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MA Fine Art

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MA Ceramics

CAREER POTENTIAL: Graduates from this course have found they are better placed to take up positions in teaching, arts administrations, art therapy and the creative industries in general. They may also promote to their advantage their careers as artists after this sustained study.



Now celebrating its 20th anniversary, this MA in Fine Art has proved itself to be one of the UK’s leading postgraduate Fine Art courses. The course continues to evolve in keeping with the art world and developments in education whilst maintaining its traditions of excellence.

Staff involved in the course, all of whom are actively involved in making and/or writing about art, deliver the course as an ongoing dialogue. When you leave the course, you won’t just be a better artist than when you arrived, but will also be in a stronger position to exploit your competences in relation to the art world, by making a living as a practitioner, or with the cultural industries.

The course aims to assist art practitioners to develop a thorough knowledge of materials, equipment and working processes through fulfilment of a studio project, this will be devised at the beginning of the course with tutorial guidance. MA FINE ART Campus: Howard Gardens Course Length: One year full-time, two years part-time

The programme also seeks to provide a theoretical basis an artist’s practice. You will develop a good knowledge of important contemporary arts, as well as it historical underpinnings, and theoretical tools for the analysis. This is set in the context of the economic, social and political forces that inevitably come to bear on our activities as artists.

The practical and theoretical strands of the course are combined as complementary parts of the total workshop practice, the artist as a doer and thinker, a member of the community and as part of society at large. In addition to studio practice, the modular programme is structured around formal lectures and seminars, as well as tutorials and daytime visits. Also important to the course are study visits to locations both in the U.K. and abroad.


Assessment is by combination of practical assessments, essays, a dissertation and a final exhibition.


Applicants should have a good BA (Hons) degree (or equivalent). “The MA programme is now celebrating its 20th anniversary. Over the years, it has proven itself to be one of the leading postgraduate Fine Art Programmes in the UK.”

Professor Gaynor Kavanagh DPhl MPhil FMA Dean of Cardiff School of Art & Design

FURTHER INFORMATION: www.csad.uwic.ac.uk/ Fine-Art/

Programme Leader: Chris Short - cshort@uwic.ac.uk

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