Jet platinum pitch small

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Oct 2012

the ultimate

luxury a









Oct 2012

the ultimate

luxury a









Chairman’s Note

coming of age Jet Airways has upgraded the concept of domestic airline travel in India

roses and like the flower, they require friendship, warmth and care. Jet Airways has striven not only to extend these qualities to its passengers but also to the country in times of crises or calamities. Over the years, Jet Airways has become one of the most preferred domestic airlines in India. It is an automatic first choice carrier for the travelling public

Jet Airways commenced its operations in May 1993. It

and set standards which other competing airlines find

is an airline that has pioneered concepts like through-check-

difficult to match. The airline has achieved this pre-eminent

in, city check-in, web and kiosk check-in, SMS check-in,

position by offering a high quality of service and reliable,

automated tickets at travel agency locations, e-ticketing,

comfortable and efficient operations. Today, Jet Airways has

JetMobile and the unique five-tier frequent flier programme,

upgraded the concept of domestic airline travel.

JetPrivilege, in India.

Simultaneously ensuring consistent profitability, As an Indian

Jet Airways has become one of the most preferred domestic airlines in India. It is an automatic first choice carrier for the travelling public and set standards which other competing airlines find difficult to match.

achieving healthy, long-term returns for the investors and

corporate body, Jet

providing its employees with an environment for excellence

Airways also recognises

and growth, Jet Airways aims to grow every day and

its responsibility to

maintain its numero uno status.

society and nation. Consequently, in 1998, Jet Airways launched its Yellow Rose campaign as we feel people are like

Naresh Goyal



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mean machines

We pay homage to BMW 328 Hommage

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exotic getaways

Explore the unexplored islands of the world


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A la mode

Magnificent pocket watches are back in vogue and how


food connoisseur

Edible dirt is the latest fad to hit haute cuisine


candid conversation


delish decor

Raising a toast to French product designer Jean Marc Gady

We make a stopover at some of the most fascinating art hotels in India

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Mean machines

piston power

BMW defines the future The state-of-the-art concept cars by BMW arouse desire. We pay homage to the BMW 328 Hommage text & picture courtesy Internet

The BMW 328 Hommage - lightweight construction as a principle



Mean machines

The BMW 328 Hommage is a dream sports car with state-of-the-art technology and fascinating features that makes driving more fun

still stands for today – dynamics, aesthetics and a high level of innovation. Last year, the dream sports car celebrated its 75th birthday. To this day, the award-winning vehicle BMW 328 Touring Coupé still holds the record for the highest average speed on the Mille Miglia circuit and, in 2010, was again able to win the historic revival of the race. A week later at the Concorso d’Eleganza Villa d’Este, the two-seater’s functional aesthetics will be the focus of attention. In this area of conflict between tradition and modernity, the BMW Group paid a tribute to the BMW 328 on


he BMW 328 is

the occasion of its anniversary with a special model – the BMW 328 Hommage.

considered the most

“With the BMW 328 Hommage,

successful and best-

we wish to pay homage to the passion

looking sports car of

and inventiveness of the fathers of

the 1930s. The BMW

the BMW 328,” explains Karl Bäumer,

328’s success was

CEO of BMW Group Classic. “They

the result of its design parameters

created an icon, which is considered

– through the use of systematic

a milestone in the history of the

lightweight construction, aerodynamic

automobile.” The BMW

lines, optimum engine types and

328 Hommage translates the

outstanding suspension technology,

principles and the character of the

it laid the foundation stone for a

vehicle of that time into present times

new vehicle concept, by which

and offers a possible interpretation

performance only leads to success if

of how the designers of that time,

combined with perfect harmonisation

Fritz Fiedler and Rudolf Schleicher,

of all parameters and maximum

might have built the BMW 328 in the

efficiency. With these characteristics,

present day using current technology.

the BMW 328 was even then the embodiment of what the BMW brand

The BMW 328 was also a special BMW insofar as the



Mean machines

lightweight construction principle

this day and age, major parts of the

was systematically implemented on

exterior and interior of the BMW 328

a BMW automobile for the very first

Hommage are made of carbon fibre

time. Wherever possible, the lightest

reinforced plastic (CFRP). Whilst in the

and at the same time most robust

old days they favoured the materials

materials were used, thereby keeping

aluminium and magnesium, CFRP

the gross vehicle weight down to just

is now considered to offer the best

780 kilograms. In order to translate the

ratio between weight and stability.

idea of lightweight construction into

The high-strength fibre fabric is lighter

One can notice the sleek interiors of the car that blend well in the modernist design

than aluminium, but also more stable. Wherever the material has been used on the BMW 328 Hommage, it is also visible. In this way, the BMW 328 Hommage not only reflects the lightweight construction principle functionally, but also visually. The BMW Group leads the way in the production and use of CFRP in automotive construction and already possesses many years of experience in the series production of CFRP roofs and structural components for the BMW M6 as well as CFRP roofs for the BMW M3.

The vertically mounted kidney grille is dynamically incorporated into the flat silhouette

The expressive exterior design of the BMW 328 Hommage depicts the modern interpretation of a highly emotional and dynamic two-seater Roadster – just like the BMW 328 75 years ago. As a result, a subtle contrast between the tense surfaces and the sharp edges is created within the flat, dynamic silhouette.



exotic getaways


Rome wasn’t built in day and it can’t be seen in one either. Monuments, squares, museums, streets and fountains amongst other masterpieces invite you to have an extended affair with history, architecture, beauty and life. images & words Puja



exotic getaways

Ever thought that the reminders from the past could be this beautiful? The Roman Forum, a rectangular forum (plaza), includes the ruins of several important ancient government buildings. Forty metres above the Forum are the Palatine Hill, centremost of the Seven Hills of Rome. Try your luck with the traditional legend, throw a coin into the Trevi Fountain. It may ensure your return to Rome!



exotic getaways

Soak in the beauty of the city by spending a lazy afternoon on the monumental Spanish Steps, the widest staircase in Europe. Or visit the spot where the gladiators used to wait at the Colosseum. Stop at St. Peter’s Basilica and come closer to the masterpieces of Renaissance sculptures. Ruins could be breathtaking, experience it in every corner here.


a la mode

old times,

glorious future Exceptional craftsmanship, understated elegance & past treasure – the pocket watch has found its place in the contemporary times and how. words meghna sharma


ot very long ago, carrying a pocket watch would have made you look like a time traveller from a different century, or worse, someone caught

in a Hollywood character of the era gone by. Talk today, and you’d notice that the pocket watch has achieved the status of a beautiful and iconic object in its own right. But how did this astoundingly modern twist occur? “Refurbishing the best from each era and consistently capturing the latest trends is one of our biggest responsibilities,” express the master watchmakers of the world. So, whether the loved treasure is nestling in your pocket or hanging around the neck, it is now a symbol of your ideology of looking at time differently rather than simply wearing it on the wrist.



a la mode

a philosophy that has remained

house Chopard transforms from a

unchanged through 250 years of

pocket watch into a (rather large)


wristwatch simply by clipping it on to

A more modern interpretation

With the advent of vintage fashion into our lives, the revival of pocket watches was imminent. But, with the world’s most trusted watchmakers having taken upon themselves to present the classical style of contemporary elegance, the watch devotees couldn’t have been happier.

a wrist strap. It has a pocket watch

of the pocket watch is Hublot’s

movement designed in collaboration

Masterpiece MP-03 Liberty, which

with the Geneva Watchmaking School

is in the form of a gun cartridge.

and is based on a Chopard patent from

“More watchmaking, mastery and

1912 for a “convertible” model.

innovation,” this is how Jean-Claude

Ulysse Nardin’s Locle & Geneve

Biver, CEO, Hublot, defines the

Chronometre is another fine pocket

future of the brand. He adds, “The

watch. A dazzling piece in 18K

Masterpiece houses a Tourbillon. It

pink gold and silver, it was specially

symbolises power and luxury, and

designed for the Chicago exhibition

the promise of escaping conventional

in 1893 and is admired for its beauty

interpretation. The MP-03 is a

even a century

contemporary interpretation of the

later. Truly phenomenal as much for

traditional pocket watches.” Even LUC

its mechanism and for its looks, is

Louis-Ulysse of the Swiss jewellery

Breguet’s Classique 1907. Assuming the highest title among Grandes Complications, it is accompanied by one of Breguet’s greatest inventions: the Tourbillon. This timepiece, which houses an entirely new manually wound movement produced at the Breguet Manufacture, is presented in a sumptuous display case. Without any

In 2001, nearly 100 years after it

Le Brassus, Switzerland, Jean-Charles

not only a collector’s piece but a

doubt, it is meant for collectors looking

was created, one of the rarest and

Bratschi makes old-fashioned pocket

tribute to the first three gold Bridges

for exclusive timepieces. Jaquet Droz’

most significant timepieces - Grand

watches. It takes him almost a year

Tourbillon of Constant Girard, which

(JD) Numerus Clausus edition also has

Complication No. 42500 - that had left

to build these exceptional timepieces.

was awarded a gold medal at the Paris

one-of-a-kind creations and is limited

the A. Lange & Söhne manufactory

Alone in his workshop, a glass-walled

Universal Exhibition in 1889.” The

to just 8, 28 or 88 pieces. The pocket

was brought back in a pitiful state. Jan

room on the top floor of the Museum,

result of more than a year’s work by

watch from the same collection N°

Sliva, in-house head, Lange pocket

Bratschi creates pocket watches

a talented watchmaker, this creation

8/88 masters the art of exclusivity and

watches and the man who restored

in their entirety using traditional

is a window onto the past, revealing

spells elegance with its slender shape

the precious junk, says, “We looked at


exceptional craftsmanship. Vacheron

and technical perfection.

it as a chance to preserve the ingenuity

More than ten years after the

Constantin (VC) too revisited the

of our fathers and forefathers for the

production of Girard-Perregaux’s

golden age of pocket watches to

fashion into our lives, the revival

coming generations. It took us nine

Tourbillons, the brand has now

present a model featuring a classic

of pocket watches was imminent.

years to restore it.”

unveiled a new expression of this

design. The Patrimony Contemporaine

But, with the world’s most trusted

Believe it or not but the horologists

Well, with the advent of vintage

unique savoir-faire. Stefano Macaluso,

pocket watch created by VC – issued

watchmakers having taken upon

across the world have dedicated

president, Girard-Perregaux, says,

in a limited edition of 50 individually

themselves to present the classical

themselves to the work of saving and

“I’m extremely proud of our three

numbered watches – is a sensual

style of contemporary elegance,

reviving the best for the posterity. In a

gold Bridges Tourbillon pocket watch.

timepiece with gentle curves and is

the watch devotees couldn’t have

small workshop nestled under the roof

It’s one of the highest achievement

equipped with the new mechanical

been happier.

of the Audemars Piguet Museum, in

in GP’s art of watchmaking. It’s

proprietary Calibre 4400. It embodies



food connoisseur


edible dirt

Super chefs are changing the age-old doctrines when it comes to cooking up a gastronomic delight and serving tender cooked vegetables on top of a bed of dirt words meghna sharma


orget about the

has given the farm-to-table experience

delectable farm fresh

to a whole new level.

veggies grown in

Copenhagen’s Noma, the reigning

the chef’s garden

best restaurant in the world has been

or the fabulous

dazzling diners since it opened in 2003

wine grown in the

with unorthodox ingredients such as

sommelier’s personal vineyard, or the

just-picked flowers and wild game. But

herbs grown next to the composting

the most intriguing item on the menu

mound behind the restaurant itself.

by far is definitely Chef René Redzepi’s

If this is where your garden-to-table

edible dirt. When chef Redzepi opened

dining experiences have peaked, you

his restaurant NOMA in 2003, at the

obviously haven’t tasted the crème

age of 25, the rest of the fine-dining

de la crème of the locavore scene –

world in Denmark was all but ignoring

eating dirt. ‘Edible dirt’, as the super

Scandinavian cuisine but he broke the

chefs are calling it, is cropping up in

mold. He invented the ‘dirt’. No, not

high-end restaurants worldwide, and it

actual dirt Instead, Redzepi’s kitchen



food connoisseur

It is a culinary technique that pushes the limits of a chef’s creative power

carrot base appetizers or beet powder when we serve beetroot and goat cheese salad. Some of the powders have a very pronounced effect on the finished

Edible Dirt is perhaps the strangest fads to hit haute cuisine since sous vide

dish. Our special Japanese spice mix as it seasons the meats or seafood and then interacts with the sauce again on the plate in the final presentation. Also, its very volatile, so when it hits a hot plate, the oil in the spices add an exciting aromatic dimension to the dish. The dried porcini, not ground to powder, adds a distinct flavour and I will have Japanese spice mix, porcini powder, carrot powder , yellow and

years: gastronomy and local foods.

dirt, made from anything from coffee

dirt made of nut meal, malt flour, and

It is perhaps one of the strangest

grounds to blackened vegetables to

beer that comes to look like soil after a

fads to hit haute cuisine since sous

nuts to sea vegetables. The edible dirt

two-day drying process. He uses this

vide. And Redzepi may be the most

acts as an anchor for the mélange

faux dirt in landscape-like plates with

celebrated proponent of edible dirt,

of garden vegetables planted within

little vegetables popping out of it, or

but he’s not the only one. You’ll also

the soil, such as baby radishes or

sprinkled on top of truffle meringues.

see it at Meadowood in Napa, made


Even when he’s not working with faux

from rye breadcrumbs and salt, or

dirt, similar attempts to evoke literal

at Marlowe in San Francisco, made

JW Marriott, Jaipur, remarks that

earthiness turn up here and there,

from ground olives, or at Gilt in New

edible dirt is mainly powder and dust

including a crumby truffle granita

York, made from charred onions and

used primarily as a visual device to

blackened with squid ink.

mushrooms—it’s dirt at its finest,

make a dish look more appealing. He

and most edible. Because really, it’s

adds, “They are typically a by product

not dirt at all, but a representation of

related to the dish – carrot powder for

Edible dirt seems to be a fusion of two hot culinary trends of the last few

Raheel Ahmad, Executive Chef,

1978: French chef Michel Bras’ ‘dirty dish’ was served using 40-50 different seasonal vegetables, flowers, and herbs scattered on a plate. He set the dish in ‘dirt’ made from brioche crumbs, dried black olive and tomato powder.

is used both as spice and as a powder

crunch. During a typical dinner service,

has come up with a decorative edible

‘Dirt’ over the years

black mustard , beet powder , red onion powder , pepper and fennel powder at my station. Powders or dust are fun.” It is a culinary technique that pushes the limits of a chef’s creative power. After

2006: René Redzepi begins serving dishes inspired by Bras of vegetables with edible dirt at Noma in Copenhagen, including one in which radishes are buried in dirt in an actual flower pot. 2007: David Kinch creates a similar dish at Manresa in Los Gatos that he titles ‘Into the vegetable garden...’ Kinch makes his soil using roasted chicory root, parsnip and dehydrated potato. 2008: At Coi, Daniel Patterson creates a dish called Abstraction of Garden in Early Winter. At the Intercontinental Hotel, San Francisco, chef Dominique Crenn creates various “jardin” dishes where he uses a dirt that includes black olives. 2009: At Ubuntu, Jeremy Fox does a spin using the seasonal garden, and creates dirt using hazelnuts and beet juice.

all, it’s not easy to think up of the perfect combination of powders to complement a salad or a simple pickle dish. The taste must be right, the colour must complement the dish well, and the presentation should be pleasing to the eyes of diners. Done correctly, dishes garnished with edible dirt would surely please the diners’ senses.

2010: At the Langham in LA, Michael Voltaggio riffed on Redzepi’s presentation, serves radishes in a flowerpot and ‘soil’ of cardamom and coffee; at Meadowood, Christopher Kostow makes the dirt for a radish and carrot dish out of rye breadcrumbs, salt & more. 2011: Crenn’s dish continues to evolve at her new restaurant, Atelier Crenn, where she also plays with dirt and moss-like forms in a dessert that Bauer also seems impressed with.



candid conversation

Dior are strong creative institutions,



Paris-born artist-designer Jean-Marc Gady is the latest toast of luxury brands worldover. We speak to him about creating new design rules and working with Louis Vuitton. words meghna sharma

ideas that have been able to travel all along the decades. That’s what I need to understand before I create anything for them. Working with such brands is a great opportunity as I’m touching something very precious. I like this idea of delicate work,” he says. Hailed worldwide as Louis Vuitton’s art director for windows and events design, his work has received many grants and was a part of several

Hailed worldwide as Louis Vuitton’s art director for windows and events design, Jean Marc Gady’s fabulous work has received many grants and was a part of several international design publications.

international design publications. How was it working at Louis Vuitton? “My


job there was to run the store windows and event design department. I had

e can turn a

the chance to work on projects from


Bangkok to Taipei, Shanghai, Beijing

dinner plate

and Tokyo, the strategic places. My

into an awe-

stint at Vuitton opened other doors.

inspiring work

I think I decided to create my own

of art. Flower

studio the day I realised

vases become heirlooms when he

I had done my time there; the taste

gives them his creative twist and

of new and personal adventures were

the fine line between art and design

calling me.”

vanishes when he swishes his wand. That’s Jean-Marc Gady for you, one of the most active and all-round French designers dedicated to the luxury world. No wonder then that premium brands like Louis Vuitton, Moet & Chandon, Apple, Baccarat and Christofle swear by the designs of this Paris-born maverick. He is the blue-eyed boy of luxury. But it’s not easy to be a toast of these premium brands, he says. “Luxury brands have an amazing patrimony sculpted by hundreds of craftsmen generation

As for inspiration, the talented

after generation, a know-how and

artist says, he could find it anywhere.

heritage, which is important for a

“Inspiration is everywhere, there are

designer to understand. It’s not only

no rules.” Has India ever inspired him?

really about doing the same thing with

“Unfortunately, I don’t know India

the same spirit eternally, it is more

yet but I can’t wait to discover the

about collecting the signs of what can


be transferred to our time. Gabrielle Chanel, Jean-Paul Guerlain or Christian



Delish Decor

space epacse We peep into five popular hotels in the country and discover their art treasure troves



Delish Decor

Taj Mahal Hotel & Palace, Mumbai The landmark hotel that opened in 1903 has been a proud guardian of


Indian art. Until the early 1990s the Taj

ITC Maurya, Diplomatic Enclave, Sardar Patel Marg, New Delhi, 110021;

Gallery inside the hotel was one of the few places where one could buy art in Mumbai. Though the gallery shut about a decade ago for restoration, the hotel’s own art collection grew.

ITC Maurya, New Delhi

Today, after the hotel has reopened its

Every time you walk into the grand lobby of the

Palace Wing since being destroyed in

ITC Maurya you can’t help but admire its dome

the terror attacks of 2008, guests can

that Krishen Khanna, one of India’s most respected

admire the impressive collection of

artists, has painted with his iconic mural ‘The Great

300 pieces of art. The artworks have

Procession’. Built in 1977, the structure of this art-

been painstakingly restored by five

loving hotel is based on a stepped Buddhist stupa,

specialists over 10 months. However,

while the main lobby is designed in the form of

unlike before the attack, when much

a ‘chaitya’, or prayer hall as seen at the rock-cut

of the art collection was scattered in

caves at Ajanta and Ellora. Lobbies display works

the lobbies and rooms, the hotel now

by Tyeb Mehta, MF Husain, Akbar Padamsee,

showcases them in three prominent

Krishen Khanna, J Swaminathan, Satish Gujral, Thota

locations: a banquet hall, a lounge and

Vaikuntham and other contemporary artists. A bronze

the bar.

statue by A Ramachandran that shows King Ashoka with a saddened face in the lobby and MF Husain’s glass panels facing the Nandiya Gardens on the life and times of the Mauryan Dynasty always woo

Knowhow The Taj Mahal Hotel and Palace Apollo Bunder Mumbai 400 001

guests. The Towers lobby is also resplendent with a unique three-part painting of a ‘Royal Procession’ created by well- known contemporary painter, Sanjay Bhattacharjee. It represents a state procession of the Mauryan period.



Delish Decor

Le Sutra, Mumbai

Falaknuma, Hyderabad

When Le Sutra, “India’s first art hotel”, at the posh Bandra locality in Mumbai opened its doors to guests last year, it

If a walk with the Nizams of Hyderabad is what your royal heart desires, step into the grandiose Taj Falaknuma Palace,

attracted strong reviews. Some were awed by the concept of a hotel designed to depict the Hindu concepts of the

the former residence of Nizam Mehboob Ali Khan of Hyderabad. Restored over a period of 10 years, the hotel now

human consciousness with a floor each on sattva, tamas and rajas. While others called it a “is a bona fide tourist trap.“

offers its guests a chance to live like a king amid its opulent Venetian chandeliers, rare antique furniture, grand marble

But no one could deny that this hotel has given a new meaning to the concept of artistic spaces in India. Its decor

staircases, priceless statues, unique sketches and murals encased in ornate frames, a world-class collection of crystal.

concepts are taken from the vast repertoire of Hindu folklore. These tales are told through art pieces that often double

While no corner of the hotel can be termed pedestrian, its gardens, Mughal, Rajasthani and Japanese, personally

up as furniture: like the Yoni lamp that explains the theory of sex to salvation and the Trishul coat rack, that turn the

conceived by the Nizam, impress the most. The Palace Library, a replica of the one at Windsor Castle, is home to the

powerful symbol of Shiva into an utilitarian object.

rarest of manuscripts, books and one of the most acclaimed collections of the Holy Quran in the country.

Knowhow Taj Falaknuma Palace Engine Bowli, Falaknuma, Hyderabad - 500 053;

Knowhow Grand Hyatt Mumbai, Off Western Express Highway, Santacruz (East), Mumbai 400 055, mumbai.

Knowhow Le Sutra 14, Union Park, Hanuman Nagar, Pali Hill, Mumbai 400052;



Delish Decor

Grand Hyatt, Mumbai You may have visited the Grand Hyatt in Mumbai and even noticed the quirky woks of art displayed throughout the property, but not many are aware that this busy hotel’s lobbies, gardens and restaurants are unique galleries of art with specially commissioned installations. Conceived by curator Rajeev Sethi, Grand Hyatt Mumbai reinterprets the Shiva myth as envisioned by seers centuries ago. The complex showcases over 100 commissioned artworks by both established and upcoming artists such as Laxman Shreshtha, Jitesh Kallat, Hema Upadhyay, Chintan Upadhyay, Nalini Malani, Atul & Anju Dodiya, Tanuja Rane, Krishnamachari Bose, Sudershan Shetty, Prabhakar & Jyotee Kolte, Yogesh Rawal, Jaideep Merhrotra, Sunil Gawade, Daroz, Bhupinder and Mohan Malviya among others.

Knowhow Grand Hyatt Mumbai, Off Western Express Highway, Santacruz (East), Mumbai 400 055, mumbai.

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