Whitney High School communication studies
graphiccommunications Contact information: Mrs. Sarah Nichols Room C-2 snichols@rocklin.k12.ca.us 632.6500 x6624 Essential Skills, Concepts • principles of design 1.6 • elements of design 1.6 • media/visual literacy 5.2 • color theory 1.1 • typography 1.6 • digital manipulation 2.6 • history of communication 3.0 • career opportunities 5.3-5.4 • Photoshop, InDesign 2.1-2.3
Course description Graphic Communications is an elective designed to introduce students to the field of graphic design and communications using desktop publishing software as the primary tools. Students will explore their creative abilities while learning about the world of print and electronic design, its history and its career opportunities. Some work may be published in the yearbook (Details), news magazine (The Roar) or website (whitneyupdate.com). This course has been approved for UC entrance as a VAPA course and meets the WHS requirement for VAPA or applied technology credit toward graduation.
Project Ownership This course includes professionally printed photo projects, creative keepsakes, a portfolio and other items you will be able to take home and keep as a showcase of your graphic design work if you choose to do the Project Ownership Contribution. A separate handout explains this system. Please contact me if you have any questions.
Supplies needed Grades All grades will be posted on Edline and updated weekly. Late work will lose a letter grade per day late. The best way to contact me with questions about your grade is via email. A= 90-100 % B= 80-89 % C= 70-79 % NM/NC= 69 and below If you would like to improve your score on a quiz, you have one week after the grade is posted to meet at intervention for help and retake. If you did not pass the first time, the highest you can earn is 80 percent on the retake. If you passed and want to improve your score, you can earn a 90%. Checking Email Having an email account and checking on a regular basis is helpful for high school. See me if you need help setting up a free account. You can use the computers in C-2 for email at the beginning of class. Like the Facebook page (for students and parents) so you can see samples of student work and get reminders, links and updates about WHS Communications.
The Project Ownership Donation/Contribution also includes a special composition notebook for you to use each day in class (in addition to other materials as explained on the form). Every day, you will be expected to have a writing utensil and your student planner. You also will need to remember your computer login and password.
Use of class time To maintain a positive learning environment and make the most of our time together, all students will be expected to follow school policies. Computers are to be used for class activities and assignments, conducting research or for checking grades/email during approved class time. These computers are not to be used at any time for games, downloading music or any activities that violate the WHS technology agreement. You will earn OCS for any misuse of equipment, so make good decisions and help take care of C-2.
Interventions You will earn a stamp in your planner for a current passing grade of 70% or higher and no missing Essential Skills. Sometimes you might need extra help, time to retake or make up work, one-on-one conferencing or other sessions with me beyond class time. You can make an appointment for the Intervention period (12:17 each day) or see me in C-2 before school. Once each month during Articulation Days (early release on Monday) I will have an open lab after school for correctives and extra help as needed.
Helpful hints Come to class every day. Absences are a setback since the computer software and network files are only available to you while you’re at school. This class has very little homework, so we make the most of our time together in class to maximize your learning. Ask questions. During daily work time, follow this question policy: 1. Refer to the assignment sheet/instructions. 2. Refer to your notes from class (kept in a composition book in C-2). 3. Ask the students sitting on either side of you for help or clarification. 4. Ask Mrs. Nichols It’s going to be a GREAT year — I look forward to working together and having fun!
moreinformation Materials This course includes professionally printed photo projects, a portfolio and other items you will be able to take home and keep as a showcase of your photography if you choose to do the Project Ownership Contribution of $35 (check payable to WHS). A separate handout explains this system. Please contact me if you have any questions. In class you will need a photojournalism binder/folder every day, as well as something to write with and something to write on. Everything else will be provided for your use. You are expected to follow all class procedures regarding equipment like memory cards and USB card readers. Use of class time All students will be expected to follow school policies. When you are outside C-2 taking pictures, you are representing the communications program. Poor decisions on your part could lead to loss of privileges, disciplinary action or removal from class. Think about your actions! Computers are to be used for uploading photos, doing class activities and assignments or for checking email during approved class time. These computers are not to be used at any time for games, downloading music or any activities that violate the WHS technology agreement. You will earn suspension for any misuse of equipment, so make good decisions. Helpful hints Anytime you have questions, just ask. Be willing to try new things. Respect your classmates and all school property. Follow directions. If you want to get ahead in this class, be willing to take pictures anytime possible. If you are part of a class or activity on campus and something “visually interesting” is happening, call down to C-2 or come by the room to check out a camera. An open mind and positive attitude will help you succeed and enjoy this class all year. I’m glad you’re here. This syllabus is yours to keep and use for reference throughout the year. A copy also is available on my website, http://sarahjnichols.com. In the tab called “photoj daily” you’ll see a detailed agenda of our class activities with links to online resources we’ll be using. If you use Twitter, consider following @nicksnotes as a way to receive updates and links related to class assignments. This Twitter account is just for academic, class-related purposes and will have the hashtag #photoj when related to your class. You do not need to create a login or account on Twitter to follow along. Visit http://twitter.com/nicksnotes.
Whitney High School communication studies