Revealed: The Insider's Guide to SAP's Employment Brand

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Contents Chapter 01 Introduction

Chapter 09 ROI: Measuring Success


Chapter 02 The Future of Recruitment Is Now: Recruitment 3.0 06

Chapter 10 Making a Game: The SAP Case Study


Chapter 03 Creating an Employer Value Proposition

Chapter 11 Assessments: The Ultimate Candidate Experience 36



Chapter 04 The Employment Brand Menu


Chapter 05 The Importance of Social Media


Chapter 06 SAP Cartoon Series: SAP Illustrated Chapter 07 Building a Dynamic Careers Site Chapter 08 Recruitment Marketing Campaigns

Chapter 12 Sourcification


Chapter 13 Diversity in the Workforce 42 Chapter 14 Nurturing Early Talent



Chapter 15 The Importance of Talent Communities



Chapter 16 RMK: Analytics at Its Best 48


Chapter 17 Search Engine and Mobile Device Friendly 52


Chapter 01

Introduction Mediocre recruitment is easy. Good recruitment is challenging. The best recruitment is more than tough: it’s an art. Though often overlooked, recruiting can have a huge impact on an organization. What we do can make or break our companies. If we attract average talent, the quality of our work and ultimately its financial profitability will only be average. But if we attract the best talent, we will be stronger and the bottom line can be phenomenal. It’s why talentdriven organizations tend to prove the most successful. Recruiting in the IT space is challenging, however. We are asked to find the perfect candidate – available to start tomorrow – in a very competitive

landscape. Expectations of what we need to deliver are at times daunting and often unrealistic.

Employer Branding Program for the 2015 Brandon Hall Excellence in Talent Acquisition Awards, and the Best Employer Brand in the This is where employment 2015 ERE Recruiting Excellence branding, essential to modern Awards, to name just a few of 110 talent acquisition, comes into play. awards we’ve earned in the last We need candidates to go beyond year. knowing and understanding SAP to actively caring about it. We This is SAP’s 2016. This is SAP’s need our employees to champion story. Enjoy! SAP as a great place to work. The employment brand team must harness the authentic voice of the employee to spread the word about SAP. This book examines how SAP set up an internal employment brand team and highlights why it won the Most Effective Employer Brand Development for the 2016 Recruiter Awards, a gold medal for Best Recruitment Marketing and

Global Employer Branding Contacts Matthew Jeffery

VP Head of Global Sourcing & Employment Branding

Robin Dagostino

Huck Medrano

Shawn Dullye

Associate Creative Director

Social Recruiting Community Administrator

Director, Social Recruiting & Creative Media

Director, Digital Marketing

Kevin D’Aprile

Yael Gal

Allen Zhang

Kirsten Planck

Adam Raelson

Andrea Woolley

Susanne Labonde

Matt Olack

Creative Media Designer

Marketing Manager

HR Recruitment Expert & Employer Brand Manager

Senior Director, Global Talent Networks

Global Employer Brand Expert

Employer Brand Marketing Coordinator

Creative Media Designer


Chapter 02

The Future of Recruitment Is Now: Recruitment 3.0 Recruiting in the digital age can be challenging, especially with a constantly shifting talent landscape with:

A shrinking talent pool, leading to fierce competition and talent disloyalty

A reliance on in-house teams to discover top talent

Confusing technology solutions

Outdated recruiting methods

Competitive threats

RECRUITING UTOPIA Businesses’ recruiting utopia would be an instantaneous, predictable talent pipeline. Having a predictable talent pipeline means identifying possible talent before business needs arise. To achieve this the recruiting organization must map the market for key talent and develop relationships with them to build engaged communities that are primed to work for your company when the right opening comes along. This primarily involves: Employment brand and marketing. Sourcing. Identify the talent, map Ensure that your company is the market where key talent known in the market as a great resides, and swiftly attract them. place to work. You don’t build the brand with the usual corporate PR/marketing broadcast spin; you enable your employees to authentically tell their stories about your company. A great employment brand encourages talent to proactively come to you and makes it easier for the recruiting team to reach out to passive candidates. An employment brand educates a talent pool, preparing them for sourcing.


Here’s how to launch Recruitment 3.0 in your company. To create a recruiting utopia, you want to engage in Recruitment 3.0, made up of eight tenets: 1. Understand that not everyone is looking for a new job. 2. Know that everyone can be a potential candidate or brand ambassador. 3. Create an employment brand that attracts top candidates. 4. Make the candidate experience more than an automated response e-mail.

5. Understand the psychology of people. 6. Don’t try to control what people say. 7. Build relationships and communities. 8. Make recruiting exciting!

UNDERSTAND THAT NOT EVERYONE IS LOOKING FOR A NEW JOB According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, only 10% of relevant, experienced talent is actively looking for a new job at any given time. That means 90% are not looking. Yet the best candidates are most likely in the latter group – and you’re competing for talent in the former. Recruitment 3.0 focuses on identifying the best candidates in the whole market.

KNOW THAT EVERYONE CAN BE A POTENTIAL CANDIDATE OR BRAND AMBASSADOR Recruiting 1.0 defines a candidate as someone who has elected to be part of the recruitment process, normally by submitting a résumé. Recruitment 3.0 defines a candidate as the entire population and divides the jobs market into active job seekers (10%) and passive, or “pactive,” candidates (90%). A pactive candidate isn’t currently looking for a new job but if approached with an attractive opportunity would become active. To move a person from being a pactive candidate to an active job seeker, you must discover what motivates them. It is your job to create the candidates by developing an emotional connection between the pactive candidate and your company.


CREATE AN EMPLOYMENT BRAND THAT ATTRACTS TOP CANDIDATES A brand creates a subconscious awareness and emotional connection. An employment brand builds such an awareness and bond between your company and current employees, as well as potential candidates. It provides employees with a vision and inspiration. It drives innovation and quality while guiding business strategy and talent attraction.

Your employment brand, organically communicated by your employees, offers many benefits: •

Higher-quality candidates

More unsolicited candidate applications


Build your employment brand from the inside: •

Your managers have to lead well.

The company has to communicate with all staff.

Higher offer/acceptance ratios •

Everyone has to feel included.

More employee referrals

Increased employee retention rates

Compensation has to be competitive.

Increased employee satisfaction

Training, development, and career progression must be open to all.

A stronger corporate culture

Increased shareholder value

Enhanced university recruiting

Increased media exposure

Employees have to feel part of the business and aligned with its strategy and vision. Employees must enjoy their work and colleagues.

When someone applies for a job at your company, do they get an automated e-mail thanking them for their application? Candidates hate being just one of the crowd, and yet they are often treated like this during the recruiting process. The candidate experience occurs in seven stages: 1. Notice. Someone first notices your company. Influence this through your employment brand with external PR, presentations, and events. 2. Consider. After they notice you, the person will actively consider whether they would like to work for you. Influence this with recruitment advertising, a corporate careers site, and wellwritten job descriptions.

3. Apply. The application process includes the pre-interview stage, the interview experience, and the post-interview experience, all of which will be influenced by your employment brand. 4. Integrate. The candidate officially joins a company and is onboarded during their first few days or weeks. Their experience with the company and their integration into it will also be influenced by your employment brand.

7. Remember. When your former employee looks back, do they recall fond memories? Were things that bad? Do people keep in touch? Remembering is a powerful part of the subconscious and a big brand influencer. Not only does your employment brand influence the candidate experience but it is created by it. One poor experience can quickly tarnish your brand. Taking the time to build great candidate experiences is worth the effort.

5. Work. The first days become weeks, weeks often become years. 6. Leave. How does your company handle the moment an employee elects to leave? How managers and colleagues react creates a lasting impression.

Create such a culture, and your employees will represent an employment brand that will attract top candidates.


UNDERSTAND THE PSYCHOLOGY OF PEOPLE People want relationships with people, not faceless companies. To engage your talent communities, you must humanize your brand. Share the experience of being part of the company by being transparent and engaging in a real conversation.

Storytelling is an important element of the conversation, as is gamification. They hook people in, encouraging them to engage with you regularly.

DON’T TRY TO CONTROL WHAT PEOPLE SAY People talk. They blog. Their conversations can spread across the world within seconds. And we can’t control what they say. This can be extremely frightening for businesses that like to be in control of their brands. Once you could put out a prepared press release or create a 30-second TV spot and they would be taken as truth. That no longer holds true.

“Technology is shifting the balance of power away from the editors, the publishers, the establishment, and the media elite,” says media mogul Rupert Murdoch. “Now it is the people who are in control.” Businesses have to be more humble. They have to listen to what is being said, respond, and seek the opinions of their communities.

BUILD RELATIONSHIPS AND COMMUNITIES How we embrace social media defines our recruiting. Social media is all about people, which lends itself perfectly to recruiting. But it must be done right to successfully reach top candidates.

followers. But what is the value of those followers if there’s no engagement? If you have over 1 million followers and only 10 people click “like,” you damage your brand.

Many companies are just beating their chests, chanting proudly that they have over 1 million

Social media isn’t about broadcasting a message. It’s about delivering relevant content

to help build communities of evangelists and potential hires. It’s about taking people on a journey to discover your company, employees, and culture. The journey should be inspiring, revealing, and engaging.

MAKE RECRUITING EXCITING! How many recruiting job sites or social media pages do you visit when you aren’t looking for a job? To get “pactive” candidates to engage with your employment brand, your content has to be more than jobs.


YOUR PRODUCT BRAND IS NOT YOUR EMPLOYMENT BRAND Corporate PR and marketing focus Job candidates don’t decide to on product messaging, reaching work at a company based on out to potential customers. Their product information, however. goal is to define the customer’s They want to know what it would problem and demonstrate how be like to work for your company. your product solves that problem. Will they like the culture? Will they

fit in? Your employment brand helps answer those questions by humanizing your company and revealing its “inside” story.

SKILLS NEEDED FOR RECRUITMENT 3.0 Recruitment 3.0 is about building engaged communities, telling stories, listening, discussing, and fostering an emotional attachment with new talent. To be successful, recruiters will need a new set of skills, including: •

PR and messaging

Market segmentation

• Sales •

Consulting and influencing

Direct marketing

Candidate relationship management

Presenting and communicating

This is not theory. It’s reality. Are your recruiters ready? Is your recruiting leader ready? Read on to learn how SAP created a premier employment brand, how Recruitment 3.0 steers employment branding at SAP, and how SAP has won 93 awards in the first half of 2016 alone. Then launch Recruitment 3.0 in your own company.


Chapter 03

Creating an Employer Value Proposition An employment brand can’t be created. It can’t be manufactured. The marketing department can’t define it, nor can the C-suite. An employment brand is what the employees and candidates say about the company in the market. It’s a real, unscripted representation of the company. By sharing employee stories, we are bringing SAP to life – humanizing it. That is the essence of the new SAP employer value proposition (EVP). Our message? Bring Everything You Are. Become Everything You Want.

This truly encapsulates SAP. You can be whatever you want to be. Just be the best you are. A company with almost 80,000 employees creates many career opportunities: to grow, to lead, to innovate. Our EVP is about respect, innovation, work-life balance, and job-interest alignment. And we provide our employees with freedom: the freedom to act, to find balance, and to pursue and develop professional interests. That’s what leads to innovation. Our employees are empowered to contribute and take action with

a flexible work experience that maximizes personal performance. Career paths are built around employee interests, and we are an amazing growth company as a result. When we focus on an individual’s life story, a headshot dominates but the mosaic tells a multidimensional story: at work, at home, out with colleagues, doing charity work, and just having fun. It’s an authentic story of modern life. What we do outside of work shapes us at work. Those stories need telling.


DISCOVERING OUR EVP SAP conducted extensive research through 39 global workshops, internally and externally, in 15 countries to learn what our employees and others valued about SAP.

Austria Work-Life Balance Development Opp. Innovation

China Compensation Development Opp. Future Career Opp.

India Meritocracy Work-Life Balance Collegial Work Environment

EMPOWERING EMPLOYEES According to our employees, SAP is a place for creative thinkers who thrive in an entrepreneurially spirited environment. Our employees are credited for their contributions, rewarded for risk taking, and given learning opportunities. They become their best selves. Once we collated the results, we selected the attributes that best represent our employment brand globally, based on our desired employment brand message: We are an amazing growth company with a culture that helps employees perform at their best so that the world runs better.

Brazil Work-Life Balance Development Empowerment

France Development Opp. Innovation Job-Interest Alignment

Russia Compensation Development Opp. Innovation

Bulgaria Empowerment Coll. Work Environment Development Opp.

Germany Innovation Risk Taking Empowerment

South Africa Coworker Quality Technology Level Innovation

Canada Empowerment Innovation Risk Taking

Hungary Development Opp. Empowerment Future Career Opp.

Singapore Compensation Empowerment Work-Life Balance

Everyone is empowered to contribute and take action.

Career paths are built around your interests.

At SAP, your voice matters. You’ll innovate with other creative thinkers and be recognized for your unique contributions.

SAP is a place where you can see your ideas become reality, and explore a career aligned to your goals.

Flexible work experience maximizes personal performance.

SAP is an amazing growth company.

Mentors and learning programs help guide your career, and you have the ability to work the way you want. United Arab Emirates Development Opp. Camaraderie Compensation

United Kingdom Business Travel Coworker Quality Development Opp.

You’re connected to a world-class network and resources, and will join top talent that’s helping the best companies transform how they do business.

United States of America Risk Taking Empowerment Future Career Opp.


Having defined our EVP, we then used it to redesign our recruiting creative with three main goals: • Show the human side of SAP. As with products, people highly regard personal recommendations, so we wanted to showcase our best people.


Cornerstone Message Key Pillars

• Use imagery that would visually tell a story. In an age of information overload, images can quickly grab attention and immediately start building an emotional connection.

• Create inspirational messaging. We wanted to show candidates how they could achieve their dreams at SAP.

Get prospective candidates and current employees to recognize SAP as an employer of choice by presenting honest moments that celebrate the SAP experience.

Your success matters at SAP, so seize the moment. Opportunity: Career development is on your own terms. Employees have the freedom to set their own priorities and follow their own career paths. SAP encourages pursuing new ventures, offering opportunities to be inspired by other divisions, a global network of diverse colleagues to tap into, and hackathons to crowdsource fresh ideas. Growth: You have the resources to improve your skills and competencies – including mentorship groups, learning curriculums, and career success centers that guide self-enrichment. SAP also has recognition programs to show employees that they are valued. Purpose: Create a lasting legacy by working with today’s most demanding and progressive brands, as well as the communities that they affect. Employees realize a larger aspiration by being part of a team that contributes to the success of SAP’S customers and all the people they serve.


Chapter 04

The Employment Brand Menu We knew as the employment brand team that we provided valuable, high-level services, like video creation and editing, because we received new requests every day. However, we soon found many of the requests were unrealistic, in either scope or budget. Like most recruiting teams, we have a limited budget that we must spend wisely. Often the business expectation was that because we were an internal team, we should make those investments on behalf of SAP. We faced another problem with our internal customers: They were dissatisfied with our results because as an internal service, we were the low-cost solution. Hiring managers chose to invest a much higher amount with the external agency, understanding that no external agency would take on a hiring initiative for a minimal investment.

So we created the Employment Brand Menu: a freemium model that better explains our services and helps our customers create realistic expectations. The Employment Brand Menu outlines a range of services, from basic to premium. Campaigns can be run on one of five levels: Free, Gold, Silver, Bronze, and Platinum. These levels put the onus on the hiring manager to balance services against costs. If a hiring manager decides to use free services, the results will be not nearly as impactful, of course, but it won’t affect their budget. If the hiring manager decides on a higher-level campaign, the impact will be bigger, but the cost will come from their budget.

provide detailed ROI and Big Data analytics. The hiring manager can then be held accountable to their manager. The feedback from our business leaders and recruiting teams who utilize our menu has been tremendous. Our customers have more realistic expectations, and we can deliver on what we promise. By charging for services, we pave the way for the branding team to effectively manage costs and to ultimately become a profit center within HR.

Either way, the employment brand team uses SAP’s Recruiting Marketing software to


Chapter 05 24


The Importance of Social Media A few years ago, the employment brand team identified a major problem with SAP’s social media recruiting efforts: There were many regional careers-based Facebook and Twitter accounts. Further, posts and tweets consisted only of open positions linked to SAP’s careers site.

We now have more than seven Life at SAP social media accounts globally, all of which focus on employees telling their personal stories. In addition to Facebook and Twitter, candidates can also connect with us on: • Instagram

While a step in the right direction, these efforts didn’t engage or attract candidates, nor provide a real view inside SAP. There was no employee voice, no humanizing of our employment brand.

• LinkedIn (through an account shared with the brand marketing team)

To provide that employee voice and create a more engaging experience, we unified our social media recruiting efforts by creating the Life at SAP brand.

• YouTube

Our strategy to engage potential candidates with real employee stories, images, and videos has paid off in a big way. Our 2016 Q2 social media stats are beyond impressive: • Our Glassdoor rating highlights the sea change in the SAP brand perception. SAP moved from a mark of 3.7 in July 2015 to 4.1 in August 2016. We are now rated higher than many of the biggest brands in the world today. • Our biggest social media post about our CEO, Bill McDermott, had an astonishing engagement of 7,886 likes, clicks, comments, and shares, with a reach of 76,408 people. • We’ve had huge growth in our talent community, with subscribers jumping by 1,012% and visits to the career site through our social channels growing 732% year over year.

• Our total reach on Facebook was almost 1.5 million, with nearly 25% of that reach to Early Talent users.

• Four out of five of our lowestrated regions on Glassdoor have improved by at least 10% since 2016 Q1.

• The #IAmSAP photo contest drew huge engagement on Facebook, Instagram, and WeChat, causing our Instagram engagements to more than double, from 5,000 to over 12,000, in just one quarter.

Year over year growth from 2015 to 2016:

Q2 YOY 1026% growth in Apply Starts from Life at SAP Social

• Life at SAP content on the corporate SAP LinkedIn page consistently garners more impressions and engagement than any other content on that page. We average almost 150,000 impressions per post from an audience of 700,000. That means almost a quarter of SAP’s LinkedIn audience engages with every one of our posts. This demonstrates that people looking for jobs want to see more than company ads; they want to see the people who work there and the lives they live.

Q2 YOY 732% growth in visits to career site from Life at SAP Social


• WeChat • Weibo

Candidates can experience our unique, innovative culture through video and social content featuring our employees. The content aims to be nonintrusive and engaging, building trust with our community. Our top-performing content focuses on milestones, pop culture, and SAP’s mission and purpose. We drive the content’s traffic straight to our careers site, where we track all the applications and hires using our cutting-edge, cloudbased analytics tool, Recruiting Marketing (RMK). RMK shows clients which marketing strategies result in the best candidates for the lowest cost. We look at engagement metrics as well as bottom-funnel metrics, such as visits to career site and apply starts. 25

Chapter 06

SAP Cartoon Series: SAP Illustrated Social media is all about engagement. And what gets the most views on social media? Videos, photos, and, no surprise, cartoons. An episodic cartoon published regularly creates repeat visitors who are eager for the next episode. We created Life at SAP Illustrated to create such an audience.

The idea: Create a cartoon that centers on life at SAP. The characters who work at SAP would have distinct personalities that our audience could emotionally connect to while showcasing our culture through story blocks. The cartoon would look at human relationships, technology, and work and home lives of SAP employees. We highlight what makes our company special. The mission: Get people to visit our site regularly to read the latest developments of our characters to create engagement and stickiness. Who: We created a diverse group of coworkers and their family and friends to star in the comic. They come from around the world, and some characters work in the office, while others work remotely. We highlight SAP’s flexible work schedules, key office locations, and key employee attributes. Timing: We publish a new cartoon every week on the Life at SAP Facebook and Instagram pages.

The results: • Coffee Corner Session: 11,533 engagements • Strength in Numbers: 4,490 engagements • Remote: 2,312 engagements • Coffee Gif: 1,988 engagements These results are truly remarkable.


Chapter 07

Building a Dynamic Careers Site In 2016, SAP embarked on a second major redesign of our careers site in two years, this time to unite the different experiences on with our careers site and better speak the language of our target audiences: students, recent graduates, and professionals of all nationalities, especially women. In the future, we’ll add a live chat functionality to the site, so that candidates can ask a real recruiter questions and get immediate answers, a huge change in the candidate experience.






Recruiter tips & “good to know” hints

We provide personal tips about how to best navigate our recruiting process, making for a seamless candidate experience.

Live chat

If the tips and hints aren’t enough, candidates can ask questions through a chat feature.

(launching at the end of Q4 as a pilot for three countries)


Who we are looking for

Clear statements about ideal applicants help candidates assess whether they would be a good fit. We’re currently working on a fit-assessment tool, as well.


Visual story telling:

We deliver facts and figures about the work experience and who we are as an employer visually on the site to create interest instead of bog candidates down with numbers.

• Facts • Imagery • In-site display for infographics • Cinemagraphs & short videos Diversity: • Importance of women in tech • Autism • LGBT

Operating in an industry often cited for its lack of diversity, SAP works to counter this trend. We showcase all our efforts on our site.


Chapter 08

Recruitment Marketing Campaigns Recruitment marketing campaigns are a critical area of the modern talent acquisition strategy. If done right, a well-executed recruitment marketing campaign will yield considerable benefits. Such a strategy has the power to position SAP as a top place to work. The devil, as they say, is in the details. But if you ask our team those details are about collaborating and making sure you have the right team working together in a coordinated effort.

Our digital marketing experts spend time understanding the target candidate audience by interviewing the hiring managers and employees who work in the department, as well as utilizing social listening. After these crucial intake sessions, all campaigns are anchored on a marketing strategy that encompasses one or both of the following: • Inbound marketing. We ensure the marketing seamlessly integrates our employment brand messaging. • Job distribution. We distribute career opportunities to global job boards globally, event pages, our careers site, marketing on our Life at SAP social media channels, employee referral campaigns, and e-mail marketing to our talent community. Some recruitment analysts talk as though Big Data is still in the future, but for SAP it’s in the here and now, as you’ll see in the next chapter.


Chapter 09

ROI: Measuring Success Without measurement there can be no success. That’s the SAP employment brand team’s core philosophy. We monitor and measure the success of all our Life at SAP social media channels, sourcing, and digital marketing campaigns using our recruitment marketing and analytics tool Recruiting Marketing (RMK).

RMK gives us access to recruiting’s holy grail: Big Data. RMK uses historical data from both SAP and aggregated customer data to analyze the success of our efforts. We can track the ROI of every single service we provide – and not just the views our video had on Facebook but the more complex and ever-elusive number of candidates who clicked the “apply” link at the end of that video.

Our focus on ROI is paying off: •

We’ve seen huge growth in our RMK Talent Community, with subscribers jumping by 1,012% and visits to the career site via our social channels growing 732% since last 2015.

In 2016, SAP started developing a large-scale, two-way communication community of highly relevant candidate profiles that encapsulate over 40 different data points about their experience and skill sets along with their entire social footprint, all of which will be searchable at a very granular level and deliverable on demand. We knew this project wouldn’t be completed overnight and would have to evolve naturally using a business-centric strategy.

Through a strong partnership with the business, SAP analyzed targeted groups (based on skill set, current company, location, etc.), the supply and demand of the market in specific locations, hiring forecasts, regional profile discrepancies, and thousands of internal successful hires. This information was used to target and uncover highly relevant candidate profiles.

In six months, over 60,000 profiles have been mapped, enhanced, and aligned to a standardized naming convention for titles, products, verticals, regions, and function to allow for simple high-yield searches. SAP will now map 100,000 profiles per year for pipelines and our talent community, all of which can be utilized for highly targeted proactive recruiting and campaigns.

We can also measure how many of those candidates were interviewed by an SAP recruiter. How many were interviewed by an SAP hiring manager. How many were eventually hired. We can follow the entire recruitment funnel from start to finish. We use the results to inform future recruitment marketing strategies. With RMK, our talent acquisition teams are driven by data that consistently and predictably drives more qualified leads into the hiring funnel.


Chapter 10

Making a Game: The SAP Case Study Modern recruitment is about engagement, killer content, impact, and repeat visitors. You must show different sides to your corporate personality to meet those goals, so why not a game?


To change perceptions of the SAP brand among potential recruits

To show that we are a fun, cutting edge place to work

To further establish SAP as an The game concept was built innovative recruiting company around SAP’s core commitment: to make the world run better. We To prototype approaches to wanted people to engage with collecting data from game our employment brand, so as play as part of our overall Big they move through each level, Data strategy they get a better perception and To deliver the right type of understanding of SAP. engagement as part of our candidate experience journey

Our goal for the “Get Home” game design was simple: It needed to be addictive to encourage competition among players and make player scores shareable on social media.

The levels reflect the employment brand team’s focus on recruitment: players must move candidates to various SAP interview locations before time runs out, and they compete against other players to get the top score. But they also emphasize SAP’s core industries, such as entertainment, oil and gas, sporting, and security and defense. They gain insight into who we are as a company in an environment that is actually fun and competitive.

To engage with a significant volume of people in order to widen our overall talent pool


Chapter 11

Assessments: The Ultimate Candidate Experience Why shouldn’t candidates get immediate, detailed feedback about their fit with our culture and the job position that they can read, digest, and learn from? Why shouldn’t hiring managers get more data on candidates to assess them and to generate questions to ask them to improve interview quality – and save interview prep time? And why can’t a new hire have a training plan ready for them on day one? These questions provided the framework for our candidate assessments and what we have actually delivered.

SAP makes circa 15,000 hires a year. Of those hires, 5,000– 6,000 are recent graduates and professionals in the early stages of their career, with one to four years’ experience. At this level there are fewer apparent differences between candidates, making the decision of who to hire incredibly subjective. Mistakes creep in, and the best candidates may not be hired.



We started by asking three questions about our high-performing employees:

You can’t find the right candidates if you don’t know what you’re looking for. The assessments gave us a clearer picture of who the ideal candidates are, allowing us to drill down to business function for more specifics.

What do they value?

What motivates them?

What are some of their behaviors?

The collected data gave us a picture of our ideal worldwide culture and performance. Note that we didn’t ask about academics and experience. While important, these and other traditional measures create biases in the talent pool. To increase diversity in our workforce, we wanted to create a profile that eliminated these biases.

The results also inform a unique app on our Life at SAP Facebook page (developed in partnership with The Chemistry Group and Tamba). The app guides candidates into discovering which of five personas they best match. With that information, they can create a profile on our careers website and target their job search.

Taking a global approach ensured not only a broad view of successful employees but also consistent data. The assessments helped us on two fronts: hiring candidates and developing current employees.

DEVELOPING EMPLOYEES Employees who don’t develop and grow become dissatisfied and quit. By empowering employees to follow their career development interests, we retain our best people. Our assessments give our employees real-time feedback, helping them understand their strengths and development areas and target their training accordingly. Our assessments deliver valuable insight with a focus on driving quality of hire, candidate experience, and diversity.

SAP partnered with The Chemistry Group to answer those questions, help our recruiters make more informed decisions, and ultimately strengthen our workforce.


ASSESSMENT REPORTS The value for the candidates is in the real-time feedback that they receive on their values, motivations, and behaviors. This helps them to understand strengths and development areas, massively boosting candidate experience. An assessment report also goes

to the hiring manager, with suggested interview questions to explore in an interview, and a day 1 training plan for the new hire to enhance key skills.

Culture Fit Assessment Report

Total CFA Score: Pass

Values Fit Assessment

This section of the report details how this individual has scored against the ideal profile for the cultural themes, which have been deemed important for this role. These cultural themes are based on the values and motivations that the individual holds. This section explains what each of these cultural themes are and what the candidates responses suggest.


This section of the report explains your results against the values and motivations which have been deemed important for this role. It is important to note these are not scales of high to low.



The responses that you have provided suggest that you are likely to be motivated to achieve success in your current work in order to realise longer-term goals. It's likely that receiving feedback will feel energising, even if it is negative, as you may take action to ensure that you improve in order to achieve a future ambition.

Hungry to achieve great outcomes above and beyond what is expected. Sets stretching challenges in order to achieve more.

2.Restless & Agile Likely to prefer working in familiar situations and structured environments. This person will feel at their best when they know what to expect from their day, and may feel less comfortable dealing with unknowns or curveballs.

The responses that you have provided suggest that you are likely to be open to working in a changing environment where you can seek out new ways of working and ideas to inform your work. It's unlikely that a static workplace will motivate you as you may prefer to have opportunities to experience new things and try out different settings.

Likely to thrive on change, novelty and discovering new perspectives, ideas and opinions. This person is likely to feel energised by opportunities to adapt and respond to changing or unexpected situations.

1.Aspiration Little interest in seeing things through or achieving above and beyond what is needed. Prefers to focus on day-to-day activities.

Candidate feedback report

The responses that you have provided suggest that you are more likely than others to follow your own approach and take action without seeing the need to consult with other people. You are likely to be happy voicing your own opinions even if they have a mixed reaction from other people.










The responses that the candidate has provided suggests that they are driven by achieving success in their work and wider goals. It's likely that they have ambition to achieve great outcomes and energised by pushing themselves through difficult challenges. Questions: What excites you most about taking on difficult tasks or challenges?

Hungry to achieve great outcomes above and beyond what is expected. Sets stretching challenges in order to achieve more.

How have you made real impact on something that you weren't responsible for? What are you key ambitions and how have you worked on achieving them?

2.Restless & Agile Likely to prefer working in familiar situations and may feel less comfortable dealing with unknowns or curveballs.

3.Bold in Execution Would rather consult widely and takes time on decisions. Values cooperation and harmony at work.


Strong Fit

The responses to the Values Fit Assessment suggest that this candidate is a good fit for the business. They appear to have the right mix of values and motivations to fit into Diageo and enjoy ways of working of the organisation.

1.Aspiration Enjoys working to meet expectations prefers to focus on day-to-day activities. Most energised when able to work within the comfort zone.


Ok Fit










The responses that this candidate has provided suggests that they are likely to have a natural curiosity about the world around them, question processes and proactively deal with change and ambiguity. It is likely that they will easily adapt themselves to new environments and get energy from gaining new perspectives and ideas. Questions:

Prefers to stand up for own interests and make independent and timely decisions.

When have you had to actively seek out new information in order to help you in a new or unfamiliar way of working? What did you learn? How did it impact your performance?

Likely to value novelty and discovering new perspectives, ideas and opinions. They may feel comfortable adapting their approach and perspective to different situations and respond flexibly.

What have you done that has helped you work flexibly in new or changing circumstances?

Hiring manager report 39

Chapter 12


• We measure each sourcer’s and each team’s performance against our defined KPIs on a monthly basis in a League Table

• Sourcers are given bonus points when they exceed any KPI, incentivizing the teams to not only meet their goals, but smash them

• Each KPI is measured monthly and awarded a point value:

• After each month, quarter, and year, the scores are shared among the teams in each region, and the winner(s) is given a cash-based award

Performance KPIs: Four hires per month (10 points) 40 candidate screens per month (10 points) 28 submittals to the CFR per month (10 points) 50 percent submittal-to-interview ratio (10 points) Time KPIs: Seven business days from date of sourcing req open to first submittal (five points); 10 business days from date of sourcing req open to second through fourth submittal (five points)

• Sources compete in each region to be Sourcer of the Month, Sourcer of the Quarter, and Sourcer of the Year • All sourcers in each region see their stats, allowing for total transparency • All totals in each region are added together to form a cumulative total to produce “best hub” of the month, quarter, and year • These KPIs, competition, and transparency drive performance

Quality KPIs: Survey results from the candidate new hire and hiring manager/recruiter surveys that are sent out on a monthly basis (sourcers and the quality of hire rated on a scale from 1-5, with five being the highest) LinkedIn Usage KPIs: 15 days logged in per month; 80 searches per month; 250 profile views per month; 20 percent InMail acceptance rate (20 points total)

SAP’s goal is to attract the best talent, the high performers. Yet high performers are usually happy in their jobs and tough to tempt away. We needed to focus on sourcing, but how could we get ahead of our competitors’ sourcing teams?

The value of this competitive and proactive sourcing team is huge. The traditional – and mostly reactive – candidate-generation channels are quickly becoming archaic. The League Tables reinvigorate the fundamental sourcing approach that needs to take place if you want to attract the top talent in the market.

By making our sourcing team better. We centralized our sourcing efforts and restructured the key performance indicators (KPIs) to align with our goal of hiring the best talent. KPIs include the number of hires and the time between opening a requisition and submitting candidates. But they also include the quality of the hires and the effort put into using LinkedIn for finding the best talent. To inspire and drive our sourcers, we added a gamification element, calling our initiative sourcification. Sourcers are salespeople, selling candidates on a position and an organization.


Chapter 13

Diversity in the Workforce

One of SAP’s chief hiring goals is to maintain diversity among our employees. A diverse workforce better represents the market and enables employees to understand the market better. A diverse workforce also helps expand the talent pool for recruiting.

25% of leadership positions held by women by 2017.

We also always want to hire the best person for the job: high performers who are passionate about what they – and we – do. To find the right person, we make an effort to recruit from groups that with our senior leadership and are sometimes neglected by other top female employees. We host companies. engaging events at attractive locations, including sports Historically, women have stadiums, sailing clubs, horsing been underrepresented in the clubs, and even a circus! technology field, and SAP is working to change that. Our goal is to have 25% of leadership positions held by Our recruitment teams host women by 2017. With help from talent network events targeted our recruiting efforts, we are on at women, one of many initiatives track to meet that goal. aimed at creating more opportunities for women. These Another group we’re reaching potential candidates experience out to is differently abled the SAP brand while networking people. Our groundbreaking

SAP Autism at Work program hires and integrates people with autism into the workforce. The initiative enables people on the autism spectrum to find qualified jobs after a specially designed interview format, which best allows candidates to reveal their capabilities. Our goal is to have 1% of the SAP workforce represented by people on the autism spectrum by 2020. The initiative currently includes over 100 colleagues and is active in Australia, Brazil, Canada, the Czech Republic, Germany, India, Ireland, and the United States, with plans to add many more locations in the next few years.


Chapter 14

Nurturing Early Talent

In the next 10 years, today’s youth will determine whether businesses win or lose the game Bill McDermott, CEO, SAP

Part of SAP’s success comes from cross-generational intelligence. We want to embrace Millennials and all they bring to the table. So we offer a great place to work for Early Talent – interns and recent graduates – and we work hard to attract and hire the best. Our Employment Brand Menu for Early Talents guides recruiters to a wealth of tools they can use to engage this valuable audience.

infographics and papers •

Social media

2016 in the United States, the audience heard about the importance of civic engagement.

But we want to meet Millennials The summit allowed senators where they are. So we emphasize – and SAP – to connect with creative live events. InnoJam, Millennials. Said McDermott, for example, is an SAP TechEd “This is the future of the world. pre-conference activity. During And we really need to care. We this hackathon, participants have really need to get connected.” up to 36 hours to conceive and build a real, working solution for a predetermined problem.

We hold more hackathons and Some of the menu items are to be coding competitions through our partnerships with SAP’s expected: University Alliances teams. • Our careers site, a portion of Participants get to play with which is dedicated to students SAP’s latest technologies and get and recent graduates coaching from our experts. •

Targeted blog content

Web sites that address the intersection of SAP and Millennials’ interests

Marketing materials, such as

We also hold summits featuring key SAP and other influential people to discuss important topics and how they affect Millennials. During the “We the Future Summit” at PoliticalFest


Chapter 15

The Importance of Talent Communities And it’s working. Consider:

One of the tenets of Recruitment 3.0 is to build communities of potential hires primed to work for your organization when the right opening comes along. SAP is by no means alone in building a talent community, so what makes ours so successful? The SAP Talent Community is built using data and analysis from RMK, our recruitment marketing tool. The community is one of the fastest-growing in the world and now boasts more than 600,000 engaged members – people who have expressed an interest in working for SAP and in hearing about new SAP opportunities, news, and events. Members come from several sources. While our careers site contributes the most members, LinkedIn has proven to be a strong second contributor.

Our sourcers and recruiters must tap into that pool to be successful. It’s their first recruitment channel, even before our paid recruitment channels. They actively market to the pool, sending an average 60,000 e-mail job notifications every day. Their goal is to develop a self-sustaining source of engaged, pre-qualified prospects that can be harvested for years to come.

16% 51% 23% of the total monthly candidate traffic comes from the job notifications sent to the Talent Community.

of Talent Community members complete an application the same day they receive a notification.

of Talent Community members apply to new requisitions 90 days later.

Building a talent community takes time. It’s not about the number of members but their engagement. Nurture your community with data-driven methods and analyze your results to keep building and deepening those relationships.


Chapter 16

We start by tracking every candidate’s journey:


RMK: Analytics at Its Best



Candidate starts the application process.

Candidate joins the Talent Community.


Attracting the best talent is more than just building relationships. It’s about targeting the right people from an enormous pool of potential candidates. This can’t be a trial-and-error project; budgets have their limits. Our goal isn’t just to find quality candidates but also to only spend budget and resources on sources that produce quality candidates.

Candidate completes the application process.


Candidate reviews the job description.

Candidate is hired.


Candidate receives an offer.

SAP makes data-driven decisions using RMK.


Candidate is interviewed.


Candidate’s qualifications are verified. 49

We then look at four more data points to determine our ROI for each position filled:

No.# Number of applications per hire

Cost of source of candidates

Candidates from LinkedIn have a visit-to-apply ratio


We analyze the data to help us target specific candidate types on various job boards, at schools and universities, and through social channels. It’s a recursive process that constantly improves our recruitment program.

Cost per visit

Cost per hire

an application completion rate of


Thanks to RMK, we’ve discovered that LinkedIn is one of our best-producing sources of quality candidates. Candidates from LinkedIn have a visitto-apply ratio of 26% and an application completion rate of 56%. That’s something worth knowing!


Chapter 17

Search Engine and Mobile Device Friendly

The careers website is a key tool in Recruitment 3.0. It goes beyond just listing open positions and giving candidates a way to apply. You’re driving the best talent to your careers site so they can learn your organization’s story. They get a better sense of your employment brand, and you get the opportunity to deepen a relationship with them. All of that effort will be wasted if your desired audience can’t find the site or use it with their preferred device. Globally, most job seekers expect to find their next employment opportunity by using a search engine from their smartphones.

IF YOUR CAREERS WEBSITE ISN’T OPTIMIZED, CANDIDATES CAN’T FIND YOU Since launching our SEOfriendly careers site, we’ve had 8 million candidates review job descriptions – an unprecedented volume!

Consider the lessons learned. Use Give candidates a careers site the data you’ve gathered about that works the way they want it to, your audience to best identify and watch them connect to your the keywords they’ll use to look organization! for a new position. Spend the Recruiting in the digital age, time optimizing the content on your site to speak directly to your especially in the IT space, is a challenge. Recruiters and sources desired audience. have to take their recruitment strategy to the next level to find the best talent. SAP has learned that by developing a strong EVP and employment brand, and by coordinating efforts throughout the company, we can find the best talent and create strong brand evangelists that will help us thrive in the years to come.


Are you ready to make the leap to Recruitment 3.0?

Of the applications submitted through our site, 10% were started from a mobile device. Whether you choose mobilefriendly, mobile-optimized, or responsive design, make sure candidates can apply for a job from any device. If the application process doesn’t work in the moment, candidates will move on.



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