vrindavan. In Radha Kund there were widows from Bangladesh who had escaped during riots, par & even during the independence of Bangladesh.

on of the country

Steps to Reform their Condi on Although there is greater awareness concerning the pi able condi on of Vrindavan Widows and an oceanic sympathy for them, recommenda ons suggested by previous studies and reports have not been implemented. Here is a list of steps UHRF‐CSR looking forward to improve the life of widows‐  We will provide skill training programs for young widows to make them independent. 

Below poverty line, we will facilitate ra on cards, pensions and health cards to all widows.

We will talk with trustees of bhajan ashrams, who have huge wealth and clout, to run schools/ support educa on of widows' children & facilitate health care.

We rehabilitate all widows living on streets & at the ghats. Provide night shelters.

We look forward to support and encourage widow remarriage.

We ensure special health care facili es in Vrindavan and Brajdham for widows and des tute women. UHRF‐CSR also ensures that they should not be turned away from hospitals & medical centres.

We are working for the establishment of more rehabilita on homes in Vrindavan & West Bengal with food, medical care and other facili es.

We will provide Informa on transparency on accessibility of widow's pension.

UHRF‐CSR is determined to reform the lives of Widows in Vrindavan through real‐ me implementa ons of policies and programs!

Come and Become a Part of this Social Reform!!!


Y-14A, Green Park Main, New Delhi-110016, INDIA Tel: +91-11-26566158 | Email: info@uhrf-csr.org Web: www.uhrf-csr.org Toll Free No.: 1800 3000 6588 Supported By

Global Wellness Foundation

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