Excel Intro Manual v2.0

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Excel Introduction 2010 User Guide Version 2.0 An introduction to spreadsheets using Microsoft Excel 2010 and Windows XP Professional. This user guide is designed to be used in conjunction with training sessions delivered by Avon IM&T Consortium. You may copy this guide for your own use. For further help or advice ring a Health Informatics Trainer on 0117 900 2640 http://nww.avon.nhs.uk/imtconsortium/Training

Avon IM&T Consortium

Table of Contents

Introduction ...........................................................................................4 How to use this Manual ........................................................................4 Further Training ....................................................................................4 Chapter One - Overview .......................................................................5 1.1

What is Excel?..................................................................................... 5


Introduction ......................................................................................... 5


Screen Layout ..................................................................................... 5


The Excel Application Window .......................................................... 6

Chapter Two – Getting Started ............................................................7 2.1

Creating a new Excel workbook ........................................................ 8


Entering Data....................................................................................... 9


Saving an Excel worksheet .............................................................. 10


Opening an Excel workbook ............................................................ 11


Navigating Excel ............................................................................... 12


Altering column width or row height ............................................... 13


Highlighting to Select Cells.............................................................. 14


Editing Worksheets .......................................................................... 15


Changing font style........................................................................... 16


Inserting a new row or column ........................................................ 17

Chapter Three – Further Formatting Skills .......................................18 3.1

Borders and Shading ........................................................................ 20


Shading & Patterns ........................................................................... 21


Saving formatting as a style ............................................................ 22


Formatting Data Type ....................................................................... 23


‘Cut and Paste’ or ‘Copy and Paste’ ................................................ 24

Chapter Four – Formulae & Functions .............................................. 25 4.1

AutoSum ............................................................................................ 25


Using Simple Formulae .................................................................... 26


Creating a Formula ........................................................................... 28


AutoFill............................................................................................... 29


Other calculations ............................................................................. 30

Chapter Five – Printing Options ........................................................ 31 6.1

Page Orientation ............................................................................... 31

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Margins .............................................................................................. 31


Adding a Header or Footer ............................................................... 33


Printing .............................................................................................. 35

Chapter Six – Charts and Graphs ...................................................... 36 6.5

Using Sparklines ............................................................................... 38


SmartArt............................................................................................. 39

Index ....................................................................................................40

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Introduction This manual has been created to support tutor-led training sessions provided by Avon IM&T Consortium. An introduction to Microsoft Excel 2010 introducing basic concepts including formatting, creating formulae and using basic functions.

How to use this Manual Each chapter begins with a table detailing the following: Objectives Task Notes explaining which exercise will be used if necessary There is also a brief introduction to each new concept with illustrations to assist you with the familiarisation. Whenever you see a SmartArt graphic, this will take you step by step through a particular process, together with written instructions similar to the example below. Each blue chevron will have the name of a Tab, Group or Command to aid your understanding.

Further Training Training is provided for Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook. Students may choose from Introduction, Intermediate or Advanced level for each program. The training department will also provide IT problem solving support for individuals. For further details please contact IM&T Consortium Training Department. Tel: 0117 900 2640 E-mail Bookings: ITtraining.administrator@aimtc.nhs.uk Web: http://nww.avon.nhs.uk/imtconsortium/Training/default.htm

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Chapter One - Overview 1.1

What is Excel?

Excel is an electronic spreadsheet program and has three basic functions: Spreadsheet Graphics Database 1.2

used for entering and analysing data, such as financial forecasting, cash flow and auditing. use for creating charts to represent numeric data use for compiling and sorting lists.


Open the Excel application by double-clicking on the shortcut icon on your desktop (if you have one!) Or Go to Start > Programs > Microsoft Excel (single click). Excel always opens looking at sheet 1 of a new workbook. 1.3

Screen Layout

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The Excel Application Window Title Bar

This displays the name of the program, as well as the name of the current workbook if it has been saved. If the workbook has not been saved, it is identified by a number – for example Book 1. The standard Windows Control menu box and window sizing buttons appear at the left end and right end of the bar, respectively.

Command Ribbon This displays all the main functions of Excel, categorised into areas.

Name Box This identifies the contents of the active cell. It is also used for naming ranges.

Vertical/Horizontal scroll bars These are used to scroll the Workbook window vertically/horizontally through a worksheet.

Worksheet tabs These identify the various worksheets in workbook, and allow you to move from one worksheet to another.

Status Bar This displays helpful information as you use the program. The ‘Ready’ indicator that currently appears lets you know that the program is ready for data input.

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Workbook window This window which occupies the majority of the screen, displays an Excel workbook. A workbook initially contains three worksheets which are saved in a single file. Each worksheet consists of a series of columns (identified by the letters A B C etc which appear across the tops of the window) and a series of rows (identified by the numbers 1,2,3 etc which appear down the left side of the window. Since the entire Excel worksheet contains 256 columns and 65,536 rows, only a small part appears in this window at one time.

Zoom The Zoom feature changes the display magnification of the worksheet on the screen. A higher magnification level is useful for looking at small objects close up or to highlight an area. A lower magnification level helps you to see the format and structure of the overall worksheet.

Tip: The zoom can also be adjusted by holding down the CTRL key and rolling the mouse wheel

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Chapter Two – Getting Started Objectives



Familiarisation with the excel window

Enter labels

Exercise 1 (page 3)

Adjust display

Widen columns and entering data

Exercise 2 (page 4)

Format the data

Change the colour, font, size

Exercise 3 (page 5)

Edit the data

Alter the labels

Exercise 4 (page 6)

Manipulate the spreadsheet

Insert column and row

Exercise 5 (page 7)


Creating a new Excel workbook

When Excel is opened, a new blank workbook is created, ready for you to enter your data. If you need to open a NEW workbook, select the FILE menu and choose NEW, BLANK WORKBOOK



2 1

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Entering Data

A cell must be active before you can enter a value, label or formula into it. A box highlighted by a thick border, called the cell pointer indicates the active cell. Selecting commands and navigating the workbook are as easy as pointing and clicking your mouse.

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Saving an Excel worksheet

When you create a workbook it’s useful to save it as soon as possible. To save a new workbook, click Save As from the FILE tab.

Steps for saving:









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Save or Save As Use Save to save changes to an existing document you have already saved. File (tab) > Save Or Click on the ‘floppy disk’ icon on the Quick Access Toolbar. (This will save instantly onto current filename and will not give the Summary Info screen)


Opening an Excel workbook To open an existing Excel workbook click Open from the FILE tab Click on the drop down arrow next to the Look in box and select the drive and folder where the document is filed

Select the file name and click Open, or double click on the file name

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Navigating Excel Moving the Cell pointer

To enter data into a cell or to change a cell’s contents, you must first select the cell by moving the cell pointer to it. This can be done with either a mouse or the keyboard. Using a mouse: Point and click to the cell that you are about to type into. Using the keyboard: To move the cell pointer


Down one cell

Down Arrow

Up one cell

Up Arrow

Right one cell

Right Arrow or Tab

Left one cell

Left Arrow or Shift + Tab

Down one screen


Up one screen

Pg Up

To the beginning of the current row


To the first cell in the worksheet

Ctrl + Home

You can also move a specific cell by entering the cell reference in the Name box and by pressing ENTER. Alternatively you could use the Edit Go To command. Tip: when entering only numbers or dates, Excel automatically formats the cell to align the characters to the right of the cell. Text or a combination of text and numbers will align to the left.

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Altering column width or row height


1. Dragging method Move the mouse cursor over the right hand edge of the column heading. (The cross should change to a vertical line with a horizontal doubleheaded arrow). Click and hold the mouse button down as you move the cursor to the left or right to adjust the column width accordingly. Release the mouse button to confirm the new width. To adjust row height, follow the same procedure except position the cursor on the lower edge of the row header. 1 2. Double-clicking method Place the cursor between the column headings as above to get the doubleheaded arrow and double-click. The column width alters to fit the contents. Tip: To alter all the column widths at once, select all the worksheet first and then double-click between any column headings.

3. Specifying column width (or row height) method Select the column or row you wish to alter by clicking on the column letter or row number in the grey vertical or horizontal border areas of the worksheet Click HOME (tab) >Cells (group) > Column Width

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Highlighting to Select Cells

To highlight (select): An individual cell Select the cell to be formatted by clicking on the cell (thick black line around the selected cell). A group of cells Click on the first cell of the group, holding the mouse button down, drag the cursor to the last cell to be formatted. Release the button. Note: At first not all cells will be shaded. A thick black line surrounds the highlighted cells. AlternativelyClick in first cell. Hold down the Shift key, click into final cell. A row or column Click on the grey row number or column letter. Holding down the mouse button and ‘dragging’ the mouse will highlight adjacent rows and columns. The whole worksheet Click on the grey rectangle where the column headings meet the row headings

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Editing Worksheets Editing cells

To Overwrite cell contents - Click into a cell and begin typing to overwrite previous entry. Press Return or Enter key on keyboard or click into another cell to confirm changes. To edit cell contents – Click into cell then click in the formula bar. Use left & right cursor keys and delete/backspace to remove part of previous entry and type to insert new text or numbers.

Formatting Cells The font group on the Home tab contains the commonly used format options. First, highlight the cell(s) you wish to change, then select the option required from the font group.

Changing font style Click on the down arrow next to the font name. Select a new font from the drop-down list (click on font name to confirm).

Changing font size Click on the down arrow next to the font size and select a new size from the drop-down list (click on font name to confirm).

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2.9 ICON

Changing font style Description Bold: make the selected text bold Italics: slant the selected text to the right Underline: choose a single or double underline for the selected text

Font Color: change the colour of the selected text Fill Color: colour the background of the selected cells

For further formatting options, in Office 2010, you will need to select the Further Options box in the lower right hand corner. To remove effects Highlight the cells where you require the effect to be removed and deselect the option.

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2.10 Inserting a new row or column Row

Position the cell pointer in a cell below where you would like the new row to appear. Column Position the cell pointer in a cell to the right of where you would like the new column to appear. Click Insert on the Cells group on the Home tab and then select Insert sheet rows/insert sheet columns.

To delete a row or column, choose delete from the cells group

Or Right click on the Number of the row or Letter of the column and click on Insert from the sub menu that appears.

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Chapter Three – Further Formatting Skills Objectives



Adjusting alignment

Demonstrate the different options for aligning data

Exercise 6 (page 8)

Adding borders and shading

Display the spreadsheet with coloured borders, patterns and shading

Exercise 7 (page 9)

Link the design to a style Formatting numbers

Display the data appropriately according to the type

Exercise 8 (page 10)

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Alignment The alignment group of icons on the ribbon include:



Align the data horizontally (right)


Align the data vertically (top middle) 2 Indent data (indented one level)

Align at an angle



Merge and centre


Wrap text




2 4 1

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Borders and Shading Borders

To make a particular cell or group of cells stand out you can apply borders and shading. Highlight the required cell(s)

Select the further formatting options from the Font group

Choose the style of border you require Choose line style, colour and then click Outline and/or Inside. (If you choose outline first, then colour and line style, the changes are not saved) Click on OK

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The example shown here is of selecting Outline and Inside borders


Shading & Patterns

Shading refers to the cell background colour. As well as applying colours you can also apply varying degrees of ‘grey’ shade by using ‘patterns’ of tiny black dots or lines (rather like a newspaper print). Patterns can also be applied in a contrasting colour over the background ‘Fill Colour’ NB. Only colours can be accessed from the ‘Fill Color’ button on the toolbar. Both Colours and Patterns can be accessed from the further formatting options in the Font group. Tip: When printing on a colour printer constantly using the same ‘Fill Color’ can quickly use all the ink of one colour in your ink cartridge. If it is just contrast that you require, a ‘pattern’ will achieve the same effect on a black printout.

Highlight the cell(s) to be shaded Select the further options from the Font group Select the Fill tab and choose the pattern colour and pattern style

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The highlighted cells are now filled with your selected colour. In the example shown the ‘Total’ column and row are now shaded.


Saving formatting as a style

If you create a style theme for your work which you would like to be used consistently for all your work, you can save this as a ‘style’. From the Styles group select Cell Styles, Create a new style Tick all the appropriate features and assign a ‘Style Name’ Select OK

To merge the style into another spreadsheet, select the Styles group, Cell Styles Merge styles Select the open spreadsheet which contains the style and choose OK

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Select the imported style from the styles groups


Formatting Data Type

This allows you to specify what type of information will be input into a cell or cells, e.g. only text, numbers to 2 decimal places. (Default is general, ie text or numbers) Select / highlight your chosen cell(s) From the number group, select the pick list for the Number Format drop down. Select Number – this will automatically display the cells selected to show two decimal places

General general format cells have no specific number format. Text text format cells are treated as text even when a number is in the cell.

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‘Cut and Paste’ or ‘Copy and Paste’

This enables you to move (cut) cell contents and paste in a new position, or copy cell contents (leaves one copy in original position) and paste in a new position. Single Item Cut or Copy and Paste Highlight/Select Cells to be moved or copied Click on Cut button (to move cell contents to new position) Or Click on Copy button (to repeat the cell contents elsewhere) Move cursor to new position in document Click on Paste (clipboard) button Cutting or Copying and Pasting Columns and Rows Highlight column or row by clicking in the row or column heading (shown below) Column Heading

Row Heading

Right click and select Cut or Copy from the sub menu Right click and click on Paste in new position

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Chapter Four – Formulae & Functions Objectives



Using Autosum

Automatically calculating a range of cells

Exercise 9 (page 11)

Using formulae

Using basic mathematical symbols in calculations

Exercise10 (page 12 )

Using autofill

Replicate a formula in a spreadsheet

Exercise 11 (page 13)

Practising autofill

Replicate data from a known series

Exercise 12 (page 14)

Using functions

Understand building basic functions

Exercise 13 (page 15)

4.1 AutoSum Using the (AutoSum) icon you can automatically add the values of a series of cells, in any row or column. AutoSum looks for an adjacent series of numbers to operate on. If AutoSum does not select the correct range of cells, the cell references can be edited in the formula bar.

Select the cell where you want to display the result of the sum and then click the AutoSum icon

AutoSum surrounds cells it has selected for calculation with a ‘marching ants’ border

The formula for the calculation is displayed in the Formula Bar and the selected cell

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In this instance AutoSum has automatically generated the formula =SUM(C4:C8). This will add the values in cells C4,C5, C6,C7 and C8 Press Enter or click on the ‘tick’ to the left of the Formula Bar to confirm the calculation. The result will be displayed in cell C9


Using Simple Formulae How Is the Formula Made Up? Formulae always start with an equals (=)sign – that’s how Excel knows it’s a formula! Cell references are used in the calculation instead of numbers. This means that if the number inside the cell changes, the answer to the formula will update A mathematical symbol is used to denote the type of calculation

Here is an example of a formula

Starts with the equals sign

First Cell reference


Second Cell reference

The subtraction sign

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Types of Calculation There are four main types of calculation:Addition +

For adding numbers together, e.g. finding totals.

Subtraction -

For finding the difference between two numbers, e.g. finding a surplus would involve subtracting outgoing from the incoming.

Multiplication *

This is commonly used in spreadsheets to find VAT and other percentages. The clue that you need a multiplication is the word ‘of’. e.g. 20% of £100 is 20% multiplied by £100 ¾ of 200 is ¾ multiplied by 200.

Division /

Used when you wish to divide an amount up by certain criteria, e.g. finding the amount per month for a loan would involve dividing the total amount by the number of months you need to repay it in.

Precedence of Calculation Calculations are not simply performed in order from left to right. It is important to know the order in which the calculations will be performed in a formula, because it will affect the end result. Below is the order in which all calculations are performed: Priority 1

Symbol ()







Explanation Anything in brackets is done before anything outside the brackets is even considered. Raises a number in order of magnitude: raises it to the power of something else, e.g. 33 Multiply and divide are on the same level. Whichever is the furthest left in the formula is therefore done first. Plus and minus are on the same level. Whichever is the furthest left is therefore done first.

The memory jogger for this sequence is


Brackets Order Divide Multiply Add Subtract

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Creating a Formula

Usually addition is carried out by using AutoSum or by typing the Sum function. However if you need to perform another sort of calculation, you will have to create a formula as detailed below. 1. Click on the cell where you require the answer and type the = sign 2. Type the first cell reference you require or Click on the first cell you require

This tells Excel to expect a formula

Flashing lines will appear around the cell and the cell reference will be inserted

3. Type the mathematical symbol you require


4. Type the next cell reference you require or Click on the next cell you require

Flashing lines will appear around the cell and the cell reference will be inserted

5. Press Enter or Click on the green tick to confirm the formula

Answer will appear in the cell and the formula will appear in the Formula Bar

Tip: Always use cell references in formulae – and never numbers! Although formulae will still work if you use numbers instead of cell references, it is never advisable. Using cell references means that if the number contained in the cell should change, the formula will recalculate to show the correct answer. So your spreadsheet is always current and correct!

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AutoFill Click into a cell containing a formula and notice there is a small square in the bottom right hand corner of the cell. This is called the ‘Fill Handle’

Hover over this square until the cursor changes into a black cross. Left click and hold down as you drag over the cells D3, D4, D5, D6, D7. If you click into cell D3 you can see that the formula in the formula bar has changed to =B3*C3 Tip: Double clicking on the small black square also works for a column of formulae. It will not work for a row of formulae and so you have to use the drag method

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Other calculations

You can find other formulae in the drop down list next to the AutoSum button on the ribbon Average Suppose you wish to find the average price of DVD’s

Click into the cell D9 where you want the answer Click on the down arrow next to the AutoSum on the toolbar Select Average

Click into the first cell you want to include, D2, hold and drag down to D7 Select Enter to return the answer

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Chapter Five – Printing Options Objectives



Print to specification

Adjust printing options eg orientation, margins

Exercise 14 (page 16)


Page Orientation

When printing, pages can be orientated as ‘Portrait’ when the longest edge is vertical or ‘Landscape’ when the longest edge is horizontal. To change the orientation of your page: Select Page Layout > Page Setup group > Orientation Select Portrait or Landscape as required from the pick list Click OK to confirm


Margins Select Page Layout > Page Setup group > Margins Common margin settings appear on the pick list or you can go to Custom Margins to set your own.

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Margin width can be set exactly from this screen

Tip: Spreadsheets when printed default to the top left corner of the page. Click on the ‘Center on page’ option to ensure it appears in the middle

Margins and orientation can also be set from the ‘backstage’ area under the ‘Print’ option.

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Adding a Header or Footer

A header is the text you insert to be printed at the top of every page; a footer is the text you insert to be printed at the bottom of every page of a worksheet. Any header or footer that you set up will only apply to the active worksheet. Therefore, if two or more worksheets in a workbook have data that you need to print, you must set up the header and footer for each of the worksheets, even if they all contain the same information. To add or modify a worksheet header or footer, use one of the following methods: On the Insert tab, in the Text group, click Header & Footer

on the View tab, in the Worksheet Views group, click Page Layout and then click in the header or footer section of the worksheet

on the Page Layout tab, in the Page Setup group, click the Dialog box launcher and click Header/Footer.

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In the Header & Footer Elements group of the Header & Footer Tools Design tab, there are nine buttons. You can use these buttons to insert commonly used variables into the header or footer.

Click this button to display the code (&[Page]) in the selected section of the header or footer. The page number will start at 1 by default; you can change this in the Page Setup dialog box. Click this button to display the code &[Pages]. This calculates the total number of pages in the selected worksheet(s) to be printed. This is often used with the Page number code to show each page number as one among the total of all the pages (ie Page 1 of 4). Insert the current date (from the computer) into the report, displayed as the code &[Date]. Insert the current time (from the computer) into the report, displayed as the code &[Time].

Insert the current path (drive and folder location) and file name into the header or footer, displayed as the code &[Path]&[File].

Insert the name of the file into the header or footer, displayed as the code &[File].

Insert the name of the tab for the current worksheet, displayed as the code &[Tab].

Insert a picture into the header or footer, displayed as the code &[Picture].

Provide options to change the properties for the picture.

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Print preview You can preview the document by going to the backstage area and selecting the print option. View Print Preview in the Backstage area under Print

Select Print from here

Click through the different pages of print preview Print what? In the backstage area under the Print options, you can select which area from the spreadsheet to print under Settings: Active sheet(s) - Prints each of the selected sheets. Each sheet in the workbook prints on a new page. If a sheet has a print area, only the print area is printed. If a chart object is selected, this option changes to Selected chart. Entire workbook - Prints all sheets in the active workbook that contain any data. If a sheet has a print area, only the print area is printed. Selection - Prints only the cells and objects highlighted on the worksheet.

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Chapter Six – Charts and Graphs Objectives



Creating graphical displays

Creating a graph

Exercise 15 (page 17)

Charts and Graphs can be created quickly and accurately in Excel using the Chart Wizard. Tip: F11 shortcut key will create a quick column chart of the data that is highlighted

Before you can create your chart you need to highlight the cell range to be included in the chart, including row and column headings, if required. Click the Insert tab and choose Charts

Select the Chart type you require eg, Column, Pie, Line Select the Chart sub-type eg 3-d

The chart/graph will be automatically inserted into the worksheet. You may need to reposition it within the worksheet by clicking and dragging, or resize it using the grab handles.

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With the graph highlighted, you notice an extra contextual tab showing Chart Tools has appeared on the ribbon. This menu includes options to adjust the Design, Layout or Format of the chart.

For example: from the format option, you can change the shape style

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6.5 Using Sparklines The Sparklines feature allows you to create a miniature chart inside a worksheet cell. This feature allows you to improve the visibility and readability of your worksheet without having to create one or more charts, which may take a lot of space. Like a regular chart, the sparkline displays a visual representation of each value in a horizontal or vertical range of cells. Because Excel displays the entire chart in a single worksheet cell, only the data points are shown without any chart components such as a legend, titles or axis. Type of sparkline Line



Use this chart type also to represent the values. The relative height of each column indicates the size of each value.


Create a series of bars, of which every bar is the same shape and size, and use the position of the bars to convey the information positive values appear as higher bars and negative values appear as lower bars.


Use this chart type to represent the values. The relative height of each point indicates the size of each value.

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To remove To remove the sparkline chart(s) from your worksheet, use the Clear button. To remove the sparkline from just one cell, use Clear Selected Sparklines. To remove the entire group, use the Clear Selected Sparkline Groups. 6.6 SmartArt Shapes—text, lines, arrows, boxes, circles, and so on—are elemental graphics objects that you can combine to make more complex objects. SmartArt graphics give you a powerful visual-presentation tool within Excel rather than having to create graphics using other software and import them into your worksheet. SmartArt graphics provide an instant, easy-to-use set of objects to help you communicate ideas quickly. When you are in edit mode, SmartArt graphics show a Text pane at the left into which you can enter text bullets. Each bullet then appears in the SmartArt graphic as a shape, which varies depending on which layout you have selected.

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Index A



Alignment ................................. 19 AutoFill ...................................... 29 AutoSum ................................... 25

Footer ........................................33 Formatting .................................22 Formula .....................................28

Orientation ................................ 31



Printing ...................................... 35

BODMAS ................................... 27

Header .......................................33 Highlight ....................................14


M Margins ......................................31

Saving ........................................ 10 Shading & Patterns .................... 21 SmartArt .................................... 39 Sparklines .................................. 38



Navigating ..................................12

Zoom ........................................... 7

C Calculations............................... 30 Charts and Graphs .................... 36 Copy and Paste ......................... 24 Cut and Paste ............................ 24


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