ready, set, sow! EDIBLE SEEDS EDIT
Use this guide to explore top picks from our extensive range of edible seeds. Simply click on each image to find the product on our website.
© Sarah Raven 2024
C U L T I V A T I O N : Soak seed in warm water for half an hour before sowing. Sow into gutters from March or direct sow every 3-4 weeks from early April-July. Sow thinly in rows with a row gap of 30cm (12”), or sow in blocks. Thin to 5-6cm (2”). C A R E T I P S : Don’t water unless soil is very parched, over-watering encourages leaf at the expense of root. Packed in year ending Sow by
Click here for how to grow beetroot A S P E C T : Full sun S O IL: Moist but well-drained H E I G H T : 30cm (12”) S P R E A D : 15cm (6”) A favourite sweet variety, which has provided me with the bulk of my beetroot and baby salad leaves for years. It is bolt resistant, so you can sow it from early in the season until late.
Beetroot ‘Boltardy’ ‘‘I of to varieties ‘‘I trial trialthousands everything make and sureI know it’s the for your garden.’’ these arebest the best you can get.’’ Beetroot ‘Boltardy’ HARDY ANNUAL
A sweet, round, purple beetroot, which is bolt-resistant, famously reliable and has the RHS AGM.
Growing Instructions J
30cm Full Sun 10-15cm
Sow Under Cover
Sow Direct
Plant Outdoors
Sowing: Soak seed in warm water for half an hour before sowing. Sow into gutters from March or direct sow every 3-4 weeks from early AprilJuly. Sow thinly in rows with a row gap of 30cm (12in), or sow in blocks. Final Thinning Distance: Thin seedlings to 10cm (4in) apart in rows or 15cm (6in) apart each way in blocks. Harvesting: Harvest June-October. Carefully pull alternate plants down the row, remaining roots will enlarge for harvesting a few weeks later. Tops can be eaten at 5-8cm (2-3in) tall, in salads, or larger leaves wilted like spinach. Seeds: 250 110260
Standard Seeds EU Rules and Standards Packers ref: 735 See our website for more information
1 Woodstock Court, Blenheim Road, Marlborough, Wiltshire SN8 4AN
Highly recommended 110260
Beetroot ‘Chioggia’ it’s the for your garden.’’ these arebest the best you can get.’’ ‘‘I of to varieties ‘‘I trial trialthousands everything make and sureI know
Beetroot ‘Chioggia’
chioggia Packed in year ending Sow by
A beautiful deep pink skinned, stripy fleshed beetroot with a sweet flavour. It looks spectacular in salads. Try grating it raw – so you really see the stripe. The dark green leaves are mild in flavour too – and great for adding to salads or as a steamed side vegetable dish.
118994 Beetroot 'Chioggia'.indd 1
11/03/2020 11:50
A S P E C T : Full sun S OIL: Moist but well-drained H E I G H T : 30cm (12”) S P R E A D : 15cm (6”) C A R E T I P S : Fantastic planted with chamomile, onions and lettuce.
Click here for more varieties of beetroot
Click here for how to grow, plant and care for broad beans Packed in year ending Sow by
Spinach ‘Medania’ ‘‘I of to varieties ‘‘I trial trialthousands everything make and sureI know it’s the for your garden.’’ these arebest the best you can get.’’ Spinach ‘Medania’ HARDY ANNUAL
A good, healthy variety with dark green leaves that have a wonderful soft texture as well as excellent flavour.
Growing Instructions J
J A S O N D Full Sun/ Part shade 15cm
Sow Under Cover
Sow Direct
Plant Indoors
Plant Outdoors
Sowing: Sow February-April and August-September into gutters and plant out 4 weeks later. Or sow direct in April and September. Final Thinning Distance: 10-15cm (4-6in) for salad leaves, 30cm (12in) for spinach-like leaves. Harvesting: Harvest February-May and September-November, 8-12 weeks from sowing. Pick at the baby leaf stage, or space it more widely and harvest leaves fully grown. Keep well watered in summer. Does best in partial shade. Seeds: 200 110293
Packers ref: 735 See our website for more information
1 Woodstock Court, Blenheim Road, Marlborough, Wiltshire SN8 4AN
A S P E C T : Full sun S O I L: Moist but well-drained H E I G H T : 1.2m (4ft) S P R E A D : 30cm (12”) C U L T I V A T I O N : Sow Feb/March and Oct/Nov in Rootrainers for planting out in early spring, or direct sow straight into the ground March/ April. Plant seed 5cm deep, 20cm apart in staggered rows 30cm apart. Sow extra seeds at the end of the row for transplants. C A R E T I P S : Will need staking, watering and having the tips pinched out once pods start to form. Best for late winter or early spring sowing. Highly recommended. The best tasting, small, tender broad bean you can grow, excellent raw or cooked.
B stereo
bright lights
Use brilliant-coloured baby leaves raw in salad and larger leaves cooked like spinach. Excellent for chard gratin and risotto balls. A must for the ornamental veg garden. You’ll only need one or two sowings for growing all year, as this variety is slow to bolt. A S P E C T : Full sun S OI L: Moist but well-drained H E I G H T : 45cm (18”) S P R E A D : 30cm (12”) C U L T I V A T I O N : Direct sow March-September. Can be sown under cover earlier in a gutter or modules for planting out after 4-6 weeks. C A R E T I P S : This will survive winter frosts to keep producing through until spring, especially if protected with cloches or fleece.
Click here for more varieties of chard
Visit for our full range of edible seeds 119199 Chard 'White Silver 2' (organic).indd 1
11/03/2020 11:20 Packed in year ending Sow by
Chard ‘White Silver 2’ Organic ‘‘I of to varieties ‘‘I trial trialthousands everything make and sureI know it’s the for your garden.’’ these arebest the best you can get.’’
A S P E C T : Part shade S O I L: Moist but well-drained H E I G H T : 45cm (18”) S P R E A D : 30cm (12”) C A R E T I P S : Great for an abundant winter harvest for picking until spring time. Chard ‘White Silver 2’ Organic HARDY ANNUAL
One of my must-have, desert island plants, the white-stemmed variety, with the best taste of all chards. A robust and tolerant plant, productive over many months. Less prone to bolting than the rainbow variety.
Growing Instructions J
Full Sun/ Part shade 10-30cm
Sow Under Cover
Sow Direct
Plant Outdoors
Sowing: Direct sow March-September. Can be sown under cover earlier and later in a gutter or seed tray for planting out 4-6 weeks later. Final Thinning Distance: 10-15cm (4-6in) for salad leaves, 30cm (12in) for spinach-like leaves. Harvesting: Harvest baby leaves 6-7 weeks from sowing. Keep moist and pick outer leaves regularly to prevent running to seed. Seeds: 175 110016
Standard Seeds EU Rules and Standards Packers ref: 735 See our website for more information
1 Woodstock Court, Blenheim Road, Marlborough, Wiltshire SN8 4AN
Chard is one of my desert island vegetables because you can pick it for months on end and there are so many fantastic ways to cook it . Make sure to strip the white from the green, as they have different cooking times. This has great flavour and looks wonderful with its chunky whitestems. A hugely long-producing and worthwhile plant.
white silver 2 CHARD (SWISS)
Lettuce Asolo Mix it’s the for your garden.’’ these arebest the best you can get.’’ ‘‘I of to varieties ‘‘I trial trialthousands everything make and sureI know
Lettuce Asolo Mix
asolo mix Packed in year ending Sow by
I spent time when I was a child staying in the beautiful medieval hill town, Asolo, in the foothills of the Dolomites in Italy. We used to buy mixed baby leaf salad in the market, and take it home and dress it with a little olive oil and lemon juice. This mix of salad leaves is inspired by the memory.
A S P E C T : Part shade S OI L: Moist but well-drained H E I G H T : 30cm (12”) S P R E A D : 20-25cm (8-10”) C U L T I V A T I O N : Direct sow in small batches every 4-6 weeks, March-early September. Can also sow in modules under cover February-September, but avoid the hottest weeks. In warm weather, water the drill before sowing and sow in the evening. C A R E T I P S : Lettuces need plenty of water, but not too much sun. Hot weather increases the likelihood of them going to seed.
Click here for how to grow lettuce
Click here for more varieties of lettuce Packed in year ending Sow by
Lettuce ‘Batavia Green’ ‘‘I of to varieties ‘‘I trial trialthousands everything make and sureI know it’s the for your garden.’’ these arebest the best you can get.’’ Lettuce ‘Batavia Green’ HARDY ANNUAL
A classic sweet and crunchy cut-and-come-again lettuce, which excelled in our summer salad trials.
A S P E C T : Part shade S O I L: Moist but well-drained H E I G H T + S P R E A D : 30cm (12”) Growing Instructions J
Part shade 30cm
Sow Under Cover
Sow Direct
Plant Outdoors
Sowing: Direct sow in small batches every 4-6 weeks, water the drill before sowing to decrease temperatures or sow in the evening. Can be sown in modules under cover, but avoid the hotter summer months. Final Thinning Distance: 30cm (12in)
Harvesting: 6-8 weeks from sowing, for about 3 months. Harvest just outer leaves, so plant can continue to grow. Keep picking regularly to prevent running to seed. Seeds: 200
A classic sweet and crunchy cutand-come-again lettuce, which excelled in our summer salad trials. We leave some to heart up and pick others leaf by leaf. XXXXXX
See our website for more information
1 Woodstock Court, Blenheim Road, Marlborough, Wiltshire SN8 4AN
batavia green LETTUCE
Nasturtium ‘Black Velvet’ these are the best you can get.’’ ‘‘I trial thousands of varieties and I know
Nasturtium ‘Black Velvet’
Sow by
1 Woodstock Court, Blenheim Road, Marlborough, Wiltshire SN8 4AN 10462 Nasturtium ‘Black Velvet’ SR1.indd 1
07/04/2021 15:22
black velvet
A sumptuous, glamorous, rich, almost-black nasturtium. Use as ground cover or in a container. It’s good in salad and fantastic in smoked haddock fish cakes. Sow this in late spring for summer and autumn picking. A S P E C T : Full sun F L O W E R S : June - October, 10-12 weeks from sowing S OIL: Moist but well-drained H E I G H T + S P R E A D : 30cm (12”)
C U L T I V A T I O N : Sow 2cm deep indoors MarchApril and plant out after last frosts, or sow direct May-July, two seeds per station, 30cm apart, and thin to one. Semi-trailing habit. C A R E T I P S : Once established, nasturtiums need very little attention. If you feed them, you will gain leaf at the expense of flowers, and too much watering will give the same result.
Click here for more varieties of nasturtium
25707 Nasturtium 'Empress of India' (Tropaeolum majus) SR1.indd 1
07/04/2021 16:48 Sow by
Visit for our full range of edible seeds 1 Woodstock Court, Blenheim Road, Marlborough, Wiltshire SN8 4AN
A S P E C T : Full sun F L O W E R S : June - October, 10-12 weeks from sowing S OIL: Moist but well-drained H E I G H T + S P R E A D : 45cm (18”) Nasturtiums have a strong flavour and all parts of the plant are edible. You can use the young leaves and flowers in salads, and, as the plants go over, the seed heads can be used wherever you might use capers too. Nasturtium ‘Empress of India’ (Tropaeolum majus) ‘‘I trial thousands of varieties and I know these are the best you can get.’’ Nasturtium ‘Empress of India’ (Tropaeolum majus) HALF-HARDY ANNUAL
Dark green stems and washed crimson leaves in briliant contrast to a rich orange flower. A lovely cut flower which is edible, with a great peppery flavour.
Growing Instructions
Sow Direct
Sow Under Cover
J A S O N D Full Sun
Plant Outdoors
45cm 30cm
Sowing: Sow 2cm deep indoors March-April and plant out after last frosts, or sow direct May-July, two seeds per station, 30cm apart, and thin to one. Trailing habit. Harvesting: Flowers July-October. You can eat all parts of nasturtiums, the young leaves, the flower buds, flowers, and even the peppery caper-tasting seedpods. Seeds: 25 158000 See our website for more information
Bees and Butterflies love this
With dark green and crimson leaves, and ruby-orange flowers, this climbing and trailing nasturtium is a firm favourite.
empress of india NASTURTIUM
alderman A five-foot tall pea with a long, drip-drip cropping pattern, ideal if you’re only going for one sowing of one variety to keep you in peas all summer long. It gives you lots of well-filled, tasty pods, with very tender and sweet peas and no grubs. A S P E C T : Full sun S OIL: Moist but welldrained H E I G H T : 1.5m (5ft) S P R E A D : 45cm (18”) C A R E T I P S : Water moderately. Support at planting, against a trellis or fence.
Click here for how to grow peas
Click here for how to grow runner beans A S P E C T : Full sun S O I L : Moist but well-drained H E I G H T : 2.1m (7ft) S P R E A D : 30cm (12”) C U L T I V A T I O N : Sow from April, one seed to its own pot or module (ideally Rootrainers), under cover. Once the plants are at least 5cm (2in) tall, plant them out. You can also sow direct into the garden May-July, not before, as they will be killed by the frost. C A R E T I P S : Will grow best in a sunny position with fertile, well-dug soil that has had plenty of organic matter added. Support with a cane wigwam, with one plant growing up each cane. Protect seedlings from slugs. Packed in year ending Sow by
UK Plant Passport A Phaseolus coccineus
B 21546 C
Plant 2 or 3 of each of our runner bean varieties, alternating down the row to give you stripes of colour from their bright flowers and plant with Sweet Peas too to attract the pollinators and increase productivity. A lovely runner bean with pure white prolific flowers that taste delicious. I grow this as much for the flowers to add to salads, rice and couscous as I do for the bean. Excellent to grow with ‘Polestar’ or ‘Aurora’.
1 Woodstock Court, Blenheim Road, Marlborough, Wiltshire SN8 4AN
white lady
RUNNER BEAN Runner Bean ‘White Lady’ ‘‘I thousands to ofmake varieties ‘‘I trial trial everything sureand I know these thefor best you can get.’’ it’s theare best your garden.’’
Runner Bean ‘White Lady’ HALF-HARDY ANNUAL
An elegant white-flowered runner which stays tender longer than most. Pick the flowers as well as the beans to curtail the vast bean harvest. That can be a good thing!
Growing Instructions J
J A S O N D 2.1m Full Sun
Sow Under Cover
Sow Direct
Plant Outdoors
Sowing: Sow under cover from April, one seed to its own pot or Rootrainer. Once the plants are at least 5cm (2in) tall, plant them out. You can also sow direct into the garden May-July (not before, as they will be killed by the frost), 15cm (6in) apart, in double rows 60cm (24in) apart. Final Thinning Distance: 15cm (6in). These are climbers so will need support. Harvesting: Harvest from late July (until September), 12-13 weeks from sowing. Regular picking is essential – the more you pick, the more they produce. Pick the beans young and tender so they’re at their best. Harvest the flowers too. In October, if the pods are large, we eat the beans inside too. Seeds: 40 110187 Standard Seeds UK Rules and Standards Packers ref: 735
See our website for more information
23908 Runner Bean 'White Lady' SR4.indd 1
15/04/2021 12:36
Click here for more varieties of spinach Packed in year ending Sow by
A S P E C T : Part shade S OI L: Moist but well-drained H E I G H T + S P R E A D : 30cm (12”) C U L T I V A T I O N : Best sown direct in spring or late summer, 1.5cm deep in rows 30cm apart. You can start earlier in gutters under cover from February or sow indoors in autumn for picking through winter. Thin to 30cm for mature plants or 15cm for baby leaves. C A R E T I P S : Spinach is best grown in a fertile, moisture-retentive soil improved with well-rotted organic matter such as garden compost. Leaves can develop a bitter taste if grown in soil that lacks nutrients. Keep plants well-watered during hot, dry weather.
Spinach ‘Medania’ ‘‘I of to varieties ‘‘I trial trialthousands everything make and sureI know it’s the for your garden.’’ these arebest the best you can get.’’ Spinach ‘Medania’ HARDY ANNUAL
A good, healthy variety with dark green leaves that have a wonderful soft texture as well as excellent flavour.
Growing Instructions J
J A S O N D Full Sun/ Part shade 15cm
Sow Under Cover
Sow Direct
Plant Indoors
Plant Outdoors
Sowing: Sow February-April and August-September into gutters and plant out 4 weeks later. Or sow direct in April and September. Final Thinning Distance: 10-15cm (4-6in) for salad leaves, 30cm (12in) for spinach-like leaves. Harvesting: Harvest February-May and September-November, 8-12 weeks from sowing. Pick at the baby leaf stage, or space it more widely and harvest leaves fully grown. Keep well watered in summer. Does best in partial shade. Seeds: 200 110293
Packers ref: 735 See our website for more information
1 Woodstock Court, Blenheim Road, Marlborough, Wiltshire SN8 4AN
Grow it as a cut-and-come again salad leaf, picked at the baby leaf stage, or space it more widely and harvest leaves fully grown. I find spinach does best in dappled shade. A good, healthy variety with dark green leaves that have a wonderful soft texture as well as excellent flavour.
perpetual A prolific green leaf veg, with a very similar taste and texture to spinach. Tasty, long-producing and very easy to grow, an exceptional, underrated and very worthwhile plant particularly for those with a tiny garden or those with no time. Just shove this in and it will produce spinach leaves for an entire year. This is one to sow in early autumn for picking right through the winter and into spring. 1 Woodstock Court, Blenheim Road, Marlborough, Wiltshire SN8 4AN
See our website for more information 110157
Standard Seeds EU Rules and Standards Packers ref: 735
Seeds: 200 Harvesting: Harvest 8-12 weeks from sowing. Pick just outer leaves regularly so plants can continue to grow. Cut the central heart of the plant too if weather is hot and dry. Crops all year, including winter with protection. Final Thinning Distance: 10-15cm (4-6in) for salad leaves, 30cm (12in) for spinach-like leaves. Sowing: Direct sow March-September. Can be sown under cover earlier and later in a gutter or seed tray for planting out 4-6 weeks later. Sow Under Cover
Sow Direct
Plant Outdoors
Harvest Full Sun/ Part shade 15cm
Growing Instructions A prolific green leaf veg, with similar taste and texture to chard. One of the lowest maintenance edible plants you can grow. HARDY ANNUAL
Spinach ‘Perpetual’ it’s the for your garden.’’ these arebest the best you can get.’’ ‘‘I of to varieties ‘‘I trial trialthousands everything make and sureI know
G R O U P / S P E C I E S : Heritage A S P E C T : Part shade S O I L: Moist but well-drained H E I G H + S P R E A D : 30cm (12”) C U L T I V A T I O N : Sow early autumn for picking right through the winter and into the spring or sow March-April for harvesting from summer. Sow seeds 2.5cm (1in) deep in rows 30cm (12in) apart, or in a large container. C A R E T I P S : Keep plants wellwatered during hot, dry weather. Late sowings will need protection from October onwards. Cover with cloches or cover with fleece. Pick carefully so you don’t damage the roots.
Spinach ‘Perpetual’ Packed in year ending Sow by 118996 Spinach 'Perpetual'.indd 1
11/03/2020 11:11
Visit for our full range of edible seeds ‘‘I of to varieties ‘‘I trial trialthousands everything make and sureI know it’s the for your garden.’’ these arebest the best you can get.’’ Tomato ‘Chocolate Cherry’ HALF-HARDY ANNUAL
Good to look at and good for you too, with health-giving anthocyanin in these prolific and tasty cherry tomatoes.
Growing Instructions J
J A S O N D Full Sun
Sow Under Cover
Plant Indoors
Plant Outdoors
Click here for how to grow tomatoes Packed in year ending Sow by
Tomato ‘Chocolate Cherry’
A S P E C T : Full sun S OI L: Well-drained H E I G H T : 1.8m (6ft) S P R E A D : 60cm (24”) C U L T I V A T I O N : Sow seed under cover February-March in warmth. Keep small plants in a sunny, frost-free environment until they can be planted in the greenhouse from late April or outdoors in late May. C A R E T I P S : Under cover or outside they need staking, regular watering and weekly feeding for best results. Pinch out side shoots as they develop and then pinch out the tops once they have set 5 or 6 trusses.
Sowing: Sow under cover late February-March in warmth. Prick out/ pot on into small pots, allow the roots to fill that pot before planting out once frosts are over (or from late April in a greenhouse). Final Thinning Distance: Plant firmly and deeply 60cm (24in) apart or grow in a container pot. Harvesting: July-October (if grown inside), August-September if outside. Under cover or outside, they need pinching out, staking and regular watering and feeding for best results. Seeds: 10 110047 Standard Seeds EU Rules and Standards Packers ref: 735 See our website for more information
Bees and Butterflies love this
1 Woodstock Court, Blenheim Road, Marlborough, Wiltshire SN8 4AN
A tiny tomato that’s packed full of flavour. It’s not prone to splitting or cracking on the vine, and ripens to a rich, deep cocoa with a well- balanced, sweet and fruity flavour.
chocolate cherry TOMATO 0345 092 0283 join us online Photography by Jonathan Buckley ©