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How to apply


APPLICATION PROCESS Applications for all full-time undergraduate programmes are made through UCAS. Information on how to apply and copies of their forms are available on-line (www.ucas.ac.uk) and through schools, colleges and careers offices. In broad terms, UCAS has two ways to apply for art and design programmes – Route A and Route B. Route B is specifically to allow students from Foundation programmes the time they need to prepare and present their portfolio. Route A is the route for people applying with alternative qualifications and experiences.



We welcome applications from students with disabilities. Please contact UWIC’s Disability Adviser for an informal chat if you are thinking about applying to Cardiff School of Art & Design - 029 2041 6170 www.uwic.ac.uk/disability.

SELECTION Once your application form has been received at UCAS, it will be sent to Cardiff School of Art & Design for consideration. We will endeavour to process your application as soon as possible. This will be especially so where we do not necessarily need to call you for interview, or for overseas students who find it difficult to come to an interview.

The academic staff responsible for your chosen programme will consider carefully the information provided by you on your UCAS form and by your referees.


When we read your application form we are looking for evidence that you would be able to make the most of studying here. Your range of qualifications or experience and your enthusiasm for your subject need to be clear when we read your form.

Programmes such as BA Ceramics, BA Contemporary Textile Practice and BA Fine Art are keen to take students who have already undertaken a Foundation Programme in Art & Design. It is important to recognise though that Foundation Studies are not the sole requirement for access to the art programmes. Other qualifications, for example, a good range of GCSEs and A levels or their equivalent, at a suitably high standard in appropriate subjects, will be viewed positively. It therefore helps a lot if you have qualifications in Art, Design or Media Studies. For the design, construction and engineering programmes, at least two relevant A levels or their equivalent is required with courses having different points requirements. Please access the website and follow the links to the programmes you are interested in to find out the exact requirements (www.uwic.ac.uk/courses/).

Work and other relevant experiences can also be taken into account as equivalent to academic qualifications. What we will be looking for is sufficient evidence of your ability to sustain study at degree level.

We are also keen that you should demonstrate a good standard of English, either through a GCSE in English or through competence in written communication. For some programmes GCSE Maths or the equivalent is also necessary.

If you are in any doubt about the relevance of your qualifications or experience please contact us. International students who do not have English as their first language need to provide evidence that they are able to study in the language by submitting a minimum score in either an IELTS test of 6.0 or a TOEFL test of 230 (computer) or 570 (paper).

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