Ready, Set, Sow! Cut Flower Seeds Edit

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ready, set, sow! CUT FLOWER SEEDS EDIT

Use this guide to discover our favourite cut flower seeds for adding colour and abundance to your outdoor space. Simply click on each image to find the product on our website.

© Sarah Raven 2024


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Sowing: Sow under cover in spring, pot on and plant out after last frosts. Or sow in autumn and overwinter for planting out in April the following year in a sheltered spot. Do not cover seed. Antirrhinum can be slow to germinate. Thin to 30cm Harvesting: Flowers June-October. Flower production: 4 months. Seeds: 50 See our website for more information Bees and 120184 Butterflies Sow Under Cover

Plant Outdoors

Flower Full Sun





30cm 60cm

Growing Instructions Contains: Antirrhinums majus ‘Chantilly Light Pink’ F1, ‘Chantilly Pink’ F1, ‘Chantilly White’ F1. A pretty and feminine colour mix of Chantilly antirrhinums which flower super long and hard. The Chantilly’s are easy, prolific and super reliable and hardier than other antirrhinum types, arranged here with Lavatera ‘Dwarf Pink Blush’. Height: 60cm (24in) HALF-HARDY ANNUAL

Strawberry Fool Chantilly Mix (Antirrhinum majus)

these are the best you can get.’’ ‘‘I trial thousands of varieties and I know

Strawberry Fool Chantilly Mix (Antirrhinum majus)



T Y P E : Half-Hardy Annual A S P E C T : Full sun FLOWER S: June - October S O IL: Moist but well-drained H E I G H T : 60cm (24”) S P R E A D : 30cm (12”) Click here for how to grow antirrhinum

1 Woodstock Court, Blenheim Road, Marlborough, Wiltshire SN8 4AN

A pretty and feminine colour mix of ‘Chantilly’ antirrhinums which flower super long and hard. The ‘Chantilly’ series have a wonderful scent and open flowers, without the usual Snapdragon double lip. These are easy, prolific, super reliable and hardier than other antirrhinums. Arranged here with Lavatera ‘Dwarf Pink Blush’.

Sow by

strawberry fool chantilly mix

C U L T I V A T I O N : Sow under cover in spring, pot on and plant out after last frosts. Sow again in June for a late summer harvest or sow in autumn for overwintering in a sheltered spot. Do not cover seed with compost. Antirrhinum can be slow to germinate. Thin to 30cm (12”). C A R E T I P S : They will need staking, or growing up through horizontally stretched jute netting. Keep picking (not to the ground but to above a pair of leaves), and these will keep flowering for months at a time. 22988 Strawberry Fool Chantilly Mix SR1.indd 1

07/04/2021 16:56

Visit to discover our extensive range 07/04/2021 15:28 Sow by

12938 Antirrhinum ‘Liberty Classic Crimson’ F1 SR1.indd 1 1 Woodstock Court, Blenheim Road, Marlborough, Wiltshire SN8 4AN

Antirrhinum ‘Liberty Classic Crimson’ F1 (Snapdragon) ‘‘I trial thousands of varieties and I know

T Y P E : Half-Hardy Annual A S P E C T : Full sun FL OW ERS: June - October S O I L: Moist but well-drained H E I G H T : 60cm (24”) S P R E A D : 30cm (12”) these are the best you can get.’’

Antirrhinum ‘Liberty Classic Crimson’ F1 (Snapdragon)


This snapdragron has velvety, rich flowers in a deep crimson. Height: 60cm (24in)

Growing Instructions

Plant Outdoors

Sow Under Cover





Full Sun




Sowing: Sow under cover in early spring, pot on and plant out after last frosts. Or sow September-October for planting in a very sheltered spot or in a cold frame. Do not cover seed with compost. Thin to 30cm (12in) Harvesting: Flowers 12 weeks from spring sowing. Flower production: 3 months. Vase life: 7-10 days. Seeds: 30 030004

Bees and Butterflies love this

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These varieties have also all been bred for good rust resistance. 12938

Snapdragons are invaluable plants for their full flower spikes, which last well over a week in water. We sell the elegant, single-colour, tall florist’s varieties, which are now very difficult to find. Tall, velvety, rich flowers in a voluptuous deep crimson. This has remained one of my favourites and has been a bestseller for years.


liberty classic crimson ANTIRRHINUM



22078 4200100000009

Bees and Butterflies love this

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Sowing: Tough coated seeds, best soaked for 12 hours and sown under cover in mid spring or late summer. Will self-sow. Thin to 30-40cm (12-15in) Harvesting: Flowers 12 weeks from spring sowing. Flower production: 2-3 months. Vase life: 7-10 days if stems seared in boiling water for 20 seconds. Seeds: 12 Plant Outdoors

Sow Under Cover



Flower Full Sun



60cm 60cm

Growing Instructions An early-flowering annual with lovely silver, curving hoods, and deep-purple bells hanging like droplets below. Height: 45-60cm (18-24in) HARDY ANNUAL

Cerinthe major ‘Purpurascens’ (Honeywort) these are the best you can get.’’ ‘‘I trial thousands of varieties and I know

Cerinthe major ‘Purpurascens’ (Honeywort)




Click here for more varieties of cerinthe

1 Woodstock Court, Blenheim Road, Marlborough, Wiltshire SN8 4AN

T Y P E : Hardy Annual A S P E C T : Full sun F L O W E R S : May - July S OIL: Well-drained H E I G H T + S P R E A D : 60cm (24”)

Sow by

Silvery leaves with purple hanging bells - one of the best annual foliage plants. I absolutely love this and it gently self-sows, so you never need buy it again. It’s superb as a garden plant, in pots underplanting tulips, and as a cut flower.

C U L T I V A T I O N : The seeds are tough so best soaked for 12 hours and then sown in a gutter or direct, either in late spring for flowering this year, or early autumn for flowers early in the following year. If sowing direct, sow as thinly as possible. C A R E T I P S : Autumn sowings can be planted out in autumn in mild areas or kept in a greenhouse or coldframe for planting out in spring. Cut flowers regularly for the vase and to prolong flowering. Remove seedheads if you do not want it to self-sow. 22078 Cerinthe major ‘Purpurascens’ SR1.indd 1

08/04/2021 09:33




snow princess

The softest primrose pot marigold, or calendula. It’s heart and petal tips fringed crimson. ‘Snow Princess’ is even hardier than other calendulas, so can be sown very early in spring or in the autumn for late spring-flowering. Calendula flowers are edible with a delicious, peppery taste. Add to salads and soups for flavour and colour. T Y P E : Hardy Annual A S P E C T : Part shade F L O W E R S : May - July (from autumn sowing); August October (from spring sowing) S OI L: Well-drained H E I G H T : 45cm (18”) S P R E A D : 30cm (12”) C U L T I V A T I O N : Sow under cover March-April. Sow direct April-May and/or late AugustSeptember. This will self-sow in ideal conditions though resulting seedlings many vary. C A R E T I P S : Grow in welldrained soil in sun to partial shade. As well as the cutting garden they also work well among a range of plants in a mixed herbaceous border or in pots. Keep picking or deadhead to ensure flowers until the first frosts.

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Bees and Butterflies love this

See our website for more information


Sowing: Sow under cover in March or April. Sow direct April-May and/ or late August-September. This will self-sow. Thin to 30cm Harvesting: Flowers 8-10 weeks from spring sowing. Flower production: 2-3 months. Vase life: 5-7 days. Seeds: 75 Sow Under Cover

Sow Direct

Plant Outdoors

Flower Full Sun







Growing Instructions The softest primrose pot marigold, or calendula, its heart and petal tips fringed crimson. ‘Snow Princess’ is even hardier than the already hardy other calendulas, so can be sown very early in spring or in the autumn for late spring-flowering. Height: 45cm (18in) HARDY ANNUAL

(Pot Marigold)

Calendula officinalis ‘Snow Princess’ these are the best you can get.’’ ‘‘I trial thousands of varieties and I know

Calendula officinalis ‘Snow Princess’(Pot Marigold)

Sow by

1 Woodstock Court, Blenheim Road, Marlborough, Wiltshire SN8 4AN 19956 Calendula officinalis ‘Snow Princess’ SR1.indd 1

08/04/2021 09:41

Click here for more varieties of calendula

Visit to discover our extensive range T Y P E : Hardy Annual A S P E C T : Full sun F L O W ER S : June - October, 8-10 weeks from spring sowing S O I L : Well-drained H E I G H T : 40cm (18”) S P R E A D : 30cm (12”) 17737 Calendula officinalis 'Touch of Red Buff' SR1.indd 1 1 Woodstock Court, Blenheim Road, Marlborough, Wiltshire SN8 4AN

touch of red buff

07/04/2021 16:41

Sow by

Calendula flowers are edible with a delicious, peppery taste. Add to salads and soups to enhance flavour and colour. A glamorous new calendula with coffee-cream petal fronts and crimson reverse. With the two tones, these grow and cut to mix with almost any colour in a border or vase and are super quick from seed to flower.



Calendula officinalis ‘Touch of Red Buff’ (English or Pot Marigold) ‘‘I trial thousands of varieties and I know these are the best you can get.’’

Calendula officinalis ‘Touch of Red Buff’ (English or Pot Marigold) HARDY ANNUAL

Glamorous new calendula with coffee cream petal fronts and crimson reverse. With the two tones, these grow and cut to mix with almost any colour in a border or vase and are super quick from seed to flower. Height: 45cm (18in)

Growing Instructions

Sow Direct

Sow Under Cover





45cm Full Sun 30cm

Plant Outdoors


Sowing: Sow under cover in March or April. Sow direct April-May and/ or late August-September. This will self-sow but resulting seedlings likely to be different. Thin to 30cm. Harvesting: Flowers 8-10 weeks from spring sowing. Flower production: 2-3 months. Vase life: 5-7 days. Seeds: 75 See our website for more information


Bees and Butterflies love this






white popsocks

A new cosmos with powderpuff, white flowers, excellent as a container plant and cut flower and easy to grow.

T Y P E : Half-Hardy Annual A S P E C T : Full sun F L O W E R S : July - October S OI L: Moist but well-drained H E I G H T : 60cm (24”) S P R E A D : 45cm (18”) C U L T I V A T I O N : Best sown under cover in April but can be direct sown in May. Grow seedlings on in individual pots or modules until large enough to plant out. Gradually harden off before planting out after all risk of frost has passed. C A R E T I P S : Pinch out tips at 15-20cm to encourage bushier plants. Stake and tie Cosmos plants if necessary during the growing season, water regularly and dead-head to prolong the flowering season. 12584


Bees and Butterflies love this

See our website for more information


Sowing: Sow under cover March-April at about 3mm deep in good compost. Transplant out after last frosts, and water in until fully established. Or direct sow in May and thin to 45cm. Harvesting: Flowers 12-14 weeks from sowing. Flower production: 4-5 months. Vase life: 7-10 days, no conditioning needed. Seeds: 50 Sow Direct

Sow Under Cover


Plant Outdoors


Full Sun






Growing Instructions

A new cosmos with powder-puff white flowers, excellent as a container plant and cut flower and easy to grow. Height: 60cm (24in) HALF-HARDY ANNUAL

Cosmos bipinnatus ‘White Popsocks’ these are the best you can get.’’

‘‘I trial thousands of varieties and I know

Cosmos bipinnatus ‘White Popsocks’

Sow by

1 Woodstock Court, Blenheim Road, Marlborough, Wiltshire SN8 4AN


12584 Cosmos bipinnatus 'White Popsocks' SR1.indd 1

Click here for more varieties of cosmos

07/04/2021 15:30

Helianthus annuus ‘Giant Single’ these are the best you can get.’’ ‘‘I trial thousands of varieties and I know


Helianthus annuus ‘Giant Single’

Sow by

UK Plant Passport A Helianthus annuus



B 21546

33331 Helianthus annuus 'Giant Single'SR1.indd 1

15/04/2021 15:10



giant single

Towering stems with huge dinner plate flowers stacked with seeds to feed the birds. I love these standing as natural bird tables in the garden through late summer and early autumn. Or pick the heads, and hang them for the birds to feast on, somewhere you can watch them. The calorie-rich seeds of Helianthus annuus can be eaten raw or roasted and added to salad and vegetable dishes for flavour and texture. Perfect for snacking on too. T Y P E : Hardy Annual A S P E C T : Full sun F L O W E R S : June - September Click here for how to grow sunflowers

S O I L : Moist but well-drained H E I G H T : 1.8m (6ft) S P R E A D : 45cm (18”) C U L T I V A T I O N : Sow early spring under cover or direct sow mid spring. Place 2 seeds 10cm (4in) apart at each planting post, 45cm (18in) apart. If both germinate, transplant one. Pinch out the tip at 45cm (18in) to encourage branching. C A R E T I P S : Sunflowers are hungry feeders. Improve the soil before planting out with plenty of well-rotted manure or garden compost. Water your sunflower plants regularly. You will need to stake them if they’re in an exposed position.


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Bees and Butterflies love this

See our website for more information

020026 Sowing: Sow under cover March and September, or April and August direct. Thin to 30cm (12in) Harvesting: Flowers 10-12 weeks from spring sowing. Flower and seed case production: 3 months. Vase life: 7-10 days, seed pods indefinite (will dry). Seeds: 60 Sow Direct

Sow Under Cover



Plant Outdoors

Flower Full Sun





Growing Instructions The most spectacular flowers of the nigella family; deep purple-blue with crimson crown seed pods. Height: 45-60cm (18-24in) HARDY ANNUAL

Nigella hispanica (Love-in-a-mist) these are the best you can get.’’ ‘‘I trial thousands of varieties and I know

Nigella hispanica (Love-in-a-mist)


NIGELLA HISPANICA 1 Woodstock Court, Blenheim Road, Marlborough, Wiltshire SN8 4AN

The most spectacular of the nigella family, with deep purple-blue petals and magnificent crimson crown seedpods. One of my top favourite plants. Nigellas are the classic cottage garden annual which makes fabulous cut flowers and filler foliage for any vase. They dry brilliantly too. T Y P E : Hardy Annual A S P E C T : Full sun F L O W E R S : June - September

Sow by

love in a mist

S O I L : Well-drained H E I G H T : 60cm (24”) S P R E A D : 30cm (12”) C U L T I V A T I O N : Sow under cover March and September, or April and August direct. Will selfsow but colours cross breed. C A R E T I P S : Keep picking but leave a few flowers to form seed pods for mixing with later flowers. 22160 Nigella hispanica (Love-in-a-mist) SR1.indd 1

Visit to discover our extensive range

08/04/2021 09:32

Papaver somniferum ‘Candy Floss’ (Opium Poppy) these are the best you can get.’’ ‘‘I trial thousands of varieties and I know




Papaver somniferum ‘Candy Floss’ (Opium Poppy)

candy floss

An opium poppy bred as a cut flower, so this one holds on to its petals even in the vase. 1 Woodstock Court, Blenheim Road, Marlborough, Wiltshire SN8 4AN 10282 Papaver somniferum ‘Candy Floss’ SR1.indd 1

Please note: This is harmful if eaten. T Y P E : Hardy Annual A S P E C T : Full sun F L O W E R S : Late May - August, 12 weeks from a spring sowing S O I L: Well-drained H E I G H T : 90cm (36”) S P R E A D : 30cm (12”) C U L T I V A T I O N : Dislikes root disturbance so best sown direct. Scatter seeds through borders in spring or autumn. Easy to grow in any well-drained soil in full sun or light shade. C A R E T I P S : Pick or deadhead flowers regularly to encourage growth and to prolong flowering. Remove seed heads if you do not want it to self-seed.

Click here for more more papaver varieties

Sow by

Opium poppies are a wonderful garden flower which pops up of its own volition, from one year to the next. Beautiful in flower and the seedpods are fantastic for arranging – we use them fresh, dried and sprayed silver at Christmas.

07/04/2021 15:22


jazzy mixture

With a vase life of over three weeks and a garden life at least a month later than other zinnias, well into October, this excelled in our trials, sown under cover in late spring or direct sown in summer.


T Y P E : Half-Hardy Annual A S P E C T : Full sun F L O W E R S : July - October S OI L: Well-drained H E I G H T : 45cm (18”) S P R E A D : 30cm (12”) C U L T I V A T I O N : Zinnias are best sown April-May under cover in modules to avoid root disturbance. Harden off before planting out, after frosts. Pinch out tips as you plant. Direct sow late May-June, as zinnias hate cold nights. C A R E T I P S : Water once a week and stake plants individually. Tidy up any dead or dying leaves and ensure good air circulation to avoid disease. Picking or deadheading is necessary to prolong blooming and encourage branching.

Click here for more varieties of zinnia 0345 092 0283 join us online Photography by Jonathan Buckley ©

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