Smarttrucking june'12 small

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smarttrucking April-June 2012

Powered by BharatBenz


Pack Them

Radial Revolution A High Powered Yatra

April-June 2012

Powered by BharatBenz

BharatBenz (Daimler India Commercial Vehicles Pvt. Ltd)


Editorial Board Brand Communications - BharatBenz Maxposure Media Group India Pvt. Ltd. Head Office: Unit No. F2B, Second Floor, MIRA Corporate Suits, Plot No. 1&2, Ishwar Nagar, Mathura Road, New Delhi - 110065 Tel: +91.11.43011111, Fax: +91.11.43011233 Publisher & COO Vikas Johari CEO & Managing Director Prakash Johari CFO Kuldip Singh Information

Smart Trucking is the quarterly magazine of BharatBenz, a new truck brand from Daimler India Commercial Vehicles Pvt. Ltd (DICV). Smart Trucking magazine is printed and published by Vikas Johari on behalf of MaXposure Media Group India Pvt. Ltd. (MMGIPL) for BharatBenz and published at MMGIPL, Unit No. F2B, Second Floor, MIRA Corporate Suits, Plot No. 1&2, Ishwar Nagar, Mathura Road, New Delhi - 110065, India. All rights reserved. The writing, artwork and/or photography contained herein may not be used or reproduced without the express written permission of MMGIPL and DICV .The views and opinions expressed or implied in Smart Trucking are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of BharatBenz (DICV) or MMGIPL. All efforts to be accurate have been made while compiling the content of this magazine, but we assume no responsibility for the effects arising there from. FOR ENQUIRIES | MMGIPL Tel: +91-11-43011111 Fax: +91-11-43011233

Daimler India Commercial Vehicles Pvt. Ltd. Unit 301 & 302, 3rd Floor, Campus 3B, RMZ Millennia Business Park, No 143, Dr. M.G. R. Road, Perungudi, Chennai-600096, India

Dear Smart Trucker, We are back, once again, with interesting features and tales from the trucking industry. Over the last three months, a lot has happened in our world and it's our pleasure to share it with you. But before we talk about BharatBenz, let's take a look at what the trucking industry has been up to. Containerisation—a hot topic which has gathered steam over time. Should you own container trucks which can help in increasing revenue by utilising the maximum possible space? Go through our cover story as we give you an in-depth analysis on this. At BharatBenz, we encourage our customers to grow and expand their business. Our next story on Cold Chain Logistics presents an opportunity to fleet owners of refrigerated trucks to go beyond transportation into warehousing. The next feature talks about the BharatBenz Power Yatra, an epic journey undertaken by our vehicles, across India. This journey took our vehicles right to the doorstep of fleet owners and truck drivers and gave them a chance to get a feel of modern trucks. After this feature, Mr. Vijay Tuli, VP, Operations & Manufacturing, Daimler India Commercial Vehicles Pvt. Ltd. will take you on a tour of our modern manufacturing facility at Oragadam, Chennai. Go through our article on radial tyres and learn how, by using them, you can maximise profits and the lifespan of tyres. After all these heavy weight features we have a light read about the arty side of trucks. Browse through it and find out which of these paintings have adorned your machine. And till we meet again, happy trucking! Team BharatBenz

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INSIGHT 04 | Stack, Rack & Pack Them Maximise your profits by adding container trucks to your fleet 10 | Breaking The Ice Look beyond refrigerated trucks. Expand further to cold chain logistics BRAND POWER 14 | A High Powered Yatra Follow our convoy, as it traverses an epic journey to connect with you 20 | BharatBenz Manufacturing Facility: The Temple of Innovation What all goes into manufacturing a modern truck? Find out SMART MOVES 26 | Radial Revolution Ride safe and earn more miles with radial tyres STOPOVER 30 | Art On The Move Which one of these beautiful paintings adorn your truck?

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Stack, rack &

PACK THEM In the business of transport, intelligent utilisation of space means maximum revenue generation. Read how container trucks can help you boost your profits.


words Hari Govind Nair

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n the business of goods transport, space is equivalent to money and using every available square inch means increasing your profits. Another key factor is time. What if you are able to cut short on the loading and unloading time? What if an action which takes six hours, otherwise, can be done in, say half an hour! Now, that, has caught your attention... right? We are going to delve into a very interesting aspect concerning the transport industry—containerisation. We'll talk about the different types of containers, the ones that are available in India, why it makes business sense to have trucks which can transport containers and what the future holds for container trucks.

But then, this is just the first step. Imagine a situation where not only is your cargo safe, but you also get to cut down on various cost and time-related factors. The expenses you cut down on, add to your profits, and the time you save lets you add further trips. Moreover, you also get to expand your network and brand on a global scale. Now let's move ahead to explore the next level of containerisation.



When you graduate from the level of fixed containers, you will reach the stage of removable containers that come in various sizes that have been standardised on a global scale. These containers might not come as a standard fitment of a truck from a manufacturer, but you get trucks with various bay sizes that can transport containers from one point to another. The best thing about a removable container is that you hardly spend any time in the process of loading. Your truck reaches your client's warehouse, using a forklift or a crane, the container is hoisted and fixed onto the bay of your truck and you are done. At the final destination, the container is hoisted using a forklift and you're free to go! It saves valuable time that can be further utilised to go on more trips and increase profits.

In India, at present there is a fair number of trucks that offer fixed containers in which goods can be packed in and locked. One of the biggest advantages of using these fixed container trucks is that the space in your truck gets standardised. That means you are aware of the amount of cargo that can be loaded, thus making full utilisation of space possible. Moreover, since you don't go over the prescribed load limit, even the mileage of the truck substantially increases. Apart from this, the cargo you are carrying is safe from natural elements and secure from pilferage. This not only gives your customer peace of mind, but

Now that was profit for you as a transporter. But what about your client? How does he benefit by using these containers? As we said earlier, the business of transport is all about utilising the maximum possible space. These containers have a standard size world-over, so it's easy for goods manufacturers and clients to pre-determine the amount of goods that can be transported and plan accordingly. Now companies, world over are in the process of standardising the packaging of their products. From mobile handset manufacturers to FMCG companies, everyone is coming up with a

Evolution is inevitable, and the sooner the Indian transport industry catches up pace with the rest of the world, the better it will be, since the growth and development of most other industrial sectors depend on it. To prepare itself for the next big wave of change, the transport sector needs to gear up for containerisation. To match up to the global standards, it's important that more and more transporters understand the advantages of containerisation, so they do not miss out on a great business opportunity. But at present there is only a small percentage of fleet owners who are aligning themselves with this concept.


also attracts more new clients as everyone would want to hire a logistics company that assures the safety of their goods.

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In the second wave of containerisation, we will have removable containers with globally standardised sizes APR- JUN 2012 | SMART T R U CK I NG | 7

Advantages of Containerisation Space utilisation As the container sizes are standard, you are always aware of the exact amount of cargo that it can hold. Thus, maximum utilisation of space is possible, which leads to increase in profits.

Make good time No wastage of time while loading, unloading and transferring cargo–gives you time for yet another trip, leading to higher profits.

Safety Due to the lockable nature of the containers, no more pilferage. And, as there is no element of loading and unloading at different points of transit, it ensures more safety for the cargo.

Eliminates overloading This helps to make sure that you are not penalised, your vehicle's mileage increases, you can drive at better speeds and do more trips.



Better visibility for your brand.

Loading process of container on a truck's bay

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Loading time gets reduced due to removable containers. It helps you in making more trips and increase profits standard box size so that wherever their goods are being transported, the size of the cargo fits in perfectly. This further helps in reducing wastage of space. Your client also saves money on manpower required for loading and unloading. Unlike an open truck, here once the goods have been packed in a container, it's opened only once it reaches the final destination. What it means is, if a container has been loaded from Delhi with goods that have to reach New York, your truck will take it to the Mumbai port. From there it will be fork-lifted on to a shop and this process is repeated till it reaches its final destination. This also reduces wastage, spoilage and theft of goods caused by frequent loading and unloading.

ON THE RIGHT SIDE OF THE LAW One big problem that you, as a transporter face today are penalties and fines for overloading. With open trucks, there is always scope to add in that extra load of cargo and when the authorities flag you down, there is no other option but to pay a fine. At that juncture it's not just about the money, but also the time which is lost in this process. One good thing about using a container truck is that, even if you are tempted to, you can't overload it. Not only does this help you in escaping fines but also adds to the life of your truck and increases the overall mileage. When a truck is overloaded, there is extra load on the suspension and the chassis, which, if stretched, can cause major damage to

your vehicle and accidents. By sticking to the permissible load limit in a truck, your vehicle can attain better speed. This leads to a faster turnaround time, which gives you scope to squeeze in yet another trip.

BUILD YOUR BRAND A very important aspect of any business is brand building and it goes for the Indian transport industry too. Today, you might not feel the need for it, but a day will come when you won't have an option. Why wait till it's too late? Now, let's talk about how containerisation fits in with brand building. Remember the last time you were on the highway and that massive container truck passed you. On it, painted in bold were the words Gati or FedEx. Or maybe even Hyundai or Maruti Suzuki. What you saw was nothing but a major brand building exercise where your container flaunts your company's brand name across its entire route. Do you really wish to miss out on such an opportunity? We don't think so! When there are so many advantages associated with a container truck, we feel now is the right time for you to make a move and get your own fleet of container trucks. BharatBenz's state-of-the-art modern trucks will not only be a smart way to project your brand on great looking machines but also enable you to provide services that are at par with global standards. yz APR- JUN 2012 | SMART T R U CK I NG | 9

Breaking the

ICE Having a fleet of refrigerated trucks is the first step. Expand further by setting up refrigerated storage facilities to give customers an end-to-end solution. words Akshat Arora



avi has a fleet of 20 refrigerated trucks. His drivers pick up cargo from far flung areas, drive down to Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata etc., and reach Anand’s cold storage. They deposit the goods, claim their payment and are off. On the other hand, Anand, who also has a fleet of 20 refrigerated trucks, drives down with his cargo, lines up the goods at his cold storage and bills the customer, not only for transport, but also for storing the goods for a whole season. His billing cycle never ends and as both his businesses complement each other, there is never a lack of products for storage or transport.

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For a transporter who is linked to the cold chain industry, it makes sense to foray into the other aspects of the cold chain—warehousing and storage—since most customers today are looking for quality and one-stop solutions. Apart from dairy products and pharmaceuticals, there is also a great demand from the agriculture sector as now a seller gets a premium for making sure that seasonal fruits and vegetables are available throughout the year. For this a controlled environment is needed, which can only be provided by cold chain logistics. India accounts for 10 per cent of the world's fruit produce. When it comes to vegetables,

BharatBenz 914 refrigerated truck

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Growth Drivers for Cold Chain Logistics There is a lot of scope for players in the cold chain logistics industry in India. The key drivers that will fuel the growth in the coming years are:

Organised retail Earlier seasonal vegetables and fruits were the norm but now there is a rising demand for all vegetables and fruits, throughout the year. And with supermarkets, like Reliance Fresh, Food Bazaar, Wallmart there is an increased need of cold chain services to ensure that perishable substances are stored in an environment that's perfect for their preservation.

Demand for processed food With more and more people warming up to the idea of frozen food and the hectic, modern lifestyle demanding quick fix solutions the demand for frozen food has gone up. This in turn automatically fuels the need for a strong cold chain network.

Pharmaceutical sector


The Indian pharma segment is a major player that requires cold chain solutions. Most vaccinations and medicines have to be kept in a controlled environment, which can be achieved only by using cold chain services.

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Indian government provides full support and backing to cold chain logistics projects by ways of various grants we account for 14 per cent of the world produce. According to the National Cooperative Development Corporation (NCDC), a statutory corporation set up by the Parliament to plan and promote production, processing, marketing, storage, export and import of agricultural produce, foodstuffs, livestock, etc., about 2025 per cent of this produce goes waste due to improper post-harvest operations. This wastage can be drastically reduced if better storage and transport solutions are provided.

Inside view of a cold storage facility

One of the best things about setting up a cold chain facility is that the Indian government provides full support and backing to these projects by ways of various grants. Activities like establishment of cold chain, low cost pre-cooling facilities near farms, cold stores, grading, sorting, packing facilities to reduce wastage, improve quality and shelf life of products comes under various government schemes and grants. Mr. Pankaj Mehta, Country Head & Assistant Director, Carrier Transicold India said, "The Indian government is working proactively to support the cold chain creation with incentives for setting up cold storages, distribution centres and refrigerated transportation. The recent Union Budget has announced import duty reductions and preferential taxes for setting up such facilities." Under these schemes, the government grants a financial assistance

(grant-in-aid) of 50 per cent of the total cost of plant, machinery and technical civil works in general areas. This figure is 75 per cent for the North Eastern region and difficult areas, including places like Sikkim, J&K, Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand subject to a maximum of `10 crores. What this means is, it makes a lot of sense for a fleet owner of refrigerated trucks to get involved in the cold chain logistics on a much bigger scale by setting up storage units rather than by just transporting cargo from one point to another. Acknowledging this, Mr. Mehta added, "Presently, there are very few companies providing end-toend cold chain solutions, including cold storage and logistics. So, it could be seen as advantageous to provide a turnkey solution, but the bulk of cold chain transporters are focused on their core competency of operating an efficient fleet." With modern commercial vehicle manufacturers like BharatBenz rooting for your success by providing you with reliable and efficient refrigerated trucks, it’s time to leave the worries of transportation to BharatBenz. So, take the plunge into warehousing and become that onestop service provider that everyone, from the agriculture to the dairy to the pharmaceutical sector can bank on. yz APR- JUN 2012 | SMART T R U CK I NG | 1 3

A high powered


After having driven thousands of kilometres around India in flashy sedans and beefy SUVs, we explore India in the passenger seat of a modern BharatBenz 2523 haulage truck.


words Hari Govind Nair

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ross-country drives... breathtaking vistas... the non-stop raking up of kilometres... it's no wonder that so many people love to be on the road. But today, we are going to recount tales from a rather unique perspective — one, in which we were not behind the wheel, but simply enjoying the ride.


8000 km, covered in 71 days, stopping at 22 towns. 1 epic journey... touching the lives of thousands of people. That’s what the BharatBenz Power Yatra was all about. With a convoy of six BharatBenz trucks travelling from one city to another, the BharatBenz Power Yatra, was a first of its kind driving activity, at such a grand scale, organised by any commercial vehicle manufacturer in India. The convoy, after being flagged off from the BharatBenz manufacturing facility at Oragadam travelled through the Golden Quadrilateral, touching various cities, such as, Bengaluru, Hubli, Pune, Mumbai, Ahmedabad, Jaipur,

BharatBenz tipper at a stone quarry at Pushkar

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Customers engaging with BharatBenz products at a meet

Ludhiana, Delhi, Kanpur, Kolkata, Bhubaneswar, Hyderabad and Chennai. The intent of this journey was to take the trucks, right to the doorstep of drivers and fleet owners, so that they could get firsthand feel of what a modern truck should be like. During the journey, this convoy made pit stops at various locations like dhabas and transport nagars where the BharatBenz team could interact with drivers and tell them more about these trucks. In fact, the convoy generated such a buzz that drivers at various state crossings came up to enquire about these new vehicles. BharatBenz trucks will be officially available for purchase by September this year. After seeing the trucks at the Gujarat-Rajasthan state crossing, Mani Shankar, a truck driver from Chennai, walked up to the convoy and started checking out the truck. Satisfied with what he saw, he said, “I drive regularly from Chennai to Mumbai and to Delhi. This truck seems perfectly comfortable for long drives.

The convoy stopped at dhabas and transport nagars to interact with drivers and give them a firsthand feel of what a modern truck should be like

Driving thorugh lashing rains

Convoy in full force on the highway

Drivers from Punjab checking out a BharatBenz truck

The convoy entering Rajasthan from Gujarat

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Maybe I should ask my boss to get one of these.” Rajaram, who drives a Tata truck, met us at a dhaba in the outskirts of Ahmedabad and wanted to know about the durability of the tyres of the BharatBenz trucks. Meharchand, an Ashok Leyland owner, wanted to know more about the load bearing capabilities. Both were then told about the extensive tests and researches that were conducted before the trucks were produced. And how each and every element and aspect of the BharatBenz trucks has been made to suit the Indian driving conditions. This gave them lot of confidence in BharatBenz as a brand.

The Power Yatra Buzz Never before has a Yatra of this magnitude been undertaken by a Commercial Vehicle manufacturer in India and it was quite evident by the way the crowd reacted. At every point, where the trucks stopped, be it a dhaba or a transport nagar or just a simple red light, other drivers swamped them and threw a volley of questions at the BharatBenz product team. More importantly, we also saw drivers of other trucks, holding animated conversations with the drivers of the BharatBenz trucks. One of the most popular questions from the drivers was, "How comfortable is it to live in these?" And since they drive around the country for days, we totally understand where this comes from. Having fielded a volley of difficult questions, related to mileage, safety and maintenance and having satisfied them with the answers, we surely could make out a few converts from the trucking community. So did you get to catch the BharatBenz yatra? Where you also a part of the team that grilled the BharatBenz team with question? If yes, then welcome to the BharatBenz team.


BharatBenz Financial aims at easing the process of securing loans and providing customised financing solutions 1 8 | S M A RT T R U C KI NG | A PR- JU N 2 0 1 2

This journey, not only provided various drivers on the highway an insight into the BharatBenz brand, but also went further and introduced them to the concept of a truck which doesn’t compromise on any front. Be it cost effectiveness, efficiency, performance, comfort or safety. It was the BharatBenz tipper that caught the eye of Jai Singh Rathore. “Apart from highways, at times I also drive at mines in Madhya Pradesh. Sometimes you need so much power to get out of tricky situations that you have to be really harsh on the engine.” After making him understand about the superior engine technology of BharatBenz engines, he was visibly comforted. “But when so much power is used what about the heat generated inside the cabin? It becomes very unbearable,” he wondered. The product specialist assuaged his fears by informing him about the various layers of insulation that goes into the making of the BharatBenz cabin, and how they not only drastically cut down the cabin's susceptibility to engine heat, but also reduce noise and vibration. Another apprehension shared by many fleet owners was finance. Since most of the trucks are bought through bank loans, and with help from other financial institutions, it usually takes time to complete the entire process. Ratiram, a driver from Himachal Pradesh, said, “The second truck I bought was a new one and I faced major problems in getting loans sanctioned. It took almost eight months for getting various clearances that the bank required, and after that another three months to

The trucks lined up at the start of yet another day of the Yatra

pass the loan. By the time my truck came, my expansion plans had gone haywire!” Just like him, there were several drivers who were curious to know if BharatBenz had any tie-ups with banks that could facilitate easy procurement of loans. They were glad to know about the in-house BharatBenz Financial, which ensures that the process of buying a truck is smooth, and they don't have to run from pillar to post to get various clearances.

On the way to Ahmedabad

As the journey across thousands of kilometres drew close, we, along with various truck owners and drivers, had gotten an insight into the BharatBenz brand, and its

remarkable philosophy that doesn’t believe in compromising on any front—be it efficiency, performance, comfort or safety. With a smooth suspension system that doesn’t make you feel like you are sitting on a bunch of springs, the ride was truly an unforgettable one. We were convinced that BharatBenz trucks epitomise quality, reliability, performance and comfort that is delivered at the right price to power you ahead. With BharatBenz, we can look forward to a highly advanced trucking culture and customer experience that India has never seen. So, it's time to say goodbye to the world of old and unreliable machines and welcome the new era of modern trucks and smart trucking. yz APR- JUN 2012 | SMART T R U CK I NG | 1 9


The BharatBenz manufacturing facility

A TEMPLE OF INNOVATION Take a tour of BharatBenz' modern commercial vehicle manufacturing facility at Oragadan near Chennai, with Mr. Vijay Tuli, VP, Operations & Manufacturing, Daimler India Commercial Vehicles Pvt. Ltd. words Hari Govind Nair 2 0 | S M A RT T R U C KI NG | A PR- JU N 2 0 1 2


Aerial view of the BharatBenz facility at Oragadam, Chennai

s you enter the gates of the BharatBenz facility at Oragadam, Chennai, a spectacular crescentshaped building, flanked by greenery, welcomes you. This building is at the heart of a 400-acre campus, from which Daimler will begin the rollout of the modern BharatBenz trucks from September this year. Here, Mr. Vijay Tuli, VP, Operations & Manufacturing, Daimler India Commercial Vehicles Pvt. Ltd., recounts to us the unique story behind the setting up of this manufacturing facility—from how Daimler zeroed in on this location, to the various challenges faced while building it, and what it signifies for the Indian trucking industry.

to find a place to set up their manufacturing facility where trucks could be produced at minimal cost, but without compromising on their global quality standards. The company's choices for the location were: Gurgaon in Haryana; Pune in Maharashtra; and Chennai in Tamil Nadu. Mr. Tuli says, “We visited the Chennai site in 2008 and decided to set up our manufacturing unit here as there is availability of skilled manpower - you can find both experienced white collar executives and blue collar workers, who are keen to learn and willing to be trained according to our needs." Most of their suppliers are also based in and around the region which helps in reducing costs. Overall, Tamil Nadu's environment is also very condusive to doing business.



The first question that comes to mind is why Daimler chose to set up a manufacturing facility in India rather than importing completely built products, attaching a premium price tag and selling them. According to Mr. Tuli, Daimler sees India as one of the fastest growing and progressive economies in the world. Everything, from the most modern technology, latest products, to leading automobile manufacturers are already present in India. Where it lagged behind was in the field of modern commercial vehicles. Though Daimler introduced the technology for trucks in collaboration with Tata in India in the 1950s, since then not much has been done with regards to modernisation of trucks.

To make sure that Indian truck customers get the best product from BharatBenz at the most competitive prices, Daimler had to create a manufacturing concept that had the best of both, automation and manpower usage. “In Europe we get the best designs, in Japan, the most efficient ways to run a manufacturing unit, in Turkey our plant is the least automated and uses maximum manpower to run its operations. Our manufacturing hub at Oragadam, is a mixture of the bests taken out from these three aspects. It has the right mix of German design genius, Japanese efficiency and a fine balance between automation and

So when, Daimler decided to set up shop in India, the aim was to provide high quality trucks that work well in Indian conditions and introduce a customer experience that is unheard of in the Indian trucking industry. "Our intentions were very clear—to provide a much needed boost to India’s logistics system through our trucks, which are equipped with the most modern technology, but are, at the same time also cost effective,” he adds. Since India is a price-sensitive market with unique product requirements, Daimler had

BharatBenz' aim is to provide a much needed boost to India's logistics system through modern and efficient trucks APR- JUN 2012 | SMART T R U CK I NG | 2 1

Longest assembly shop in India — 435m long

This facility has the right balance of automation and manpower utilisation to achieve the best cost efficiency manpower to make sure that costs are kept in check and we are also able to provide the best quality modern trucks,” he says.


For Daimler, the sole aim behind the creation of this manufacturing facility was to produce the best quality of trucks at the least possible costs and become a benchmark for commercial vehicle plants worldwide. Now with the Oragadam plant operational and the trucks all set to roll out, it’s only a matter of time before you will get to see the modern, reliable and efficient BharatBenz trucks take over the Indian highways. 2 2 | S M A RT T R U C KI NG | A PR- JU N 2 0 1 2

WHAT LIES WITHIN Having learnt all about the intent and purpose for setting up this facility, we decided to go deeper and understand it further. What exactly does BharatBenz mean by a modern plant? What are the aspects which aid in making sure that the trucks that roll out from here will not only be a class apart, but also create a new benchmark for commercial vehicles? Here's what we found out...

CAB-IN-WHITE SHOP The cabin is an integral part of a truck and BharatBenz’ Cab-in-White shop, with an area

of about 12,000 sq.m. it houses some of the most advanced technologies available to vehicle manufacturers. Here sheet metal parts are welded together to make a cab and a high degree of automation is used to make sure that every joint and hole that is made is precise to the fraction of a millimetre. It has a production capacity of 36,000 cabins per year that includes HDT-Sleeper, HDT-Day, LDT-Sleeper and LDT-Day Cabs. With the high level of automation that is present here, BharatBenz can ensure that the various cabin building steps, specifically welding, is precise. This makes sure that the cabins are capable of withstanding all kind of shocks encountered on roads, thus increasing their longevity.


High automation at CiW for precise welding and other critical processes to build the cabin

The paint shop is the most important aspect for any plant. Mr. Tuli says, “We spent one year to make it structurally, another nine months to set up the equipment and a further three months to stabilise the atmosphere and make it completely dust-free.” This advanced paint shop uses a very unique 2-coat process, a technique that is used in Japan at the Fuso plant—ElectroDeposition coating and top coating. During the process of Electro-Deposition coating, the paint enters every possible space and pore of the cab, which ensures that whatever be the road or weather condition, the body of your truck will never get corroded.

QUALITY MANAGEMENT LAB Quality is sacrosanct to BharatBenz trucks. At the Oragadam facility, each and every vehicle that is rolled out, has to undergo a stringent nine-step quality management process—categorised under five heads. From precision checks measuring the geometry and dimensions; to the checking of the effects of various corrosive elements; to several destructive tests—every cabin has to undergo rigorous quality checks which are unheard of in the Indian trucking industry.

POWERTRAIN SHOP Horizontal Arm Machine testing the accuracy of dimensions of the cab

Over here, the engines and transmission units are assembled and tested. The engine line includes six main areas including short block APR- JUN 2012 | SMART T R U CK I NG | 2 3

Engine assembly at the PTI shop

smart nfo Number of metres a truck travels before it can be rolled out: 2373 metres Number of quality checks a truck undergoes: 20 When running at full capacity, an engine can be produced every 5 minutes


When running at full capacity, a transmission can be produced every 3 minutes

assembly, cylinder head assembly, main line, engine testing, finish line and a dedicated paint shop for HDT engines. This line has a capacity to produce 24,000 engines per year, extendable to 48,000 engines. When it is operational at full capacity, an engine can be produced every five minutes. Transmissions are produced in two different lines with a current capacity of 36,000 transmissions per year, extendable to 71,000, when the need arises. This line has 11 hydraulic presses with Digi-force to aid the right assembly to be passed from the station, three robots to aid in automatic sealant dispenser and an air filtration system. When working at full capacity, a transmission unit can be produced every three minutes.

VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUILDING The largest floor area at the BharatBenz plant has been allocated to this unit—38,000 sq.m. It comprises Cab trim line, Chassis line and End-of-line. BharatBenz’ assembly shop is also 2 4 | S M A RT T R U C KI NG | A PR- JU N 2 0 1 2

the longest in India with a length of 435m and 165m wide. This line can assemble vehicles ranging from 7-49 tons and at present can roll out 36,000 trucks per year and if need be can be scaled to 71,000 units. The HDT-2 conveyor length is 290 metre, which is the longest single-drive chain conveyor in India. With four quality gates to monitor assembly, the trucks which roll out of the assembly line are totally defect free. The assembly line has been modelled after the Fishbone formation. In this, parts keep on feeding into the main line, which not only increases the efficiency of the assembly line but also eliminates chances of errors. There are 43 unloading points in the plant, where parts are directly unloaded to form the subassemblies. These sub-assemblies then directly flow into the main assembly line. This ensures a smooth manufacturing process, eliminates errors, optimises use of inventory and thus controls spiralling of manufacturing costs.


The Powertrain Shop has the largest floor area at the BharatBenz plant. Its assembly shop is also the longest in India

Situated at one end of BharatBenz facility is the knowledge centre. Here, shop floor workers and executives from the company as well as dealer staff are trained as per the global Daimler standards. To make sure that all theories can be explained through practical experiences, every classroom is designed in such a way that it leads directly to the workshop. Here, locals from around the plant are also trained and on completion of the course, hired according to their skill level.

ON-SITE SUPPLIER PARK The BharatBenz plant also houses manufacturing units for frames and sheet metals. Due to their sensitive nature the sheets require careful handling. Thus, having the

manufacturers inside the compound cuts down the chances of damage due to dents while transporting them. This also helps in reducing disruption of production due to logistical delays and sets up a schedule which can be optimised to achieve maximum productivity. To add to this, 60 per cent of BharatBenz' suppliers are based within a 60 km radius of the manufacturing facility which also helps in minimising the final cost of the vehicles considerably. After visiting the highly advanced BharatBenz manufacturing facility and witnessing the impressive level of automation, the variety of quality tests and the cutting edge techniques that go into building the vehicles, one thing is for sure... they are all set to lead the era of modern trucking! yz

Engine testing done at the PTI shop

APR- JUN 2012 | SMART T R U CK I NG | 2 5

Smart Moves 2 6 | S MART T RU CKI NG | apr- jun 2012


REVOLUTION They are better, they are safer and they last longer. Plus, they save you money. There's no real reason why you shouldn't upgrade to radials. words Mohit Kapoor


t a time when every business move is aimed towards maximising profits, there is something that you seem to be missing out on. Your car sports radial tyres as they provide you with better mileage and greater stability. But then why is it that your trucks are still running on conventional bias tyres? When you are tackling the treacherous Western Ghats, the radial tyres will not only help you keep a firmer grip on your track but will also give you a considerable increase in mileage. Keep on reading to find out why investing in radial tyres is not just a smart business solution but also a safer option. Over the last decade or so, most passenger vehicles come with radial tyres as a standard fitment. They not only help in attaining better

mileage, but also improve the stability of a car. But somehow in the Commercial Vehicle segment, especially, the trucking sphere, this has only sparingly happened. Of course, some manufacturers do offer the option, but what you need to understand is that having radial tyres is not just an option any more, but a necessity. Essentially a radial is a tyre designed in such a way that the cord plies are arranged at 90 degrees to the direction of travel, or radially from the centre of the tyre. These plies of cord reinforces a tyre, without which it would be flexible and weak. To add further stiffness, the tyre is encased by additional belts that are oriented closer to the direction of travel and usually at a spiral angle. These belts can be made of steel, polyester or Aramid fibres like Twaron and Kevlar. The first radial tyre design was patented by Arthur W. Savage, a tyre APR- JUN 2012 | SMART T R U CK I NG | 2 7

Radial Tyres What you spend • 18-20 per cent more than on normal tyres

What you save • 80 per cent increase in tyre life – • • • •

decreases overall expense on tyres 5-10 per cent increase in fuel efficiency — decreases overall fuel expenditure Lower puncture possibility: saves time and expense Greater stability and precise steering — ability to maintain constant speed, leading to better mileage Overall reduction in cost per km - 10 per cent


manufacturer and inventor from San Deigo, California in 1915. Since then the radial design has constantly been researched on, developed and first commercialised by Michelin. “The biggest benefit of truck radial tyres comes from fuel savings ranging from five to 10 per cent. Truck radial tyres give a mileage (tyre life) 50-80 per cent more than the conventional Bias tyres," Mr. Vikas Malhotra, VP, Sales & Marketing, JK Tyre explains. "Besides this there are other benefits like lower punctures, lower maintenance cost, excellent 2 8 | S M A RT T R U C KI NG | A PR- JU N 2 0 1 2

traction, braking and riding comfort. Overall Cost Per Kilo Metre (CPKM) comes down by at least 10 per cent,” he adds. Mr. Malhotra emphasised that radial tyres are about 18-20 per cent more expensive than the conventional tyres, but due to their various advantages, this extra cost factor gets mitigated. At present JK Tyre supplies radial tyres mainly to commercial vehicle manufacturers and out of the entire sale, about 10-15 per cent comes from direct customers by the way of replacement.

smart nfo Radial tyre design was patented in 1915 by Arthur W. Savage, an inventor and tyre manufacturer in San Diego, CA. The design was further developed by Michelin in 1946.

The other advantages of radial tyres include fuel efficiency, longevity, retreading and environmental benefits. In fact, fuel efficiency of a radial tyre is five per cent higher in case of new vehicles and 3 per cent when it comes to old vehicles. Moreover, significant expansion of vehicle population would transform in healthy replacement demand for radial tyres. With more and more truckers opting for radials, the prices of these tyres will surely go down and it won’t be long before they are at par with conventional tyres. Raghunandan, a truck driver from Delhi, says, “A year back, I had to replace my tyres and I opted for radials. They were more expensive than the normal ones, but the results I am getting with these are amazing. It has increased the mileage of my truck by almost half-a-kilometre.” As far as safety goes, one of the biggest advantages of radials is the shorter distance travelled while braking. With radials, the time taken to stop, once you brake is substantially lesser than conventional tyres. They also maintain the line you want on the road, giving you precise steering feedback and greater

Fuel efficiency of a truck which runs on radial tyres is almost 5% higher than that of one which uses a conventional tyre

stability. Himmat, who transports peas from Manali to Shimla says, “On mountains, I find it very easy to control my truck on turns. I don't have to slow down to a dead pace and can control my truck at decent speeds, which also helps me in maintaining a better mileage.” Another interesting advantage with radials is that on corners, due to side force, there is greater deformation which leads to better control of the vehicle. From the point of view of monetary savings, radial tyres are less prone to punctures than conventional ones and the life of the tyre also increases considerably. This is because in radial tyres instead of nylon, dual steel belts are used which are quite durable and can withstand harsh conditions to quite an extent. According to Indian Radial Tyre Market Outlook 2015, a study conducted by RNCOS, an independent research agency, the Indian radial tyre market is expected to reach `393 billion by FY 2015, a growth of more than 21 per cent during FY 2011-FY2015. Though India’s market for radial tyres in commercial vehicles section is still at its infancy, there has been a rapid increase in the light commercial vehicles, the truck and the bus segments. According to the report, this segment will be the largest growth area over the next few years. The Indian radial tyre market has also attracted global manufacturers on account of these encouraging growth figures. These manufacturers are expected to invest huge amounts into the industry over the next few years, with a major proportion of this investment directed towards the truck and bus radial tyre capacity expansion. The study also states that higher return and cost effectiveness has been the main driving force for increasing radialisation in Indian tyre industry. From what we know, you are a smart trucker and make smart moves which make business sense. And if we consider that a top brand like BharatBenz—a brand that uses only the best technologies—also offers radial tyres for their HDT vehicles, it surely is a move that you should also make. yz APR- JUN 2012 | SMART T R U CK I NG | 2 9


Art on the


With catchy slogans and interesting paintings, trucks have splashed colours of various hues on our highways. Let's find how it has progressed over the last few decades. words Nishiraj A. Baruah

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anga Prasad has been driving trucks for over 30 years. Having worked with various fleet owners, he has driven over eight different truck variants. Ask him about the exact model names of these trucks and he can’t elaborate much. But ask him about the paintings they have adorned and he can talk about them in minute details. “On an average, during a journey I am on the road for 15-18 days. During this period, the truck is my home and decorating it is something that gives me lot of pleasure. Every alternate day, I make sure

that the truck is washed and wiped clean so that the paintwork doesn’t erode," he says. Over the years, Prasad has seen quite a few changes in the way trucks are decorated. He remembers the time when artists used to spend days, using only a brush and jar of paint, working on the body of a truck. And then there was also a time when he had left four back panels of his truck with someone who uses a paint gun, who went on and finished the job in a matter of hours. Now, with changing times, even the art of beautifying a truck is evolving. Ramprakash, a trucker from Rajasthan says, “When I used APR- JUN 2012 | SMART T R U CK I NG | 3 1


The latest demand is for LED strings and patterns. They are not only durable but also easier to maintain and less prone to damage


to travel with my dad in his truck as a helper, paintings were in. By the time I became a driver, lot more fineries came in and we had various bling-filled elements like shiny artificial garlands and colourful electrical lights.” His truck currently sports peacock motifs on the side, which he feels are the harbinger of good weather during his journeys. Apart from that, the windshield area is covered with numerous colourful lights that can give a hip discotheque a run for their money! In our endeavour to find more about this interesting art form, we also met Raju, a 47-year-old truck artist. He says, “Though today 3 2 | S M A RT T R U C KI NG | A PR- JU N 2 0 1 2

most trucks sport flashy lights, paintings are there to stay. The first truck I painted belonged to my uncle, at that time I was just 12-yearsold. Since then I have worked on thousands of trucks. Today, every trucker wants to make his vehicle flashy and different by using all kinds of electronic equipments, but the painting still remains. Take any truck, you will find interesting art on each and every one of them.” On asking him about what are the latest trend he is seeing in this field, he says, “From paintings we have graduated to the use of colourful lights and shimmering artifacts. But the latest demand is for LED strings and patterns. They are not only durable but also easier to maintain and less prone to damage.” Raju also adds that most of the work you will find on trucks is quite unique. Every trucker wants something different for his vehicle, so in a way it’s quite a challenging task to come up with new designs everyday. But then, with the modernisation of trucks and technology, even this art form has evolved from being a simple paint and brush job. Now, we not only look forward to the launch of the modern BharatBenz trucks, but also the latest kind of art that will adorn them. yz

Daimler India Commercial Vehicles Pvt. Ltd. Unit 301 & 302, 3rd Floor, Campus 3B, RMZ Millennia Business Park, No 143, Dr. M.G. R. Road, Perungudi, Chennai – 600 096, India. Ph: +91 44 4599 6000, Website:

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